The Unified State Exam decision made by the court in a specific case. The sentence has broken cause-and-effect relationships

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) A decision made by a court in a specific case must be executed, for example, a decision to evict people from an apartment who occupied it without permission, a decision to confiscate property, etc. (2) But not always the persons obliged to do something by a court decision voluntarily perform this duty. (3) _____ execution of judicial acts is carried out forcibly and is entrusted to the bailiff service.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Persons obliged to do something by a court decision do not always fulfill this duty voluntarily.

2. The bailiff service carries out forced execution of judicial acts that are not executed voluntarily.

3. If persons do not voluntarily execute a court decision, execution of judicial acts is carried out forcibly.

4. The decision made by the court must be executed, even if some persons oppose the execution of the judicial act.

5. If the court decision is not executed voluntarily, the enforcement of judicial acts is entrusted to the bailiff service.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. In all cases

2. Anyway

3. Anyway

4. In this case

5. Otherwise


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word BUSINESS. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

D E LO, - a; pl. affairs, affairs, affairs; Wed

1. Work, occupation, activity. Busy with important work. Habitual d. Current affairs. Be idle. On business matters.

2. someone or something. Terms of reference; that which directly relates to someone is included in someone’s. tasks. Education - family.

3. Necessity, need. I have before you (to you) to come on business.

4. Something important, necessary (colloquial). Speak d. (to the point).

5. Sphere of knowledge, activity, work. Gornoye village Voinoye village Stolyarnoye village

6. Same as enterprise (1 value). The company has a solid business. Open your own business in the city.

7. Event, circumstance, fact; state of affairs. D. it was autumn. This is the past. How are you?

8. Same as deed. Do good d.

9. Judicial proceedings, process. Criminal d. Initiate d. against someone.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The southern coast of the Crimean peninsula is famous for its COMFORTABLE subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type.

2. The target she was meant to hit was very MICROSCOPIC.

3. PRODUCTIVE labor is labor that creates material wealth and products of intellectual activity.

4. Growing tulips in Holland is a very rewarding activity: tulips are not just a symbol of the country, but also a source of income.

5. Imperial robes for RUNNING persons look like long sleeveless cloaks made of golden eyelet.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

RINSE the laundry






Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) The revolution in science began thanks to the emergence of new statistical methods.
B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 2) V. Nabokov often talked about chess compositions in his literary works, primarily in the novel “The Gift” and the memoir book “Other Shores”.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Preparing for the exams, we spent more than one day in the reading room of the city library.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) After reading the article about the sights of Taganrog, there was a desire to see everything with my own eyes.
D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 5) Litotes is a technique that is outwardly opposite to hyperbole, but in essence is its natural variety.
6) The children's theater festival, which took place at the end of last season, became a real holiday.
7) Everyone who stood in line remained silent.
8) Sergei often talked about his favorite novel - “Steppenwolf” by Hermann Hesse.
9) City museums should not only preserve the apartments of great people, but also ordinary people.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




n...norama get involved


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

dig...dig, not...burnable

explode, pr...parents

mis...information, ineffective...

pr...sea, pr...grada

to...pull, o...carry


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.




lily of the valley



Write down the word in which the letter A is written in the blank.





dancing.... dancing


Indicate all the numbers in whose place the letter I is written.

The sky cleared to the most incredible depths, there were n(2) n(3) clouds in it, n(4) even instantaneous strokes of swifts.


Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are written HYPHENED. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. The side (APPARENTLY) was deserted: forests were visible everywhere, but there were (STILL) no fields.

2. The intoxicating smell of linden trees rushes along the river: as if linden forests were blooming somewhere hundreds of kilometers away.

3. Yesterday we didn’t ask about the way (ON) TOMORROW, and now we had to go (ON) GUESS.

4. FROM WHERE, from afar, night was approaching, and the forest surrounding us began to get (A LITTLE) dark.

5. Sargassum, (B) DIFFERENT from most large algae, does not attach to the bottom, but floats (B) THICKER than the water.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

One foggy (1) morning the earth trembled under the hooves of the Tatar horse (2) and, without losing a single person killed or wounded (3), the steppe inhabitants rushed into the emptiness of their no longer interesting fate.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The stars looked out and the month majestically rose into the sky to shine on good people and the whole world.

2. We took a basket each and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

3. The fog slowly rose and covered everything accessible to the eye with a matte veil.

5. The sun shimmered over the Yenisei, and through this shimmer the crowns of the trees on the other side of the river were barely visible.


Darkening (1) with patches of forests (2) the steppe sank into the morning fog and carried me away (3) filling my soul (4) with a feeling of joy.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. However, then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Thunder struck (1) the rumbles (2) of which reminded me (3) of the sound of a terrible earthquake.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The last meters of the path seemed especially difficult to Konstantin (1) but (2) when they were passed (3) and the mountain peak appeared (4) he felt very good at heart.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

As a result of condensation of water vapor, clouds form and precipitation falls in the form of rain, hail and snow.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Each person is a living, radiating personal center. (2) Every look, every word, every smile, every deed radiates a special energy of heat and light into the common spiritual ether of existence. (3) And even when a person, apparently not manifesting himself in anything, is simply nearby, we feel the rays he sends. (4) And, moreover, the stronger, the more definite and intense, the more significant and unique his spiritual personality.

(5) Receiving the first perception of someone else’s antipathy, we feel that the life rays we send are not accepted by the other person, are repelled or stubbornly not allowed into ourselves. (6) This is already unpleasant and painful. (7) This may cause us some confusion or even confusion. (8) A strange feeling of failure, or one’s own ineptitude, or even the irrelevance of one’s existence arises in the soul. (9) The will to communicate is suppressed, the rays do not want to be emitted, words cannot be found, the uplift of life ceases, the heart is ready to close. (10) Closed and uncommunicative people often evoke such a feeling in sociable and expansive people, even when antipathy is out of the question. (11) But antipathy, once it arises, intensifies to hostility, thickens into disgust and deepens to hatred.

(12) When I encounter real hatred towards me in life, a feeling of great unhappiness awakens in me, then grief and a feeling of my powerlessness.

(13) Following this, I experience a persistent desire to leave my hater at all costs, disappear from his sight, never meet him again and not know anything about him. (14) If this succeeds, then I quickly calm down, but then I soon notice that some kind of dejection and heaviness remain in my soul, for the black rays of his hatred still overtake me, penetrating to me through the common ethereal space. (15) Then I begin to involuntarily feel for his hating soul and see myself in its black rays as their object and victim. (16) A wound has formed in the spiritual ether of the world; it needs to be healed and healed. (17) My hater must forgive me and reconcile with me. (18) He must experience the joy that I live in this world, and give me the opportunity to rejoice in his existence. (19) For, according to the words of the great Orthodox sage Seraphim of Sarov, “man is joy to man.”

(20) First of all, I need to find and establish whether it is not my fault that we are both now suffering: he, the hater, and I, the hated? (21) Maybe I accidentally touched some old, unhealed wound in his heart? (22) After that, I need to forgive him for his hatred. (23) I shouldn’t, I don’t dare respond to his black ray with the same black ray of contempt and rejection. (24) I should not shy away from meeting him; I have no right to escape. (25) From now on, I will meet the ray of his hatred with a white ray, clear, meek, kind, forgiving and seeking forgiveness.

About some changes in comparison with the Unified State Exam-2012 The time for completing the work has been increased by 30 minutes (from 180 to 210). The format of task A 1 has been changed (the task on orthoepy remains, we are working with stress again, but now the distractors contain three words with the correct stress and one - with an incorrect answer) The range of answers to task A 20 has been expanded (an explanation for the placement of a comma or its absence before the conjunction I) The criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer have been clarified (criterion K 1, to which a note has been added for experts: If the examinee has not formulated or formulated incorrectly (in one form or another in any part of the essay) one of the problems of the source text, then such work according to criteria K 1–K 4 is scored 0 points) is scored 0 points

Part A Task A 1 – “Orthoepic norms” In which word was there an error in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was incorrectly highlighted? 1) def. Is 2) cr. Ana 3) Osug village 4) angry. Upholster

Task A 2 - “Lexical norms (use of words)” In which answer option is the highlighted word used incorrectly? 1) We haven’t seen him for a LONG time, so now there wasn’t even anything to talk about. 2) Marat looked comical after visiting the cave. 3) There were ALL sorts of colorful objects on the table. 4) The trip to Ufa this time was more SUCCESSFUL.

Task A 3 – “Morphological norms” Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form. 1) a pair of shoes 2) walking down the street 3) with sixty million 4) the least successful attempt REPEAT: declension of numerals; declension of nouns that have only a plural form, as well as words denoting objects worn on the feet (stockings, socks, shoes, boots); rules for forming the plural form of some nouns (doctors, teachers, professors, etc.) comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs

Task A 4 – “Syntactic norms (constructing a sentence with a gerund)” Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Arriving in Ishimbay, 1) I hope to see my old friends. 2) the city seemed completely different to me. 3) I want to go to the beach of the Tairuk River. 4) next stop – the city of Salavat.

Task A 5 – “Syntactic norms (norms of agreement and control, construction of sentences with homogeneous members, complex sentences)” Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm). 1) On both sides of the road leading to Ishimbay, willow grows and reeds rise above the swamp water. 2) Upon arrival in Ishimbay, we went in search of a suitable hotel. 3) A passerby asked me if I knew how to get to the editorial office of the Voskhod newspaper. 4) Each of the young Ishimbay residents who does not want to leave their small homeland chooses a local branch of UGATU or universities in neighboring Sterlitamak for study.

Task A 6 – “Grammar norms (syntactic norms)” In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase? 1) Nikita Marchenko, with whom we studied in the same group at the university, now works as a correspondent for the newspaper “Republic of Bashkortostan” 2) We got acquainted with all the sights that are in the directory about the city of Ishimbay: Victory Park, the monument to the discoverers of Bashkir oil, the “grandmother’s tower” . 3) The young man, for whom the teachers predicted a great scientific future, still has not even defended his Ph.D. thesis. 4) Friends spent a long time selecting a route that would suit all their friends.

Task A 7 - A 12 - work with the first text A 7 - Selection of a sentence that should be the first in this text. A 8 – Selection of words or phrases missing in one of the sentences of the text. A 9 – The grammatical (predicative) basis of the sentence, the subject and predicate as the main members of the sentence. A 10 – Syntactic analysis of a sentence. A 11 – Morphological analysis of the word. A 12 – Lexical meaning of the word.

Task A 7 – “Text. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. Sequence of sentences in the text" TEXT: (1)… (2) It was about a means of braking aircraft that land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. (3)… the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. (5) To prevent planes from jumping overboard, they had to be slowed down with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down airplanes with an electromagnetic field running towards them. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text? 1) After failure in aviation, the electric motor began to be tested in ground vehicles. 2) It is difficult to list all the areas of possible application of an electric motor. 3) About 30 years ago, a report appeared in the press about testing a new means of braking aircraft. 4) About 30 years ago they tried to use an electric motor as a means of braking an aircraft carrier.

Task A 8 - “Means of communication of sentences in the text” TEXT: (1)... (2) It was about a means of braking aircraft that land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. (3)… the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. (5) To prevent planes from jumping overboard, they had to be slowed down with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down airplanes with an electromagnetic field running towards them. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in place of the gap in the third sentence of the text? 1) In addition, 2) Thus, 3) On the contrary, 4) Of course,

Task A 9 – “The grammatical basis of a sentence” TEXT: (1)... (2) It was about a means of braking aircraft that land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. (3)… the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. (5) To prevent planes from jumping overboard, they had to be slowed down with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down airplanes with an electromagnetic field running towards them. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts of a complex sentence in the text? 1) it is difficult to take off and land (sentence 4) 2) planes had to be slowed down (sentence 5) 3) which land (sentence 2) 4) the installation should have been (sentence 6))

Task A 9 – continued Test takers are asked to find either a distractor in which the basis of the sentence is written, or to find an answer option in which the subject or predicate is correctly represented. REMEMBER: 1. In addition to the simple verbal predicate, there are compound verbal and compound nominal predicates! The most problems arise with the second type of predicate. Compare: I am proud of the teacher and I am a teacher 2. The subject can be expressed not only by a noun (in our example it is expressed by a conjunction word)! 3. Non-free phrases are one member of a sentence (two pop stars, a couple from Woland’s retinue, a beautiful girl, etc.)

Task A 10 – “Partactic analysis of a sentence” TEXT: (1)... (2) It was about a means of braking aircraft that land on the deck of an aircraft carrier. (3)… the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. (5) To prevent planes from jumping overboard, they had to be slowed down with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down airplanes with an electromagnetic field running towards them. Indicate the correct characteristic of the fifth (5) sentence of the text. 1) simple complicated 2) complex 3) complex with conjunctional coordinating and non-conjunctive connections between parts 4) complex

Task A 10 - continuation To complete task A 10, you need to know not as much as to complete tasks on syntax in part B. It will be quite enough if we remember the following types of sentences: Simple sentences, complicated by participial and participial phrases, homogeneous series, introductory words, separate applications and appeals. Complex non-union sentences. Complex sentences. Complex sentences.

Task A 11 – “Morphological analysis of a word” Indicate a sentence that contains a possessive pronoun. 1) (4) Its area is relatively small, and therefore it is difficult to take off from it, and even more difficult to land. 2) (5) To prevent planes from jumping overboard, they had to be slowed down with rubber cords, parachutes and caught with brake nets. 3) (3)… the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. 4) (6) This new installation was supposed to slow down airplanes with an electromagnetic field running towards them.

Task A 11 – continuation To complete this task, you must be able to distinguish from each other: passive and active participles, gerunds, verbal adjectives; comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs; pronoun categories; qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives; and also know other parts of speech...

Task A 12 – “Lexical meaning of the word” Indicate in what meaning the word IDEAL is used in the third (3) sentence: (3)... the deck, even the deck of such a giant as an aircraft carrier, is far from an ideal airfield. 1) imaginary, invented 2) perfect, without flaws 3) ordinary, typical 4) specialized, intended for specific purposes

Task A 13 – “Spelling -N- and -NN- in suffixes of various parts of speech” Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place NN is written? The left-hander has absorbed many of the qualities inherent in Leskov’s righteous people: genuine(1) patriotism, the presence of clear moral(2) guidelines, tenacity of character, natural talent(3), keen interest in the life around him - “charm(4)ness” . 1) 1, 3 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 3) 1, 2, 4 4) 2, 3, 4

Task A 14 – “Spelling roots” In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing? 1) ap. . lational, del. . kates, prot. . army 2) accl. . matize, art. . filmed (in means), calc. . tanning 3) act. . sight, metz. . nat, diff. . waving 4) skr. . puffy, created . vat, take out . sit

Task A 15 – “Spelling prefixes” In which row is the same letter missing in all three words? 1) ra. . concentrate, be. . promising, i. . languish 2) etc. add, etc. smart, etc. keep up 3) by. . stitch, on. . kidney gland, o. . dacha 4) post. . industrial, from. . say, over. . exquisite REMEMBER: CHARGE

Task A 16 – “Spelling personal endings of verbs and suffixes of present participles” In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the gap? 1) remember . wow, view. . washed 2) breath. . bite, bite. . 3) vert. . Shouting, unbending. . washed 4) lele. . sew, spend. . gone

Task A 17 – “Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech (except -N-//-NN-)” Which answer option contains all the words where the letter I is missing? A. assidch. . vyy B. unfastened. . vat V. goldfinch. . cottony G. listen. . 1) A, B, D 2) A, B, C 3) C, D 4) A, C, D

Task A 18 – “Spelling NOT and NI” In which sentence is NOT spelled together with the word? 1) No traces were visible in the fresh snow. 2) Pavel Ivanovich’s facial features are (not) devoid of pleasantness. 3) In this (un)thinned forest, young trees grow slowly. 4) Nearby rustled reeds with tassels that had not yet blossomed.

Task A 19 – “Contiguous, hyphenated, separate writing” In which sentence are both highlighted words written together? 1) Nurtured by I. A. Goncharov (C) FOR several years, the new concept of “Oblomov” was (FINALLY) realized in July - August 1857, when the writer quickly created the second and third parts of the novel. 2) Ivan’s face (AS) LIKE it was petrified in its stern expression and (THAT) seemed to be carved from marble. 3) Pavel Petrovich was considered a proud man, but was respected for his aristocratic manners, for the fact that he (EVERYWHERE) carried with him a real silver travel case and a camp bathtub; he was respected SO (SAME) for his impeccable honesty. 4) Onegin, JUST like the hero of B. Constant, is smart, but is emphatically indifferent to the people around him and (YET) does not see anything in life worthy of his spiritual efforts. .

Task A 20 - “Punctuation in simple and complex sentences” Indicate the correct explanation for the placement of a comma or its absence in a sentence: The Symbolists and their followers - the Acmeists - saw in Tyutchev their forerunner () and continued Tyutchev’s poetic traditions. 1) A simple sentence with homogeneous members and a repeating conjunction; a comma is needed before the conjunction AND. 2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And no comma is needed. 3) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And there is no need for a comma. 4) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

Task A 21 – “Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated members of the sentence (definitions, circumstances)” Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences? The first exhibition of the Itinerants (1) opened in 1871 (2) convincingly demonstrated the existence in painting (3) of a direction (5) that was emerging throughout the 60s (4) that was new in worldview and means of representation. 1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 2) 1, 2, 3, 4 3) 1, 2 4) 1, 2, 5

Task A 22 – “Punctuation marks in sentences with words and constructions that are not grammatically related to the members of the sentence” Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in sentences? And to the right, and to the left, and (1) it seems (2) lightning flashed right above the house. On this sunny day, everything around (3) seemed (4) joyful. 1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 1, 3 3) 3, 4 4) 1, 2

Task A 23 – “Punctuation marks in a simple complex sentence (homogeneous members of the sentence)” Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (No punctuation marks are placed) 1) The grandmother greased the rooster’s comb and beard and sprinkled millet on the floor. 2) We have already seen the distant factory chimney and the roofs of the houses. 3) Either measured and leisurely, or feverishly fast, or interrupting each other, the sounds of the drum came from the other bank. 4) Everything was already quiet, or it seemed so.

Task A 24 – “Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence” How to explain the placement of a colon in this sentence? The steppe is cheerfully replete with flowers: gorse turns bright yellow, bells turn modestly blue, wild carnations glow with crimson spots. 1) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence. 2) The second part of a complex sentence is opposed to what is said in the first part. 3) The first part of a complex sentence indicates the time of occurrence of what is said in the second part. 4) The second part of a complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part. MOST CORRECT ANSWERS - see example + “The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the reason for what is said in the first part”

Task A 25 – “Punctuation marks in a complex sentence” Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? One of the largest aircraft (1) is the Airbus A-380 (2) whose engines (3) (4) have unique power. 1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1, 4 FORMULA FOR THE CORRECT ANSWER: k – 1 or k – 1 and k + 1, where k is the number next to (usually in front of) the conjunction word “WHICH”

Task A 26 – “Punctuation marks in a complex sentence with a conjunction and a non-conjunction; complex sentence with different types of connections” Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence? The last meters of the path seemed especially difficult to Konstantin (1) but (2) when they were passed (3) and the mountain peak appeared (4) his soul felt very good. 1) 1, 2, 3, 4 2) 1, 2, 4 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 2, 3, 4

Task A 26 - continuation Most often in exams we will deal with sentences in which there should be commas in place of all the numbers. . . However, OFTEN and ALWAYS are not the same thing... To cope with this task, you need to learn to find the grammatical basis (then we will not put a comma before the conjunction AND, connecting homogeneous members of the sentence). But even in complex sentences, a comma is not always placed before the conjunction And: for example, it was not there in the previous example. In second place in terms of prevalence in KIMs are sentences in which commas are placed everywhere except the position after the coordinating conjunction (in these cases, without distorting the meaning and/or violating the syntax, it is impossible to omit part of the sentence from the number after the coordinating conjunction to the next number). For example, the writer’s imagination was crowded with a variety of ideas (1) and (2) if he forced himself to stop at one thing (3) by force of will, then he again did not know (4) what the beginning should be. (Answer: 1, 3, 4)

Task A 27 - “Information processing of written texts of various styles and genres” Read the text In calm weather, the surface of the water is smooth enough to give a mirror reflection, so when we stand on the bank of a river in such weather, we see the trees on the other bank twice: firstly firstly, the trees themselves, such as they are, and, secondly, their reflections in the water. But as soon as the wind rises, the surface of the water ceases to be smooth and ripples appear. A large number of small waves send light in all directions, causing the reflection of the trees to blur and disappear. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text? 1) When we stand on the bank of a river in calm weather, we see the trees on the other bank twice: 2) 3) 4) the trees themselves and their reflections in the water, and the quality of their reflection improves in windy weather. As soon as the wind picks up, a large number of small waves appear, sending light in all directions, so the reflection of trees in the river is more clear in dry weather than in bad weather. In calm weather, the surface of the water is smooth, like a mirror, but as soon as the wind rises, ripples appear on its surface. The specular reflection of trees in a river can only be seen in calm weather on a smooth water surface, because the ripples created by the wind send light in all directions and the reflection disappears.

Task A 28 – “Text as a speech work; semantic and compositional integrity of the text" Which sentence of the text contains the answer to the question posed in the first sentence? FIRST SENTENCE: What is the category of beauty in literature? 1) (9) This depth of truth seen by the artist is aesthetic beauty in art. 2) (8) And yet literature is a second life, concentrated in time. 3) (13) The artist’s main tool is vision and hearing, realized in words, in thought. 4) (17) But the word itself cannot carry all the beauty or ugliness, it cannot be beautiful or bad, worn out or not worn out just because it expresses this or that concept.

Task A 28 - continuation Task A 28 is the first of three types A, which are performed on the basis of the main source text (all tasks of type B are also performed on it and an essay is written). In tasks of type A 28, examinees are asked to find a sentence in which the author expresses his attitude to something, explains any actions, etc., and also lists statements and thoughts that correspond to the content of the text or contradict it. Almost everyone who is not in a hurry and reads the text carefully can cope with this task.

Task A 29 – “Styles and functional-semantic types of speech” Which of the following statements is erroneous? 1) 2) 3) 4) Sentences 8–10 contain reasoning ((8) And yet literature is a second life, concentrated in time. (9) This depth of truth seen by the artist is aesthetic beauty in art. (10) That beauty that makes us experience both a feeling of delight and a feeling of hatred.). Proposition 18 explains the statement expressed in sentence 17 ((17) But the word itself cannot carry all the beauty or ugliness, cannot be beautiful or bad, worn out or not worn out just because it expresses this or that concept. (18) Present the artist uses words, combinations of words as a necessity, as a tool, without which it is impossible to perform the miracle of knowledge.). Sentences 25–26 present a description ((25) The word is the artist’s own “I”, the realization of his perception. (26) But all people operate with words as the primary element of human communication, regardless of how endowed they are with a sense of harmony, depth and beauty .). Sentence 21 contains the substantiation of the statement made in sentence 20 ((20) Serious prose cannot set itself the goal of being exemplary, rationally constructed, so that the eye has nothing to catch on to. (21) This is false classical perfection (in the name of falsely understood beauty ) causes us gray boredom, our eyes indifferently glide over phrases, not dwelling on anything - we do not experience excitement.).

Task A 29 - continuation Narration - dynamics unfold in time) events (actions Description - static, picture (actions are not performed, but you can imagine the objects in question: portrait, landscape, etc.) Reasoning - the author’s conclusions, with which not everyone can agree (characteristic features - the presence of introductory words, beliefs, doubts)

Task A 30 – “Lexical meaning of a word” Indicate the sentence in which the phraseological unit is used. 1) (18) He was right, depressingly right... 2) (7) When they left, I turned to the foreman and praised his guys. 3) (6) They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the level of the highest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk to them. 4) (5) They were aware of the latest films and premieres, which I had not yet seen, and new book releases, which I still had no idea about. You need to know what phraseological units, antonyms and synonyms (direct and contextual) are. In a small number of options there are tasks similar to A 12.

Task B 1 – “Basic methods of word formation” From sentences 19–21, write down the word formed by the prefix-suffix method. (19) For years there has been an undiminished queue at the Hermitage. (20) From morning to evening its halls are full of townspeople and visitors from afar. (21) Some of those who come here will actually get something for themselves, will be somehow excited by the works of great masters, but how many of them will come here to check in, to say that they were in the Hermitage, for prestige, how many of them will glide indifferently - with a calm look, remembering to know! Answer: FROM A FAR

Task B 2 – “Morphological analysis of a word” Write a short participle from sentences 12–18. (12) That’s how it is, and the foreman shook his head in agreement. (13) However, for your information, Ermakov is a golden man, one of the most honest and conscientious workers. (14) Someone you can rely on in any situation, a warm-hearted, sympathetic person, whose work, by the way, can never be checked. (15) Not like these fellows, poor fellows, somehow, just as soon as possible. (16) The foreman spoke about these three with pointed disdain; he was offended for Ermakov, and my assessments hurt him with injustice. (17) Later I had the opportunity to check his words. (18) He was right, depressingly right... Answer: OFFENDED

Task B 3 – “Phrase combination” From sentences 9–11, write out a subordinating phrase with the connection CONCORDING. (9) Ermakov was a carpenter with whom I spoke before, and Ermakov really “did not produce”. (10) He didn’t read anything, didn’t see anything, didn’t strive for anything. (11) He was obviously one of those “goat slaughterers” who spend hours knocking in yards or playing cards. Answer: THOSE SLAUGHTERS

Task B 4 – “Proposal. The grammatical (predicative) basis of a sentence, the subject and predicate as the main members of the sentence. Two-part and one-part sentences” Among sentences 7–14, find a complex one, which includes one-part impersonal sentences. Write the number of this complex sentence. (7) When they left, I turned to the foreman and praised his guys. (8) “You liked it... but Ermakov didn’t produce it? “- he said somehow unpleasantly and mockingly. (9) Ermakov was a carpenter with whom I spoke before, and Ermakov really “did not produce”. (10) He didn’t read anything, didn’t see anything, didn’t strive for anything. (11) He was obviously one of those “goat slaughterers” who spend hours knocking in yards or playing cards. (12) That’s how it is, and the foreman shook his head in agreement. (13) However, for your information, Ermakov is a golden man, one of the most honest and conscientious workers. (14) Someone you can rely on in any situation, a warm-hearted, sympathetic person, whose work, by the way, can never be checked. Answer: 14

Task B 5 – “Complicated simple sentence” Among sentences 1–8, find a sentence with a separate agreed application. Write the number of this offer. (1) These three were lively, funny, sharp-tongued. (2) The conversation was about new books. (3) It was nice to hear how these guys, young builders, showed their taste and independent judgment. (4) They knew the poems of Bulat Okudzhava and had already read the new novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. (5) They were aware of the latest films and premieres, which I had not yet seen, and new book releases, which I still had no idea about. (6) They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the level of the highest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk to them. (7) When they left, I turned to the foreman and praised his guys. (8) “You liked it... but Ermakov didn’t produce it? “- he said somehow unpleasantly and mockingly. Answer: 3

Task B 6 – “Complex sentence” Among sentences 1–8, find a complex sentence with an explanatory clause. Write the number of this offer. (1) These three were lively, funny, sharp-tongued. (2) The conversation was about new books. (3) It was nice to hear how these guys, young builders, showed their taste and independent judgment. (4) They knew the poems of Bulat Okudzhava and had already read the new novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. (5) They were aware of the latest films and premieres, which I had not yet seen, and new book releases, which I still had no idea about. (6) They sat in front of me in their filthy overalls, but their fashionable haircuts were visible, they used words at the level of the highest education, it was difficult and interesting to talk to them. (7) When they left, I turned to the foreman and praised his guys. (8) “You liked it... but Ermakov didn’t produce it? “- he said somehow unpleasantly and mockingly. Answer: 3

Task B 7 – “Means of connection between sentences in the text” Among sentences 21–25, find one that is connected with the previous ones using a personal pronoun. Write the number of this offer. (21) Some of those who come here will actually get something for themselves, will be somehow excited by the works of great masters, but how many of them will come here to check in, to say that they were in the Hermitage, for prestige, how many of them will glide indifferently calm glance, remembering to know! (22) Ermakov, he was not in the Hermitage at all, and he was not in Pavlovsk, and in Pushkin. (23) I was in Peterhof, I saw the fountains. (24) The enormous cultural and artistic life of a city like St. Petersburg passes by it. (25) But perhaps this frank disinterest is more honest than formal introduction to culture. Answer: 24

Task B 8 – “Speech, analysis of means of expression” Read a fragment of a review compiled on the basis of the text that you analyzed while completing tasks A 28–A 30, B 1–B 7. This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should be in the gap, write the number 0. Write the sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them in the text of the review in the gap in answer form No. 1 to the right of task number B 8, starting from the first cell. Write each number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. When listing numbers, separate them with commas. Place each comma in a separate box. No spaces are used when writing answers.

Task B 8 – continuation “The text does not provide a direct answer to the question that concerns D. Granin. However, the author’s attitude towards the characters is clearly visible. So, the techniques: _____ (“highest education” in sentence 6) and _____ (“did not produce” in sentences 8–9 ((8) “You liked it... but Ermakov, then, did not produce it?” he said somehow unpleasantly mockingly. (9) Ermakov was a carpenter with whom I spoke before, and Ermakov really “did not produce”), “rights” in sentence 18 ((18) He was right, depressingly right...)) - help the author evaluate the young builders and carpenter Ermakov. A syntactic device such as _____ (for example, in sentence 10 ((10) He didn’t read anything, didn’t see anything, didn’t strive for anything.)) helps to give a succinct characterization of Ermakov.)), and the trope is _____ (a warm-hearted person).” List of terms: 1) lexical repetition 6) epithet 2) vernacular 7) irony 3) dialectism 8) rhetorical appeal 4) litotes 9) opposition 5) homogeneous members of a sentence Answer: 7, 1, 5, 6

The answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write the answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete tasks 1–3.

(1) A decision made by a court in a specific case must be executed, for example, a decision to evict people from an apartment who occupied it without permission, a decision to confiscate property, etc. (2) But not always the persons obliged to do something by a court decision voluntarily perform this duty. (3) _____ execution of judicial acts is carried out forcibly and is entrusted to the bailiff service.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. Persons obliged to do something by a court decision do not always fulfill this duty voluntarily.

2. The bailiff service carries out forced execution of judicial acts that are not executed voluntarily.

3. If persons do not voluntarily execute a court decision, execution of judicial acts is carried out forcibly.

4. The decision made by the court must be executed, even if some persons oppose the execution of the judicial act.

5. If the court decision is not executed voluntarily, the enforcement of judicial acts is entrusted to the bailiff service.


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. In all cases

2. Anyway

3. Anyway

4. In this case

5. Otherwise


Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word BUSINESS. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

D E LO, - a; pl. affairs, affairs, affairs; Wed

1. Work, occupation, activity. Busy with important work. Habitual d. Current affairs. Be idle. On business matters.

2. someone or something. Terms of reference; that which directly relates to someone is included in someone’s. tasks. Education - family.

3. Necessity, need. I have before you (to you) to come on business.

4. Something important, necessary (colloquial). Speak d. (to the point).

5. Sphere of knowledge, activity, work. Gornoye village Voinoye village Stolyarnoye village

6. Same as enterprise (1 value). The company has a solid business. Open your own business in the city.

7. Event, circumstance, fact; state of affairs. D. it was autumn. This is the past. How are you?

8. Same as deed. Do good d.

9. Judicial proceedings, process. Criminal d. Initiate d. against someone.


In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word incorrectly. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The southern coast of the Crimean peninsula is famous for its COMFORTABLE subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type.

2. The target she was meant to hit was very MICROSCOPIC.

3. PRODUCTIVE labor is labor that creates material wealth and products of intellectual activity.

4. Growing tulips in Holland is a very rewarding activity: tulips are not just a symbol of the country, but also a source of income.

5. Imperial robes for RUNNING persons look like long sleeveless cloaks made of golden eyelet.


In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

RINSE the laundry






Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases 1) The revolution in science began thanks to the emergence of new statistical methods.
B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 2) V. Nabokov often talked about chess compositions in his literary works, primarily in the novel “The Gift” and the memoir book “Other Shores”.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) Preparing for the exams, we spent more than one day in the reading room of the city library.
D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate 4) After reading the article about the sights of Taganrog, there was a desire to see everything with my own eyes.
D) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 5) Litotes is a technique that is outwardly opposite to hyperbole, but in essence is its natural variety.
6) The children's theater festival, which took place at the end of last season, became a real holiday.
7) Everyone who stood in line remained silent.
8) Sergei often talked about his favorite novel - “Steppenwolf” by Hermann Hesse.
9) City museums should not only preserve the apartments of great people, but also ordinary people.

Write your answer in numbers without spaces or other characters.


Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




n...norama get involved


Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write out these words by inserting the missing letter.

dig...dig, not...burnable

explode, pr...parents

mis...information, ineffective...

pr...sea, pr...grada

to...pull, o...carry


Write down the word in which the letter E is written in the blank.




lily of the valley



Write down the word in which the letter A is written in the blank.





dancing.... dancing


Indicate all the numbers in whose place the letter I is written.

The sky cleared to the most incredible depths, there were n(2) n(3) clouds in it, n(4) even instantaneous strokes of swifts.


Identify the sentence in which both highlighted words are written HYPHENED. Open the brackets and write down these two words.

1. The side (APPARENTLY) was deserted: forests were visible everywhere, but there were (STILL) no fields.

2. The intoxicating smell of linden trees rushes along the river: as if linden forests were blooming somewhere hundreds of kilometers away.

3. Yesterday we didn’t ask about the way (ON) TOMORROW, and now we had to go (ON) GUESS.

4. FROM WHERE, from afar, night was approaching, and the forest surrounding us began to get (A LITTLE) dark.

5. Sargassum, (B) DIFFERENT from most large algae, does not attach to the bottom, but floats (B) THICKER than the water.


Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

One foggy (1) morning the earth trembled under the hooves of the Tatar horse (2) and, without losing a single person killed or wounded (3), the steppe inhabitants rushed into the emptiness of their no longer interesting fate.


Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The stars looked out and the month majestically rose into the sky to shine on good people and the whole world.

2. We took a basket each and went into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

3. The fog slowly rose and covered everything accessible to the eye with a matte veil.

5. The sun shimmered over the Yenisei, and through this shimmer the crowns of the trees on the other side of the river were barely visible.


Darkening (1) with patches of forests (2) the steppe sank into the morning fog and carried me away (3) filling my soul (4) with a feeling of joy.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences.

Sometimes a thought will come that (1) seems (2) true, but you are afraid to believe it. However, then you see that that thought, which (3) may be (4) strange, is in fact the simplest truth: once you know it, you can no longer stop believing in it.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

Thunder struck (1) the rumbles (2) of which reminded me (3) of the sound of a terrible earthquake.


Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence.

The last meters of the path seemed especially difficult to Konstantin (1) but (2) when they were passed (3) and the mountain peak appeared (4) he felt very good at heart.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the incorrectly used word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

As a result of condensation of water vapor, clouds form and precipitation falls in the form of rain, hail and snow.

Read the text and complete tasks 21-26.

(1) Each person is a living, radiating personal center. (2) Every look, every word, every smile, every deed radiates a special energy of heat and light into the common spiritual ether of existence. (3) And even when a person, apparently not manifesting himself in anything, is simply nearby, we feel the rays he sends. (4) And, moreover, the stronger, the more definite and intense, the more significant and unique his spiritual personality.

(5) Receiving the first perception of someone else’s antipathy, we feel that the life rays we send are not accepted by the other person, are repelled or stubbornly not allowed into ourselves. (6) This is already unpleasant and painful. (7) This may cause us some confusion or even confusion. (8) A strange feeling of failure, or one’s own ineptitude, or even the irrelevance of one’s existence arises in the soul. (9) The will to communicate is suppressed, the rays do not want to be emitted, words cannot be found, the uplift of life ceases, the heart is ready to close. (10) Closed and uncommunicative people often evoke such a feeling in sociable and expansive people, even when antipathy is out of the question. (11) But antipathy, once it arises, intensifies to hostility, thickens into disgust and deepens to hatred.

(12) When I encounter real hatred towards me in life, a feeling of great unhappiness awakens in me, then grief and a feeling of my powerlessness.

(13) Following this, I experience a persistent desire to leave my hater at all costs, disappear from his sight, never meet him again and not know anything about him. (14) If this succeeds, then I quickly calm down, but then I soon notice that some kind of dejection and heaviness remain in my soul, for the black rays of his hatred still overtake me, penetrating to me through the common ethereal space. (15) Then I begin to involuntarily feel for his hating soul and see myself in its black rays as their object and victim. (16) A wound has formed in the spiritual ether of the world; it needs to be healed and healed. (17) My hater must forgive me and reconcile with me. (18) He must experience the joy that I live in this world, and give me the opportunity to rejoice in his existence. (19) For, according to the words of the great Orthodox sage Seraphim of Sarov, “man is joy to man.”

(20) First of all, I need to find and establish whether it is not my fault that we are both now suffering: he, the hater, and I, the hated? (21) Maybe I accidentally touched some old, unhealed wound in his heart? (22) After that, I need to forgive him for his hatred. (23) I shouldn’t, I don’t dare respond to his black ray with the same black ray of contempt and rejection. (24) I should not shy away from meeting him; I have no right to escape. (25) From now on, I will meet the ray of his hatred with a white ray, clear, meek, kind, forgiving and seeking forgiveness.

(1) A person’s sweat pores secrete up to half a liter of sweat during a night’s sleep, but we sweat especially heavily in the heat and in cases where the muscles have to do hard work. (2) Then the sweat evaporates from the skin, evaporation takes away heat from the body, due to which the whole body cools. (3) (...) sweat protects us from overheating.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. During a night's sleep, a person's sweat pores secrete up to half a liter of sweat, but we sweat especially heavily in the heat and when doing hard work.

2. Sweat pores secrete up to half a liter of sweat during a person’s night sleep, which protects us from overheating.

3. Produced especially intensely in the heat or during hard work, sweat protects a person from overheating by evaporating from the skin.

4. A person sweats especially intensely in the heat or during hard work, but after some time after this his body cools down.

5. Sweat protects the human body from overheating, so people often sweat in the heat or when doing hard work.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should appear in the gap in the first (1) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

3. Read a fragment of a dictionary entry that gives the meaning of the word TIME. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TIME, -meni, plural. -mena, -men, -menam, cf.

1. In philosophy: one of the main objective forms (along with space) of the existence of endlessly developing matter. Outside of time and space, the movement of matter is impossible.

2. Duration, the duration of something, measured in seconds, minutes, hours. Average daily time.

3. An interval of one duration or another during which something happens, a successive change of hours, days, years. A period of time. Have a good time. For a long time. Gain time.

4. A specific moment at which something happens. Set a meeting time. Lunch time.

5. Period, era. Time of year (spring, summer, autumn, winter). During the time of Peter I. Harsh times.

6. Time of the day, year. Evening time. Rainy time.

7. Suitable, convenient time, favorable moment. Everything has its time. Time for lunch.

8. Same as leisure. No time for walking.

9. In grammar: a form of a verb that refers to an action or state in the past, present or future tense.

4. In one of the words below, an error was made in the placement of stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound was highlighted incorrectly. Write this word down.


5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is used INCORRECTLY. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

1. The answer was written in DIPLOMATIC terms.

2. The PERSONAL origin of the writer is not clearly expressed in the essay.

3. I am ambivalent about this issue.

4. He took part in the discussion of this problem with a BUSINESSLY look.

5. After the storm, there was a COMPARATIVE calm at sea.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, an error was made in the formation of the word form. Correct

mistake and write the word correctly.

COACHES of children's sports schools FOR TWO HUNDRED visitors LIE on your back


7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

B) an error in constructing a complex sentence

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) violation of aspect-temporal correlation of verb forms


1) At the production meeting, not only issues of labor discipline were discussed, but also the new wage system.

2) We argued for a long time over books written by a famous TV presenter.

3) In the story “The Pit” A. Platonov reveals to us the tragic destinies of different people who were deprived of faith, hope, the purpose of life, and the very desire to live.

4) Following A.S. Pushkin, F.M. Dostoevsky shows that how small a person can be great with his soul, his feelings, and develops the theme of “humiliated and insulted” in the story “Poor People” and in the novel “Crime and Punishment”.

5) Upon arrival in Paris, I immediately visited the Louvre.

6) Reading historical novels, the events of past years seem to come to life in memory.

7) In his novel “Hero of Our Time” M.Yu. Lermontov revealed Pechorin’s individualism and examines not only his psychology, but also the ideological foundations of his life.

8) Anyone who has studied the process of language development knows about various historical changes at the level of phonetics and grammar.

9) Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that “I look sadly at our generation.”


8. Identify the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.

abbreviation (vices) simplify...sunning

9. Identify the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these down

words by inserting the missing letter.

(not visible either), ...side from...nominal (adjective), take...mother's...refuge,...had time

adjutant, s...estnoe v...skal, super...gra

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.


11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.

melted..covered..stitched..stuck delayed..swept..swept

12. Determine the sentence in which NOT is written together with the word. Open the brackets and

write this word down.

1. If there are no flowers in the middle of winter, you (NOT) NEED to be sad about them.

2. Prince Andrey was irritated by Speransky’s cold, (NOT) soul-penetrating gaze.

3. (NOT)EVERYONE can accurately formulate their thoughts.

4. Ivan began to think that the surgical department has a very (NOT)BAD team.

5. The linden trees in the old garden were (NOT) CUT DOWN, they were saved.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are written CONTINUOUSLY. Expand

brackets and write down these two words.

1. The meaning of a polysemantic word is specified in the text, (WHILE) some words only in a given text can mean one and the SAME concept.

2. (B)AFTER the bad weather came cold weather, and (AFTER)THEN the first frosts.

3. It was especially difficult BECAUSE I was the only specialist at the plant working in THIS profile, and I took all the responsibility upon myself.

4. It was necessary (IN) TIME to collect the raspberries and (IN) THE BEGINNING of August to cut out the dry bushes.

5. They looked at me, like at my brother, condescendingly: WHATEVER I did, everything was forgiven to me.

14. Indicate all the numbers in whose place NN is written.

At the (1) unexpected evening (3) a lot of warm words were said (4) addressed to the hero of the day, who movedly (6) thanked all the invitees (7).

15. Place punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. Suddenly he jumps up for no reason.

2. For the rest of his life, if he didn’t tell it, he remembered this story.

3. One jump and a lion on the back of a buffalo

4. Watery tea and bread and butter seemed especially tasty to Peter that evening.

5. This year the sea is cold and almost all the beaches are deserted.

16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in whose place in the sentence you should

stand commas.

Reflecting with living silver (1) the water extended to the other bank, and (2) the wind infused with field herbs (3) weakly blowing (5) barely noticeably sways the young shoots (6) creeping along the eaves of the other bank.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers that should be in place in the sentences

stand commas.

In addition (1) the absence of struggle-intrigue in Chekhov’s plays (2) really (3) led to an unusual organization of the characters’ speech, devoid (4) seemingly (5) of any purposefulness, which (6) happened (7) caused bewilderment spectators.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in whose place in the sentence you should

stand commas.

At early dawn (1) the apple orchard (2) through the trees (3) of which (4) the morning sun shines here and there (5) is filled with purple fog.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in whose place in the sentence you should

stand commas.

The last meters of the path seemed especially difficult to Konstantin (1) but (2) when they were

passed (3) and the mountain peak appeared (4), my soul felt very good.