Instant global strike. Why are we not afraid of a “quick global strike”

"Instantaneous global strike"requires a decent answer

It is necessary to develop measures to counter new means of US aerospace attack today

In the United States, the concept of “Instant Global Impact” (IGU) has been developed for several years now. Military-political leadership Russian Federation sees in these works a direct threat to our country. Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke directly about this in his Address to the Federal Assembly back in 2013, when the crisis in relations between the Russian Federation and the United States was just brewing: “We are closely monitoring the so-called concept of “Disarming Instant Global Strike,” which could have negative consequences ... No one should have any illusions about the possibility of achieving military superiority over Russia. We will never allow this." Today, when the Russia-West confrontation has reached its most serious level in the post-Soviet period, these words of the president are no less relevant.

In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the goals, objectives, composition and combat capabilities of MSU strike weapons, as well as prepare proposals for measures to counter this threat.

According to foreign information materials, the main purpose of applying MGU is to give the US Armed Forces the ability to carry out high-precision and global nuclear defeat critical objects anywhere in the world within one hour from the moment the object is identified and a decision is made by the US military-political leadership. The efficiency of applying MGU and the range of destruction of objects is envisaged to be ensured by the use of hypersonic weapon systems (GZWS), capable of reaching speeds of up to 18 thousand km/h with a firing range of up to 15 thousand kilometers.

It should be emphasized that the practical implementation of the “Global Strike” concept is carried out within the framework of the comprehensive technical program “Instant Global Strike”, which is aimed at creating and forming groupings of the GZSV with their inclusion in the new US strategic triad.


In accordance with the provisions of the US nuclear strategy, the basis of the promising strategic triad will be the following three components:

1. deployed strike weapons consisting of: strategic and non-strategic nuclear weapons; GZSV; long-range precision weapons (LTO BD) various types basing; weapons based on new physical principles;

2. strategic defensive forces as part of the global missile defense system, which ensures the protection of US territory, and its regional segments (European missile defense, missile defense in the Middle East, Japanese missile defense in the Asia-Pacific region);

3. the infrastructure of an industrial and scientific research base designed to maintain, modernize and create new types of strategic offensive weapons, as well as confirm the reliability and safety of the operation of nuclear weapons under the conditions of a moratorium on nuclear testing.

The US nuclear strategy notes that in the context of the implementation of the START Treaty, it seems advisable to entrust some of the tasks of destroying important enemy targets to high-tech weapons from the US Air Force and Navy, GZSV and other strike weapons in conventional equipment. Washington believes that the security of the state can be ensured by a smaller number of strategic offensive forces, which will significantly reduce the cost of their maintenance. The document emphasizes that “the Pentagon’s expanded capabilities to deliver non-nuclear instant global strikes represent one of the means of countering the growing threats to the forward presence of the US Armed Forces and meet the needs of US troops (forces) for global power projection.” The position of US Vice President Joe Biden, expressed in February 2010 at the National Defense University, is also characteristic: “The conventional weapons we are developing with a strategic range allow us to reduce the role of nuclear weapons. With such modern weapons our power will remain undeniable, even in the event of far-reaching nuclear reductions.”

It is important to emphasize that these provisions of the nuclear strategy were clarified in the new “Report on the US Nuclear Employment Strategy” of June 2013.

Meanwhile, the Americans are not eliminating the strategic offensive weapons reduced in accordance with the START Treaty, but are directing them toward the formation of a “returnable” potential for carriers and warheads, which can be used in the event of force majeure circumstances affecting the interests of the United States and its allies. Moreover, part of the tasks for nuclear destruction of targets of potential adversaries is redistributed between the nuclear forces of the United States, Great Britain and France during the annual refinement of NATO nuclear planning.

It is appropriate to recall that all components of the new strategic triad are organizationally integrated into the United Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) of the US Armed Forces (Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska). Work has begun to increase the capabilities of the combat command and control, communications, reconnaissance and operational planning systems. At the same time, USSTRATCOM leadership was entrusted with new tasks for organizing adaptive planning and launching global strikes, which required clarification of the structure, content and procedure for developing (clarifying) operational plan No. 8010 for the use of US nuclear forces.

According to the views of the US military-political leadership, the created strike and defense complex provides a significant reduction in the time it takes for the US President to make and implement a decision to respond to a sudden aerospace attack by potential adversaries and in the event of terrorist attacks.


US guidance documents note that the main goal of the MGU and the created GZSV is the search and destruction of the leaders of terrorist organizations, usually located in highly protected bunkers, the liquidation of caravans with weapons, drugs and radioactive materials, the destruction of WMD production facilities, etc.

It later became clear that the real goal of developing the GZSV is the high-precision global non-nuclear destruction of critical objects of potential enemies anywhere on the globe within one hour from the moment the object is identified and a decision is made to eliminate it.

Russian and foreign experts believe that GZSV have the following advantages: hypersonic speed of approach to the target, making it difficult to detect and destroy them; the ability of strike weapons to hit highly protected and buried control points; the ability of some types of GZSV to carry out loitering, search and operational destruction of mobile missile systems; implementation of ground, air, sea and space methods of basing platforms; the difficulty of intercepting hypersonic strike weapons due to the imperfect tactical and technical characteristics of interceptor missiles.

The guidance documents of the US Armed Forces, within the framework of peacetime and the immediate threat of aggression, define the following main tasks assigned to hypersonic weapons: demonstrative actions to use GZSV; destruction of highly protected and buried facilities housing the leaders of terrorist organizations and leaders of international criminal gangs in countries where access is limited; identification and liquidation of caravans of terrorist organizations with weapons, drugs, fissile radioactive materials necessary to create “dirty” nuclear bombs; liquidation of terrorist bases, WMD storage warehouses and means of transporting weapons and drugs; providing direct military assistance to friendly regimes or opposition movements in their armed confrontation during an internal conflict; suppression of violations of embargoes or economic blockades of rogue countries or sponsors of international terrorism.

In wartime conditions, the State Defense Forces will be involved in solving such tasks as: delivering preventive strikes and defeating organs and points of state and military command and facilities of the counterforce group of strategic nuclear forces of potential enemies; destruction of early warning systems, early warning missile systems, missile defense, air defense, and orbital constellations of enemy spacecraft; disabling enemy combat control and communications system facilities before the start of hostilities; causing specified damage to economic infrastructure without significant losses among the population; defeat of energy and other infrastructure supporting the life of the state, as well as that used by the enemy in the interests of logistical support for troops (forces); destruction of objects that cannot be hit by other strike weapons, etc.


To develop GZSV for various purposes, the United States is implementing a comprehensive technical program “Prompt Global Strike” (Program Element: Prompt Global Strike Capability Development), which is integral part concept of "Global Impact". Thus, the US Air Force is creating a missile system with non-nuclear ICBMs as part of the Minotaur strategic launch vehicle of various modifications and the HTV-2 hypersonic glide vehicle. To assemble Minotaur-type missiles, modernized stages of Minuteman II and MX ICBMs are used, which were not previously eliminated in violation of the START-1 Treaty. The deployment of a group of these missile systems is planned at Vandenberg Air Force Base (West Coast of the United States) and Cape Canaveral ( East Coast), i.e. at points sufficiently distant from existing ICBM missile bases.

Satisfactory results were obtained during flight development tests of the hypersonic aircraft guided missile X-51A and the reusable spacecraft X-37B. The X-37B spacecraft can be put into service and put into orbit by 2016.

The US Army Space and Missile Defense Command is developing a GZSV based on a two-stage ballistic missile and an AHW hypersonic glide reentry vehicle, the test results of which are unknown. At the same time, the ballistic missile was created in violation of the current INF and START Treaties: the tactical and technical characteristics were not presented to the Russian side, a preliminary display of the missile was not carried out, the necessary notifications were not provided, the deployment location of the missile system was not announced, etc.

The US Navy plans to modify two of the 24 Trident II SLBMs on all twelve SSBNs to carry four adjustable conventional warheads. However, work on this project suspended by the US Congress, and the necessary financial resources have not been allocated, since the Pentagon cannot provide convincing evidence of identifying the launches of nuclear and non-nuclear SLBMs. Nevertheless, work in this direction is being carried out at the expense of the US Department of Defense’s own resources. In addition, a version of the two-stage Trident II SLBM is being developed medium range with a non-nuclear gliding warhead having a flight time of about 13 minutes. One of the multi-purpose nuclear-powered missiles is being tested as the main carrier of this type of SLBM. submarines.

According to Russian and foreign experts, the adoption of some strike weapons similar in performance characteristics to hypersonic systems is possible by 2025. Presumably, a certain number of them will be deployed as part of the existing air force, naval forces, tactical aviation of the NATO Air Force in Europe and other theaters of operations.

With the successful completion of the Instant Global Strike program, hypersonic weapons with real capabilities to destroy critical targets of potential enemies within an hour can be deployed after 2025. Their deployment locations will be chosen on the continental United States and military theaters remote from the United States actions at American air bases located on the territories of other states. All suitable navigable zones of ocean theaters of operations are considered as combat patrol areas for sea-based GZSV carriers.

The US military leadership, simultaneously with the creation of the State Defense Forces, is developing the basis for the combat use of hypersonic weapons, paying special attention to the search for effective forms and methods of their combat use in different conditions situation. Presumably, the GZSV formations, together with other strike assets, will participate in military operations in the form of a strategic aerospace offensive, air campaigns, offensive aerospace operations, being in the first echelons of strike groups to destroy early warning systems, missile defense, air defense, and system objects combat control and communications. The goal is to “knock down the doors” in the enemy’s layered defense and provide access to his combat space. At the same time, a global strike will be accompanied by information operations, radio-electronic and psychological actions and actions.

Possible methods of using GZSV include simultaneous, sequential, combined or selective delivery of global strikes against all or part of important targets of potential adversaries in one or more strategic aerospace directions.

It must be emphasized that the choice of forms and methods of delivering global strikes will depend on the timing of the assigned tasks, the remoteness of objects, physical-geographical and climatic conditions and other factors. Therefore, strict requirements will be imposed on the functioning of the combat control and communications system; organizing adaptive strike planning; target distribution and target designation; guidance of strike weapons and evaluation of the results of their combat use. It will be necessary to deploy a group of space-based hypersonic weapons during a period of immediate threat of aggression and when conditions arise for unleashing military action against the United States and its allies.

At the same time, it seems unlikely that the military-political leadership of the United States will make decisions on the use of strategic nuclear weapons at strategic nuclear forces, early warning systems, missile defense, air defense facilities, government and military command posts, groupings of troops (forces) and other strategic and critically important facilities of the Russian Federation.


The preamble to the START Treaty emphasizes that the Russian Federation and the United States of America, when concluding the START Treaty, “take into account the impact of conventional ICBMs and SLBMs on strategic stability.” However, the destabilizing influence of ICBMs and SLBMs of this type has already become apparent, which is confirmed by the following arguments.

As already noted, the basis of the non-nuclear ground-based missile system is made up of Minotaur-type ICBMs of various modifications, developed using the sustainer stages of the Minuteman II and MX ICBMs, which, in violation of the START-1 Treaty, were not eliminated. In addition, Minotaur-type ICBMs are not declared as a new type of missiles, inspection of these missiles by Russian experts is not regulated, there was no preliminary display of the missiles, features not presented, etc.

In the US Navy, as already noted, two Trident II SLBMs on each boat are planned to be equipped with non-nuclear warheads. High accuracy of warhead guidance on the final part of the flight trajectory will be ensured through correction based on data from the NAVSTAR space radio navigation system (GPS).

The destabilizing nature of the use of non-nuclear missiles lies in the real possibility of nuclear incidents between the United States, Russia and China. Thus, mutual notifications regarding combat training, testing, unauthorized and accidental launches of ICBMs and SLBMs are carried out only between Russia and the United States. It is doubtful that the Americans will inform in advance military leadership Russia and other states on preparations for launching preventive strikes with non-nuclear ICBMs and SLBMs for the rapid destruction of time-critical targets anywhere in the world, for example, against the DPRK, Iran or Syria. There are no methods for identifying the launches of ICBMs and SLBMs with non-nuclear warheads, and no research is being carried out in this direction. Direct communication channels are organized only between the leaders of Russia and the United States, and their use in the interests of informing other states has not been worked out. Due to the lack of an international treaty base, there is a problem of promptly notifying heads of state about undeclared launches of US ICBMs and SLBMs, coordinating missile flight routes through their territory, clarifying the areas where the first and second stages of missiles will fall into the ocean, and the third stage into the territory of other countries, which will inevitably cause complications in relations between states. It is quite possible to covertly re-equip ICBMs and SLBMs with nuclear weapons. Moreover, the START Treaty does not define control and inspection procedures and does not provide for the submission of notifications and telemetric information. Under the pretext of conducting test launches of non-nuclear missiles, uncontrolled improvement of the characteristics of ICBMs, SLBMs and testing of new nuclear warheads is quite possible. According to experts, launches of non-nuclear ballistic missiles from SSBNs will unmask submarine combat patrol areas. At the same time, concerns are being expressed that the use of conventional SLBMs may make it difficult for SSBNs to carry out combat missions related to the preparation and delivery of nuclear missile strikes against enemy strategic targets. It is entirely possible that there will be accidental or unauthorized launches of SLBMs equipped with nuclear warheads, which requires the implementation of a set of operational and organizational measures to ensure their prevention and a high level of training of SSBN missile crews.

It should be noted that even the US Congressional Research Service, which put forward a number of primitive proposals to mitigate the risks, tried to solve the problem of “erroneous interpretation” by other nuclear powers of launches of re-equipped missiles. Thus, it is recommended to resolve the problem of identifying ICBM and SLBM launches through prompt consultations with foreign partners at the military and diplomatic expert levels. To develop measures of mutual trust, it was proposed to introduce a system of guaranteed notification of planned launches. To exclude possible attempts to re-equip conventional warheads with nuclear ones, it is proposed to develop technical control procedures at the expense of permanent inspectors of the parties.

Thus, the actions of the Americans to develop non-nuclear ICBMs and SLBMs destabilize the situation in the world and violate the START Treaty.


According to Russian and foreign politicians, by 2030 the United States will be able to develop, adopt and deploy a group of military forces capable of hitting state and military command centers and the main part of the counterforce group of Russian strategic nuclear forces in a massive strike. In addition, the US global missile defense system and its regional segments can significantly reduce the combat capabilities of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Armed Forces to carry out retaliatory strikes.

Vladimir Putin, in his Address to the Federal Assembly, emphasized: “Such actions could nullify all previously reached agreements in the field of limitation and reduction of strategic nuclear weapons, leading to a violation of the so-called strategic balance of power.”

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin assured that “the American concept of “Instant Global Strike” as the main strategic idea of ​​the United States will not go unanswered.”

In this regard, the following directions and measures to counter an instant global strike can be proposed.

First direction. Improving the forms and methods of action of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Armed Forces in terms of emergency dispersal, maneuver actions, redeployments over long distances with the occupation of hidden position areas. The use of non-standard methods of operational camouflage and misleading the enemy regarding the locations, states and movements of the PGRK, groupings of the aviation and naval components of the strategic nuclear forces. Completion of the preliminary design of a combat railway missile system within the established time frame, taking into account countermeasures against MGU and overcoming the layered US missile defense system. Continued implementation of optimal options for the deployment of Iskander missile systems.

It seems advisable to revisit the concept of creating a new PGRK based on the Courier missile system. Consider the possibility of patrolling submarines equipped with long-range precision weapons in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, taking into account the disadvantages of the geographical location of the United States and the concentration of key infrastructure on the coast of the state (for more details, see “National Defense” No. 9/2012).

Equipping existing and future ICBMs and SLBMs with effective means of overcoming layered missile defense. Constantly informing the leadership and public of the states on whose territory the facilities of the US global missile defense system and its regional segments, as well as tactical nuclear weapons, are located that these facilities are primary targets for Russian high-precision strike weapons.

Completion of the creation of the appearance of the aerospace defense system of the Russian Federation, ensuring timely notification of bodies and control centers and strategic nuclear forces about launches cruise missiles Trident II ICBMs and SLBMs with non-nuclear warheads, adjusted using the NAVSTAR system. Implementation effective ways suppression of this system. Improving anti-aircraft missile systems capable of intercepting warheads of ICBMs, SLBMs, supersonic and hypersonic cruise missiles. Reducing the time it takes for air defense/missile defense systems to be ready to repel an enemy aerospace attack.

Ensuring reliable and complete cover and defense of Russian strategic nuclear forces and other important facilities from aerospace attacks by a potential enemy. Improving methods of combating high-tech weapons in order to protect silo launchers and command posts of stationary missile regiments in conditions when their coordinates were transferred to the United States under the START Treaty.

Second direction. Improving the system of combat command and control of troops and weapons in order to promptly communicate orders (signals) for response actions and their combat use. Particular attention should be paid to the modernization of existing and commissioning of promising control points.

Third direction. Accelerating the development and adoption of our own GZSV with the simultaneous creation (improvement) of navigation, topographic and geodetic support systems and means of preparing flight missions in the required strategic aerospace directions.

Fourth direction. Implementation of asymmetric and indirect actions to level out US superiority in technologies and means of armed warfare. These include: actions of special operations forces and foreign intelligence; various forms of information impact; political, economic and other non-military types of action; threats of high-precision strikes against missile defense and tactical nuclear weapons facilities located on the territory of a number of NATO member countries, informing the population about the consequences of such strikes, and others.

This is not a complete list of adequately asymmetric measures to counter the threat of an instant global strike, ensuring the implementation of the functions of strategic (nuclear) deterrence of potential adversaries. For obvious reasons, most of the measures taken to counteract Moscow State University cannot be published in the open press.

In conclusion, it seems necessary to quote the words of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin during a speech in the State Duma: “Any aggressor should remember that nuclear weapons are considered by Russia as the main means of deterrence. We have never downplayed the role of nuclear weapons, weapons of retaliation, as a great equalizer of chances.”

Alexander Vladimirovich SERZHANTOV – deputy head of the department military strategy Military Academy General Staff RF Armed Forces, Major General, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor

Midyhat Petrovich VILDANOV – Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences, Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation, Major General, Candidate of Military Sciences, Associate Professor

The S-400 complexes are capable of creating a reliable “security umbrella” for domestic nuclear forces. Photo by Reuters

The correct answer to the question posed in the title of the article is of decisive importance for the very existence of the Russian state. Currently, the main military task of the United States is the destruction of the Russian nuclear missile potential, which prevents Washington from becoming a world hegemon and disposing of the world's resources (human, material, natural, etc.) at its discretion. The elimination of Russian strategic nuclear forces (SNF) will allow the United States to solve all its main problems, including paying off the huge US public debt, which has reached almost $20 billion, with war.

As a result, there will be a real opportunity to fulfill the long-standing dream of the West about the “golden billion”, which will live on Earth forever in harmony with nature, while the remaining 6 billion inhabitants of the Earth become redundant, and the hegemon will control their fate at his own discretion. Thus, for the United States, the elimination of Russian strategic nuclear forces is a pressing task. To realize it, they are ready to violate both international agreements, as well as many moral prohibitions, to commit any atrocities against Russia, Europe and all humanity.

In the current situation, how can we protect Russia from such an aggressor as the United States? Experts express different points of view on this issue.

The main watershed is the assessment of the likelihood of implementing a rapid global strike (GSU) against Russia. Let us consider the differences in attitude towards the problem of BSU using the example of two articles published in the weekly magazine “Nezavisimoe” military review"this year: Alexander Kalyadin “Strategy of quick global deception” (No. 18, 2017) and Leonid Orlenko “How to protect yourself from a quick global strike” (No. 9, 2017).


Alexander Kalyadin believes that a quick global strike is a myth, the main purpose of which is to serve as a “horror story.” The main function of the “horror story” is to intimidate Russians, cause panic in the Russian leadership, and force it to spend ruinously. Since BGU is just a myth, money should not be spent on protection against BGU, but it is better to use it to increase the competitiveness of the Russian economy, healthcare, science, education, and the social sphere.

In his article, Kalyadin tries to prove that the United States is not interested in launching BGU on Russia, even if it manages to destroy Russian strategic nuclear forces. Indeed, in this case, the Russian and European economies will be destroyed, their entire territory will be contaminated with radiation, tens, and maybe hundreds of millions of people will die. As a result, the United States will lose its European allies and NATO will cease to exist. The United States will suffer colossal political losses, economic and diplomatic ties throughout the world will be severed, and the United States, instead of a world hegemon, will turn into a global outcast, hated by all peoples living on Earth.

We can agree with these predictions of the devastating consequences of BSU. But the death of Europe in a nuclear war will not sadden the United States much, since it is a competitor in the field of high-tech products and also consumes a large amount of resources needed by the United States. Currently, Europe serves as a valuable tool for America to combat the sovereignty of the Russian state. After the “successful” BSU in Russia, this function disappears.

According to Kalyadin, China will benefit from BSU in Russia, which will increase its chances of becoming the main country in the world instead of the United States. Such a result of BSU also cannot be beneficial to the United States.

Kalyadin substantiates his understanding of the BSU problem as a myth. He writes that between the Russian Federation and the United States there are no such antagonistic contradictions that could not be resolved by political and diplomatic means. There are no ideological contradictions: both countries live within the capitalist system. There are also no territorial border disputes. Russia is not a competitor to the United States in the field of high-tech industry, since Russia accounts for only less than 2% of world GDP, and the United States - more than 24%, Russia's share in world exports of high-tech products is only 0.7%, and in the United States - 36%. Exports of high-tech products in Thailand are 6 times higher than in Russia, where there is a lot of talk about innovation at all levels, but no real action. At the same time, the growth rate of the Russian economy is less than 2%, which is lower than global growth rates. In such conditions, the creation of a high-tech economy is impossible, so the United States has nothing to worry about in this regard.

However, Alexander Kalyadin’s conclusion that there are no deep-seated disagreements between the United States and Russia is erroneous. As practice over many years has shown, contradictions that cannot be overcome through negotiations do exist. As long as the desire to become a world hegemon is the basis of US foreign policy, aimed at subordinating all countries of the world, including Russia, to its interests, antagonistic contradictions will persist. But on the path to US global hegemony, Russia’s strategic nuclear forces stand. Without them, Russia's independent foreign policy would be impossible. Hence the conclusion follows: reliable protection of Russian strategic nuclear forces is a necessary condition for the preservation of Russia as a sovereign state (see the mentioned article by L. Orlenko in NVO No. 9, 2017).


Alexander Kalyadin, considering the BGU problem, argues that currently there is a strategic nuclear missile balance between the United States and Russia, therefore, in the event of a rapid global strike by the United States, Russia will launch a retaliatory or retaliatory strike with nuclear missile weapons, which is unacceptable for America . In this case, the military-political leadership of Russia should be advised to restrain the military-political leadership of the United States from the BSU in Russia.

Since, according to Kalyadin, there are no antagonistic contradictions between Russia and the United States, all existing differences can be resolved through negotiations: on Syria, on Ukraine, on sanctions, etc. In addition, one must hope that the common sense of the US President will not allow him to dare to a deliberately failed, insane and criminal adventure - delivering a quick global strike on Russia. But can one hope for the common sense of the American president if there is a fierce struggle between him and the political establishment?

Donald Trump, in his election speeches, proposed intensifying work in the United States to create a sixth technological order (bio-, nano-, information and cognitive technologies) and becoming an example for other countries. However, those political structures that are fighting Trump continue a policy aimed at establishing a unipolar world and world domination by force, including using the concepts of a quick global strike and missile defense(PRO).

The works of Leonid Orlenko (“NVO” No. 9, 2017) and a number of other authors (Leonid Ivashov, Konstantin Sivkov, Sergei Brezkun, etc.) present a different point of view on the probability of BSU in Russia.

Firstly, Washington has now broken the strategic nuclear missile parity between the United States and Russia. Secondly, antagonistic contradictions between the United States and Russia that cannot be overcome through negotiations persist. The main direction of United States foreign policy remains the idea of ​​building a unipolar world. America wants to have sovereignty, while other countries, including Russia, China, and European states, cannot have state sovereignty and must carry out the will of the hegemon. Currently, Russia is most actively opposed to such a policy. main goal which, unlike the United States, is the world necessary to carry out reforms, create an innovative economy in the country, improve the level and quality of life of the population, develop each citizen in the intellectual, spiritual and moral fields, but also ensure the internal and external security of the country.

To date, the United States has developed a technology for depriving countries of state sovereignty. First, soft power is used, and if it does not give the desired result, then a “hybrid war” begins. If in this case it is not possible to destroy the sovereignty of the unwanted state, then military force is activated, which the author of this article outlined in detail in the material “Classification modern wars", published in Izvestia RARAN No. 3 for 2016.

In order to suppress the independence of Russia, the United States is currently waging a hybrid war against it: sanctions, information war, drawing Russia into military conflicts, using “agents of influence” to destroy the Russian economy, etc. If the ongoing “hybrid war” does not suppress Russia’s state sovereignty, then BSU may be inflicted, for which Russia is not sufficiently prepared. Hence the conclusion: protecting strategic nuclear forces is the number one priority in the field of defense.


Currently, Russia has about 500 intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) deployed. Of these, about 400 are located approximately equally in silos and on mobile ground-based missile systems (GGRK). The remaining ICBMs are located on submarines (submarines). The coordinates of the mines and PGRK are known to American intelligence, and the US anti-submarine system has the ability to track submarines on combat duty in the seas and oceans.

As a result, the most likely attack is on the Strategic Missile Forces (about 400 ICBMs) and submarines stationed at the piers. For this, most likely, the United States will use its Ohio-class missile submarines armed with Trident 2-D5 missiles, each of which carries 14 nuclear units (NU) with a yield of 100 kt or eight units with a yield of 475 kt. There are 14 such submarines in the American fleet; they each carry 24 missiles, that is, 1,728 nuclear units, of which 384 have a capacity of 475 kilotons. The flight time of such missiles to Russian targets is only 10–15 minutes.

By and large, three Ohio-class submarines, armed with about 1000 nuclear weapons of 100 kt each, are capable of destroying up to 90% Russian ICBMs in mines and PGRK, as well as submarines with ICBMs stationed at the piers.

The commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev, believes that the use of camouflage makes the PGRK invisible to space reconnaissance. But this does not take into account the fact that to destroy the PGRK you do not need to see them, it is enough to know the route, since the radius of destruction when a nuclear charge with a power of 100 kt explodes on the surface of the Earth is 3 km. For example, if the route of a PGRK is 120 km, then to destroy all PGRKs located on the route, only 20 nuclear weapons are required. Therefore, we cannot assume that they are protected reliably enough.


To destroy a nuclear unit flying towards a target (mine or other), Russia does not yet have the appropriate means, so it is necessary to use non-standard methods of protection that can be implemented relatively quickly and inexpensively within the existing defense budget.

Firstly, it is necessary to create in the north and east of the country, with the help of the Northern and Pacific fleets, water areas protected from aircraft, helicopters, drones, submarines and ships, and place in such water areas two or three submarines with ICBMs, the coordinates of which are not known to the United States, which will protect them from BGU. In the future, instead of strategic submarines, it is quite possible to place ICBMs in a hull that is towed in the specified water area by any submarine.

Secondly, since Russia’s defense budget is 15 times smaller than the NATO budget, it is necessary to use asymmetric methods of defense to protect the country. To do this, the geophysical vulnerability of the US territory should be used. During the time of the USSR, academician Andrei Sakharov proposed to mine certain areas of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans near the US coast with several dozen unrecoverable nuclear mines. When mines explode, they create waves that can cause unacceptable damage to the United States. The signal to detonate mines will be given only if the United States launches a quick global strike on Russia. After mining, conditions are created for equal negotiations with the United States on mutual disarmament. For example, Russia is demining coastal areas, and the United States is removing all military bases around Russia, as well as missile defense in Europe, submarines and ships with missile defense systems located near Russian borders. There has already been a precedent for mining with nuclear mines. During the existence of the USSR, the border between the countries of the Organization Warsaw Pact and NATO in Europe was mined by the United States with nuclear mines.

Reliable protection from BSU is necessary for Russia to carry out reforms in order to create an innovative economy. A condition for the successful implementation of reforms is the replacement of the liberal-monetarist model of economic management, which is destructive for Russia, with a planned market model, economically and socio-politically more effective than the Chinese economic model.

In the final part of the material it should be noted that serious mistake, admitted by Alexander Kalyadin in his article. Thus, he believes that the American project “Strategic Defense Initiative” (SDI), announced by President Reagan in 1983, served only as a hoax launched to ruin the USSR.

However, Kalyadin apparently does not know what happened next. American firms secretly continued to work on SDI, and currently this program is the number one priority in US defense plans (see material by Vladimir Ivanov in NVO No. 18, 2017). To implement these plans, two years ago the unmanned reusable spacecraft X-37B was launched, which is capable of shooting down satellites in space, as well as launching missiles with nuclear warheads at ground targets. Such a rocket flies to any target on the surface of the Earth in only two to three minutes. Currently, there are no technical means to combat such missiles. The X-37B's mission is to provide the United States with complete control over the globe.

Mining of the American coast is blocking this new project USA.

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Mk41 launchers can be used both to launch Standard anti-aircraft guided missiles and to fire Tomahawk cruise missiles. The Russian military-political leadership and many military experts in Lately express great concern about the American concept. Its essence is that the United States is seeking to gain the opportunity to inflict nuclear strike over any point on Earth using hypersonic aircraft within half an hour.

In particular, such a strike could theoretically be delivered against Russian strategic nuclear forces (SNF). That is, the United States will disarm Russia without arranging nuclear disaster, while the nuclear arsenal of the United States itself will remain intact. If a small number of Russian ICBMs and SLBMs survive, they can easily be destroyed by the American missile defense system.

Success must be complete

The author of this article in 2008–2011 repeatedly wrote about the threat of a disarming non-nuclear strike from the United States against our strategic nuclear forces. At the same time, it was said that such a strike would be delivered with the help of Tomahawk and ALCMs, as well as with the help of B-2 bombers built using stealth technology.

The fact is that a disarming strike cannot be partially successful. It is impossible to destroy, for example, 20% of Russian strategic nuclear forces, evaluate the results of the strike, and then launch a new strike a few days later, since the surviving 80% of strategic nuclear forces will immediately (within an hour at most) after the first American strike go to the United States “under their own power,” after which a mutual reaction will occur. guaranteed destruction of the USA and Russia, and at the same time, apparently, the entire human civilization.

Therefore, there can be only one disarming strike, ensuring the destruction of 100% of Russian strategic nuclear forces, and almost simultaneously. And this is only possible if the strike is completely unexpected, that is, Russia should learn about the very fact of the strike at the moment when the first American missiles begin to hit Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), strategic missile submarines (RPK SN) and strategic bombers.

Such surprise can only be ensured by those aerospace attack weapons (ASCA) that are extremely difficult to detect, namely SLCMs, ALCMs and B-2s. Their common drawback is their subsonic flight speed, which is why, for example, the Tomahawk takes two hours to fly to its maximum range. And the discovery of even one cruise missile or one bomber immediately destroys surprise. But in the context of a sharp reduction in the number of Russian ICBMs and RPK SN and a very significant weakening of the air defense group, the strike became real, at least with the trends that emerged 10 years ago.

Now, however, the situation has changed significantly. The number of ICBMs and SLBMs in Russia generally remains stable, as well as, on the other hand, the number of SLCMs, ALCMs and B-2s that the US Navy and Air Force can actually use. But the Russian air defense group has greatly strengthened due to the adoption of new radars of several types for the radio technical troops (RTV), anti-aircraft missile systems (AAMS) for the anti-aircraft missile forces (ZRV), fighters and Su-30SM/M2, modernization of interceptors in aviation , as well as by strengthening the missile attack warning system (MAWS) by putting it into operation. Under these conditions, for the United States, a disarming strike using cruise missiles and B-2s is beyond the realm of possibility. And a “quick global strike” can in no way be a substitute for this option.

Anti-aircraft missile systems S-400 and others modern means Air defense and missile defense are capable of thwarting any “global strike.”

The very hypersonic aircraft that should provide this blow are simply not yet available (at least in mass production and in service). But even when (and if) they appear, they will be carried by traditional ICBMs and SLBMs, or (for the X-51 missile) B-52 bombers. That is, in order to launch a “quick global strike,” the Americans will first have to remove nuclear warheads from ICBMs and SLBMs and install hypersonic vehicles instead (this in itself cannot be done quickly and quietly). And then we need to carry out a massive launch of these ICBMs and SLBMs across Russia. Despite the fact that all of our early warning systems (both the new Voronezhs and the old Daryals, as well as satellites in geostationary orbit) are “tailored” to detect this massive launch. Therefore, its surprise is absolutely excluded. In Russia, this will, of course, be perceived as a nuclear strike, after which a command will be issued to use all Russian strategic nuclear forces against the United States.

The result will no longer be mutually assured destruction, but unilateral suicide by the United States. After all, in this case they will launch a non-nuclear strike, and Russia will respond with a nuclear one. Even if the Americans manage to destroy some of the Russian strategic nuclear forces, the majority of ICBMs and SLBMs are guaranteed to reach the United States, after which this country is equally guaranteed to cease to exist. Neighboring Canada and Mexico will be hit very hard. The rest of civilization, including Russia, will have a hard time, but it will not perish. Moreover, the United States will not have any “spare” ICBMs and SLBMs, and even if they did, there would be no one and nowhere to install them. Accordingly, the Russian “fear” of a “quick global strike” apparently belongs to the realm of propaganda.

They take it out of fear

The same can be said about the American missile defense system. They have been intimidating us with it for almost a decade and a half, but the United States has never created anything real; America is even further from a full-fledged missile defense system than before a “prompt global strike.” The only real missile defense component is a naval system with several modifications of the Standard missile defense system, but they are not designed to defeat ICBMs and SLBMs. In particular, the missile defense system with ship-based UVP Mk41, which has already been installed in Romania and will be installed in Poland, theoretically cannot create any problems even for the most western missile divisions of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, since no one has yet managed to abolish the laws of physics.

The only Russian claim to the American missile defense system in Europe, which could be considered rational, is that instead of the Standards, the Mk41 UVP could theoretically be installed with Tomahawks, for which in this case the flight time to targets in Russia would be sharply reduced . But this threat today is actually fictitious. The ground version of the Mk41 has only 24 cells. It's simply too little. In addition, from the Mk41, which has not yet been installed in Poland, Tomahawks will have to launch “under the nose” of the Russian air defense group in the Kaliningrad region, including one of the Voronezh-type radars. Therefore, surprise becomes impossible, and the destruction of detected Tomahawks is not a problem. It is too far from Romania to any Russian strategic nuclear forces facilities, and besides, the missiles would have to fly past Crimea, which is already saturated with various air defense systems.

US officials, both political and military, have repeatedly stated that both "prompt global strike" and missile defense are intended against terrorist groups that could gain access to ballistic missiles and/or weapons of mass destruction, or against countries with large but archaic organizationally and technically by armies (such as Iran or North Korea). It is difficult to believe in these statements due to, to put it mildly, the dubiousness of such “threats” and the obvious inadequacy of such a response to them. This is partly why so many conspiracy theories appear in Russia about how all this is directed against us.

However, based on practical actions USA, we have to admit that Washington really focused on such a strange set of threats (at least, this was the case until 2014). Russia in the United States, apparently, was considered completely paralyzed in the political and economic spheres, and the RF Armed Forces were doomed to degradation to the level of Iran and the DPRK, if not lower. Therefore, no one in the Pentagon was actually preparing to fight it.

Mercenaries failed the Pentagon

The author of this article strongly disagrees with the widespread opinion that “Americans do not know how to fight.” The American army has always been one of the best in the world, it could fight and win wars of any complexity and intensity. But in the last two or three decades, the transition to a mercenary principle of recruitment and a focus on war with a deliberately “underestimated” enemy has in fact noticeably disfigured the US Armed Forces. They believed in the concept of “high-tech non-contact warfare,” in which the enemy would allow himself to be beaten without complaint and with impunity. And they began to lose the ability to wage a real war.

Directed against someone unknown, and at the same time very expensive, “quick global strike” and Aegis-based missile defense are far from the worst options. For example, as part of the creation of this very missile defense system, for almost 10 years the US Air Force tested YAL-1, a laser on a Boeing 747 aircraft designed to shoot down ballistic missiles in the active part of the trajectory. This concept turned out to be the height of absurdity from both the technical and tactical sides. Since there are more smart people in the United States than is commonly thought in Russia, they nevertheless realized this absurdity. In 2014, the laser plane was scrapped, having managed to absorb at least 5 billion Pentagon dollars.

Things almost immediately did not work out for the American military with the flying “laser gunboat” YAL-1.

Ten times more money was consumed by the program for the construction of several types of MRAP (mine resistant ambush protected) armored vehicles. These mine-protected vehicles were intended for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, almost 30 thousand of them were produced. Since the deployment of MRAPs in both theaters began in 2007, when the peak of both wars had been passed, the United States lost quite a few of these vehicles (the loss was officially recognized as 77 units). At the same time, Americans are now rapidly getting rid of MRAPs, distributing them to everyone left and right, most often for free. It became clear that even for a very limited classical war these machines were completely unsuitable.

In the current wars in the Middle East, the armed forces of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kurdish forces have already lost more than 300 American-made MRAPs. In the same wars, the same armies lost half as many American M-113 armored personnel carriers, with almost the same number of them in the troops. The M-113 was created half a century (!) earlier than MRAPs, and even the Americans themselves do not consider it a masterpiece. But it was created for classical warfare, so it turned out to be much more stable than newfangled crafts.

However, the main combat vehicle of the US ground forces is not any of the MRAPs and not the M-113, but. The brigades of the same name are equipped with these same vehicles, which the American command still considers a very successful compromise between the mobility of light (airborne and air assault) formations and the combat power of heavy (tank and mechanized) formations. At the same time, however, the Stryker is an ordinary armored personnel carrier (created on the basis of the Swiss Pirana). It is, of course, better than MRAs and M-113s, but this vehicle can be shot into the side even from a heavy machine gun.

Stryker armored personnel carrier

The Stryker brigade does not have any heavier armored vehicles. And if on the battlefield such a brigade meets, for example, tank brigade The Korean People's Army, equipped with the ancient T-62s, the North Koreans will, to use football slang, “take out with one wicket.” Moreover, the Stryker brigade does not have any air defense of its own at all. As a result, it is unclear which enemy it is designed for? Approximately 90 Strykers were lost in Iraq and Afghanistan, although the enemy had no tanks, artillery, or aircraft. In 2014, it was on Strykers that the Americans staged a clown show in Eastern Europe, feigning their readiness to “repel Russian aggression.” Unfortunately, our propaganda responded to this ridicule with ritual shameful hysteria in the spirit of “NATO troops are approaching Russian borders.”

Miscalculations in air defense and naval forces

However, one should not be surprised by the lack of air defense in the Stryker brigades, this is a problem American army generally.

Is it possible to imagine that Russian ground-based air defense is armed only with S-300 and S-400 air defense systems and Igla MANPADS? And there is nothing in between - “Bukov”, “Torov”, “Tunguska”, “Shell”, there is not even “Osa” and “Strela-10”. This assumption is so stupid it's not even funny. Meanwhile, American ground-based air defense is designed exactly this way. It has Patriot and THAAD air defense systems (in much smaller quantities than we have S-300 and S-400), as well as Stinger MANPADS (either in the original portable version, or on a Hummer chassis called " Avenger"). There is nothing else, and nothing else is planned.

Moreover, TNAAD can only solve missile defense problems (shoot down operational-tactical missiles and medium-range ballistic missiles); it is not even theoretically capable of combating aerodynamic targets. And the Patriots remained almost exclusively in the PAC3 version, also focused on missile defense.

The “anti-aircraft” versions of PAC1 and PAC2 were mainly converted into PAC3 or sold abroad. As a result, to combat airplanes and helicopters, in fact, only “Stingers” remain with a reach of about 8 km in range and about 4 km in altitude. That is, the American command does not consider the possibility that troops could come under attack from enemy aircraft. Or he believes that American fighters will certainly cope with this aircraft. Only after all, fighters, unlike ground-based air defense, depend on weather conditions, on the availability of airfields and fuel and lubricants on them. Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that enemy fighters will be no worse than American fighters in quality and there will be no less in quantity. But, apparently, the Pentagon has long ruled out this option. Which is not very reasonable, to say the least.

Trimaran "Independence"

The orientation towards war, it is unclear with whom, even affected the US Navy, which received (littoral combat ship, coastal action ship). As expected, a competition was organized for the best version of such a ship, to which the traditionally built Freedom and the futuristic trimaran Independence were put up. Friendship (that is, lobbyists from the military-industrial complex) won this competition, and both ships were accepted into service (previously it was believed that this was possible only in the USSR). However, the choice was actually very difficult: both Freedom and Independence have very weak weapons at a very high price.

As with the “prompt global strike” or “Stryker” cases described above, it is completely unclear what purposes these ships are intended for and against whom they are supposed to fight. More or less, they are suitable for the role of patrol ships, but “normal” patrol ships, built mainly in Europe, are not even several times cheaper, but orders of magnitude cheaper than both LCS options.

It is necessary to study foreign experience

In this article there is no need to look for schadenfreude or, especially, mischief. The US Armed Forces remain a powerful military machine; if there is an understanding of the situation and political will, they may well “bounce back to normal.” In this they are radically different from European armies, which have turned into soap bubbles, and this process has become irreversible. The point is completely different.

For the normal development of any sphere, the most thorough study of foreign experience, both positive and negative, is necessary. For the military sphere, this is doubly important, because the country’s armed forces exist to counter external threats, primarily foreign armed forces. Accordingly, the development of foreign armed forces provides the most important food for thought when organizing military development in the Russian Federation.

As surprising as it may sound, the Russian Armed Forces are now close to ideal. They ceased to be an army of the “Soviet-Asian type”, crushing the enemy with their mass, regardless of losses, but did not turn into a soap bubble of the European type, which is an army only in name. And it is extremely important, having gone from one extreme, not to go to the other (and Russia, unfortunately, is very fond of extremes).

Until recently, the Israeli Armed Forces certainly had a similar ideal. With an extremely reverent attitude towards the life of each soldier, the IDF was capable of waging an arbitrarily brutal contact ground war, including against a numerically superior enemy. But the Israelis were too carried away by American “high-tech contactless” concepts, which is why israeli army began to noticeably deteriorate. Evidence of this was the formally won, but in fact extremely unsuccessful war in Lebanon against Hezbollah in the summer of 2006.

In Russia, many people sincerely hate America, especially since this hatred is constantly fueled by official propaganda. At the same time, for the majority of Russians, including many haters and propagandists, America remains an absolute ideal that must be copied completely and in all aspects, including mistakes and outright stupidity.

I remember a story that took place in the late 40s, when in the USSR, under the name Tu-4, they copied the American “Superfortress” B-29, which flew into Far East in 1944 after the bombing of Japan. Tupolev, whom Stalin ordered to supervise the copying, said he could make the plane better. To which Stalin responded with an epoch-making phrase: “It’s better not to. Make one like this." As a result, even an ashtray and a nest for a Coca-Cola bottle in the instrument panel were copied (although Soviet pilots were forbidden to smoke in flight, and they had no idea about Coca-Cola in the country), as well as a random hole (apparently from a Japanese bullet) in wing

Unfortunately, there is a danger that the leadership of our Armed Forces may also believe in a “high-tech non-contact war” against some meek, wordless enemy, that “the war is completely different now,” that “there will never be tank battles again,” etc. . and so on. Despite the fact that our budget is much smaller than the American one, we cannot afford the luxury of throwing away billions on useless crafts such as MPAP armored vehicles and LCS ships.

It is necessary to clearly and clearly understand that the fight against terrorism is not only not the only, but also very far from the main task of the Armed Forces. The army and navy must prepare organizationally, technologically and psychologically, first of all, for full-scale wars with the two strongest potential adversaries - the US Armed Forces and the updated PLA. The more prepared we are for these wars, the less likely it is that we will ever have to fight them.

/Alexander Khramchikhin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis,


GRNTI: 78.21.00.

Belousov Oleg Mikhailovich,

Chernomazov Ilya Stanislavovich,

Perm Military Institute of Troops

National Guard of the Russian Federation

Lecturer at the Department of Tactics and Security Safety.



lecturer in tactics and SBP

Chernomazov I.S.,

lecturer in tactics and SBP

Perm military Institute of national guard troops of the Russian Federation.


The article discusses the concept of using a rapid global strike by the US armed forces, countermeasures and deterrence measures.


In the article the question of the concept of the use of prompt global strike by the U.S. armed forces, measures for combating and deterring.

Keywords: rapid global strike, the concept of “non-contact warfare”, anti-missile surveillance system, sea-launched cruise missiles (SLCM) and air-launched cruise missiles (ALCM) of the Tomahawk type.

Keywords: prompt global strike, the concept of “contactless war,” missile surveillance, naval cruise missiles (slcm) and the air (krwb) - based missiles such as “Tomahawk”

Prompt Global Strike (PGS, also global lightning strike) is an initiative of the US armed forces to develop a system that allows a massive disarming strike with conventional (non-nuclear, English conventional) weapons on any country within 1 hour , analogous to a nuclear strike using intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs).

According to General James Cartwright, "At this time, unless there is a nuclear attack, it could be days, perhaps weeks" before the military can launch an attack with regular forces. The task of the BGU system is to provide the ability to deliver a quick and accurate strike to any region of the world in the event of a conflict or other emergency. The ballistic version could be launched directly from US territory. The BGU system will complement the formations of Forward Deployment Forces, Expeditionary Air Forces (which can be deployed within 48 hours) and Carrier battle groups (AUG, English. Carrier battle groups, which can deploy to the theater of operations within 96 hours). The BGU will allow you to attack any area of ​​the planet or near space within 60 minutes.

The United States is capable of implementing the concept of a rapid global strike exclusively to solve local problems.

Since the end of the Cold War, the likelihood of the use of nuclear weapons by both potential adversaries of the United States and the Americans themselves has steadily decreased. The issue of revising the existing military doctrine was on the agenda. The new concept involves the United States achieving global military superiority by expanding the arsenal of its armed forces by creating super-effective non-nuclear weapons capable of delivering lightning strikes against threat sources.

At the end of 2012, information was disseminated in the media about the US military computer game to practice the skills of delivering massive strikes with high-precision conventional weapons against a fictional country in order to cause unacceptable damage to it and force it to accept political conditions dictated by the United States.

The purpose of these exercises was to develop the concept of the so-called rapid global strike (BGU, Promppet Global Strike), according to which it is assumed that the enemy’s most important military, political and economic targets will be destroyed using existing and future models of high-precision weapons. It is assumed that as a result of such actions, the victim country will lose the opportunity to strike back at the aggressor, and the destruction of key objects of its economy will lead to the collapse of the entire state system.

The published materials indicated: the goal set within the framework of this war game was achieved. Analysis of the exercises showed that as a result of a strike on a fairly large and highly developed country with the consumption of 3,500–4,000 units of conventional high-precision weapons within six hours, it would suffer unacceptable destruction of its entire infrastructure and would lose the ability to resist.

It is quite obvious that this “leak” of information is not accidental and unauthorized. The Pentagon very clearly shows the world that the United States is acquiring a qualitatively new type of strategic weapon, which allows it to solve tasks previously assigned exclusively to nuclear forces.

In fact, the Americans are making an attempt to implement the concept of “non-contact war.” At a qualitatively new technical level, they are striving to do what they failed to accomplish in the 20th century: to achieve political goals in a major military conflict only with air strikes.

Is it possible to “bomb” the enemy? In 1993, an experimental launch of a Trident-2 ballistic missile with conventional warheads was carried out from the US Ohio-class nuclear missile submarine in order to test the possibility of hitting highly engineered point targets. However, further work in this direction was not carried out intensively enough.

The terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, intensified this activity, and by January 2003, the Global Prompt Strike Project was approved by President George W. Bush. After a detailed study of this idea in the US Department of Defense and scientific institutions, it was recognized as technically feasible, which allowed Congress to approve the BGU concept in 2007.

In accordance with this doctrine, in the event of a threat of attack on the United States or American installations and citizens abroad, the US armed forces must be able to launch a high-power and precision strike anywhere in the world within 60 minutes to neutralize such attacks.

The Prompt Global Strike Force will become part of the US strategic triad and will operate in close coordination with other branches of the armed forces.

The BGU concept involves the creation of a full-fledged combat system, including, in addition to the strike components itself, reconnaissance and surveillance subsystems, command posts and communications, as well as electronic suppression equipment.

The basis of the strike weapons of this doctrine will be land- and sea-based non-nuclear ballistic missiles and long-range hypersonic missiles launched from air carriers. In the long term, it is planned to use space platforms to carry out strikes.

Ballistic missiles equipped with conventional warheads are today the weapons that best meet the requirements for strike components of a BSU. They provide high accuracy of destruction (circular probable deviation - 100–150 meters), short delivery time of ammunition (no more than 30–40 minutes). The significant speed of movement upon contact with an object makes it possible to destroy targets of various types, including those buried in the ground. The large throw weight (up to 3.5 tons) makes it possible to use various types of warheads, including cluster ones, as well as special unmanned aerial vehicles.

At the same time, there are a number of conditions that make the use of conventional ballistic missiles very problematic.

Firstly, the anti-missile surveillance system of Russia, and in the near future also of China, can classify a group launch of such missiles (at least two or three are needed to reliably destroy an individual object) as a nuclear attack, which will lead to an adequate retaliatory strike.

Second, the START treaties limit the total number of ballistic missiles deployed and do not differentiate between their equipment. That is, land- and sea-based missiles with conventional warheads can appear in the United States only after a corresponding reduction in existing nuclear ones.

The United States proposes to resolve the first of these problems in relation to ground-based missiles through their separate deployment. However, as tensions increase, this factor may not work - Russia is quite capable of assuming that the United States has placed nuclear missiles in silos for non-nuclear missiles. The second obstacle can be eliminated by signing the appropriate agreements. It’s not in vain, apparently, that the Donald Trump administration is once again raising the topic of “nuclear zero.”

Taking into account these limitations, the number of sea- and land-based non-nuclear ballistic missiles that the US armed forces are able to put on combat duty in the medium term is in the range of 100–150 units.

The most important strike element of the BGU is the Kh-51A hypersonic missile being created with a flight speed of 6500–7500 kilometers per hour. However, four of her tests did not give a positive result. And although the development program is not closed, the appearance of such a missile can be expected only in five to ten years, and adoption and delivery to the troops only in the distant future.

Thus, in the medium and even long term, the US Army will not receive any fundamentally new weapon systems in sufficient quantities to achieve an operationally significant effect within the framework of the BGU concept.

In the future, it is possible that fundamentally new weapons of destruction will emerge, such as air- or even space-based hypersonic missiles, which will bring the Americans to a level of qualitative superiority in aerospace weapons relative to other states.

But this situation is unlikely to persist for quite a long time, since both in Russia and in China, which demonstrates exclusively high rates development of the military-technical sphere, such developments are also underway. Albeit with a lag, such models will be put into service, which will neutralize the American military-technical gap in this area.

In this regard, the United States, within the framework of the BGU concept, at least in the medium term, can rely mainly on sea-based (SLCM) and air-launched cruise missiles (ALCM) of the Tomahawk type, strategic, tactical and carrier-based aircraft.

The SLCMs in service with the American Navy, having a launch range of 1600–2400 kilometers, ensure that a target is hit with a warhead of 340–450 kilograms with an accuracy of five to ten meters.

These missiles can be used from all modern US ships and submarines. The 23 Los Angeles-class attack submarines can carry 12 SLCMs. The new American multi-purpose submarines of the Seawolf (three units) and Virginia (nine units) types each carry the same number of similar missiles. Under the program for converting Ohio-class missile submarines into Tomahawk carriers, four units were converted, each capable of carrying 154 SLCMs. All 62 newest American destroyer type "Arleigh Burke" have vertical launchers(VPU) Mk.41 with 96 cells. In the strike version they accept up to 56 SLCMs, in the multi-purpose version - eight. Each of the 22 Ticonderoga-class missile cruisers, having 122 VPU cells, carries 26 SLCMs in a typical load. In total, up to 4,000 SLCMs could potentially be deployed on US Navy ships and up to 1,000 SLCMs on submarines.

However, in reality, given the degree of operational readiness, the US Navy is able to use no more than 3,000 SLCMs from ships and submarines.

In addition, American strategic bombers are equipped with long-range cruise missiles. Currently, the US Air Force has about 150 such aircraft in service, including about 60 B-52N, 50 B-1B and 16 B-2A. There are about 80 more aircraft in storage. Of these, the carriers of air-launched cruise missiles are the B-52N aircraft, capable of carrying up to 20 ALCMs at maximum load. In total, the US strategic aviation group can use about 1,200 ALCMs per flight. In total, all cruise missile carriers are capable of using up to 4,200 missiles in one strike.

In addition to missiles, the first strike may involve up to 2,500–3,000 tactical and carrier-based aircraft, which can strike targets at a depth of up to 600 kilometers from the border.

These are quite impressive forces and, in the absence of effective counteraction, they are capable of destroying or disabling up to 1,000 important objects on Russian or Chinese territory in the first strike. As a result of such a strike, 80–90 percent of Russia’s nuclear potential or up to 90 percent or more of China could be destroyed, the system of state and military command and control could be partially disorganized, and the air defense system could be suppressed or weakened in certain operationally important areas.

But if we take into account some factors that will operate in a real situation, then the possibility of applying BGU becomes doubtful.

Firstly, the United States can make this decision regarding Russia or China only if relations between states sharply worsen.

Secondly, such a strike must be preceded by a sufficiently long period of threat, when the American leadership will be forced to conduct a serious information campaign to justify the upcoming aggression. At this time, the United States and its allies need to carry out the strategic deployment of their Air Force and Navy groups to combat areas, create the necessary inventories, build up military infrastructure in areas of upcoming combat operations, and conduct reconnaissance of targets of planned attacks. This is a very long time (probably several months), which is quite enough to take retaliatory, very effective measures. For example, as the experience of Iraq in 1991 and subsequent conflicts showed, due to high-quality operational camouflage measures, it is possible to direct a significant part of the enemy’s strike forces to false targets. Moreover, if the United States uses the main stock of its long-range cruise missiles in the first strike, there may not be enough of them left for subsequent strikes. And then the success of the operation will be in question.

Thirdly, the duration of this strike will last several hours (according to the experience of the mentioned computer exercises, up to four to six). And within one or two hours, when the scale of aggression becomes obvious to the leadership of Russia or China (even if operational surprise is achieved), a decision may be made to retaliate with a nuclear strike. At the same time, most of the strategic nuclear weapons will still remain. That is, for the USA it is completely obvious high risk escalation of such a conflict from conventional to nuclear. Moreover, the enemy may be the first to decide to use strategic nuclear weapons. Therefore, the Americans are unlikely to provoke such an attack on their territory without guarantees of its reliable repulsion.

And fourthly. The global strike will not be “quick”, since its preparation will take a lot of time – several months. That is, in fact, it will no longer be able to become a specific form of using air attack means - BGU. This will be a conventional first missile and air strike carried out as part of an initial air offensive operation.

Attacking Russia or China with limited air attack capabilities makes no political or strategic sense.

If we consider other large countries, for example, Iran, as the target of such a strike, then its delivery makes sense only if it becomes part of a sufficiently large-scale military operation with the participation of other types of armed forces. That is, if this is the first missile and air strike of the initial air offensive operation.

A completely different picture emerges if we consider striking individual particularly important targets to achieve a local goal using a relatively limited range of weapons.

In this case, there is no need for lengthy preparation. An attack can be carried out by combat-ready forces immediately upon receipt of an order.

Such actions will be sudden not only operationally or strategically, but also tactically. The flight to a target of a limited number of cruise missiles or aircraft can be carried out at low and extremely low altitudes outside the observation zone of ground-based air control systems, with a minimum duration of the strike, when the enemy will reveal the fact of its delivery after the attack is completed.

Therefore, it can be argued that in the current state of affairs and in the medium term, the BSU concept makes sense for solving problems of an exclusively local nature against objects on the territory of states that are not able to respond to the aggressor and do not have security guarantees from third, sufficiently powerful states.

The speed, surprise and global impact (up to 60 minutes in accordance with the concept) can only be achieved if US Navy and Air Force groups are present in all vital areas. This means that to solve suddenly emerging problems, the Americans will be able to use very limited forces: several dozen long-range cruise missiles and tactical (car-based) aircraft. When creating conditions for the use of ballistic missiles in conventional equipment, it is possible to use a certain number of them.

These forces are capable of disabling or destroying, depending on the task, one or two large enterprises, or two or three military or government control points, or one or two large field research facilities or militant training camps.

That is, in the short and medium term, a quick global strike can be delivered solely for the purpose of solving local problems. For example, to eliminate individual political figures or destroy the leadership of any organizations (declared terrorist), deprive individual states of the opportunity to implement development programs that the United States considers threatening their security, suspend in certain countries some areas of scientific research that are dangerous for Americans and their allies activities.

In any case, the concept of BSU itself is gross violation international law, since it involves striking targets of sovereign states without valid legal grounds and a formal declaration of war.


  1. Materials for the analysis of the Prompet Global Strike 2016 exercises.

“Implementing the concept of joint use of offensive and defensive weapons, the Pentagon has begun to create promising strike systems for an instant global strike,” Emelyanov noted.

According to a representative of the Ministry of Defense, when delivering a “disarming” strike against Russian and Chinese strategic nuclear forces, the effectiveness of the American missile defense system increases significantly.

The system suppresses

Global Lightning Strike (or Global Rapid Strike, BSU) is an initiative of the US military to develop a system that allows a massive disarming strike with conventional (non-nuclear) weapons on any country within an hour. Its idea is to use non-nuclear weapons to disable government and military control centers, communication centers, silo launchers of ICBMs, mobile ground-based missile systems, strategic missile submarines in permanent bases and in combat service areas on the territory of a potential enemy. , cause unacceptable damage to long-range aviation formations.

The enemy's intercontinental ballistic missiles, which will be able to take part in a retaliatory strike, are supposed to be neutralized by means of the US national missile defense system, as well as by missile defense systems deployed on the territory of allied countries and on US Navy ships.

Ideally, the concept of a global lightning strike involves not giving the enemy a single chance to use its strategic and even tactical nuclear weapons.

For these purposes, the Pentagon intends to use all the forces and means of the army, air force and navy. First of all, a massive strike with cruise missiles of all types - from surface and submarine ships, from bomber air command aircraft - will be launched against previously and thoroughly reconnoitred enemy targets (and the capabilities of US reconnaissance assets are exceptionally high today).

It is possible that so-called missile defense facilities in Eastern Europe will also take part in such a strike, since the Mk41 vertical launch devices allow the use of Tomahawk-type SLCMs.

In the seas adjacent to the enemy territory where the BGU will be launched, ships of the US Navy and its allies with missile defense capabilities will be deployed. They will take part in the first strike and will hit those enemy ballistic missiles that can take off after the first US strike.

By 2022, the number of deployed interceptor missiles on US Navy and continental US ships will exceed 1,000. This, according to the authors of the BSU theory, will easily allow the Pentagon to neutralize the enemy’s remaining ICBMs. Among other things, the United States is beginning to deploy missile defense capabilities in near space.

Then the US Air Force will finish off the enemy using all types of precision weapons - bunker-busting bombs, advanced small-diameter bombs, JDAM-type bombs, laser-guided aircraft based on GPS data, etc.

The Americans' arsenal in this regard is very large, and they probably already have surprises in store for the enemy, because from conflict to conflict, the US armed forces never repeat themselves and do not act according to a once and for all established pattern.

In order to increase the capabilities of delivering BGU, new cruise missiles, formerly Gazeta.Ru, are also being developed in the United States.

Who to fight with?

“The question arises: against whom is all this directed and who is the main enemy of the United States today,” says ex-deputy chief Lieutenant General Valery Zaparenko in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru. “It’s no secret that today only one country in the world is capable of wiping out the United States with its strategic nuclear forces, and doing this several times in a row. No terrorists or any regimes hostile to the United States in any region of the globe will ever be able to do this.

Therefore, the concept of a rapid global strike is directed exclusively against the Russian Federation.”

According to the former first deputy commander-in-chief of the Air Defense Forces, Colonel General Vladimir Litvinov, the BSU concept reduces Russia's ability to retaliate with nuclear weapons.

“In the event of an attack, the capabilities of our national missile warning system will be significantly limited, since it relies on detecting the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles from the continental United States, and submarine-launched ballistic missiles from operational areas in the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean", explained the former first deputy commander-in-chief of the Air Defense Forces, Colonel General, to Gazeta.Ru.

According to the military leader, if a strike by cruise missiles of various types is delivered from a distance of several hundred kilometers, then the flight time will be minimal, and there will be practically no time left for the country’s political leadership to make a decision.

“Such developments by the Pentagon must be taken more than seriously,” Lieutenant General Nikolai Moiseev, ex-head of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff, told Gazeta.Ru. “Nevertheless, in my opinion, it will be very difficult for Americans to avoid a nuclear war at BGU. No one can give a 100% guarantee of the destruction of the nuclear arsenal. And besides ballistic missiles, there are still artillery shells with nuclear filling, nuclear warheads of tactical and operational missile systems, free-falling aircraft nuclear bombs, nuclear mines engineering troops, numerous nuclear weapons of the Navy - from cruise missiles to torpedoes."

According to the expert, it is impossible to destroy this entire nuclear arsenal in 60 minutes, and in this case a nuclear war cannot be avoided.

Apparently, the Americans will soon test the main provisions of their BSU concept in North Korea, experts interviewed by Gazeta.Ru agree. It is there that the “first test of the pen” of a rapid global impact will take place.

The main task set by the Pentagon is to prevent a single launch of a North Korean ballistic missile and prevent any active detonation of nuclear weapons. If the premiere of the BSU is successful, and the Pentagon really has every chance for this in relation to the DPRK, then the temptation to apply the theory of a quick global strike on any other country will become simply irresistible for the United States.

In the meantime, the representative emphasized that the United States, by creating means for an instant global strike, seeks to destroy the existing balance of power in the world, as well as to ensure global strategic dominance.