What are the harms and benefits of playing games on a computer? It turns out that computer games can be useful

How are computer games useful?

Many parents isolate their children from the computer because they see it as a dangerous “beast” that can cause a lot of harm. They consider their childhood without a computer great and try to give the same to their children. It's stupid to refuse modern technologies, fearing their negative influence.

Known Facts

It has long been proven that video games can improve memory, attentiveness, reaction, perseverance and logical thinking. In addition, training online games We are able to teach your child to read, write, print, and introduce the basics of various sciences. We want to tell you about the lesser-known positive aspects.

Improving reading skill

American scientists conducted research on children with dyslexia. They divided them into two groups, and one of them was invited to play action flash games. The results of the study showed that children who played began to read faster, without losing accuracy. This fact is explained by the fact that during the game a high concentration of attention was required, which had a positive effect on reading skills. An excellent collection of action games is presented on the website http://www.iplayer.com.ua/games/action/

Improved vision

No matter how illogical it may seem, games help improve vision. Games with complex graphics are especially effective. A study at the University of Rochester found that gamers have better vision than non-gamers. In addition, players can track up to five objects at the same time. Even a short stay of a child at the computer can soon improve his vision.


If suddenly your baby is in pain, you need to distract him. Computer games allow you to focus a child’s attention on the gameplay, making him think less about pain, and therefore feel it less. Scientists from the University of Washington proved this in an experiment conducted on burn patients. The portal http://www.playhead.net/ contains an excellent collection of various games that will appeal to any child and see for yourself how in a short period of time the baby will forget about pain.

Negative aspects

Everything is good in moderation. Likewise, video games can be harmful if played excessively. It is necessary to regulate the child’s time at the computer and select appropriate content. By following all the rules, you can get a lot of benefits from online games.

There is an opinion that video games cause harm to humans and others. How true is this statement? We suggest you look into it and weigh all the pros and cons.

Computer game genres

For a more detailed analysis, it is necessary to draw conclusions for each genre of computer games.
— Action. One of the largest genres, which is divided into:
3D shooter Bloody and meaty shooters. The player needs to survive in a certain environment by killing all enemies.

These games teach you to quickly react to what is happening, but are detrimental to people with an unformed psyche.
— Tactical (realistic) shooters.

This type of game not only teaches speed of reaction and speed of decision-making, but also forces people to work in a team and learn to understand other people.
- Fighting game. This category does not teach anything in principle, but it does not bring any harm. The gameplay consists exclusively of fights between two or more opponents.

— Beat 'em up. Fighter games where you have to defeat everyone in hand-to-hand combat. It's like Jackie Chan or Rambaud, but not on the TV screen, but on the monitor.

Legendary Beat 'em up - Turtles

- Arcade. A game in which the player has to act quickly, relying primarily on his reflexes and reactions.

— Stealth-action. Games in which you are not supposed to fight with most of the opponents you encounter, but to avoid possible contact with them in every possible way, while simultaneously completing assigned tasks.
The Action genre can blur the line between real life and virtual life.

— Simulators. This genre imitates as completely as possible the physical behavior and control of any complex object of a technical system.
In this genre, you can fly an airplane, become a train driver, or take part in supercar racing. This genre does not teach you how to break traffic rules, but it does provide an opportunity to understand in detail the structure of a car and realize the dreams of most technology lovers.

— Strategy. They can be real-time or step-by-step. Both of these genres can be compared to playing chess. In them you constantly have to count your actions and possible actions opponent many moves ahead. If turn-based strategies is a classic version of Indian chess, the real-time strategy genre is the blitz version that is gaining popularity among grandmasters.

- Adventure. These are narrative games in which the player-controlled hero progresses through the story and interacts with the game world through the use of objects, communication with other characters and solving logical problems.
The creators of Indiana Jones itself admitted that the game series is better than the film itself.

— Puzzles and quests. There is nothing negative about this genre. The positive thing is the development of logical abilities. Also belongs to the puzzle genre.

Role playing game.
In a role-playing game, the player controls one or more characters, each of whom is described by a set of numerical characteristics, a list of abilities and skills. One of the characteristic elements of the gameplay is increasing the capabilities of the characters by improving their parameters and learning new abilities.
This is the most harmful genre.

If you've seen this TES: Morrowind opening screen, then you've played at least 300 hours

In this genre, the player can lose the boundaries of reality and the virtual world. After spending a long time in any world, the player may experience mental disorders.

From this we can conclude that most genres only have a positive effect on a person’s skills. The only exception is the role-playing games genre.

Positive points

— Development of mental abilities.
— Development of logic and analytical skills.
Most computer games develop logical thinking. People playing computer games force their brain to constantly think and make decisions. Games teach a person to build cause-and-effect relationships.
This positive point is very important both for child development and for older people.

— Development of flexibility of thinking
This argument is closely intertwined with the first arguments (logic and reason). But in fact, thinking is purposeful. The need for thinking arises primarily when, in the course of life and practice, a new goal appears before a person, new problem, new circumstances and operating conditions. Flexibility of thinking lies in the ability to change the initially planned path (plan) for solving problems if it does not satisfy the conditions of the problem that are gradually identified in the course of its solution and which could not be taken into account from the very beginning.

— Development of attentiveness and memory, development of arm muscles, development of imagination

- study of historical facts
— learning foreign languages
- people with disabilities even if they can realize their potential virtually.
— Computer games help to realize abstract desires, turning them into commands and programs, expand the worldview, due to the fact that the player strives to perceive the game situation from different angles, and based on this analysis makes the right decision.

Negative factors

— Health problems (curvature of the spine, hand injury, eye diseases)
- Computer addiction.

Fokin Sashko is the most popular addicted player. Thanks to the media.

— Reduced time for real communication. Reluctance to communicate with people, small circle of friends. A situation may arise in which the social circle of the players is limited only by their circle of interests. With prolonged restrictions on real communication, difficulties can arise.

Computer games and art

Back in 2011 in the United States, video games were officially recognized as a separate art form by the US government and the American National Foundation.
Like any form of art, computer games that claim this proud title should evoke in players certain emotions, thoughts, feelings. To convey to them the idea that the developers themselves put into it. No one denies the entertaining nature of games, but in fact it is something more than a competition in the speed of thought and hands. Games evoke certain emotions, thoughts and feelings in players. The games rightfully deserve this proud title.

As in any form of art, there are real masterpieces, but 90% of what exists is low-grade creations. Comparing low-quality games with cheap books, or low-quality theater scenes is pointless.

Why can computer games be called works of art?
— The games raise eternal life themes: fathers and sons, social inequality, love, violence (humiliation), difficult age, the expediency of wars.
— Major games and significant projects in the gaming industry are not created in one year. On average, it takes 4-5 years to create a game. There are games that took 8-10 years to create.
To create a good and solid game, developers attract the best screenwriters, the best musicians, best actors. After completing cult games, phrases from the game become quotes (Finish him!, We require more minerals!)
— The best screenwriters take part in the development of games. The plots of video games are not inferior to the plots of box-office films. After completing the game, the plot and its meaning can be pondered for hours.
— Games evoke strong emotions. Film series "Resident Evil". Can he scare you? Unlikely. If you play Resident Evil on a personal computer, you can remain a stutterer for life.
The Alien franchise. Even children are laughing at the latest Alien film. A latest version Not everyone can play someone else's game on the computer to the end. True horror and complete immersion.
The game Metal Gear Solid 4 has a cutscene that is 71 minutes long. It's like a good movie!
The legendary series of books by the Russian writer “Metro”. The book is gorgeous. But the game is not inferior to it one iota.

Computer games and sports

Cybersport is a type of competitive activity and special practice of preparing for competitions based on computer and/or video games, where the game provides an environment for the interaction of control objects, providing equal conditions for competition between person and person or team with team.

In 2001, Russia became one of the first countries to recognize computer game competitions as an official sports discipline.
Sport itself is harmful to health. Thousands of people get injured and die in competitions. E-sports has all the same “sores” of classical sports: daily monotonous work and lack of development in other areas.

Computer games and statistics

In order to draw conclusions, you need to familiarize yourself with the statistical data.
There are no clear official statistics on the Internet about the harmful or positive effects.
Most people have an opinion about the harmfulness of games based on the media. If a person shoots people with a gun because of a video game, then that's news. If due to conflict at work, depression, mental disorder(injuries), then this will not surprise anyone.
Most people who talk about the negative aspects of games have never played on a computer or only a little. You can just as easily talk about any form of art: ballet and theater are boring performances, and painting and sculpture are meaningless and useless directions.

For your own statistics, you can take your own environment. Over the past 20 years of a life in which video games were present, I have not met a single person who played computer games and became aggressive or detached from life. Many colleagues from work still play games. My line manager used to play the Disciples series, several mid-level managers still play World of Warcraft, and programmers not only play PS, but also buy consoles.
I remember there was one person who was expelled from the university who played games. But it is impossible to say about him that a person did not attend university because of games. There is no connection between games and expulsion. If he didn't play games, he would still be expelled.


The main disease is gaming addiction (in the genre of online role-playing games).
The main advantages of games are increasing and maintaining mental development, as well as the opportunity to learn.
Games can be classified as an art and a sport.
The main advantage of computer games is their realism. Computers convey sensations and presence more “subtly” than movies or books. But this is the main reason for the negative attitude towards them.
There are no clear statistics about the negative or positive effects of computer games.
Due to the flexibility of implementation, computer games are part of modern life with broad prospects.
If a teenager (child) has developed critical thinking (able to determine the value of the real and virtual world), games are positive.
If a teenager (child) has no edge or is prone to various kinds addictions, it is better to abstain from games.
For adults (or seniors), games are positive both emotionally and mentally.

However, the “developmental nature” of computer games is another myth. What do these games develop? Reaction speed, attention? Yes. What does this have to do with the goals of education? Of course, if we reduce education to development mental processes, then the computer is quite conducive to this. Then don’t complain if you end up with a corresponding “product” with a developed reaction rate. If the goal of education is understood as cultivating mental maturity, then what does reaction speed have to do with it?

This is, of course, not about the harm of a computer, which is really necessary in our lives. No, we're talking about about abuse, about the transformation of a tool, a technical means into an object of dependence and addiction.

Dependence on any object of passion (in particular, a computer) is called additive syndrome. I will not dwell on clinical cases of computer addiction (deterioration of vision, general physical development, vegetative-vascular dystonia). By the way, there is a known case of a stroke and death of a 12-year-old boy who overplayed the computer, and in China a clinic has even been created to treat computer addiction. Let's talk about the psychological features of this phenomenon. To do this, let’s compare computer games with role-playing games for children.

Press buttons or take actions?

In a role-playing game, the child imagines a situation and acts it out. The role unfolds as the embodiment of the child’s ideal ideas. This is how the ideal, or inner, world of a person develops - the ability to set goals (a goal is an ideal image of the future), plan, imagine the course of the game and plot situations. But the main thing in the game is that the child takes actions to materially realize his plans. This is an act of creation! The described abilities determine the subsequent development of the child, not to mention the fact that it is in the game that skills of human communication, mutual understanding, concessions, the ability to resolve conflict situations, etc. are developed.

What is the virtual world? How is it different from the world of role-playing games, where ideal images turn into material actions and deeds?

The virtual world is also a world of images. However, virtual images are not created by the child himself, but are given (or imposed) from the outside. Consequently, they do not need to be conceived, depicted, or implemented. IN virtual world there is no such thing - there are no actions for material embodiment. But there is an illusion of omnipotence, when all you have to do is press a button and you can “do”, “accomplish”, “win”, etc.

The fact is that images as products of imagination arise as a result of independent activity, i.e. are created themselves: defined a goal, conceived a plan of action, and implemented it. Their implementation is carried out independently and requires effort, diligence, creativity, and the ability to relate one’s actions to the actions of others. These images always correspond to the desires and capabilities of the child.

In the virtual world, images do not need to be born; they are already ready and may not correspond to the child, his characteristics, age, etc. Virtual images do not need to be embodied, they can only be manipulated! By the way, manipulation is a characteristic property of someone who wants to rule and subordinate the will of others to their will. And children successfully learn this by playing “harmless” computer games.

The peculiarity of virtual images is their attractiveness - brightness and dynamism, which excite the child and create addiction. Even if these are harmless household games, where by pressing buttons you can cook dinner: take a grater and a carrot and “grate” it on the screen. All this, unfortunately, does not develop hard work and motor skills, and does not replace real help mother or the mother-daughter game, where “mom” not only cooks dinner, but also takes care of the “children.”

The child learns to press buttons rather than perform actions. Living reality is being replaced. This can slow down and even suppress the development of role-playing games. A child who has not mastered role-play may subsequently experience various communication problems.

How to protect your child from the computer?

A desperate reader might say that we live in a time when it is difficult to keep a child away from the computer. It's difficult, but possible - under certain conditions.

  1. If parents unanimously understand the consequences of this hobby.
  2. If there is an understanding that a computer is, of course, a very convenient thing, but it is still better that it serves us, and not we serve it.
  3. If there is an alternative in the form of a full, healthy, active family life, where they try to live in an atmosphere of warmth, mutual understanding and spiritual unity.

Do not sit your child down to play computer games, no matter how “good” they may be, no matter how much your child asks you to do so. The computer can supplant role-playing games, in which communication skills, mutual understanding, and much more are formed, which the computer itself cannot provide.

Some of the most natural, organic nature of children are games with natural materials, simple productive activities: modeling, drawing, appliqué, needlework, making crafts. How much joy a child can get from this! And this joy of creativity, creation makes him a creator. By connecting with nature through sticks, twigs, cones, sand, clay, the child receives the strength and energy of life itself - something that he does not receive from interacting with dead computer images.

I recently visited a young couple raising a three and a half year old son. The picture is typical: parents are busy with work, housework, and other everyday problems. The child needs to be occupied or “neutralized.” They turn on the TV, where drawn figures flash, where screams and music come from. It is convenient for parents, since they know for sure that the child is securely “chained”: he will not disturb them with questions, fussing - and there is no need to clean up afterwards (there is so much garbage from natural materials!).

About 40 minutes pass, the child gets tired of the TV, he pulls out a toy train with a carriage and driver from the box and starts rolling. However, the television action does not stop and demands attention. The child is faced with a choice: he has not yet let go of the locomotive, but the TV “snatches” the child from the play situation and forces him to look blankly at the moving pictures.

Parents do not understand at all the meaning of this everyday, familiar situation, they do not understand what is bad in the fact that the child in “horse” doses takes unknown content of products that become part of his inner world and displaces much of what he should be doing .

I think that if the mother did not turn on the TV, but put pencils, an album or a coloring book in front of the child, or a set of indefinite objects, or a construction set, or toys for story game(you can add to the list yourself), then by doing so she would unwittingly create the conditions for the emergence of a game or productive activities. This would give impetus to the development of motor skills, ingenuity, cognitive interest, will, ability to set goals and plan - i.e. development of all skills and abilities necessary for a full life.

Before you put your child in front of a computer or TV, think: will it displace the game and create an addiction? It educates everything that surrounds the child: people, toys, lifestyle, behavior and actions. This process is invisible and lengthy, but the result is visible and serious.

Irina Kogan Candidate of Psychological Sciences


> By the way, manipulation is a characteristic property of someone who wants to rule and subordinate the will of others to his will. And children successfully learn this by playing “harmless” computer games.

Well, yes, comparing sprites/models with intelligent beings is very correct. You can also compare training, i.e. manipulation of a dog with manipulation of a person.

IN once again I became convinced that psychology is a dangerous and harmful pseudoscience, which is much more harmful than all games, films and even anime series combined.

11/21/2018 20:20:28, Dario

What's the point of this article? Few people want their child to play. How to save it? Practical advice 0. Try to go out to real world, fellow practicing psychologist! All children have mobile phones... They play with them non-stop. How to deal with this?

01/06/2018 15:02:22, DenisAz

There are benefits from playing on a computer; no matter what games he plays, the child develops logic (in order to complete something, you need to think about how to do it), hand motor skills (press keys), learn spelling (when something needs to be written, he types it on his own). words on the keyboard and corrects them if they are incorrect), thereby the eyes gradually remember the correct spelling of different words. The main thing is not to allow you to sit near the computer for a long time.

To protect the user from electromagnetic radiation, computers and other modern devices (flat-panel TVs, etc.) require grounding at outlets. Without grounding, safe health standards are violated.
The correct indoor temperature for human health is also necessary: ​​22 degrees Celsius.

01/24/2014 13:20:32, Nick14

I believe that all computer games and, in general, all interactions between a child and a computer cannot be sized up with the same brush. Eat useful games, in addition, there are games that develop in our children not only reaction, but also creativity, holding competitions in which children must draw, compose or do something with their own hands. I think the author of the article did not study the issue, but was content with generally accepted clichés.

I believe that all computer games and, in general, all interactions between a child and a computer cannot be sized up with the same brush. There are useful games, in addition, there are games that develop in our children not only reaction, but also creativity, holding competitions in which children must draw, compose or make something with their own hands. I think the author of the article did not study the issue and was content with generally accepted clichés.

The article is useless. We started with a computer and ended with a TV, but I thought it would be about computer games. Not specifically, what is bad and what is good about computer games. No specific advice. And then there are educational games and presentations. And there is no need to stupidly press a button, you have to think. For example, my eldest daughter enjoys watching presentations on the computer, playing games (for a short time, 15 minutes a day), drawing, sculpting from plasticine, playing role-playing games, reading books and watching cartoons. And all with pleasure. I don’t see any harm from TV and computers, everything is useful and harmonious.

It seems to me that access to computer games and cartoons should be given only after the child has OTHER real hobbies. So that TV and computers are just “one of”, and not the only desired form of leisure. Timing is individual, depends on the child)

Comment on the article "Computer games for children: benefit or harm?"

Active games are very necessary in shaping the body of our children. While playing, children learn about the world and learn to make friends. At the same time, the child develops physically. There is a great need for games fresh air. detsad1051.ru source of information on raising preschool children. Father and mother should help the kids in games. This does not mean that they are obliged to play with children. Moms and dads should make time in their children's routine for play. In the 21st century, children have absolutely no idle hours. School, study assignments...

The benefits and harms of interactive toys This interactive toy teaches children compassion, careful attitude to animals, responsibility for the pet. Teremok for playing with children For a very long time I had an idea of ​​how to decorate a house with locks beautifully.

The world of fairy tales is capable of leaving the brightest, most colorful childhood memories. However, by choosing the wrong books to read, parents can unwittingly harm the child’s psyche. After all, not all fairy tales are positive. How realistic is it to objectively assess whether a particular text will bring benefit or harm to a child? How will this or that plot affect the unformed psyche? During the Soviet Union, such a problem simply did not exist. There weren't many children's books, and each...

Computer addiction? Situation.... Child from 7 to 10. IMHO The main thing here is “HOW the child reacts when they take away the phone/computer”, and not the harm of the devices or their benefits. And yet you go back to games and their harm. The author writes that the child does not play!


Good afternoon
We are filming a story on Channel One. We need a Child about your daughter’s age who has access to, and perhaps is already dependent on, modern gadgets (computer, phone, tablet) and his parents.
We shoot at home, on the street, depending on the story of the characters.
Your story suits us very well.
Share your story with the country!
Write [email protected]

I’ll share my experience (my son is 10 years old): we also had a period when I thought, well, that’s it, this is an addiction, what a horror, a nightmare, etc. In the end, we agreed on the following: in a week he has three days off from the computer, that is, he does not approach him at all, the remaining four he sits as long as he likes, but (!) after all the lessons and activities. it became easier.

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Section: ...I find it difficult to choose a section (how to protect a child from computer games). Like advertising. A child's mind, abilities, development - does not need such games. But there is harm. That's why I'm for a complete ban.


I'll add. It's time to find activities that you can do at home, for us it's more music. Sports are not very suitable for this; when you are sick you can’t always do active exercises, it’s just a supplement. Creative activities, mind games. Moreover, you can switch while the child is not completely in the games, they are stronger, watch out for accidents. You need to captivate the child so much that animators are not needed, but in the process they are very necessary.

Children need to be given maximum attention, but sometimes there is not enough strength and then technical means are used. This happens to me when I come home after 24 hours... I can’t do anything about it - I don’t have the strength for anyone at that moment.

Gradually, computer literacy is becoming the norm in our lives. If you want your child to grow up successful, have a good career and have a broad outlook, it is better to come to terms with the fact that the computer and virtual reality will occupy a significant place in his life. Don’t let “horror stories” about computer addiction and the terrible harm of electronics scare you. Problems arise for those children whose parents have not taught their children the correct attitude towards modern technology and its proper use...

So, what are the benefits or harms of coffee? It is believed to have originated in the highlands of Ethiopia as early as the 9th century and spread to the rest of the world through Egypt and Europe. Almost thirty years ago, scientists at Harvard University announced a link between coffee consumption and cancer. A few years later, they retracted the results of the previous study and admitted that the results were erroneous. However, since this was the first study, and the media frenzy behind it...

When a baby appeared in our family, the first problem I encountered was how to play with him? My mothers, sister and friends gave me ideas, but they were scattered and, in my opinion, not very conducive to development. There is a lot of information on the Internet, as well as websites. But there was a lack of integrity. As a result of a long search, I found two sites where there is a holistic picture of developmental activities. The kid liked it. Now we use it and play. I recommend [link-1] and [link-2] to everyone. Who knows who else is worthy...

How to interest a child so that he does not play computer games, PSP and mobile phones day and night? Almost all modern parents face this problem. In the 70-80s there were no computers and mobile phones, but there weren’t many sports and creative sections, and not every parent could afford to participate in them. However, it seems to us that we were completely different children then... more sociable, more open, more independent and purposeful. We...


I'll tell you about my experience. When my son was 4.5 years old, he became interested in computer games. I didn't like it and started looking for an alternative. Board games turned out to be our salvation. I still remember our first 3 games, although now our collection includes about a hundred board games. And the first games were Blocus Duo, Carcassonne Medieval and Royal Mail. Moreover, the last game was bought for adults, and not for my son. This is how a wonderful world opened up before us - the world of board games! The game Carcassonne takes pride of place in it, but this is not surprising, since it is one of the most famous board games in the world. In addition to our son, all our friends and relatives got involved in board games. It's so exciting. When you are alone, you can play a puzzle; when there is a group of children, we play the same games: simple, fun; with adults you can play strategy or detective games. At first we bought games in our stores, then we began to look at foreign ones when we wanted to buy some new product or expansion for a game that we don’t sell.

My son now plays computer games, but without fanaticism. Always prefers them live game and communication. Or maybe play alone for several players at once.

On my blog I talk about some of our games.

Dear friends, today I would like to say a few words about the benefits of real wooden construction sets for the development of children. Unfortunately, time makes its own adjustments, and computer games are becoming increasingly popular, but it is “live” construction that is the most important element in the mental education of a child. The construction of all kinds of buildings and other structures develops spatial thinking in the child, the child compares different details, analyzes, thinks... this is very important. Besides...

The girls, a 5-year-old boy, decided to pick up some interesting and educational computer games for him. I want to try to convince him in favor of playing games on an “adult” computer. There is harm from the computer, which distracts the child from studying. If it weren't for the computer, baby...

Yes - they pull, yes - it hurts. they cry sometimes. and at home he asks - pull me, no, not so much that it hurts (I’m in shock). We bought it, essentially, because our friends have these toys and they have eaten all our bald spots with them. Well, let's go.
The child plays in the morning when the parents are asleep. Not every day. Today, for example, I woke up at 5!!! o'clock in the morning and I hear it beeping. She went, took the toy, and put her to bed. Here. Tomorrow, I think, the battery of the device will run out :) and I will forget to charge it. and I’ll forget :) to do this for a week or so...

The forbidden fruit is especially sweet.
We bought it for our 6 year old son. He doesn’t play it often (he took it with him on vacation, at the airport, on the bus, and a child played it in his room), but he has free access to a computer.
I don’t see anything wrong with PSP, unless the child is myopic. We are farsighted and our doctor recommended both a computer and a psp.

Stretching for children - benefit or harm? Stretching for children - benefit or harm? ...I find it difficult to choose a section. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men.

Stanislav Lem

Games on the Internet

Online games have long been fashionable. Such a game, in principle, comes down to choosing one of many already existing prototype frameworks; players, of whom there may be many (but not too many), can choose for themselves or invent “characters” that appear in the plot, which plays out on the screens of personal monitors. The network itself (the Internet) is simply a system of communication “of all players with all”, but “creatures”, “creatures” can also take part in the game, behind which no human player (moving his alter ego through the network) is standing, since there may also be active subroutines in the network that imitate someone or something.

Internet computer games of this type fundamentally take place in a machine language, chosen to ensure uniformity of situations and agreements that arise. To tell the truth, the prototypes of games are, most likely (judging by their plots), schemes from fantasy, that is, from the field of science fiction, or even simply from fairy tales. Psychosociological analysis shows that one of the dominant features of these games, as it turns out, is ESCAPE from reality. The player can become very involved in the role he himself plays. But since there are many players and within the boundaries of the scheme of this “party-game” everyone behaves as he wants, the remaining players can not only play pranks, but also create serious troubles for which there is no need to answer (in the sense of responsibility for “violation of rights personality"), because everything that happens does not “really” happen. This is the highest - thanks to technological progress, a derivative of simply children's games, in which arbitrary roles are assumed and these roles must be (at least a little) obeyed. The need for such behavior as an escape from reality is well known to various SF “fans” who exchange letters evaluating the texts they read and especially admire. The ranks of “players”, or rather their computer and Internet representatives, are very different, often starting from somewhere “from below”, and then “rising” in their careers, fighting dragons (I don’t know where this general NEED for dragons came from), sometimes ending up to unicorns, witches, wizards, vampires, in order to then get at the “high” level to princes or princesses with whom you can marry, and all this is watched by “magicians”. From my point of view as a fantasy professional, all this seems very naive, primitive and last but not least lacks a truly developed imagination; but what has been said is only an introduction to what may happen in the future.

Games are substitutes for half-condensed, half-concretized dreams or daydreams; It is obvious that players, endowed with a more developed intellect, define for themselves higher goals than the typical goals of most existing games (in addition to capturing the princess, we can also talk about obtaining, as a result of reaching the source of “living water,” immortality, etc. ), can wage wars, unite in coalitions - in a word, imitate not fairy tales, but strategic and political games, but all this can still only happen in machine language, which people use to control computers, although screens can also show outlines of castles, labyrinths, mysterious “force screens”, etc. But in any case, you can refuse the game, and there can be no question of the player, if only he remained the same mentally normal person, who started the game, could not stop the entertainment at any moment, i.e. quit the game. And the fact that not everyone is capable of such a decision is already a feature or vice of human nature, well known to “traditional” or “ordinary” players: in general, everyone tries to continue the game that he voluntarily entered into, be it a game of dice, in cards or horse racing, because not everything is as simple as many people think THE ONLY reason(motivation) to continue the game is the HOPE OF WIN in the form of money.

The player's Internet alter ego may, however, be his "masquerade costume", his "mask". Because the player on the Internet is not required to introduce himself to other participants in the enacted story as a specific person; a girl can act very well both in the role of a man and in the role of a whale or dragon who communicates using human language or "computer translation". This kind of representation, transformation and even division of one character into many others is very possible, although I was fascinated by something completely different when I wrote about “phantomatics” many decades ago.

Touching in any way the existing as well as the future field of “games”, it is necessary to say in general terms what is coming. The path of the next discoveries and inventions of mankind always begins with the simplest, in order to first gradually, and then with increasing acceleration, head towards the heights of constant, tireless complication. And it should also be added that this movement from simple to complex was not and is not the result of individual or collective decisions, but is simply an undeniable effect of the Nature of the World given to us. This is how the ancestors of man already found it in the Eolithic and therefore took up stones as “proto-tools”, like fists, and hundreds of thousands of years of the Paleolithic had to pass before their later descendants climbed to the Neolithic level, and finally we reached the heights with in which you can see the surrounding Cosmos not only as Cosmos, but also pierce it with the first forays of astronauts. This applies to all human achievements without exception - from the raft and galley to tanks and atomic submarines, from medicine as "magical folklore" to modern level medicine and genetic engineering. Complexity is never the goal of our efforts in discovery or invention. Overcoming complexity is the price we pay and will have to pay for “progress,” since the world itself was created this way and given to us this way. Also in the field of computer science, it turned out that the road from mechanical calculations to the “mindless” computer and to its successive increasingly productive generations is quite easy, at least easier to travel than achieving the goal that was seen by the first “fathers of cybernetics”: artificial intelligence, that is, a completely intelligent alter ego of a person, embedded in a dead machine. And the “prakibernetics” of the fifties of the 20th century were not aware of such an elementary thing that if there is a one-horse cart, then the most in a simple way increasing the driving force will not be changing directly into a car, but simply joining another horse, and then a couple more. Something similar happened with our computers: in any case, it is easier to connect “mindless” computers with each other, even if there are millions of them, than to ignite Reason in a super-ultracomputer. But in order to with great success attach the feelings of at least ONE person to an artificial world (or, in my opinion, “phantomatize”) in such a way that this person is unable to distinguish computer-generated artificial reality from the reality of his normal existence, intelligence is needed, because in such a virtual world this person will look not so much for King Kongs or vultures, but simply for OTHER PEOPLE. But there is no question of being able to meet at least one such intelligent (in the sense of the “Turing test”) and at the same time computer-created person. There is simply no computer “prop of the mind” equal to us, nor, a fortiori, one that would be able to create many different quasi-intelligent beings and populate a fictitiously phantomized environment. And since what is already at one’s disposal is usually used, the Internet, as a perfect communication network of computers with very imperfect abilities for real meaningful activity, remains harnessed to both “banking-industrial work” and to the games that people like to play with people .

Those who, after reading my book “The Mystery of the Chinese Room” (Universitas Publishing House, Krakow, 1996) concluded that, according to my axiom, no “artificial intelligence” will NEVER arise are catastrophically mistaken. I just presented the reasons why such a synthesis is impossible TODAY and in the near future. At the same time, I have written about the future of “intelligent intelligence” more than once, and not everyone (including philosophers, but not in our country) who read my book “Golem XIV” concluded that I look at this matter as to the pure fruit of an unrealized fantasy.

I am reluctant to quote authorities, but may I be allowed to note as an exception that in an interview recently given to the magazine Der Spiegel (in connection with the alleged traces of life in a Martian meteorite), Manfred Eigen said that science should never talk about inevitable impossibility. It is clear that if a hundred years ago I spoke about the impossibility space flights, while air travel was still in its infancy, I would not like to claim anything about the end of the 20th century. I can only point out that I only noted the individual mental and social threats that could follow from the spread of phantomatization technologies from the book “Sum of Technology”. I myself did not want to get too far ahead, at a time when separate worlds of individuals formed by software will be able to connect and through this a fictitious, significant in its illusory space will arise, and such monsters, harems, creatures, such orgies will begin to rage in it and Satanisms, which people who are completely free from the social pressure of traditions, faith, rights, family ties and customs will really like, but if I touched on such issues, it was deliberately in innocent clothes (as, say, in “The Tale of Three Machines” King Genialon" in the volume "Cyberiad").

I did not want to go into the future sinful debauchery of the human race also because an abundance of debauchery is already present and its proliferation in the field of literature, which is called “art,” I considered disgusting. So, getting back to the point, I say that Internet games are still at the stage of innocence, despite the very big troubles that players of both sexes can encounter in these games. Generally speaking, this is innocent, little harmful (although not completely), but, however, already in some universities there are bans on participating, if not in all games, then at least in some. Probably, at this point it is worth “consciously” adding that if it is possible to appoint a phantom illusion of machine intelligence (let’s say some kind of “Golem”) as the head and conductor of destinies in states, then it will already be possible for the simultaneous CREATION by this “Creator from the machine” " (Deus ex machina) of all kinds of creatures and creations that have no correspondence in the real world, and at the same time the consequence will be that a person, thanks to connection to a phantomatizer, entering the world created by him, will not be able to distinguish such creatures in any way , such creatures, such creatures behind which there is (hides) another PERSON, from those that appear as a result of the working activity of the MACHINE itself. Isn’t it true, here it’s already starting to smell like the brimstone of hell, because from players, as from people, we can still expect some kind of syntony, moderation, but not from a MACHINE...

We are lucky that we have not come that far yet. Here I will name not the only one, probably, but one of many reasons why investments in the Internet and similar computer networks are incomparably higher and more widespread than in work on creating Artificial Intelligence. The motivation for the investment difference is trivially obvious: Capital - and this is true - expected and still expects a lot from networks, and artificial Intelligence is some kind of gift that is not very expected and is not very willingly accepted. As the philosopher says, “discussive Reason comes from the devil.” I don’t know whether capital (especially large capital) could have any benefit from an independent Artificial Intelligence (translated into income, of course). In the story “Golem XIV,” the motivation for building a supercomputer was given to me by the global conflict between East and West, in the spirit of the Cold War: “The Golem had to arise supposedly so that the United States could have a Super Strategist.” Along with the fall of the Soviet Union, this motivation disappeared, and now the funds intended for Artificial Intelligence again turned out to be very modest, because NONE of the greats of this world wants too Wise Intelligence for themselves, and especially politicians, who will always openly or secretly fear that, for example, in democratic states, such a mind will “lead” the electorate, and in non-democratic states it can either multiply dictatorships thanks to its resourcefulness, or crush religious fundamentalisms: such a mind may turn out to be a complete atheist and so insidious that it wants to occupy (or rather - adopt) the positions of the Lord God. What I said in the last sentences is already an assumption for which I would not like to expose my life. In conclusion, I want to conclude these remarks about INTERNET GAMES, which are approaching the end and quite innocent at the beginning, to expand the field of vision (or more precisely, observation) of our episteme with such a generalizing statement.

The cognitive and inventive acceleration that has accompanied human history in the last 18,000-20,000 years is an indisputable fact. We are in general education, in high school, everywhere they studied the course of history in a completely different order (just look at any World History textbook to see this). Marx said something about the significance of class changes caused by a change in the tools of labor, but he very quickly moved into his utopia, which turned out to be disastrous. The next fact is that with the passage of history, everything, both the product of invention (instrumental) and the product of discovery (laws of nature), becomes more and more complex with increasing acceleration. I suggest that this “complication”, which sets itself in motion (not without the additional efforts of an increasing number of people and, as a result, scientists), is a significant motive in the unification tendencies, especially inherent in physics under the guise of hope for GUT - Grand Unified Theory. Since we already have too many specialized branches and directions in knowledge (in science).

All the same, the slogan “Set high goals for yourself, and they will give you great strength, and not vice versa” does not guarantee universal effectiveness. So far, there are no obvious symptoms of the combination of the effects of individual cognitive sciences: the only thing that is clearly noticeable is the flight from the sciences, even where they are diligently taught and learned. In fact, the tendency to escape from the world that is given to us in reality can be very easily understood. Everything that happens in Internet games is usually never destroyed by unexpected explosions of terrorist bombs: I don’t know if there are games based on the “laws of catastrophes and misfortunes,” but if there are already games based on various orgistic “exploits,” then it’s not far from those first ones. It seems to me that this essay reveals a hostility towards Internet games, and I could, if there was such a need, accurately highlight it. First of all because real life is quite rich in events and incidents, so it’s simply not worth running away to some fabulous “Nowhere”. Secondly, because no form of escape is a virtue and usually ends in awakenings to an unsympathetic reality. And, finally, because without the help of Internet games, computers, partners, I could “think into myself” such large number worlds, which I would need. Because this is precisely what the writing of works containing literary fiction is based on. Games on the Internet are only their shadows, however, you can get their original substitutes for yourself simply by seeing them in a dream. On this road, however, there is one obstacle: we do not know how (probably in general) to see in a dream what we would like to see, and this is almost the only advantage network games over sleep. Dreams indistinguishable from reality, dreams subject to phantomatization programs, beautiful dreams, menacing, unusual, free from “princesses and knights,” that is, from actual cheapness, will appear sooner or later, because, as I have already repeated x times, technology - this is an independent variable of our civilization: nothing but global destruction will hold back its untwisted mechanisms. Its movement, in essence, does not depend either on our intentions and hopes, or on our efforts. This movement is inherent in the very nature of the world, and the fact that from the ripening fruits of the Tree of Technology we most willingly and most diligently squeeze out poisons for ourselves and for other people, this is no longer the “fault” of the world. Neither in games nor in reality will people be able to relieve themselves of guilt.

Written in August 1996.

The age of information technology has had a strong impact on all areas of human activity. In particular, information technology has improved and made work, learning and entertainment easier. New opportunities have also become available in the process of raising children. Many educational, educational and entertaining games can be obtained with Internet access.

Many parents are wary of new technologies. It would seem, why use a computer in the process of child development if you can use the old antiquated methods that have been effective for many years. Before completely abandoning new technologies, you should carefully study all their advantages and disadvantages.

Computer games can harm a child if:

Spending too much time on them;

They have inappropriate themes for children.

To protect your child from the negative influence of games and get only the benefits, you need to check them and limit the time spent on the computer. For small children, 10 minutes a day will be enough. Gradually, the time can be increased by 5 minutes, while taking breaks between games, but it should not exceed two hours.

If you don't follow these tips, your computer can actually cause harm, just like any other item or activity if used excessively or incorrectly.

For some reason, everyone talks about the dangers of spending time at the computer, but there are also many advantages. Let's take a closer look at them.

American scientists conducted an experiment on children with dyslexia (difficulties in mastering reading and writing skills). They invited one group of children to play action games. The results showed that children who played began to read faster. Scientists explained this by the fact that during the game the player needs to be very attentive. Improved attention improves reading skills.

As surprising as this may sound, scientists have been able to prove that people who play have much better vision. In addition, people playing are able to simultaneously monitor five objects. By the way, ordinary person can only monitor three at a time. The speed of visual processing has also improved.

There are a lot of dress up, makeup and hairdressing games in the catalogs of online games. Girls can meet their favorite dolls, fairy-tale heroines, cartoon heroines, celebrities and ordinary girls in them. A large selection of clothes, hairstyles and makeup allows you to experiment a lot. Girls will learn to create beautiful images, and most importantly, their mother’s clothes and cosmetics will remain untouched.

Memory games are great for improving memory. They may have different game mechanics, but the main task is to repeat what you saw or heard. A wide variety of such games will allow you to set a new task for your child every time.

This is facilitated by various coloring books, musical games and alterations. The kid can decorate beautiful picture, and if he makes a mistake with the colors, you can always apply a new color without any problems. Musical games in which you need to repeat a melody will help you develop your ear for music. Some even allow you to create your own music. Makeover games will offer the player to decorate something to their liking or, for example, create the interior of a room.

There are a number of games aimed at learning something. They are designed specifically for young children and effectively help them learn the alphabet and numbers, teach them to read and count, and introduce them to foreign languages. They will present knowledge in a fun, interesting and simple form and give you a pleasant pastime. Thanks to them, you can prepare your child for school.

You've probably noticed more than once that work allows you to forget about pain for a while. A person focuses on the process he is performing and forgets about everything else. Computer games immerse children in gameplay, thereby allowing him to forget about the pain.

By playing computer games, children will learn to make independent decisions, assess the situation and solve logical problems. They will be able to try themselves in different professions, identify their talents and get acquainted with new objects, phenomena and activities. A wide variety of online games on the Internet allows you to choose the ones that are right for your child, as well as play something new every time.

Considering all the benefits of games, we can conclude that they will be an excellent assistant in the development of a child. You can safely use them, but do not forget about limiting time and carefully selecting games with a theme suitable for the child. Don't be afraid to try something new!

  • Child and computer game
  • Press buttons or take actions?
  • How to protect your child from the computer?

What is the virtual world? What are the consequences of a child becoming interested in a computer game? A practicing psychologist-educator compares computer games with role-playing games.

Child and computer game

Some will immediately speak out in favor, appealing to the fact that computer games contribute to the development of the child. However, the “developmental nature” of computer games is another myth. What do these games develop? Reaction speed, attention? Yes. What does this have to do with the goals of education? Of course, if we reduce education to the development of mental processes, then the computer is quite conducive to this. Then don’t complain if you end up with a corresponding “product” with a developed reaction rate. If the goal of education is understood as cultivating mental maturity, then what does reaction speed have to do with it?

This is, of course, not about the harm of a computer, which is really necessary in our lives. No, we are talking about abuse, about turning a tool, a technical means, into an object of dependence and addiction.

Dependence on any object of passion (in particular, a computer) is called additive syndrome. I will not dwell on clinical cases of computer addiction (deterioration of vision, general physical development, vegetative-vascular dystonia). By the way, there is a known case of a stroke and death of a 12-year-old boy who overplayed the computer, and in China a clinic has even been created to treat computer addiction. Let's talk about the psychological features of this phenomenon. To do this, let’s compare computer games with role-playing games for children.

Press buttons or take actions?

In a role-playing game, the child imagines a situation and acts it out. The role unfolds as the embodiment of the child’s ideal ideas. This is how the ideal, or inner, world of a person develops - the ability to set goals (a goal is an ideal image of the future), plan, imagine the course of the game and plot situations. But the main thing in the game is that the child takes actions to materially realize his plans. This is an act of creation! The described abilities determine the subsequent development of the child, not to mention the fact that it is in the game that skills of human communication, mutual understanding, concessions, the ability to resolve conflict situations, etc. are developed.

What is the virtual world? How does it differ from the world of role-playing games, where ideal images are transformed into material actions and deeds?

The virtual world is also a world of images. However, virtual images are not created by the child himself, but are given (or imposed) from the outside. Consequently, they do not need to be conceived, depicted, or implemented. In the virtual world this does not exist - there are no actions for material embodiment. But there is an illusion of omnipotence, when you just press a button and you can “do”, “accomplish”, “win”, etc.

The fact is that images as products of imagination arise as a result of independent activity, i.e. are created themselves: defined a goal, conceived a plan of action, and implemented it. Their implementation is carried out independently and requires effort, diligence, creativity, and the ability to relate one’s actions to the actions of others. These images always correspond to the desires and capabilities of the child.

In the virtual world, images do not need to be born; they are already ready and may not correspond to the child, his characteristics, age, etc. Virtual images do not need to be embodied, they can only be manipulated! By the way, manipulation is a characteristic property of someone who wants to rule and subordinate the will of others to his will. And children successfully learn this by playing “harmless” computer games.

The peculiarity of virtual images is their attractiveness - brightness and dynamism, which excite the child and create addiction. Even if these are harmless household games, where by pressing buttons you can prepare dinner: take a grater and a carrot and “grate” it on the screen. All this, unfortunately, does not develop hard work and motor skills, does not replace real help to the mother or the game of daughter-mother, where the “mother” not only cooks dinner, but also takes care of the “children.”

The child learns to press buttons rather than perform actions. Living reality is being replaced. This can slow down and even suppress the development of role-playing games. A child who has not mastered role-play may subsequently experience various communication problems.

How to protect your child from the computer?

A desperate reader might say that we live in a time when it is difficult to keep a child away from the computer. It's difficult, but possible - under certain conditions.

  1. If parents unanimously understand the consequences of this hobby.
  2. If there is an understanding that a computer is, of course, a very convenient thing, but it is still better that it serves us, and not we serve it.
  3. If there is an alternative in the form of a full, healthy, active family life, where they try to live in an atmosphere of warmth, mutual understanding and spiritual unity.

Do not sit your child down playing computer games, no matter how “good” they may be, no matter how much your child asks you to do so. The computer can supplant role-playing games, in which communication skills, mutual understanding, and much more are formed, which the computer itself cannot provide.

Some of the most natural, organic nature of children are games with natural materials, simple productive activities: modeling, drawing, appliqué, needlework, making crafts. How much joy a child can get from this! And this joy of creativity, creation makes him a creator. By connecting with nature through sticks, twigs, cones, sand, clay, the child receives the strength and energy of life itself - something that he does not receive from interacting with dead computer images.

I recently visited a young couple raising a three and a half year old son. The picture is typical: parents are busy with work, housework, and other everyday problems. The child needs to be occupied or “neutralized.” They turn on the TV, where drawn figures flash, where screams and music come from. It is convenient for parents, since they know for sure that the child is securely “chained”: he will not disturb them with questions, fussing - and there is no need to clean up later (there is so much garbage from natural materials!).

About 40 minutes pass, the child gets tired of the TV, he pulls out a toy train with a carriage and driver from the box and starts rolling. However, the television action does not stop and demands attention. The child is faced with a choice: he has not yet let go of the locomotive, but the TV “snatches” the child from the play situation and forces him to stare blankly at the moving pictures.

Parents do not understand at all the meaning of this everyday, familiar situation, they do not understand what is bad in the fact that the child in “horse” doses takes unknown content of products that become part of his inner world and displaces much of what he should be doing .

I think that if the mother did not turn on the TV, but put pencils, an album or a coloring book, or plasticine, or a set of undefined objects, or a construction set, or toys for a story game in front of the child (you can add to the list yourself), then thereby it would unwittingly create the conditions for the emergence of play or productive activities. This would give impetus to the development of motor skills, ingenuity, cognitive interest, will, the ability to set goals and plan - i.e. development of all skills and abilities necessary for a full life.

Before you put your child in front of a computer or TV, think: will it displace the game and create an addiction? It educates everything that surrounds the child: people, toys, lifestyle, behavior and actions. This process is invisible and lengthy, but the result is visible and serious.


What's the point of this article? Few people want their child to play. How to save it? Practical advice 0. Try to go out into the real world, fellow practicing psychologist! All children have mobile phones... They play with them non-stop. How to deal with this?

01/06/2018 15:02:22, DenisAz

There are benefits from playing on a computer; no matter what games he plays, the child develops logic (in order to complete something, you need to think about how to do it), hand motor skills (press keys), learn spelling (when something needs to be written, he types it on his own). words on the keyboard and corrects them if they are incorrect), thereby the eyes gradually remember the correct spelling of different words. The main thing is not to allow you to sit near the computer for a long time.

To protect the user from electromagnetic radiation, computers and other modern devices (flat-panel TVs, etc.) require grounding at outlets. Without grounding, safe health standards are violated.
The correct indoor temperature for human health is also necessary: ​​22 degrees Celsius.

01/24/2014 13:20:32, Nick14

I believe that all computer games and, in general, all interactions between a child and a computer cannot be rated “with the same brush.” There are useful games, in addition, there are games that develop in our children not only reaction, but also creativity, holding competitions in which children must draw, compose or do something with their own hands. I think the author of the article did not study the issue, but was content with generally accepted clichés.

I believe that all computer games and, in general, all interactions between a child and a computer cannot be rated “with the same brush.” There are useful games, in addition, there are games that develop in our children not only reaction, but also creativity, holding competitions in which children must draw, compose or make something with their own hands. I think the author of the article did not study the issue and was content with generally accepted clichés.

The article is useless. We started with a computer and ended with a TV, but I thought it would be about computer games. Not specifically, what is bad and what is good about computer games. No specific advice. And then there are educational games and presentations. And there is no need to stupidly press a button, you have to think. For example, my eldest daughter enjoys watching presentations on the computer, playing games (for a short time, 15 minutes a day), drawing, sculpting from plasticine, playing role-playing games, reading books and watching cartoons. And all with pleasure. I don’t see any harm from TV and computers, everything is useful and harmonious.

It seems to me that access to computer games and cartoons should be given only after the child has OTHER real hobbies. So that TV and computers are just “one of”, and not the only desired form of leisure. Timing is individual, depends on the child)

Comment on the article “Computer games for children: benefit or harm?”

There is nothing more important and dearer than the health of our children. You can’t buy it with money and you can’t replace it like a used battery. It is very important to understand which organs and systems of the baby are affected by the computer. And take measures to prevent this from happening.

Impact on children's health

  1. Vision.

The eyes are the first to suffer. They are in constant voltage. When you stay at the monitor for a long time, symptoms such as double vision, temporary myopia, dryness and burning occur. Children's eyes quickly get tired due to their immaturity.

My vision is deteriorating and I will soon have to wear glasses. Most often, children play on a laptop or tablet while lying on the sofa, which increases eye strain. In recent years, according to statistical data, myopia (myopia) is twice as common among first-graders. This indicates the harmful effects of computers on vision.

  1. Posture.

The computer also harms children’s posture. As a rule, the place for playing or studying at the computer is not equipped for the height of the child. For example, he plays on a laptop, sitting on the sofa, on the floor, lounging on an armchair.

The back is in the wrong position. The child slouches or cranes his neck too much because he cannot see the image. Over time, this leads to curvature of the spine. There are complaints of pain in the head and back.

  1. Nervous system.

A weak, not yet fully formed nervous system in children malfunctions during prolonged contact with a computer. This is manifested by increased excitability, bad sleep, sudden change of mood.

Attentiveness decreases, unmotivated aggression appears. Subsequently, children develop computer addiction. Apart from his favorite “toy”, a dependent child no longer cares about anything.

Signs of computer addiction in children

  • the real world is replaced by a virtual one;
  • are lost communication skills. It’s easier to find friends on the Internet than in person;
  • achievements in real life are replaced by passing a level of a game;
  • the desire to go out somewhere or do anything disappears;
  • contacts with other people are avoided;
  • appetite decreases;
  • sleep deteriorates;
  • studies and household responsibilities are ignored;
  • Aggression manifests itself in response to any attempt to limit contact with the computer.

This condition requires medical intervention. It is already difficult for parents to cope alone.

At what age can you play on the computer?

Children and computers are a much discussed topic. It is believed that the later a child gets acquainted with an electronic computer, the better. But you also need to consider the benefits of a computer.

When the baby is very small and is just beginning to explore the world, he is interested in watching funny pictures on the monitor and pressing keys.

At this age, the words “impossible” or “enough” cannot be explained. Trying to get them away from the computer will end in crying and hysterics. The benefit of this is doubtful.

It is preferable for children to start mastering a computer no earlier than 3 to 4 years old. They already understand the word “impossible.” And you can agree on a time with him.

Psychologists have come up with a formula. With its help, the approximate time that the baby can spend at the computer without harm to health:

Age × 3 = number of minutes allowed. Next, the received minutes × 3 = rest time.

Example. The baby is 5 years old. 5 × 3 = 15 minutes – game on the computer. 15 × 3 = 45 minutes – rest.

Selection of computer games

The computer gaming industry does not stand still. New games are released regularly, and each is better than the other. Quite a lot good games, which help children develop memory, logic, and thinking. Also, some games allow natural talents to reveal themselves and allow you to learn a lot of new, interesting and useful things.

The main thing is an individual approach, which takes into account the character and interests of the little “gamer”. In addition to the benefits, there are also harms from computer games. It manifests itself in strong passion, which ultimately leads to addiction to computer games.

Children cease to control the time they spend at the computer and forget about everything in the world. The result is overwork, memory loss, and problems at school.

Be sure to watch the presentation for the game you are going to buy. Make sure there is no violence, excessive gore, or erotic scenes. A game that is incorrectly selected for the temperament of a young user will quickly overtire him and put strong pressure on his psyche.

There are very susceptible children. They often transfer their impressions into the real world. This can manifest itself as aggression towards other people, fears, nightmares at night, and isolation.

Preventing computer harm

  • organizing a place for children to play computer;
  • correct position: back straight, elbows and knees at an angle of 90°. The distance from the eyes to the monitor is at least 70 cm;
  • good and correct lighting;
  • exercise after being at the computer with the obligatory performance of special exercises for the eyes;
  • limiting computer use time depending on age;
  • careful selection of games, taking into account the individual characteristics of children;
  • control over the sites that the child visits using special programs.

How to replace a computer?

Many parents are only happy about the advent of computers. After all, this is another way to captivate your child and mind his own business. But for those who know about the dangers of a computer and want to spend more time with children, this information will be useful.

How to diversify your leisure time?

  • use educational and board games;
  • show your imagination and come up with games with safe objects that you have at home;
  • walks in the fresh air. It’s better to invite other children for a walk or meet them on the street;
  • attend educational clubs and sports sections;
  • reading books together, learning poems and songs, listening to music;
  • doing handicrafts or other creative activities.

And this is not the entire list. You can do anything with your child. The main thing is to find time and desire.

We live in an era of developed information technologies. Without computer knowledge to modern man it will be difficult. We should be calm about the fact that our children will sooner or later master this “miracle machine.” This will help them in their studies and in finding a good job.

The main thing is to remember the harm that a computer can cause if you do not follow basic rules use.

Computer games have firmly entered our lives, taking an honorable place as a leader among the many ways to organize youth recreation. Virtual reality beckons limitless possibilities, and the computer entertainment industry every year presents gamers with more and more new games that are simply impossible to refuse.

However, everyone around is talking about the dangers of computer games - and the issue of gaming addiction is especially worrying for parents whose children spend all their time free time at the monitor. What are the dangers of computer games and can they be useful?

The harm of computer games

The most main danger, which computer games represent, is the emergence of gaming addiction. This is a real mental disorder that requires the help of a qualified doctor and the support of family and friends.

A person who has become addicted to computer games literally lives in virtual reality, only occasionally going offline. The extreme degree of gaming addiction is when a gambler loses his appetite (he does not want to leave the games even to eat) and sleep (he regrets time for rest and even in his sleep continues to conquer worlds and kill enemies). The worst thing about this addiction is that it usually begins quite harmlessly, without arousing suspicion from loved ones. This is why it is so difficult to fight gambling addiction - when it becomes obvious, it is impossible to easily pull the gambling addict out of its tentacles.

The harm of computer games is especially noticeable for children, among whom teenagers are a particular risk group. Their fragile psyche succumbs to the negative influence of games in a matter of days, and parents face the acute problem of how to tear their child away from the computer. In addition, children, unlike adults, do not know when to stop and have a worse sense of time - it seems to them that they spent only a few minutes at the computer, while several hours have already passed.

However, the harm of computer games also affects adults. And if a teenager can and should have an adult next to him who is obliged to pull him out of gaming addiction, then few people watch over the adult gamer. By the way, computer games, along with drunkenness and infidelity, are becoming one of the most popular causes of divorce in young families. Well, what kind of wife would like a husband who spends all his free time not with his family, but surrounded by virtual robots, zombies and killers? In addition, over time, the gamer becomes inattentive, absent-minded, has problems with his work, and ignores his responsibilities. Gambling addiction causes family breakdown, problems at work, leads to depression and loneliness.

Many gamers go further and are willing to spend money to take advantage of paid services in online games. To become the strongest and coolest in a few minutes, without “pumping up” your hero for several months - well, who doesn’t dream about this? And the creators of online games “helpfully” give players this opportunity. Of course, not for free. And since everything is not limited to one game, money slowly begins to flee from the family, the gamer eventually gets into debt, real life begins to resemble a living hell, but in virtual life he is a king, a god and a superhero. This is the price of gambling addiction.

Speaking about the dangers of computer games for children and adults, it is worth noting that various shooting games, adventure games, flying games and racing games pose a particular danger in this regard.

What are the dangers of computer shooting games? This is the most dangerous type of games, since the gaming addiction caused by them is accompanied by aggressiveness and bitterness. And no wonder - spending hours shooting people in the virtual world is unlikely to make you a kind-hearted person.

Action games, flying games and racing games are also harmful; although they are not characterized by aggression, they require increased attention, are addictive, and are difficult to put down. Of course, it seems completely impossible for a gamer to press pause during the next race or passage of a maze.

And, of course, online computer games are dangerous in terms of the above-mentioned material waste.

In addition, constant sitting in front of a computer can cause negative consequences: vision will deteriorate, problems will arise with overweight and musculoskeletal system, numbness of the hands.

The benefits of computer games

Do you still believe, after everything you’ve read, that computer games can be beneficial? It turns out that it really can be!

First of all, you should pay attention to the types of computer games that contribute to the development of intelligence, logic, attention, memory and other qualities. These are various logic games, puzzles, rebuses. A special place Among such games are strategies. Such games do not require increased attention, speed, or eye strain. They are measured and designed for long periods of time. They can be interrupted at any time without the risk of being killed or eaten.

There are a number of educational computer games for the youngest children from 3 to 5 years old. They will teach your child letters and numbers, introduce him to the world of animals and plants, have a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional sphere, and contribute to the development of hand motor skills (manipulation with a joystick, mouse and keyboard), visual memory, and ear for music.

The benefits of computer games for younger schoolchildren are also obvious - many educational games have been developed for them that will help deepen their knowledge in a particular area and teach them how to act in different situations, will contribute to the formation of perseverance, concentration, and attentiveness.

With the help of computer games you can unobtrusively teach your child foreign languages, improve his knowledge on a particular subject, develop “lame” qualities and abilities. Of course, the computer should not become the only source of development for your child - books, educational board games, construction sets, puzzles and, of course, parental attention and affection as an integral companion to all activities remain relevant.

That is why the direct responsibility of parents is not to prohibit the child from interacting with the computer, thereby causing resentment and aggression, provoking him to run away to Internet clubs (where, of course, no one will offer him educational games, but will load him with shooters and adventure games), but to select the most optimal for him, options for computer games, draw up a lesson plan for them, allow him to play “harmful” shooting games for a certain time limit, encourage the child to relax not only in the virtual world, but also in the real world.

Yes, and for an adult there are benefits of computer games, “consumed” in moderation. This good way relax after a hard day at work, take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, “use your brain.” As in the case of children, the type of game is important here (what kind of rest and relaxation is there in another shooting game?) and the time devoted to it. From 1-2 hours a day spent in computer worlds, nothing bad will happen.

What do we have in the end? As it turned out, it all comes down to a sense of proportion and the type of game. Virtual reality should not occupy all of a person’s free time; it also should not provoke him to cruelty, develop aggression and bitterness in him. This should just be one of the leisure options, along with playing sports, walking in the fresh air, reading books, watching movies, meeting friends...

If you realize that you are deprived of all of the above, and only games are left in your life, fight it urgently! Or better yet, simply avoid such a situation. Life is so beautiful and varied - and it would be so stupid to spend it all sitting in front of a monitor screen.