What face to make for a selfie. Beautiful selfie

When it comes to showing off your new look, the position you take in front of the mirror often makes all the difference. You definitely don't want a selfie of you standing at attention - it can make you look old-fashioned in the photo. There are three when taking a selfie in the mirror.

Extend your leg. This pose is considered a win-win option when all other poses have failed. Thanks to this pose, the body looks slimmer, and this position also gives good appearance along. And don't forget to put your sock out!

Place your feet apart. Selfie in full height a priori cannot be unsuccessful, especially if you want to demonstrate the entire image. Just remember to spread your legs slightly to the sides, thereby creating a smooth curve that is flattering.

Cross your legs and bend your knee. The classic leg-crossing pose, where you stand with your legs crossed one over the other, with your feet sometimes touching. It is one of the favorite poses of many bloggers. We offer a slightly different variation. Cross your legs with one knee slightly bent, with the toe of your bent leg pointing toward the floor. This pose is especially flattering on midi and maxi skirts. And a bent knee, pulled forward towards the mirror, makes your legs look longer and slimmer.

Select phone location

One of the best places to place your phone is slightly to the side, right next to your face. But if you want to look slimmer, hold your phone close to the mirror and place it under your chin. There are pros and cons to this position. Thanks to this arrangement, the body looks smaller, but the head, on the contrary, seems unnaturally large.

Maintain proportions

Here are some wise tips on how to prevent your head from appearing big and your legs from appearing fat.

Focus on the waist. Add a belt, tie a shirt around your waist, or wear a jacket that reaches your hips.

Be mindful of your hairstyle. Loose hair sometimes weighs down the look when we're talking about about a photo in a mini Instagram frame. So for such photos it is better to pull your hair up. A high hairstyle, in turn, lengthens the body and does not obscure the details of the image.

Avoid distractions

You absolutely don't want anything to distract attention from you. The key to solving the problem is cleanliness.

Make sure the background is clear. Don't forget to remove unnecessary items and sort out the pile of clothes in the background. It will be very awkward if all visitors to your page see the mess in your room.

Wipe the mirror. If you take a selfie in front of a dirty mirror, the result will be disastrous - strange stains and streaks on your face and clothes are inevitable, so make sure the mirror is clean before taking a photo.

Don't think about facial expressions

It's awkward to smile at yourself in the mirror - no best idea for this type of photo (and people passing by won’t look at you strangely). Sometimes the most best way take the perfect selfie - forget about your facial expression, grin slightly and look at the phone camera, and not at the reflection in the mirror. In this case.

Use application tools

Photos in the bathroom or dimly lit bedroom don't always turn out well, but there is a trick that will make your photo look less amateurish. So add more light. It's not about completely editing a photo, but Instagram and other apps have a set of tools that can help make a photo brighter and lighter. Experiment with shades until your photo is perfect.

Translation from English.

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I have long wanted to write a manual for all girls on how to take a selfie. I have not met a single representative of the female sex who did not try to capture herself. However, taking a high-quality selfie is not so easy - if you have already tried it and were not too happy with the result, then this instruction is especially for you. And if you successfully take selfies, but want to diversify your Instagram or social network page with original pictures, then I have prepared something special for you.

What is this anyway?

Selfie is a newfangled trend that has taken over the whole world. Nowadays, almost everyone takes selfies - politicians, movie and show business stars, public figures and, of course, ordinary people. This is a self-portrait taken with your own hands. What are the advantages of such a photo:
  • you can do it yourself - no need to ask friends or family;
  • it is appropriate in absolutely any situation;
  • you can control the quality of the photo.
This good way do beautiful pictures with yourself on your own phone. There are some secrets on how to take a selfie correctly, and I will tell you about them.

Important Rules

Usually a selfie is taken on a phone using front camera, but, of course, you can use anything - a regular camera in your mobile, a compact camera, a good webcam, and even your favorite SLR camera. It is important that the photo was taken by you (otherwise it is simply not a selfie), and that you like it.
  1. Try to treat yourself with humor. This is a great way to cheer up your subscribers and get a good photo, and you also need to take into account the fact that a funny selfie is evaluated according to completely different rules - the composition is not important here, and the light does not play a big role, only the idea of ​​​​the photo.
  2. Take selfies in different places. Yes, your face takes up most of the photo, but the background plays a very important role - remember the selfies of popular roofers, and you will understand what we are talking about. Take photos at home, in your own bed, in a cafe and at work, while traveling and on vacation.
  3. Always do large number taking pictures by changing the shooting angle, position of the face and body, angle and phone settings. This will give you a lot of material to work with and choose the best selfie.
  4. Shoot yourself in a non-glossy format. Yes, many girls like good makeup and duck lips, but you must admit, sometimes it’s so nice to see photos of a person in his natural form - without makeup, tired, angry, tear-stained. Any such photograph is a record of your life, a reminder that anything is possible.
  5. Tired of selfies? Take a selfie! This idea belongs to Irish farmers who were the first to promote it on Instagram. new trend- photos with animals. Do you have a photo of you hugging a horse? That's the same!
  6. Don't try to look too seductive in the photo. The erotic selfie has become obsolete as a genre, and you will no longer be able to charm anyone with your duck face, and you won’t be able to put a sexy photo on your avatar.
Now you know how to properly take selfies for girls, and we are gradually moving on to practice.

Practice, practice, practice

Let's move on to practice - how to take a beautiful selfie with your own hands on your own phone? Look in the settings - set them so that they are neutral, and if your phone has special settings for selfies, try taking pictures with and without them - usually this mode smoothes out facial imperfections.

How to take a beautiful selfie at home:

  • choose a good angle and take on a natural look;
  • you shouldn’t try to take a glamorous selfie at home, beauty lies in naturalness;
  • try taking a couple of pictures near the window- natural light looks best;
  • try to film yourself doing some household activity - take a selfie in the process of styling your hair or cleaning, film yourself preparing cupcakes - in general, try it.

How to take a cool selfie on the street:
  • find an interesting background, it is best if it is deep (not a brick wall, but a multifaceted landscape);
  • choose a good angle;
  • give your face a meaningful expression (I’ll talk about this later);
  • take a few shots.
Want to figure out how to take the perfect selfie? Try to put some meaning into it. One of the main modern trends is storytelling, the skill of telling stories in any situation, using any content.

Before you start shooting, think about what the photo could be like? Whether it will be happy or sad depends only on you, and if you want to take a meaningful photo, then by all means find a special facial expression for it. This could be facial expressions, tilting and turning the head, angle, gaze. All these aspects are visible in the photograph.

Explore beautiful poses for selfies from photos and videos. Do not forget that in a good photograph there must certainly be dynamics, the viewer’s gaze must move. When you take a photo, be sure to take it from several angles, for example these could be:

  • frontal view;
  • top view;
  • at an angle of 35 degrees.
How to take a good selfie? Remember that best weapon successful selfie - sincerity and naturalness. You shouldn’t chase super sexy images, there’s no point in trying to look like a glamorous FIFA if you’re tired after working out in the gym - take an honest photo on one of the machines or with sports equipment, hug your trainer for a photo - this way you’ll be honest, and this is always attractive .

Do you want a highlight and don’t know how to take an original selfie? Find a cool idea. What can be interesting about a selfie:

  • face and makeup, human image;
  • proximity to friends, passers-by, stars;
  • photo idea.


Don't know how to use a selfie stick correctly? Look short video, where this is explained. A selfie stick is a wonderful invention, but for it to work properly, it needs to be matched to your phone.

Background and environment has a great effect on the face - remember that there are glares, color juxtapositions and reflections. If you are taking photos in some bright place, you can do initial color correction using photo filters.

Yes, something to consider - good software. Now there are different applications that you can use to take a cool selfie - for iPhone, Android and Windows. Don't deny yourself the pleasure, choose good app, and find the best filter in it.

Don't know how to do it good photo in a big company? Put your phone on the shelf, turn on the self-timer or sequential shooting (when the phone takes several pictures in a row), and then just hug with friends or fool around - you will definitely succeed cool photo. You can also use a mirror or a selfie stick - the main thing is to let the person in the center of the photo hold it, and you will get good photos.

Want to take selfies without a front camera? Get used to taking pictures of your reflection - this can become your trick. By the way, when my phone had a poorly functioning selfie app, I used the rear camera - sometimes I took a photo in the mirror, and sometimes I just hugged with my boyfriend, and took pictures in any reflective surface, be it a store window or a New Year's ball.

Look at some photos about selfie poses for girls, and understand how you can use them at home, and also learn how to use a selfie stick normally.

Practice shooting at home - find several good angles to take different pictures. Do you like erotic photos? Make it different from everyone else. Do you want to take a fashionable photo? See what's trending now and start taking photos too. The right selfie is not necessarily awesome and top-notch, it is, first of all, cute, unusual and sincere.

Now you understand what a selfie is and how to take it, and you can also teach others how to take a beautiful selfie. Remember that every photo you take with your iPhone should be special. It doesn’t matter what will be more in it - sex or humor, sincerity or acting skills, the main thing is that such photographs are taken from the heart and with taste, and talent is always attached to it. Take good selfies top quality and collect a sea of ​​likes!

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It is important to choose the right angle, adjust the light if possible, disguise flaws, highlight advantages and take 10-15 photos. Next, you choose one of them - the most attractive one, in your opinion - and publish it on a social network. Should I use filters or not? Shape your lips like a duck or take more mature photos? Should I add erotica or hold off on it until adulthood? Let's figure it out.

How to take a selfie: TOP 5 rules

1. Choose the right angle

Strict full face and profile - not best solution. In most cases, a 3/4 head turn is recommended. However, it is important to consider individual characteristics your physique. If you have a double chin or your neck seems short and full, lift your chin and move your shoulders back slightly. If, for example, there is a scar on your left cheek, take a photo from the right side, and so on. Remember also that half of our faces are asymmetrical - choose the one that seems most attractive.

2. Setting up the camera

Bloggers and smartphone reviewers periodically conduct surveys to determine the percentage of users who have looked at the camera settings at least once. But your phone probably has something to configure. This is not only the usual brightness and contrast, but also sharpness, focusing, color saturation and individual shades, textures, specularity and much more. Experiment and choose best modes, settings and filters for selfies.

3. Select the background

Photos in toilets, against the backdrop of carpets and life-worn sheets, are frankly boring for most social network users. Show a little respect to those who will look at your photos - take care in choosing the background. It should be simple and concise, but not shocking, banal or alienating. Then all attention will be directed to you and the viewer will not experience any visual discomfort.

4. Setting up or looking for light

The light source should be located in front of you, but not behind you. If you take a selfie during the day, stand in front of the window. If you are outside, turn your face to the sun. Be careful: sun rays should not force you to squint, no need to look at the sun.

You should also be careful with artificial lighting: it often ages the face in photographs, especially if we are talking about outdated incandescent lamps with yellow light.

5. Emphasize strengths and hide disadvantages

We won’t lecture you and talk about the need to get rid of complexes. If you consider yourself plump, lift your chin and photograph your face with your arm outstretched and slightly raised up. If you don't like the position of your face, try turning it about 45 degrees - for most people this is the most photogenic position.

What girls and boys should consider

For girls . Most of all, girls are afraid of appearing overweight and plump in photographs. To avoid the effect of fullness, do not pull your head into your shoulders - this will guarantee the appearance of a double chin. Also try not to take pictures of yourself from below. To avoid looking older than your age in photographs, try to avoid bright red lipstick, artificial lighting and furrowed eyebrows - all of this will visually age your face in photographs.

For guys . Young people are most afraid of appearing feminine and overly thin. If you don't have what you want muscle mass, try to refuse photographs in short-sleeved T-shirts - long sleeves, cardigans, and sweaters will be more suitable solutions. It is not recommended to use “classic” techniques like crossing your arms over your chest to “increase” your biceps or suffer from “broad back syndrome”. The position of the body should be natural, there should be no artificiality, no feeling of being tight.

What photos should you avoid?

  • With a terrible background. Don't want your photo to be included in the collection of fails on entertainment sites? Do not take pictures of yourself in the toilet, against the backdrop of carpet or curtains, in shabby apartments and hallways. Choose a simple, uncluttered background.
  • With the wrong people in the photo. Such photos should not be posted even out of revenge. Firstly, you risk ruining relationships with friends who didn't turn out well. Secondly, the overall impression of the photo is spoiled, even if you look luxurious in it.
  • With pouting lips. This trend is long gone. There are a bunch of other current positions that are no less strange and dubious. Anything but pouting lips - they will cause nothing but negativity towards you in most people.
  • With artificially enlarged biceps and chest. There is no need to use your last strength to squeeze your chest with your forearms and cross your arms over your chest “until powerful biceps appear.” Be natural, don’t show your complexes on social networks.
  • Over-filtered. People have been achieving accurate color reproduction for decades. Appreciate her and don't deprive your face human traits by applying crazy filters. A white canvas with contrasting lips and eyes, but without a visible nose, has not been fashionable for a long time.

Extreme photos: pros and cons

Where to take selfies if you want to get cool and rare photos? While skydiving, abseiling, mountain climbing, river rafting, or freeride snowboarding. Extreme selfies are spectacular, interesting and original; they always attract attention. If you are constantly doing something extreme view sports, then you can try to take similar pictures. After all, you probably have enough experience to reduce the risk of injury.

But if this is your first time skydiving or rafting mountain river, this is not the time for selfies. Unless, of course, you want to win the Darwin Award for the most ridiculous death.

Extreme selfies on an iPhone are cool, worthy of attention and admiration. But the pictures from the emergency room are unlikely to be as joyful.

Try to soberly assess the risks and never start taking photographs if it poses even the slightest threat to your life or your health. Only a sober look at things will help you avoid serious injuries.

How to take beautiful selfies: TOP 7 secrets

  1. Avoid shadows. A shadow can hopelessly ruin even the most impressive photo. To avoid it, learn to catch the light. Avoid placing light sources behind your back. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the shadow even with the help of graphic editors - only with professional processing. Pay special attention to shadows on the face and body - they can create questionable visual effects.
  2. Use the functionality of your phone. Understand your phone settings and select optimal mode, if necessary, manually adjust the brightness, contrast, and color saturation. If you have enough time, conduct a series of experiments - take pictures with different settings. How to learn how to set up your phone and do nice photos? There is no universal instruction for all smartphones. Read individual expert recommendations given specifically for your model.
  3. Choose the best camera. You can take a selfie not only with the front camera, but also with the main camera. Don’t forget about the ability to use a countdown timer - even in 4-6 seconds you can actually take the most advantageous position and take a photo with the main camera. Ideally, you can install the phone statically. It doesn’t have to be on a stand or tripod – it can be mounted on any flat surface with support. Then the pictures will not be blurry and will become clearer.
  4. Remember the 45 degree rule. How to take a selfie correctly if your photogenicity is far from ideal? Try using the 45 degree rule. Its essence is to refuse full-face photographs - they are better left for documents. Turn your head left or right 45 degrees. According to experts, this position is the most photogenic for the vast majority of people. Try turning both ways and choose the one that seems most attractive.
  5. Take photos at arm's length. Do not reach towards the camera or move your face away from it - select the optimal angle using an outstretched arm or a selfie stick. In this case, the coverage of the image will be greater, and the potential for choosing the optimal angle will be significantly wider. How high should you hold the camera? It's up to you to decide. In each specific case, the optimal height will be different and can only be selected through trial and error.
  6. Watch your facial expression. A photograph should convey a mood, not artificial emotions. How often do you see on social networks pictures of girls from a neighboring village with the expression of a British duchess or a luxury-savvy model? Do you feel any dissonance? Strive for natural emotions that are characteristic of you. It is strongly recommended not to depict, let alone demonstrate, grief. Social media– not the place where you should look for consolation. Try to show subscribers only positive emotions to avoid unnecessary questions.
  7. Make yourself look slimmer. A little slimmer never hurt anyone. Don't take pictures from below, don't pull your head into your shoulders. To achieve a more wide-eyed look, a narrow chin and noticeable cleavage, hold the camera just above eye level at arm's length. If the photo is “with legs,” you can adjust the width of the hips by slightly turning your knees inward. Remember also that a slight tilt to the side and a hand on the belt visually slims the silhouette.

The concept of “selfie” has only recently entered the dictionary, but the concept of a self-portrait is not new. Artists created their self-portraits centuries before modern smartphones appeared, however, modern photographs do not at all pretend to be a work of art. But how to do it anyway? perfect photo? Meet a few practical advice for a great selfie!

Keep your chin down and your camera up

Love her or hate her, Kim Kardashian sure knows how to take a selfie. There are even wax figure Kim is in the process of taking such a photo, she is on display at Madame Tussauds. In an interview, Kim admitted that she always tries to keep her chin lower and raise the camera higher. If you hold the camera too low, it looks like you have a double chin. If you lift your chin, your nostrils are visible, which doesn’t add much to the selfie. But remember that this angle works for Kim Kardashian because she has a fairly thin face. Your ideal angle depends on your face shape. Try different angles to find the best one.

Focus not only on the face

Remember that you are more than just your face. You can share other body parts too. Did you buy new shoes? Show off your legs! Walked twenty thousand steps? Show us the fitness tracker on your wrist! You can tell a story with your photo, even if your face isn't in it. If you're relaxing on the beach, sand-covered feet in a hammock create best story than a face in water. When you look at the camera, you are distracted from what is happening around you, so showing off your appearance is not the best way to show what is happening to you. A selfie is not just a face, a selfie is you. Try to notice small details too!

Create the right frame

If you want to convey your feelings through facial expressions, try to shoot with your smartphone closer. Get rid of distracting backgrounds and focus on your eyes. But don't get too close, as the camera focuses on the closest object and that will be your nose. Zoom in enough to be in the frame, but not too close to ruin the quality of the photo. A smartphone doesn't work like a good camera, so you need to frame your shot correctly. If you're self-conscious about your body, you can focus on your face and posture to look good.

Divide and conquer

If you place your face in the center of the frame, the photo looks like a passport photo. If this is not your goal, use basic rule photographs concerning the third. Divide the frame into three equal parts vertically and horizontally. Position your face to the left or right of the frame so that your eyes are a third below the screen and not in the very center. This composition allows you to show both your face and what surrounds you. The rule of thirds creates more attractive photos because it allows the eye to move across the photo and back to the subject.

Photo while taking photo

Sometimes the act of taking a selfie can tell a story. Have someone take your photo while you take your photo. Celebrities often publish photos of themselves with smartphones.

Crop your photo correctly

The background should be interesting, but not compromising. Always think about your surroundings. No one will be interested in you if you have trash container. It is better to trim such fragments.

Should you stick out your lips?

The so-called “duckface” is only suitable for real ducks. The rest of us better pose naturally!

Add sound

Instead of suffering trying to press the desired button and save the pose, just use the buttons to adjust the volume, this also allows you to take a photo.

Be careful with filters

There are plenty of filters and apps, but don't go overboard. If there are too many filters on a photo, it looks unnatural. Don't try to hide your natural look!

Good lighting

The right light is the key to good photography. Poor lighting can ruin your selfie. Always try to take photos in natural light, as fluorescent lights do not flatter your skin tone. However, direct rays of the sun are also not suitable. You need uniform light, not directed directly at you.

Should I use a selfie stick?

A selfie stick is a great way to take a photo of both your face and the nature around you. Use this device carefully without disturbing others, especially if you are in some tourist place.

Have fun taking photos

How to look beautiful in a selfie? We have collected the best secrets for you that will help you look perfect in your photos! Let's sort them all out quickly.


The first step to the perfect selfie is correct makeup. Remember that photographs do not show everything as clearly as in life. That is why the makeup of the stars and the makeup of the actors is always so bright. Use this fact to your advantage. So, how to look beautiful in a selfie?

  • Lips can be visually enlarged if you slightly (!!!) go beyond the natural line with a pencil when drawing.
  • Excessive contouring can make your nose look much narrower. To do this, you need to walk along the wings of the nose with a dark concealer, and then carefully shade it. And on the “central strip” that runs along the nose and on the tip you need to apply a little highlighter.
  • If you take a breath while taking the picture and draw in a little air through your nose, the wings of your nose will shrink slightly.
  • The emphasis in makeup should be on one thing. Remember: either bright and juicy lips, or expressive eyes.
  • Take a test photo and see all your makeup flaws. You will know in advance what you are not happy with in the photo. And this can easily be corrected right there.
  • Fill in your eyebrows a little if necessary. They must have beautiful shape and rich shade.
  • Don't overdo it with foundation. Its tone should match your skin. Pimples covered with a ton of foundation look terrible.
  • Remember to have clean hair and a neat appearance.

Light and ambiance

Light plays the most important role in framing a shot. There are three lighting options for a good selfie:

  1. Daylight. To do this, you need to stand directly in front of the window and avoid anything that could create unwanted shadows on your face. With this lighting, the skin becomes bright, and the eyes glow with a special magnetism.
  2. Artificial light. Professional spotlights or ring lamps are suitable for this. With this lighting, there are beautiful highlights in the eyes, and makeup is very clearly visible. It also creates soft shadowless light, which is ideal for portraits.
  3. Distant light. All the same day. But you should not be located directly under the window, but somewhere further away from it. This lighting has its advantages: the photo is not very clear, and all imperfections become invisible.

You should not take pictures under yellow light from a lamp, especially during twilight or night.

Sometimes you can spice up your selfies interesting objects and accessories.

  • Experiment with eye color. Buy some colored lenses and try taking a couple of pictures.
  • Buy colorful wigs. Changing your image is always interesting.
  • Use various headbands, ears, wreaths, tiaras, single earrings, and other decorations.
  • The background can be anything, but ideally it is better to choose plain walls so as not to distract the viewer’s attention.

Camera, poses and angles

How to look beautiful in a selfie photo, especially for a girl? In addition to the main phone camera, you can use the Instagram app camera. The main camera does not mirror photos, so we like ourselves much less in it. But the Instagram application films us the way we are used to seeing ourselves in the mirror.

How to choose the right angle? If you photograph yourself from the top corner and do not raise your head (the phone should be higher than the person), then your face will look sweet and innocent. And if from the bottom corner, raising his head, then cunning and sexy.

If you want to raise your eyebrows a little in the photo, then you need to separate two thin curls on the sides and tie them between the hair at the back with an elastic band in a small tight ponytail. Instant lift guaranteed!


You shouldn’t process your photos too much, much less fill them with blur (blur). It looks quite vulgar, tasteless and vulgar. The fashion for overly processed photographs is a thing of the past.

Some of the most popular applications for processing selfies are Facetune and Snapceed. In Snapceed, you can use the Brush tool to edit your photos well. The technique is simple: you need to lighten and darken certain same areas of your skin as with makeup.

Be the most stylish! Use super effects.