Does Ani Lorak have a musical education? Ani Lorak: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo

Ani Lorak dotes on her only daughter Sofia. The girl was born on June 9, 2011 in marriage to Turkish businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu. Sofia is growing up artistic and creative child, feels great on stage. In 2018, she went to first grade at an elite gymnasium in the Moscow region, where a year of education costs more than 2 million rubles. The singer, who herself lived very poorly as a child, tries to give her beloved daughter the best.

Marriage and birth of a daughter

Ani met her future husband Murat in 2005 while on vacation in Turkey. He was an employee of the hotel where the singer stayed. The young people immediately liked each other and exchanged phone numbers. For a whole year they communicated at a distance, until Ani came to Turkey to shoot a new video. A whirlwind romance began, a beautiful courtship, for the sake of which Murat increasingly visited Ukraine. The singer was happy when future husband decided to move to her country. She helped him open a restaurant and travel agency here. For several years the couple lived without officially registering their relationship, and in August 2009 they signed at the central Kiev registry office. Gorgeous wedding celebrated in the groom's homeland in Turkey.

Shortly before the new year 2011, Lorak told fans that she was happily expecting her first child. The star made no secret of her pregnancy. On the contrary, she willingly shared the details of this important event with journalists. Ani tolerated her new condition well and continued to go on stage. True, she refused solo concerts, leaving only small performances. The singer revised her diet, adding more fruits and vegetables to it, and temporarily gave up playing sports.

As for superstitions that prohibit pregnant women from many seemingly harmless things, Lorak did not take them seriously. She admitted that she trusts her doctor and consults him on any matter. He also listens carefully to his body. Anya and her husband did not find out the sex of the child in advance, having decided to arrange a surprise for themselves.

The singer gave birth to her daughter Sofia on the evening of June 9. The baby's weight was 3290 grams, height - 51 cm. A joyful event took place in Kyiv. Lorak gave birth naturally, and, in addition to her husband and relatives, her creative patron Philip Kirkorov also worried about her during the labor. He regularly learned about Anya’s condition by phone and became one of the first to congratulate the new mother. And happy father Murat received an unforgettable gift for his birthday, which he celebrates on June 12.

Sofia's upbringing and talents

In April 2012, little Sofia’s christening took place. After long discussions with her husband, who professes Islam, Ani finally decided to raise her daughter in the traditions Orthodox faith since she will live in Orthodox country. Philip Kirkorov became the baby’s godfather. Verkhovna Rada deputy Irina Berezhnaya was chosen to play the role of godmother.

Lorak gained 15 kg during her pregnancy, so after giving birth she actively began to regain her weight. slim figure. The singer returned to her favorite separate food system: she ate 5 times a day in small portions, excluded sweets, flour products, fatty sauces, and carbonated drinks. Instead of training in the gym, I took up dancing. As a result, Ani was again in perfect shape when she returned to the stage.

True, the singer had a hard time getting used to frequent separations from her daughter. And Sofia, when she grew up a little, began to be capricious as soon as she saw her mother’s suitcase front door. Explanations about her work and the fans who were waiting for her performances served as little consolation for the child. The situation improved when Sofia grew up a little and got used to this rhythm of life. Moreover, according to Lorak’s calculations, she spends no less time with her daughter than women who work 8 hours 5 days a week.

After the birth of her daughter, Ani literally showered her with gifts; not a single trip to the village was complete without new toys. children's store. The singer admitted that she pampers herself in this way, because she grew up in poverty and modesty. Due to difficult life circumstances, the future star even spent some time in a boarding school. Therefore, she doubly wanted to give Sofia toys or entertainment, which the singer herself was deprived of in childhood.

Ani and her husband are trying to develop their daughter comprehensively. The girl is engaged in dancing, figure skating, drawing, tennis, and stage speech. Parents do not force the heiress to go somewhere if interest has disappeared, so Sofia tries her hand at different directions. Thanks to her international family, the baby knows 4 languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian, Turkish.

But most of all, Lorak’s daughter likes performing on stage. Her famous mom never ceases to be amazed at how easily and freely Sofia behaves in front of the public. She has already taken part in several solo concerts Ani, and the audience was delighted with the little artist. By the way, at home the girl also likes to give performances, spends a long time dressing up for them, and then invites her parents to the “auditorium.” If mom and dad are busy, dolls and plush toys play the role of the audience.

School and new life

The Lorak family seemed exemplary. In all interviews, the singer spoke about her love for her husband, about the spiritual connection that only grows stronger with every year spent together. She delighted fans with photographs from family trips and published touching congratulations on the Internet for her beloved husband. Therefore, the public was shocked to see footage from a Kyiv nightclub in which Murat spent time in the company of another woman. The nature of their communication left no doubt that there was a close relationship between them.

Of course, a scandal broke out. The deceived singer remained silent for a long time. When the couple took Sofia to first grade together on September 1, 2018, many started talking about the couple’s possible reconciliation. However, this did not happen. Soon Lorak filed for divorce. She moved to Moscow, where she took part in the filming of the “Voice” project, and here she decided to send her daughter to school. Murat stayed in Kyiv, rented an apartment for himself and his new lover.

Ani officially divorced her husband on January 31, 2019. She does not interfere with the daughter’s communication with her father. Murat even flew to the USA for a short time when the singer was vacationing there with Sofia. The issue of the place of residence and the order of meetings with the girl will be decided by the parents in a separate court hearing. It is clear that the couple have parted ways. But for the sake of their daughter, they try to forget mutual grievances.

Fans do not leave their favorite singer during this difficult period. You can read hundreds of her accounts good wishes and words of support. Listeners hope that Ani will quickly recover from the divorce, because, despite the separation from her husband, people's love, her adored daughter and work will remain with her forever.


  • Interview with Ani Lorak
  • About raising a daughter
  • Ani Lorak's pregnancy
  • Lorak's daughter went to school
  • Name: Ani
  • Surname: Lorak
  • Date of Birth: 27.09.1978
  • Place of Birth: Kitsman, Ukraine
  • Zodiac sign: Scales
  • Eastern horoscope: Horse
  • Occupation: singer
  • Height: 162 cm
  • Weight: 47 kg

Ani Lorak– one of the sexiest singers in modern show business. For many, she became the standard of femininity, beauty and charm. At the same time, her biography serves as an example of how a simple girl from a provincial Ukrainian town was able to ascend not only to the Ukrainian and Russian stage, but also to become second at the main European music competition.

Photo by Ani Lorak

Since childhood I dreamed of being on stage

The road to the big stage was not easy for Caroline. By the way, she received the name Caroline at the insistence of her Polish grandmother, and in the future, reading it backwards, the pseudonym Ani Lorak will be assigned to her. Miroslav Ivanovich and Zhanna Vasilievna, the girl’s parents, divorced even before the birth of their daughter. It was difficult for a mother to feed her children on the salary of a radio station employee, so early years they were brought up in a boarding school.

Caroline's dreams of singing on stage have not left her since she was four years old. Having matured a little, the active, artistic and cheerful girl enjoyed performing at school concerts, took part in competitions and did not give up on her dream of becoming a singer.

"Morning Star" and first victories

At one of Carolina’s performances, producer Yuri Thales drew attention to her and offered cooperation. On the big stage, they first started talking about her when the girl became a participant in the Russian musical project “Morning Star” in 1995. It was then that she had to take a pseudonym, since a contestant with the same name already participated in the program. Carolina read her name backwards; the pseudonym Ani Lorak suited her so well and she liked it so much that she never parted with it again.

The debut on television brought the young performer her first popularity. According to the results of the survey “New Stars of the Old Year,” Ani was recognized as “Discovery of the Year.” Her success was consolidated with a victory at the Tavria Games and second place at the Chervona Ruta festival.

The Tavria Games of the next two years were also not without Anya’s participation. In 1996, she was nominated for the Golden Firebird award as “best singer,” and in 1997, she announced her second album with the song “I’ll Be Back.” Carolina also managed to conquer New York with her talent and became the first at the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition.

Conquering the music scene

By the age of seventeen, the young performer had already recorded her debut album. The disc was released by an English studio and the album sold only 6 thousand copies, however, it reached domestic listeners and was well received.

At the age of 19, Ani Lorak has already received recognition in Ukrainian show business and on the stage. The young girl became the first performer who, at such a young age, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

A new creative revolution occurred after concluding a contract with Igor Krutoy in 1999. The first fruits of the work were the song and video “Mirrors”, and later the next album “Where You Are” (Ukrainian “Tam, de ti e...”) was released. As a result:

  • victory in the category “best singer of the year” at the Tavria Games (2002, 2003);
  • “Golden Disc” for the impressive number of copies sold of the album “Where You Are...”;
  • Lorak took a place in the top 100 most sexy women;
  • annual winner of “Song of the Year”;
  • a new album “Ani Lorak” in 2004 and another “Golden Disc”;
  • new “golden” albums “Smile” in 2005 and “Rozkazhi” (“Tell”) in 2006;
  • sales of the album “15” pushed it to the rank of “platinum” (2007);
  • repeated presentation of the Golden Gramophone.


By 2008, not only all of Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries knew about Ani Lorak. She has already toured half the world and her concerts everywhere were a great success. Obviously, only the Eurovision contest remained unconquered, where the singer went in 2008 (the first attempt in 2005 to represent Ukraine at Eurovision was not successful).

At the prestigious European championship, Ani won second place for her country with the composition “Shady Lady” (author Philip Kirkorov). After such success, a series of bright events befell the artist:

  • “Golden Gramophone” for the Russian version of the song “Shady Lady” - “From Heaven to Heaven” (2008);
  • the album “Sun” reached platinum, and the song of the same name was awarded the “Golden Gramophone” (2009);
  • Ani was awarded the title “Person of the Year” in the category “Idol of Ukrainians” (2009);

In 2008, Carolina finally captivated the Ukrainian public, artists and the top government and was awarded the proud title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

Ani and Murat

We must pay tribute to the fact that Ani Lorak never exchanged relationships. Before her first official marriage, the singer was in a civil marriage with her producer Yuri Thalesa.

In 2005, while vacationing in Antalya, she met businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu. The co-owner of the travel agency “Turtess Travel” was so captivated by the beautiful Ani that he soon moved to her homeland. In 2009, the couple officially registered their marriage in the Kiev registry office, and later a luxurious wedding celebration was organized in Turkey.

On June 9, 2011, baby Sofia was born, and in 2012 she was baptized (family friend Philip Kirkorov became godfather).

Success continues

Over the past few years, the titled singer has continued her march through the musical Olympus with the same success, touring, participating in various projects and being awarded prestigious awards.

In addition to concert activities, she takes part in charity events and social life. She also had the honor of being the UN Goodwill Ambassador for AIDS in Ukraine.

Femininity and attractive beauty could not go unnoticed by cosmetic corporations. Lorak became the face of Oriflame, Schwarzkopdf, and also travel agency Turtess Travel.

In 2011, Ani participated in the project “The Phantom of the Opera”. The People's Artist was repeatedly invited to perform as a guest star on the adult and children's New Wave. In 2014 she took a seat on the jury music show on the Ukrainian television “Voice of the Country”. The singer also managed to participate in the creation of several children's publications (“How to become a star”, “How to become a princess”).

The repeated winner of the title “Singer of the Year” in Ukraine also manages to implement business projects. In 2006, Lorak opened the “Angel” restaurant in the Ukrainian capital, and in 2015, together with her husband, the “Mangal” restaurant.

When in 2014, after the outbreak of hostilities in Donbass, the artist continued to perform in Russia, she was criticized by nationally minded Ukrainian authorities. In her native country, protesters even caused riots at her concerts a couple of times, and the authorities called her position “anti-Ukrainian.”

The main thing is family

Despite all the interethnic ups and downs, Ani Lorak remains a popular singer in both Ukraine and Russia. She continues to create, act, sing and participate in television shows. In 2015-2016, the singer was nominated for the Fashion People Awards and, of course, she did not go without an award: victory in the category “Fashion Singer” (2015) and “Fashion Voice Women” (2016).

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek was born on September 27, 1978 in the small town of Kitsman in the north of the Chernivtsi region of the Ukrainian SSR.

The girl's parents separated before she was born. But, despite this, the mother of the future singer, Zhanna Vasilievna, gave the girl her father’s surname, and chose her daughter’s name in honor of one of her favorite heroines of the TV show Zucchini “13 Chairs” - Mrs. Karolinka (performed by actress Victoria Lepko).

Caroline spent her childhood in poverty. Mom devoted herself entirely to work in order to feed her children, so at the age of six she was forced to send her daughter to Sadgor boarding school No. 4 in Chernivtsi, where the girl and her brothers were raised until the 7th grade.

Carolina's desire to become a singer appeared at an early age. four years. The girl often performed at various school vocal competitions. In 1992, she took part in the Chernivtsi festival “Primrose” and won. It was here that Carolina met producer Yuri Falyosa and signed her first professional contract.

The Russian television program “Morning Star”, which was released in March 1995, brought fame to the young singer. Then Caroline became known as Ani Lorak: has already been entered in this competition Russian singer under the name Carolina, and the Ukrainian Carolina had to get out of this situation by performing under a pseudonym, which is a reverse reading of the name Carolina. At the same time, according to the results of the “New Stars of the Old Year” survey, she was recognized as the “Discovery” of 1994 and awarded the “Golden Firebird” of the Tavria Games. At the Chervona Ruta festival held in Crimea, Ani Lorak took second place.

In the fall of 1995, the recording of the album “I Want to Fly”, designed in the jazz-rock style, was completed. The CD was released in early 1996 by the English company “Holy Music” with a circulation of 6,000 copies and never made it to the singer’s homeland. In the summer, Ani Lorak, accompanied by the Blues Brothers, again performed at the Tavria Games-VI and was nominated for best singer in the Golden Firebird award. In the same year, she won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition held in New York.

In the summer of 1997, at the next Tavria Games, with the video clip “I’ll be back,” Ani Lorak announced the release of the album of the same name, which was released in December 1997. At the beginning of 1999, Ani Lorak went on a tour of the USA, France, Germany, Hungary, as well as most of the major cities of Ukraine.

In 1999, Ani Lorak became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine. In the same year, the singer met personally with the famous Russian composer Igor Krutoy, in collaboration with whom the composition “Mirrors” appeared. A contract is signed between Igor Krutoy and Ani Lorak, which comes into force in the spring of 2000. In 2002, the singer entered , and in 2008 FHM magazine included the singer in the rating top 100 sexiest women in the world.

In December 2001, the fourth CD “Tam, de ti є...” (“Where you are...”) was released. In the summer of 2002, Ani Lorak, recognized as the best singer of Ukraine, received the feather of the Golden Firebird and the Golden Disc "(based on the sales of the album "Where You Are..."). The 2004 album entitled “Ani Lorak” also received gold status, and one of its songs “Three Zvichny Slovas” (“Three Habitual Words”) received the status of the best song of 2004. Ani Lorak herself became the best singer of 2004. In 2005, the English-language album “Smile” was released with the composition of the same name “Smile”, which the singer was going to present at Eurovision. This album also went gold. In 2006, the seventh album “Rozkazhi” (“Tell”) was released, and it went gold. In 2007, the album “15” was released, which again became “gold”, and a year later reached “platinum” status. In 2008, the single “Shady Lady” was released and with this song the singer went to Eurovision 2008 and took 2nd place. The Russian version of this song “From Heaven to Heaven” was released, for which Ani Lorak received the Golden Gramophone. In 2009, the album “The Sun” was released, which brought the singer enormous popularity not only in Ukraine, but also in the CIS countries. The album received platinum status, and the song “Sun” was awarded the Golden Gramophone Award. In the same year, the singer was awarded the “Person of the Year” award in the “Idol of Ukrainians” category and was nominated for the Muz-TV Award. In 2010, a collection of the best songs “The Best” was released. Ani Lorak received the Golden Gramophone for the song “At First Sight” and was nominated for the Muz-TV Award. She has been repeatedly recognized as the most talented and popular singer in Ukraine. In 2011, the singles “For You” and “Ask” were released, which became real hits. The singer releases the collection “Favorites”, and also receives the “Person of the Year” award in the “Star Solo” category. She was nominated for the Muz-TV award. The song “Don’t Share Love” is released. For the song “For You” she received the “Song of the Year” and “Twenty Best Songs” awards.

In 2002, Ani Lorak starred in the role of Oksana in the comedy musical based on the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. Filming of scenes taking place in St. Petersburg took place in the Mariininsky Palace in Kyiv.

Ani Lorak has twice been nominated to participate in the pan-European Eurovision song contest. She was considered the favorite in the national selection for participation in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005, which was to be held in Kyiv. However, at the insistence of Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Tomenko, the Ivano-Frankivsk group “Grinjoly”, which became famous during the Orange Revolution with its chant “Together we are rich,” was entered into the final part of the national selection without participating in the preliminary selections through which the rest of the participants went through. An unexpectedly low number of television viewers took part in the telephone voting that decided which of the candidates would represent Ukraine at Eurovision; as a result, “Grinjols” bypassed their closest pursuers - Ani Lorak and the group “Tartak” - and took 19th place at Eurovision itself.

With the support of Ani Lorak, 2 children's books were published: “Yak Stat Zirkoyu” (“How to Become a Star”) and “Yak Stat Princess” (“How to Become a Princess”).

Ani Lorak - the face of a cosmetics company Schwarzkopf & Henkel in Ukraine, the face of a Swedish cosmetics company Oriflame and the face of a travel agency TurTess Travel.

In 2006, her own restaurant “Angel” opened in Kyiv.

The actress is engaged social activities: She is the UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV/AIDS in Ukraine.

In 2008, she took second place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008, representing Ukraine.

In September 2009, Ani Lorak agreed to participate in the “With Ukraine in the Heart!” tour. in support of Yulia Tymoshenko.

In 2010, Ani Lorak officially became the advertising face of the company. Oriflame. Several catalogs were published with her participation. different months. And also at the end of November, Ani Lorak took part in the “Musical Ring” project on NTV, where her opponent was Dima Bilan. This musical duel caused many scandals both in the press and on television. Many fans and critics who participated in the show itself praised the spectacle as “Eurovision 2008” or “the fight between Russia and Ukraine.”

A tour of Russia was planned for 2012, but the only concert was held in a half-empty hall in Yekaterinburg, and the rest were canceled

In October 2013, Ani Lorak presented the concert show “Carolina”. Later, the singer went on a concert tour to the cities of Ukraine, Russia and other CIS and Baltic countries, which will last throughout 2014. This year, Ani Lorak became the voice of the adoption program “No to Orphanhood!” charitable foundation"Development of Ukraine".

In 2014, the singer became one of the trainers in the show “Voice of the Country”.

Ani Lorak continued to perform in Russia after the outbreak of hostilities in Donbass. As a result, he is persecuted by nationalists in Ukraine. On August 3, 2014, about a hundred protesters clashed with the police near the Odessa club “Ibiza”, where Ani Lorak’s concert was being prepared. The head of the Odessa police, Ivan Katerynchuk, as well as the governor of the Odessa region, Igor Palitsa, condemned the singer’s position, which, according to them, is anti-Ukrainian, but also criticized the actions of the protesters who started a fight during the concert. A similar incident occurred in Kyiv on November 26, 2014 - members of the Svoboda party created a corridor of shame for the spectators who came to Ani’s concert and tried to get into the hall of the Ukraine Palace. The riots were suppressed by the police. Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov commented on the incident before her concert, writing on Facebook that she was “openly provoking society,” and the policeman who beat opponent Ani Lorak would be fired.

Personal life

From 1996 to 2004, Ani Lorak lived in a de facto marriage with her producer Yuri Falyosa.

On August 15, 2009, Ani Lorak married one of the owners of the tour operator “Turtess Travel” - Turkish citizen Murat Nalchadzhioglu (born June 12, 1977). The couple got married in the central registry office of Kyiv, and after that they celebrated their wedding on a grand scale in Turkey. The singer met her future husband in 2005 in Antalya on vacation. In 2006, Murat moved to Ukraine. And two years later he proposed marriage to the singer.

  • Daughter - Sofia Muratovna Nalchadzhioglu (born June 9, 2011). On April 7, 2012, Sofia’s baptism took place in Kyiv, and Philip Kirkorov became her godfather.

Ani Lorak is the godmother of Karolina Nagornaya, daughter of Liliya Podkopaeva and Timofey Nagorny.


  • My paternal grandparents, Ivan Kuek and Olga Kuek, lived to see their golden wedding, but had already died. Grandmother Olya got married at the age of 16, she baptized Caroline in the local church in the city of Kitsman, and took more part in raising her granddaughter than grandmother Yanina. Grandfather Ivan Kuek was a pilot during the war, was captured, lived in Germany, learned German and taught my granddaughter to speak German.
    • Father - Miroslav Ivanovich Kuek (born January 2, 1947), Honored Journalist of Ukraine, works in the regional newspaper "Vilne Zhittya", poet, married since 1998 to the poetess Sylvia Zaets, a distant relative of Olga Kobylyanskaya, lives in the city of Kitsman, graduated from the Chernivtsi Musical school for the class of choir conductor, as well as the philological faculty of Chernivtsi University.
  • Mother - Zhanna Vasilyevna Linkova (maiden name Dmitrienko) (born November 7, 1946), worked as an announcer on regional radio and television, lives in Chernivtsi.
    • Older brother - Sergei Anatolyevich Linkov (half-brother; born 1968), died in Afghanistan in 1987. Ani Lorak had a great spiritual connection with him. Sergei was the first to recognize the talent of a singer in little Carolina and insisted that she not give up her hobby and develop in this direction.
    • Brother - Igor Miroslavovich Kuek (born April 26, 1976), was the director of the Angel lounge restaurant, works in the advertising business, was a journalist and editor-in-chief of the Insurance Club magazine, worked in the tourism business, graduated from the Faculty of History of the Chernivtsi National University named after Yu. . Fedkovich and courses “School of Advertising and PR” at the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko.
    • Brother - Andrey Vasilyevich Perepichka (half-born; born December 19, 1985), foreman in Chernivtsi.


Restaurant “Angel lounge”, in Kyiv, on Shota Rustaveli Street.


  • UNICEF and the UN expressed gratitude to Ani Lorak for assistance and assistance to HIV-infected citizens of Ukraine as the UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV/AIDS in Ukraine.


Studio albums

  • 1996 - I want to fly
  • 1998 - I'll be back
  • 2000 -
  • 2001 - There, children є
  • 2003 - REMIX Dream about me
  • 2004 - Ani Lorak
  • 2005 - Smile
  • 2006 - Tell me
  • 2007 - 15
  • 2008 - Shady Lady
  • 2009 - Sun
  • 2013 - Light up your heart


  • 2010 - The Best (only in Ukraine; collection)
  • 2011 - Favorites (only in Russia; collection)


  • 1996 - I want to fly
  • 1998 - I'll be back
  • 1998 - I Don't Care
  • 2001 - Angel of my dreams
  • 2003 - My heart is in overdrive
  • 2003 - I told you so
  • 2003 - Dream about me
  • 2004 - Mirrors
  • 2004 - Half-day spec
  • 2004 - Three great words
  • 2005 - Car Song
  • 2005 - Smile
  • 2006 - Rozkazhi (Tell)
  • 2006 - Bring back my love (with Valery Meladze)
  • 2007 - At first sight
  • 2007 - I won’t be yours
  • 2007 - Waiting for you
  • 2007 - I will become the sea
  • 2008 - Shady Lady
  • 2008 - Sun
  • 2009 - Bird
  • 2009 - And then...
  • 2009 - Heaven-palms
  • 2009 - From sky to sky
  • 2009 - Hobby (with Timur Rodriguez)
  • 2010 - For you
  • 2011 - Ask
  • 2011 - Don’t divide the love
  • 2012 - I will be the sun
  • 2012 - Hug me
  • 2012 - Hold me tight
  • 2013 - Light up your heart
  • 2013 - Orange dreams
  • 2013 - Take Paradise
  • 2013 - Mirrors (with Grigory Leps)
  • 2014 - I have a dream
  • 2014 - Malvi
  • 2014 - Slowly
  • 2015 - Ships
  • 2015 - Without you

Video clips

Year Clip Album
1996 "My God" "I want to fly"
1997 "I'll come back" "I'll come back"
1998 "Oh my love"
1999 "Counting"
"Alien City"
2000 "Mirrors" ""
2001 "Kiss" “There, you guys…”
"Poludeneva speca"
2002 “There, you guys…”
2003 "Dream about me" "REMIX Dream about me"
"My bazhanna"
2004 "Three ringing words" "Ani Lorak"
"A little shot of love" "Smile"
2005 "Smile"
"Car Song"
2006 "100 kisses" feat. Alexander Ponomarev T.B.A.
"Tell me..." "Tell me..."
"Bring Back My Love" feat. Valeriy Meladze "15"
2007 "At first sight"
"I'm with you"
2008 "I will become the sea"
"Shady Lady" "Shady Lady", "Sun"
"Sun" "Sun"
2009 "So what is next"
"Hobbies" feat. Timur Rodriguez "Favorites"
2010 "Heaven-palms" "Sun"
2011 "For you" “Favorites”, “Light Up Your Heart”
"Ask" "15"
2012 "Give me a hug" "Light up your heart"
"Hug me tighter"
"Light up your heart"
2013 "Orange dreams"
"Mirrors" feat. Grigory Leps T.B.A.
"Take paradise"
2014 "I'm having a dream"
2015 "Ships"
"Without you"


Year Type Movie title Role
1998 Musical "Take your overcoat" medical lieutenant
2002 Musical Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka Oksana
2002 Musical Good evening to you ( Good evening to you) As herself
2003 Musical Crazy Day or the Marriage of Figaro Fanchetta
2005 Series Merry house As herself
2005 Musical New Year in the subway As herself
2005 Musical According to the wave of my memory As herself
2007 Musical A Very New Year's Movie, or Night at the Museum Assol
2008 Musical Little Red Riding Hood sleeping Beauty
2008 Series Only love As herself
2010 Series New Year's matchmakers As herself
2010 Movie Morozko oriental bride
2011 Musical Aladdin's New Adventures Princess Budur
2012 Musical Little Red Riding Hood tourist
2014 Series Sashka as herself

Voice acting



  • 1999 - “Gypsies” - Zemfira

TV presenter

Awards and prizes

  • Second prize of the festival "Pervotsvit" Chernivtsi
  • First prize at the international festival “Veselad”, Kyiv.
  • First prize at the international festival “Share” in Chernivtsi.
  • Winner in the category “Opening of 1995” of the festival “Tavria Games”
  • Winner of the television competition “Morning Star”, Moscow.
  • Second prize of the All-Ukrainian festival “Chervona Ruta”, Sevastopol.
  • Winner of the super final of the television competition “Morning Star”, Moscow.
  • Winner of the Grand Prix of the World Competition of Young Performers “Big Apple Music-96”, New York
  • Laureate of the festival “Song-97” Moscow - Kyiv
  • Winner of the Grand Prix of the President of Ukraine following the results of the All-Ukrainian festival “Pisenny Vernissage-97”
  • Laureate of the Sidi Tal International Prize “For success in the development of national culture and strengthening friendship between peoples”
  • The Israeli Embassy in Ukraine awarded him the title “Honorary Artist of Israel.”
  • Diploma winner in the “Singer of the Year” and “Pop Music of the Year” categories at the “Tavria Games-98” festival.
  • The President of Ukraine awarded him the title “Honored Artist of Ukraine”.
  • Diploma winner in the category “Singer of the Year” at the festival “Tavria Games-99”
  • The song “Mirrors” was recognized as the best club release of 2000 at the Territory A awards ceremony
  • Diploma winner in the category “Singer of the Year” at the festival “Tavria Games-2001”
  • “Ani Lorak Forever” was recognized as the best musical film of 2000 in Ukraine.
  • For the volume of sales of the album “Where You Are...”, Ani Lorak was awarded a “Golden Disc”.
  • The singer entered the top 100 sexiest women in the world.
  • Ani Lorak was recognized as “Best Singer of the Year” at the Tavria Games festival 2002.
  • Winner in the category “Singer of the Year” at the festival “Tavria Games-2003” (Ukraine).
  • “Singer of the Year 2002” according to the results of ELLE magazine
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year-03” (Ukraine) for the songs “Without You”, “Tara-Tira”, “Skripochka”, “Mriy about me, Mriy”.
  • UBN Awards, "Singer of the Year 2003" (UK).
  • “Singer of the Year 2003” according to the results of ELLE magazine.
  • “Golden disc” for the sale of the album “Ani Lorak”.
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year 2004” (Ukraine) for the songs “Three spring words”, “I’ll write a leaf”, “Everytime”, “13”, “I’m going crazy”.
  • In December, she received the “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Mriy about me, Mriy.”
  • Ani Lorak was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav, IV degree, with the Officer’s Cross “for strengthening the international authority of Ukraine, high professionalism, high creative achievements, charitable activities and loyalty to knightly ideals"
  • At the “Golden Firebird” ceremony, the song “Three Song Words” was recognized best song 2004, Ani Lorak was recognized as the best singer of 2004, audience award
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year 2005” (Ukraine) for the songs “Car song”, “The Best”, “I Check”, “Smile”, “Tell”, “Don’t talk about love”.
  • Ani Lorak was awarded the international music award “Golden Organ Sharmanka” for the song “Rozkazhi”.
  • Ani Lorak is the most beautiful woman in Ukraine according to the readers of VIVA magazine (VIVA. Most Beautiful Award).
  • ELLE magazine award "Idol of the Nation"
  • The album “Rozkazhi…” becomes Gold based on sales results.
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year 2006” (Ukraine) for the songs “Bring back my love”, “Don’t talk about love”, “Car song”, “100 kisses”, “My hero”.
  • Winner in the categories “Best Singer” and “Best Performance” at the Tavria Games 2006
  • Nomination for the “Viva. The most beautiful - 2007"
  • In May 2008, Ani Lorak became silver medalist song competition"Eurovision - 2008".
  • Received the Artistic Award Eurovision Song Contest, which is awarded to best artist competition
  • Awarded the title of “People’s Artist of Ukraine”: “For significant personal contribution to the popularization of Ukrainian culture in the world and high songcraft”
  • According to Focus magazine, Ani Lorak is the No. 1 artist in public interest.
  • According to Focus magazine, Ani Lorak entered the top 100 most influential women in Ukraine.
  • FHM 100 Sexiest Awards
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year 2008” for the single “Shady Lady”
  • According to Eurovision Song Contest Radio, Ani Lorak with the song “Shady lady” became “Best Singer 2008”.
  • In March 2009, Ani Lorak was awarded the “Person of the Year” award in the “Idol of Ukrainians” category.
  • In June, at the Muz-TV 2009 Awards, Ani Lorak was presented in the “Best Performer” category.
  • Golden Gramophone Award for the single “Sun”
  • Golden Gramophone Award 2009 St. Petersburg for the single “Sun”
  • Nomination for the “Viva. The most beautiful - 2008"
  • "Top 10 sexy" Radio Monte Carlo Award
  • "Golden Organ" Award
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year 2009” (Russia) for the single “Sun”
  • Nomination for the “Viva. The most beautiful - 2009"
  • In April, Ani Lorak was presented in the category “Singer of the Year” for the song “Sun” at the ceremony of the year ZD Awards-2009 (“Soundtrack-2009”).
  • In June, at the Muz-TV 2010 awards, Ani Lorak was presented in two categories: “Best Performer” and “Best Duet”
  • Winner of the World Fashion Awards 2010 in the category “Fashion Singer”
  • Nomination for the Glamor Award in the category “Singer of the Year”
  • Trump Talent Award
  • In November, the singer won the “Musical Ring” program.
  • Golden Gramophone Award for the single “At First Sight”.
  • Golden Gramophone Award 2010 St. Petersburg for the single “At First Sight”
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year 2010” (Russia) for the single “At First Sight” “When you tell me that you love me”
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year -2010” (Ukraine) for the single “Heaven-palms” and “Bird”.
  • Nomination "Best Performer of 2010" for the "Russian TOP 2010" award
  • Nomination for the “Viva. The most beautiful - 2010"
  • In March, at the “Person of the Year” award ceremony, Ani Lorak received the award in the “Star Solo” category and performed her new composition “Become for Me”
  • Winner of the Golden Gramophone St. Petersburg award for the single “For You”
  • Diploma “Song of the Year” (Russia) for the single “For You”
  • Winner of “20 Best Songs” for the single “For You”
  • Nomination "Best Performer" for the YUNA-2011 Award
  • Nomination for the “Viva. The Most Beautiful 2011"
  • Winner of the “Viva. The Most Beautiful 2011” in the “Mom of the Year” nomination
  • According to the magazine "7 Days" Ani Lorak becomes the most beautiful woman Russia in 2012.
  • Winner of the Golden Gramophone Award 2012 for the single “Hold Me Tighter”
  • Winner of the Golden Gramophone Award 2012 St. Petersburg for the single “Hug me tighter”
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year” (Russia) for the singles “Hug Me” “Hug Me Tighter”
  • Nomination "Best Performer" for the YUNA-2012 Award
  • Nomination "Best Performer" for the Yuna Award
  • In March, at the solemn ceremony “Viva! The most beautiful” Ani Lorak becomes the most beautiful woman in Ukraine for the second time.
  • Victory in the category “Artist” at the “Person of the Year 2012” award
  • Nomination for the RU.TV 2013 award in the category “Best Performer”
  • May 25, 2013 - victory in the category “Movement of the Year” (best choreography) for the song “Light Up Your Heart” according to the RU.TV channel.
  • June 7, 2013 - “Best Performer” according to the MUZ-TV channel.
  • November 30, 2013 - Golden Gramophone award for the song “Take Back Paradise” (Moscow, Kremlin Palace).
  • December 1, 2013 - Golden Gramophone award for the single “Take Back Paradise” (St. Petersburg, Ice Palace).
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year 2013” ​​(Russia) for the singles “Light up your heart” and “Mirrors” (with G. Leps).
  • Diploma winner “Song of the Year 2013” ​​(Ukraine) for the single “Orange Dreams”.
  • “Road Radio Stars” award for the single “Orange Dreams.”
  • Nomination for the “Russian TOP 2013” ​​award (in the categories “Best Performer of 2013” ​​and “Best Album of 2013”).
  • 2 nominations for the ZD Awards 2013 in the categories “Singer of the Year” and “Concert of the Year”.
  • Winner of the ZD Awards 2013 in three categories: “Album of the Year”, “Duet of the Year”, “Sexy F”
  • Nominee for the YUNA 2013 award in the categories “Best Performer” and “Best Album”.
  • Winner of the YUNA 2014 award in the category “Best Duet”.
  • Nomination for the VIVA. The most beautiful 2013."
  • Nomination for the “Song of the Year 2014” award
  • Nomination “Best Singer”, “Fan or Prophone” for the “RU.TV” Award
  • May 31 - victory at the annual RU.TV awards in two categories: “Best Duet” (with Grigory Leps for the song “Mirrors”) and “Best Concert Show” (for the anniversary concert “Carolina”).
  • Nominations “Best Performer”, “Best Duet” (with G. Leps - “Mirrors”), “Best Concert Show” for the “MUZ-TV 2014. Evolution” award
  • Winner of a special award from the recording company “Panik Records” for the sales of her English-language single “I’m Alive”, which stayed at the top of the charts on iTunes in Greece for several weeks.
  • EMA Award in the category “Eurasian Artist 2014”
  • November 29, 2014 - Golden Gramophone award for the song “Mirrors (with G. Leps)” (Moscow, Kremlin Palace).
  • May 23 - Winner of the “RU.TV Award” in the category “Best Singer of the Year”
  • June 5 -- Winner of the "Muz-TV Award 2015" in the category "Best Performer"

Interesting Facts

  • The pseudonym “Ani Lorak” is formed by the reverse spelling of the name Carolina. According to the singer, the name given at birth carries its own destiny, and she would not want to change it.
  • For second place at Eurovision 2008, President of Ukraine V. Yushchenko awarded Ani Lorak and one of the authors of her song (on English language) Philip Kirkorov the title of People's Artist of Ukraine
  • In 2011, she took part in the Channel One television project “The Phantom of the Opera”
  • Ani Lorak has a voice range of 4.5 octaves.

Ani Lorak - photo

Despite the fact that Ani Lorak is a Ukrainian singer, every year she enjoys even more popularity among Russian people. Her songs today can be heard not only on the radio, they are often heard from cars, on the street, at concerts, on television, they are sung in karaoke and in many other places. Ani Lorak today is considered a truly very popular and sought-after singer. This is why many people wonder how old Ani Lorak is, because she really looks like a student.

Popular singer and just beautiful girl born September 27, 1978, that is, in 2017 she is 38 years old. Ani is always well-groomed and pretty, despite the fact that in 2 years she will turn 40 years old. If it weren't for accurate information about her biography, many fans wouldn't even think that she was from 1978.

Not everyone knows that the singer’s real name is Carolina Kuek. As soon as the future singer began her creative career, she performed under her real name, and as soon as her career began to gain momentum, she had to come up with a pseudonym, which everyone quickly fell in love with. Her producer insisted on this. The situation was as follows: Ani took part in a competition where there was already a singer named Carolina, and she also claimed to win. In order to somehow distinguish himself, the producer suggested translating the name Carolina the other way around, and it turned out to be Ani Lorak. They liked this pseudonym, which is why today we all know not Caroline Kuek, but Ani Lorak.

The future singer had a very difficult childhood; she grew up without a father, who abandoned her mother before she was born. They were constantly haunted by poverty, which is why her mother decided to send Caroline to a boarding school, where the girl lived until the 7th grade. Since such a life did not suit her much, Caroline was forced to choose her profession very quickly.

Since she was 4 years old, the girl dreamed of the stage, she wanted to sing. But since her childhood was spent in a boarding school, the girl grabbed with both hands the slightest chance that could lead her to her dream. She sang in all competitions and at all festivals, where she could show her talent to the maximum. And yet, luck smiled on the little girl; already in 1992 she managed to meet producer Yuri Thalesa at a competition.

At this time, Ani managed to sign the first contract in her life, and until 1995, the singer was under the supervision of a producer. That year, the future singer received her first large-scale popularity in the country, where she took her pseudonym. We can say that it was 1995 that became a landmark year for her.

In 2008, Ani Lorak participated in the Eurovision Song Contest 2008, she represented her home country - Ukraine. She took second place and automatically gained enormous popularity. IN this moment The singer already has five “gold” and “two” platinum discs, among which are the following songs:

  • "Dream about me."
  • "Tell".
  • "Smile"
  • "Ani Lorak"
  • "Where you are."

Today, due to circumstances in the country, the singer left for Russia and continued her career abroad. She remains very popular among her fans and continues to record new songs with her colleagues. Ani Lorak does not regret that she had to go to Russia and no longer be Ukrainian singer, but Russian. She believes that she has only one audience and fans, so even if she is in another country, true Ukrainian fans will not stop loving and respecting her, no matter what.

Ani Lorak, like many modern artists, is used to hiding her personal life from fans and admirers. She is of the opinion that personal life is private, that no one should know about it. But the singer’s marriage still could not be hidden; everyone knows very well that in 2009 the singer married Murat Nalchadzhiogla, with whom she lives to this day.

Ani Lorak's first common-law husband was her producer Yuri Thales, but they lived civil marriage, the wedding never took place, the couple broke up.

Today Ani Lorak and her husband are raising beautiful daughter Sofia, who was born in 2011. The couple hid their daughter’s face from all journalists for 5 years; they did not want to show Beautiful face babies, relying on the fact that envious people can negatively influence her. And only in 2016, the baby and her mother went on the big stage and sang a song with her.

All fans and admirers were delighted with Sofia’s charm and beauty; they noticed that the baby looked like both Ani Lorak and Murat. Godfather Ani Lorak's daughter became Philip Kirkorov.

Ani Lorak is a talented and bright singer, known and loved in Ukraine and Russia, born on September 27, 1978 in the small town of Kitsman, near Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

Ani Lorak is the pseudonym of the singer, whose real name is Carolina. The girl was named that way by her Polish grandmother, who loved her very much.

Little Caroline’s childhood can hardly be called happy. Her parents divorced before the birth of their daughter. For some time, the girl was raised by her grandmother, but as she grew older, it became difficult for her to take care of the child and Caroline had to study at a boarding school in Chernivtsi.

The girl grew up lively and artistic. From a very young age, she dreamed of singing on stage and already at the age of 4 she began performing at children's concerts. Even an improvised stage gave her great pleasure, and she happily responded to any offer to sing in front of the audience.

First victories

Over time, Caroline's talent was noticed, and she began to take an active part in various children's competitions and festivals. She won prizes quite often, but for the first time she managed to win only in 1991 at the regional competition “Primrose”.

Here, for the first time in her life, the girl meets a real producer. Yuri Thalesa offers her a professional contract.

In 1994, Carolina actively participated in the Tavria Games, which became a launching pad for many popular performers. There, the audience liked Carolina so much that at the end of the year she did not receive the “Golden Firebird,” one of her first prestigious awards.

However, real fame, as well as the stage name that became fateful, was brought to Caroline by her participation in one of the first Russian television shows, “Morning Star,” to which the girl was invited by its permanent presenter, Yuri Nikolaev. But another girl named Caroline was already on the list of participants.

Yuri Thalesa solved the problem in an original way by simply writing the name of his ward in reverse.

But it’s not for nothing that they say that nothing in life is accidental. Participation in “Morning Star,” which was broadcast throughout the country, also turned Caroline’s life 180 degrees. She became a famous young performer and a favorite of the whole country.

Taking off

All this time, Carolina not only actively performed and studied singing, but also worked hard, preparing for the release of her first solo album. The CD “I Want to Fly,” predominantly consisting of compositions in the jazz-rock style, was released in the fall of 1995.

Released in England in a small circulation of only 6 thousand discs, it did not reach Russian listeners, scattering instantly.

And Carolina, having finished working on her solo album, sets off to conquer America. There she took part in the “Big Apple Music Competition 1996” competition for young performers, in which she brilliantly won.

The singer celebrates 1997 with the release of her first video clip for the song “I'll Be Back,” which still often occupies the top lines of the charts. It was this song that became business card her next album of the same name, the presentation of which took place at the next Tavria Games.

A year later, the singer goes on her first tour, which includes not only most of the cities of Ukraine, but also foreign countries. The singer’s fantastically bright and strong voice captivated audiences in America, Hungary, Germany, France and brought her to the crest of a wave of fame and popularity.

On the wave of success

The young singer won the hearts of Ukrainians so much that in 1999 she became the youngest Honored Artist of Ukraine. The master pays attention to the talented girl Russian stage Igor Krutoy. The phenomenal voice wins the heart of the famous composer and the result of their joint work is the singer’s next hit, “Mirrors.”

The premiere of the song was so successful that Krutoy immediately signed a contract with Ali Lorak, who opened the young singer to the world Russian show business. And since 2000, Carolina begins her triumphant march through concert venues in Russia.

2001 marked another year for the singer prestigious award. For his new album “Where You Are,” recorded in collaboration with Krutoy, Lorak receives another “Golden Firebird”, and the disc itself also becomes gold. In 2002, Ani Lorak was named the most popular singer in Ukraine.

Also in 2002, Carolina appeared on television in a new role for herself. In the New Year's Russian musical "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" she played the capricious Ukrainian beauty Oksana, the bride of the blacksmith Vakula.

Working on the musical, in addition to revealing the secrets of cinema for the singer, allowed her to meet almost all the Russian pop stars and move to a completely different level in this environment.


In 2004, Ani Lorak, who released her next album “Three Zvichnyh Words”, became the best Ukrainian singer of the year. She is preparing an English-language album, which she plans to present at Eurovision in 2005. The song from this album “Smile” quickly becomes a hit and the singer’s chances of getting into the prestigious competition are very high.

However, the events of the Orange Revolution played a cruel joke on the singer’s career. Bypassing the hassle of pre-selection, the patriotic group “Grinjoly” passes through the final stage of the Eurovision qualifying competition, and eventually goes to represent Ukraine. However, European viewers turned out to be far from revolutionary passions, and the group was received rather coldly.

Carolina, despite the temporary setback, continues to perform successfully and record new songs, which quickly win the top positions in the charts. In addition, she begins to actively engage in social activities and charity work. Soon she is appointed UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV in Ukraine.

In 2008, having successfully passed all the qualifying tests, Carolina still goes to Eurovision with the song “From Heaven to Heaven”, for which at the end of the year she receives the Golden Gramophone. At Eurovision, Ani Lorak takes an honorable second place. And a year later she again received the “Golden Gramophone” for the song “Sun”, and she herself became “Person of the Year” in the “Idol of Ukrainians” category.

In the winter of 2018, Ani Lorak showed the world her grandiose show “Diva”. This is truly a very large-scale show, during which the singer is on stage for all three hours. While performing songs, Carolina performs complex stunts and changes 240 outfits. The director of this action is Oleg Bondarchuk.

By the way, he was the director of the singer’s last show “Carolina”. Both the shows “Carolina” and “Diva” are to some extent autobiographical and describe the status of Ani Lorak. The singer dedicates her latest show to all women. This show attracts full houses at the largest venues in Russia.

In addition to her big show, the singer Lately She recorded several songs in a duet with famous performers Emin and Mot. These songs - “I Can’t Say”, “Say Goodbye”, “Soprano” - have already become hits.