What Maria's cellar used to look like. Pavel Pogrebnyak, biography, news, photos

Participant's name: Maria Pogrebnyak (Shatalova)

Age (birthday): 17.11.1988

City: Moscow

Education: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Family: married to football player Pavel Pogrebnyak

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Maria Pogrebnyak was born on November 17, 1988 into the Shatalov family in Moscow. Her mother became the closest person to her in life, which cannot be said about her father, whom Maria does not like to talk about. An older brother also grew up in the family, who subsequently chose the path of a microbiologist.

Masha often stayed with her grandmother, as her parents were busy with work. The woman was able to instill in her tenderness, femininity, love of kindness and understanding. Masha never ceases to thank her for her manners as a well-mannered lady.

In her childhood, Maria was engaged in icon painting. Since then she has been drawing icons and considers it a hobby. the best way get rid of the problems of everyday life.

In 2006 Masha graduated high school and went to study at the Moscow Financial Academy. The training had to be interrupted due to the move. But years later she received a degree in accounting.

Shatalova met her future husband while still at school. They started dating when Masha was 13 years old and Pavel was 16. In 2006, Maria married football player Pavel Pogrebnyak. The wedding was modest, only after a while they had a luxurious celebration, it was 2014, when the heirs were already growing up in the family.

In 2007, Masha gave birth to a son, Artem, in Tomsk. In 2009, another son, Pavel, and in 2011, Alexey.

In 2012, the couple moved to live in England. Masha did not remain in the shadow of her husband; she became famous in secular circles. She did not sit idly by, but was busy creating designs for evening dresses. Subsequently, she managed to release her first clothing collection, which was received positively by professionals and ordinary people. She has demonstrated her creations on the catwalk more than once.

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Masha became a participant in the “Meet the Russians” project, which was broadcast on the Fox channel. It was about Russian people with wealthy lives who live in London. Since then, scandalous popularity has stuck to Masha. Pogrebnyak did not like his own image on TV. She believed that she was not shown in better light, because she is not only a good shopper, but also an ideal mother and housewife.

Upon returning home, Maria made every effort to continue working on the collection and opened the Maria Shatalova brand. Pogrebnyak workshops are located in the capital. She constantly updates images, personally develops models, searches for fabrics, accessories and fittings.

In 2018, she became one of the participants in the new reality project “,” which airs on the Yu TV channel. Its essence comes down to consecrating real life wives of popular Russian football players, without hiding the truth from the audience.

Maria Pogrebnyak is a real socialite. Fans and enemies often discuss her changes. After giving birth, she gained more than 20 kilograms.

The girl was able to pull herself together and became slim. Some said she had anorexia. Maria herself notes that she adheres to a strict diet and regularly works out in the gym. She doesn’t eat sweets or fatty foods, and is happy with the result.

Recently, she presented a song in her own performance, “Anesthesia.” It is possible that in the future Maria will delight fans with her full album.

Maria has long stopped hiding the fact that she changed her appearance through plastic surgery. She pumped up her lips and changed the shape of her nose and face. I once overdid it with my lips, and therefore resorted to surgery to return them to their natural shape.

Now Pogrebnyak believes that it is necessary to preserve the appearance that nature gives to a person, and sometimes she even regrets that she did not realize this fact 10 years ago.

Photo of Maria

Public figure Date of birth November 14 (Scorpio) 1988 (30) Place of birth Moscow Instagram @mariapoga_

Wikipedia says nothing about Maria Pogrebnyak. But there is a page dedicated to her husband, Dynamo Moscow striker Pavel Pogrebnyak. Pavel is an Honored Master of Sports, winner of the UEFA Cup 2007-2008 and champion of Russia. But Maria is not just a “soulmate” famous husband" She has own business, and quite successful.

Biography of Maria Pogrebnyak

The image of a dim-witted glamorous blonde is far from reality. Maria was born into an intelligent Moscow family. Her mother is an aircraft manufacturer, and she dreamed that her daughter would also make a career in this complex and interesting field. Maria's older brother is a microbiologist. The girl studied well at school and attended clubs. Maria was engaged in drawing, or rather, icon painting. Maria Pogrebnyak says that she could not look away from the icon for several hours - she was so captivated by the painting. Until the girl grew up, her grandmother took her to all the clubs. Therefore, now Maria does not understand why nannies, drivers and governesses are needed. If the family has a mother and grandmother, they will be able to take care of the children.

At school, Maria was considered one of the most beautiful girls. She was cheerful, sociable, and easily made friends with people. And here's her future husband I was a shy young man then. Maria says that he even came on dates with a sociable friend so that he would amuse the company with his jokes.

At first the relationship was friendly, because Pavel was for 4 years older than Maria, and for teenagers it's big difference aged. But gradually the friendship grew into something more. When Pavel was transferred to Yaroslavl "Shinnik", Maria went to visit him every other day. This had a bad effect on the girl’s academic performance. Pogrebnyak began to receive bad grades, and in order not to admit this to her mother, she covered them up in her diary. Maria was then in her senior year, and such an attitude towards her studies could have very serious consequences. But the girl was still able to “stretch” and entered the Moscow Financial Academy. True, Maria was able to graduate from university not after 5 years, but much later. Pavel left for Tomsk on a contract, and the girl followed her lover. The young people got married there, but officially registered the relationship only in 2014.

In Tomsk, Maria gave birth to her first child, Artem. After giving birth, the girl gained a lot of weight - she gained 25 kg. But Maria pulled herself together and was able to lose weight. Now the footballer's wife Maria Pogrebnyak has a model appearance. After all, she carefully monitors her diet and exercises for at least an hour every day.

After her engagement to Paul, Maria abandoned her own career. She devoted herself to her husband. The girl moved after her beloved from one city to another. She gave birth to her second son, Pavel, in St. Petersburg, and her third, Alexei, in Germany. When her husband signed a contract with the British Fulham, Maria and her children moved to England.

The girl decided not to sit idle while her husband trained with the team. She took up design and created her own clothing line, Maria Shatalova. Shatalova is Maria’s maiden name. At first, the company was engaged in sewing evening and ball gowns, then expanded its range. The fashion house now has a line of economy and VIP class clothing. Later the company began to produce women's handbags. Maria was not only involved in design and organizational matters, but also participated in shows as a model.

Pogrebnyak became quite famous person in England. She was even invited to participate in the TV project Meet the Russians. Maria readily agreed, but later regretted this step. The interview was greatly truncated, while the facts were distorted. The editing cues were chosen in such a way that viewers saw not a successful designer, not a devoted wife, but a stupid and spoiled one socialite. This image has nothing to do with reality.

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Pavel Pogrebnyak's wife Maria fell in love with him when she was a schoolgirl, although at first she long mistook her feeling for ordinary friendship.

They went to the same school and that's it free time spent together. Masha was younger than Pavel, and her parents were calm when their daughter went somewhere in his company.

When Maria was sixteen years old, Pogrebnyak was already a promising young football player and was offered a lucrative contract in Yaroslavl. Be for a long time It was hard for Masha to be apart from him, and she often went to see Pavel, forgetting that she was in her senior year.

Pavel Pogrebnyak's wife Maria

When constant trips to see her loved one began to threaten the possibility of obtaining a certificate of secondary education, the girl’s parents became seriously alarmed and forced her to pull herself together and take up her studies. Their efforts were not in vain, and after graduating from school, Maria entered the Moscow Financial Academy.

In the photo - Pavel Pogrebnyak with his wife

Just at this time, Pavel Pogrebnyak began playing for the Tom team, moved to Tomsk, and Maria again went to her lover and was even going to transfer to correspondence, but her parents insisted that she graduate from a university in Moscow. They started living together a long time ago, but officially consolidated their relationship only in 2014. By this time, they had already become parents themselves - three sons were growing up in their family.

Maria is not going to live in the shadow of her famous husband - when she, Pavel and their sons came to England in 2012, she found something to do that made her popular. Spouse Russian football player took up clothing design - at first it was evening dresses, then Maria began to create economy class clothes, as well as luxury models. While living in the UK, Maria took part in the reality show Meet the Russians on the Fox channel, for which she was sharply criticized in her homeland, since the program turned out to be quite scandalous and was filled with not very pleasant details about the life of our compatriots in London. It showed luxurious life Russians in the English capital, their expensive houses and clothes are shown, and information about plastic surgery is given.

In the photo - the family of Pavel Pogrebnyak

After returning to Moscow, Maria continued to design clothes and began producing clothes under the Maria Shatalova brand. At the same time, she does not forget about her main responsibilities - to be a good wife and mother.

In the photo - Maria Pogrebnyak with her sons

The married couple Pavel and Maria Pogrbenyak are considered one of the most exemplary. The wife of the Dynamo Moscow striker knows very well that her husband has many fans who are not very worried about his marital status, but Maria says that she trusts Pavel, and she simply doesn’t have time to be jealous or start family squabbles, yes and desires. There are almost never quarrels in their family, and if some misunderstandings arise, the spouses quickly find a common language.

Where does football player Pavel Pogrebnyak play?

Pavel Pogrebnyak's career is developing successfully; during his football life he managed to play for many Russian and foreign clubs. In 2009, he was bought by the German Stuttgart, and in 2012, together with his wife and sons, Pogrebnyak left for England, where he began playing first for Fulham and then for Reading.

Pogrebnyak's career began at the age of six, when he began playing football at the Moscow Spartak children's school, and in 2001 he played his first game in the reserve team. Until 2003, Pavel was in the main team of Spartak, and then moved to Kaliningrad Baltika, where he played in forty matches and scored fifteen goals. Later he returned to Spartak, but not for long - Pavel was loaned to Khimki near Moscow. After Khimki, Pavel Pogrebnyak played in Yaroslavl Shinnik and Tom, and after a successful season he was offered a contract with Zenit. Since August 28, 2015, Pogrebnyak has been a football player for Dynamo Moscow.

Russian designer, businesswoman, wife of a football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Biography of Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria Pogrebnyak(nee Shatalova) was born in Moscow, as a child she studied at sports school. Maria has an older brother who works as a microbiologist. Parents were often busy at work and Maria’s grandmother was mainly involved in raising her. In childhood and adolescence Masha was drawing and painting icons.

After school, the girl entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but did not graduate, leaving with her future husband for Tomsk. Graduated from the Financial University. Engaged in clothing design. The Maria Shatalova brand has several sewing workshops in Moscow and London.

Pogrebnyak does not hide the fact that she has had several plastic surgeries, and greatly regrets one of them.

“The beauty that nature provides must be appreciated and protected. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this 11 years ago.”

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak

With my future husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak, Maria met while still in school. They were friends until she was 17, then they started dating. When Pavel moved to Tomsk, having signed a contract with Tom, the girl decided to go with him. In Tomsk, young people got married. In 2012, the couple moved to London, where Pavel played for Fulham and Reading football clubs. At this time, the family took part in the scandalous reality show Meet the Russians. She also participated in Russian shows "

Football is one of the most popular sports. He is loved not only by men, but also by women, and especially by the wives of football players. One of the famous and popular athletes playing football is He is married to a very beautiful woman Maria, who also has her fans and admirers.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

Many men and women are interested in this woman. Fans and admirers are interested in what Maria Pogrebnyak looked like before and after plastic surgery. But before you find out about this, you need to remember what kind of operation the woman decided to undergo and when.

Everyone remembers that several years ago it became very fashionable to make various plastic surgery and radically change your appearance. Many women began to experiment on themselves: redoing, tightening the skin on their faces, enlarging their lips, etc. Maria Pogrebnyak was no exception and also decided to change her appearance. young girl I pumped biogel into my lips more than 10 years ago.

Fans were interested in what Maria used to look like. Pogrebnyak “before and after plastic surgery,” as friends of Pavel and his wife said, these are two different people. She used to be a little plump, but that didn’t stop her from remaining pretty and attractive. After plastic surgery, Maria changed a lot. Her lips became gigantic, and the beauty that was before was gone.

Pogrebnyak herself shared that all 11 years have been torment for her. The woman said that everyone who communicated with her always looked only at her lips, and this, naturally, made her feel uncomfortable. Maria realized that such voluminous lips did not suit the mother of three children, and decided to have surgery to reduce them.

Lip reduction surgery

Lately, lip reduction surgery has become quite popular among celebrities. Many stars in their youth wanted to transform themselves, to change beyond recognition, but now most of them struggle with their “new” appearance.

Maria Pogrebnyak suffered for 11 years because she enlarged her lips in her youth. When the woman got married and gave birth to three children, she realized that she should get rid of her large lips as soon as possible. Pogrebnyak again went under the surgeon’s knife.

Maria Pogrebnyak after lip reduction

“Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery are 2 different people,” said all the woman’s fans who saw her photo online after lip reduction. She shared that most of her friends and acquaintances were happy for Maria and said that she had reduced her lips for good reason. Everyone around says that Pogrebnyak without big lips is a beauty!

Maria herself shared her joy after the fact. The woman assures that until the age of 45 she will never again go under the surgeon’s knife. “The beauty that nature provides must be appreciated and protected. It’s a pity that I didn’t understand this 11 years ago,” says Pogrebnyak.

Doctors warn that the biopolymer used as lip filler is extremely dangerous. Because of it, fibrous tissue grows, which is a kind of compaction in the lips. As a result, it becomes difficult for a person to speak and also eat food.

Impressions of Maria, as well as her fans after the operation

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery - two different women. The woman is very pleased that there is such a procedure that helped her become her former self. Pogrebnyak recently published in social networks Photos of yourself at 18 years old. Many noticed that before plastic surgery, Maria’s lips were lush and attractive, so her fans are perplexed why the woman decided to have the operation.

Acquaintances, relatives and fans of Pogrebnyak claim that the woman looks very good with natural lips and now she looks much more attractive. Many even began to ask the star for the number of the doctor who performed her operation, since almost everyone admired his excellent work.

Maria Pogrebnyak is known not only for her beauty, but also for her courage. Before and after plastic surgery, she remained an attractive and fearless woman. In 2011, she became famous for being able to protect her home from burglars. In the middle of the night she heard a noise and was not afraid to check what was the matter. Maria scared off the attackers, saved herself, her little son and home.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery. Photo

Many people are interested in what Maria looked like before she had plastic surgery. After the operation, the woman changed beyond recognition. Maria Pogrebnyak before and after surgery are just two different people!

Maria Pogrebnyak enlarged her lips in her youth, which she later greatly regretted. The woman didn't like the way she looked with big lips, so she decided to have surgery to restore them. natural shape. The woman argues that natural beauty must be appreciated and preserved. She encourages young girls not to make costly mistakes, not to change their appearance and to be proud of who they are.