Helen Zapashnaya: “Askold is the best dad in the world! Younger, calm, flexible. Askold Zapashny

“Journalists often asked me: “You are almost thirty, but in public you are always alone. Not married, and, apparently, you don’t even have a girlfriend. Why?" In response, I lied and dodged. Only those closest to me were privy to my secret,” admits Askold Zapashny .

Samara, late evening. Helen and I are returning to the hotel from the circus. We walk along the dim alley and talk. Suddenly I feel danger! Literally with your back. I have been communicating with predators all my life, and like any trainer, I have eyes everywhere, including on the back of my head: often this ability to see what is happening behind your back helps save your life... I concentrate, listen and really catch barely audible rustle. I slightly squint my eyes and see: behind us, about fifty meters from us, two male figures are moving stealthily. Afraid of scaring Helen, I mechanically carry on a conversation with her, while I feverishly think: “What to do if they attack?” Helen suddenly laughed: “What’s wrong with you? You’re answering inappropriately...” I mutter something unintelligible to her and at the same time I quietly take out a pocket knife, which I carry with me just in case.

I try to remove the blade unnoticed, but Helen notices my movement. "What are you doing? - asks in bewilderment. “Why do you need a knife?!” “It’s just like that,” I manage to say, and at the same moment I can clearly hear a rustling sound on the right. Without thinking for a second, I push Helen to the side, onto the lawn. I turn around with lightning speed and very close, about five meters from me, I see two guys in tracksuits, one with a baseball bat in his hands. “Why did you get this feather?” - one of them asks with a nasty smile and moves straight towards me. “Stay where you are!” - I shout back, clutching a knife in my hand. And then it seemed to me ice water doused: I notice that a second bastard is approaching Helen, who has sunk to the ground and silently crying, with his hands in his pockets. For the first time in my life I just feel some kind of animal fear for the woman I love.

“What does he have there - a trunk, a Finnish thing?” - I try to figure it out and immediately realize that it doesn’t matter. "Run!" - I shout to Helen and see with horror: she is so scared that she can’t even run, she can’t get up. He just repeats with a plea: “Boys, boys, please don’t!” My heart is pounding so loudly that everyone around me seems to hear its beats, it feels like my chest will simply burst. “Lord, what if they knock me out and she gets raped?” - flashes through my head. I swear, in another moment I would have stabbed the one who stood closer. And then, like a bolt from the blue, the most absurd question in this situation suddenly sounds: “Are you by any chance Zapashny?” Stunned, I answer: “Well, Zapashny, what next?” Pause. After which the guys disappear into the darkness. Realizing that the danger had passed, I ran to Helen. Because of the fear she has experienced, she cannot get up in any way - as if she was stuck to the ground. I take you by the arm and lead you to the hotel.

In the room I put him to bed. I try in every possible way to reassure: “Darling, everything happens in life. Forget it".

This story happened several years ago, then Helen went on tour with me for the first time. Her parents, who permanently live in Israel, seemed to sense that something would happen. Having learned that their daughter was going to come to me, they were alarmed and did not want to let her go - having watched enough local television programs, they were convinced: in Russia there is crime everywhere, murderers and rapists roam the streets - in short, it is dangerous and scary there. For an hour and a half on the phone I tried to persuade them to trust me, convincing them: “Calm down, everything will be fine, Russia is calm and safe, and I will never let Helen hurt anyone...” And exactly two days after her arrival that incident happened .

Photo: Yuri Feklistov

I was simply amazed. “Well, I think, as they say, they called me...” And on that ill-fated evening, trying in every way to distract Helen from the nightmare she had experienced, I suggested that she watch something funny on the computer. I took the laptop, settled down on the bed next to her, and out of inertia, the first thing I did was enter the email and... I was dumbfounded: a letter from an unfamiliar address with the heading “To my beloved.” What kind of mura? Helen asks to open it. I open it and read: “Skull, skeleton, scythe... Death will come, and it will have your eyes!.. Askoldi, give me a child! You can’t get away from me, the choice fell on you.” Helen is in tears: “What is this?!” - “And these are unbalanced fans, there are such people too. And you, since you are going to connect your life with me, must be ready for this.” Well, what can we do, my brother and I became show business artists, and our fame, like that of any person on the screen, has its costs.

Askold Zapashny is a successful producer, National artist Russia, artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue. He has won high-profile awards and recognitions, as well as grandiose shows for which the Zapashny brothers’ circus became famous: “Sadko”, “Camelot”, “Legend”, etc.

Askold and his older brother Edgard were born into an artistic family. And this meant that children with a high degree of probability would become successors circus dynasty. And so it happened.

Askold's father, trainer Walter Mikhailovich Zapashny, famous throughout the Union, and his mother, Tatyana Vasilievna Zapashny, actively traveled around the country on tour in the second half of the 20th century. The children traveled with them and grew up practically in the arena. It was thanks to their parents that the brothers were inseparable. Despite the fact that Edgard is a year older, the boys studied in the same class because their father believed that this was important for their future circus careers.

The future trainer Askold entered a tiger cage for the first time when he was only 10 years old. But the official debut of the 11-year-old boy took place in the winter of 1988-89. Then he and Edgard performed in Riga with the number “Time Machine,” which was a hit with the public. The younger Zapashnys portrayed kidnappers who stole a teleporter from the clowns and ended up in different eras.

Later, in 1991, just when the boys graduated from school, the family left to work under contract in China. The move became a salvation, since the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire offered a lucrative deal, thanks to which the Zapashnys could save their animals from starvation (at that time there were difficult times in their homeland, and food for circus animals was tight).

By the way, a summer circus was built specifically for the Zapashnys’ performances in the Safari Park near Shenzhen. There, Askold's father, Walter Zapashny, was training Chinese specialists in dog training.

And while Walter acted as a mentor, Askold was actively mastering Chinese and - circus basics. Askold began his career as a horse juggler and monkey trainer. Following this, he and Edgard’s numbers were awarded the main prize of the First All-Russian festival-competition circus arts in Yaroslavl - “Golden Troika” (in 1997). Askold is also known as a vaulting acrobat, tightrope walker, Segway juggler, roller acrobat, etc.

By the way, it was in China that Askold and Edgard dyed their hair, turning them blonde. This was done specifically to stand out in the arena among Chinese dark-haired colleagues.

After China, Askold and Edgard performed in different countries- Japan, Hungary, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc.

Upon returning to Russia, Askold and Edgard began working with tigers and lions. Father Walter Zapashny gave them his issue “Among Predators” in 1998. Askold with the trick “The longest jump on a lion” even entered the Guinness Book of Records!

In their homeland, together with Edgard, they created their own circus - the Zapashny Brothers Circus, which is distinguished by a special style, unlike any other circus genre.


Askold Zapashny is married, his wife is Helen Zapashny - Raikhlin. They have two children - Eva and Elsa.

Titles and awards:

  • 1999 - Honored Artist of Russia - for services in the field of art;
  • 2012 - People's Artist of Russia - for great services in the field of circus art.

  • curious

    The circus world is not only a bright spectacle, but also a spectacular sound. Therefore, when Askold and Edgard’s parents chose names for their children, they did so with a future stage career in mind.

    Zapashny is a well-known surname in the circus, spanning several generations, and the name in the arena should sound impressive. Petya or Vasya are charming names in their own way, but not catchy, or Edgard and Askold. However, choosing a name was not easy. And if Edgard was named almost immediately after birth, then the parents had to tinker with Askold. There were several options: Siegfried, Richard, Octavian. Last name is still a source of jokes. Edgard assures that in the heat of a quarrel he would definitely call his brother Octaviash, and in a deliberately gentle and mocking tone. Although he admits that one could get paid for such jokes.

    The famous trainer Askold Zapashny is a representative of the famous circus dynasty. Together with his older brother Edgar, he organized the Zapashny Brothers Circus, which successfully tours in Russia and abroad. The brothers are almost inseparable, except for the time that Askold devotes to his own family. Until recently, it consisted of two people - wife Helen and daughter Eva, born in 2010. more than a year later, the artist became a father again. The newborn was named Elsa.

    • Askold, please tell us the story of how you met future wife. When did you and she realize that you were ready to become parents?

    Helen and I first met on tour in Minsk. We were introduced by my circus friend, whose wife Helen was friends with. She was a student at that time, studying at the university at the faculty for foreigners, since she is a citizen of Israel. We started dating and gradually got to know each other. I started thinking about children when I realized that Helen was the woman I wanted to live with. But concrete planning began for us after the wedding.

    • I would like to clarify what Helen’s profession is? In many media she was called a trainer.

    No, she never had anything to do with the circus. She is a doctor by profession. She graduated from the conservatory and plays the piano. Before this, Helen served in israeli army, tried her hand at temporary jobs - in a store, in a cafe, in modeling business. Now she is taking care of her family.

    • How did you take the news about your wife’s pregnancy?

    I was worried. Although I was waiting for this moment in my life, considering myself mature enough for such a turn. I felt the burden of increased responsibility. It’s one thing when you’re just thinking about a child in the future with friends, and another thing when the event has already happened. The moment has come to rethink everything. During Helen's pregnancy, I realized how difficult it is for a woman to bear a baby. How worried we all were when we went to the next ultrasound! It is known that there can be various developmental defects, and the question of what to do in this case periodically tormented me. Fortunately, everything worked out fine.

    • When Helen was expecting a child, did you encounter any mood swings in her?

    I was waiting for all these “classics of the genre”: rearranging furniture, craving for pickled cucumbers, - but nothing like that happened. Helen is quite emotional, and I was ready to endure her whims, since pregnant women are naturally entitled to them. But she behaved surprisingly stoically, with masculine restraint. Helen told me that she listened to herself, expected some desires that were unusual for her, but she didn’t want anything special. When we were waiting for the addition for the second time, everything went exactly the same way - calmly.

    • It’s surprising that you decided so quickly to have a second baby. Was it your mutual desire to have similar children?

    Yes. We didn't have any disputes. In addition, every person copies their parental family in some way, if it is successful. Edgar and I are the same age, which only helps us in life. In addition, having children one after another is in many ways the best option. It is better to go through the diaper-vest stage “in one fell swoop”. In addition, girls of the same age are usually friends and have less competition. However, no matter what I say, we must pay tribute to Helen’s courage: the second pregnancy is
    a row is a big load, because the physical exhaustion from the first has not yet passed.

    • Who will help Helen with the children?

    Probably the nanny. I don't really like strangers in my personal space, but it seems there is no other choice. My grandmother and aunt helped raise my brother and I, and they are still eager to fight... But my wife reasonably noted that they are already eighty and fifty years old, respectively. To be honest, I didn’t fully realize this - my grandmother and especially my aunt are so active and energetic. However, the fact is clear: we could use a younger assistant.

    • Did you have any desire to be present at the birth of your first child?

    I didn’t say a categorical “no”. Due to my profession, it’s generally difficult to surprise or scare me with anything. But when my wife delicately hinted that she would not mind my presence at the birth, I said that there should remain a moment of intimacy in the relationship. A man does not need to look at the birth process itself. You can stand at the headboard and hold your hand, if, of course, your wife really wants it. Helen did not insist. I remember the day of birth well. My wife’s water broke, I took her to the hospital, and then went to the show. My brother and I had three performances that day. During the break, I picked up the phone, and there was an SMS: “Askoldik, come, Eva and I are waiting for you.” I was very touched. I learned about the birth of my second daughter by phone, during a tour in St. Petersburg. The wife said that everything went well, even easier than the first time. But I was still worried about her.

    • Your daughters have beautiful names. Who chose them?

    Me myself. When we were expecting our first child, I started looking for name options on the Internet, but I didn’t like anything there. And then suddenly, it dawned on me. It’s as if it came from above – Eva. I wanted the name to not be too pretentious. For example, at first my father thought of calling me Octavian... I think life would have been much harder for me with such a name. So I expected to find beautiful name, but not pompous. Eva is the perfect option. Firstly, it goes well with a middle name. Secondly, it contains a tribute to Helen's nationality. Thirdly, the name Eve is very ancient, it applies to all people, since that was the name of the first woman on Earth. The name of the second daughter, Elsa, is simply very beautiful and bright. It sounds good, which in the circus world has great importance. Now the whole world knows the Zapashny brothers, but it is possible that in a few years the Zapashny sisters will enter the circus arena.

    • How did you feel when you saw your first daughter, Eva?

    Probably an interest in one’s own feelings and in her as a new living being. I can’t say that bright fatherly feelings immediately awoke in me. More like curiosity - there is such a shaggy lump lying there. She was born with a rich head of hair, even the doctors were surprised. Then I felt warmth in my soul. And already on the second day I ran to the maternity hospital with the feeling that I was a father. When you see day after day how your child grows and changes, you become more and more attached to him. This is how love comes.

    • How has your worldview changed after the birth of your daughter?

    I didn't notice any drastic changes. I'm basically very the responsible person, because my job is dangerous and requires constant planning. It’s the same with a child - I knew that to some extent I would lose freedom with his appearance, but these are the “rules of the game.”

    • What difficulties did you encounter during the most difficult time - in the first year of Eva’s life?

    I repeat, I was ready for anything - for sleepless nights, problems, diseases. I always try to think of everything. There were nights when Eva cried a lot. However, Helen proved herself to be a great mother. She stood up to her and calmed her down. Thus, she took the additional burden off of me. My wife knows how hard I work and how tired I am, and I value her concern. Of course, sometimes I replaced Helen when she was madly sleepy, I can do everything - rock a baby to sleep, put on a diaper. But this is the exception rather than the rule. My wife did not demand anything from me and thereby aroused the desire to help her. And now I try to help Helen with the babies as much as possible.

    • There is a myth according to which a man develops feelings for his baby only when he begins to talk. How do you feel about this statement?

    No, this is definitely not about me. The person you are talking about lives by emotions and waits for a situation to arise that will cause a certain reaction in him. Such a man needs to hear that the child will call him daddy, and then he realizes: oh, this is really my baby! Everything is different for me. I fell in love with Eva long before she said “daddy.” This is due to the fact that I am used to caring for others - people and animals - without expecting gratitude from them.

    • How does “father’s” upbringing differ from “mom’s”?

    Helen may show weakness towards Eve. I limit my daughter’s freedom less, but at the same time I am more firm. I can say “no”, ban something.

    • Do you and your wife have any “pedagogical” differences?

    I am against Helen's excessive softness. Let’s say Eva reaches out her hand, wants to reach the cream, which she is not allowed to take - suddenly she opens it and puts it in her mouth. The daughter begins to cry, and Helen, instead of saying “no,” runs for another cream, which Eva will not be able to open. That is, she gives her daughter what she demands by crying. Such numbers do not work with me. When Eva asks to be held in my arms, I take her, but if she then begins to reach for, say, the keyboard on which I am working, I do not allow her to be touched. Eva begins to become hysterical, and I sit her on the floor, thereby making it clear: I decide what is possible and what is not. My wife agrees with my parenting methods and tries not to be led by her emotions.

    • Do you punish your child?

    Children are punished for some intentional actions, and Eva is still too young to do things out of spite. Due to my profession, I am used to analyzing situations. My task as a trainer is to understand what the animal is thinking about. The child is also the object of such observations. I can recognize why he does something. Until I see that Eva is pulling my hair to intentionally hurt me. She simply gets to know the world, people’s reactions to their actions. When I see that Eve is causing pain on purpose, I will forbid it.

    • Do you transfer the experience of your parents raising you to Eva?

    Eva is still a little over a year old, it’s too early to do this, but in the future I’m going to use a lot of the experience of my dad and mom. My parents loved my brother and me very much, but at the same time they clearly defined the boundaries of what was permitted and set certain goals for us. I think this is correct. Nowadays, many parents are too even, almost indifferent to their children. They give birth to a child and then think that they must raise him environment and himself. Our parents laid down the most important, fundamental things - for example, the concept that a man should dominate the family and be responsible for it. They were demanding about our performance at school, developed us - we had teachers in music, choreography, we learned languages. When dad insisted that we study English, it even annoyed me. I thought working in the circus would be enough for me. Life showed that he was right: languages ​​came in handy. I really want my children to know several languages ​​- English, as a matter of course, Hebrew - their mother’s native language, and others. Of course, the girls will study music and dance.

    • Perhaps you want your daughters to continue your circus dynasty?

    Definitely. It would be stupid to leave her to fate. My parents helped me not only master my profession, but also love it. This is very important when the pleasant and the useful are combined in life. Naturally, Eva and Elsa will have a wealth of knowledge and skills that will allow them to choose a business to their liking. But I will do everything to make them love the circus.

    • What are your favorite games with Eva?

    So far everything is pretty simple. For example, we chase each other squatting around a chair. Eva also loves to play hide and seek - all I have to do is cover my eyes with my palms and look at her between my fingers. She is laughing. Recently we had a new entertainment: Eva threw a pacifier on the floor, and then I took my daughter in my arms and showed her how to pick up the pacifier herself. She liked it so much that the pacifier began to endlessly fly to the floor...

    • Do you have “know-how” on child care?

    I think no. Eva lives according to a certain routine, so I don’t remember any particular problems with feeding her or putting her to bed. If my daughter wakes up at night, my wife gives her a little something to drink and she falls asleep again. So no new inventions.

    • Have you had any teaching mistakes?

    I don't see any mistakes on my part. Eva is too young for me to commit them.

    • Your wishes to future parents.

    I don't like to be smart. I can give advice to people who doubt whether they need a baby. Having a child is a great happiness. However, you need to be prepared for its appearance. This is not a game. It largely depends on you what the fate of your son or daughter will be. Therefore, be as responsible as possible.

    Famous predator trainer younger brother from the circus Zapashny dynasty. Askold is a fourth generation circus artist, Honored and People's Artist of Russia. Together with his older brother Edgar, he specializes in training wild animals.

    Askold Zapashny. Biography

    Askold Zapashny born in Kharkov in 1977. He is one year and two months younger than Edgar. Askold entered a cage with tigers for the first time at the age of 10. All childhood Zapashny brothers took place behind the scenes of the circus.

    At school, the Zapashny brothers studied together, and due to the fact that Askold was a year younger, he had to work hard on his textbooks so as not to fall behind in the class. Since the Zapashny circus toured all over Soviet Union, then the boys had to change many schools in ten years. But after receiving certificates, their father took up their circus education. He taught them acrobatics, balancing act, juggling and training.

    Debut Askold Zapashny took place on stage in Riga in 1988. At that time he was already actively working with animals. But neither he nor Edgar remember the real first time.

    Edgard and I don’t remember the first time we went to the arena. According to interviews with relatives and my mother, it turned out that my brother was seven and I was six years old. But again, this is not a fact. And there are no photographs confirming our “debut”.

    In 1991, the Zapashny family moved to China, where they were offered a lucrative contract. The Chinese authorities built a summer circus especially for the circus dynasty and their animals. Ibid. Askold and Edgar changed their image, becoming blondes. So they began to differ sharply from the public there.

    Askolda and Edgar began their careers by creating their own “Zapashny Brothers Circus”. In 2012, the artists began touring with their program “K.U.K.L.A.”, in which Askold Zapashny was the scriptwriter and production director.

    Askold Zapashny: “The reason I love the circus is that, on the one hand, it has stereotypes, and on the other, it is limitless. The circus does not limit itself, it is limited by people.”

    According to the trainer himself, he is proud that he was born into the family of an acrobat who found himself in the circus and proved to everyone that he could tame any animal.

    In 2012, Askold Zapashny was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of Russia.

    In 2013 Askold Zapashny took part in the filming of the film “12 Months”, as well as in the program “Ice Age”, where he skated together with Maria Petrova. In addition, in one of the episodes of the program “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers” (February 2015), Askold appeared as an illusionist, participated in the TV game “One Hundred to One”, played cameo roles in the sketch show “KhB” on the TNT channel and in the film -fairy tale “12 months”, starred in a small role in the biopic “Margarita Nazarova”.

    My dad is a fan,” Askold shares his memories. - He can be called an “abnormal” person. He devoted himself entirely to his work. He endlessly struggled, injured an infinite number of times, covered in fractures from attacks by predators, with a broken neck from a tiger bite. Dad accomplished a feat, achieving the opportunity to work with predators; it was extremely difficult. On his premiere, he was attacked by a tigress, and he ended up in intensive care, the professionals were ready to say: “You see, we told you - he won’t cope...” And dad, leaving the hospital, returned to the arena to continue. After dad began to weaken, closer to old age, mom took everything into her own hands and supported the family. Mom became the director of our circus, she is very clever woman, very educated, she greatly raised the team.

    Askold Zapashny. Personal life

    Zapashny's younger brother is married to Helen Zapashnaya (Raichlin), whom they met in Minsk. A mutual friend Andrei invited her to perform at the circus. Askold drew attention to the girl and asked for her phone number. But Helen refused, citing that she had a boyfriend, and the tour performers would leave in a few days. But as a true tiger tamer, Askold did not give up, and now they are raising two daughters Eva and Elsa.

    Askold Zapashny hides his family life from prying eyes. His wedding took place secretly, without much publicity in the press. On the eve of the appointment of Askold Zapashny as the chief artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue, Express Gazeta met with the circus artist’s wife, Helen Zapashny, in her homeland in Israel.

    Home on the shore Mediterranean Sea- Helen Zapashnaya often comes to Haifa. Her parents live here, and she herself is attached to the Holy Land with all her heart. While Askold travels with his brother Edgard on tour, Helen is raising two daughters in Israel - Eva and Elsa.

    Why did you and Askold have secret wedding?

    My parents opposed our relationship. His mother wanted a circus girl in the family. Firstly, she will not throw scandals at them about inconveniences or any hardships; she will go on tour with her husband. But my parents didn’t want Askold: they were afraid that I would quit my studies in Minsk in medical institute.

    Were you a fan of Zapashny’s work? How did you meet Askold?

    I studied in Minsk. Together with friends we came to the performance of the Zapashny brothers. We had a nice evening and that's all. A couple of days later, our mutual friend Andrei calls: “Ellen, a circus performer, Askold, is asking for your phone number.” I thought: who is Askold? I didn’t look at the posters, so I couldn’t tell them apart. I refused my friend: “I have a boyfriend, then the guys will soon go on tour, why do I need this?” The thought was in my head: since he’s famous, it means he’s spoiled by female attention. But Askold did not give up. Andrey called me for a long time: “What are you pretending to be? Such a person wants to call you, and you?!”

    But did you still give me your phone number?

    Yes. I sent my first text message during a lecture at the institute, I smiled so brightly that even the teacher noticed it. It was so nice, even though the message was short: “Hello, this is Askold Zapashny, let’s meet.” We started dating. Our first evening was great. Then Askold didn’t call or write to me for four days. I thought: “Here, so and so. They are all the same". But as it turns out, this is his trick to make a girl fall in love with him. I was all nervous, but he took the time. Not only we girls are cunning, but also guys.

    And so he went on tour...

    Since the guys toured for two months, we used any free time: if it’s night, then it’s night. Of course, I convinced myself that this relationship had no future. And my mother didn’t like the fact that instead of studying, I went on tour with them: Gomel, Bryansk... For two years we corresponded by text messages and talked on the phone.

    What did you say to the guy you were dating?

    I broke up with him. I’m not a sinner, I honestly said at the beginning of our relationship that we have no future. For this he is now grateful to me.

    How did Askold propose? In the arena with tigers?

    First, after three months of dating, he confessed his love. We dreamed of getting married, made plans for the future, thought about children, even though the whole world was against us. I didn’t believe it until the very end, I slowed myself down so as not to completely lose my feelings. Askold had a hard time: persuading me, explaining that our relationship had moved to another stage. And after this conversation we began to call ourselves a couple. Then Askold met my parents in Israel. Everyone was very worried. Askold proposed in Jerusalem in the Holy Land: he gave a ring and said those very important words for a woman. I was so nervous that I didn't even say yes.

    Edgard did not support his brother

    But despite this, you are raising two daughters together...

    December 19th with us wooden wedding. Everything worked out for us because we met as adults who clearly understood what they wanted. After two years of dating, we planned a wedding date. Only my mother flew in, and my mother-in-law Tatyana Vasilievna was on tour. My mother kept telling me until the very end: “Lenochka, come to your senses. Not too late". And I have to go to the registry office tomorrow. I won’t forget the night before the painting: the guys were on a hunt in some city, and Askold’s battery ran out. I’m sitting by the window, waiting for him, it’s night outside. Then mom says: “So you’ll sit by the window: there’s no husband, but you’ll be

    Just sit there and wait for him. Or maybe he wanted to escape..."

    Maybe your mother didn’t like that Askold wasn’t a Jew?

    There were also my relatives who tried to say this...

    They didn’t immediately find Tatyana Vasilievna mutual language?

    His mother was not there, as she was on tour far from Moscow. Immediately after the wedding, I left for Minsk, and Askold went to another city. I didn’t even have a white dress: I put on a suit. I think there is no need for this: many people do gorgeous wedding, and then disperse. And our relationship with Tatyana Vasilievna improved when I got to know her better. Now I’m learning a lot from her and taking advice from her. She is the wisest woman. Tatyana Vasilievna, when she married Walter Mikhailovich, had a hard time: she was not accepted because she was not from a circus family. So, I need to go through all this. Life is a complicated thing. When granddaughter Eva appeared, Tatyana Vasilievna became softer. Now Askold’s family and mine understand that we need to live together peacefully.

    Did Edgard support his brother?

    At first he took the position of his mother. And this fact surprised my brother. Askold once said that Edgard brought a girl into the house and her mother didn’t like her: Edgard took the backpack and left the house. What did Askold do? Left with him. They were young, about 13 years old. Therefore, Askold expected that Edgard would also support him in relation to me. But no. But now we have an excellent relationship: Edgard is our godfather eldest daughter Eve.

    You probably wanted a boy first?

    As Askold says: “We really wanted twin boys, so we have girls the same age.” Of course, I dream of raising a real man. We still have plans, we are trying... And here, if a boy is born, Askold and I have national differences: to circumcise or not. I think that from a hygiene point of view this is correct. But Askold has not given up yet.

    Why do girls have such names?

    Dad chose our names, this is completely his right. A woman bears a child, but the father does not immediately develop this feeling of involvement. My opinion is this: by giving a name to a child, a man understands that he has become a dad. Askold chose the name Eva because it was his first child and a girl. And he accidentally found a name for the youngest Elsa; I wanted Sofia. But my husband and I believe in signs, and if we don’t know whether to take a step or not, then we look for these signs. I remember last days before childbirth. Tatyana Vasilievna was against the name Elsa. He calls and says: “We must call names successful people" We are standing at a traffic light at this moment, it stops truck, and it says “Elsa” in huge letters. We just talked to my mom on the phone and saw this truck. Another coincidence: actress Elizabeth Taylor died on her daughter’s birthday.

    Doesn't bring coffee to bed

    You have been living in Israel for a long time. Do you observe Jewish traditions?

    Of course not. Askold and I modern family. For example, if we want Jewish stuffed fish, then I don’t cook it myself, but order it from a friend.

    How do you divide family responsibilities?

    Most of my girlfriends' husbands do something in the kitchen. And Askold - never. At first I was offended. But Askold once said: “When I see a girl walking and her boyfriend carrying a small handbag, it makes me laugh.” With the advent of my husband, my idea of ​​a real man changed. Let the woman make the hearth and comfort. I accepted the fact that my husband doesn’t know how to cook scrambled eggs and won’t bring coffee to bed.

    Your husband is often on tour, is it difficult without him?

    It's in the past. I try to go on tour with my husband and children. We made a luxurious big bed, but I feel terribly lonely there. I’ve already covered myself in teddy bears, it doesn’t help. I sleep on a small sofa.

    Is your home Russia or Israel? Why doesn't my husband find a job here at the circus?

    Israel does not have its own circus. This, by the way, good idea: create your own troupe. I can say one thing: I cannot live without Israel.