Air pressure on the ground. What is normal atmospheric pressure for humans

Changes in atmospheric pressure affect the human body significant influence. Deviations upward or downward disrupt the normal functioning of some systems and organs.

This causes a deterioration in overall health and makes it necessary to seek help from medications. This reaction of the body is known as meteorological dependence.

The influence of atmospheric pressure on blood pressure person is accompanied by a complex of negative symptoms that appear not only in hypotensive or hypertensive patients, but also in healthy people.

General information

Atmospheric pressure depends on the force with which the gas shell surrounding it presses on the Earth.

The optimal pressure value at which a person does not experience discomfort is considered to be 760 mm mercury. A change up or down of just 10 mm has negative impact for your well-being.

Patients with diseases of the heart, blood vessels and circulatory system react with particular severity to changes in pressure in the atmosphere. A special category includes people with high meteorological sensitivity.

The relationship between the ratio of mercury pressure and deterioration in health can be traced during weather changes that occur as a result of the displacement of one atmospheric layer by another - a cyclone or anticyclone.

What happens in nature

Atmospheric pressure depends on factors such as location relative to sea level and the typical air temperature for a given area.

The difference in temperature indicators determines the predominance of low or high values pressure air masses, which causes the presence of peculiar atmospheric belts.

Warm latitudes are characterized by the formation of light air masses that rise upward under the influence of high temperature. This is how cyclones are formed that carry low atmospheric pressure.

Heavy air predominates in the cold zone. It falls down, resulting in the formation of an anticyclone, high atmospheric pressure.

Other factors

Atmospheric pressure largely depends on the changing seasons. In summer it is characterized by low values, in winter it reaches maximum values.

When stable weather is established, the human body adapts to the existing atmospheric regime and does not experience discomfort.

Deterioration of health is observed during periods of displacement of a cyclone or anticyclone. This is especially acute when they change frequently, when the body does not have time to adapt to the change. weather conditions.

Atmospheric fluctuations are also observed during the day. In the morning and evening hours, blood pressure is high. After lunch and at midnight it decreases.

Doctors note the following relationship: if the weather is stable, there are fewer patients complaining of poor health than if the weather changes abruptly.

Impact of low performance

At low atmospheric pressure, accompanied by a large number precipitation and gloomy weather, deterioration of the condition is observed in people with low blood pressure - hypotension.

They are sensitive to this condition environment. They experience a drop in blood pressure, a decrease in vascular tone and an exacerbation of symptoms characteristic of hypotension. Among them:

  • oxygen starvation;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • flickering “flies” in the eyes;
  • nausea.

Some even experience fainting and loss of consciousness. Such manifestations need urgent correction. To provide first aid, blood pressure stabilizing agents are used.

  • take a tablet of Citramon, Farmadol;
  • drink a cup of strong tea or coffee;
  • take 30-35 drops of pharmaceutical tincture of Ginseng, Schisandra, this has a beneficial effect.

How does an anticyclone affect health?

High atmospheric pressure is accompanied by dry, cloudless weather. Persons suffering from hypertension are more sensitive to the anticyclone.

Deterioration in well-being leads to the appearance of symptoms such as:

  • a sharp increase in pressure;
  • pain and heaviness in the heart area;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • rapid pulse;
  • tinnitus;
  • increased anxiety;
  • weakness.

These symptoms may indicate a serious threat to the patient's health. They indicate a condition characteristic of a hypertensive crisis.

If you have high blood pressure, which is associated with weather conditions, it is recommended to take blood pressure lowering medications, previously recommended by your doctor, and sedatives.

If such measures do not bring relief, you should consult a doctor. Such symptoms should not be ignored, as they pose a serious threat to health and life.

Reaction of healthy people

The negative impact of atmospheric fluctuations is felt not only by those exposed to fluctuations in blood pressure. There is a category of people who react to pressure surges in the layers of the atmosphere who do not suffer from hypotension or hypertension.

A change in climate also significantly affects their well-being. This category includes people with a high degree of sensitivity.

A weather-dependent person exhibits symptoms similar to those of hypertensive patients. The dominant symptom is intense headache.

Causes of meteorological dependence

The absence of blood pressure deviations from the norm (120/80) in healthy people does not guarantee good condition during a change in atmospheric pressure. It happens that it negatively affects their well-being.

Adaptation to its changes in many people is accompanied by the appearance of negative signs. The main reason This phenomenon results in a predisposition to hypersensitivity, called atmospheric pressure dependence.

The thyroid gland plays a significant role in the body’s adaptation to frequent changes in weather conditions. As a response to high blood pressure in the atmosphere and hyperthyroidism, blood pressure increases. Feedback observed in hypothyroidism, blood pressure decreases.

This leads to the conclusion: dysfunction of the thyroid gland is a significant factor in the manifestation of meteodependence.

Who's at risk

The manifestation of the body’s reaction to weather factors is typical for many categories of people:

  1. People over 40 years of age are most susceptible to weather dependence.
  2. Patients with weakened immunity, impaired activity nervous system and thyroid gland.
  3. Emotional natures.
  4. People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD).
  5. Lack of required level physical activity leads to a weakening of vascular tone and, as a result, provokes poor health with increased or decreased atmospheric parameters.

Depression, neuroses and stress significantly increase the risk of negative symptoms due to changes in atmospheric factors.

Not in the best possible way The lack of vitamins, poor nutrition, deprived of the required amount of important microelements and the infatuation with fashionable starvation diets affect the human condition during the period of change of cyclones and anticyclones.

How to cure weather addiction

It is not possible to answer this question unambiguously. The treatment process is quite complex, and the result is unstable. This is explained by a large number of reasons that can provoke high sensitivity to changes in atmospheric pressure.

To alleviate the severity of symptoms, the following treatment methods are used:

  1. Regular intake during the off-season vitamin complexes and drugs that strengthen the immune system.
  2. Hypo- and hypertensive manifestations are corrected using the right approach to nutrition, physical activity and proper rest.
  3. The use of sedatives is recommended. In case of serious deviations in blood pressure, especially towards higher values, the therapist prescribes drugs that reduce it. The treatment regimen in this case involves constant use medicines regardless of the patient's condition.

There are no universal medications for weather dependence. Treatment involves an individual approach in each specific case.

You should not try to deal with the problem yourself. This approach will mask the symptoms, but will not eliminate the cause of meteosensitivity.

The number of weather-sensitive people is growing all the time. The height of the mercury column now predicts how the day will go, what mood and well-being a person will have. But initially it was believed that atmospheric pressure only affects the weather. Let's figure out what low and high atmospheric pressure is, and whether it can really affect our lives so much.

What is atmospheric pressure

If you take general definition, then this is a value that shows the force with which the air column presses, starting from the upper boundary of the atmospheric layer, onto the earth's or water surface.

Above 762 mm Hg is high atmospheric pressure, and below 758 mm, respectively, the maximum pressure at sea level is 808.7 mm and the minimum is 684 mm.

What does atmospheric pressure depend on?

First of all, the pressure changes due to uneven heating of the air above the Features of landscape zones, the rotation of the Earth, the difference in heat capacity and reflectivity of water and earth's surface- all this has an impact in this case. As a result, cyclones and anticyclones are formed, which shape the weather.

Cyclones are relatively fast-moving vortices with low atmospheric pressure. In summer they bring rain and coolness, in winter - snow and thaw, but always strong winds and cloudy weather.

Anticyclones are slow-moving areas characterized by high atmospheric pressure. In summer they create hot, windless weather, and in winter - frosty and clear.

On a planetary scale, atmospheric pressure varies uniformly from the equator to the poles. The area itself low pressure- this is the area of ​​the equator and 60-65 degrees south and northern latitude. And the highest is 30-35 degrees latitude and both poles. In addition, persistent high atmospheric pressure occurs over cold continents every winter.

Atmospheric pressure also changes depending on the time of day. Its peaks occur at 9-10 o'clock and 21-22 o'clock, and its declines occur at 3-4 o'clock in the morning and 15-16 o'clock.

They may experience chest pain, surges in blood pressure, exacerbation of angina, migraine, and tachycardia.

What will help with high atmospheric pressure

If weather forecasters predict the onset of an anticyclone and an increase in pressure, then weather-sensitive people should prepare in advance - try to reduce physical activity and consult your doctor to prescribe special medicines.

High atmospheric pressure very often entails prolonged heat. And air temperature affects health several times more than pressure. Therefore, it is better to take care of yourself and try not to go outside again, while the apartment should have comfortable temperature.

In any case, there is no need to panic to avoid the effect of self-hypnosis. An interesting fact is that people who use elevators are exposed to changes in atmospheric pressure several times a day, but their health does not suffer from this simply because the elevator is a common occurrence. Take care of yourself!


Variability and influence on weather

On the earth's surface, atmospheric pressure varies from place to place and over time. Particularly important are non-periodic changes in atmospheric pressure that determine the weather, associated with the emergence, development and destruction of slow-moving regions high pressure(anticyclones) and relatively fast moving huge eddies (cyclones), in which low pressure prevails. Fluctuations in atmospheric pressure at sea level have been noted within 641 - 816 mmHg Art. (inside the tornado the pressure drops and can reach 560 mmHg).

Atmospheric pressure decreases as altitude increases, since it is created only by the overlying layer of the atmosphere. The dependence of pressure on height is described by the so-called. barometric formula.

See also



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Air, surrounding the Earth, has mass, and despite the fact that the mass of the atmosphere is approximately a million times less than the mass of the Earth ( total mass atmosphere is 5.2 * 10 21 g, and 1 m 3 of air at the earth's surface weighs 1.033 kg), this mass of air exerts pressure on all objects located on the earth's surface. The force with which air presses on the earth's surface is called atmospheric pressure.

A column of air weighing 15 tons presses on each of us. Such pressure can crush all living things. Why don't we feel it? This is explained by the fact that the pressure inside our body is equal to atmospheric pressure.

In this way, internal and external pressures are balanced.


Atmospheric pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). To determine it, they use a special device - a barometer (from the Greek baros - heaviness, weight and metreo - I measure). There are mercury and liquid-free barometers.

Liquidless barometers are called aneroid barometers(from Greek a - negative particle, nerys - water, i.e. acting without the help of liquid) (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Aneroid barometer: 1 — metal box; 2 - spring; 3 — transmission mechanism; 4 — pointer arrow; 5 - scale

Normal atmospheric pressure

Normal atmospheric pressure is conventionally taken to be air pressure at sea level at a latitude of 45° and at a temperature of 0 °C. In this case, the atmosphere presses on every 1 cm 2 of the earth's surface with a force of 1.033 kg, and the mass of this air is balanced by a mercury column 760 mm high.

Torricelli experience

The value of 760 mm was first obtained in 1644. Evangelista Torricelli(1608-1647) and Vincenzo Viviani(1622-1703) - students of the brilliant Italian scientist Galileo Galilei.

E. Torricelli sealed a long glass tube with divisions at one end, filled it with mercury and lowered it into a cup of mercury (this is how the first mercury barometer was invented, which was called the Torricelli tube). The mercury level in the tube decreased as some of the mercury poured into the cup and settled at 760 millimeters. A void formed above the column of mercury, which was called Torricelli's void(Fig. 2).

E. Torricelli believed that the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the mercury in the cup is balanced by the weight of the mercury column in the tube. The height of this column above sea level is 760 mm Hg. Art.

Rice. 2. Torricelli experience

1 Pa = 10 -5 bar; 1 bar = 0.98 atm.

High and low atmospheric pressure

Air pressure on our planet can vary widely. If the air pressure is more than 760 mm Hg. Art., then it is considered elevated, less - reduced.

Since the air becomes more and more rarefied as it rises upward, the atmospheric pressure decreases (in the troposphere on average 1 mm for every 10.5 m of rise). Therefore, for territories located at different altitudes above sea level, the average value of atmospheric pressure will be different. For example, Moscow lies at an altitude of 120 m above sea level, so its average atmospheric pressure is 748 mm Hg. Art.

Atmospheric pressure increases twice during the day (morning and evening) and decreases twice (after noon and after midnight). These changes are due to the change and movement of air. During the year on the continents, the maximum pressure is observed in winter, when the air is supercooled and compacted, and the minimum in summer.

The distribution of atmospheric pressure over the earth's surface has a pronounced zonal character. This is due to uneven heating of the earth's surface, and consequently, changes in pressure.

On globe Three belts with a predominance of low atmospheric pressure (minima) and four zones with a predominance of high atmospheric pressure (maxima) are distinguished.

At equatorial latitudes, the Earth's surface warms up greatly. Heated air expands, becomes lighter and therefore rises. As a result, low atmospheric pressure is established near the earth's surface near the equator.

At the poles, under the influence of low temperatures, the air becomes heavier and sinks. Therefore, at the poles the atmospheric pressure is increased by 60-65° compared to the latitudes.

In the high layers of the atmosphere, on the contrary, over hot areas the pressure is high (although lower than at the Earth's surface), and over cold areas it is low.

The general scheme of atmospheric pressure distribution is as follows (Fig. 3): along the equator there is a low pressure belt; at 30-40° latitude of both hemispheres - high pressure belts; 60-70° latitude - low pressure zones; in the polar regions there are areas of high pressure.

As a result of the fact that in temperate latitudes Northern Hemisphere In winter, atmospheric pressure over the continents increases greatly, and the low pressure belt is interrupted. It persists only over oceans as closed areas low blood pressure— Icelandic and Aleutian minimums. On the contrary, winter maximums form over the continents: Asian and North American.

Rice. 3. General diagram of atmospheric pressure distribution

In summer, in the temperate latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the belt of low atmospheric pressure is restored. A huge area of ​​low atmospheric pressure centered in tropical latitudes—the Asian Low—forms over Asia.

In tropical latitudes, the continents are always warmer than the oceans, and the pressure above them is lower. Thus, there are maxima over the oceans throughout the year: North Atlantic (Azores), North Pacific, South Atlantic, South Pacific and South Indian.

Lines that are on climate map connect points with the same atmospheric pressure are called isobars(from the Greek isos - equal and baros - heaviness, weight).

The closer the isobars are to each other, the faster the atmospheric pressure changes over a distance. The amount of change in atmospheric pressure per unit distance (100 km) is called pressure gradient.

The formation of atmospheric pressure belts near the earth's surface is influenced by the uneven distribution of solar heat and the rotation of the Earth. Depending on the time of year, both hemispheres of the Earth are heated by the Sun differently. This causes some movement of atmospheric pressure belts: in summer - to the north, in winter - to the south.

The Earth's atmosphere contains various gases, the main of which are oxygen and nitrogen. From the Earth it rises to a height of up to 9000 km. Thus, the atmosphere is the protector of the planet. Oxygen and nitrogen give life to all life on Earth. Atmospheric pressure has a strong effect on our planet. Specialists claim, What on person have to pressure V 16 tons. However, due to the fact that the pressure inside a person is balanced with atmospheric pressure, he does not feel such global changes.

Atmospheric pressure measurement

According to generally accepted standards, it is customary to take millimeters of mercury as a unit for measuring pressure. Abbreviated as mm. rt. Art. To determine this, a device called a barometer is used. Barometers are divided into mercury and liquid-free. The second ones are called aneroid barometers. The barometer is represented by a glass tube, which is sealed on one side. Mercury is placed inside this tube. During the experiment, the open end of the tube is lowered into a vessel that is not completely filled with mercury. As the pressure rises or falls, the mercury in the tube begins to rise, and vice versa. The official unit of measurement is Pascal.
Important! The kilopascal or kPa is the SI unit of mechanical stress pressure. Megapascal or MPa is a metric unit of measurement. If we convert these units, we get that 1 MPa is equal to 1000 kPa.

Atmospheric pressure standard

Atmospheric influence is considered normal when the air pressure is at sea level at latitude 45°. The temperature is 0 degrees Celsius. In 1644, thanks to Evangelista Torrencheli and Vincenzo Viviani, a value of 760 mm was obtained. It is worth noting that these discoverers were students of . A person feels most comfortable with standard values ​​of 750-760 mm. rt. Art.However, these readings may not be completely accurate for all regions for a full year.

Increase and decrease in pressure

Atmospheric exposure increases when air pressure exceeds the norm of 760 mm. rt. Art. If it’s the other way around, it decreases.Over the course of 24 hours in the morning and evening, the pressure increases significantly.Low atmospheric exposure occurs in the afternoon and after midnight. These changes are due to temperature changes and air movement. There are 3 known zones on Earth where low atmospheric pressure predominates, and 4 belts with high atmospheric pressure. Due to the fact that the heat from the Sun and the rotation of the Earth occur unevenly, atmospheric pressure belts form on the globe. Over the course of a year, the Sun heats the Earth's hemispheres differently. Heating varies depending on what time of year it is.
Important! Experts have identified a decline in atmospheric exposure in Moscow, which is 727 mm. rt. Art. In 2015, Moscow had an abnormal pressure of 778 mm. rt. Art. Plus, Moscow is located on the border of a vast cyclone, the central region of which is located over Latvia.

Impact on a person. Anticyclone

An anticyclone is an increase in barometric influence.During such periods, there is no significant wind outside, sunny weather prevails, and the temperature is not characterized by sudden changes. Humidity levels remain normal. Anticyclone has a bad effect on human health. The change in pressure has an adverse effect, especially on people with allergies, asthmatics and those with high blood pressure. During an anticyclone, a person has a headache and also suffers from heart pain. It is believed that during such periods, performance decreases and malaise appears. Depending on the height of the anticyclone, effective or ineffective protection of the body from diseases is observed.
Important! In order to make it easier to endure the anticyclone, experts recommend alternately dousing yourself with hot and cold water in the shower, eat more fruits that contain potassium, do light exercises. To improve the functioning of the immune and nervous system, it is necessary to certain time forget about serious matters that can undermine your health. On such days, a person suffering from negative symptoms should devote more time to rest to recuperate.


A cyclone is a period when the atmospheric influence decreases. The temperature during a cyclone rises, it becomes cloudy, humidity and precipitation levels increase, as well as during an anticyclone. During a cyclone, some groups of people cannot calmly tolerate changes in weather and pressure. Cyclone is poorly tolerated by people who have problems with respiratory functions, low blood pressure, as well as those with problems with the cardiovascular system. During a cyclone, the amount of oxygen decreases,As a result, it becomes difficult to breathe and shortness of breath appears. Patients complain of weakness. There is an increase in cerebral circulation, as a result of which a person suffers from migraines. No matter how many symptoms there are, experts advise drinking plenty of water and taking a contrast shower. It is also necessary for a person to get enough sleep. A favorite cup of coffee in the morning won't hurt. Regardless of whether your current blood pressure is known to be low or high, you need to drink tincture of lemongrass and ginseng.

Atmospheric pressure in the mountains

A man eager to conquer high mountains, knows that the hike may be unsafe. For example,an altitude of 3000 meters causes a decrease in performance, and at 6000 m a person can hardly survive. This is explained by the fact that the pressure decreases by half, the person lacks oxygen, and it is difficult for him to survive. However, it all depends on what climatic conditions there is a climber. If taken wet maritime climate Kamchatka, then a person will feel uncomfortable there even at an altitude of 1000 meters. The dry continental climate in the Himalayas allows the climber in most cases to feel no difficulty when climbing up to 5000 meters. Different heights and their influence:
  • 5000 meters- there is a lack of oxygen, which can cause the climber to lose consciousness.
  • 6000 meters- the highest altitude for permanent human settlements.
  • 8882 meters- height . Here a person adapted to such a height can live for several hours. At this altitude the boiling point will be +68 degrees Celsius.
  • 13,500 meters- at approximately this altitude, a climber can survive by inhaling pure oxygen. This height is the maximum for survival without external protection.
  • 20,000 meters- at this altitude a person dies almost immediately if he is outside the pressurized cabin.
For more immersion on the topic of atmospheric pressure, we recommend watching the video: