Putting out a star: the biggest scandals of celebrities and producers. Star Wars: the loudest social scandals

Russian show business is full of gossip, scandals and intrigue. Some celebrities often get into conflicts that are widely publicized in the press and on television. The editors have compiled a selection of stars who hate each other and even “fought” among themselves.

In the summer of 2016, the Internet watched an altercation between two Russian rappers: and. The first one complained to social networks to too loud music in Vasily Vakulenko’s club. In response to this, the musician wrote to his colleague that he was a “shaggy schmuck.”

In the end, the conflict was brought to court. Decl demanded 1 million rubles from Basta. and a refutation of the statement, but the claim was only partial. Kirill Tolmatsky only 350 thousand rubles.

A loud conflict also accompanied his departure from the group. The singer does not like to be at the center of scandals, but she did not give the most flattering comment about her former producer. According to her, her manager wore revealing clothes and attributed affairs to her for PR.

Another correspondence quarrel occurred between a TV presenter and a journalist and director. The filmmaker also accused Sobchak of being “ready to pay for foie gras, but not for Crimea.” In response to this, the ex-Russian presidential candidate published an open letter in which she accused the director of “too luxurious a lifestyle.”

At the end of February 2018, a scandal erupted on the Internet between the stars of TNT and. The comedian published a collage on the page of his stage character Glebati, comparing the TV presenter with the monster from “Predator.” After this, Buzova wrote that she had been publicly humiliated and threatened the offender with legal action.

In response to this, Skorokhod asked Olga Buzova for forgiveness and challenged her to a rap battle, but the “House-2” star made it clear that she did not intend to make jokes or tolerate insults directed at herself and her fans.

In 2017, there was a conflict between the stars in the “Live Broadcast” program. We met at the program. The latter said that the model suffers from drug addiction and offered her help. Despite the fact that Malinovskaya denied everything, Borisova continued to insist on her own. It got to the point that the model expressed a desire to beat Dana, but it didn’t come to assault.

The TV presenter concluded about Masha Malinovskaya’s drug addiction after she disappeared from television for a long time. The model herself said that she “went into the shadows” due to her mother’s serious illness.

Dima Bilan and Timati

Celebrities who “hate each other” include musicians and. The celebrity conflict occurred in November 2018, when the rapper commented on a video of the singer’s performance in Nizhny Novgorod, in which he was constantly holding his side, wheezing, could barely stand on his feet and left the stage ahead of schedule.

Timati expressed confidence on social networks that Bilan was under the influence of drugs. There was an argument in absentia between the stars. Dima Bilan recalled that it was at his suggestion that the once unknown rapper got into his video “ Night hooligan”, but stated that Timati was simply trying to attract attention to himself. The producer intended to bring the case to court, but the parties managed to do without it.

For some time the TV presenter and sports commentator. The conflict occurred after the latter opposed Kandelaki’s appointment to the post of general producer of the Match TV channel, arguing that the star had a very distant relationship with sports. Kandelaki responded to this by calling her opponent a “fatbass,” and a real verbal battle broke out.

Although Utkin wrote that working under the leadership of Tina Kandelaki was humiliation for him, in the end he decided not to quit and continued to work on the TV channel.

The conflict also occurred between and. The ballerina said that the producer and his wife are agitating artists not to go to Ukraine for concerts. This statement offended Joseph Igorevich, and he sued the star, but later withdrew the statement.

As the producer himself explained, he does not intend to give Volochkova another reason for PR. In addition, in his opinion, “you need to sue sensible people.”

The life of celebrities is often filled not only with filming in films and photo shoots for glossy magazines, but also with unpleasant events that play a cruel joke on them - ruining their careers, depriving them of fans and breaking their hearts. The outgoing 2016 destroyed several star destinies. What to take from him? Leap year.

Valery Nikolaev and a series of accidents

For the "bourgeoisie" Valeria Nikolaeva 2016 became one of the most scandalous years in his biography. It all started on February 24, when he hit a woman on Chistoprudny Boulevard and fled the scene of the crime. The next day Nikolaev, being in a state alcohol intoxication, rammed several cars in the center of Moscow, including a traffic police car. But that didn't stop him. Trying to escape from the police, Nikolaev knocked down a traffic police officer. In the end, he was detained, and the court decided to arrest him for ten days. True, it was not possible to put him under arrest immediately - the actor left the courtroom without permission and disappeared. He was found in the evening of the same day and was nevertheless sent to a pre-trial detention center. After his release on March 24, Valery Nikolaev was again stopped for driving into the oncoming lane and deprived of driver's license for six months. But on May 10 - after just a month and a half - he, as if nothing had happened, got behind the wheel of his crossover again, was stopped by traffic police officers, detained, taken to court and arrested for fifteen days. And only on June 15, the artist admitted his guilt and publicly repented - on his social network page he posted a video message to fans in which he asked for forgiveness.

“I am very guilty. For a long time I was in a state of deep stress, suffered from insomnia, nervous tension. In my mind, apparently, the lives of the characters on the screen and real life, and with the role normal person I failed. Now specialists are helping me regain my psychological and emotional health. I see and understand that I behaved inappropriately, especially towards police officers who acted within the law. But, in addition, he also committed unworthy acts. I disappointed my fans, upset my wife, and harmed the health of the victim in an accident with my participation. I apologize to everyone I offended and to those who sympathized and supported me during this difficult period. I repent of what I did. I sincerely apologize and declare that nothing like this will happen again,” Nikolaev said.

Sharapova admitted to doping

March 7 Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova held an emergency press conference and announced that she had failed a doping test conducted during the Australian Open - traces of the banned drug Meldonium were found in her samples. The athlete admitted that she had been taking the drug for 10 years for health reasons.

“They first gave it to me in 2006. I had several health problems at the same time, I got sick very often. I was deficient in magnesium. I regularly had ECGs. “My family has a long history with diabetes, and this is one of many medications that I took,” Sharapova said during a press conference.

The tennis player faced 2 years of disqualification. But October 4 Sports arbitration court in Lausanne announced his decision - Sharapova was disqualified for only 9 months.

Lena Letuchaya left the show “Revizorro”

In mid-March, information appeared online that the outrageous presenter Lena Letuchaya will leave the Revizorro project. Active discussions immediately began about possible candidates for her place, among whom were named Nikita Dzhigurda and ex-soloist of the group “VIA GRA” Olga Romanovskaya. Later it turned out that it would be Romanovskaya who would host the program next season. The fans were inconsolable. They created the hashtag #bring back the bat, under which they published thousands of posts. Fans accused the new presenter of being too frank and provocative, and called on the creators of the program to immediately return everything to normal, or at least explain the reasons why their favorite is no longer on the show. But there was no answer. Only a month later, Lena Letuchaya herself admitted that she was prompted to leave “Revizorro” by an incident in Salekhard, when, during the filming of the next episode in the Victoria cafe, employees of the establishment attacked the film crew.

“I called the producers and said that we urgently needed to be evacuated from the city - the cafe owners were intimidating us with violence,” admitted Letuchaya.

But fans did not believe this version. After all, the conflict in Salekhard occurred back in August - six months before the presenter left. Among the more likely versions were: a conflict with the management of the TV channel, participation in a new project and an imminent addition to the star’s family. However, Letuchaya denied rumors about pregnancy.

Alisa Vox left the Leningrad group

March 25, soloist of “Leningrad” Alice Vox, who performed the hits “Patriot”, “Bag” and “Exhibit”, wrote sensational news on her social network.

“I decided to leave the Leningrad group, and am launching my own solo project! I am very glad that I can share this with you all new stage in my life. Working with Sergei Shnurov gave me a huge experience of stage life, I am eternally grateful to him for the opportunity to develop and improve,” the singer admitted.

However, Sergei Shnurov, in response to the gratitude of the ex-soloist of his group, was not so supportive and made it clear that there was a conflict in this situation.

“At my own whim, I turn average singers into stars. I come up with an image, material, and promote it. I decide how to present them so that they will be loved. Well, not exactly their image, of course. Through the efforts of our team, we create a mythical heroine out of nothing. This is our job. And it is precisely because we do our job well that complaints and discontent arise. The audience loves the image we created and really doesn’t want the end. But it is inevitable. The Heroines of the myth, invented by me and created by the team, quite quickly and naively begin to believe in their Divine nature. But we don’t know how to deal with Goddesses. We’re burning pots here,” Shnurov answered.

Sati Casanova insulted disabled children

On September 15, a scandal erupted around former soloist"Factory" group Sati Casanova. During the presentation of her “Culture and Life” foundation in Nalchik, she stated that the foundation’s activities will be devoted only to the social and creative aspects of life, and it will have nothing to do with “oblique” and “crooked” children. Casanova called children with “oblique” and “crooked” disabilities what caused violent reaction the whole society.

Singer Danko, who is raising a daughter with cerebral palsy, published an angry message on the social network, where he did not skimp on harsh expressions. A Lolita Milyavskaya, whose daughter suffers from autism, called on her colleague to publicly apologize. Which is what Sati Casanova did.

“I am very sorry that this happened. And regarding people, children with any diseases, I do not dare to be cynical or cruel towards them. I am on the board of trustees of two more foundations: one for cerebral palsy and one for the rehabilitation of young people with disabilities. I see how painful it is for parents, I only observe it from the outside, what kind of work and testing they go through. I apologize to everyone who I unwittingly offended,” said the artist.

After which she called Danko and personally apologized for her words.

Panin and the sex scandal with the dog

After a series of conflicts with ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva because of her daughter, which was accompanied by the abduction of a child and chases, and the publication of explicit photographs online, Alexey Panin shocked the audience again. At the end of October, a video appeared on the Internet in which a man very similar to the actor had sex with a dog. The actor himself said that this was a montage, and he would not be surprised if they soon start accusing him of having sex with aliens. True, he then hastened to refute himself and said that the person in the scandalous video is a completely different person.

“I won’t argue, the person in this video looks a lot like me. But the truth lies in the details. These nuances may not be so visible to a simple viewer, but my friends drew attention to two inconsistencies. First of all, there are no tattoos on the back of the person in the video. And I have three of them. The man in the video has gray hair. And 10 years ago (at the time when I got my first tattoo) I didn’t have gray hair“,” Panin gave his reasons.

"Coming out" Cristiano Ronaldo

On November 21, the entire sports world - and not only - shuddered from a sensation: the Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo during an argument with an Atlético midfielder Coke said he was gay. Then it turned out that the situation was a little different. After the match, the Portuguese told his teammate something like this about his quarrel: “Koke told me: “You’re gay,” and I answered: “Yes, but I’m very rich, and you’re a bastard.” True, later Portuguese experts began to say that the word that Cristiano used can be translated in different ways and the sensational “coming out” is just a translation error.

Shepelev presented a book about Zhanna Friske

November 24 TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev presented the book “Zhanna” - about the time when they fought cancer together. The publication was supposed to be " teaching aid"for those who are faced with a terrible diagnosis. There, Shepelev describes in detail how he looked for doctors, studied treatment methods - from traditional to experimental, and selected medications. At the same time, he told how their relationship developed and what helped them not to give up.

But even here there was a scandal. Father Zhanna Friske Vladimir Kopylov again accused Shepelev of lying and promised to prove to everyone that he was telling a lie. He also added that he is not going to read a book about his daughter, because it “is not about Jeanne, but about him.”

A small conflict arose during the presentation of the book. One viewer asked Shepelev why his book is more expensive than Pushkin’s works, to which the TV presenter replied:

“You, of course, think that I’m a scoundrel, I set the price myself. But in order to put out the fire in you, I hasten to assure you that the publishing house is doing this. I note that this book is cheaper than Buzova’s book,” the TV presenter retorted.

Kirkorov accused Marouani of extorting a million euros

On November 29, it became known that the leader of the French group “Space” was detained in Moscow. Didier Marouani and a famous lawyer Igor Trunov. The reason for the arrest was a statement Philip Kirkorov about extorting 1 million euros from him. True, in the morning the Frenchman and his representative were released with an apology.

To clarify the situation, on November 30, Didier Marouani and Igor Trunov held a press conference at which they stated that they had arrived at the Sberbank branch to sign settlement agreement with Philip Kirkorov, whom the Frenchman accused of plagiarism. Marouani claimed that the composition of the King of Pop Russian stage « Tough love" is partly taken from his song "Symphonic Space Dream". As evidence, he provided the results of an examination, which established the borrowing of musical material by 43.27%, in connection with which the musician demanded compensation for damages in the amount of 75.34 million rubles and a ban Russian artist perform this composition.

To which Kirkorov replied that he did not suspect the existence of the group “Space” and, moreover, was not the author of the song “Cruel Love”, and therefore all the accusations against him were simply absurd.

“Didier Marouani is apparently going to go on tour or release a new album, so he’s trying to use the name of Philip Kirkorov to remind himself now,” commented the singer’s press secretary Anton Korobkov-Zemlyansky.

The conflict ended, as Maruani admitted, with a “very polite” conversation with Kirkorov.

Hackers published personal correspondence of Buzova

The fact that the “tarabuziki” were going to divorce became known in early November. For about a month, fans and ill-wishers discussed the reasons for the separation, and as soon as this topic began to subside, another scandal erupted - correspondence was leaked online Olga Buzova With ex-lover, relatives and Dmitry Nagiyev. The TV presenter emotionally corresponded with her mother and sister, hurled accusations of greed towards Tarasov and complained to Nagiyev about loneliness. In addition to correspondence, audio recordings also appeared on the Internet, intimate photos and personal videos of Buzova. The TV personality herself reacted to the publication of her personal archive with more than restraint.

“I don’t comment on people’s illegal actions. For this there is law enforcement agencies. I'm in Berlin now exclusive interview With Michael Fassbender and Marion Cottillard in support of the film "Assassin's Creed". I don't know what's going on there. They say that my correspondence and iCloud were hacked. This is vile. Cruel. I have been a single woman for 3 months now. That’s all I can say now,” said Buzova.

Many of us cannot imagine that even the rich, beautiful and very famous people periodically go crazy. For many Hollywood stars there was a difficult period in life, but our today's heroes really had serious problems. We will tell you about the biggest scandals involving Hollywood stars.

WITH Lindsay Lohan there are many scandals involved. She was repeatedly treated for drug addiction and alcoholism. In 2007 Lindsey was first sent to compulsory treatment to the clinic, which, unfortunately, did not help her much. The actress was given a special bracelet that reads alcohol fumes from the surface of the skin and gives a signal if the person wearing it has consumed alcohol or removed the bracelet. During your stay Lohan on Cannes Film Festival the bracelet worked, and the actress was summoned to court, which fined her $200 thousand and ordered her to appear at the clinic weekly Los Angeles for blood alcohol tests, and to attend alcohol school. Lohan, naturally, skipped classes and was sent to jail for three months.

She also threatened to hang herself when she didn't get a first class seat on the plane.

Roman Polanski (82)

In 1997 Polanski was arrested on charges of raping a 13-year-old girl, an underage fashion model whom the director invited to a photo shoot. According to her testimony, Polanski convinced her to take drugs and abused her “in a perverted manner.” The rape happened in the house Jack Nicholson, who that day handed over the keys to his mansion Polanski. The director's lawyers managed to agree to drop most of the charges against him on the condition that he plead guilty. When it became known that the judge could send the director to prison, Polanski fled to France.

U Jolie I always had a difficult relationship with my mother. When Angelina just born, her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, even refused to see her: the girl reminded her too much of the man who had just abandoned her Jon Voight. The climax family drama became a scandal: at some point Bertrand discovered that a 16-year-old Angelina sleeps with her boyfriend.

After Angelina got into trouble more than once different stories. Firstly, she had been taking heroin for a long time. In the late 1990s, a recording published by a drug dealer was leaked to the tabloids. Jolie: not to notice the presence of an actress in the life hard drugs impossible on this film. The actress also planned to commit suicide twice. At 19 she changed her mind, and at 22 she was dissuaded from suicide by a killer, whom she tried to order herself... I can’t believe it, right?

Woody Allen (79)

In 1980, director Woody Allen joined romantic relationship with an actress Mia Farrow. They were not married and lived in different houses, but otherwise their union was a full-fledged family, Allen spent a lot of time with his children and with his children Farrow from his first marriage. In 1992 Farrow found it at Allen intimate photos of his 20-year-old adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn. By that time, the director and the girl had been sleeping together for about a year.

Previn was not an official adopted daughter Allen, and he was not her guardian, but the girl grew up before his eyes and in his family. The director was 56 years old at the time. Mia Farrow accused the director of seducing their underage adopted daughter Dylan, but was unable to fully prove these accusations in court. In 1997 Allen And Previn got married. They now have two adopted children.

Winona Ryder (44)

On December 12, 2001, the actress was arrested for stealing $5,000 worth of clothing and accessories from a luxury boutique in what was likely an episode of kleptomania. Despite the best efforts of her lawyers and full compensation for the damage caused, prosecutors ensured that Rider sentenced to 480 hours of community service, a heavy fine and three years probationary period. For several years after the trial Rider almost never filmed. But not of their own free will, Hollywood insurance companies they refused to issue her the insurance policy necessary to participate in the filming.

Rob Lowe (51)

In 1988, the actor Rob Lowe arrived in Atlanta to participate in Democratic National Convention. On July 17, he met two girls in a nightclub, and when Lowe returned to the hotel, he had sex with them in front of a video camera. After this, the girls ran away with the film. They circulated it, the parents of one of them found out about it and filed a lawsuit against the actor, since the girl turned out to be 16 years old. The incident became a national scandal. Lowe continued acting, but his hopes for a stellar career were destroyed.

Mel Gibson (59)

A few years ago Mel Gibson was detained by the traffic police for speeding and driving while drunk with open bottle alcohol (this is illegal in many states America). While filling out the protocol, he began to insult the police and threaten them, and then suddenly began to say that all the troubles and all the wars in the world are because of the Jews. All his words were recorded on film and entered into the arrest report. When the press found out about this, Gibson There was a barrage of reproaches and criticism.

In addition, the public has not forgotten about the scandal with Oksana Grigorieva, which accused the actor of physical violence and forbade him from approaching them common daughter.

Charlie Sheen (50)

Tire repeatedly detained for drug use. At the beginning of 2011 the studio Warner suspended filming of the series "Two and a Half Men" for a while until Shin V once again tried to recover from drug addiction. However, the actor used the break to participate in a radio show Alex Jones and express everything he thinks about the producer of the series Chuck Lorry. In particular, he called him a "piece of crap" and a "little fool." Soon after this Lorrie fired Tire. Statements Tire and his dismissal made the actor a universal laughing stock and the hero of numerous Internet memes. Nevertheless Shin soon received main role in a sitcom "Anger Management", which stayed on the air for two years.

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It's time to find out which stars won't receive a gift from Santa Claus this year! Here you will not meet those who remained diligent family men, did not use obscene language and did not insult anyone. We take you on a journey through some of the most embarrassing celebrity moments this year.

“Fatphobia” by Ksenia Sobchak

Not a year goes by without some kind of prank Ksenia Sobchak (34). This year she has proven herself to be an inveterate fatphobe! In her blog, Sobchak stated that all fat people, except sick people, are ugly. "I don't like fat people- said Ksenia. - That is, I can still understand fat people due to illness, but the rest - no. I never understood and probably won’t understand the phenomenon of “ass without borders” from the Kardashians, but I’m glad that thinness is still in the fashion world − prerequisite great success, and there is no need to be deceived. Commercial models and “Victoria’s Secret Angels” are a completely different, mass segment. That is why I am always perplexed when I read your “valuable” advice about breast enlargement and other nonsense. There is nothing more beautiful than a lean, athletic body. And women with shapes and roundness... leave it to the truckers. Amen:)"

Showdown between Zhanna Friske's relatives

This nightmare probably won't end for a long time. After the death of a popular Russian singer Zhanna Friske(1974-2015) relatives, instead of quietly grieving, decided to bring this story to the masses, and from death loved one make a show. We do not undertake to judge who behaved worst of all in this situation, but Zhanna clearly did not deserve all this.

Bad manners of Philip Kirkorov

Of course, the king of the Russian stage Philip Kirkorov(48) could not remain unnoticed all year. AND at the awards ceremony for the most dubious achievements "Silver Ear 2.0" Philip sent everyone present in a certain direction. Well, this is all Philip Bedrosovich, but without him it is impossible to imagine Russian pop music.

Husband overdose

Khloe Kardashian

One of the best examples of how drugs can ruin someone's life. Lamar Odom(36), husband Khloe Kardashian(31), fell into a coma due to an overdose and is now in the hospital, instead of celebrating Christmas with family.

Accusations of Anastasia Prikhodko

In your account Anastasia Prikhodko(28) openly expressed hostility towards her compatriot Ani Lorak(37), accusing her of being unpatriotic. It is probably easier to judge others than to look at yourself from the outside.

Inna Mikhailova's dissatisfaction

Inna Mikhailova(42) decided stand up for her husband when at the “First Russian National Music Award”Stas Mikhailov(46) did not receive any nominations. She took out all her resentment on the presenter Vera Brezhnev(33), accusing her of mediocrity, and the performer Sergei Shnurov(42), calling it “abomination.” We hope that Inna will henceforth be more restrained and tactful towards her husband’s colleagues.

Crimes of the Righteous Family

One of the most scandalous news stories of the year was the truth about the most exemplary and religious family in America - the Duggars, about whom they film a show on the TLC channel. It turned out that the head of the family turned out to be a terrible deceiver and had been cheating on his wife for all the years. But the real scandal erupted when it turned out that the eldest son Josh had committed sexual harassment in relation to his five younger sisters. All TLC viewers were shocked by the truth about the ideal Baptist family. The head of the family is now undergoing rehabilitation at a religious center, and they decided to close the show.

Fake black woman

Name Rachel Dolezal thundered throughout America, and now hundreds of magazines dream of interviewing her and invite her to shoot. The fact is that the woman spent her whole life passing herself off as dark-skinned, while being white. She even became the head of one of the divisions National Association promoting the progress of people of color - largest organization, which fights for the rights of black people. What prompted the woman to commit such deception remains a mystery.

Departure of the lead singer of M-BAND

It would seem that what is missing from one of the most popular performers in Russia Vladislav Ramm(20)? But band producer M-BAND Konstantin Meladze(52) fired the guy, explaining this as his professional incompetence. Vladislav Ramm himself said that he was going to start solo career, but Meladze hastened to refute these rumors: “He has a contract with me until 2021. Therefore, there can be no talk of any solo career. I have an ironclad contract, I am not going to terminate it, so until that time he will work in my production center. He has no right to anything!” In response, Vladislav stated that he was not going to give up and would sue the producer. It looks like we're in for a heated showdown soon.

Treason of Artem Dzyuba

Although, unfortunately, not the only one, the most popular cheater this year was (27), who was convicted of vicious relationship with TV presenter Maria Orzul. The couple was spotted by paparazzi hugging and kissing in a car. It is worth noting that both of them are related by marriage.

Ben Affleck's Deception

(43) turned out to be the same vile liar when it turned out that the actor cheated on his wife Jennifer Garner(43) with their children's nanny! Soon after this, his wife kicked him out, and now they live separately.

Terrible disease

A terrible fate befell the scandalous actor (50). This year he admitted that he suffers from HIV. Moreover, as it turned out, he did not inform his partners that he was sick. His mistress, porn actress Bree Olson, stated that he had sex with her every day and did not say a word about the disease, and his other girlfriend, also a porn star Brett Rossi, sued the actor for ill-treatment and concealment of diagnosis.

Family ties of Victoria Lopyreva

This fall (32) found herself at the center of a scandal when it turned out that her Sister Emilia Kruse raised money through foundations to help her recover from cancer. Lopyreva’s father said that Victoria knew about her sister’s illness, but did nothing to somehow help her. The press often mentions that Victoria is actively involved in charitable activities. So why did she decide to leave in the lurch sister? Only Victoria's family members know the truth.

Protest of Russian stars

show business

This year, one of the most violent scandals that erupted in the field of show business was sale "Russian Media Group" "State Concert" and change of director Sergei Kozhevnikov. Many stars opposed this decision, because Sergei was an old friend of theirs. The holding company managed several radio stations, including "Russian Radio". The holding's management threatened artists who opposed the merger that their songs would be removed from the airwaves. The stars, in turn, announced that they would open their own radio station. Among them Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov (39), Grigory Leps(53) and many others.

Wedding gifts for Peskov and Navka

Another scandal erupted around the wedding Dmitry Peskov(48) and Tatiana Navka (40).When photos from their wedding appeared on the Internet, many noticed that Peskov was wearing a Richard Mille watch worth 37 million rubles. There are also rumors that the couple spent their honeymoon on a yacht, the rental of which costs 26 million rubles per day. The question arose: where did the official get so much money? Peskov said that all this was his wife’s money, and athletes, as you know, receive a lot.

Scandalous romance

Nastasya Samburskaya

The star of the series “Univer” (28) met on the Internet and began dating, as she then thought, a 19-year-old guy. They spent the night together, and then it turned out that he was a minor cadet from a cadet school. The guy decided not to sue, but for Samburskaya it became good lesson, now she doesn’t meet people on social networks.

Scandals between producers and artists who decide to leave their care are commonplace. Few people manage to part quietly and peacefully. Loud scandals and litigation almost always become public knowledge. Former patrons, with the same zeal with which they once lit the stars, are trying to extinguish them. They, in turn, bring to the public such facts about the recent “fruitful collaboration” that plunge fans into a real shock. “StarHit” suggests recalling the biggest scandals in Russian show business between stars and their former producers.

Lena Temnikova, ex-soloist of the group SEREBRO

Elena Temnikova left the SEREBRO group in the spring of 2014. This happened at the peak of popularity and against the backdrop of universal fan adoration. For many, the departure of one of the brightest members of the girl trio was a mystery. The official version of the singer’s action is due to health reasons. And only recently in an interview Lena Temnikova spoke about true reasons his departure from the group. The vocalist desperately did not want to portray a sexy diva or perform in revealing outfits. And it was precisely this feeling of humiliation that she experienced every time she went on stage that Elena still cannot forgive her producer Maxim Fadeev.

“I felt terrible, I could hardly restrain myself from bursting into tears,” admits the star. - She was a homely girl with complexes. And Fadeev began to mold us into some kind of sexy “terrorists.” I complained: this is not mine, I’m ashamed. He didn't listen, he said he knew better. On the other hand, a contract is a contract.”

In addition, Temnikova cannot forget the producer of the PR novels that were attributed to her to attract attention.

Her husband Dmitry helped Elena leave the SEREBRO group before the end of her contract. The man paid a penalty to the production center and supported his beloved. Today Elena Temnikova - happy wife and the mother of a charming daughter, she has her own solo and quite successful project.

Anna Sedokova, ex-soloist of the group " VIA Gra»

Anna Sedokova, a member of the golden lineup of the VIA Gra group, had to leave the team more than ten years ago. The reason is waiting for the birth of their daughter Alina. Producer Konstantin Meladze could not interfere with Anna's decision to become a wife and mother. But his disappointment with Sedokova’s choice was so great that he stopped all communication with her.

For Anna, such rejection was a real blow, because she had the most sincere feelings for Meladze. Not only the producer, but also her friend in the group stopped communicating with Sedokova after she shared with them the news about her pregnancy and upcoming marriage.

“I had no idea that after our last tour, such a close friend of mine Vera would never call me again, Nadya would refuse to be a witness at my wedding, and Kostya Meladze would simply tell me that I was no longer anyone for this group... “- the singer said in one of the interviews. Now, when the grievances have already been forgotten, and Anna has successfully built a solo career, the singer thanks the former producer for the harsh lesson.

“Meladze is one of the most important people in my life,” admitted Sedokova. - And I am very grateful to him for everything. And most of all, just because he quit. Otherwise, I would have remained a blind kitten, hoping every time that Kostya was nearby and would always help. And after floundering for three years on my own, I still learned to swim well.”


26-year-old Daria Shashina left the SEREBRO group at the beginning of May last year. The official version of her departure from the group, as in the case of Elena Temnikova, was the health of the vocalist. However, Daria Shashina’s decision to end her career as part of the trio did not result in a loud scandal. The singer broke up with the group's producer Maxim Fadeev peacefully and without offense. But remembering the atmosphere that reigns in SEREBRO, Shashina calls it unbearable. Daria spoke in an interview with StarHit that the friendship between the group’s soloists is purely ostentatious and is nothing more than work for the public.

“For me the atmosphere was unbearable, I will say the only terrible thing: hazing exists, and it is tough. All this did not leave me any room for some kind of inner creativity, I became constrained and began to have complexes,” admits Daria.

Because of constant stress While working on the project, the slender Shashina gained ten kilograms. But as soon as Dasha stopped singing with the girls, the moral and physical condition things are getting better. Currently, the singer looks great, maintains a personal blog, appears at various events, accompanied by her lover, 28-year-old participant in the show “The Voice” Ivan Chebanov.


A terrible scandal between Katya Lel and her producer and lover Alexander Volkov broke out in the early 2000s. The singer and her producer were actually at war for four long years. Alexander, with whom Lel walked hand in hand to success, began to be very jealous of his chosen one for her new status as a star.

“He was jealous of me for every post. Even to my friends, I tapped phones, questioned the guards about where I was and with whom. My life has become hell. At some point, I couldn’t stand it: I was almost thirty, and I said that it was time for me to give birth, so he needed to make a decision,” said Katya. - He had wonderful family, children, grandchildren. I also wanted a family. He replied that he could neither leave his family nor let me go.”

The legal battle between the singer and producer ended in favor of Lel, she won the trial. But then a misfortune happened to Volkov. Doctors discovered he had cancer at a stage that was impossible to fight. By that time already former producer Kati Lel died. “This war was not in vain, it took the juice out of both of us. It’s a pity that everything turned out this way,” the artist recalled. “You cannot destroy anyone, you cannot allow your anger to control you so much that you turn from a worthy, decent person into a completely different person.”

Now everything has finally improved in Katya Lel’s life. In 2008, she married businessman Igor Kuznetsov, and in 2009 she gave birth to her daughter Emilia. Now the singer is again winning the popularity of the public, who once adored her “Musi-pusi” and “Dzhagu-jagu”.


The public recognized the group "Propaganda" in this composition // Photo: Press service

At the beginning of the 2000s, the songs of the Propaganda group “Chalk”, “Yay-ya”, “Superdetka” filled stadiums, and the voice of the lead singer, 17-year-old Vika, conquered all the country’s music charts and the hearts of millions of fans. The young singer was not only a performer, but also the author of these hits. But for several years now, Victoria Voronina has been proving the right to her music in court - after leaving the Propaganda group, the group’s producer Sergei Ivanov forbade her to perform these songs.

Sergei claims that although Victoria is their author, she cannot perform them publicly, since these works have been sold, and he is the copyright holder. However, Voronina continues to be active as a solo singer. She composes and records new songs, gives concerts where she performs all her hits. Moreover, on posters, the name of the group is often written in larger font, and not the name of its former performer. Ivanov categorically disagrees with this state of affairs. He insists that with her activities Victoria causes material damage to the existing Propaganda, in which completely different soloists work. Through the efforts of Sergei Ivanov last year, for example, several Voronina concerts in different cities were canceled.

In a word, now the relationship between the producer of “Propaganda” and its ex-soloist is full of contradictions and mutual claims. Each side considers itself a victim of a protracted conflict.

Margarita Sukhankina, lead singer of the group “Mirage”

In 2016, the Mirage group celebrated the 30th anniversary of its creation. The anniversary year will be remembered by the lead singer of the group, Margarita Sukhankina, with a lawsuit. A lawsuit was filed against her by composer and producer Andrei Lityagin, who was also, until recently, common-law husband singers. Now he forbids her to perform Mirage hits.

As it turned out, there were no contracts between Sukhankina and the founder of the group, Andrei Lityagin; cooperation was based solely on oral agreements, according to which Margarita could perform Mirage hits.

“Now the situation has changed, Andrey is committed to cooperation with documented royalties to him as the author and owner trademark"Mirage". That is, he does not set himself the goal of removing her from the stage. He just wants to transfer the relationship into the legal field. We tried to organize negotiations with Margarita through her concert directors, but they refused our offer,” said lawyer Dmitry Semennikov.

Allegedly, for violating the copyright law, the singer faces a fine of 10 thousand to five million rubles.