Why do you dream that a stillborn child was born? Interpretation of dream books, why a dead baby dreams

If a person dreams dead child, it is worth paying attention to the details of the plot.

The interpretation of a dream depends on who dreamed it (a man or a woman), who dreamed it (a boy or a girl, someone else’s child or one’s own). Special features, external characteristics, age and location of children also play an important role. Often these types of sleep are closely related to affairs, endeavors, projects, and work activities.

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    Alien dead baby

    A person who dreams of someone else's dead child can expect trouble. They will not greatly affect his life, but it is necessary to carefully analyze the dream in order to avoid consequences.

    Decoding dreams with dead child is this:

    • Birth in the family dead child portends difficulties for the dreamer. They have no direct connection with the family.
    • A dream with someone else's dead child is a kind of warning for parents: they need to monitor their own children more closely.
    • A dead boy or girl signals a failed or unsuccessful business that has no further prospects. But this will not affect your usual lifestyle. To have such a dream before starting important event- to trouble. Finding a way out of situations is possible if you are smart. Such dreams symbolize self-doubt and lack of faith in your success.
    • If the dreamer held the corpse of a baby in his arms, he should stop overprotecting his children. Constant control suppresses their individuality.
    • A vision in which a dead child comes to life symbolizes a person who continues to fight despite the lack of support from loved ones.
    • A dreamer who sees a baby alive in reality, but dead in the dream, may be in danger.
    • A dream in which a baby lies in a coffin that is inappropriate in size predicts the possible presence of serious problems in the future.
    • Seeing someone else's child dead means receiving good news, going on a trip.
    • If you dream of a dead newborn with tears in its eyes, this foreshadows a minor illness.
    • A dream in which a newborn dies or is born dead, but then comes to life, suggests that an initially unsuccessful business will succeed.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Your dead child

    The younger the age of the child in the dream, the more likely it is that negative consequences sleep.

    Seeing the death of your son means difficulties in the child’s life. This is a sign that he needs help and support from loved ones.

    Interpretation of sleep for a woman

    For a girl, such dreams do not foretell trouble, they even bring joyful news, foreshadow changes in better side. In this case, the female sex should be more careful and not trust others, especially friends. Possible options transcripts:

    • If a pregnant woman dreams of a child dying in her stomach, the dream is not a bad sign. A newborn in blood means that the girl can fully count on the support of her blood relatives.
    • Giving birth to a stillborn child symbolizes a new addition to the family. For a girl who could not conceive a child for a long time, such a dream foreshadows a long-awaited pregnancy. If the birth took place in water, get ready to receive important news.
    • A dream in which a fetus dies in the womb says that the dreamer has not thought through his plans well, and he should reconsider them more carefully.

    Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

    Communication with dead children

    The esoteric dream book warns that seeing dead children who are alive in reality is a sign of possible trouble. The dreamer should be careful in everything. Under no circumstances should you follow the deceased if he calls the dreamer to follow him.

    Communicating with the dead in a dream is always a bad sign. You should never come into contact with them.

    Dreams where dead children offer to eat with them foreshadows something bad related to health. In such cases, it is very important to be able to control your consciousness. The dreamer brings disaster upon himself if he comes into contact with the deceased child and accepts any proposals from him. Agreeing to have a meal with a dead person means that death awaits somewhere.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Sometimes I dream of a child who is dead in real life, but alive and well in his sleep. Miller's dream book warns that problems may arise in the family.

    Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Navi

    There are visions where someone dies at the hands of the dreamer. infant. This is a message to the person: in the future he will have the opportunity to help or save this baby.

    The meaning of sleep by day of the week

    Dreams can come true depending on the days of the week:

    • Dreams on the night from Sunday to Monday are not prophetic, but it is worth paying attention to them. Visions can help you understand what needs to be changed in your life. The dreams themselves do not affect a person in any way. On this day they reflect a person’s subconscious, his experiences, desires. But this does not mean that the dreamer must experience them in the future. Dreaming with the Dead Leads to Change weather conditions.
    • Dreams on the night from Monday to Tuesday are very vivid, full of an extraordinary atmosphere. If the dreamer managed to remember all the details, then the dream is prophetic. Often a dream on this day warns of the approach of something unpleasant. Don’t be afraid, because details can change the interpretation in positive side. On Tuesday you need to be very active, competitive and try to resolve all important matters. Dreams can portend success in a certain area, victory.
    • Dreams on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday are often oversaturated with people and events. They can abruptly transport the dreamer from one location to another. Such dreams foreshadow new journeys and give clues about how to behave towards family and friends. Dead people help find a way out difficult situations and don't make mistakes.
    • Dreams on the night from Wednesday to Thursday concern a person’s activities, his career and financial situation. People can expect new things to do related to their childhood dreams and hobbies. Dreams warn of possible mistakes associated with financial situation. If a person remembers a dream, it can come true.
    • Dreams on the night from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. This is the day when dreams come true most often. Dreams on this day send a signal to a person that some problems or troubles may await him. They can be resolved with great effort. To do this, you need to live a calm life for several months, protecting yourself from negativity.
    • Dreams on the night from Friday to Saturday are fateful. They are often fulfilled, but do not foreshadow anything concrete and definite. The decoding is associated with negative events in which the dreamer’s close people appear. The vision can be turned to your advantage if you surround yourself with positive things and do good to people.
    • Dreams on the night from Saturday to Sunday help the dreamer determine his desires and foresee how events may unfold. It is extremely important to remember the details, because they will help you deal with the little things in life.

    Poor vision does not mean that the dreamer is in for trouble. Decoding a dream depends on many details that need to be analyzed correctly. Most often, a dead child symbolizes something pleasant and long-awaited.

It is unlikely that a person, leafing through a dream book one after another in the hope of finding out why children dream about the death, expects to find positive interpretation. But in vain, since it exists! There are several of them, to be more precise. However, a vision with such a plot can foreshadow both long-awaited life changes and serious problems. It all depends on the details of the vision, as well as the interpretation of one or another interpreter. Well, now it’s worth turning to dream books.

Interpreter of the 21st century

It describes in detail why children dream about the death of children. They say it's a sign of insight. A person may soon have a fruitful idea that he wants to put into reality (and do the right thing), or he will suddenly rethink something, as a result of which he will change his worldview or life position.

Were the children strangers? Then the vision takes on a different meaning. The death of one of your children's friends is a sign of long life and good health. By the way, this dream often foreshadows a change in image.

Among other things, the vision may also indicate the imminent appearance of a patron in a person’s life who will help him achieve his goals.

Miller's Dream Book

By turning to this source of information, you can also find out why you dream about the death of children.

Was the child a stranger? Then this vision should be interpreted as a harbinger of betrayal on the part of someone close. Or something will happen as a result of which a person will be disappointed in his friends.

The dreamer should perceive the death of his child as good sign, indicating the emergence of new promising opportunities in his life.

However, it is still important to compare the vision with reality. If the child is not a newborn, but already goes to school or kindergarten, then most likely this dream indicates difficulties that he will soon have to face. Why does a parent have a vision? Because it is he who will have to provide support to the child, understand him and try to help.

But there is also a very positive interpretation of such a dream. The death of a newborn child, after which he comes to life, promises an exciting and pleasant journey.

Esoteric interpreter

You should also look into it if you want to know why a dead child dreams. This interpreter reminds that it is very important to take into account his gender. In the vision, did a terrible fate overtake the boy? This means a scandal, a major conflict, a serious quarrel. But if it was not just some boy, but the dreamer’s son, then the meaning will be different. In this case, the vision should be taken as a harbinger of separation.

What if you dreamed about your daughter’s death? They say this vision indicates that the dreamer feels the need to take a break from her. Although, if a person feels strong excitement, then the meaning of the dream will be different. A vision accompanied by such emotions indicates the daughter’s growing up and the onset of a new stage in her life.

But that’s not all that the death of a child seen in a dream can mean. Often this dream promises personal rebirth or acceptance important decision that can change lives.

Family dream book

If a person happened to see the death of his child in a dream, then he should definitely turn to this interpreter. It is important to remember under what circumstances the baby passed away. Did he die while sleeping? This indicates that the relationship between parents and child needs updating. Did you dream that a baby died without being born? Oddly enough, this is a good sign. It indicates relief from problems that have long been debilitating. nervous system dreamer Did you dream about the death of a baby during childbirth? This suggests that the dreamer’s plans and undertakings will fail at the initial stage. But not if the woman is pregnant. In this case, this vision simply indicates her prenatal suspiciousness. If you dreamed about the death of a granddaughter or grandson, then you should prepare for the onset of a dark streak in life. Serious difficulties are coming, which will not be easy to overcome.

This is not all that the dream book can tell. Has your sister's or brother's child died? This dream is believed to foretell the loss of something important. Perhaps the meaning of life or a loved one. In any case, difficulties must be endured steadfastly and not lose heart. Otherwise, there is a risk of becoming depressed.

Interpreter Vanga

This dream book can also tell you something interesting. Did the child die in an accident? This vision indicates a person’s lack of restraint in his desires and actions. It would do well for him to become more patient, tactful and learn to adapt to circumstances.

The child died in the water? Such a vision suggests that there is someone around a person who wishes him harm. And not only in words. This someone is ready to take real actions to harm the dreamer. So you should be more careful when communicating with people and not trust everyone.

Why do you dream about a dead child who doesn’t exist yet? To the point that very soon a person will take on work that in the end will not bring him any benefit. Therefore, if any business is in doubt, it is better not to take it on.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

If you want to know why you dream about the death of children, then it wouldn’t hurt to turn to this interpreter. If the dreamer’s child died, but he experienced such a mournful event calmly, continuing to live for his own pleasure, this is not good. Such a dream usually foreshadows a series of minor troubles. But a vision in which a person cried and was killed because of what happened promises surprises and pleasant gifts.

Did you see a newborn who died before he was born? This means unsuccessful attempts to establish relationships with loved ones or relatives.

But the death of an unfamiliar little boy is interpreted positively by this dream book. She is a harbinger of new pleasant acquaintances or even a dizzying romance.

Universal interpreter

In this dream book you can also find useful information regarding the topic under discussion. If a person dreamed that he found a dead baby in any body of water, then he should be wary. After all, such a vision promises troubles in all areas of life, which will soon befall him.

Did the person dream that the baby died through his fault? This indicates his excessive aggressiveness and assertiveness. If he doesn't become more restrained, he will end up hurting himself.

Did the deceased child look exhausted and mutilated? Such a vision promises trouble in the work sphere. You may have to face a lot of obstacles when building a career.

Did a pregnant woman have a dream? She need not worry - her child will be born healthy and will bring her joy.

Well, if in a dream a person, whose subconscious did not have any obvious prerequisites for “giving out” such a picture, saw simply the death of a child, without any other details, there is no need to worry. This vision represents the logical and successful completion of affairs in real life.

To understand why a dead child dreams, the dream book recommends paying attention to the details of the plot, the personality of the deceased and the peculiarities of one’s own perception. There are many explanations for what you see in a dream, but they are not always enough to solve it. Trust your intuition. In most cases, a dream is not a harbinger of tragedy.

Don't take it literally

If the deceased is a stranger, an unfamiliar baby for whom you have no feelings, the symbol is a reflection of real fears or lack of faith in your own success.

When you see the death of a little unknown boy or girl on the eve of an important event, at the initial stage everything will go wrong. Resilience and resourcefulness will help bring the situation back under control.

An abstract, alien dead child often symbolizes a futile project. Failure may upset you, but it will not affect your personal interests.

If you see an unfamiliar deceased baby, it means that the weather will soon change, says the Ancient Interpreter.

Be careful!

If you dreamed about the birth of a stranger’s dead child, Ukrainian dream book warns of impending difficulties, usually not related to children.

When parents happen to see someone else’s dead child in a dream, the dream interpreter urges them to be more attentive to their own children.

What to fear for expectant mothers

Pregnant women are often concerned about why they dream about the birth of a stillborn child. The interpretation explains such a frightening plot by natural worries about the health of the unborn baby. There is no reason to consider what you see in a dream as a bad sign.

This is not the only explanation for why a pregnant woman dreams of a lifeless baby. If the body is stained with blood, you can completely rely on the support of blood relatives.

If a woman who is unable to conceive has a dream about an unsuccessful birth, the dream book promises a long-awaited pregnancy.

If you dreamed that the fetus froze in the stomach, in the womb, the Wanderer’s dream book warns that the sleeper’s plans need more careful elaboration.

Joyful events await you

Some dream interpreters claim that giving birth in dead person's sleep a child is a very favorable sign: you can soon expect a new addition to the family.

To find out why you dream of giving birth to a stillborn child, pay attention to the surrounding environment. For example, if an unsuccessful birth took place in water, you will receive unexpected important news.

The esoteric interpreter offers another explanation of why one dreams of giving birth to a lifeless baby. The dream symbolizes parting with the past and freed up space for new beginnings. Sometimes this is how you experience growing up.

Parents, be sensitive.

If you dreamed about the death of your newborn, the interpretation of the medium Hasse warns that in reality there is a high probability of injury and health problems. The younger the little man you dreamed about, the more serious things can turn out to be.

This is not the only explanation for why you dream about the death of your child. In fact, he will face serious difficulties.

If you dreamed of the death of your son or daughter, the dream book believes that main character The plot actually needs the help of loved ones.

If the corpse of a baby in your arms appears in a dream, the dream book recommends loosening your grip on raising children. Excessive control spoils relationships and suppresses individuality.

An incredible dream will come true

If you dreamed of a child dying or being born lifeless, but the sleeping person, to great joy, manages to resurrect him, the dream book promises that in reality the hopeless business will be crowned with success.

If a dead child comes to life in a dream, the dream reflects an unwillingness to give up despite disbelief or disappointment.

There is another interpretation of the dream, according to which amazing events and extraordinary adventures await the sleeper.

Don't miss your chance

It is important to know why a dead newborn dreams of a dead newborn with tears in his eyes. The symbol indicates the onset of a minor illness.

If you dreamed of a deceased baby in a coffin that clearly does not correspond to its size, the dream book warns that non-childish problems await the dreamer. However, if you make an effort, there is a chance to resolve them.

Miller's dream book claims that a child who is no longer there appears alive and well in a dream on the eve of family troubles. In this way he tries to warn and take care.

The Dream Book of Sage Navi reports that if in a dream an infant died at the hands of the dreamer, in reality it will be he who will have the only opportunity to save this baby, it is only important not to miss it.

If a child who is actually alive dreams of being dead, the dreamer himself is in danger.

If a girl saw a dead child in a dream, positive changes await her.

Dream Interpretation Dead Child

For parents, a child is not just a person who will continue his family; the baby is the most precious and important symbol of love and happiness, as well as the main meaning of life. Therefore, night scenes with children raise many exciting questions.

In a vision, the dreamer dreams of children having fun or playing peacefully, then the dream can evoke tenderness and pleasant emotions. But when you see in a dream that the baby is sick or dreamed of his death, then the dream causes unpleasant feeling fear and horror. So why do you dream of a dead child? What does the death seen in the plot foreshadow? This means that you need to remember the dream and try not to neglect the most small details seen in a dream. Since the most insignificant detail can radically change the entire interpretation.

I dreamed about a dying baby

It is worth noting that, mainly according to the interpretation of many modern dream books, the plot in which leading role the dreamer dreamed of a dying baby or dreamed that the child had already died - this means that the person does not need to worry, since the vision does not foreshadow unpleasant events in real life.

The dream book interprets: a dead child seen in a dream actually foreshadows favorable changes in life for the dreamer.

Possible addition to the family

A night dream in which the plot involves the death of a child may foretell a new addition to the family.

Remember what kind of baby you saw.

Someone else's child

Why dream about the death of a child, but he was a stranger and completely unfamiliar to you? This plot indicates your indecision and fears in real life. You are afraid of something in real life, and you also doubt your successes and achievements. The dream book advises you to become more decisive, because with bold decisions you can change your life for the better.

When, the day before important event or an event, a person dreams of a dying unfamiliar baby - then the dream must be taken as a signal that the dreamer himself needs to take this situation under strict and tight control, otherwise what was planned may not go as you want even in the initial stages.


If you dreamed that someone else’s newborn died, the interpretation advises you to be more attentive and sincere to your own children.

Reconsider your plans

Dying while still in the womb

If you dreamed that death occurred in the womb - your plans need careful refinement.

Dying during childbirth

In the night's story, did you see how a newborn died during childbirth? If the birth took place in water and death occurred in water, this means important news.

Hanging Kid

Why do you dream of a dead child being hanged? The dream book advises not to be afraid of this dream, since the vision foretells that problems may arise in your life at work and at home. But the troubles will be minor and easily solvable. Another dream of a hanged man is a prediction of upcoming events that the dreamer will not be able to influence.

Dream books indicate: if you dream of a hanged man, it means that the person who saw the dream should prepare for a series of troubles in real life.

Let's note where exactly the hanged man ended up in the loop:

  • The hanged man was hanging on the lamp - in the first half of the day, after the dream plot, there will be troubles.
  • Hanged on the gallows - in real life, contact government services.
  • A hanged man hung on board a ship - you will go on a business but boring trip.

Dreamed about the dead being alive

If you dreamed of a joyful child

You saw a lively and cheerful baby, who in reality had already died - the interpretation of the dream foreshadows that a period of quarrels and conflict situations will soon come in your life. The dreamed baby advises you to reconsider your relationship with others and become more restrained in your emotions and in your statements. This dream It can also be a dream as a sign that in order to implement certain ideas, you need to thoroughly reconsider and weigh everything so that what you plan comes true and gives you pleasure.

The living dream of the dead

Do deceased people dream about a living child? The dream warns: the dreamer is in great danger.

The dying man comes to life in the plot

Did you see in a night vision that a dying man was resurrected? This means that even your most hopeless undertaking will be crowned with success. Another interpretation foreshadows a person’s unusual and pleasant adventures in real life.


Be gentle with your child

If you had a dream in which the dying person was your child, there is a possibility of injury in real life. Note that young age symbolizes serious consequences. Seeing a plot in which your child died means big trouble in real life. Also, the death of your child indicates that you need help and support from loved ones.

Holding a lifeless body in your arms? In reality, the dreamer is very strict in raising his children.

Who dreamed

It is necessary to note who exactly saw the night's footage.

For the expectant mother

Many pregnant women are concerned about the question: “What does a dream with a dead newborn portend?”

  1. The expectant mother is worried and worried about the condition of the baby.
  2. If you dreamed that the newborn’s body was smeared with blood, in reality you can always rely on your loved ones and relatives.

To the girl who has no children

If a girl dreams of becoming a mother in reality, but she fails, then a dream with a dead baby foreshadows an imminent and long-awaited pregnancy.

Another girl dreams of this dream as a sign of favorable changes in real life.

His actions in a dream

Pay attention to mental health

I happened to see in a dream that a child died, and I dreamed of tears in his eyes - the interpretation foreshadows illness in real life. But the dream book reassures us that the disease will not be dangerous and will not cause much harm to health. But the dreamer should worry about his mental state, otherwise it is possible nervous breakdown which will develop into depression.

Where exactly did you see him?

One of important nuances, which can influence the interpretation of a dream is the dreamed scenery, that is: where exactly the action took place.

In a vacant lot

Have you seen a dead child in a dream in a deserted place or in the middle of a field? This means that you will soon receive pleasant news from your relatives.

In a coffin

The general interpretation of the plot indicates that if you happened to see a person who was lying in a coffin, then this means a change in the dreamer’s life.

Did you have a dream in which your child was lying in a coffin? Very often I think that a dream has a bad meaning and portends to its dreamer a long period of failures; in life there will be: quarrels in the family, conflict situations at work, failures in all endeavors. But this is not always the case; interpretation may vary auspicious meaning when the child was lying in a large and clearly not child-sized coffin - in real life you will realize your plans, although for this you will need to overcome many obstacles.

Seeing a child lying in a red coffin means a new endeavor will end successfully.

The interpretation may differ depending on the degree of relationship of the baby.


For parents to dream that their child has died and is now lying in a coffin means changes in relations with the heirs.


Is a strange and unfamiliar baby in a coffin in your dream? This plot foretells the beginning of a new life period.

A newborn has just been born and is now lying in a coffin - a dream foreshadows illness in real life.

Interpretation of popular modern dream books

Try to compare the interpretation of the dream plot, in which you dreamed about the death of children, with the meaning described in popular publications.

Miller's Dream Book

Expect a family scandal

To see your baby dying from an incurable disease in a night story - Miller’s dream book indicates that you have reasonable fears.

I saw a plot in which he died - he will be disappointed in his future.

In a dream I dreamed of a living baby who died in reality - to a family scandal.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

The death of a baby is a symbol of the dreamer's desire to change his life. The dream book indicates that the dreamer may also dream of the following stories:

  • To see a real baby dead in a dream means the dreamer needs to be more careful.
  • The baby has risen - a person hopes in vain that his desires will come true.

Esoteric dream book

  • Someone else's child - a change in the weather;
  • The baby called the dreamer - to illness, to trouble, sometimes to death.

Summarizing the interpretation of the dreamed night plot, in which we saw a child’s death, we would like to note once again that we should not forget about its details. Every picture we dream is sent to us by our subconscious, which with this signal is trying to warn us against committing rash and erroneous actions. Remember: “Aware is forearmed.”

Sometimes in a dream a person can see a dead child. Such a dream can scare anyone. However, the interpretation of what you see does not always promise trouble in real life. It is important to take into account the details of the dream, the personality of the deceased baby, as well as the peculiarities of the sleeper’s perception. Let's try to figure out why a dead child dreams.

A deceased child often appears alive in a dream in order to warn the sleeping person about family problems. If you dream that he died from a serious illness, in reality this portends danger to the dreamer. When a child dies right in front of the dreamer, the person will be disappointed in his own future.

If you suddenly dreamed about your own small children dying, the meaning is the opposite, and in reality they will live a long time. happy life. When the dreamer sees adult offspring deceased, this symbolizes them imminent marriage or getting married in real life.

Video “When you have prophetic dreams”

From this video you will learn when and why you have prophetic dreams.


Another of famous dream books– medium Hasse – interprets the death of one’s own son or daughter, which a person dreams of, as a warning about injury and the appearance of diseases in reality. Moreover, the scale of the troubles will depend on the age of the children: the younger they are, the more serious the consequences of the dream will be in reality.


When a lifeless child appears in a childless woman’s dreams, she should expect positive changes in real life. Sage Navi believes that if the dreamed baby is alive in reality, then the sleeping person in reality will be in danger.

Other interpreters

According to interpretation esoteric dream book, dead children can be dreamed of when the weather changes. If they are alive in reality, such a dream promises the father to receive support from loved one, and for mothers such dreams foretell success in business. If the baby is a relative of the dreamer, the dream warns that you need to be more careful with the people around you. When a dead man calls the dreamer, and he goes after him, in reality this foreshadows illness.

Another one of the dream books - the universal one - contains information that a person may dream about dead children other than his own in order to warn him about problems that will arise in real life and will not be associated with his own children.

Astromeridian's dream book explains that visions of dead children symbolize the sleeper's anxiety about his own future and even fear of it. Such dreams show that a person was unable to realize his plans. When a dead person is resurrected in a dream, this means that the dreamer has not yet lost hope of achieving what he wants. If your own adult children appear dead in dreams, this is a sign that parents pay little attention to them, and the situation urgently needs to be corrected.

Dream subjects

A woman should not be afraid of dreams involving dead children, as they often promise positive changes in life. Let's look at a few popular scenarios:

  1. If a pregnant woman dreams of a child who died in the womb, this is not a bad sign. When a newborn is covered in blood, in reality the girl who saw such a dream can count on the support of blood relatives.
  2. When you dream of a stillborn baby, the dream promises girls a long-awaited pregnancy. If you dreamed that the birth took place in water, in reality the dreamer will receive important news.
  3. A dream in which the fetus died in the womb informs the dreamer that in real life he should reconsider his plans and make adjustments to them.

A deceased girl may dream of sad events and experiences, and the appearance of a boy in dreams should be regarded as a warning about financial difficulties in reality. When twins or twins dream of being lifeless, this means that any interpretation of the dream should be exaggerated several times. You dream of your own children being dead to a long, prosperous and prosperous life, of strangers - to the elimination of obstacles on the way to the implementation of your plans and the successful completion of affairs.

If the sleeper saw a dream in which he kills small child, this means that in reality he spends too much money on a modest income.

If the dreamer held a corpse in his arms, he needs to stop caring for and controlling his own children. When in a dream a sleeping person talks to a dead person and follows him, in reality one should expect illness or even death. Seeing many dead children in a dream means committing large number errors.

If the baby in your dream was in a coffin, in real life you should prepare for quarrels with people around you and failures. If the coffin is red, this promises the sleeping person success in business and their successful completion. Hanging children symbolize minor troubles at work or in the family. If the dead person was on the floor, you should prepare for the arrival of relatives. Seeing a lifeless body in a vacant lot means receiving good news from loved ones. A person dreams of drowned people as a sign that he is trying to get rid of the influence of a person who has designs on him.

Decoding any dream depends on a number of details that should be correctly analyzed and taken into account. Bad dreams They should not be interpreted in reality as negative, since dead children often symbolize the receipt of something long-awaited, and also promise pleasant events.