Ksenia Sobchak's husband Maxim Vitorgan. Wooden wedding: what Vitorgan taught Sobchak Ksenia Sobchak's husband Vitorgan

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, who plans to take part in the presidential elections in 2018, gave an interview to reporters. The celebrity spoke frankly about family life with Maxim Vitorgan, raising her son Plato and shared her fears.

According to the journalist, she consults her husband on almost everything, who often dictates his own rules to his wife. Ksenia's fans were quite surprised by her statement. Many are accustomed to treating a star as a very capricious person who knows how to lead people and can sometimes be very demanding and tough. However, at home, among close people, Ksenia behaves differently.

“I'm terribly afraid of my husband. I don't know how he managed to achieve this. Everything happens on its own. In principle, he is not a tough person, but I worry that I am doing something wrong, I always treat him carefully. Of course, this is very funny: in the minds of the majority, I am the head of the family, and my husband is a very gentle person, henpecked. But this is not true at all! Everyone who communicates closely with me knows: we live the way Maxim wants,” said the star.

Sobchak admitted that she does not like to live outside the city because of traffic jams and long distances. However, Vitorgan insisted on settling away from noisy Moscow. The presenter listened to her husband and sold her apartment, which she had previously renovated. Apparently, now the couple periodically stays in a “kopeck piece” on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment, which belonged to Vitorgan’s mother. Just recently, celebrities finished furnishing it.

“In everyday life I am an obedient wife, gentle girl, I accept everything, do as he wants. This applies to a lot of things: rest, children, upbringing, behavior. If my husband doesn’t like how I dress, what I say, or where I speak, I immediately correct myself. I have to always look back at him,” Ksenia shared.

According to the star, she accepts her husband with all his shortcomings. “Although he can be meticulous with me, he starts asking a lot of auxiliary questions - and this is very difficult,” Ksenia said, noting that she does not always have answers for her husband.

The TV personality says that she is not interested in parties, does not go to discos and is not aware of what fashionable restaurants have opened. The maximum that Ksenia can afford at the next party is one glass of champagne. Previously, the presenter put work above all else, but now she is in a hurry home to sit with her son. “I am in internal suffering: on the one hand, I am with Plato, on the other, I understand the importance of this mission that I have today,” noted Ksenia. According to the star, she and Maxim try to talk to the baby like an adult.

“Of course, I want to cuddle my son and lisp, but I hold on, I don’t allow myself to do this. I don’t know who he will become, I’ll try very hard not to make a choice for him. I hope he doesn't have to run for president. Although it’s not for me to decide, we have democracy in our family,” Sobchak said.

During the conversation with journalists, we talked about Ksenia’s decision to take part in the presidential elections. The star does not hide the fact that he fears an attempt on his life. In connection with recent high-profile events, in particular, the attack on a journalist from the Ekho Moskvy radio station, Sobchak has strengthened her personal security, Lenta.ru reports.

Maxim Vitorgan left short statement regarding the hysteria that arose after Ksenia Sobchak announced her decision to run for president, on her official page on social media Facebook networks. The popular actor made it clear to the public that he doesn’t care much about this, that he has a much more important event in his life. Thus, the artist separated himself from his wife.


“Well, n***. The phone got hot in 5 minutes. Don’t call me for comments. Ksenia and I have different agendas. Today is my farewell day with Dima Maryanov. This makes a strong emotional impression on me. And it seems to me much more important event today. “Everything else is vanity and trifles,” Vitorgan said. At the same time, the popular actor promised “sometime later” to speak out about his wife’s decision.

However, others did it for him. Eg, socialite, blogger, journalist Bozena Rynska in the same social network turned out to be very categorical in her judgments. She called Ksenia Sobchak a reptile and a creature. According to Bozhena, the TV blonde did “a lot of dirty tricks.” “Not even the second, but the first secular girl in Moscow can tell stories about Ksenina’s meanness. But probably everyone except me will piss again,” Rynska wrote.

A Russian politician Irina Khakamada, who participated in the 2004 presidential elections, is sure that no one believes in Sobchak’s victory. “If she were an experienced politician, that would be a different story. As I understand it, she wants to stage a farce in such a provocative form,” said Irina Khakamada. At the same time, the politician expressed the idea that Ksenia is able to attract young people in these elections. Also, in her opinion, Sobchak should pin her hopes on regional voters.

Note that TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak is not yet official candidate for the post of President of Russia. Rumors about her nomination for the post of head of state appeared in early September.

“On the verge of divorce,” say psychics, adding that this breakup will be louder. What to expect from perhaps the most eccentric celebrity couple.

When in 2013 they presented the public with a fait accompli - congratulations, we are married - few took it seriously. The most popular girl in the country with a solid background high-profile novels and he is an actor with two divorces under his belt. Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan seemed not just different, but people from parallel universes. For the fifth year now, Ksenia and Maxim have been proving that they passed the compatibility test successfully.

“If you ask, I will leave you an apartment”

Bookmakers began accepting bets on the divorce of Sobchak and Vitorgan from the very first days of their family life. Being a master of provocations, Ksenia herself was not averse to adding fuel to the fire. And in one of the first interviews, she immediately dotted the i's. To Vitorgan’s playful question about the division of property after a divorce, she answered: “If you ask, I will leave you an apartment.” And she honestly promised not to use the possible separation for PR purposes, not to give a single interview about this and not to publish sad posts on Instagram.

Family life changed both of them. Friends of the star couple note that under the influence of the always calm Maxim, Ksenia became kinder and softer towards others. Vitorgan himself, from a “modest artist”, became the star that everyone is talking about. However, the fame that he gained “together with his wife” is still difficult for him.

And, often, it even becomes the cause of family squabbles. The fact is that Vitorgan is a straightforward person. He will neither communicate nor greet a person if he is not pleasant to him. Which, of course, offends Ksenia. After all, almost all of Maxim’s important informants are like this. “I am learning to be silent meaningfully. - Vitorgan admits. “True, my wife says that I’m a scoundrel, because my weight is always clear from my facial expression.”

However, Vitorgan has his own, disarming approach to his wife.

A man should not compete with a woman in anything, says Maxim. “He should put her on a pedestal.” And let her stand there, on a pedestal, so beautiful, clean, well-groomed. This doesn’t change anything in life, but the knowledge that she is on a pedestal is very important for a woman.”

Ksenia herself has a different opinion on this matter. And she is ready to forgive her husband everything not for concessions. And for his attitude towards their son Plato.

Ksenia Sobchak - “You cannot admit to cheating on your husband”

By the way, the motherhood of the former “chocolate blonde” also managed to make a lot of noise. There were rumors in circles that Ksenia gave birth to her son not from her husband, but from the husband of one famous singer. In support, they cited the facts that the baby is completely different from the dad and that Sobchak herself officially has a free hand when it comes to cheating. What she herself admitted in one of her interviews: “Firstly, you should never admit to cheating on your husband. And vice versa, he taught me this too. He says: “If someday, somewhere, you cheat on me, then please don’t tell me anything. I say: “What, just like that?” He told me: “Yes, just like that, don’t talk, lie to the last.” Here I even have an indulgence..."

Spiteful critics, however, had to wipe their noses. Plato really became... an exact copy grandfathers. Ksenia Sobchak’s mother Lyudmila Narusova told reporters about this. “He’s at an age when a child changes very quickly. There's nothing in it from me yet. Plato took a lot from his grandfather, Emmanuel Gedeonovich Vitorgan. “In general, the grandson is growing up, making us and his parents happy.” — the former senator shared.

Ksenia and Maxim try not to abuse the help of their grandparents and cope with the baby themselves. Thanks to his parents, Plato, who will turn one in November, has become a real traveler and athlete. The stars regularly share their son’s successes on their social network. Passion to physical exercise in the Sobchak-Vitorgan family it’s now family. With diets and workouts, Ksenia is struggling with the kilograms remaining after childbirth. And Vitorgan himself, over the years of family life, has turned into a fit and prominent man: “The situation young father obliges..."

“With the birth of a child, a scale appears on which you can clearly see how time passes. - Maxim argues. “My son will only be 10 years old, and I will already be 54. And when he graduates from school, I will be 60. And this confuses me.” They say that Sobchak and Vitorgan are already thinking about having a second child. If Vitorgan and Sobchak don’t divorce, of course...

Three years ago, the news that Ksenia Sobchak married Maxim Vitorgan surprised not only the public, but also the couple’s closest friends. Few believed that this marriage would last at least a few months. Even friends of the newlyweds were sure that very soon information would appear in the media that Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak had divorced. But the fourth year has passed, and the couple are still together, and even skeptics believed that this union would last.

The wedding of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan was a big surprise for everyone

On February 1, 2013, Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan invited their relatives and friends to the Fitil cinema under the pretext of the premiere of the next film in which the actor took part. The guests, unaware of the trick, did not even prepare wedding gifts.

The TV presenter even planned to inform her mother Lyudmila Narusova about the joyful event only on her wedding day. Ksenia later said in an interview:

Exit to Ksenia's hall wedding dress and the veil from Ulyana Sergeenko, many took it as a joke.

When the couple announced that those present were at their wedding, the guests for some time could not believe what was happening.

Ksenia Sobchak's husband Maxim Vitorgan: wives, divorces, children

If for ten years Ksenia Sobchak did not leave the TV screens, often finding herself the heroine of scandalous stories, then not too much was known about her chosen one: the son of actor Emmanuel Vitorgan, a theater actor.

Maxim's fame was brought to him by films shot in company with Quartet I.

His marriage to Ksenia Sobchak aroused increased interest in the biography of Maxim Vitorgan - the public was interested not only in his work, but also in his personal life before meeting the popular “glamorous blonde.”

The first wife of Maxim Vitorgan was the Youth Theater actress Victoria Verberg.

From this marriage, Maxim Vitorgan has two children - daughter Polina and son Daniil. At the same time, Polina Vitorgan is already an independent adult girl who decided to follow in her parents’ footsteps and continue the acting family dynasty.

Despite the difficult separation, Victoria Verberg and Maxim Vitorgan now support a good relationship. Moreover, Victoria communicates well with his new wife. In the year when the wedding of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan took place, they, together with the actor’s first wife and children, vacationed in Jurmala.

In 2008, the actor married a girl named Natalya. Maxim Vitorgan’s second wife worked as a marketer and had nothing to do with show business. This marriage did not last long, and the couple separated without mutual grievances or complaints.

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan: latest news, rumors and scandals

No one expected that after marriage, the “blonde in chocolate,” as Ksenia was once called, would settle down and turn into a domestic mother hen in a robe and with a rolling pin in her hands.

Of course, Ksenia’s character has not changed, but the celebrity’s relatives and friends noticed that some fundamental changes in Sobchak’s life did occur. And Ksenia herself openly admits that she likes to change, taking into account her husband’s opinion:

A new reality has arrived for me. I am changing, now “we” have appeared, and I should not remain the hooligan that I was before. Here Maxim is smarter than me, as it should be in a family. And I am a fool woman.

After the lapse of three years Since the wedding, information has increasingly appeared in the media that Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan are expecting a child. As soon as Ksenia overeats a little or puts on a loose dress, rumors about the TV star’s pregnancy spread at the speed of light throughout all media.

Ksenia Sobchak actively runs her Instagram, where her subscribers discuss last news about the life of a star. Of course, conversations on the topic “Child of Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan” remain popular among the journalist’s followers.

The topic of children is controversial for Ksenia Sobchak. The TV presenter often allowed herself scandalous statements regarding her children. So, soon after her wedding with Maxim Vitorgan, Ksenia found herself at the center of another scandal. A recording of a telephone conversation has appeared on the Internet in which Ksenia calls the neighbor’s children “little bastards” and promises to organize discos during quiet hours. At the same time, the socialite said that she does not believe that children constitute her happiness at all, and therefore does not want to have them.