Mark Zuckerberg: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Mark Zuckerberg - biography, photo, personal life: founder of the Facebook network Mark Zuckerberg biography success story

Mark Eliot Zuckerberg is a young programmer who managed to make a decent fortune from his hobby. He managed to find a place for literally everything: career, love and conscious fatherhood.

Zuckerberg is known throughout the world as a programmer, an entrepreneur who makes money from computer technologies, and a renowned philanthropist. At the same time, the billionaire became famous thanks to the social network Facebook he created with his own hands.

An interesting fact is that millions of Facebook users do not know why its interface is colored Blue colour. The fact is that Mark Zuckerberg simply cannot distinguish between half the colors, but the color of the sky is the main one in the palette young man.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mark Zuckerberg

The youngest businessman, computer scientist and hacker in the world has always attracted the attention of the public, who were eager to find out what the guy’s height, weight, and age were. How old is Mark Zuckerberg is, of course, a pretty easy question, because this information is publicly available.

It is worth noting that the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, was born in 1984, so his age was thirty-three years old. At the same time, the zodiac sign - Taurus - gave Mark such character traits as hard work, patience, endurance, calmness, practicality, stability, and intelligence.

Eastern horoscope gave Zuckerberg the sign of the sociable, lucky, charming, resourceful, intuitive, talkative Rat.

Mark Zuckerberg's height is one meter and sixty-six centimeters, and the computer genius's weight is eighty-four kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

The biography and personal life of Mark Zuckerberg are simply unique, they are incredibly similar to the strange fairy tale. Mark Eliot Zuckerberg was born in the American town of White Plains, located near New York.

Already at the age of ten, the boy not only did well at school, but also independently understood a programming language such as Atari BASIC. At the same time, Mark practically could not draw, so he created computer games using graphics provided by friends.

At the age of twelve, the guy created a home social network that allowed members of the Zuckerberg family to communicate. After graduating from junior school, he went to a boarding school for future programmers, Phillips Exeter Academy. Before leaving it, Mark wrote thesis, which Microsoft decided to buy from the young genius for two million dollars. Employees of the mega-giant offered the guy to become their employee, even before he graduated from school, but he proudly refused.

The guy received higher education at Harvard, but it was related to psychology. It was with the light hand of Mark that the University created the CourseMatch program, which allows you to exchange knowledge on certain academic disciplines.

By the way, Mark was an excellent hacker, as he repeatedly hacked databases, including those of his native university. This was done in order to launch a project through which you could vote for one of the students, while Facemash was created in order to make Harvard more transparent.

Based on the above program, the Facebook project was created in collaboration with Hughes, Moskowitz and Saverin, which was supposed to unite people all over the world. It was created in a week and gained popularity in a matter of days as students from other US campuses joined in.

The guy left his studies and invested money for his studies in the development of a social network; already in 2004 he became the CEO of his own company, Facebook. Mark found investors and continued to develop the capabilities of his project.

Since 2015, Zuckerberg has managed to become the richest and most popular businessman in the world, whose age does not exceed forty years.

Mark's personal life was incredibly boring, because he was head over heels in love with programming, which left no time for love or romance with girls. The guy did not like to attend parties and meet representatives of the fairer sex. It just so happened that Priscilla became Zuckerberg's first girlfriend, love and wife.

Family and children of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's family and children are very unusual; they are used to constantly supporting each other. Little Mark Eliot was born into a family of doctors, and these were not just doctors, but a whole medical dynasty. The Zuckerberg family had many children, was devout, they observed all the ancient Jewish traditions and raised their children in strictness.

The guy's ancestry was a complex interweaving of various nationalities, including Poles, Jews, Germans, and Austrians. Mark is the second child and the only boy in the family.

Father: Edward Zuckerberg– had a private dental practice until 2012. It was his father who discovered ten-year-old Mark’s inclination towards computer graphics and programming. He gave the boy his first personal computer, and he himself demonstrated what exactly could be done with it.

Soon the father and elder sister they realized how much the little prodigy had surpassed them in computer literacy and could no longer compete with him in this area.

Mom - Karen Zuckerberg– worked as a qualified psychiatrist.

Mark had three more sisters growing up, who were his most best friends. It was Randy, Ariel and Donna who supported their older brother in all his endeavors and were happy for him.

Mark Zuckerberg's children are his joy and pride. While the programmer has a two-year-old daughter growing up, it was recently announced on a social network that Priscilla is pregnant again.

Mark claims that the ultrasound showed that another daughter was about to be born. Zuckerberg said he was ready to go to work for the sake of the baby. maternity leave. At the same time, he posted his photographs and childhood photographs of his wife and sisters on Facebook, pointing out that having a loved one is a great happiness.

Mark is madly worried only about the fact that his beloved Priscilla will again give birth to a baby as difficult as her first daughter.

Daughter of Mark Zuckerberg - Maxima Chan Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's daughter, Maxima Chan Zuckerberg, is a long-awaited and beloved girl who was born in 2015. The happy dad announced the birth of his beloved princess through his own social network Facebook.

Maxima is a long-awaited baby, as she gave birth after three miscarriages from her mother. After the birth of the baby, Mark and Priscilla began to develop her in every possible way, using innovative developments.

Mark loves to tinker with the girl, constantly posting his innovative ideas online that help make life easier for parents. He constantly dresses Maxima as characters from his favorite TV series, which have finally appeared in theaters.

The girl is taught to swim from infancy, she loves animals, and especially her dog Bist. The baby's first word was “dog.”

Daughter of Mark Zuckerberg - Augusta Chan Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's daughter, Augusta Chan Zuckerberg, was born at the end of August 2017. One of the richest businessmen in the world traditionally announced the birth of another princess through his social network, specifying that he welcomes the baby and is already thinking about her future, which will be bright.

Mom and baby feel great, and their star dad is already planning to go on maternity leave a couple of times - in September and December. He plans to take care of little Augusta on his own while his Priscilla gains strength after giving birth.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife - Priscilla Chan

Mark Zuckerberg's wife, Priscilla Chan, appeared in the guy's life absolutely by accident, since he did not intend to fall in love or start a family. At the same time, in 2002, in line in toilet room At Harvard University, after a party, Mark met Priscilla.

The girl appreciated the guy’s computer humor and believed that he could create his own social network. Priscilla never demanded decisive action from Mark, so she was very happy when the guy proposed marriage to her in 2012.

This event was timed to coincide with the day when Facebook shares began to break all records on the stock exchange. The most interesting thing is that after five months of preparation, the wedding took place in the backyard of the house.

Priscilla Chan graduated from Harvard as a pediatrician, translator, and physician. The woman devotes a lot of time and effort to charity aimed at the development of medicine and pedagogy.

Mark Zuckerberg was born in one of the largest cities in the world - New York. The boy grew up in big family: In addition to his mother, who was a psychiatrist, and his father, who worked as a dentist, he was surrounded by three sisters as a child. He became involved with technological progress already while studying in elementary school and was fascinated by programming. He was able to devote as much time as possible to his main hobby after the appearance of the first computer - this happened when he was a sixth grader. Soon he managed to independently create a computer game, and then an entire program for recognizing the musical tastes and preferences of listeners.

Microsoft offered Mark $2 million for this invention, but the young man refused the reward. In addition to programming, Zuckerberg managed to practice fencing and master ancient languages, in which he showed serious interest. Mark received his higher education at the prestigious Harvard, where he entered in 2002.

Facebook founder career

During his years at the university, Mark gained serious popularity due to a random idea - he created a website on which he posted photographs of Harvard students and made it possible to vote for those he liked. In a matter of hours, the number of visitors to the site increased by hundreds, and soon among the registered users there were not only students from Harvard, but also Stanford and Yale. This is how the prototype of the world famous social network Facebook emerged, which was launched on February 4, 2004.

However, Mark also had ill-wishers, they were Divya Naredra and the Winklevoss twins, who initially put forward ideas to the university leadership about the possibility of additional communication between Harvard students. Zuckerberg was supposed to be involved in programming the future site, but it was never possible to implement the idea with such a composition. Therefore, after creation Facebook Mark and was accused of stealing other people's plans, but he categorically denied this, because the ideas about the social network were vague and unclear. Only he himself succeeded in the right way bring them to life.

For further development project, which was not long in coming, Zuckerberg needed additional cash investments. We managed to get them again completely by accident - the famous programmer Sean Parker introduced Mark to successful businessman Peter Thiels, who decided to invest $500 thousand in Facebook. From then on, Mark began to focus exclusively on his social network and improve it, he even quit studying at Harvard for this. The success of Facebook after Thiels' help was obvious: already in the year of its creation it counted more than 1 million people as users. Zuckerberg earned $1.5 billion from this popular site, making him the youngest billionaire in the history of mankind.

In 2010, Mark became “person of 2010” according to the American Time magazine.

Personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

He spends most of his time working on Facebook. But also romantic relationship present in his life - since 2002, he dated Priscilla Chan, whom he met while studying at Harvard. On May 19, 2012, Mark took .

They managed to surprise everyone they knew with their decision to get married and first announced to their loved ones that they were going to celebrate Priscilla receiving her doctorate in medicine. As soon as the guests arrived at their house, it was announced to them that in fact a wedding would take place here.

Photo: GettyImages/

Mark Zuckerberg is a young but brilliant programmer who managed to earn good money from his hobby. He was able to realize himself in all aspects of life: he made a career, found love and consciously became a father.

This man is world famous as a programmer and businessman who made a decent fortune for himself in digital technologies. He is also involved in charity work. In addition, this rich man became famous because he created Facebook.

Height, weight, age. How old is Mark Zuckerberg

Mark boasts the title of the youngest programmer and businessman in the world. He almost always attracted attention. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are people who are interested in him. Including his height, weight, age. It’s easy to answer how old Mark Zuckerberg is - he is 34. Note that this man’s height is relatively short - only 166 centimeters. And Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg weighs 84 kilograms.

This man himself is very charming and resourceful. In addition, judging by Mark's fate, he has good luck and very good intuition. Also, Zuckerberg is a very sociable person, which is why he has many friends. If you want to compare photos of Mark Zuckerberg in his youth and now, you are unlikely to notice a significant difference, because he is still young.

Biography and personal life of Mark Zuckerberg

The biography and personal life of Mark Zuckerberg are too reminiscent of some incredible fairy tale. Full name his name is Mark Eliot, and he was born in the States, in the town of White Plains, on the outskirts of the capital.

Father - Edward Zuckerberg - worked as a private dentist. And her mother, Karen Zuckerberg, was an experienced and highly qualified psychiatrist.

The guy also has an older and two younger sisters - Randy, Ariel and Donna. The guy had the warmest relationship with them. They were and remain the best friends of this computer genius. The sisters always supported Mark in everything and shared his joys and experiences.

When the boy was 10 years old, his father recognized his son's talent for programming. He gave Mark his first computer and showed him what could be done with such technology. Around the same age, Mark, who, by the way, was an excellent student at school, was able on our own figure it out computer language Atari BASIC. At the very beginning, little Zuckerberg tried to develop computer games. He himself was a poor drawer, so his friends provided him with graphics.

At the age of 12, the boy was able to design a social network that worked within the home. And all family members communicated in it. After graduating from elementary school, the boy went to a kind of boarding school for future computer scientists. Shortly before graduation, Mark created a work as a diploma, which was eventually bought by the world famous Microsoft company. The giant company valued the work at a couple of million dollars. Representatives of the digital corporation offered the boy to become their employee, but Mark refused even after he graduated from school.

The young genius received his higher education in psychology at Harvard University. It is impossible not to mention that it was thanks to Zuckerberg’s work that a special CourseMatch program appeared at the university, which made it possible to exchange knowledge on specific academic subjects.

Among other things, as, in general, it should be computer genius, Mark was a cool hacker, and hacked into computer databases more than once. Including university ones. This was done to promote the Facemash project.

It is interesting that the Facebook social network project was created on the basis of the same Facemash. In this matter, Mark needed the help of Moskvits, Hughes and Saverin. The project was ready within a week, and became popular within a few days, because many students from all over America quickly joined it.

Ultimately, Zuckerberg dropped out of university and invested the funds he had saved for his studies into his own project. Thus, in 2004, he became the creator and main director of his own company, Facebook. But he didn't stop there. Having found investors, Mark continued to develop the project. Eleven years later, the young genius was able to become the most famous and richest young businessman in the world.

He had no personal life. His only love was programming, which simply did not leave any chance of starting a real romance. The guy didn’t like going to parties or meeting people. He met his wife completely by accident, and is happy with her to this day.

Family and children of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's family and children are very friendly with each other. Mark became one of the heirs of the medical dynasty. Zuckerberg's parents have four children, the family is very religious and observes ancient Jewish traditions. Therefore, all children were brought up in strictness.

Let us note right away that this guy’s pedigree has more than enough different nationalities. Among them are not only Jews, but also Poles and even Austrians. Mark is their only son.

And Zuckerberg’s daughters are his real pride. His eldest baby is only three years old, and his youngest is not even a year old. For the sake of the latter, he even went on maternity leave. And he often shares pictures of his family and his beloved girls – his wife and daughters – on his Facebook profile.

Daughter of Mark Zuckerberg - Maxima Chan Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's daughter, Maxima Chan Zuckerberg, is the first child that his wife gave birth to to the computer genius in 2015. Joyful Mark immediately announced this joyful event on his Facebook page.

Maxima is an adored and very long-awaited child. After all, before this, Zuckerberg’s wife, Priscilla, had three miscarriages in a row. Therefore, the parents took on the upbringing and development of the baby with special zeal.

A happy father loves to fuss with his daughter, gives gifts, and tries to spend more time with his little princess. The girl loves animals very much. It’s interesting that the first word she said was not “dad” or “mom,” but “dog.”

Daughter of Mark Zuckerberg - Augusta Chan Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg's daughter - Augusta Chan Zuckerberg for a couple of years younger than sister, and she was born at the end of summer. Traditionally, the millionaire spoke about the birth of another daughter through his own social network profile, with a note that he had already thought about her future.

At the beginning of autumn and winter, as the brilliant programmer claimed, he went on a kind of paternal maternity leave to help his wife recover from childbirth, which, it should be noted, was not very easy, just like the first time when Priscilla gave birth to Maxima. But everything ended well and now Zuckerberg already has two little princesses in whom he dotes.

Mark Zuckerberg's wife - Priscilla Chan

Mark Zuckerberg's wife, Priscilla Chan, became the love of his life. Although, as the businessman himself said, initially he had absolutely no intention of starting a family or even just starting a relationship. They met in 2002, at Harvard University, after one of the student parties.

The girl believed in Mark and was sure that he would be able to design his own social network. They dated for ten years before Mark proposed to his beloved. It took almost six months to prepare the wedding ceremony.

Priscilla graduated from Harvard University, graduating as a pediatrician and translator.

“The most important thing in business is to concentrate on creating something important enough. Working on what you would like to use yourself is the main task.”

Mark Zuckerberg

According to Forbes ratings in 2015, Mark Zuckerberg's fortune amounted to 33.4 billion US dollars, which is 4.9 billion US dollars. more than in the previous year. Everyone knows his name. Founder of the social network Facebook, young billionaire. What is his secret?

Talent? Luck? Or hard work? What helped the founder of the world-famous social network achieve such heights? Let's figure it out...

The life of a millionaire is somewhat reminiscent of a Hollywood movie. And in some places it’s hard to believe that his story is real.

Mark Zuckerberg - American programmer and entrepreneur. Together with his roommates at Harvard University - Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Makowitz and Chris Naget - he launched the social network Facebook, which became the largest social network in the world.

  • Years in the family

The future genius was born into a very prosperous Jewish family in New York. At the age of 10, he and his parents realized what their son wanted to do in the future - programming. It was at this age that little Mark received his first computer, from which he practically never left, like all his peers at that time. The only thing that distinguished him from his comrades was his love and special interest in programming. Soon he began to read specialized literature; his serious hobby attracted him to the creation of a program with which he could exchange messages. Programming for him is like creativity for an artist.

While still in school, the billionaire and a friend wrote a program for the MP3 player Winamp, which allowed the computer to analyze musical preferences and independently create playlists that were ideal for it. Microsoft wanted to buy it for $2 million. But Mark Zuckerberg said that the “miracle of music” is not for sale and made it publicly available.

Surprisingly, with such enthusiasm, Zuckerberg found time for other activities: he understood mathematics and natural sciences very well. He took up fencing with enthusiasm. I immersed myself in antiquity and studied ancient languages. Once I spent three months of school holidays at a summer school taking ancient Greek language courses. True, I changed my mind about enrolling in the corresponding department, but I retained the ability to read and write in both classical languages. And at the university I chose a rather unexpected direction - psychology.

When Zuckerberg studied at the university, there was no database with photographs of students and information about them. Although this was practiced in other educational institutions.

He hacked the university database and created a website where almost everyone could appreciate the beauty local girls. This idea interested the students. And soon the server crashed due to the number of visits. University management reprimanded Mark Zuckerberg. Within a few hours, it was visited by half a thousand users. University officials quickly backed down.

After creating a social network that facilitated communication between students, first at Harvard, then at others educational institutions. But the creation was not smooth. On the contrary, he was dragged through the courts by two brothers who studied with him. The brothers claimed that Mark simply stole their idea. This is partly true. They invited him as a programmer to create a similar project.

The brothers did not win a single lawsuit, but received compensation in the form of 45 million dollars. USA in 2009.

Facebook has become popular among students mainly because of its convenience. They could organize themselves into groups, courses and parties that already existed offline at universities. They were asked to post photographs and any information about themselves - from scientific and creative interests to gastronomic and love preferences.
Zuckerberg's company sees two fundamental differences Facebook from other social networks. Firstly, here real people they are really looking for existing people. Secondly, on Facebook you yourself determine which user groups have access to your information - only classmates or all campus residents, only fellow countrymen or, say, all fans of Pushkin’s work. Many users like the intuitive interface.

A film was made about Zuckerberg and the history of his creation in 2010 called “ Social network».

A little interesting facts about Mark Zuckerberg (instead of a conclusion):

  • Born into a family of doctors, he chose programming. Zuckerberg's parents were a dentist and a psychiatrist and he has 3 sisters. He did not follow the path of his parents and chose computers. He started programming as a child.
  • Mark confuses green and red. This means that it distinguishes blue colors best. It is not surprising that it is made in this color.
  • He dropped out of Harvard to pursue his dream.. At first the social network was called Thefacebook. Zuckerberg developed a website for students to communicate with each other. Then he moved to California and found an investor for his project. He bought in 2005.
  • The 2010 film The Social Network is a metaphor. It begins with the phrase “You won’t find 500 million friends without making a few enemies.” The film shows an unflattering side of Zuckerberg. When he won 4 Golden Globes in 2011, the producer thanked Mark for allowing him to use his life and work as a metaphor. Through it, the director depicted the ways people communicate with each other.
  • Zuckerberg has had several legal battles. He became a billionaire at the age of 23. He was accused of intellectual theft, blasphemy and failure to defend the contract.
  • He sets himself goals to improve each year. Every year, the founder of Facebook sets himself new challenge. For example, in 2009, he wore a tie to work every day. In 2010, I learned Mandarin. In 2012, he wrote code every day. In 2014, he set himself the goal of writing one thank you note every day by email or regular mail.
  • In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates and Warren Buffett signed an agreement, the main point of which was donate at least half of your wealth to charity.
  • He wears a gray T-shirt with the Facebook logo almost every day. He explains this by saying that he is very busy and it saves him time in the morning.
  • If you type @ in the Facebook comment box and press enter, his name will appear.

Some life principles, learned from Mark Zuckerberg, can inspire you to achieve your own goals. This is a great example successful person who achieved high results following his dream.

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Today, a very large team consisting of developers, programmers, marketers and other specialists is working on improving Facebook. However, only the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, became the idol of youth and one of the most unusual businessmen of our time. They write and talk about him, discuss him and admire him. This man made the world a little different, and that in itself is an achievement.

How it all began

Born into a family of doctors (father is a dentist, mother is a psychiatrist), Mark, it seems, was supposed to follow in the footsteps of his parents. But talking about medicine was not interesting to him, but working with computers gave the future billionaire great pleasure. It is worth noting that a huge role in future fate Mark was played by his father. He bought him his first computer, taught him the Atari BASIC programming language, and even hired a tutor. The son did not disappoint his father - Zuckerberg created several computer games, as well as a kind of messenger, ambitiously called “ZuckNet”. But the most serious project at that time was the Synapse program - a music player capable of analyzing the user’s musical preferences and offering him an individual playlist. AOL and Microsoft showed interest in the program, but the far-sighted Mark refused the, by the way, very tempting offers.

Talent in everything

Future CEO of Facebook Inc. I have always been an extremely enthusiastic and versatile person. He enjoyed learning new languages ​​and studying natural sciences. Moreover, Zuckerberg was the captain of the fencing team at school. And the choice higher education and completely surprised his loved ones. The programmer decided to enroll at Harvard to study... psychology! And, of course, I did. But the young man did not forget about programming. It was during his student years that Zuckerberg created his landmark project – Facebook. After this, the programmer began a completely different life.


When talking about Mark's achievements, it is foolish to limit ourselves to financial data. This man did much more - he created jobs, took part in charity events and brought communication to new level. That is why its appearance in numerous rankings is not surprising. It is quite natural that The Times named the creator of Facebook Person of the Year, and Forbes included him in the list of the richest people in the world. Indeed, it is necessary to note the business talent of the young programmer. He is not just a “techie” creating an IT product. He skillfully manages finances, increasing his fortune every day.

Happy Mark and family life. His chosen one was Priscilla, an old friend and simply a wonderful girl who always supported the programmer. The couple met at Harvard, at a time when almost no one knew about Zuckerberg. Today, the married couple rarely appears in public, preferring to spend time in each other’s company.

And in general, it’s worth noting Mark’s modesty. He is often invited to interviews and TV shows, but the shy billionaire often refuses. After all, he is a man of action and devotes most of his time to his work. Behavior worthy of a humble talent, which Mark Zuckerberg certainly is.