Sober Lifestyle – The Right Choice! I like to lead a sober lifestyle in a drunken world.

The benefits of sober living. So, dear friends, in this article I will tell you about the benefits that we will receive by being, living soberly and consciously.

I would like to say right away that I will not talk about the dangers of drinking, as some figures often like to do.

Of course, all this is important and correct, but here I will just give 5 arguments why a sober life is still much better than endless drinking on holidays, and just like that.

I would also like to emphasize that I myself have not been drinking for almost a year, and I am unlikely to start doing so in the future. We can never be sure of anything - that's a fact.

However, when you really realize the benefits that life gives you cool head– you stop wanting to go into a drunken stupor again.

Moreover, you begin to look with regret at those people who have not yet realized this.

But enough water, let's get down to business. Now I will list 5 advantages of a sober life, and you will understand why alcohol is not only harmful and toxic substance, but also an inhibitory factor to any achievement in life.

Be it doing what you love, family harmony or financial independence.

So, here we go:

The most banal plus, which I won’t dwell on for long, because you all know it very well. You stay healthier, hangover-free, and have a much lower risk of getting yourself serious illnesses in the future. This allows you to live a much healthier and more productive life.

Mindfulness. You do not avoid reality, but accept it. And if you have any difficulties, your brain will always look for solutions.

Of course, you can go into other oblivions, like games and other drugs, but if we talk exclusively about alcohol, then you will always slowly move forward.

But if you have another glass waiting for you every evening, then you won’t need anything else. And it's sad.

You always communicate only in good company. Judge for yourself, if you like to drink heavily, then your surroundings will be the same - drinking buddies and even hardened alcoholics.

And this always increases the risk of various fights, crimes and even violent death. Do you need it? It's up to you to decide.

Sincerity. Although they say, “What’s on a sober person’s mind is on a drunken person’s tongue,” but I think a little differently. Imagine that you are sitting in your company and having a drink. It doesn't matter how much you drink, because that's not what we're talking about now.

Most likely, you will be praised a lot and told how much they respect you. A familiar situation, isn't it?

Moreover, if at this moment you ask this person to repeat everything to him sober, he may even be offended and say: “Yes, I’ll repeat everything to you at any moment, am I really drunk or something?!”

The problem is that he is unlikely to repeat this when he gets a good night's sleep. Because, having sobered up, this person will have completely different thoughts, namely, how to get rid of a hangover as quickly as possible. What kind of respect is there...

That is, we have understood that a person in a state of alcoholic euphoria will tell you completely insincere words.

It may be true, but if he cannot repeat to you what he said sober, then it all seems strange to me, to put it mildly.

Yes, there are shy people, but who is stopping them from changing? Of course, they are hampered by fears, which are most easily doused with a glass or two.

Self-respect. Drunk people do not respect themselves, especially when they are sober.

If you remind them about drinking with a hint of reproach, they will quickly move away from the topic, because they hate themselves so much that they will quickly want to get drunk in order to at least temporarily fall in love with their traumatized EGO.

A sober person, even if he doesn’t like himself, in terms of personality or figure, he will always work on it.

Even if he doesn’t want to, he will still sooner or later understand that life does not stand still, but he needs to enjoy something. Of course, not from alcohol.

Of course, this is not the entire list, and it is unlikely that people will suddenly stop drinking based on this text. I didn’t have the task of making people reconsider their attitude towards drinking, even on holidays, even at any time.

I just wanted to show you that by living sober, you get much more out of life than if you drank alcohol.

After all, in essence, people drink for three reasons: the availability of booze, the belief that alcohol gives them something and, of course, physical dependence.

Everything else is reasons that people come up with on their own in order to somehow justify themselves. Once you understand this, you will rethink many things for the rest of your life.

And all I can do is wish you awareness and health, and, of course, enjoyment of the colors of life, looking at them with clear, sober eyes!

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Christ is Risen!

And at the end of the night service, people in slippers on their bare feet arrived from somewhere from the cemetery. And they fell in an uneven row under the icons. And the priest looked at them carefully, but did not say anything to them. And they walked away with a drunken gait into the cemetery fog and disappeared into it. How they weren't there.

From the Facebook page of a parishioner of the St. Sergius Church in the village of Trubino

Just as they came from the cemetery, they left

On Easter there are quite a lot of drunk people around and inside the temple. This year, after the end of the festive service, a group of well-drunk people wearing slippers on their bare feet appeared in our church. They appeared from the direction of the cemetery. I must admit, they behaved very calmly in the temple. One of the women gathered the rest, the most active ones, and gave out instructions on where to put which candle, where which icon. She even tried to give a theological justification for Easter in a language that only they could understand. But, nevertheless, they came, lit candles and also left completely calmly. As they came from the cemetery, they left. In general, everything here was very independent, because the procession was led by a leader. It was organized group prayer books. I don’t even remember if they approached me.

I watched them but of great importance I didn’t appreciate such a visit. This is such a familiar picture from the 90s-2000s. I remember how people gathered in advance to one of the rural churches, where it is quite difficult to get to and takes a long time to walk. They took alcohol and barbecue with them, and by the time of the religious procession they were already approaching, tenderly supporting each other, because coordination was severely impaired due to alcohol intake. Pass on Easter procession- means fulfilling your main duty as a baptized person - this was believed before, and even now. The only thing is that every year there are fewer drunk people, alcoholic romanticism is disappearing, but, nevertheless, they, of course, appear.

Or this is the case of past years, parishioners said. On Easter, again, when I walked around the church shouting, a joyful, drunk man kept gently tugging me by the vestment and shouting every time: ah, father, well done! I really don't remember this. But he didn’t tear his vestments, did he? Didn't vomit. Well, good. That is, the person completely received some kind of consolation.

Often a person in this state expects to be treated like a child. An adult, burdened with education and everyday responsibilities, expects that they will show him leniency, scold him somewhere, but in general they will be caring and friendly.

And even if a person is restless, but does not encounter retaliatory aggression, he most often calms down. Because after all, the argument that he is in a sacred place, holy, is perceived. Well, of course, if not completely, so to speak, passed out.

It's good that you came

There are always fears, because a person in a state of altered consciousness is unpredictable. Especially if it's a whole group of people. In such a situation, it can be very difficult for a priest. Well, since this is not uncommon, it is already some kind of skill. It is important that drunk people go to church in a state of some kind of vague expectation, what if the priest will tell them what to do with their hopeless life. And this helps improve communication. That is, in a sober state the person waved it off and said: “Oh, I don’t have time. There’s so much to do: work, the kids are acting up again, everything’s wrong.” And I drank - and it seemed like the fuss had left me, I wanted something for the soul. And when a person comes in such a state, and they don’t turn against him, they try to talk quietly, calmly - he becomes completely peaceful. The main thing is that they tell him: it’s good that you came.

And then it is important to take him out of the temple very carefully. Especially if a person is from the street, where it’s cool, but the church is warm, he’ll simply be carried away. Therefore, first: it’s good that he came, small conversations, and then: “let’s go, let’s go outside” and with the wish to come again we let him go.

There were three cases when drunk people fell asleep in the temple. One person even tried to go to confession after sleeping for about 25-30 minutes during the all-night vigil. I suggested going home and arriving in a state where confession was possible.

I often offer the following argument: in order for us to achieve complete mutual understanding, either you must come to my state, or I must come to the same state as you.

If he offers me the second option, then I first explain that I do not drink alcohol and this is my position, which, however, I do not impose on anyone. If a person does not hear, then those arguments that he is able to perceive are used: I am driving, my wife is very worried, my health is not enough, and so on. The most fruitful effect is prayer for such a person, because he has his own experiences that he cannot cope with, and that is why he drinks. You can offer to come and talk, but more often they don’t come because they are already receiving consolation and don’t want more.

I can quit

Such people worry mainly because of problems in the family. This is the relationship between spouses, and grievances against parents, and an attempt to get out from under their care, confrontation when interfering in the upbringing of grandchildren. There are, of course, work problems associated with uncertainty about the future.

It is interesting that women, realizing that they have problems with alcohol, usually come sober. This man may come in a state of intoxication. Moreover, it’s easier for women to say that yes, I have difficulties in this regard. But it is much more difficult for a man to confess.

Marker phrase: I can quit. Now I drink because I have such circumstances, and in principle, I can quit. Today I overdid it because of the company and the occasion, but I know my limits. And, of course, the dates are clear: I’ll definitely quit on December 32nd. This is one of the signs that a person is already on the defensive. That’s why he heard accusations from family members more than once: “How much is possible? Stop!” or “Why did you come in such a state?”

On the one hand, a certain disorder of the soul, its dissatisfaction led to the use of alcohol. On the other hand, regular drinking brought additional distress to the soul. Such as feelings of guilt, shame. If a person got drunk to the point of insensibility and there were conflict situations, he is already ready in advance to make excuses and defend himself. He goes into a conversation in a state of defense. And any arguments that relatives have already used may sound like accusations. He, accordingly, blocks himself from them and leaves.

A person comes for mutual understanding, but is not ready for it. He can talk, but not listen. This is also one of the symptoms of personality damage and a sign of addiction: the inability to soberly formulate thoughts and feelings. He tries to talk, but it doesn’t work, because his consciousness no longer obeys.

This big problem. It helps a lot to be able to walk, for example, around the temple. If it's cool outside, a person sobers up a little. Plus a cup of strong tea.

I definitely ask about the name, about the circumstances of life, about the family. I tell you about myself and invite you to come to prayer services for the approval of sobriety. I say that a lot of people come and no one will look at him. Just come and stand in the corner. We pray for those who are in trouble and are in use, and for relatives, because they also suffer. Or I invite you for tea. If possible, I will definitely give you a book. Especially when I feel that the conversation touches on the topic of confession, sin, and personal untruths.

Yes, not many people come back because they are afraid to express their feelings. A very common question: “How should I contact you?” They are afraid of doing something wrong, as if they will be judged. That is, later, in a sober state, the person would be ready to come, but begins to feel embarrassed: “What will they think? But last time I said something wrong.” That same guilt complex gets in the way.

It is interesting that a drunk person makes contact with the priest more readily. Barriers are being destroyed. Of course, this does not mean that before communicating with a priest one should always relieve psychological tension in this way.

May I rest in peace

Most often, it is not the people who use who come; this is just an exceptional case. Usually relatives apply: wives, mothers. And this is almost always late: you have to come when the person has just started drinking on holidays, on Fridays, and abusing it in a family setting. And they go to church when scandals, mutual misunderstandings, difficulties with work, hatred, and resentment already arise. By that time, relatives also need help, since they themselves become codependent. Their whole life begins to revolve, as if around a certain axis, around the one who is in use. This greatly damages a person and creates an environment of constant anticipation: will he get drunk, will he not get drunk? Will he bring a salary or not?

Our temple is located in a workers' village. Many residents moved to the neighboring city of Fryazino and work in high-tech industries. The temple has many parishioners from neighboring towns, but the villagers themselves rarely come. That is, we meet only in two cases: if someone was born or someone died. In the first case, relatives come in a sober state: mom, dad, godparents, grandmothers. But grandfathers, fathers and other friends are already looking forward to the banquet and are somewhere else; as a rule, they practically do not come to the temple. A lot of people are going to the funeral service more people. Someone walks around the temple, someone, after smoking, still comes in, someone stands with a candle, even tries to be baptized, someone is waiting for the long-awaited wake to finally begin and they can say their two words “earth” May I rest in peace.”

Most often, many are already drunk. Because, after all, funerals are associated with folk traditions: to mourn. And sometimes they cry very sincerely. But, nevertheless, it is customary to perform some kind of anesthesia even before the funeral service. People still perceive individual short prayers, but what is sung and read is already very difficult.

If a person were able to realize what was happening to him, then we would call it such a wonderful church word “repentance”. He would change his mind, his way of thinking, would solve the most difficult problems, and there would be no need to get drunk. But man walks in a vicious circle.

He says: “Fine, fine. Everyone lives like this, everyone has problems and difficulties. This is a black line. It will pass. White will come someday.” Again, it is customary to shift responsibility to someone else: “This is because everything is wrong in the country. It’s because the school didn’t teach.” And it happens that even adults of 40-50-60 years old come to church and say: “Mom and dad didn’t teach me to go to church.” That is, one way or another they abdicate responsibility for making personal decisions about how faith and life come into contact.

Family temperance clubs

Family temperance clubs are a movement that already unites 34 countries around the world. Archpriest Alexei Baburin began using this technique in Russia in 1991; he has extensive experience as both a doctor and a priest. He is always in contact with people who work in temperance clubs in Italy, Serbia, and Croatia. The founder of the method is Vladimir Udolin, a famous Croatian psychiatrist and narcologist.

The Family Sobriety Club assumes that we do not undertake to treat or rehabilitate an individual; the whole family needs help. We are talking about the fact that the whole family is damaged, even if one person uses, and therefore everyone needs to be helped. From 9 to 12 families gather together. More - this is already a lot of people, the club is divided, forming a new one. Families get together once a week for one and a half to two hours.

There is a presenter who is not a rigid moderator or speaker of parliament, but helps organize the conversation. Sets a topic, some images, quotes, stories - invites discussion. The presenter’s task is to try to organize the conversation so that there are no disputes. No conversations on general topics like politics or philosophy, in clubs they don’t talk about things that go beyond the competence of those present.

We don’t engage in propaganda, we don’t say how bad it is to be a drunkard, we don’t scare you with all sorts of horrors: they say, if you drink, you’ll become this and that. No, we are discussing how you can live sober in this world, make decisions, and be responsible for them.

And on this path a person is not alone; there are people nearby who also periodically experience difficulties and crises. And we invite you: come, let’s sit and talk, even if you express it, it won’t go anywhere else, they will listen to you and respond.

An important element of therapy is peaceful and calm communication without arguments and politics. A person can come and remain silent. No one will force you to speak. He can be silent, drink tea, listen to what others say, and reflect on what he hears. We had a case where a woman walked and remained silent for two years. She only said: “hello”, “goodbye”, “black or green tea?”, “with or without sugar?”, “thank you” - and nothing more. She came with enviable regularity.

And a man with strong internal disorder came to one of the conversations. And he infected another with his condition. The matter almost came to a violent altercation. In the end, the one with whom it all began could not stand his own condition. Halfway through the conversation, he jumped up and left. She was so shocked that she started asking questions. That evening the conversation lasted more than two hours. This is how the person opened up, her previously suppressed inner feelings awoke. Although she remained taciturn.

Dear ones, we are having a relapse!

During the conversation, everyone writes on pieces of paper about who they are, gives contact information, which he considers necessary, and also indicates his age or birthday and, most importantly, his length of sobriety. If it’s day, then it’s day. A month is a month. As much as he has, he writes honestly to himself and to the club. This is necessary for self-control. When a person sees that he has abstained for not just one week, but, say, two or three, it means that this is also overcoming - I can, I can do it.

And when, perhaps, a relapse occurs and the person starts over, he will remember: but I could have abstained more, I am capable of this. On the other hand, this is a question of patronage. Let's say a person missed one conversation. Well, yes, something probably didn’t work out. If you don’t show up for the second one, the host is already calling. Perhaps he is ill or needs help. If it turns out that he has relapsed, then at the meeting they say: “Dear ones, we have such a case, a relapse, a breakdown. Let's pray."

Still, our clubs are usually at churches, parish family clubs. People are mostly believers or on the path to faith. And therefore there is no panic horror here: “Oh, that’s it! So it doesn't work. Everything is bad.” No. It’s just that the person hasn’t been completely healed yet, he hasn’t overcome it yet. This means he still needs help. Our, brotherly, and, of course, God’s help to establish sobriety and change the way of behavior. Such cases, yes, do happen.

All the topics discussed are related to how to live sober in this drunken world. And not only in terms of alcohol or psychoactive substance use. A person can be intoxicated with anger, thirst for profit, any passion and come to a state that brings him suffering. “Passion” is a Slavic word - it is translated into modern Russian as suffering. This is something that a person no longer wants to do, in which he is no longer ready to participate, but cannot refuse and cannot cope with it himself. We talk in conversations about what excites and worries a person, what is difficult and difficult for him.

For example, family relationships. As psychiatrist, professor, doctor of science Valentina Dmitrievna Moskalenko notes, addiction is a family disease. This is a violation and deviation from normal family life. Accordingly, healing can occur in the family. Just as pathology can develop, so a person can find healing.

The most common question is: what should I do with my child? This is one of the most frequently asked questions. Especially when a teenager starts using alcohol or drugs. They are interested in how to protect a child. Of course, there are also family crisis situations with my husband.

It can be more interesting to have a conversation with teenagers than with parents. Parents, as a rule, already have a certain template: the child should act one way and nothing else. When this attitude is grossly violated, it is a matter of serious upset. The teenager does not have a template yet, it is just being formed. And therefore he sincerely does not understand what the problem is. And it can be much more interesting to reason with him, to try to find those arguments that will really be vital and meaningful for him and that will help him strengthen his sober position in life.

And, of course, many questions are related to the acquisition of faith. Because the participation of the priest in family clubs is welcomed, and it is good when everyone speaks. The doctor says that this is only a physical addiction, but the priest: no, this is the soul and spirit, there is a depth here that doctors sometimes may not see. Not all, but quite often.

The rector of the Sergius Church in the village of Trubino takes a vow of sobriety. Photo:

Blue people are sitting and holding hands

I know a person who does not hide the fact that it was the family club that helped him not only give up drinking alcohol, but also strengthen his family, because it was already on the verge of destruction. Having reached the age of 30, he drank a bottle of vodka a day, this was the norm. This was the minimum, such a standard. And he believed that he was absolutely not an alcoholic, and he had no problems, there was simply instability around the country. Again, he had creativity who couldn't find a way out. Drunkenness led to protracted conflicts with my wife.

When they told him that in one village there is a family sobriety club, where people gather once a week, talk, communicate, he was extremely ironic about what was said. I imagined that these “blue” people were sitting there, holding hands and, gritting their teeth, saying that “I won’t do it again, help me quit” or something similar. Or they say in a gloomy tone that “I am an alcoholic, and nothing can be done about it.”

He was very surprised when he saw people who had more than one higher education, there are scientific degrees, they are creatively realized: directors, actors, scientists. It turned out that they had the same difficulties in life. He has arrived again. Because I couldn’t find such communication anywhere. And here he saw that it was possible. I came to check and stayed.

But another person had a different way of using: every Friday evening, on his way home from work, he bought large number alcohol, I consumed most of it on Friday, finished off the rest on Saturday, that is, I went out smoothly, on Sunday I more or less sobered up and on Monday I went to work, and then in a circle. Friday was a day of professional unloading.

And so he was also invited to a conversation. He arrived, drank tea, five days passed, on Friday evening he found himself at home and thought: “There is something I haven’t done that I’m very used to doing.” It turns out he passed by the store. Past! But what distracted him? At this conversation, words from the rite of baptism were spoken, one of the prayers is performed to the newly consecrated soldiers of Christ. And this man, I must say, has a very hot temperament and is truly a warrior by nature. These words struck a chord with him. And he thought all week and got so deep that he completely forgot about the store.

It was so surprising that he went to check what was the matter. I arrived for the next conversation and asked the question: “What’s going on? Explain to me how this works?

Indeed, it seems, what’s wrong, a simple conversation. People are sitting having tea. But this is actually a spiritually oriented interview. Here vectors are set, values ​​are designated, the words of the Gospel and excerpts from the messages of the holy apostles, devotees of piety and thinkers are often heard. We communicate different knowledge to each other, we expand the narrow boundaries people are in when they drink alcohol. The person becomes interested. Some people are already preparing for the conversation. They are looking for: “Okay, stop! They said that Theophan the Recluse said something. Anyway, what else did he say?”

If there is no meaning in life, a person strives to end this life in every possible way, because if there is no meaning, then living this life is somehow very sad and boring. The person finds a replacement. No happiness? Well, I’ll find myself a fake for happiness. No joy? Well, there are attributes of joy. Balloons, feast, disco.

Very often, people try to comply with all the attributes, fun does not work out, and very often even the brightest occasions, such as a wedding, end in a fight, and funerals end in songs.

And in a family club, the joy of communication returns to a person. The main thing that changes is the perception of life. Instead of enemies and enemies who want and demand something, he suddenly begins to see a different attitude and understands that it is possible to treat each other differently. He speaks, and here he is heard.

And the priest drank, swore, shouted

The priest has an area that he, of course, cannot share. This is a confessional question. Of course, a priest’s crisis of faith can probably be no less, and perhaps even more severe, than that of the laity. But it seems to me that this is also important, so that both parishioners and people, perhaps even those far from the Church, perceive the priest as a person.

I can talk about my difficulties during a conversation. I myself grew up in a small village: a factory, a factory and a state farm. Accordingly, I experienced all the delights of worker-peasant life firsthand. I drank, yes. This, of course, must be said, since it happened, honestly. And with smoking - yes, all this also happened at student age. And we, let’s say, have this problem among the priesthood too. There is a center at the Danilov Monastery psychological assistance those who use. Including priests. It's not hidden. That is, the Church comprehends this problem, realizes, understands that there are priests who are susceptible to such an illness.

Eat general rule, that those who come to the conversation should not tell the details of their “exploits.” Even the names of alcoholic drinks cannot be mentioned. Because even the very mention of this or that drink returns a person mentally to the state in which he was when he drank it. And communication is not only with the priest. That is, it is not the center.

For example, one person says: “Brothers and sisters, my friends, comrades, this happened to me, this is how I drank, got into a fight, my money was taken away, I lost my phone...” And the priest may say: “Yes, and I didn’t I resisted, I drank, I swore, I screamed, such a disaster happened to me.” Further, the topic will most likely be developed by the presenter as follows: “What prompted it? What do you think was the triggering moment? Let's think, why were you there? What prompted you to join that company?” - that is, there is an attempt to understand the triggering moments that, perhaps, have become habitual. So I came home, mother, as always: “Did you bring the money?” - like any wife. You say: “What are you talking about money? I had a confession there - 150 people, I could barely stand on my feet. Let me eat.” - “There’s no food.”

Yes, and then I remember that there is a stash of alcohol somewhere. That is, what to do? People begin to share who did what in what situations.

One day a parishioner asked me when I was crying to him for about forty minutes about how bad everything was, how difficult it was in general, nothing was going well in the parish. He sat, listened to all this in silence and quietly asked at the end: “Father, have you tried praying?”

I have a priest friend who, for 12 years, told a parable about prodigal son read the gospel aloud during services, preached sermons, good words he spoke, quoted fathers, and could not relate it to himself - and at some point suddenly his heart simply stopped, and he felt: this is about me! And everything fell into place, everything united inside. For 12 years the priest read this parable, and nothing happened - something needed to grow and mature inside.

I'll sober up and come

I suppose in every parish there are parishioners who have been drinking for years. To a large extent, this is humility for the priest himself, so that he does not become arrogant, does not feel like a miracle worker and knows that he is not using his own gift, but God’s. On the other hand, a lot depends on the person himself, how actively he fights, how he gets involved in this fight with himself, with the damage that led him to addiction.

Hope never ends. Why don’t we push all this away, although it can be extremely difficult to establish a relationship with such a person, even when he is sober? Because we are waiting. As the Lord says: “What I find you in, that is what I judge.” We hope that even if the Lord finds him drunk, but in the fight against this evil, with himself, with the root cause that led him to a state of intoxication, the Lord will not abandon him with his mercy.

Of course, sometimes I get very angry with such people. But, for example, penance does not work. In any case, I have not yet been able to apply it even once in such a way that it would not be a punishment, but an edification. I am extremely inexperienced in this regard, and asked, rather, to do something. Read the Gospel more carefully, paid attention to some special chapters. Very good penitential canon Hieromonk Vasily Roslyakov compiled one of these people - it is reading this canon that helps. Apparently, the canon contains words consonant with the internal state. Of course, when a person comes in a drunken state and thinks that this is normal, sometimes you even have to prevent him, not allow him to participate in the service, or even ask him not to approach the cup, no matter how painful it may be.

I can say: “I think that you do not need to receive communion in this state. Not because you are not worthy, but it is not necessary, because it will not bear good fruit.” I'm not pushing away completely, no, I'm saying that it is his unrepentant state that is an obstacle. By the way, when a person sincerely repents, he doesn’t take offense and walks away: “Sorry, I didn’t think about it. Of course, I’ll sober up and come.” Although, it happens that people shake their rights: “I’ve come!”

It’s good when the parish completely forms its attitude towards alcohol consumption. In the Sergius Church this year, the patronal feast was celebrated soberly. It’s not that I banned it, I just said: “Let’s not exhibit it. If someone asks, let him go and get it, he knows where dry wine“We have it, but we won’t exhibit it.” In fact, they sat, ate, sang songs, talked, and no one wished or said: “Let’s bring it, or let me go.” Absolutely. The guests arrived, left and dispersed around midnight, having calmly experienced the non-alcoholic version of the celebration.

Parishioners of the Sergius Church in the village of Trubino, who have taken a vow of sobriety, with a priest. Photo:

Vow of Sobriety

On March 8 of this year, 10 people in our temple took a vow of sobriety. The practice of family clubs suggests that a person can make such a vow, but not immediately - after six months or a year. This is a long-standing church tradition. The vow is usually made during fasting.

A person decides to sober life and understands that it is not within his human power to fulfill the promise. Therefore, the expression is made during a special prayer service, in which they ask for God’s help in order to give a person strength and strengthen him to endure such a difficult, especially in our time, sober state.

At first, such a vow is made for a short period of time - for example, during fasting. The person says this: “In this Lent, God bless, I will not drink alcohol, I will abstain.” And he abstains. It gets stronger gradually. When he feels it, he can try for a longer time, asks for the blessing of his confessor, reports this to the club and then makes a decision. The club community supports him in this case.

The person realizes that this is his problem, not his fault. This is what poisons his life, and all sides are bio-, psycho-, socio-, spiritual damage. And even a small amount of consumption often does not cause the reactions that a person expects. The person thinks: “I’ll drink a little and relax, I’ll be comforted, I’ll feel better.” He really tries to use something a little, but there is no euphoria that was in the days he started using it. He drank a little, and already this passion inside him says: “More!” Everything inside him begins to burn, the craving is even greater, even stronger, more, more.

The purpose of the vow is to free a person from slavery. This is not an external prohibition, but a person’s decision to change behavior, to change their lifestyle: “I decide that I will live this time differently. I don’t know if I will be able to live this way during this time, but I express my desire and ask for God’s help for this.”

If you violated it, it was most likely because you relied heavily on your own strength. What retribution can there be for a suffering person? He himself had already punished himself by adding to his usual feeling of guilt from drinking alcohol the feeling of guilt from breaking his vow. And so everything inside him broke down, and he doesn’t know how to be again: “I violated it, what should I do now?” Of course, I personally feel sympathy in such cases.

Get up and don't despair

Even in the ancient patericon we can read when a young monk came to one of the elders and confessed to some sin. The Patericon does not give the name of this sin, but says that it was a fall, a person fell into sin, fell again and says: “What should I do, father?” He says, “Get up.” He comes after a while and says: “Father, I have fallen again.” - “Get up.” He comes again after a while and says: “Father, I have fallen again.” - “Get up.” And he, already exhausted from his such a state, says: “How long can this continue?” - “Maybe to death.”

A person can fall until death itself, that is, throughout his life. Our task is to help a person get up, strengthen him so that he has strength - get up and do it again.

Probably the most important thing for church people and non-church people is not to try to act only on their own, because a person alone cannot overcome this. All the stories that are associated with this most often support the myth that a person can cope with it himself, he just needs to survive, somehow overcome himself. This is a myth. Those people who became abstinent or abstinent, they either did not have an addiction, although, perhaps, they used heavily, or this is an unusual case, when such a miracle really happens, when a person once, for some reason, refused, and it worked out. There are people who are very powerful force will, it has not yet been destroyed by sin - once, he said the word, and as it was cut off, it was broken and that’s it. But most often you need to look for help, not be afraid to ask, admit that yes, I need this help.

God, as we know, works through people very often. Most often this is the case, not directly, but through such family clubs, through sobriety communities, through those caring people who organize houses of hard work, houses of mercy, that is, the same communities where people also live soberly, work, work, acquire new skills and master other specialties. That is, not to be afraid to admit that I have difficulties and to seek help.

Do not be alone, seek, as John Chrysostom said back in the 4th century: “Make a partnership in order to exterminate the passion for drunkenness.”

Hello, dear friends, you are on the website. Happy reading! The so-called drinking culture in Russia dates back several centuries. Since childhood, we have been taught the simple truth that it is simply not decent to refuse alcohol when visiting. Despite this, a sober lifestyle is actively promoted and even exists in our country. What is he like?

A truly sober lifestyle is a complete abstinence from alcohol altogether. No low-alcohol cocktails, no glass of champagne for the New Year. Unfortunately, in the understanding of most Russians, a teetotaler is a former alcoholic who is currently in recovery.

By leading a sober lifestyle, you are already improving your health:

After all, even one dose of alcohol significantly changes the function of liver cells. Systematic alcohol consumption leads to obesity of liver cells, and this is a direct path to hepatitis.
  • Healthy kidneys. All liquids we drink, including alcohol-containing ones, pass through the kidneys. With regular alcohol consumption, the kidneys are forced to work in “emergency mode” all the time. Constant intoxication of the kidneys leads to a deterioration in their functioning; more toxins are retained in the body, which creates a favorable environment for viruses and bacteria.
  • Less likely to get gastritis and stomach ulcers. First of all, alcohol enters the stomach and destroys its mucous membrane, which leads to the development of first gastritis and then ulcers.
  • The condition of the lungs improves. It would seem that what does alcohol have to do with it? Alcohol vapor accumulates in the lungs and is expelled through breathing, while destroying lung tissue and drying out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The immune system weakens, which leads to the development of tuberculosis.
  • Healthy heart. Statistics say that more than a third of all people with heart disease are drinkers. Like other organs, the heart, when alcohol enters the bloodstream, is forced to work harder, which leads to increased blood pressure. This leads to the destruction of capillaries, causing cardiac vascular diseases in young people.
  • Good brain work. Our brain is sensitive to any irritant, and alcohol is no exception. Blood clots that appear due to alcohol consumption clog blood vessels. Oxygen access to brain cells is cut off and they die. Thus, the cerebral cortex is destroyed.
  • Simply giving up alcohol will help, if not completely protect you, then at least reduce the load on your vital organs. Not to mention that a sober lifestyle will allow you to look at the world from a different perspective. From a sane, self-care person.

    P.S. Tell other people about it! Add an article to social media! Thank you!

    Video on the topic!



    A manual for class teachers and subject teachers

    “Basics of Health”, teaching in grades 8–9



    UDC: 613.83/84-053.6 BBK: 51.1(2)44

    for use in general education educational institutions Autonomous Republic of Crimea

    (decision No. 2/11 of 04/24/2013)

    Approved for use by classroom teachers and Health Fundamentals teachers in grades 8–9

    (Minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education No. 3 dated 04/09/2013)

    T-66 Sober lifestyle: a manual for class teachers and teachers of the subject “Fundamentals of Health” teaching in grades 8–9 // Responsible. ed. Kozulya S.V. - Simferopol - 2013 - 72 p.

    The manual was compiled by doctors and teachers - participants in the public temperance movement. The project was implemented within the framework of the All-Ukrainian information and preventive campaign “Responsibility begins with me.” The regulations on this action were approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine No. 567 dated 05/11/2012 in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 6 “On some events to promote the solution of pressing issues of youth” dated January 6, 2010. According to the “Regulations”, the action is carried out with the aim of promoting and establishing a healthy lifestyle among young people, developing a responsible attitude of young people towards their health, and preventing such socially dangerous phenomena as alcohol consumption, smoking and drug addiction.

    The publication is intended for class teachers and teachers teaching the subject “Fundamentals of Health” in grades 8–9, but will also be useful for psychologists, medical workers, activists of sober organizations and anyone interested in sobering up our society.


    Ignatenko S.V. , Ph.D. Sc., senior lecturer at Glukhov National Pedagogical University named after. A. Dovzhenko, Glukhov, Sumy region;

    Odinets N.V. , teacher-methodologist, school No. 262, Kiev; Bridko V.V. , chief physician of the KRU “Health Center”, Simferopol;

    Stroevsky V.A. , chief physician of the Narcological Dispensary, Simferopol.

    Kozulya S.V. (responsible editor), Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Department of General Hygiene and Ecology, Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky", Simferopol;

    Grinchenko N.A. , Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor, Faculty of Additional Pedagogical Professions, Yelets State University named after. I.A. Bunina, Yelets, Lipetsk region, Russian Federation;

    Pocheketa A.A. , M.Sc. With. Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv;

    Kozulya T.A. , dentist, Gvardeyskaya boarding school I–II st., Gvardeyskoye town, Simferopol district;

    Vashchenko D.V. , ENT doctor, 7th City Clinical Hospital, Simferopol.

    Proofreader: Druzhinina V.A.

    Preface for the teacher

    Formation of a sober lifestyle (TSL) in the younger generation - sober education - is the most effective type of primary prevention of the use of psychoactive substances (PAS), which include alcohol (including beer), tobacco, other tobacco products and electronic cigarettes. It is alcohol and tobacco that are the most accessible today, and therefore the most dangerous for children. In 99% of cases, involvement in the use of other drugs begins with alcohol and tobacco.

    Primary prevention is a set of social, pedagogical, medical and psychological measures that prevent the formation of a bad habit, that is, preventing addiction to alcohol and tobacco, and therefore to all other drugs. Sober education sets us more specific goals:

    the formation of a negative attitude among children and youth towards the use of the most common surfactants - alcohol and tobacco;

    preventing the involvement of children and youth in the use of psychoactive substances by justifying the benefits of a sober lifestyle;

    fostering personal responsibility for one’s behavior;

    decreased demand for surfactants in society.

    If in official documents talking about anti-alcohol and anti-tobacco propaganda, then for communicating with teenagers, as well as with their fathers and mothers at parent-teacher meetings, the phrases “sober education”, “sober education”, “sobriety lessons” are better suited. After all, positive terminology is perceived with greater desire in any audience than negative one. It increases both student motivation and the chances of gaining the understanding and support of their parents, which is necessary in the process of sober education.

    Sobriety is a natural quality, a vital value given to every person from birth. This is not just “continuous abstinence from alcohol and other psychoactive substances” (WHO definition). Sobriety is freedom from the stereotypes imposed on us about the supposedly traditional need for alcohol, tobacco or other drugs in our lives, and it is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle.

    The discussion form, in addition to the dialogue structure of the lesson, involves debates and conversations. You can suggest the topics “Freedom”, “I am an adult”, “Masculinity and femininity”, “Love”, in the titles of which there is not the slightest mention of psychoactive substances, but the issue of drinking alcohol or smoking will certainly arise in the discussion process as something that does not contribute to success.

    The active form is self-study short messages, abstracts and reports, compilation of wall newspapers, exhibitions, production and distribution of leaflets about a sober lifestyle, participation and organization of competitions and educational games.

    This series of lessons represents a holistic system of sober education and training, covering various aspects of a sober lifestyle and designed for a long time. Sobriety lessons can be taught as part of the Health Fundamentals course and/or during cool hours. The manual includes both reinforcing and proactive homework assignments (designed to get students interested in the next lesson in advance and involve them in independent research). Simultaneously with the first lessons of the cycle, it is advisable to have a conversation with parents - see Section 15.

    When communicating with students, starting from the second lesson, it is recommended to use terminology that reinforces a negative attitude towards alcohol and tobacco: "poison your body with poison","poison the air","become stupefied by alcohol","to be poisoned by tobacco smoke". Since the harm of smoking is more obvious (tobacco has a nasty smell), more attention should be paid to the prevention of alcohol consumption. To achieve a positive result in sober upbringing, it is important that the offered truthful information is presented to the child in the form of a friendly conversation, but not in the form of edification.


    ? Questions for the audience that require a short answer.

    Questions and tasks for group discussion. For 2–5 minutes, teams (working groups) of 2–5 people formulate their answers; after finishing their work, the answer of each team is read out.

    1. What is sobriety and why is it needed?

    Methodological recommendations. At the first lesson, it is important to set students up for a positive perception of the cycle of conversations about sobriety and a sober lifestyle. The teacher must be prepared for unexpected questions and objections about the supposed benefits of alcohol. You can answer this way: “Write down this question: “Is it true that...?”, and we will definitely discuss it in the next classes.”

    GOALS. Educational: the formation of primary ideas about a person’s losses in the present and in the future from drinking alcohol; O bad habits human (smoking, drinking beer); about the main factors affecting physical and psychosocial health; about the advantages of TL and its relevance in modern society.

    Developmental: developing communication skills; development of skills to analyze, draw conclusions and participate in group discussion. Educational: formation positive attitude to the concept of “sobriety”.

    Related Objectives: Establish positive interactions with students; debunk the myth about the compatibility of a healthy lifestyle and bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol).

    Lesson progress

    In our lessons we will talk about a sober lifestyle, abbreviated as TOZH. This is very important in today's world, since sobriety is opposed by a dangerous weapon of destruction - a drunken lifestyle (write down the corresponding abbreviation yourself).

    Let's discuss what TOZH and KNIFE are. (For example, after school someone goes to

    ? sports section, music or art school, to the library, and someone drinks beer, smokes, etc. It is advisable for everyone to speak out.)

    Everyone will probably agree that TOW is the non-use of alcohol and tobacco. This is correct, but in fact the concept of sobriety is somewhat broader. According to explanatory dictionary T.F. Efremova, “sober” also means “distinguished by sound judgment, free from illusions and self-deception”(remember the expressions "a sober look at things", "sober mind").

    Sobriety is the foundation of health. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Russian doctor and writer Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev wrote that a person who does not care about his health is like a bad master who does not care about his tools.

    They also say: “Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.” . Scientists believe that a person is “doomed” to be healthy, because nature has given him everything for health. But you need to know simple recommendations that will allow you to stay healthy and behave in accordance with them.

    You probably know about external and internal factors physical health. Name

    ? their. (External - the sun, air, water, light, heat. Internal - hygiene, daily routine, physical activity, healthy eating and, of course, sobriety.)

    A person's health depends on what he sees, hears and feels. External factors health are also informational impacts. Dad reads to baby good fairy tale, mother sings a lullaby - these are examples of positive informational influences. But in the world around us they are, unfortunately, mostly negative. These are destructive examples of drugged, immoral lifestyles that are promoted through television and mass “culture.”

    When a person leads a sober (in the broad sense of the word) lifestyle, he reliably protects his consciousness, soul and body from destruction.

    It is impossible to be healthy without sobriety. Intoxicating substances pose a serious danger to health (the term was proposed by the Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy).

    Give examples of intoxicating substances. (Alcohol, tobacco, all alcoholic and tobacco products, as well as other illegal drugs.)

    Alcohol, tobacco and all other drugs are included in the list of psychoactive substances (abbreviated as surfactants). They are harmful to health not only because they destroy the body. They interfere with recognizing destructive information influences and accepting right decisions regarding your behavior.

    That’s why they say that surfactants destroy a person:

    1) physically, because these poisons act at all levels of the body - from molecules and genes to organs and systems;

    2) at the level of psychosocial organization of the individual (soul and consciousness).

    Back in the 19th century, the outstanding Russian psychiatrist, academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, in his article “Personality and the conditions of its development and health,” pointed out that for the healthy development of personality it is necessary to eliminate the distribution of alcohol and other intoxicating products (“drinks” we will not call them, because that they do not nourish, but damage the body).

    Work in groups. We have all heard that alcohol and cigarettes are harmful. Now we will divide into teams and hold a competition, the goal of which is to write down as many answers as possible to the question: what exactly is the danger of alcohol and tobacco? (Health is lost; money is wasted; the ability to think logically is impaired; horizons become narrow; people around them suffer; the family is destroyed; problems in school, at work; big risk accidents, accidents; drinkers and smokers age faster and die earlier; the state in which surfactants are used is weakening; the people are degrading and may completely disappear from the face of the Earth, like, for example, the American Indians...)

    Alcohol, tobacco and other surfactants are also dangerous because people do not notice the danger. In case of damage to the body (wound, scratch,

    bruise, pain) we feel anxious, afraid, and we go to the doctor or take health measures ourselves. But if a person has formed a habit of drinking alcohol, his thinking is gradually disrupted, the ability to analyze is lost, his will weakens, his conscience becomes dulled, although the person remains confident that everything is fine with him! At the same time, unbeknownst to himself, he can descend into an immoral, vicious lifestyle.

    What are the advantages of TOZ? (A sober person always controls himself, not

    ? commits careless and thoughtless actions, gets sick less, lives longer and more interestingly...)

    U A drinker's dreams almost never come true. A sober person knows how to dream, set goals and achieve them.

    The drinker gradually loses mutual understanding with others, he is not respected. A sober, principled person is always respected; he is able to express his thoughts and understand others.

    Over time, people who drink become indifferent to their interests and hobbies. Sober people, on the contrary, have new interests all the time.

    U Those who drink change their character for the worse. They lose real friends, but gain drinking buddies.

    What is the difference between “friend”, “acquaintance” and “drinking buddy”? (A friend is a very close person,

    ? he can be trusted. An acquaintance is someone you know. A drinking buddy is simply a person with whom they drink alcohol.)

    It is known that drinking buddies, instead of various, interesting and valuable gifts on their birthdays, give each other only various bottles of poison.

    Sober people, on the contrary, constantly develop and improve themselves, spend their time meaningfully, and find equally sober and interesting friends.

    Sober rest, unlike “chemical” rest, strengthens a person and restores his strength. Sober communication charges us with positive emotions.

    It’s easy to turn a drinking person into an obedient performer, dependent on other people who “pour it” for him. A sober person always makes decisions himself, he does not depend on the suppliers of dope.

    According to statistics drinking people more often become accomplices in crimes. It is much more difficult to involve a sober person in bad company, in “dirty” affairs.

    A convinced teetotaler is not threatened with alcohol consumption, while adherents of a drunken lifestyle are forced to

    marriage throughout your life, and especially before each holiday, throw it away on products made from ethyl alcohol large sums money.

    Sobriety is the key to success in school and future career, as well as creating and maintaining a family, family happiness. Sober, healthy person I like myself the way I am. He is pleased with his achievements. He is the master of his life, not a victim.

    Although sobriety does not automatically make a person healthy, it is the foundation without which it is impossible to ensure physical, spiritual, or social well-being.

    We will definitely continue our conversations about sobriety, but I would like to end today’s lesson with this poem:

    The formula of life is simple: Health, morality, beauty, Creation, sobriety and will - a person’s worthy share.

    Roza Nazhipova, adolescent psychiatrist, Tatarstan, Russian Federation.

    1. There are two ways of life - sober and drunk.

    2. Sobriety is a natural and vital quality given to every person from birth.

    3. A knife gives a person many advantages, and a knife is a source of grief, illness and problems. Alcohol and tobacco harm not only in the present, but also in the future.


    1. Write down in your notebook the advantages of the knife and the disadvantages of the knife.

    2. Find statements by historians about morals in Rus', starting from the 13th century. What was the norm - sobriety or drinking alcohol?

    2. Sobriety in human history

    Methodological recommendations. It is important to show that human history is predominantly sober. When presenting historical facts it is necessary to rely on known material from the history course. If a topic is not familiar to students, you need to make the necessary comments. The material for this lesson is extensive, so group discussions are not provided. Students should be reminded to write down questions they are interested in in their notebooks for discussion in future classes.

    GOALS. Educational: developing the concept of the place of sobriety and the main stages of alcoholism in human history, about the motives of alcoholism; Developmental: developing the skills to analyze information, draw conclusions and participate in group discussion.

    Educational: to show the importance of the sober, moral (and vice versa - drunk, immoral) life of the masses in the historical process. Related tasks: refute the myth that “our people have always drank”; spark interest in further conversations about sobriety.

    Lesson progress

    Let's remember what we talked about last time.

    What are TOZH and KNIFE? What bad habits did we talk about? Why is alcohol dangerous?

    D need? Healthy image Is life a sober lifestyle? (Yes.) Why? (Sobriety - necessary condition health.) Name the advantages of the knife and the disadvantages of the knife that you wrote down in your notebook.

    Now let's talk about the meaning of sobriety in human history. Let's find out how ancient the history of alcohol consumption is, and whether it is true that “our people have always drank.”

    The age of Homo sapiens is about 40 thousand years. In comparison, the time of consumption by individual peoples of low-grade alcohol resulting from natural fermentation is short: from 4 to 10 thousand years. The period of widespread consumption of strong alcohol is even shorter - no more than 500 years.

    Express these periods as a percentage. (4000: 40,000 100% = 10%, 10,000: 40,000 100% =

    ? = 25% - minimum and maximum time humanity's introduction to alcohol; 500:40,000· 100% = 1; 25% - time of widespread consumption of strong alcohol)

    Thus, the period of consumption of low-proof alcoholic products in time is no more than 10–25% of the age of “homo sapiens”, and strong alcoholic products - no more than 1.25% of this age. Let's plot the result on the time axis:

    T R E S O U S T


    Sobriety, like health, has been valued since ancient times. All peoples developed a negative attitude towards intoxicating substances.

    Being drunk often leads to many problems - with health, mental health, relationships with loved ones and family, with work, creativity and self-realization. Let's look at what sobriety is, what aspects it consists of, and why it is important.

    What is sobriety

    Sobriety is the permanent abstinence from drinking alcoholic beverages. In rare cases, this concept refers to “moderate” alcohol consumption.

    In societies such as Alcoholics Anonymous, etc., sobriety requires the presence of a number of conditions - for example, achieving life control and balance.

    What is sobriety

    IN recent years An active struggle for sobriety began in Russia. Many temperance societies and movements arose. According to VTsIOM surveys, since 1996 the proportion of the population leading a sober lifestyle has increased by 7%.

    Attitudes towards sobriety differ among different religions. So, in Orthodoxy it is moderation in the consumption of food and drink, Islam completely prohibits alcohol, like Hinduism, and Judaism welcomes it in moderation.

    What is drunkenness?

    Drunkenness, or alcoholism, is a chronic disease during which a person becomes dependent on alcoholic beverages (from the point of view of both the psyche and physiology). The disease is characterized by loss of control over the volume of drinking, an increase in consumed doses, damage to internal organs, memory lapses.

    According to WHO, in 2000 there were 140 million alcoholics in the world.

    Why sobriety is beneficial

    Complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages is the norm. Regular consumption of alcohol is harmful to both the health of the body and the psyche. IN advanced stages Irreversible processes begin, so it is necessary to give up alcohol as early as possible.

    By the way, a comic sobriety test has appeared on the Internet, which can reveal the level of adequacy of your perception of reality (

    Let's consider the impact of alcohol on human health and life from three aspects.

    Physiological aspect

    1. Alcohol contains ethyl alcohol - only its amount differs in different drinks. So, beer contains 5% ethyl alcohol, wine – 9%, and vodka – 40%.
    2. The ability of alcohol includes its ability to dissolve fat. When ingested, it is absorbed through the gastric walls, and from there passes into the blood.
    3. Red blood cells, which carry oxygen in the blood, in the normal state of the body repel each other, since each of them has a charge with negative value. Their sizes are suitable precisely for passing through the smallest vessels, feeding all the cells of the body with oxygen.
    4. Penetrating inside, ethyl alcohol dissolves the fatty membrane of these cells. As a result, they are attracted to each other and form large lumps that begin to move throughout the body. The moment they reach vessels that they cannot pass through, they clog them, and the cells die in the absence of oxygen. The brain suffers especially in this regard.
    5. Neurons, or brain cells, build long-term sequential chains in which human memory is stored. When large lumps of red blood cells clog blood vessels, resulting in neurons not receiving enough oxygen, their entire chains begin to die out. Because of this, after the holidays, people often forget how yesterday went, and during a long drinking binge, many events disappear from their memory.
    6. At the same time, some clogged vessels burst due to excessive pressure, which is reflected in a reddened nose or eyes, and one of the negative effects of alcohol is deterioration of vision. Even if you drink alcohol in small quantity, but regularly, this process still occurs.
    7. Soon the dead cells in the brain rot. To remove all this, the body pumps large volumes of fluid into the head, and the person wakes up the next day with a severe headache and wild thirst. Then the rotted cells are eliminated from the body on their own.
    8. A similar process occurs in other organs. Drinking alcohol causes irreparable harm, reduces immunity, and this leads to constant diseases. It doesn’t matter whether a person drinks alcohol moderately or regularly and in large quantities, the harm will be the same.
    9. Alcohol is especially harmful to women, since their bodies are designed for procreation. In men, sperm renewal occurs every three months, and a woman is given a supply of eggs once in her entire life. The eggs are under reliable protection, but the only thing that can penetrate the ovarian membrane and harm them is ethyl alcohol. Therefore, drinking alcohol negatively affects the health of not only the woman herself, but also her child.
    10. As for men, alcohol not only affects their reproductive functions, but can also negatively affect potency. Some people mistakenly believe that alcohol increases their desire, but it should be really small - no more than two glasses per evening. Regarding chronic alcoholism, then in the case of him sexual desire almost completely disappears.

    Psychological aspect

    1. Drinking alcohol slows you down mental processes: a person begins to perceive reality more slowly and worse, loses touch with reality, and experiences difficulty concentrating. He constantly forgets about his planned activities, plans, promises, and perceives the world differently from what it really is. Soon sobriety becomes an unusual state for a person, as if he were lacking something.
    2. Alcoholics experience sudden mood swings, logic in thinking disappears, events cause inappropriate reactions, ability to work and productivity decrease, problems with creativity, imagination and abstraction from the surrounding reality appear.
    3. Often, a drunk person feels as if those around him are entering into some kind of “conspiracy” against him. As a result of such inappropriate reactions, clashes and fights often occur in clubs and other similar places.
    4. A person who regularly drinks alcohol develops insomnia. Regardless of the number of hours he spent sleeping, the next morning he does not feel fully rested. Dreams become frightening, tense, gloomy, plots revolve around assassination attempts, attacks, intimidation.
    5. Chronic alcoholism leads to mental disorders– for example, to hallucinations (both visual and auditory). Often there is a desire to jump out of a window to escape a non-existent threat, or to start waving a knife. Relatives turn into enemies for the patient, and in this condition he needs emergency hospitalization.
    6. Ultimately, moral prohibitions disappear, and a person becomes capable of committing unthinkable acts - for example, theft, murder. Work and family become secondary, which leads to deterioration of relationships, scandals, divorce, and loss of social connections. Parental drinking has a negative impact on the quality of life of children.
    7. In addition, alcoholics often experience speech disturbances and characteristic changes in gait. If a person falls into a prolonged state of unconsciousness, bedsores will occur, which can lead to death.

    Sobriety has undeniable advantages

    Managerial aspect

    There is a theory according to which government officials and other authorities prefer to keep silent this problem. In a way, alcohol is a way for them to reduce the intellectual abilities of the population and their life expectancy.

    Therefore, it is necessary to take responsibility for your own life into your own hands. The main reason people use to justify drinking alcohol is to relax and forget about daily problems and responsibilities.

    But in reality, there are many other ways to unwind that do not lead to such harm to your health. In addition, you can arrange your life in such a way that there will be fewer and fewer reasons for wanting to get drunk and “forget yourself.” And if you remember that drunken state does not solve the problems, but aggravates them, then you are unlikely to want to resort to this method next time.
