Oleg Tabakov left his first wife and children for Marina Zudina. Marina Zudina and Oleg Tabakov: we had a stormy relationship Oleg Tabakov marriage with Zudina

At one time, the news of the romance between Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina caused a flurry of rumors, gossip, unflattering assessments of friends and strangers. The young actress was accused of all mortal sins, and Oleg Pavlovich had to bear the blow. She was just happy. He loved her.

Teacher and student

In 1981, Oleg Tabakov completed his acting course at GITIS, where sixteen-year-old Marina Zudina came. She passed all the rounds, was successfully enrolled and, like all male and female students, fell in love with her unusually talented and charismatic teacher. But then it was more of a professional love.

Marina Zudina.

None of them can now describe at what moment the warm relationship between the teacher and the student suddenly changed. Marina, a diligent, talented girl, suddenly realized that of all the men in the world, she needed only one - Oleg Pavlovich.

Oleg Tabakov.

She was ready to freeze for hours under the theater so that she could then ride with him in the car for a few minutes to the metro. She also got it at the institute. Rumors about the affair spread quite quickly, and Marina often felt neglected by her classmates.

Despite the fact that during her five years of study she managed to star in seven films and played two leading roles in two of them, her attitude did not change. But she was ready to endure and put up with everything that was happening, just to see him and feel the warmth of his hands.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina.

Oleg Pavlovich, who survived adolescence separation of parents due to his father’s infidelity, did not want to traumatize his children - Anton and Alexandra. But losing Marina seemed simply unthinkable. He nobly convinced her of the impossibility of sharing happiness. She wrote to him farewell letters. And then their eyes met, and everything started all over again.

A novel with a sequel

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina.

After graduating from GITIS, Marina was accepted into the famous “Tabakerka” under the leadership of Tabakov. They saw each other every day, their romance gained momentum. And he was interrupted again. It seemed that this swing would never end. He is not free, his divorce is impossible, and she cannot imagine anyone else nearby. And yet the moment came when Oleg Pavlovich realized the artificiality of his problems. The children have grown up, the son and daughter have their own families, his wife Lyudmila Krylova herself has repeatedly suggested that he get a divorce. For a long time they only created the appearance of a family.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina.

In 1993, ten years after the start of his affair with Marina, Oleg Tabakov found the strength to leave his family in order to become happy again. Divorce was painful for everyone. But behind him a thin strip of boundless happiness was already looming.

For a long time Marina could not believe what was happening. She knew for sure that this man was destined for her. She was ready to wait for him as long as necessary. This is probably why what was happening seemed so incredible. They finally became husband and wife.

The couple's son and daughter were planned and desired.

On the first day of August 1995, the couple had their first child, Pavel. The birth of a boy was a test of the strength of their union. Marina came to her senses for a whole year, absorbed in the child. Oleg Pavlovich was not jealous of her son and did not make a scene. He was just there, warming you with his love. Their marriage survived and became stronger.

In April 2006 they had a daughter, Maria. She often visits Dad's theater and, according to him, has become his best sedative. And also a source of endless tenderness and pacification of emotions.

Maturity of feelings

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina.

Oleg Pavlovich often says that Marina changed him. Before her, he often started fleeting romances and was in constant search of new adventures. With her appearance in his life, he really stopped looking at other women, having met the only one with whom he felt warm, cozy and calm.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina with children.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina never considered their marriage ideal. Sometimes they quarrel, but these quarrels can hardly be called serious. For example, Marina is very fond of hiking, which she became addicted to when she was a teenager. student years. But Oleg Pavlovich considers them a pointless waste of time and does not understand their benefits. In principle, this is the only reason for disagreement in their family. When does he have Bad mood Because of work, he simply asks his wife not to touch him for a while.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina in the play "Dangerous Liaisons".

But they have much more in common. They are both supporters of active compassion, when you do not cry over the misfortune of another person, but try to help him. They are confident in each other and in their feelings, love to work together on stage and raise children.

This is love!

Their marriage is over 20 years old. Not so long ago Oleg Pavlovich said: “Love is when you can’t live without a person, when you don’t have the strength to endure separation.”

On March 12, actor and theater and film director Oleg Tabakov died as a result of a heart attack.
The most important inspiration in the life of the great artist has always been his faithful wife Marina Zudina.

Zudina was in love with Tabakov while she was still a very young student.
At that time, she was only 16 years old, and the teacher himself did not even suspect Marina’s existence, being married to actress Lyudmila Krylova.
The family of artists grew up with a son, Anton, and a daughter, Alexandra, the same age as Zudina.
Then Marina could not even imagine that she would ever be able to win Tabakov’s heart.
The girl had a clear goal:

Enter GITIS and definitely go to Oleg Pavlovich’s workshop.
The young actress was able to complete the task, and then everything worked out naturally - a romance began between the student and the teacher.
“All the students were in love with him - both boys and girls.
It was adoration.
I didn't think it would turn out this way. The relationship was honest, I had no intention of taking anyone away. Oleg Pavlovich did not promise anything,” recalls Zudina.

The actress said that at a certain moment she and Tabakov realized that they could no longer live without each other.
For the sake of her beloved, Zudina was ready to sacrifice her career on the altar of love.

“If at that moment Oleg Pavlovich said: “You won’t play anything, but we will live with you,” I probably would have chosen “live,” Marina admitted.
However true love does not require self-sacrifice. Tabakov did not give Zudina any ultimatum, and the girl appreciated this.


All ages are submissive to love

For lovers, the age difference has always been conditional.
When the actor left Lyudmila Krylova, Marina Zudina turned to her mother for advice: “Then I myself expressed doubts: they say, we have a 30-year age difference.
To which my mother replied: “Yes, you are also quite old.” This was such an exhaustive dialogue,” recalls the artist.
Zudina also said that her parents really value and respect Oleg Pavlovich, so they didn’t have any questions about the marriage.
Moreover, what questions can there be when you see how a serious and self-realized man treats your only daughter?


Understand and forgive your father

When Tabakov left his family, his wife and children cut off communication with him.
Krylova could not forget the betrayal, and her daughter took her mother’s side.
Only son Anton was able to forgive his father over time.
“Mom and Sasha are offended not because this happened.
They are offended by how it happened.
After my parents' divorce, I also did not communicate with my father.
However, looking at the situation from the outside, I realized that it looked like “to spite my mother I’ll freeze my nose.” I quickly forget insults and try to think about good things. It's easier for me to exist this way.
And mom... She lives with us. Her woman’s happiness is her children and grandchildren,” Anton shared his revelations.

Idyll comes with time

Marina Zudina admits that at the beginning of their life together, she and Tabakov quarreled almost every morning: “Everything I did caused dissatisfaction. Then they found a way out of the situation: he got up and did something himself, I woke up later, and We didn't have time to argue." For Oleg Pavlovich, work undoubtedly came first. But his calling did not deprive Tabakov of the need to love and be a man. The actress emphasized that she was always present in her husband’s life, no matter what he did.


Hurry up to love

In an interview, Oleg Tabakov admitted that he was very worried about how long he would be able to see his children. The artist also stated that with the birth of his and Marina’s first son, Pavel Tabakov, he began to feel much younger and more cheerful. According to the actor, the improvement physical health Doctors also noted. “Our vitality does not dry up because we are physically worn out. They dry up when we cease to be necessary. And while this factor is in effect, our possibilities are practically limitless,” Tabakov regulates.

"I have two of the most happy day in life. The first was when I entered the course with Oleg Pavlovich. Apparently, this day determined my entire future fate. The second was Pavlik’s birthday, when after many hours of pain and horror relief came, and I saw the eyes of my beloved man, my husband,” admitted Zudina. There is not a single reason to doubt that the artist was also truly happy next to Marina.


It’s a shame to lose the pillars of our culture, our cinema......

Marina Zudina spoke about her relationship with Oleg Tabakov.

On March 12, actor and theater and film director Oleg Tabakov died as a result of a heart attack. The most important inspiration in the life of the great artist has always been his faithful wife Marina Zudina.

Zudina was in love with Tabakov while she was still a very young student. At that time, she was only 16 years old, and the teacher himself did not even suspect Marina’s existence, being married to actress Lyudmila Krylova. The family of artists grew up with a son, Anton, and a daughter, Alexandra, the same age as Zudina. Then Marina could not even imagine that she would ever be able to win Tabakov’s heart. The girl had a clear goal: to enter GITIS and certainly to Oleg Pavlovich’s workshop. The task turned out to be within the power of the young actress, and then everything turned out naturally - a romance began between the student and the teacher. " All the students were in love with him - both boys and girls. It was adoration. I didn't think it would turn out this way. The relationship was honest, I had no intention of taking anyone away. Oleg Pavlovich did not promise anything", recalls Zudina.

The actress said that at a certain moment she and Tabakov realized that they could no longer live without each other. For the sake of her beloved, Zudina was ready to sacrifice her career on the altar of love. “If at that moment Oleg Pavlovich said: “ You won’t play anything, but we will live with you,” I would probably choose “live“, admitted Marina. However, true love does not require self-sacrifice. Tabakov did not give Zudina any ultimatum, and the girl appreciated this.

For lovers, the age difference has always been conditional. When the actor left Lyudmila Krylova, Marina Zudina turned to her mother for advice: “Then I myself expressed doubts: they say, we have a 30-year age difference. To which my mother replied: “ And you are also quite old.” This was such an exhaustive dialogue", the artist recalls. Zudina also said that her parents really value and respect Oleg Pavlovich, so they didn’t have any questions about the marriage. Moreover, what questions can there be when you see how a serious and self-realized man treats your only daughter?

When Tabakov left the family, his wife and children cut off communication with him. Krylova could not forget the betrayal, and her daughter took her mother’s side. Only son Anton was able to forgive his father over time. " Mom and Sasha are offended not because this happened. They are offended by how it happened. After my parents' divorce, I also did not communicate with my father. However, looking at the situation from the outside, I realized that it looked like “to spite my mother, I’ll freeze my nose.” I quickly forget insults and try to think about good things. It's easier for me to exist this way. And mom... She lives with us. Her feminine happiness is children and grandchildren"Anton shared his revelations.

Marina Zudina admits that at the beginning of their life together, she and Tabakov quarreled almost every morning: “ Everything I did caused dissatisfaction. Then they found a way out of the situation: he got up and did something himself, I woke up later, and we didn’t have time to argue" For Oleg Pavlovich, work undoubtedly came first. But his calling did not deprive Tabakov of the need to love and be a man. The actress emphasized that she was always present in her husband’s life, no matter what he did.

In an interview, Oleg Tabakov admitted that he was very worried about how long he would be able to see his children. The artist also said that with the birth of his and Marina’s first son, Pavel Tabakov, he began to feel much younger and more cheerful. According to the actor, doctors also noted an improvement in physical health. " Our vitality does not dry up because we are physically worn out. They dry up when we are no longer needed. And while this factor is in effect, our possibilities are almost limitless.", Tabakov regulates.

“I have two of the happiest days of my life. The first was when I entered the course with Oleg Pavlovich. Apparently, this day determined my entire future fate. The second was Pavlik’s birthday, when after many hours of pain and horror relief came, and I saw the eyes of my beloved man, my husband,” admitted Zudina. There is not a single reason to doubt that the artist was also truly happy next to Marina.

The departure of Oleg Tabakov is still hotly discussed by his fans: the actor is remembered with love and gratitude. Talk about his fabulous inheritance continues. The eldest son of Oleg Tabakov spoke about his attitude to this situation

Photo: Mila STRIZH

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According to various estimates, it is 200 million rubles and more. Some media even claim that everything acquired by Oleg Pavlovich amounts to several billions! But the heirs, they say, have nothing to worry about: allegedly Tabakov long ago transferred everything to Marina Zudina.

So what's true and what's false in the stories about the idol's inheritance?

“I miss my dad, not his possessions”

I’m calling Tabakov’s widow, actress Marina Zudina. She takes questions about inheritance with hostility.

The press writes data that does not correspond to reality,” Zudina said harshly. - I will not give information about what the property actually is.

I’m dialing the mobile number of Oleg Pavlovich’s eldest son Anton Tabakov.

- They say that Oleg Pavlovich bequeathed everything to Marina Zudina?

I admit that this is exactly what happened. But it’s better to ask Marina about this.

- Will you claim a share of the inheritance?

I don't care about inheritance at all. I'll wait a while until I start thinking in principle, but for now I have other concerns. You see, my dad died, and I really regret it. I yearn for him, and not for his movable or immovable property or anything material...

- There have been a lot of rumors about your sister Alexandra, who did not come to her father's funeral...

Each person acts as he sees fit. I am in no way defending or justifying it, but I respect her position. Since she did this, she had her own reasons for it.

The daughter did not forgive the betrayal

Those close to the KP actor were assured that Tabakov left a will, according to which all his property remains to Marina Zudina. Friends believe that this is quite logical, because she is dependent on her 11-year-old daughter Tabakov Masha. Their son Pavel is 22 years old - also quite young, which cannot be said about the older children from his first marriage. Son Anton and daughter Alexandra are adults, independent people, they are already over 50 years old. Oleg Tabakov's eldest son Anton is a wealthy man, a former successful restaurateur, who recently sold his business and moved with his family to Paris.

Fate eldest daughter Alexandra’s life was not so successful. In 1987, she graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, acted in films (most bright role- in Vasily Pichul’s film “Little Vera”), worked for some time in the theater under the direction of her father. Oleg Tabakov's departure from the family became a a terrible blow. Alexandra’s teacher Kira Golovko said in an interview: Sasha once admitted to her that she wanted to commit suicide, the pain was so great.

After her parents’ divorce, Alexandra stopped communicating with Tabakov, quit her acting profession as a sign of protest and became a housewife. Sasha's first husband is the German actor Jan Josef Liefers, he is known for playing main role in the film “Knocking on Heaven’s Door.” From Jan Alexandra gave birth to a daughter, Polina. She never resumed her relationship with her father.

“Mom and sister are women, and for them such a betrayal can become a tragedy of a lifetime,” Anton Tabakov explained to reporters. - I was offended by my father, but then I established communication with him. I quickly forget grievances, it’s easier for me to exist this way. I don’t communicate with Marina Zudina because she is younger than me and all my friends.”

Several times in an interview, Oleg Tabakov admitted that he dreams of gathering all his children at one table. Alas, this dream remained unrealized.


What does Marina Zudina own?

Here's what the artist's widow is credited with according to tax documents:

Apartment in Chapaevsky Lane in Moscow, area 239.6 sq. m, price - 76.8 million rubles*. Marina Zudina and her children live here now.

Garage (Moscow, Chapaevsky lane), 13.2 sq. m, price - 1.2 million rubles.

Garage (Moscow, Chapaevsky lane), 16.3 sq. m, price - 1.5 million rubles.

Car space (Moscow, Chapaevsky lane), 10.5 sq. m, price - 270 thousand rubles.

Car space (Moscow, Chapaevsky lane), 16.9 sq. m, price - 1.57 million rubles.

Non-residential premises in Gorokhovsky Lane, Moscow, 76.5 sq. m. m, price - 5.15 million rubles.

Total: 86.49 million rubles.

Until recently, Marina Zudina owned another apartment in Chapaevsky Lane (105.6 sq. m., price - 33.87 million rubles). But since July 2017, he no longer owns it: the housing is either pledged to the bank, sold, or transferred to one of his relatives.

The apartment on Bakuninskaya Street (42 sq. m., price - 7.58 million rubles) had the same fate: Zudina owned it until December 2017. Maybe both apartments had to be sold to pay for the artist’s treatment (Oleg Tabakov for a long time suffered from prostate cancer and recent months was in the clinic)?

The list does not reflect property that Oleg Tabakov may have left to his loved ones. But the will must come into force only six months after the artist’s death.

* The cadastral value is indicated, which may differ from the market value.


Lyudmila KRYLOVA: When Tabakov left, he left all the property for himself

I have good memories of Tabakov. The divorce was difficult, but everything gets better. Over time, I forgave, but did not forget anything,” Lyudmila Krylova told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

- I read an interview in which Tabakov said about your divorce: they say, he left all his property...

No! (Laughs.) He wrote: “I left everything.” I asked him: “Why didn’t you add that you left everything for YOURSELF?!” And he says: “That’s how I wanted it, that’s how I wrote it.” This was back when we were communicating. That's why everyone thought that he left everything to me and the children. And he left almost everything for himself. It was me, one might say, who was left with nothing.

- But he said in an interview that he paid 120 thousand dollars in compensation ex-wife and bought an apartment for my daughter.

You see, we shared an apartment with Tabakov on Pokrovka, four-room, with two toilets, four loggias. It was some kind of KGB house, special. The apartment was simply gorgeous. After the divorce, he valued it at the reduced state value, and not at the market, commercial value. And he paid me the money. And I bought my daughter Alexandra a two-room apartment - it was black, just ruined. She spent three or four years making repairs to it at her own expense and at my expense. When Tabakov arrived at this apartment, I had already bought furniture similar to the one we had in the apartment on Pokrovka. And he looked like that... It was his fault that the divorce occurred. If men leave, they leave everything and leave. And he... well, what am I saying now, he’s gone, Lord!

- After the divorce, you never remarried?

Yes, this was the only marriage.

- Did something resonate in your heart when you heard the news of Tabakov’s death?

Let's not talk about this...


For a long time, Marina Zudina did not give any interviews, did not say anything about her personal life with Oleg Tabakov, considering such topics to be very personal. But recently People's Artist Russian Federation it literally burst through, and she began giving interviews one after another. I watched probably three or four such revelations.

Initially, Marina Zudina made a pleasant impression on me, she reasoned wisely, shared valuable experience of life with a difficult, but talented person, by her husband Oleg Tabakov. But there were also unpleasant moments in her interview, but I won’t write about that.

And what did Marina tell about herself in these confessions? Since childhood she was an amorous girl, but after at the age of 18, lying on the beach under the hot sun on the Black Sea shore, she realized that she was in love with her teacher Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov and he was her destiny, from then on she fell in love indiscriminately stopped. It was at that moment that the theater school student decided that she would do everything possible to be with her lover.

The famous Matroskin was not that old - 48 years old! He was still in great shape, at that time he was just playing in the film “Mary Poppins, Goodbye”, spectacularly played the role of Miss Andrew and looked something like this.

For many years, Marina Zudina loved only one Oleg Pavlovich, and did not expect anything in return. I sincerely wanted only meetings and heart-to-heart conversations, did not make far-reaching plans, did not want to break up my family, so I had at least one abortion from a loved one. Was immature, didn't want to manipulate common child, did not want to create unnecessary problems for the loving Oleg Tabakov.

Oleg Tabakov was married to actress Lyudmila Krylova, but easily walked to the left, it is possible that with Marina he simply wanted to satisfy his passion, but to the surprise of both, the relationship led to marriage and the birth of two children. For about ten years, Oleg Tabakov hid from his wife the fact that he was madly in love with another – a fresh, young actress.

In her youth, Lyudmila Krylova was such a beauty! But when beauty leaves women, men quickly find replacements for their wives.

But the time has come to break off relations with ex-wife, the children from their first marriage took this news very hard, the deceived wife was also struck by the betrayal.

At the age of 30, Marina Zudina gave birth to a son, Pavel, to Oleg Tabakov, and a daughter, Maria, at 41 (Matroskin was 71 years old). Marina Zudina believes that if it weren’t for her, then anyone else could have captivated the eminent master, and he would still have often cheated on his wife, Lyudmila Krylova. At that time, Marina was 18 years old, and she did not think about the fact that she was hurting someone, it seemed to her that her lover’s 45-year-old wife was not her competition, she was already an old and experienced woman, obviously not attracted to her husband as a sexy object, the children grew up, the conversations until the morning and the hot hugs ended. There is no passion, love is gone. It is possible that for this reason Marina Zudina is very careful about how she looks.

Already fifty-year-old Marina Zudina admits under the pressure of the interviewer that she was selfish, but notes that she could not do otherwise. Marina Zudina doesn’t have many roles in films, I remember her as a young, aspiring artist, she was very pretty, without exaggeration she was known as a real beauty, she played talentedly, she showed promise.

Today, Marina Zudina is involved in many performances of her husband’s theater (Moscow Theater Studio under the direction of Oleg Tabakov). I read reviews of her acting, many (most) theater lovers are not happy with her performance, they note that this unfading beauty is involved in almost all roles and everywhere she has, if not the main, then good supporting roles.

In the photo, Oleg Tabakov with his daughter Maria Tabakova.

In the photo, Marina Zudina and Oleg Tabakov with their children Pavel and Maria.

Still from the film "After the Rain on Thursday" 1986. At that time, she was 21 years old, he was 51, they had been dating for three years, Tabakov’s legal wife remained in the dark.