Rio de Janeiro has a maritime or continental climate. Brazil city rio de janeiro

Guanabara Bay, on the shores of which the “dream city” of Rio de Janeiro grew, is unique in that it is separated from the Atlantic by a narrow - about 1500 m - strait, and the Europeans who first appeared here (and this was on January 1, 1502), mistook it for a river. That’s why the city is named Rio de Janeiro: “Rio” is the river, “de Janeiro” is the January river. Although there was no river there, all over the world it is often called simply Rio, and, despite the existence of many South American cities standing on rivers and rightfully bearing the prefix “Rio”, everyone always understands: this is Rio de Janeiro. Now it is a major port, scientific and financial center, but its image in the minds of most people is associated with eternal holiday, luxury and carefree life, although this is not at all the case. Of course, carnival, samba, football and magnificent beaches are integral attributes of Rio, and the wealth of cultures united here different nations(or, as they say in Brazil, ras) makes its flavor unforgettable. What is one carnival worth - an event that cannot be verbal descriptions: It is on the days of its holding that tourists flock here from all over the world. However, it is precisely at this time that prices for everything soar almost to the skies.

Climate and weather of Rio de Janeiro

The climate is tropical: warm in winter, hot in summer, humidity is almost always high, and the bright sun shines from November to the end of March. From April to September, when we have summer, the weather in Rio is “winter” - about 23C (sometimes even 17C), and it often rains. At this time (usually in July), holidays in Rio are not so comfortable, but the 40-degree heat in January-February is not conducive to sightseeing, although the atmosphere is just right for swimming: on average, the water warms up to 26C. So you can come to Rio at any time, but April-June and August-September are considered best periods for a comfortable stay.

The main attractions of Rio de Janeiro

In fact, there are many “main” attractions in Rio, but there are some without which a visit would be considered “unreal.”

The Brazilian carnival is something that cannot be seen anywhere else: it is what attracts tourists and allows the city to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. A “standing” seat can be bought for less than $100, and there are most of them, but there are also quite a few expensive ones, priced above $1000, and luxury ones – over $2000. However, everything is “snatched up”: it is better to book a ticket in advance, just like a hotel room. The carnival is held in February-March, in last days before Lent. If you can’t afford to come at this time and buy a ticket, don’t worry: there are other opportunities, although incomparable to a real holiday, but less expensive in every sense. Trainings are underway at samba schools all year round, and many schools invite tourists to them on weekends. And street rehearsals, which are also held regularly, can generally be watched for free.

The whole world also knows about the 38-meter statue of Christ on Mount Corcovado: it is the most famous symbol not only of Rio, but of all of Brazil, and also one of the New Wonders of the World. The mountain is high - about 700 m; from it you can clearly see the entire city, bay, beaches and other attractions. The statue itself is also visible from anywhere in Rio around the clock - at night it is perfectly lit, so a better landmark is not needed. You can get to the top by highway, but most tourists choose a special train that takes 20 minutes to the foot of a steep and winding staircase of 220 steps. It is not necessary to walk - about 15 years ago an escalator was installed to get up to the observation deck - but for many visitors the statue of Christ is not a simple attraction: Christians believe that climbing the steps helps to cleanse oneself of sins.

A striking landmark of Rio is considered to be another staircase, of a completely different character and appearance, in the city center, not far from the monastery of St. Teresa. It was created by the Chilean artist J. Selaron from many colored and painted tiles; He built it for more than 20 years, but never managed to finish his creation, but this staircase is known in many countries of the world. Its height is about 125 m, and there are more than 200 steps; It is interesting that many people from different countries: tourists provided assistance to the master financial assistance and even specially brought the tiles with them.

The Cathedral of St. Sebastian, the patron saint of the city, is unlike any other Christian church. They say that this is Art Nouveau style, but the purpose of the building can be determined by appearance impossible. The architect was inspired by the famous ancient Mayan pyramids, but made the cathedral not square, but cone-shaped, like a bishop's miter. The outside of the cathedral is not decorated, but inside everything is like in any church; the height and width of the building are almost equal - the difference is 10 m, and 20,000 people can fit in it at the same time.

The palace and park complex of Quinta da Boa Vista, built in early XIX century, began its existence as the mansion of a wealthy Portuguese. The owner gave the estate to the king, and he decided to build a palace, long years served as the official residence, and set up a park. The view from here still offers a beautiful view of the city and the bay (from Portuguese the name translates as “an estate with a beautiful view”), and the rich National Museum is located in the palace building. The park is mostly turned into a zoo - about 350 species of animals and birds, and there really are a lot of “wild monkeys” - more than in any zoo in Brazil. So, by visiting Quinta da Boa Vista, you can “catch two birds with one stone” by seeing two local attractions at once.

Rio is not only “the land of skyscrapers and luxury villas”: about 22% of the city’s population – approximately 1.4 million – live in extreme poverty, and the local slums, or favelas, are also considered a tourist attraction, and tourists are allowed there - of course, with appropriate support. Favelas are "famous" high level crime; Most of the houses are in disrepair, there is no infrastructure, although in some places there are medical posts and schools, kindergartens and even bank branches.

You can't be in Rio without seeing the Maracanã Stadium, the largest in the country and the second in South America. It opened in 1950, and immediately became the pride of Brazilians - a nation of football players and fans, and then - the dream of all football teams in the world. Not so long ago it accommodated about 200,000 spectators and was the largest in the world, but now the number of seats has been reduced by more than half. Maracanã is included in the Guinness Book; Not only football matches are held here, but also colorful holiday shows and large-scale concerts of all kinds of “stars”.

You should also visit Sugar Loaf. This is a mountain about 400 m high, very similar to a lump of sugar in shape, with almost vertical slopes. You can go up by cable car, visiting shops and cafes along the way.

The beaches of Rio, like Copacabana, Leblon and Ipanema, are very famous, and there is something to do on them: diving, surfing, volleyball, hang gliding, tennis, golf, etc. Even just walking is very interesting, but swimming and sunbathing is not very comfortable: everything is crowded with vacationers. However, this is not a problem - Rio has 90 km of beautiful beaches: if you go a little further out of the city, you can happily swim in cleaner and calmer places.

Rio de Janeiro is the main attraction of the country. The city is conveniently located on the Atlantic coast. Founded in 1502 by the Portuguese, Rio de Janeiro has been the beauty capital and tourism center of South America for 4 centuries. “God created the world in six days, and on the seventh day he created ‘Rio de Janeiro’” - this is what Brazilians lovingly say about their fabulous beautiful city. Rio lost its capital status in 1960 - the city of Brasilia became it. However, what she never managed to win from Rio de Janeiro is the sympathy of tourists who still go to the “city of miracles” on the ocean. Rio de Janeiro can be roughly divided into the Old City, the New City and the suburbs. In the Old Town there is a customs house with docks, an arsenal, a stock exchange, the National Academy of Arts, the city hall, museums and almost all the theaters. In the New Town there is a mint, a prison, the main station and the Invalides. Rio de Janeiro is also the cultural capital of the country. There are two million in the National Library alone rare books and manuscripts. The National Museum of Fine Arts presents an excellent collection of more than 800 paintings. And finally, Rio is also a football “capital” with one of the world’s largest stadiums, the Maracanã, which was built for the 1950 FIFA World Cup. The streets and embankments of Rio de Janeiro are literally buried in lush equatorial vegetation - evergreen giant trees, slender palm trees with graceful crowns and a huge number of exotic flowers. However, the city has a botanical garden and many parks. The botanical garden, which was founded back in 1808 and is one of the best in the world, contains more than 7,000 species of plants from all over the world. There is also the famous alley of palm trees and a collection of exotic animals and birds. Tijuca National Park, which includes Corcovado Peak, is the world's largest urban forest. Here you will definitely see monkeys. In one of the outskirts there is a zoological garden.

The calling card of the city and its symbol is the giant statue of Christ, which was erected on the highest peak of Rio - Corcovado at an altitude of about 704 meters. Christ stands with his arms spread wide, and seems to be hovering over the city, blessing and protecting it. The statue was made in Paris, and then delivered to Rio, and on October 12, 1931, its grand opening and consecration took place. You can get there by car along the highway that passes through the Tijuca State Reserve. Another important symbol of Rio is the famous crystalline peak - Pan do Assucar (translated as Sugarloaf), which is located at the entrance to Guanabara Bay. Its height is 395 meters. It is believed that it got its name due to its shape, reminiscent of the conical outlines of the ancient packaging of “sugar loaves”. According to one version, the origin of the name Pan de Asugar comes from the Indian words "paunh-acuqua", which means "high hill". The outstanding architectural monuments of the city are the colonial churches, the monasteries of San Bento (16th century), San Antonio and the Capuchin Order, the former imperial residence. The Church of Our Lady of Lampedosa is named after the island of Lampedosa in the Mediterranean Sea, where the apparition of the Virgin Mary took place. It was built in 1929 on the site of the original 18th century building in a neoclassical style influenced by the Mexican school of architecture. The main attraction of the Church of St. Lucia (1732) is a natural fountain, the water of which is considered healing. National History Museum - a collection of objects and paintings telling the history of Brazil. The Army Museum displays a collection of weapons and military uniforms. Botanical Museum - a collection of specimens of the flora of Brazil. Zoo. Fauna Museum - a collection of birds, mammals and reptiles from all regions of the country. The Jewel Museum is the world's largest collection of processed tourmalines and jewelry. Orthodox churches: St. Nicholas Church, St. Nicholas Cathedral, Holy Trinity Church.

Carnival (end of February) - four crazy days of fun lasting, attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world. Make sure to arrange tickets in advance. If you are partial to football, be sure to visit the famous Maracanã stadium - the largest in the world (accommodates 180 thousand people). The fights between Flamengo and Botafago are considered the most heated.

Rio de Janeiro is characterized by a typical tropical background with quite high temperatures air and high humidity. Average annual temperature- about 27°C, air humidity most of the year is 90%. In winter, from May to September, the sun almost always shines. Temperatures can drop to 25°C. Its lowest level is + 18°C, which is perceived by local residents as severe frost, in summer time. From November to March, the climate is less predictable, but there are a lot of sunny, hot days mixed with showers and tropical heat - 30-35°C. Most cold month July (23 °C), the hottest is February (33 °C).

Many Russian-speaking people, hearing the name Rio de Janeiro, they immediately remember the Great Combinator, whose crystal dream was this city. Remember, Ostap Bender, performed by Andrei Mironov in the film “The Twelve Chairs,” sang:

"Trust the tramp and the poet

There is a city of my happy dreams in the world,

Don’t say he doesn’t exist!”

Today's Rio de Janeiro in all respects resembles the “city of happy dreams.” Ostap read in the Small Soviet Encyclopedia about the amazing bay, rich shops, magnificent buildings, coffee exports, mulattoes...

“Just imagine Shura, 1.5 million people, and everyone in white pants!”

That's right, in the last 75 years alone, Rio's population has grown to 6.4 million inhabitants, of which only a few can be seen in white pants.

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City of Happy Dreams

Rio de Janeiro(port. Rio de Janeiro) or simply Rio is the capital of the state of the same name and former capital(1764-1960), a center of tourism, one of the largest and most visited cities in all of South America. It is considered a real “pearl” of Brazil, located on the coast Atlantic Ocean in one of the most magnificent bays on the planet. , among the green slopes of the mountains and many kilometers of beaches, gives a special uniqueness and a certain charm. The city also attracts the attention of tourists from all over the planet with its annual carnivals, incendiary sambo and one of the 7 new wonders of the world - famous throughout the world.

No wonder the Brazilians claim that:

“God created the world in 6 days, on the seventh day the Creator created Rio de Janeiro”

Rio is rightly considered one of the most beautiful cities on Earth.

Its name translates as "January River". The area is 1260 km², the population is about 6.4 million people, making it the second most populous and largest city in Brazil, after.

Did you know that the city was discovered and named by the famous Italian navigator?

Due to its beauty, Rio is also sometimes called Cidade maravillosa, which means “Amazing City”. And the locals like to call themselves carioca.

A little history

Guanabara Bay was discovered on January 1, 1502 by a navigator from Portugal Gaspar de Lemos decided that this was the mouth of the river. This is where the name Rio de Janeiro comes from, literally “January River” in Portuguese. The city itself was founded 63 years later as a fortification for defense against hostile Indian tribes and French and Spanish pirates.

In 1698, a gold rush began in Brazil, when mountains of gold and diamonds were exported to Portugal through the city's port. Therefore, in 1763 adm. the center of the colony was moved from here, making Rio the main city of the country for two centuries. In 1960, an artificially constructed symbolic city became the capital of Brazil, and Rio de Janeiro acquired state status.

general information

Officially, the city is divided into 34 districts and 160 municipalities. Local residents unofficially divide it into 4 parts:

Centro (Centro) or Central Historical Zone - the financial and business center of Rio. It is here that the fashionable areas of Santa Teresa and Lapa, the famous Sambodrome, as well as many buildings with historical meaning: National Library, Cathedral, Municipal Theater, National Museum of Fine Arts, Tiradentes Palace, Pedro Ernesto Palace, etc.

Laguna Rodrigo de Freitas

Zona Sul (Zona Sul) or South zone– this includes the main tourist areas such as Ipanema, Copacabana, Flamengo, Botafogo, Leme and Leblon. Here you will find part of the bohemian quarters and many of the main tourist sites: with the famous statue of Christ the Redeemer, Sugarloaf and Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon.

Zona Norte (Zona Norte) or Northern Zone - almost all major sports stadiums are concentrated here, led by the giant football stadium, which is one of the largest in the world, accommodating up to 95,000 spectators. Local residents often call the Maracanã nothing more than the temple of the second (after Catholicism) Brazilian religion - football.

Zona Oeste or Western zone– the most remote area from the center, located in the southwest. Basically, there are poor neighborhoods and huge favelas. This also includes the area of ​​Barra da Tijuca, with its longest beach of 18 kilometers.

Recently, ordering excursions from. has become a very fashionable, exciting and not so expensive solution. What is very important, our Russian-speaking residents!

Weather and climate

Rio de Janeiro has a tropical climate influenced by the nearby Atlantic Ocean. It is characterized by mild winters, sultry hot summers and a fairly long period of heavy rains, which often cause floods and mudslides in the city.

Average annual temperature is about +27°C, air humidity is about 90% almost all year round. From May to September (winter) the sun is almost always shining here. The lowest temperature level during this period can drop to a maximum of +18°C. It's funny that the Cariocas (locals) find this temperature insanely cold. In November-March (summer) the climate becomes less predictable: there are many hot sunny days, giving way to torrential downpours and tropical heat up to +30-40°C.

The coldest and wettest month is July, so going here in July is not exactly a good move. The hottest month is February. In general, any month except July can be suitable for relaxing on the beach, because... The water temperature does not drop below +20°C all year round. The average annual temperature is also very favorable for a wonderful holiday throughout the year - on average +23°C.

Sights of Rio de Janeiro

Tourists from all over the world know Rio de Janeiro for its many breathtaking landscapes and attractions.

The main calling card and symbol of Rio de Janeiro and all of Brazil as a whole is the famous one, erected at an altitude of more than 700 meters above sea level, on top of Mount Corcovado. Christ rises with his arms spread wide, as if hovering over the city, protecting and blessing it from troubles. The giant sculpture was made in the capital of France - Paris, after which it was specially delivered here. In 1931, the statue was inaugurated and dedicated.

Another important symbol is the crystalline 395-meter peak - (port. Pão de Açúcar), which rises at the very entrance to Guanabara Bay, welcoming ships entering it. They say what it is interesting name the mountain received due to its shape, reminiscent of the outline of a cone, similar in shape to the containers in which Portuguese sailors transported sugar. Such containers were called Sugar Loaves, hence the name. Sugarloaf is one of the most interesting places to visit in Rio, with stunning views of the bay and city.

Rio de Janeiro is rich in many architectural monuments: ancient monasteries(San Antonio, San Bento and the Capuchin Orders) and various colonial churches.

The embankments and streets boast a lush abundance of equatorial vegetation: graceful evergreen trees and a huge variety of exotic flowers. There are also many parks and an alley of palm trees, and national park Tijuca, which includes the peak of Mount Corcovado, is the largest urban forest on the planet.

Rio is also the cultural capital of Brazil. There are many libraries here (the National Library alone has more than 2 million rare manuscripts and books), museums, galleries and theaters. But one of the main cultural attractions is world famous. It boasts several dozen samba schools, whose graduates annually organize colorful processions at the carnival, which take place through the streets and at the local sambodrome.


Almost all types of public transport are represented here, except trolleybuses: buses, trams, minibuses, taxis and funicular.

The main urban transport is buses various models, new, comfortable and certainly white, with a black coat of arms. It is worth noting that buses are the most dangerous thing on the roads of Rio; their speeds are so high that Rubens Barrichello would be jealous. The fact is that bus “drivers” here receive a piece-rate salary (for the number of kilometers driven per day), everyone tries to run as much as possible, hence the breakneck speed.

Although this has its advantages, for example, thanks to separate bus lanes and high speeds, you can get there by bus many times faster than by taxi or your own car. There are about 450 bus routes, which are capable of transporting more than 4 million passengers per day. Buses stop on demand both for boarding (both at stops and between them, if you raise your hand) and for disembarking.

Please note that the seats yellow color Brazilian buses are designed for the disabled, the elderly and passengers with children.

Another popular form of public transport is the metro, which consists of 2 lines. There are well-developed taxi networks (yellow cars with taximeters, of course) and several branches of the suburban railway.

Bicycle paths are widespread, running next to beaches and parks, with a total length of more than 160 km and 60 rental points scattered throughout the city, where every tourist can rent a bicycle.


For locals, beaches are much more than just a strip of sand where you can swim in the ocean and soak up the sun. Many people come here to meet people, chat with friends, play sports or just sit on the benches and admire the beauty of the Atlantic Ocean.

Copacabana Beach

Almost all beaches are characterized by fairly strong surf. And for Ipanema there are also dangerous coastal currents that can easily carry a person into open ocean, because no one here risks sailing far from the shore.

Although, teams of professional rescuers work quite clearly on local beaches, who even have rescue helicopters capable of pulling people out of the water using special nets.

Scheme of Rio and its beaches

The safest beaches for swimming are those located in Guanabara Bay, one of them is Flamengo. The beaches in the bay are quite narrow, and big waves It practically never happens there, but they do not have such clean water as ocean water.

The longest beach in Rio de Janeiro is Barra da Tijuca Beach.

Safety. but on the other hand

Like all other major cities, Rio has its own dark sides. From a security point of view, it has long been labeled as a criminal city - foreign tourists have more than once become victims of robberies and attacks here. Especially during the carnival. A lot of scary stories can be heard on this matter.

Which is not at all surprising, because in this “city of dreams” prestigious areas are located next to disadvantaged criminal areas - giant slums located on the hillsides. Almost a quarter of the city's population lives here.

It’s better not to go here, it’s not worth the risk, but if the desire to look at the “underside of life” is so great, then it is strongly recommended to book one of the special favela tours that many local travel agencies provide. Travel agencies donate part of the profits to the criminal gangs of these favelas, which is why such excursions, although not very cheap, are safe.

Before the 2014 FIFA World Cup, city authorities cleared out a number of criminal slums and also took full control of tourist areas. Now the local police pay great attention to security and maintaining order, all these measures have significantly improved the situation on the streets.

12 points 3 ratings)

In the high season, the air warms up to +29°C, and the sea +23.7°C. Low - air +27.0°C, water +21.0°C, precipitation 116.6 mm, 9 rainy days, only 19 sunny days. The city is the capital of the state of Brazil and it is very visited among tourists. The weather in Rio de Janeiro by month, winter, spring, summer and autumn is presented below in the graph. Mild climate almost all year round, great choice. Beach season here lasts at least 12 months.

The best months to travel

In October, April, May - best time for relax. The price is good warm weather from +28.5°C to +30.0°C. At this time of year there is little rain, no more than 3 days a month, and between 46.0 and 66.1 mm of precipitation falls. Also in Rio de Janeiro there is a warm sea with water temperatures from +22.8°C to +24.5°C and swimming is a pleasure. There are maximum sunny days for the whole year - from 18 to 21 days. The monthly climate and temperature in Rio de Janeiro are calculated based on recent years.

Air temperature in Rio de Janeiro by month

The difference in daily air temperature throughout the year is 7.5°C, but due to the presence of the sea, the weather in Rio de Janeiro and the monthly climate in Brazil are quite mild. The coldest month is July, when the air warms up to +26.5°C, and the warmest month is February with +34°C.

Water temperature in Rio de Janeiro

The beach season here lasts 12 months: August, July, September, June, October, November, May, April, December, March, February, January. The sea temperature at this time of year ranges from +21°C to +26.6°C, conducive to pleasant swimming. The worst weather in Rio de Janeiro and the water temperature was recorded in August +21°C.

Number of rainy days and precipitation

A bad month for travel is November, it rains on average 9 days. The maximum monthly precipitation is 159.4 mm.

Rest comfort rating

Climate summary

Month Temperature
air during the day
Rainy days
January +33.8°C +26.6°C 20 9 days (116.6mm)
February +34°C +25.8°C 21 2 days (53.6mm)
March +32.2°C +25.4°C 13 8 days (100.3mm)
April +30°C +24.5°C 18 3 days (58.5mm)
May +28.5°C +23.9°C 21 3 days (46.0mm)
June +28°C +22.6°C 18 4 days (38.2mm)
July +26.5°C +21.2°C 19 3 days (35.8mm)
August +27°C +21°C 23 1 day (29.9mm)
September +27.5°C +21.9°C 19 3 days (57.6mm)
October +28.5°C +22.8°C 20 3 days (66.1mm)
November +28.2°C +23.1°C 12 9 days (159.4mm)
December +31°C +25.2°C 17 7 days (111.0mm)

Number of sunny days

Beautiful sunny weather will delight tourists in August - as many as 23 sunny days per month. Great time for a holiday in Rio de Janeiro.

Wind speed

The wind reaches its maximum strength in August up to 3.2 m/s with gusts up to 4.8 m/s.

Before you spend your holiday in the fabulous Brazilian capital of Rio de Janeiro, you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the local climatic conditions. Then you will be able to choose exactly the month of the year whose weather will best suit the planned pastime. So in Rio de Janeiro the year is divided not only into standard seasons: winter and spring, summer and autumn. Locals know exactly when the rainy season begins and when they can enjoy the favorable weather of the dry season. These are manifestations of the tropical climate in the colorful Rio de Janeiro. Quite often the rainy season is called the monsoon season or low season. This is the name of that period of time of year when an impressive amount of precipitation falls on the surface of the earth. It seems that firmament as if it had burst.

The vast majority of the territory of the country of Brazil falls into the tropical zone, and only a small southern Brazilian part of the land belongs to subtropical zone. Therefore for Brazilian climate weather stability character. And the difference between the hottest and coldest months is some 3-4 degrees in general. Hot Brazil is defined by several broad climatic regions. The climate of the Amazon is characterized by high humidity and heat. In the very heart of the Amazon, in Manaus, the generalized annual temperature reaches 28 C. The Brazilian Highlands have a significant influence on the formation of the remaining part of the country's tropical zone. At a time when the average daily temperature on the coast is stable at 23-26 C, then on the high plateaus the thermometer shows 18-21 degrees. For thin coastal strip and the young highlands near the Mantiqueira plateau are characterized by high air humidity. But the climate northeastern regions The Brazilian Highlands are dry. The subtropical territory of the country is endowed with high air humidity, hot summers and cool winters.

All in all Rio de Janeiro climate conducive to relaxation at any time of the year. The same water temperature has never dropped below +20C. As for the average air temperature, it fluctuates between +23C. The weather in the Brazilian metropolis is determined by the tropical climate. It is characterized by dry winters and inclement weather. rainy summer. The sky over Rio de Janeiro is never covered with a continuous veil of voluminous dark clouds. Even during the rainy season. It’s just that during a stormy period, sudden gusts of strong wind will bring a couple of thunderclouds, raise high waves in the ocean, and provoke a storm. Just as stormy weather began suddenly, it will calm down in the blink of an eye. The gusts of wind will subside. Calm the water surface. The sun will sparkle in the clear sky. Just as suddenly, the earth is enveloped in fog. So the climate of Rio de Janeiro loves to pamper its inhabitants with surprises and surprise travelers.

Best beach holiday possible only in Brazil, more details: Beaches of Brazil.

Swimming season in Rio de Janeiro

In the capital of Brazil they bathe in ocean waters from December to March. Only in some beach areas do high waves and cold ocean currents prevent swimming. But you can sunbathe every day and have fun from the heart. To still swim in the ocean, you need to stop in the populated areas of the northeast coast. In the same El Salvador. Concerning rain in Rio de Janeiro, then this is completely unpredictable a natural phenomenon. Even in the summer months, nature can pamper you with short-term unexpected downpours.

Since the country of contrasts is located in Southern Hemisphere, then the seasons of Brazil are opposite to ours. When they have winter, we languish from the bright summer sun.

Weather in Rio de Janeiro in the spring months

Although in the spring weather in Rio de Janeiro quite capricious, yet there are a lot of sunny days than cloudy ones. This season passes almost unnoticed in the country. Since the first months of spring, the festive echoes of the future carnival are already beginning to be felt. Spring time in Brazil falls in October-November. There is practically no precipitation, so the humidity is not high. Stable temperature does not exceed 26-27C. Small amount cloudy days and mild weather conditions are the main features of spring. The spring season is the perfect time for those travelers who plan to visit a huge number of local attractions, explore the surrounding area, and soak up the sun on sun loungers on the popular beaches of the metropolis. Unpleasant weather surprises will not become an obstacle to the implementation of this intention. Just in the spring there is a massive blooming of flowers. The adjacent mountains and the entire urban area are immersed in the heady aroma of blossoming flowers on the tree branches. True, it won’t hurt travelers who suffer from allergies to sit out these months in home country. The colorful cloudless sky will give you the opportunity to fully enjoy the panorama of Rio de Janeiro from the observation deck on Mount Corcovado, appreciate the scenery of the Sugar Loaf, take a helicopter ride and appreciate the power and grace of the Christ Monument. There are very few vacationers on the beaches. Prices for services and housing are low. So in spring days When there are no large-scale celebrations, you can calmly stroll the streets of the metropolis.

Weather in Rio de Janeiro in the summer months

Concerning summer weather, then from December to mid-March the climate is no longer so predictable. Summer starts off cool. You will hardly meet anyone on the sunny beaches. Since for the local population the water temperature of +25C is cold. The temperature difference between the hot day and the cold night hours is felt many times stronger than in winter period. In mid-summer there are plenty of hot days, and the temperature already rises to +30 - +40C. It's in full swing hot weather in Rio falls in the month of February (+29C). Since the water temperature heats up to +28C, you can plunge into warm water depths ocean. The bulk of excursion tours fall during this period. Since the peak of the Brazilian summer coincides with a fantastic fashionable show - the well-known Rio de Janeiro Carnival. So traveling during this period will be much more expensive. Prices for everything will rise in the capital, as its territory will be filled with guests from all over the globe.

There are a great many people who want to plunge into the atmosphere of eternal fun and festive mood. Since on summer period It's time to celebrate New Year and Christmas. On Christmas Eve, school holidays begin in Brazilian schools. And the overwhelming majority of the adult population take vacations. To appreciate the grandiose celebrations, you need to appear in the metropolis a few days before the official start. And you will have to start booking rooms at least a couple of months before the trip. Since the closer to the date of the carnival, the less chance there is of finding a free hotel room. If you don’t take care of this in time, you won’t be able to plunge into the incredible, outlandish atmosphere of the holidays at the very beginning. The tense situation with available hotel rooms will remain until the end of the carnival celebrations. Just before Ash Wednesday, when Lent begins.

The hottest months in Rio de Janeiro are December and February, when the thermometer rises to +40C.

Just the months mentioned and the beginning of April are the rainiest times. Day after day, tropical showers begin in the afternoon. If it rains in April, it means the summer season is ending.

After the scorching days of February, coolness sets in almost immediately, accompanied by prolonged downpours. The average air temperature these days is +23C. During this period, the precipitation rate is within 169 ml/month. During the year, precipitation falls about 1173 ml.

Weather in Rio de Janeiro in the autumn season

Autumn time in Rio de Janeiro falls in April, May and June. A good time to visit Brazil. The temperature stays between 25-27C. The beach area was vacated by tourists. Therefore, prices for hotel rooms have dropped significantly. A great time to visit the metropolis and spend relatively little money. This is not the right time for swimming in the ocean, but no downpour or noisy crowd will interfere with getting to know the sights of Rio de Janeiro. Although this season is cool for swimming, you can sunbathe. When going on a trip, you need to take light windbreakers, tracksuits and shorts with panama hats. Because in the daytime you can go explore the surroundings in a Panama hat and shorts, and in evening time It doesn't hurt to cover your shoulders with a windbreaker. If you are going to have fun in a night bar until late at night, then it is better to wear a tracksuit.

Dry season in Rio de Janeiro

Dry season in Rio de Janeiro captures part of autumn, winter days and a piece of spring. Since this period will fall in May-November. And although there will be virtually no precipitation during this period. But the air always has high humidity. Tropical zone disposes to this. Yes, and the ocean full-flowing river contribute. Although it is easy to breathe in Rio de Janeiro in any season, in any weather, even for tourists with bronchial asthma.

Winter in Rio de Janeiro falls in July, August and September. During these months there is practically no heavy rainfall. The exception is the beginning of July. Because it rains most often on these days. And although the air temperature mostly stays at 24-25C. Then in July it drops to +21C. At night there is a slight coolness. But even at this time, no one will freeze in Rio. Humidity in winter air is very low. Brazilian winters are considered warm and dry.

Winter is the ideal season for surfing fans and divers. The restless ocean expanses are full of huge waves. Just what athletes need. All services for tourists are provided at reduced prices. Housing is more affordable during these months. Although the bright sun shines all winter days, the water temperature drops to +20C. So it's cold to swim. As for the air temperature, the thermometer readings may drop from +25C to +18C. The last figure is perceived by Brazilians as bitter cold. So if you want to visit Rio de Janeiro in winter time, you should be prepared for unexpected temperature changes.

The most sunny months Rio de Janeiro The period is considered to be from May to September. But in March and October, tropical downpours can last for 7 days.

Best time to travel to Rio de Janeiro

Since the sun shines in the capital of Brazil all year round and thermometers never show sub-zero temperatures, you can visit Rio de Janeiro all year round. The choice of season for travel should depend, first of all, on where the traveler plans to visit and what events he dreams of taking part in. Naturally, it is not recommended to come to the capital of Brazil with children during the rainy season if you want to bathe them in the waters of the ocean. Yes, and visiting attractions will have to be postponed during this period. For the sake of the spectacular international carnival, you need to be in Rio de Janeiro a couple of weeks before Lent. Athletes will choose their season individually. Because some need high waves on crystal clean waters, while others enjoy the bright sunny weather and the noisy atmosphere of a football stadium. Those who do not tolerate heat well will prefer cooler seasons and travel in the colder months. In the vastness of Rio de Janeiro there is never bad weather. Even prolonged downpours are easily tolerated. Because they always start after 12 noon. The south side of Rio de Janeiro often experiences strong winds in the summer. While the northern side is reliably protected from powerful gusts by hills. But it's very stuffy here. Although this side is ideal for fishing. The fantastic metropolis of Rio de Janeiro is the place on the planet that you can visit at any time of the year and get a lot of unforgettable, stormy impressions. And all because the territory is always warmed by the sun and small wind blows are felt. Climate of Brazil allowed Rio de Janeiro to turn into a paradise. Favorable weather conditions provoke the growth of violent tropical plants. Exotic parks and forests are inhabited by crowds of feathered singers and wild animals. Only here travelers can see the perfect harmony of flora and fauna with the place of residence of people. The streets of Rio de Janeiro are lined with palm trees and giant tree species. Dishes local cuisine You can even taste it at tables in the open pavilions of compact cafes. The delicious taste and stunning surrounding landscape are complemented by sunny weather and light breezes. What else do you need for a pleasant pastime?

So you can visit the famous metropolis at any time of the year. Weather almost stable. But if you want to know more accurate forecast, then you can look at the official websites travel companies. Their page always contains an accurate forecast for the next two weeks.

Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, video:

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