Waves on the sea in a dream. Dream interpretation huge waves cover

Big waves are dreamed of for emotional upliftment; energy will be in full swing. Try to implement all your plans and take control of all matters. dream books will tell you what else waves mean.

Why do you dream about waves according to Miller’s dream book?

Seeing waves in a dream predicts that the sleeper will face an important step in learning and serious reflection.

Seeing the waves as pure will provide a supply of knowledge. To observe dark waves in moments of bad weather - in reality, commit an unseemly act.

Waves in a dream - Freud's dream book

Seeing waves in a dream means that in a relationship love couple there will be discord.

What does it mean to dream about waves - Tsvetkov’s dream book

Waves - a close or unexpected path, cruise, emotions, great excitement.

Black, high waves during a storm are a major scandal or a painful illness.

Waves crash on the shore without overwhelming it - quickly resolve matters.

Why do you dream of waves according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Waves in dreams reflect the dreamer’s personal feelings and perceptions.

If the waves are high, seething, scary - this is a warning, remain calm, otherwise your excessive excitability will cause you irreparable damage, but if the waves are beautiful and powerful - this is a sign that you will be able to achieve more with your courage.

Why do you dream of waves according to the dream book - D. Loffa

A dream about waves means that trouble is approaching and indicates that the dreamer has lost control over affairs and events. And this loss of control will make you want to start life from scratch.

Seeing a hurricane storm in reality means that the dreamer wants to cleanse himself in life.

Why see waves in a dream book - from A to Z

Seeing ripples in the water means obstacles in business, your goals and in the battle for success. Watching the light waves is a symbol of gaining unprecedented knowledge that will support you in the future in life. Muddy waves predict a miscalculation that will be accompanied by irreparable results.

Seeing waves on a river or lake means a serene atmosphere and self-confidence; waves of the sea mean travel. Sea waves rushing ashore at the time of a hurricane - you will be overcome by anxiety and a gloomy mood.

Sail on the seething waves - you will be able to humble wild temper someone who will then bow to you. If you plunge into water and drown, it means you will be saved from risk. A wave that lifts you up and then throws you back portends that the partners in whom you have placed your trust will overstep your rights.

Why do you dream about sea waves?

Sea waves mean a dull business trip. You are on the seashore, the waves are hitting the shore - this means that your body lacks attention. Landscape of the sea with furious waves - many events will happen in your life - both good and bad.

If the waves on the sea are cloudy, do not seethe, but quietly roll onto the shore, you must be careful not to make a mistake, which could be fatal. Light waves - to joy, happiness.

If you see waves of heavenly purity and the day is sunny, you will meet your destiny. Looking at the waves in the sea means receiving energy, experiencing great sensations and excitement.

Why do you dream about a big, huge, high wave?

Huge waves crashing onto the shore - a conflict situation will arise. During this time, do not be aggressive with your colleagues. A high wave (and you are afraid of it) means that the problem that has arisen in front of you cannot be solved alone. Get help to resolve the situation.

If you run away from an approaching wave, it means that someone has set a cunning trap, someone dislikes you very much. A married woman dreams of being tall and big wave- means that a difficult relationship will begin in the family with the husband, which must be “endured” for some time.

A girl dreams of high waves - for marriage. A tall, huge wave, but it is clean and bright, means that prosperity and luck await you in life.

Why dream, a wave covers in a dream

If you are covered by a wave in a dream, but you have no fear, it means that you will cope with all difficulties.

If you are covered by a wave and you go to the bottom, you can’t hope for success.

Why else do you dream about waves?

  • A wave with foam means that your hopes will not come true.
  • Jumping into a wave - a dream speaks of a desire to have children.
  • To escape from the wave - you need to be vigilant; the desired goals will be difficult to achieve.
  • Swimming in the waves - thanks to courage and foresight, you will soon achieve what you want.

Do you know a phenomenon that can take on a form consistent with almost any human emotion? Of course these are waves. The subconscious takes full advantage of this variability, trying to convey certain information to us through night pictures. We only need to open the dream book. What are waves for? As it turns out, there is a lot of information in the sources and it is not always clear. Let's figure it out.

Miller's Dream Book

This source associates the phenomenon with the strength of personality. Not every imagination despairs of such “demonstrations.” If the water in the vision is clear, it means you

The dream book says that you have set your priorities correctly in life. Waves gently rolling onto the shore mean teaching and reflection. The man clearly does not disdain the lessons he receives daily from Higher Powers. The result is obvious, his business is getting better and better, and serious success looms ahead. Miller's dream book considers huge waves a harbinger of big changes. At the same time, they will affect the entire society. The higher the wave, the more serious the shocks that will cause the change way of life. For example, a person dreams of a wave a million kilometers high. Soon the territory in which he lives may become part of another state. It is important to remember the color and state of the waves. Dirty water is a bad sign. There is cause for concern. This is a sign that the dreamer’s strength is not enough to overcome the upcoming difficulties and terrible events. Strengthen your spirit, try to act according to your conscience, the dream book advises. Waves crashing against bare rocks foreshadow a period of lack of money. And if there is garbage floating in them, it is theft. Be careful with your property, do not trust random acquaintances.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Here the image is viewed somewhat differently. Feelings will soon take over your soul

says the dream book. The sea, the waves serenely rolling onto the snow-white sand - a sign that the emotions that will reign in the heart will bring happiness. If the landscape is dark and the waters are rushing madly against the rocks, then expect excitement. When the picture does not leave any unpleasant, painful feelings, then after a storm in life there will come a beautiful dawn. But a dream in which you had to drown in stormy waves has a different meaning. This vision foreshadows a real disaster. Expect betrayal of loved ones, betrayal or other passions that will plunge you into the abyss of despair - the dream book warns about this. A large wave, absorbing objects and buildings, indicates the need to control emotions. You can do a lot of trouble under the influence of resentment or irritation. Water destroying a beautiful landscape is a symbol of dangerous intemperance.

Dream Interpretation of Semenova

This wise interpreter associates intellectual pursuits with this image. Here it is proposed to consider the movement of water as a harbinger of upcoming mental activity. When you see a clear and peaceful sea, you will study diligently, increasing your potential, which will create a solid foundation for achieving great success in the future - this is exactly what the dream book predicts. Waves anxiously rushing onto the gray shore speak of laziness. If you imagine the sea before a storm, then you will undergo a sudden “exam”, which will determine further career. Only knowledge that you have been avoiding can help you pass the test with honor. lately. That is, a serious storm may follow in life if you don’t come to your senses. If dirty waves destroyed a peaceful landscape, then you are faced with an erroneous decision and are ready to make it, the dream book warns. A large wave that destroys everything along its route is a sign of serious trouble. The subconscious desperately signals that there is only a tiny chance left to avoid misfortune. Finally use it!

Azar's Dream Book

The author is sure that water must be associated with current affairs. If the sea is trying to get to you, furiously rolling waves onto the shore where you are standing, then you will have to endure time trouble in reality, the dream book predicts. The wave covers your head - you won’t be able to cope with the avalanche of turnover that you couldn’t foresee. You'll have to take your work home, but it won't do any good. It’s good if you see the gentle surf on a sunny beach. This picture speaks first of all about a person’s ability to organize his affairs correctly. He plans everything and knows how to follow through on his commitments. Most likely, after such a vision you can pack your bags. The dream book promises that your work will be rewarded with a pleasant rest. Sea, waves and nothing around - you know you will find yourself in a situation where you won’t have a minute to rest while you’re doing your business. Work hard without shirking, this approach will definitely pay off.

Chinese dream book

Given ancient source I am inclined to view this image as a harbinger of the road. But only when the waters were clean and transparent. When muddy waves roll onto the dirty banks, you will become a victim of a serious and dangerous disease, the dream book warns. The wave covers, mercilessly sweeping away plants and buildings, taking you with it - you will have to sort things out. Major quarrels are possible and high-profile scandals. The interpreter recommends keeping a low profile so as not to suffer from showdowns with stronger opponents. Let them squabble among themselves. And you sit on the shore, as the old saying goes, waiting for the corpse of the enemy, who will certainly sail by. When a calm surf is seen, a predictably successful completion of business is expected.

Lunar dream book

Get ready for the road if you hear or see the surf, this interpreter insists. If the waters pleased you with their transparency and universal calm, then a wonderful voyage is expected, perhaps enchanting with sweet excitement. When they disgust you with dirt or sewage, you will become a victim of unfavorable circumstances along the way, the dream book warns. Strong waves are a sign of a successful but risky cruise. Perhaps it will become the main thing in your life, or will bring important changes.

It’s bad when the shafts have destructive power, you fight them, but cannot gain the upper hand. This is a sign of the crushing defeat that you will receive when you happily go on a planned business trip. This means that your partners are already planning to cheat you, or something unexpected will happen, which is referred to in contracts as force majeure.

Correct dream book

Waves, storms, hurricanes in nightmares are a harbinger of wrong steps. The scarier the picture, the greater the disappointment will be. You will understand that the goal you have been striving for for a long time turned out to be false. Your conclusions were

built on deception, or perhaps unprincipled fraud. Try to check all your affairs, especially paying attention to the postulates from which you started when planning. The interpreter recommends seeking advice from a wise friend, which you undoubtedly have. Quiet, serene waves dream of the same life. There are no reasons for concern. Drowning in helplessness among the terrible waves is a sign of heart disease. A visit to the doctor is necessary.

Ukrainian dream book

Waves must be interpreted based on their appearance. If they are calm, then wait for an invitation to go on the road. The gentle shore and the sound of the surf bring harmony to the soul. Business will delight you, and your personal life will take you to heaven. On the contrary, shafts rising up to dark clouds are a harbinger of a stubborn struggle for one’s position. After such a dream, it is recommended to forget about gullibility and serenity. Keep your eyes open - someone is already planning to plunge you into a series of problematic “events.” Evil Enemies They have laid out nets into which you are about to flutter frivolously. Caution and foresight are the interpreter's recommendation. A huge wave that goes across the earth, destroying the fruits of the creation of God and man, is a harbinger of a serious social upheaval. It will be impossible to run away or hide from him. It is necessary to gather strength and meet a significant event shoulder to shoulder with family and friends. Running away from scary, dirty shafts means a possible illness.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

For lovely women who are passionate about caring for the family, such an image can predict both joy and misfortune. If she had to bask on the gentle waves that serenely rock her, like a mother with her child, it means that her husband will catch her every desire, trying to please in everything. If she stands on the shore, and the waves gently touch her feet, fearfully rolling back into the depths, her husband will begin to obey her will. It is necessary to use such luck wisely. Wisdom in relationships is the key to their strength and stability, the dream book assures. But powerful waves raging under a stormy sky are a sign of a violation of harmony. Try to turn a blind eye to your husband’s grumbling for a while, and barbs can fall on deaf ears. Maybe things aren't going well for your loved one. Help him with your calm and steadfastness. Soon the storm will subside and love will shine again.

The sea is a place where you can truly relax. How pleasant it is to lie on the warm white sand and listen to the waves, softly foaming, rush onto the shore. You can walk along deserted beaches and watch the waves crashing against the rocks.

There is nothing more soothing than the sound of water. But water, in addition to its creative power, also carries destructive power. The waves can rise so high during this time that they even cover the sky. To find out what waves mean in dreams, it is important to understand the meaning of this symbol. Sea waves combine two the most powerful forces of the universe – destruction and creation. If you look in Slavic dream book, waves are a symbol of change, renewal and wandering.

The interpretation of the dream will depend on what kind of waves you dreamed about, as well as on the plot and details. Pay attention to every nuance, because it can become key in the interpretation.

  • Whether the wave was small or huge.
  • River or ocean.
  • Purity.
  • Destruction or tranquility.
  • Your condition.

Small or huge

So, first of all, you should pay attention to the size of the wave. A small surf, barely touching your feet in a dream, speaks of an imminent journey. Or you will visit unexpected corners of your hometown and visit places hitherto unknown to you.

If you dreamed of a noisy wave covering your head, it means that a lot of things await you. You have to think about everything at once. Try not to worry, but simply consistently solve all problems that arise.

Many people are interested in what dreams of a big wave mean. Such a dream promises unexpected events. You will be surprised by the most close person: He will do something you never expected. Also, according to the Meridian dream book, a big wave is a symbol of big changes that are happening inside you.

Huge, high pillars of water falling down noisily are dreamed of as a warning. Soon everything in your life will begin to change at incredible speed. Try to remain calm and sane, and then you will be able to understand the deep essence of these changes.

If you dreamed of a tsunami, it means that you will need to make a fateful decision. Not only your future, but also that of many people close to you will depend on this decision. Waves of this size, as the Islamic dream book says, are a symbol of strong emotional experiences.

Observe slight excitement towards the guests. Your family and friends will visit you and spend several pleasant hours with you. As the small Velesov’s dream book says, a river wave is a harbinger of a meeting with someone from your past. In a dream, sea waves are seen as harbingers of an imminent vacation, and also as a symbol of changes in life. Apparently, very soon you will change something in yourself and your environment.

Seeing in a dream the real ocean and its beautiful and strong excitement- means that an influential person will appear in your life. This person will become your companion on for many years. Also, the ocean in a dream is a symbol of your inner world, its depth and breadth.

If you see clear, literally crystal water agitated in the sea, it means that the thoughts of the people around you, as well as your thoughts, are pure. You have chosen the right path, and everything along this path will work out for you. If the water is cloudy, it means you are deceiving yourself in some way. Try to understand when you turned off the right path and followed the desires of other people. Return to that point and start your own path. Seeing muddy waves, as the Vedic dream book notes, means that ill-wishers are plotting against you.

Huge dirty waves in a dream, with garbage and mud, covering you headlong, are harbingers of internal experiences. You feel like you are living someone else's life. Try to figure out what you want your life to be like and start making it a reality.

Destruction or tranquility

Seeing calm and smooth waves in a dream means that everything in your life will flow calmly. All future transformations will be as soft and comfortable as possible.

Seeing the waves of a slightly raging sea in a dream means small quarrels and conflicts at work. Don't take it to heart: how sea ​​waves, all conflicts will calm down and be resolved over time, everything will be as before.

Seeing a tsunami covering a city means major changes. Many people believe that in the interpretation it matters what object the wave covers, but in fact, if you look at it, the answer to the question of why you dream of a wave, whether it covers your house or the whole city, is the same. In any case, this is a harbinger of serious changes in both your personal and professional life.

In a dream, it means that it is high time for you to start solving the problems you have accumulated. Their number has already exceeded all limits, and if you don’t start doing this today, then tomorrow they will cover you completely. Also, according to Miller’s dream book, a flood is a symbol of your experiences that do not allow you to exist in peace.

  • Being terrified and frightened by a tsunami means facing your childhood fears. In fact, there is no need to be afraid, you can handle everything with ease.
  • Rejoicing when you see a flood means an inadequate assessment of the situation. You need to approach all issues with a cool head. A wave that causes joy, according to Miller’s dream book, symbolizes an excess of feelings.
  • Feeling sad while looking at the huge waves going in the distance is a feeling inner emptiness. It's time for you to unwind and do something really interesting.

Water is a real miracle, and what makes it even more fantastic is the ability to worry. Like a person, she worries, gets angry or calms down. Whether you dream of the sea or the ocean - it doesn’t matter, such dreams always give you the opportunity to learn something new about yourself.

Dreams are a special reality that seems to be superimposed on what is happening in a person’s life.

Thanks to dreams, you can realize reality and get a hint for the future.

So why do you dream about big waves?

It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of big waves - basic interpretation

How nice it is to see the surface of the sea in a dream, how its azure beckons, how nice it is to see a sea voyage that you embark on with joy and enthusiasm. After such dreams comes white stripe in life and everything starts to work out wonderfully.

But what could a dream mean in which huge waves appear? It is worth carefully interpreting the dream in its entirety, taking into account the following nuances:

The waves rise at night or during the day;

The water is cold or warm;

The color of the water remains clear or it becomes cloudy;

What sensations come to you when you see waves (fear, joy, indifference);

Why do the waves rise?

What happens to you after this.

It is important to look closely at every little detail. Especially if you are not alone in a storm, but another person is caught with you. If you are nevertheless caught by surprise on a ship by a storm, and you have nowhere to go, you will be overwhelmed by a series of incomprehensible events, they will be very unpleasant for you.

On the one hand, you should consider all the troubles that come into your life as a kind of lesson, an opportunity to change your life for the better, on the other hand, you should overcome obstacles with dignity. If you dreamed of a tsunami, expect changes in your life of such force that it is unlikely that anything will remain with you from your previous way of life and thinking.

If big waves don’t scare you, but on the contrary, you ride them with joy and fun, everything in life will be easy for you. You will be busy with your household chores and at the same time have time to complete a lot of errands, take into account all the little things and nuances. Be prepared to work hard, because your work will be rewarded a hundredfold.

If to a young guy If you dream of big waves, you should moderate your ardor and be sure to pay more attention to your significant other. There is no need to actively sort things out now. This will not do anything good, it will only alienate the partners. In order for everything in life to be smooth and go as usual, you need to smooth out conflicts, and not insist on your own.

If you are overwhelmed by the dirty water of the waves, you will also plunge into your own problems and all because of sluggishness and imprudence. In the future, only expect the situation to worsen; if you want to change something urgently, change it right now. Otherwise, your problems will ruin your life for a long time.

If you are overwhelmed with your head transparent and warm water big waves - rejoice, fate has prepared a lot of gifts for you, you will be appreciated at work, you will be held in high esteem everywhere. You will always be on good standing, both at work and with family. If someone turns to you for help in the near future, help without hesitation, this help will be rewarded to you.

Why do you dream of big waves according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream about big waves? Miller's dream book indicates that this dream should be considered as a warning. If the sea water is clear, despite the storm, you will make the absolutely right decision. Even if doubts overwhelm you, they will end, and a period of firm confidence in own strength. Also decision made will bring you financial stability and prosperity.

If you dream that as a result of a storm the entire coast is strewn with garbage and silt, do not make hasty decisions and do not draw conclusions in anger. It is worth considering all possible solutions conflict situation. In addition, the dream indicates that you need to be more careful in the future. Because the conflict is caused precisely by your past mistakes, which you do not want to admit. If it is impossible, as they say, to “get away with it,” then solving problems and issues should be postponed.

If in a dream you saw how entire cities were overwhelmed by the elements, be prepared for trials, after which peace and harmony will reign in your heart. If large waves in a dream do not cause any harm to the dreamer or other people or things, then in reality all obstacles will be overcome quite easily.

If a tsunami appeared in your dream, get ready for colossal changes in life. If you want to get everything done and at the same time get great financial benefits, get ready to work hard. But at the same time, you should not discard the desires and opinions of other people, they can become valuable experience and advice for you.

Why do you dream of big waves according to Freud’s dream book?

Why do you dream about big waves? Freud's dream book states that they dream of changes in the relationship between partners. If you dream about big waves, then the changes will be dramatic, but positive or negative - you should carefully study the entire dream. If the waves are huge and are caused by flooding, pregnancy can be expected. If it is unwanted or unplanned, it is better to take appropriate measures.

If a man dreams of huge waves, he needs to moderate his ardor and choose one partner in order to avoid conflicts and quarrels. If the waves overwhelmed him in a dream, the conflict is unlikely to be avoided, but if the water is clear, he will proudly win and remain a winner.

Why do you dream of big waves according to other dream books?

IN esoteric dream book special attention in the interpretation of dreams is given to symbols. They are secret signs and clues. So, large waves mean gossip and gossip behind your back. Someone is deliberately inflating the conflict in order to denigrate you - this is evidenced by the muddy and dirty water in a dream. If it is transparent, you will quickly neutralize the enemy and only benefit from his gossip.

If you dreamed of drowning in big waves and no one coming to your aid, loneliness will await you. You will not only be left alone in your personal life, without support at work, but you will be pestered by your condition inner loneliness, it will interfere with your life. Someone is very jealous of you, and therefore you feel discomfort, you want to wash yourself with water, wash away someone else’s negativity, but as a result, you simply drown in the waves, plunge into the abyss.

If you dream that a baby is rocking on big waves, he does not drown, does not scream, but floats away into the distance - you should put off the desire to have children for now. If they already exist, you need to pay special attention to them psychological health, since it may become loose, children may move away from you.

In Tsvetkov's dream book It is said that large waves are evidence of a person’s enormous emotional potential:

If you are just watching them from the shore, prepare for a trip;

If the waves cover the shore with their waters and they are muddy, you should beware of quarrels and conflicts, now you have no need for them;

If the wave covers you entirely, you will find yourself in an awkward situation;

If the wave is clear and the water foams near the shore, all problems will soon be resolved, all the necessary efforts have already been made.

In the Jewish dream book It is said that waves dream of painstaking work; it is worth completing all tasks and assignments wisely and with the desire to get the maximum result. Then your work will be rewarded. Also, large foaming waves can symbolize an influx of emotions and feelings. If they are mutual, there is no need to worry. But if you are not separated, you should pull yourself together and not show your suffering to anyone, otherwise your enemies will take advantage of this and only worsen the situation.

After such a dream, you cannot sort things out not only with your loved ones, but also with your relatives. If the picture of how the waves sway and the water is stormy inspires you, you will receive the strength to resolve all your issues. For a creative person, such a dream will become a symbol of new ideas and victories.

In any case, a dream that causes positive emotions- in reality will lead to positive changes. If the waves raged in a dream and they emanate cold, dampness, and darkness, perhaps the person is inclined to denigrate everything and fall into depression. Then the dream indicates that you should not go too far. Prolonged depression and severe consequences after it are possible.

If the waves are raging, but the water is clear and the wind is ruffling your hair, it’s time to pack your bags. The trip will be long and very varied. If you are not standing on the shore yourself, then you will not be alone on your journey. You will be accompanied by a devoted friend, a loved one. The dream promises happiness and joy.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about the absence of Waves?

A wave is a symbol of travel, a fast and unexpected road, big changes. The road seen is not always associated with geographical movement; the dream is also interpreted as a journey of feelings and emotions.

Dreaming of pure blue or transparent waves - a breakthrough in work or study. This will help you take a leading position in the team and count on quick rewards.

Why dream about waves if the water is dirty or cloudy - a symbol of making a fatal mistake that will not allow you to achieve your dreams. A deplorable situation awaits if you dreamed of dirty waves rolling onto the shore during a storm.

Psychological interpretation of dreams according to Ivan Furtsev

Why did I dream about the Wave?

  • The image of a strong and restless wave in a dream is a state of confusion and worry.
  • Calm, barely noticeable streams of water speak of spiritual harmony and peace.
  • If the waves are clear on the open sea - achievements in study and science.
  • Why dream of huge waves rolling onto the shore during a storm - a fatal mistake.
  • High, dangerous waves, according to the dream book, are events that will undermine emotional state. Perhaps the experience will get much worse.
  • Transparent waves prophesy a solution to a complex problem that has been tormenting for a long time.

Romantic dream book

Why do you dream about Waves?

  • Waves can dream of forbidden, fleeting and dangerous romances and affairs on the side.
  • Why do you dream of stormy waves - don’t do it immoral acts, since the risk of betraying a loved one is high. Do not doubt that everything secret will become clear, and this will lead to a break in the relationship.
  • According to the dream book, seeing noisy waves at night means that quarrels and misunderstandings will soon begin in your relationship with your partner. Solution - be more tolerant of your other half, then disagreements will quickly be forgotten and your life together will become bright.
  • Why do you dream of waves, you are covered by a wave - a warning, a recommendation to reconsider your life and make the necessary changes. Only this will help you achieve success.
  • You dream of dirty water in which garbage floats, rolling onto the shore in waves - soon you will plunge headlong into troubles and problems.
  • If the water in the rolling waves is clean and transparent, there is nothing to worry about, your affairs will be in perfect order.

Maly Velesov dream book

Waves in a dream

  • Dreaming of a sea with waves - a close road or an obstacle in business.
  • If you dream of a wave covering the shore, you will achieve resolution of controversial issues.
  • According to the dream book, clear sea waves in a dream are a good omen; if there are problems, they will be small and insignificant.
  • Raging waves with dirty water are a negative signal warning of conflicts, quarrels, and diseases.
  • Dreaming of a tsunami or a big wave - global losses, fire or flood.

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing Waves in a dream, what does it mean?

If a child dreams of waves, this is a symbol of concern about one’s own affairs, one’s own life. Based on this, we interpret the meaning of such a dream. If the wave in a dream is small and not scary, everything in life is going well; if there are disturbances, then they are small. This is normal, because our life consists of small worries and minor troubles.

Why do you dream of frightening waves, large and dangerous, threatening to overwhelm you - an alarming warning, in reality they expect serious shocks that will cause serious harm.

It’s good if you dreamed of a wave with clear water, which is so nice to swing on. Similar dream promises a breakthrough in study, work or thinking, which will allow you to gain fundamental knowledge and rise to the top new level. If the wave is muddy and carries debris ashore after a storm, this is a mistake that will prove fatal. Therefore, take your time and think about everything again.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What do Waves mean in a dream?

  • Why do you dream of waves - a fast or unexpected road, a sudden departure.
  • You dream of dirty, muddy waves, water with garbage that washes over you - negative dream warning of conflict, quarrel or serious illness.
  • If in a dream a wave hit the shore, you watched the surf - this good sign, promising a quick resolution of complex issues.
  • If you dream of small and clean waves, the dream suggests that you are not satisfied with your knowledge base and will soon not miss the opportunity to replenish it; another interpretation of the dream: you will have to choose the lesser of two evils. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • According to the dream book, to see storm waves covered with foam and yellow-green with silt - the dream warns against rash actions; there is a high probability of making a fatal mistake.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Waves in a dream?

  • Seeing pure waves in a dream is a significant breakthrough in learning, accumulation of knowledge, and practical skills.
  • Dreaming of a storm with strong dirty waves is a fatal mistake that will leave an imprint on your future life.
  • Why dream of waves rolling onto the shore in a dream - to the indignation of a lover.