Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery - photos? When is the best time? Maria Gorban: plastic surgery. Before and after a dramatic transformation

Maria Aleksandrovna Gorban is a young actress of Russian theater and cinema. Her career began in 1999 and continues to this day. The artist's occupation is hereditary - her father - former actor, and later director of the F. Volkov Theater, his mother worked at the Youth Theater in Yaroslavl. Comparing early works, one cannot help but notice how her appearance has changed during this time. Let's get to know the “changed” Masha better. How you feel about all these changes in the actress’s image is up to you to decide. A number of spectators were dissatisfied, convincing that the girl had only succumbed to new trends in fashion, while others accepted and appreciated the updated style with admiration.

- Discreet charm

The most memorable for modern viewers is the television series “I’m Flying” with the participation of the performer in leading role- Valeria Chekhova, a third-year student who dedicated her life to neurosurgery. Shy, charming, sweet, feminine, without flashy make-up - this is how Masha looks before plastic surgery. It would seem that it is roles like this that help the actress fully reveal her talent. But the girl also turns out to be very brave and is not afraid to experiment, changing herself beyond recognition.

- Modern image

In 2012, the very popular TV series “Kitchen” was released, where Maria Alexandrovna appears in a completely different guise. This is no longer a quiet and silent cat, but a panther with sparkling eyes, an imperious face, not giving offense to anyone, with sharp, confident movements and an impressive nature. What is the reason for such drastic and at first glance unrecognizable changes, viewers wonder. How long did it take to achieve such an amazing effect? A movie star only needs to take one look and all men will be at her feet.

In the TV series “Kitchen,” the actress plays the wife of the restaurant owner Claude Monet, and she, like no one else, organically fits into this role. Each of her appearances on television is accompanied by the amazed sighs of men and the envy of the female half of television viewers. After all, the film actress also began to dress differently. Her outfits highlight her disconcerting beauty. Gorban is not shy about dresses that accentuate her breasts, as well as bright lipstick, which gives her lips passion and indescribable sensuality.

Another image of the performer is complete, without any flaws. Let's take a closer look at the changes in the appearance of the rising movie star.

- Velvet sponges

The mouth is the first thing people notice about a person's appearance, especially if it is a beautiful and famous young woman. Let's remember how Lerochka Chekhova had him - ordinary, not attractive special attention, without passionate makeup, the thin lips of the most ordinary girl. As a result, the lips before and after the start of filming the series are completely different from each other, after the changes and enlargement were carried out. A detailed examination of photographs from different time periods also confirms our idea - the plastic before and after the operation does not change. Now her lips are lush, voluminous, alluring, driving many male TV viewers crazy. A wonderful addition was the bright, defiant red lipstick, giving the image a certain wildness and rebelliousness.

- Dazzling smile

Veneers are individually made plates that replace the surface layer of teeth and give them dazzling whiteness. Our heroine could not pass up such a remedy to give her already charming smile even more beauty and shine and visited the dentist. Now she can blind anyone with her smile.

But not everyone agrees with the necessity of this procedure. According to a number of TV viewers, overly white teeth look unnatural, but the majority liked a completely different image.

- New nose and cheekbones

Changing these parts of the face is more questionable. There are no official explanations or hints on this topic. Some of the publishing houses that published articles about plastic surgery Maria Gorban, claim that they took place.

We can only guess what caused the change in the tip of the nose and giving the cheekbones greater relief and volume: contouring, makeup, or, in fact, modern plastic surgery.

- Mesmerizing shapes

Not only her face underwent a transformation - the girl also worked on her figure. The result is amazing. Thanks to hard training and hard physical activity the star's body has become slimmer, athletic, toned, just like professional model. One cannot ignore the fact that in 2014 a daughter was born into the family, which could have a negative impact on the figure of the film actress. But the young mother managed to competently and quickly eliminate the consequences of childbirth and bring her body into complete order.

But there is a point of view that it was not only sports that helped Masha achieve such success. Someone claims that she followed in the footsteps of J.Lo and “gifted” implants to her buttocks. Again, it is impossible to say that everything was so. If you compare the breasts before and after surgery, you can see that they have become more toned and higher.

If you look at Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery, the famous saying comes to mind: “There is no limit to perfection.” With the help of surgeons, a pretty young girl turned into a fatal beauty. Today, not only directors dream of collaborating with her film sets, but also editors of men's magazines.

Masha’s childhood and beginning of her career: pages from her biography

Maria Gorban was born in 1986 in creative family. Her parents talented actors, and my father also mastered the profession of director. The girl’s brother and uncle also worked at the theater.

The future star began acting in films at the age of 13. The girl was given a small role in the series “Simple Truths”. Later she starred in the detective film “Women’s Logic”.

The actress graduated from GITIS and began working in the theater and acting in films. The most popular films in which she took part are “The Hoax,” “The Smile of God,” and “I’m Flying.” Gorban became famous after her role as a spectacular beauty, the wife of the screen hero Dmitry Nagiyev from the TV series “Kitchen”.

Now the star lives in a second marriage with lighting designer Oleg Filatov and is raising a daughter. Her first husband was football player Jan Durica.

Photo of a young stage conqueror

What the star says about her appearance after plastic surgery

Masha, unlike her colleagues in the film workshop, does not hide the fact that she has adjusted her appearance

Gorban does not hide the fact that she turned to plastic surgeons. She is glad that she decided to go to the clinic. The actress tells reporters that her life has changed dramatically thanks to plastic surgery. The star has become more confident.

Changes in appearance and career had a positive impact. From a supporting actress she turned into a star. Maria, who stated that she would never take part in a candid photo shoot, began actively posing for men's magazines.

Opinion of viewers and experts

Changes affected both the face and body of Maria

Viewers reacted differently to the actress's transformation. Some are delighted with how gorgeous she now looks, and are sure that the beauty of the star, like a diamond, has become cut. The public is interested in the name of the surgeon who worked on the actress’s appearance. Some viewers believe that formerly Maria looked much better and was in vain to follow fashion. In their opinion, the star has lost its natural beauty and turned into a soulless doll.

Although Masha openly admits that she was a client of the clinic plastic surgery, but does not disclose the name of the doctor or the number of operations undergone. It is known that the first changes became obvious in 2012, when the actress starred in the television series “Kitchen”.

Kristina Semyonovna in the TV series “Kitchen” won the hearts of many men

Experts, looking at photos of Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery, note that the actress corrected several elements of her appearance:

  • Lips - before plastic surgery they were much thinner.
  • Cheekbones - it is noticeable that they have become more pronounced thanks to fillers and liposuction of the cheeks.
  • Teeth - doctors made them perfectly straight. The current Maria Gorban is the owner of a snow-white Hollywood smile.
  • Breasts - thanks surgical intervention The bust has increased noticeably.
  • Eyebrows - the actress's face is decorated with tattoos that are fashionable today.

As for rhinoplasty, experts doubt that the artist resorted to such an operation. Slender figure and rounded buttocks, apparently, the actress also achieved without the help of surgeons. She actively plays sports and monitors her nutrition.

Photo of Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery

Video about the transformation of the actress

Viewers watch with interest the star and the changes in her appearance. So far, the actress’s collaboration with plastic surgeons has been quite successful. Whether she will continue to use their services, time will tell.

Maria Gorban was remembered by viewers primarily for her roles in the top-rated TV series on STS “I’m Flying” and “Kitchen”. But after watching at least one episode of each film, you can immediately notice a pronounced transformation in the actress’s appearance. Let's try to figure out how much Maria Gorban has changed. Did plastic surgery take place before and after the actress’s recent appearances on the screen? Or is it all about sports and beauty care?

Charm itself

Maria Gorban was born in acting family. It was the profession of her parents that predetermined the girl’s professional future. In 2007, she received a diploma from GITIS, but began acting while still a student. Gorban has always had an attractive appearance. Viewers especially remembered her in the image of a student intern from the TV series “I’m Flying.” The role of the kind, sympathetic Varya Chekhova, destined to become a real doctor, was perfectly suited to Gorban. A charming smile, dimples on the cheeks, a minimum of makeup and a gentle look - these are the components of real pretty femininity that the actress personified.

New role and new image

In 2012, another mega-popular project was launched on the STS TV channel - the television series “Kitchen”. Many compared it to the perfect dish, the recipe of which included the best ingredients: a thoughtful plot, great humor, interesting characters and an amazing soundtrack. Maria Gorban also appeared in the series. Facial plastic surgery or a whole range of operations - the audience wondered what was the matter, because they simply did not recognize the actress at first sight. Vivid changes in the girl’s image immediately caught the eye.

The actress's heroine in "Kitchen" is the wife of the owner in whom all the action of the plot is concentrated, Christina. Any appearance of her is accompanied by the lustful glances of men - the girl looks so sexy, well-groomed and impressive that it couldn’t be better. Christina's seductive form is emphasized by tight dresses, and her glossy tanned skin is set off by luxurious jewelry.

Maria Gorban looks organic in this image not only due to her acting abilities. Of course, the role of the fatal temptress Christina, which even Dmitry Nagiyev could not resist, would not have been given to her without the careful external transformation that was done. Let's figure out step by step what the actress has changed about herself.

Her lips are two doors at the gates of heaven

Everyone just gasped when the updated Maria Gorban appeared in “Kitchen”. Facial plastic surgery before and after (photos below) the start of filming in the series definitely took place. But what kind of operations did the girl resort to? The first thing that can be said with confidence is that Maria Gorban enlarged her lips. The plasticity before and after “Kitchen” is especially noticeable when comparing photographs from different dates. Previously, Maria’s lips were narrower, but now they have acquired a seductive volume and plumpness. The show's make-up artists made it an almost integral attribute of Christina's image, which favorably emphasized the heroine's alluring lips. By the way, Maria Gorban herself has become a supporter of more daring makeup.

Smile in a Million

The actress also did not forget to visit the dentist, who inserted dazzling white veneers into her. The girl’s smile was very pretty before, but now it has acquired Hollywood chic. Many, discussing Gorban’s transformation, noted that overly white teeth look unnatural. Others, on the contrary, liked Maria’s pearly smile.

Maria Gorban: nose surgery

A number of articles published in the wake of increased interest in the actress's updated appearance also claimed that she had changed the shape of her nose. The celebrity herself did not give any comments on this matter. Did Maria Gorban have surgery on her nose or not? Rhinoplasty is not traceable. It may seem that the tip of the nose has become narrower, but most likely this is due to skillful contouring of the face.

Another part of the actress’s face, which is also attributed to unnaturalness, is the cheekbones. They became more voluminous and more sculptural. Fillers or weight loss and the magic of makeup? We can only guess.

Oh, what shapes!

So, the result of Gorban plastic surgery is, literally, obvious. However, the girl did not stop there. Of course, an important component of the beauty of any woman is her figure. Maria decided to take care of herself and devoted a lot of time to sports. Hard training was not in vain - the star’s body became toned. She has noticeably lost weight - the childhood swelling of her face has disappeared, and her general parameters have become almost model-like. In 2014, the actress gave birth to a daughter, but managed to as soon as possible return weight to ideal norm.

Nevertheless, Maria Gorban did not rely only on sports. Plastic surgery before and after childbirth also affected the girl’s figure. The actress decided to enlarge her breasts. There is also an opinion that she could not resist and followed J.Lo’s example by inserting implants into her buttocks. However, it is impossible to say with one hundred percent certainty. Perhaps Maria was helped to acquire such forms not by a plastic surgeon in the operating room, but by an active and professional trainer in the gym. In any case, the game was worth the candle.

Since 2012, the actress has not left the ranking of the most sexy women Russia according to MAXIM. In 2015, she so charmed the male half of the population that she almost became queen, but lost the championship to Vera Brezhneva, remaining in second place in the top 100.

Cosmetic touches

So, we looked at what probable operations Maria Gorban resorted to. Plastic surgery before and after filming “Kitchen” made her a sex symbol, regularly adorning the juiciest covers of men’s magazines. The directors turned their attention to the actress and began inviting her to new projects. In addition, the MTS company entered into a contract with her, and Gorban, in the image of Christina, became the heroine of commercials for a reputable cellular communication brand together with Nagiyev. In addition to the surgical intervention, the girl changed her hairstyle and hair color, turning from brown-haired to brunette, got eyebrow tattoos and eyelash extensions. In addition, she regularly visits the solarium so that her skin does not lose its seductive peach tint.

As for the public opinion regarding the transformation of the actress, the public was split into two camps. Some are convinced that Gorban lost her individuality and succumbed to the harmful influence of fashion. Supporters of this position tirelessly regret the past pretty appearance of the actress. Others, on the contrary, are delighted with the star’s updated appearance and believe that her beauty, like a diamond, has acquired a cut. From a pretty, but rather plain-looking girl, she turned into a fatal beauty, an icon of temptation and the subject of passionate men's dreams.

Maria Gorban is one of the most beautiful and sexy women in Russia. Any girl can envy her grace and elegance, as well as true femininity. Maria can safely be called a hereditary actress. After all, she was born into a family of creative people, where her father is an actor and director, her mother famous actress theater Looking at her, the question immediately arises: is her beauty natural or did plastic surgeons intervene?

Childhood of Maria Gorban

Maria Alexandrovna Gorban was born on December 26, 1986 in the city of Izhevsk. It is worth noting that in addition to her parents, her cousin and uncle were actors. That is, from an early age the girl absorbed the atmosphere of productions and roles, and this was already a kind of foundation future profession. However, the father wanted a different future for his favorite; he wanted to see his daughter as a producer. But Maria insisted on her own. Six years after the birth of their daughter, the family decides to move to Moscow. Here, in the future, Maria will graduate from the acting department of GITIS, and in a few years she will delight viewers with her work in cinema.

School years

The actress remembers her school days with a smile. The image of a brawler and a bully does not fit in with Masha’s current appearance. However, Masha was not an exemplary schoolgirl. She got involved in fights, organized shootouts, and had an exclusively “boyish character” seething within her. But the teachers loved the actress and did not notice her cocky disposition behind her pretty appearance. This explains the fact that in school plays Maria got the roles of princesses and Snow Maidens.

Children's dream

Most of all, the aspiring actress was fascinated by the circus and clowns. She herself wanted to dress up in a red wig and delight the audience with cheerful performances. However, the dream remained unrealized. There are several reasons for this. Maria studied in detail the lifestyle of circus performers and found out that constant moving and touring does not provide the opportunity to create a cozy home and family. Women clowns rarely achieve success; this road is open to men. Such discoveries helped determine their life purpose and become a successful actress.

Film debut

Maria managed to try herself as an actress in 1999 thanks to the series “Simple Truths”, in which she played one of the leading roles. Great acting and good looks have become a ticket to the world of cinema.

  • The year 2004 was marked by a role in the TV series “Women’s Logic”. Here Masha Gorban found herself on the same stage with Alisa Freindlich.

  • In 2008, the film “I’m Flying” was released. A film about fortitude and resistance to the blows of fate.

  • The actress gained universal love and fame in 2014 after the series “Kitchen”. Here she played the role of Dmitry Nagiyev’s wife. Bright appearance and relaxed acting are the secret of her success in cinema.

Study at GITIS

During 9 years of study, the actress changed more than one educational institution, and in the 10th grade she gave preference to theater school No. 123. Without waiting for graduation academic year, Maria decided to try her hand and enter GITIS. The attempt was successful. GITIS required a lot of effort and time, so I had to finish school as an external student. One of the main difficulties of studying at a theater school is transforming into roles that are unusual for oneself. Masha also faced a similar problem. They tried to try on serious images from classical works on her, so there were tears and hysterics.

Maria Gorban and plastic surgery

After the birth of her daughter in 2014, the actress quickly returned to shape on her own through regular workouts and exercises. However, the excessive zeal frightened fans, because many traced the signs of incipient anorexia from the photographs.

It is surprising that the actress calmly comments on the interventions of plastic surgeons in her appearance. She admits without embarrassment that she has repeatedly turned to “beauty creators” for help. Thanks to the achievements of modern medicine, Masha managed to correct her cheekbones and lips, as well as make her shape more feminine, in particular, enlarge her breasts. Smaller interventions include eyebrow tattooing and tooth enamel whitening.

The cost of such operations is quite high, but the actress does not regret what she did. If previously her role was based on the roles of modest young ladies, today, thanks to plastic surgery specialists, the list of her works in cinema and theater has been replenished with the roles of fatal beauties.

However, the opinions of her fans were divided. Some believe that the operations were beneficial and the actress looks much more impressive than in the past. The opinions of others boil down to the fact that Maria went too far and, in the pursuit of beauty, became like a “soulless doll.”

Personal life of the actress

Maria notes that her parents always supported her and gave her the right to independently make her choice of chosen one. This was not easy for her, because she was looking for a man who would be close to the image of her father - her ideal man.

The actress's first husband was Jan Duritsa. The relationship did not last long, the couple broke up in 2011.

The actress’s current boyfriend is Oleg Filatov, from whom the wonderful baby Stefania was born.

Maria Gorban's Instagram has 726 thousand subscribers. There is everything from the soul here family photos to the impressively beautiful production shots. The number of her works in films reaches 39. Currently, the actress works successfully both in cinema and in the theater. The most famous performances with her participation are: “ Gorgeous wedding" and "Step Love".

Until recently, she played the leading role in the play “A Man in Great Demand.” But the management decided to take the aspiring actress Olga Buzova to this role. During her career, she managed to shoot a lot in music videos, candid photo shoots, participate in talk shows as the host of the “90x60x90” program, and as an expert in the “Headbutt” program. Maria regularly receives invitations to film, so perhaps we will soon see her as the heroine of a new story.

Why do you think the management decided to cast aspiring actress Olga Buzova in this role? We are waiting for your comments.

Many girls, aspiring actresses and singers actively use the services of plastic surgeons. And this is done in order to please the viewer, and actress Maria Gorban is no exception.

On television and in candid photo shoots, Maria Gorban looks great. She has beautiful and precise facial features, a wonderful figure and impressive ample breasts. It can easily be called ideal woman. However, in order to become irresistible with a magnificent figure, she had to work hard, or rather spend money on numerous plastic surgeries.

So, what did Maria Gorban look like before plastic surgery? She was quite a nice girl, although not with perfect features.

Maria Gorban before and after

The photo shows Maria Gorban before and after plastic surgery. Let's look at what the actress did with her appearance. It can be seen that with the help of plastic surgery she highlighted her cheekbones and changed their shape, increased eating lips, judging by the photo, rhinoplasty is also present. But Maria maintains her figure on her own, working out diligently in the gym. Slender legs, toned buttocks, a flat stomach without layers of fat - this is the physical merit of Gorban herself.

Many fans are not delighted with the actress’s plastic procedures; they believe that Maria Gorban looked much better and more natural before plastic surgery than after.

At the beginning of her career, Maria Gorban stated that she was not going to act in explicit scenes. But judging by the latest racy photo shoots, she has changed her mind. Most likely, Maria’s confidence was betrayed by her new appearance.

You can’t blame the actress, because plastic surgery is trendy today. The public only wants to see perfect girls with toned breasts, thin waist and firm buttocks. To meet public standards, many celebrities put themselves under the scalpel of surgeons, risking themselves.

It is worth paying tribute to the professionals who worked on the beauty of Gorban. The main thing is that, unlike many stars, Maria did not overdo it with plastic surgery, but did everything in moderation, leaving notes of natural beauty.

Which Maria Gorban do you like before or after plastic surgery?