Former lead singer of the group cream. Ex-soloist of the group “Slivki” Daria Ermolaeva - biography, creativity and interesting facts

Last fall, actress Teona Dolnikova posted a post on her social networks asking for help for her close friend and colleagues, former soloist of the group “Slivki” Daria Ermolaeva. Dolnikova told the story of Daria, who left with her husband for Brazil, but he then allegedly abandoned her, and now the actress is in poverty abroad and is also pregnant with her second child.

Subscribers actively responded to Dolnikova’s request, although some were indignant that Dolnikova, as a friend, could herself help Ermolaeva with a ticket home. It is unknown exactly what amount was raised, but soon a post of gratitude appeared on Dolnikova’s Instagram. The actress also apologized for the “not entirely correct” information about Ermolaeva’s ex-husband:

Ex-husband former star, Denis Gatalsky, in an interview with journalists admitted that he did not believe Ermolaeva and Dolnikova and that in fact Ermolaeva’s departure to Brazil happened for a completely different reason. In particular, she found a lover in Brazil, from whom she became pregnant for the second time.

This is all an absolute lie, which was invented and realized thanks to Daria’s old connections, so that the audience, who believed in this story, would transfer money to her; in other words, a person earns money in this way. Firstly, I have never been to Brazil: I am a former military man, and, accordingly, I still have the status of a travel ban. But she, on the contrary, was literally delirious about the move. As a child, Dasha lived briefly in Brazil when her parents worked there; she probably has warm memories of this country since then. So, she decided to buy property there. She was able to realize her plans with the money from the sale of the apartment in Moscow in which we lived after the wedding. But Daria’s brother forced her to sell it, since he was the owner of a 50% share of the apartment. One day he demanded his share. We moved to temporary accommodation with our mutual friend, who kindly offered us a free room, since my apartment was occupied at that time. In 2014, Dasha went to Brazil for the first time to “reconnaissance” - to find out what the conditions and prices were there. She knew that I couldn’t leave the country, but she didn’t care; she believed that if she wanted, she could bypass the law and go with her. A man thinks only of himself! Even the word of an elderly father is not authority for her.


According to Gatalsky, he found out that Dasha cheated on him. In Brazil, she started an affair with a local, although they were officially married at that time. Moreover, her trip lasted much longer than she promised. She returned back only because, according to the laws of the country, she could not stay there for more than six months. There was nowhere to return - she sold the apartment. Gatalsky took pity on her and sheltered her. At the same time, she became pregnant with her first child. However, Ermolaeva flew to Brazil to give birth, saying that he had to fly if he wanted to be with her and the child. But Gatalsky was still serving at that time, and traveling abroad was prohibited for him. So another man began to raise his child.


We divorced in the middle of this summer, and when during the divorce I announced that my child lived in Brazil, they answered me that without documents I was nothing to him. But there really aren't any. At birth, the baby automatically becomes a citizen of the country in which he was born. According to Brazilian laws, if the father does not show up for registration, then a dash is placed in the paternity column, the child receives the mother’s surname and she is considered a single mother. Our stamps in passports and marriage certificates have no force there. So officially I am nobody to the child.

In the fall, Ermolaeva also wrote that, despite the late stages of pregnancy, she was rapidly losing weight. And we have to save on everything - even on diapers for our eldest son.

The mood is like this... It's difficult to explain. Every day I wake up hoping for the best, I try to fight. But local realities simply destroy this. People are just making fun of me. They throw and substitute. Daily. Not to mention the constant surprises and “bonuses”. When there is no water at all. Or sewer. Or the wall falls. It also pours on your head at night when you sleep. It’s difficult to recover here at these “Olympic” games. I'm clearly being tested... Or punished.

In diagnosis ex-wife Gatalsky also doesn’t believe it, suspecting that the girl simply decided to earn extra money in this way.

You know, I haven’t seen her diagnosis anywhere, it’s worth thinking about. In any case, I wish her and the children good health. As I already said, this is a completely fictional story with the support of Teona Dolnikova. Perhaps she really has money problems now, since the person has never officially worked in her life and has no intention of doing so. Throughout our life together, we lived only on my means, plus our parents helped. Now, probably, a critical situation has happened in her life, since she decided to make money in such a dirty way. I repeat once again, the published information has nothing to do with reality, except that she lives in Brazil, and according to at will, and is expecting the birth of his second child from his current local young man.

However, Ermolaeva has already given birth to her second child - the singer on Instagram calls her son nothing less than the Emperor and actively posts photos with her children and her Brazilian man.

One can only guess why, living with a man and the father of her child, Ermolaeva is in poverty. And is he in poverty?

  • "Slivki" is a Russian female pop group that appeared in 2000. The group became the winner of the “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Golden Disc” awards, etc. The original composition of the group included Karina Koks, Daria Ermolaeva and Irina Vasilyeva.
  • In 2001, Ermolaeva almost left Slivok due to pregnancy. But the singer had an abortion and continued her concert activities. True, a year later she left the group “for health reasons.”

The sensation that spread throughout the entire information space yesterday touched the hearts of fans of the once popular group “VIA Slivki”. “The pregnant ex-soloist of the trio, Daria Ermolaeva, is seriously ill and languishes in poverty in Brazil,” artists who are not indifferent to the problem circulated on social networks without understanding the situation. Actress Teona Dolnikova spoke about problems with health and money, calling for help in raising funds for her colleague. However, according to the husband, who, as it turns out, has been wearing the title “ex” for several months, behind the loud headline lies lies and fraud.

According to Teona Dolnikova, “Dasha married what seemed like a normal guy from Moscow. Who eventually forced her to sell native home in Moscow and move to live in Brazil for some reason. He simply took half the money from her, and with what was left they bought a junk car, because they didn’t have enough for anything else. He ran away with half the amount and abandoned his own child a month before his birth, leaving Dasha in debt and in a destroyed house, with nowhere to even lie down.”

Life managed to contact 30-year-old Denis Gatalsky. IN exclusive interview For the first time, the man denied not only this information, but also dubious statements about his ex-wife’s illness.

This is all an absolute lie, which was invented and realized thanks to Daria’s old connections, so that the audience, who believed in this story, would transfer money to her; in other words, a person earns money in this way. Firstly, I have never been to Brazil: I am a former military man, and, accordingly, I still have the status of a travel ban. But she, on the contrary, was literally delirious about the move. As a child, Dasha lived briefly in Brazil when her parents worked there; she probably has warm memories of this country since then. So, she decided to buy property there. She was able to realize her plans with the money from the sale of the apartment in Moscow in which we lived after the wedding. But Daria’s brother forced her to sell it, since he was the owner of a 50% share of the apartment. One day he demanded his share. We moved to temporary accommodation with our mutual friend, who kindly offered us a free room, since my apartment was occupied at that time. In 2014, Dasha went to Brazil for the first time to “reconnaissance” - to find out what the conditions and prices were there. She knew that I couldn’t leave the country, but she didn’t care; she believed that if she wanted, she could bypass the law and go with her. A man thinks only of himself! Even the word of an elderly father is not authority for her.

Did you break up after that?

Yes, you can say that. I found out that Dasha cheated on me. In Brazil, she started an affair with a local. Although at that time we were officially married. Her trip lasted much longer than she promised. She returned back only because, according to the laws of the country, she could not stay there for more than six months. There was nowhere to return; she had sold the apartment. I felt sorry for her and took her in - I couldn’t leave her on the street. Around the same days she became pregnant.

Your first son, right?

The only son. She is expecting her second child not from me, but from the young man with whom she had an affair. But I would like to prove that the first child is really mine, to have the rights and responsibilities of a father. Understand, I took care of the pregnant Dasha and firmly believed that this was our baby, and I was waiting for his birth. She flew to Brazil to give birth. She said that she hates Russia and the people living here. Like, if you have a desire, come and live with us. She understood that I could not do this.

Have you tried to get the child back?

We divorced in the middle of this summer, and when during the divorce I announced that my child lived in Brazil, they answered me that without documents I was nothing to him. But there really aren't any. At birth, the baby automatically becomes a citizen of the country in which he was born. According to Brazilian laws, if the father does not show up for registration, then a dash is placed in the paternity column, the child receives the mother’s surname and she is considered a single mother. Our stamps in passports and marriage certificates have no force there. So officially I am nobody to the child.

How long have you been married?

Four years. If you remove all her trips to Brazil, then it’s a little more than two years.

What is she sick with?

You know, I haven’t seen her diagnosis anywhere, it’s worth thinking about. In any case, I wish her and the children good health. As I already said, this is a completely fictional story with the support of Teona Dolnikova. Perhaps she really has money problems now, since the person has never officially worked in her life and has no intention of doing so. Throughout our life together, we lived only on my means, plus our parents helped. Now, probably, a critical situation has happened in her life, since she decided to make money in such a dirty way. I repeat once again, the published information has nothing to do with reality, except that she lives in Brazil, and of her own free will, and is expecting the birth of her second child from the current local young man.

    Dasha Ermolaeva once sang quite well until 2004 in the group Slivki, has musical education, has a son, she is 34 years old, married a Muscovite named Denis Gatalsky, who moved to live with her in Brazil. Now strange information about Dasha Ermolaeva has appeared on the Internet; I don’t know whether she can be trusted or not. Dasha’s friend Teona Dolnikova writes the following posts and requests on Instagram:

    Here in the photo is Dasha with Denis Gatalsky.

    And in this second photo, Dasha is with another lover from Brazil.

    Daria Ermolaeva was in the first composition of the Slivki group.

    Before her career as a singer, she danced topless in clubs.

    In 2002, she temporarily left the group (she was pregnant and had a son), then returned in 2003. And in 2004 she finally left the group.

    In 2004 she graduated from GITIS with a degree in Musical Theatre.

    Personal life.

    There was an affair with Factory 3 participant Sasha Kireev, Sergei Amoralov (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels), then with Andrei Gubin.

    Now Daria is in Brazil.

    She is pregnant with her second child husband - Denis Gatalsky.

    Her husband abandoned her and left her with debts.

    Denis Gatalsky claims that Ermolaeva is a swindler: he divorced her a long time ago and has never been to Brazil.

    Daria's mother died.

    Funds are being raised online so that Daria Ermolaeva returns home.

    Dasha’s illness is also reported, but what specific diagnosis is not specified.

    I think that all this is a scam of naive people for money.

    Daria Ermolaeva is the ex-soloist of the group Slivki. Due to an unsuccessful marriage, she is now going through a difficult period in her life. She is raising a son and awaiting the birth of her second child. Because of her ex's scam, she was left without a roof over her head and a means of subsistence.

    The former lead singer of the group Slivki was married, she has a son and she is preparing to become a mother again, that is, she is pregnant. On this moment lives in Brazil and asks financial assistance, according to her, her husband robbed her. The husband denies everything and says that she needs to learn to work and not ask everyone for money.

    Previously, Daria Ermolaeva was in the public eye, because in Russian show business performed from 2003 to 2005. as one of the members of the Slivka team.

    She is currently a resident of Brazil. She will soon become a mother for the second time. He no longer has anything to do with show business.

    Daria is in difficult situation, because they have practically no money. This situation has arisen due to the current pregnancy and the departure of her husband.

    Now Dasha’s friend has asked to help Daria. But it is not known for sure whether everything is really that bad for Daria Ermolaeva.

    Daria Ermolaeva is twenty-four years old, she is a singer, she used to perform in VIA SLIVKI, and was the second soloist after Karina Koks.

    Now she is single, has one child and is pregnant with her second. She lives in Brazil, asks for help, she was abandoned by a man and she lives in a collapsed house, and there is no money for a ticket to Russia.

    Daria was born on July 24 in Moscow in 1982. Dasha is known for her short participation (about three years in total) in VIA group Cream

    Now the singer lives in Brazil. The phrase ex-husband Denis Gatalsky flashes everywhere, I conclude that she was married, she has a child and is now pregnant.

    That's all I could find about her

    Daria Ermolaeva is mainly known as the lead singer of the group Slivki, who performed in the group from 2000 to 2004. She was born on July 24, 1982, and the singer is currently 34 years old. She graduated from GUTIS, she also performed as dj Darina.

    It is known that Daria Ermolaeva was married to Dmitry Gatalsky. At the moment, Daria is pregnant and is in Brazil, she also has a son, Bruno.

    There is not much information about Daria.

    The girl is currently 34 years old, she comes from the capital.

    Everyone remembers the spectacular brunette for her participation in the once popular group Slivki, where she performed in the company of two other girls, but she is remembered more not for her good vocals, but for her catchy appearance.

    Currently Dasha lives in exotic country Brazil, she is now pregnant, as her ex-husband says (with whom Dasha has common child) then the girl is in position from a local Brazilian man.

    Recently, information surfaced about her plight, it seems that the girl is sick, but according to other sources, Dasha stupidly wants to cash in on compassionate subscribers.

    Daria Ermolaeva was born in Moscow in 1982, on July 24th. That is, at this point in time she is thirty-four years old. Known for her participation in the once popular group Slivki, her name has now surfaced on the Internet thanks to her friend Teona Dolnikova, who appealed to the public to provide all possible assistance to Daria, who found herself in a difficult financial situation. Now Ermolaeva is in Brazil, where she went with her husband, who subsequently abandoned her and left her practically without a livelihood. As far as we know, Daria is now pregnant with her second child, one little son no longer has one named Bruno.


    The ex-soloist of the group Slivki, 34-year-old smiling brunette Daria Ermolaeva, now lives in Brazil. Around her in Lately there was a scandal about her financial situation and accusing her of fraud.

    Daria has a son and is pregnant with her second child. She is expecting her second child from a Brazilian. She does not continue her singing career. She sang in Slivka's group until 2004, and graduated from GITIS in the class of Musical Theater.

Former member of the Slivki group Daria Ermolaeva is raising two sons - Bruno and Max. Now the young mother is very worried about her health youngest child. As it turned out, the one-and-a-half-year-old boy was hit on the head by a swing. The artist blames herself for what happened. Daria is upset that she did not look after the baby, and therefore he could not avoid injury. Now Ermolaeva is waiting for the doctors’ conclusions.

“I still can’t come to my senses and sleep. This wild metal swing. Adult huge children fly and these little kids race. In general, Max is at such a difficult age, and hyperactivity is obvious,” Daria told fans.

Followers and friends rushed to console the mother and wish the boy get well soon. They understand that it was not easy for her to look after two babies at the same time. According to Ermolaeva, the child suffered a concussion, and she also suspects a fracture of the frontal bone. True, the final verdict will be made by doctors after a full examination.

Recently, Daria and her children returned from Brazil to Russia. She plans to go to court to fight for the rights of the children with her ex-husband. She understands that she faces a difficult task and a long trial. Ermolaeva believes that the divorce was not filed according to the rules.

“Considering that this happened unilaterally without my presence at all, and there was no talk about Bruno there. They will be surprised when I finally come to court to deal with the child,” the young mother reported.

Daria promised that she would keep her subscribers informed of what was happening in her life. She hopes this experience might be helpful to someone else. The artist understands that she finds herself in a difficult situation, but hopes to find a way out of it. It turned out that among Daria’s subscribers there were women who are also raising children alone and do not receive help from ex-husbands and the fathers of their children.

The former lead singer of the group “Slivki” is convinced that many men do not realize the responsibility that they have after the birth of a child. However, she is glad that the laws in most cases are on the side of women and provide at least some hope for protection.

January 12, 2018

The show business conveyor belt cleverly changes one star to another, so quickly that not all listeners have time to delve into their personal lives and biography, especially when it comes to an entire group. This happened previously with Daria Ermolaeva, the ex-soloist of the VIA Slivki group, popular in the 2000s. However, recently a lot of scandalous details about the star’s personal life have appeared on the Internet.


There is quite little information about Daria in the public domain, since her career was not destined to develop to its full potential, but nevertheless:

  • Daria Ermolaeva is a native of Moscow.
  • Birthday: July 24, 1982.
  • In 2004 she graduated from GITIS, Faculty of Musical Theatre.
  • He has two children (presumably from different fathers) and lives with them abroad.
  • In the period from 2000-2004 she was a soloist in the VIA Slivki group.

It is possible that limited publications are also related to the singer’s desire not to talk about her personal life, which is quite natural. Nevertheless, those who follow the developments in her fate will encounter more than one contradiction.

First wave

It is known that the girl took her first steps towards popularity on the stage of nightclubs, performing topless dances. Bright appearance, figure and charisma helped the girl become not just one of the dancers, but make her way onto the stage. And here is Daria Ermolaeva, the soloist of “Slivok”.

The girl immediately fit into the team and became a recognizable person at that time. Together with Daria, the soloists were singers Karina Koks and Irina Vasilyeva, who was soon replaced by the no less bright Tina Charles Ogunleye.

Two years later, Ermolaeva temporarily left the group, without specifying the reasons. As one of the coordinators reported, her career interfered with her health problems. Nevertheless, already in 2003, Daria Ermolaeva and “Cream” were together again, with new strength and a desire to work long and fruitfully. Her colleagues greeted her with joy, but in 2004 the situation repeated itself, this time completely.

Novels and rumors

First high-profile romance The star became a relationship with Alexander Kireev, a participant in the TV project “Star Factory-3”. The couple actively developed their relationship; according to some reports, Daria was in love with her boyfriend, but the relationship soon ended before it could develop into a more serious one.

Sergei Amoralov (lead singer of the group “Otpetye Moshenniki”) and Daria Ermolaeva met after some time and became interested in each other. It was a union of two bright and dynamic personalities, but due to the busy touring schedule of both, the couple fell apart after almost 4 years of relationship.

One of the main rumors in the singer’s life was dubious information about her relationship with Andrei Gubin. According to the singers, their creative friendship was taken too literally, and the yellow press made a fuss, since Andrei is almost 10 years older than Daria, and his relationship with her also did not develop beyond the “candy and bouquet” period.


The husband of the ex-soloist of the group “Slivki” was an ordinary Moscow guy, a former military man, Denis Gatalsky. The details of the origin of the relationship, as well as the wedding ceremony, were not covered in the press. Apparently, Daria set a course for a sedate, quiet life with her chosen one.

According to the star’s ex-husband, the peace was disturbed when Ermolaeva (then Gatalskaya) became eager to go abroad. Unfortunately, despite the termination military duty, Denis still has restrictions on migration, so he physically could not go to Brazil (where Daria was going to move). However, already in 2014, she visited the South American continent alone to obtain information about housing, prices and other vital important factors.

The personal life and family of Daria Ermolaeva from “Cream” changed dramatically after leaving. An extended Brazilian vacation soon brought news of the betrayal to the husband. Since Daria’s apartment was sold for the trip, and her visa was already expiring, she had to return to her homeland, and her deceived husband took her into his home. “Don’t leave her on the street,” Denis commented on this event in his interview. While living together in Moscow, the couple conceived a child. Nevertheless, Gatalsky himself doubts this, since his wife was in a relationship with someone else for a long time, and during pregnancy she decided to return to Brazil. After this, the couple divorced, apparently unilaterally, on Denis’s initiative.

Second wave of fame

The uproar around the situation arose after a series of requests that former soloist Daria Ermolaeva and her friend Teona Dolnikova published on the Internet. The girls reported that the re-pregnant Ermolaeva has serious problems in poor health and barely eking out an existence in distant Brazil with his son. The public responded immediately. Already in the first days, an amount of about 130 thousand rubles was collected. After a difficult pregnancy, she reportedly gave birth to her second child and is having difficulty surviving with small children.

Fathers and Sons

The situation is complicated by a question that is hanging in the air, and, apparently, its resolution will not come in the near future. The fact is that Denis Gatalsky doubts the paternity of his first child ex-wife. In her calls for help, the girl said that her husband abandoned her abroad with the kids, taking cash. The paradox is that Gatalsky, as mentioned earlier, is a former military man and, by virtue of the charter, cannot and could not leave Russia before.

The ex-soloist of the group "Slivki" Daria Ermolaeva about her personal life and her new family did not provide any details, except for a photo on social networks, which apparently shows the father of the second child, a local resident of Brazil.

Illness and help

In your account on the page social network Daria Ermolaeva, lead singer of the Slivki group, published a photo of her hand and an IV, which caused indignation among fans. It turned out that Daria had a hard time with her second pregnancy and was forced to undergo appropriate treatment. There are also rumors that the child was born a little ahead of schedule. Of course, the situation comes with some risk. But such cases occur in Russian maternity hospitals every day, and 99% of such births end safely. Of course, the question remains why the ex-soloist of the group “Slivki” Daria Ermolaeva posted such information for general discussion, however, the majority of Internet users are indifferent or skeptical.

This is due to the fact that, despite the above-mentioned troubles that befell the singer, she is in no hurry to leave the southern continent, but intends to get back on her feet with the help of her friends and caring compatriots. Also, the audience does not quite understand the story with the father of the second child; it is unknown how much he participates in the life of Daria herself and her children. The question arises, for what reasons did she need help from her homeland, where she hastily left and has no plans to return? As a result, it is obvious that the lead singer of the group “Slivki” Dasha Ermolaeva never received popularity, nor did she receive much sympathy. Unfortunately, in Russia, like in any other state, there are a lot of single mothers who find it impossible to live in Brazil and ask for help from their celebrity friends.