The visitor's son was forgiven and pardoned by the Russian people. The Russian people are not the Regicide! He's the prodigal son! How the commission works

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Maternal petition for pardon of a convicted person. The mother's petition asking for a pardon for her son is drawn up in the name of the president of the state, but it is considered by a specially created commission. In every city Russian Federation there is its own commission to consider such requests.

Priority during consideration will be given to the mother’s petition, which is supported by the petition of the convicted person himself with the conviction of his sincere repentance for the crime committed.

It is in maternal petitions that there are often arguments, in view of which the commission makes a positive decision.

The petition asking for clemency must be written by hand in free form. However, lawyers recommend adhering to the following sequence of presentation:

  1. information about the addressee (to the President of the Russian Federation, full name) and about the applicant;
  2. an introduction describing the identity of the convicted person, the reason for his deprivation of liberty, the date of his conviction and the period of actual serving of the sentence;
  3. petition for pardon (you must indicate the reasons why the convicted person should be pardoned);
  4. list of attached documents;
  5. date and signature of the applicant.

Also, the mother’s petition for clemency should indicate all the weighty arguments that will sway the commission in favor of making a positive decision.

Maternal petition for pardon of a convicted person

To the Chairman of the Moscow City Court
from Kultaeva Nina Arkadyevna,
mothers of the convicted person
Kultaev Sergei Petrovich, born in 1980 , art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation,
term 2 years 6 months
l/freedom from 11/10/20__ c.s. 05/09/20__


I, the mother of the convicted Kultaev Sergei Petrovich, am a pensioner, I have only son, is serving a sentence in penal colony No. __. Since I am a disabled pensioner, I need constant care and outside help. He is my only son. I have my hopes up in him. He served 1/2 of the sentence imposed by the court. During the period of serving the sentence, he has no penalties and has 3 incentives. He is a very kind, sympathetic person. I went to prison for the first time. According to the court verdict, he fully admitted his guilt and repents of his actions. Has no claims. I ask you to consider his case in the city court on the issue of granting parole from serving his sentence.

Attachments to the application: _________

Date ________
Signature _________

In the event of a transfer of a convicted person who has filed a petition for clemency to another institution executing the sentence, his release from serving the sentence, as well as changes in other circumstances that are significant for resolving the issue of clemency (submission of a convicted person to parole, replacement of the unserved part of the sentence more soft look punishment, the commission of a malicious violation of the established procedure for serving a sentence or a new crime), the administration of the institution in which the convicted person served his sentence immediately notifies the territorial body of the penal system, the commission, the highest official of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of supreme executive body state power subject of the Russian Federation), as well as the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. When transferring a convicted person to another institution executing the sentence, the notification must indicate the new address of his location.

The administration of the institution additionally reports by telegraph or fax about the decision taken in connection with the consideration of the issue of the parole of a convicted person applying for pardon, the replacement of the unserved part of his sentence with a more lenient punishment, or the termination of criminal prosecution against him on rehabilitative grounds. communications to the territorial body of the penal system, commission, higher official subject of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation), as well as the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.
The notification is registered by the administration of the institution in the register of applications for pardon.

Who did the Russian rulers pardon?


Perhaps the most unique case in the history of pardons - the case of Vasily Shuisky. Not only was he pardoned, but he later became king. During the reign of False Dmitry I, Shuisky actively spread the word that “the tsar is not real.” For this he was sentenced to death. June 25, 1605 was set for the execution of the sentence. Shuisky was taken to the scaffold, a fairy tale or an announcement of guilt had already been read to him, he had already said goodbye to the people, declaring that he was dying for the truth, for the faith and the Christian people, when a messenger rode up announcing a pardon. The execution was replaced by exile to the Galician suburbs; the entire Shuisky estate was taken away to the treasury.


Nikolay Novikov was the most prominent representative culture of his time, journalist, writer, publisher. With his active work, Novikov was not convenient for everyone, including Catherine II herself. A thunderstorm began to gather over him; Novikov was accused of a “vile schism,” of selfish deception, of Masonic activity, of relations with the Duke of Brunswick and other foreigners.

Emperor Paul I pardoned Novikov on the very first day of his reign. Novikov was imprisoned in the fortress back in full development his strength and energy, and came out of there “decrepit, old, bent.” He was forced to give up all social activities and until his death on July 31 (August 12, 1818) he lived almost continuously in his Avdotyino. Novikov's estate was put up for auction


Alexander Radishchev was pardoned twice. Convicted and exiled by Catherine II, he was first pardoned by Paul the First, but not completely pardoned - he was ordered to live in the Kaluga province. Radishchev was finally released by Alexander the First. The disgraced writer was summoned to St. Petersburg and appointed a member of the commission to draw up laws. He neither worked nor lived for long. According to rumors, he persistently continued to talk about the equality of all before the law, but he was not heard, and those who heard reminded him of Siberia. Radishchev drank poison.


Alexander II, in honor of his coronation in 1856, pardoned the Decembrists. This was an unprecedented step in Russian history: mercy was shown to those who wanted to overthrow the regime and the tsar. For Alexander II himself, such liberalism ultimately backfired. In addition to the Decembrists, he pardoned the Petrashevites and participants in the Polish uprising. The emperor died in 1881 at the hands of “revolutionaries.”


Alexander Ulyanov, a Narodnaya Volya member, the elder brother of Vladimir Ulyanov, was one of the organizers of the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander III. After his arrest he was kept in prison. His mother wrote petitions for pardon to the emperor and Alexander III I even signed a petition (taking into account the merits of Ilya Ulyanov), but the prisoner himself refused pardon. He compared his relationship with the emperor to a duel and said that it was not appropriate to deny the right to fire to an opponent. Alexander was hanged, and his brother did not forget this.


Sergei Korolev was accused of sabotage in 1938. Moreover, he was in the first category, that is, he was on the execution list. Korolev “passed through Kolyma”, and after that he worked in Tupolev’s “sharashka”, hosted active participation in the creation of Pe-2 and Tu-2 bombers and at the same time proactively developed projects for a guided aerial torpedo and a new version of a missile interceptor, and worked in a prison-type design bureau.

Commission on Pardons in the Territory Rostov region exists since 2002. During this time, it received 1,806 appeals from those convicted of various crimes. About 70% of them are serving sentences for serious and especially serious crimes and still ask for leniency. The interlocutors of the journalist - the head of the pardon department of the government of the Rostov region, Albert Atamanenko, and the priest Andrei Mnatsaganov - told how the decision is made about where to put a comma in the sentence “execute cannot be pardoned.”

How does the commission work?

Previously, there was a pardon commission that considered applications from all over the country. It was headed by the writer Anatoly Pristavkin, and in one meeting it had to consider up to 300 appeals. In 2002, they decided to create pardon commissions in each region separately. The commission has 11 people who work on a voluntary basis. Every two years the commission is supposed to change three people.

Before each meeting of the commission, petitions undergo a thorough check. Specialists of the pardon department consider all the circumstances, collect characteristics, and request characteristics from the places where the sentence is being served. If necessary, members of the commission communicate with the relatives of the convicted person, with the victims and their relatives.

Sometimes victims are ready to forgive their offenders: “God will forgive!”, but more often they say that the criminal should not be released under any circumstances - the damage has been done too much.

Any convicted person, even a murderer, can apply for clemency. The presidential decree regulating the work of the commission states that “as a rule” persons who have committed a crime during probationary period associated with a suspended sentence; previously released on parole; pardoned; amnestied, as well as those who have already received leniency. But this is “as a rule”, but in practice everyone applies. And every appeal has to be considered, even if the criminal has been convicted for the twelfth time and is unlikely to be able to take the path of reform.

According to priest Andrei Mnatsaganov, writing petitions is an art.

— Sometimes, when you read, you see that a person has a 9-10 grade education, he worked somewhere as a loader, and you read it like a novel. Everything went smoothly, not a single mistake. It happens that two petitions come from one colony, written in the same handwriting. There are special masters in the zones who write these letters. They write letters not only about pardon, but also about freedom for their loved ones. Of course, not for free - for food, cigarettes.

Who is asking for mercy?

According to Albert Atamanenko, 70% of petitions come from people who have committed serious and especially serious crimes, of which 20% are convicted of murder or intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm resulting in death.

It is noteworthy that 60% of the contingent had never worked before going to prison, and about half had already been convicted, some of them up to 12 times.

A third of those convicted committed drug-related crimes. The percentage of robbers and robbers asking for mercy is very small.

As priest Andrei Mnatsaganov notes, as a rule, a person who has not committed much felony, realizes his guilt, and he is even ashamed to ask for mercy. However, seasoned criminals who have served several prison terms save pardon, so to speak, for the future, remembering that such a chance only comes once.

There are also glaring cases. Thus, one of the Novocherkassk students who violated the corpse of an elderly woman asked for pardon. This story outraged all of Russia in November 2014. A guy and two girls dug up the body of an 84-year-old woman buried in January of the same year, separated the head and fingers, hastily covered the grave with earth and brought the remains to their dormitory. There, in the kitchen, they boiled the deceased’s head to clean it of hair and other biological debris. During interrogation, the detainees said that they were going to make an ashtray from the woman’s skull, and fortune-telling runes from the finger bones. They hid the remains. The commission did not recommend pardoning the girl who committed such a terrible crime.

Who has already been pardoned?

As members of the commission note, from year to year the number of those whom the president is ready to pardon is decreasing. As Albert Atamanenko reported, in the first year when the commission was created, Vladimir Puti pardoned 183 people, in 2003 - 187. In 2007, the president did not approve a single pardon petition from all over the country, and in 2014 - only 2. In In 2015, 5 people were pardoned, in 2016 - 6, in 2017 - 4.

Over the entire 15 years of the commission’s existence, the president pardoned only 13 people from the Rostov region, although the commission recommended 73 people. The fates of those pardoned turned out differently, but none of them broke the law again.

Among those pardoned is a man who stood up for his mother-in-law, who was being beaten by her father-in-law. The man pushed the offender, he fell, hit himself and died. Another example is a man over 60 years old who committed an accident. The commission also recommended pardoning and expunging the criminal record of the former judge, who was discredited by her assistant and then accused of beating the woman. True, while the trial was ongoing, the woman was released after serving her sentence.

Who do they want to pardon?

In 2017, the Rostov Region Pardon Commission received 138 petitions. Of these, only two young women were recommended to be pardoned.

Albert Atamanenko says that the girl was driven to crime by difficult life circumstances. Her parents are alcoholics, besides her there are four other minor children in the family, and she herself has small child. She moved away from her parents, worked in a clothing factory, raised her baby, and also helped her brothers and sisters, took them to her place for the weekend - to take a break from her parents' drinking and eat normally... But on one not very beautiful day, January 1, she was visiting in her father's house, when a conflict broke out between her and her mother. During the quarrel, the girl, unable to bear it, stabbed her mother with a knife.

“The mother is alive and says that she provoked her daughter.” The girl is very repentant. She is not sitting - she was given a deferment until the child’s fourteenth birthday. I stumbled, isn’t it possible to meet a person halfway in such a situation?

The second case is much more complicated. A young resident of the Rostov region was convicted of illegally acquiring child pornography for the purpose of distributing it.

The files were stored in cloud storage, and access was allegedly made available there, which was regarded as distribution. However, there were no downloads.

- The situation is complicated. But while the mother is sitting, she has two children left - one is an infant, the other is at school. The family recently took out a mortgage, and the husband left with two children found himself in a very difficult situation,” Atamanenko said.

Most often, crimes are committed while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Until recently, Priest Andrei Mnatsaganov was the head of the department for prison ministry of the Rostov diocesan administration, is a member of the commission for the observance of rights in places of deprivation of liberty and often communicates with prisoners. Mnatsaganov adds that about 60% of all convicts have nothing to do in the colony.

“These are people who simply stumbled.” They really could have been sent to the streets of revenge or worked like Soviet “chemistry”.

But in modern conditions this is hardly feasible.

After all, today the economy is in the hands of entrepreneurs - and who cannot oblige a businessman to employ five prisoners from a colony.

Meanwhile, just recently a return to similar type punishments were discussed quite seriously. In Novocherkassk, back in 2016, a correctional center with 200 places for those sentenced to forced labor was supposed to be built. This is a kind of analogue of “chemistry”, that is, the transfer of convicts to the jurisdiction of special commandant’s offices. “Chemistry” is an unofficial name for one of the types of parole or conditional release with mandatory involvement in work. The convicts were transported to the special commandant's office, where the prisoner was required to live in a special dormitory and work at the enterprise indicated to him. This type of punishment has been abolished in countries former USSR in 1992-1992.

However, the plans were never implemented.

Is it good existing system pardon?

By the spring of 2018, Vladimir Putin instructed the regions to prepare proposals for improving the system and work of pardon commissions.

Albert Atamanenko says that one of the main proposals is to issue a law that would regulate the work of the commission.

— We are still working according to the decree. It does not clearly state to whom a pardon cannot be applied. It says “as a rule, cannot...”. How to approach this norm? To apply or not to apply? In Belarus, the pardon law clearly states which categories of criminals cannot be pardoned. But with us, anyone can submit a petition, even if he has been convicted at least twenty times. Clear regulation of such things would reduce the number of applicants and give time to more carefully consider the requests of those who really need leniency.

The members of the commission have questions and to the judicial system. Priest Andrei Mnatsaganov notes that often, when considering petitions, commission members see that the defendant’s guilt is doubtful. But once the verdict has already been passed, the commission has no powers.

— The imperfection of the laws, their streamlining leads to the fact that the law is twisted as they want. The system needs to be changed. People are sometimes driven to white heat, especially entrepreneurs. Many people use this: they see - good company, they order it from the police, the police find violations, the businessman is taken to a pre-trial detention center, his company changes hands, and the man leaves with nothing. Or another case: a guy was sentenced to 17 years for rape and sexual activity against a minor. At the same time, the woman whom he allegedly raped in the elevator says: it’s not him. And the judge convinces her - you were just in shock. And when a crime was committed against a child, the defendant was in the hospital, and the judge says: he bought a certificate.

According to the priest, public control would help solve this problem.

“To improve the life of society, it is necessary to create public commissions so that they can be present at trials and during the investigation. Because sometimes a case is simply concocted, fabricated, and still goes to court. I met with the judges, and they told me: father, I see everything, but I can’t do anything, they’re putting pressure on me from above. And if there was such a commission, the judge could refer to it and save himself from pressure. I myself am present at courts, and in front of me the judge behaves completely differently. The commission could be present, She could listen, stand up and leave silently, and then write her resume.

If the president decides to pardon a person, an order is sent to the head of the region to provide assistance to the released person. And here all the ministries are already involved - for example, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health. They should help with employment and, if necessary, with treatment.

Also, assistance to people released from places not so remote (not only those who were pardoned by the president) is provided by the Spas MOBO center on Shcherbakova, 97a. Priest Andrei Mnatsaganov says that there are several state social centers, but those who have been released do not go there; for them it is psychologically unacceptable. As a result, many don’t even have a place to stay overnight and find themselves in new troubles on the first night. MOBO “Spas” helps such people.

— The organization is engaged in accepting people who are leaving prison and giving them socialization. Provides them with housing and food. If a person is sick, social worker takes him to the hospital to undergo a medical examination; if he is elderly, he is sent to a nursing home. We also have lawyers - a person can turn to both domestic and criminal issues while still in prison. In some cases, we were able to obtain parole.

People come to the center from all over Russia; work with many wards is carried out while still in the colony. Previously, Spas existed only on donations, but has been winning for two years now presidential grant. This year, 150 people passed through the center. And, according to Andrei Mnatsaganov, the relapse rate in the center is very low - only 20%, and 80% of the wards are able to return to normal life.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Forgive everyone who has offended me in any way, slandered me, or done any harm to me - I forgive them, according to Your word. Have mercy on them and me according to Your great mercy.

Forgive those whom I have offended, upset, condemned and insulted in some way - forgive me, a sinner, and render good to those who suffered from me.

Forgive those whom I tempted to sin, and those who tempted me, and have mercy on them and me according to Your great mercy.

Forgive and have mercy on all my benefactors and all those who commanded me, unworthy, to pray for them.

Forgive and have mercy on all those who hate and love me.

Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Lord, have mercy!


Lord Jesus Christ! Forgive my past sins and teach me to always be a meek and humble follower of Yours. Knowing that all Your words are holy and directed towards my good and salvation, I always strive to humbly and lovingly fulfill all Your words.

Whirlwinds of temptations emanating from the world, the flesh and the devil overwhelm and worry me. Fearing, contrary to Your Holy Word, to incline my heart to some sinful passion, and through it to find myself in slavery to the devil, I now humbly resort to You, my Lord and Savior, with prayer for help. Intercede, save, have mercy and preserve me, O God, by Your grace. Lord, have mercy on me and grant me Your holy grace, so that henceforth I could, without temptation, with love, keep Your words and commandments and humbly follow the path You have shown us, to Your glory. Amen.

God! Forgive everyone who has offended us in any way, insulted us, scolded us, slandered us or done us any harm. Forgive, Lord, all who have sinned against us. We forgive them; have mercy on them and on us, Lord, according to Your great mercy.

Lord Jesus Christ! Forgive our past sins: in deed, word, thought and all our feelings. Strengthen us with Your Holy grace so that we will henceforth live according to Your will and not sin, calling on Your All-Holy name for help and salvation, doing everything for Your glory. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ! Grant each of us with humility and love to follow You, patiently and uncomplainingly, until death, to bear that cross that You, by Your Providence, in proportion to the strength of our love, deigned to give us. Grant us, Lord, to have compassionate love for those who are hostile against us, to forgive them and pray for them, to Your glory. Amen.

God! Have mercy on us sinners who are now praying to You, and have mercy on the perishing peoples of Russia in their sins, and “with our destinies” lead us all onto the saving path of Christian life in the Orthodox Church. Vouchsafe, Lord, to fulfill with love what You have commanded, to abide in Your Love, in unity with You!

God! Be with me always!


God! Forgive me, a sinner, and those who are at enmity with me. Destroy the deceit and malice in the unbelief of the living. Encourage me, Lord, to pray with love for the salvation of the souls who are at enmity against me and who have departed from You. Teach, Lord, how I should thank You and what I should do for Your glory.

God! Accept our prayer for those Christians who, either due to illness or due to everyday circumstances, could not now come to church for church prayer, for congregational prayer. Have mercy on them and on us, Lord, and do over all of us, for our sanctification, for our salvation, Your holy will. Amen.


We know, Lord, that Your will is always done for good over us, over our country and over the whole world. Therefore, humbly entrusting ourselves to the decision of Thy holy will, O Lord, we ask: have mercy on us, O Lord, and forgive our sins and the sins of our ancestors. Have mercy, Lord, the Russian land! “Have mercy, O Lord, Thy people” (Joel 2:17); crush godless evil yourself so that it does not reign on earth; and deliver us from the godless and evil, for Your glory. Amen.


Great God!

Forgive me that many times I turned to You with requests for worldly goods to satisfy my sinful lusts.

Don’t listen, God, to my requests like this.

Great God! Deprive me of everything that I possess in the world, but do not deprive me of Your merciful forgiveness and the grace of Your Holy Spirit. Lead me along the saving path of Christ to Yourself (whether I want it, humanly, or not). Save me, for Your glory. Amen.


God! You know my deeds, words, thoughts and feelings. You also know my heartfelt contrition for the sins I committed in the past. Repenting of them, I pray to You: Lord, have mercy! Lord, forgive me! Lord, save me! Strengthen me, Lord, to henceforth unswervingly follow in Your footsteps, fulfilling Your holy will.

God! Teach us to humbly and lovingly forgive those who slander us, those who offend us and those who do evil to us. Teach us also to pray with love for them, for all those who are lost and living in sinful passions. Teach us not to grumble at the severity of the circumstances of our earthly life, but to humbly, with love, endure and endure everything, knowing that all of them are sent to us with love by You, Lord, and providentially are always directed for our good, to our greater perfection, to the speedy achievement our salvation in the blissful union of love with You, Lord, for Your glory. Amen.

Lord our God! You love everything that exists and have “care for everyone” (Wis. 12, 13). We entrust ourselves entirely to You, Lord, for we know that You love us with “everlasting love” (Jer. 31:3) “and rule over us with great mercy” (Wisdom 12:18). For us sinners, the action of Your Providence is incomprehensible, but we believe that You, Lord, always desiring our good, guide us to righteousness and salvation. Therefore, even when You allow us to fall into sorrowful circumstances, painful and painful states, You, Lord, we believe, always provide to put us on the saving path of Christian life, leading to eternal life in unity with You. You expect from us repentance for our sins, you expect from us the determination to humbly, with love, fulfill Your holy will and live in piety and purity, uncomplainingly enduring everything that happens to us.

Lord our God! Accept our gratitude to You for Your loving favor towards us, for everything that happened to us in life according to Your will. Forgive us, many sinners, and forgive all those who have been hostile and hostile against us; we forgive them. Have mercy on them and on us, according to Your great mercy, for Your glory. Amen.


God! We realize that for our sins, You, Lord, bring upon us sorrowful circumstances, weaknesses and illnesses. And we know that You call all those who sin to repentance and righteous life, - according to Your commandments, according to Your will. Therefore, lamenting the sins we have committed, we humbly repent of them and beg You: Lord, have mercy and forgive us, Your many-sinful servants. We, Lord, still strive to fulfill Your word, Your commandments and Your holy will.

We sincerely desire to live righteously, to live without sin. Help us, Lord! Bless us with Your gracious help to carry out this life good intentions ours, for Your glory. Amen.


Lord, “loving and merciful, long-suffering and abounding in mercy”! (Exodus 34:6) Accept our humble prayer for the salvation of people in our country, who are now drowning and perishing in their sins.

“Lord God! Have mercy” (Am. 7:2), have mercy on Christians who have retreated from life according to the gospel teaching of Christ and have enslaved themselves to passions and vices. Have mercy on people who are lost, who have lost their faith, and people who do not believe.

God! Spare them for the sake of Thy image in them and “with their destinies” lead them to repentance and faith; scatter “those who are proud in the thoughts of their hearts” (Luke 1:51), humble them with their works (cf. Ps. 106:12) and lead them away from the evil, wicked and destructive path of life.

“Oh, Lord, save me! Oh, Lord, make haste!” (Ps. 117:25) May the peoples of Russia come to their senses, may they come to their senses, may they believe in You, Lord, and repent. May they come out of the abyss of sin and, by Thy mercy, rise up and board the church ship for Christian life, so that together with us and them they may cross the stormy sea of ​​life and reach the harbor of salvation desired by all of us in Thy eternal Kingdom. Amen

God! Hear our prayer for those who, out of lukewarmness, have turned away from life by faith, have moved away from following in Your footsteps, who have not resisted the temptations coming from the flesh, the world and the devil, and have found themselves in slavery to their destructive passions: pride, sensuality, wine drinking, love of money... Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior! Do not allow them to perish in the possession of passions, have mercy on Your fallen creatures and save them through your destinies, for Your glory. Amen.

Great God!

Grant me unceasing prayerful communication with You. With the great fire of Your Love, ignite my prayer, so that I may remain in unity with You. After all, without You I cannot resist temptation, I cannot withstand trials, I cannot be preserved from evil.

Don't let me be left without You. I am Your servant, do not leave me.

Do not give me such temporary, worldly blessings (wealth, success and glory), through which I can lose Your eternal Heavenly blessings.

Do not give my flesh such health that the “right spirit” in me is lulled and enslaved by its passions, and so that I do not appear before You as an evil and lazy servant, a slave of vice and sin.

Do not give me such knowledge of the wisdom of this world that can remove me from the perfect knowledge of You, the One true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

Destroy in me the beginnings of those human talents, through the increase of which I can - for my glory - be seduced and move away from the simplicity of my heart, childish faith in You and from the humble “in spirit and truth” worship of You, my God and Master.

God! Be with me, and grant me the honor to live humbly according to Your will in You, for Your glory. Amen.


God, Father! In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, hear us humbly praying to You, and send down upon us the grace of Your Most Holy Spirit, to Your glory. Amen.

And vouchsafe us with a pure heart To glorify You here to death and there to endless ages to sing to You: Alleluia! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!


Lord help me!

Help make them unusual bad habits, and help me get rid of everything unnecessary on the road that leads to You.

Help me to bridle my flesh (through prayer, labor, prostrations, vigil and abstinence) so that it does not hinder, but helps me follow the narrow path to eternal life.

Help me not to be seduced by the temptations of this world and to avoid worldly vanity.

Help me to unmistakably distinguish between evil and good, and to choose and do only good in behavior.

Help me to know Your holy will and humbly fulfill it with love.

Help me to live according to Your word, according to Your commandments, and to abide in Your love.

Help me to keep Your path, and in the phenomena of the world - everywhere, always - help me to see the deeds of Your all-good will.

Help me to imagine You so closely and so clearly, so that during prayer there is no distraction of the mind and so that I can always be and live in Your presence and not sin.

Help me, Lord, in acquiring the grace of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.


Lord, who listens to the words of our prayers, fulfill them for our good.

Lord, who reads in the hearts of His servants, bless the fulfillment of our good aspirations.

Lord, teach me how to live through life here on earth in order to achieve eternal life in You.

Lord, let the light of Your truth burn in my heart with love, so that the darkness of anger and lies does not overtake me.

Lord, let the spirit and life of Your word be in my soul, so that I can reflect the spiritless deadness of godless verbiage.

Lord, may Your Seraphim always be with me, so that my life may be directed towards You along a straight path.

Lord, send me Your holy grace, with it it is so good to fulfill Your will, and to love, and to suffer.

April 1956

God, be with me!

You were with Jacob when he tended Laban's cattle, and you did not leave him.

You were with Joseph when his brothers sold him into slavery, and you did not leave him.

You were with Daniel when they threw him into the lions' den, and you saved him.

You were with a countless host of those who pleased You, and you brought them into Your Kingdom.

And now I pray to You: God, be with me! Do not leave me, O Lord my God, do not depart from me, attend to my help, O Lord of my salvation.

Save me, Lord, for Your glory. Amen.
October 1945, in the penalty camp of Art. Sukhobezvodnoe, Unjlag.

Be with me, as you once were with our fathers...

Bless my thoughts, words and deeds.

Bless my meetings and my partings.

Bless my entrances and exits.

Bless my desires and sanctify my dreams.

Bless my inhalations and my exhalations.

Bless my searches for You and make me worthy of Your mercy, for Your glory.

God, forgive me and teach me.

God, be with me always!
1955, Omsk.

God! Taking into my nature the Sacredness of Your Body and Blood, I, a sinner, am filled with grace-filled unity with You and thereby become sanctified and spiritually wise in such a way that I try in the events of my life to recognize the traces of Your holy will and its direction. And since without You I cannot achieve this knowledge, now I humbly turn to You in prayer.

Great God!

My soul languishes and yearns for You: it constantly searches for You, looks intently to see, and listens intently to hear You.

In anticipation of what You Yourself will say in me, all my feelings are tense: and my thought explores and restlessly tests the phenomena of these days, looking for in them the trace of Your holy will and its direction.

Oh, let me know Your holy will and follow it steadily until death. For Your glory!

Lord our God!

You love everything that exists. And we completely entrust ourselves to You, for we believe in You and know from experience how You, Lord, love us with eternal and unchanging Love. Forgive and have mercy on us sinners. Teach us to willingly, lovingly accept Your will and humbly fulfill it.

The action of Your Providence, carrying out Your will with love, is incomprehensible to us sinners. But we believe that in all manifestations of Your will, You, Lord, wish us good and direct us to righteousness, to holiness. And therefore, even when You allow us to fall into sorrowful circumstances, painful and painful states, You, Lord, we believe, always provide to put us on the saving path of Christian life, leading to eternal life in unity with You.

From us, the grieving, the sick, in torment, You, Lord, expect the humble acceptance of all that it pleased You to bring upon us. You are waiting for our repentance and our prayerful appeal to You for grace-filled help, so that we can patiently and resignedly endure everything that happens to us.

Lord our God! Please accept our gratitude to You for Your loving We are favored for everything that happens to us in life according to Your will. Forgive us, many sinners, and forgive all those who have been at enmity and at enmity against us - we forgive them. Have mercy on them and us according to Your great mercy, for Your glory. Amen.

God, the All-Perfect!

My soul is dark from the multitude of sins I have committed... Reflecting Your heavenly light, it shines as a barely noticeable, insignificant spark in the darkness of the lawless surroundings. But a passionate desire glimmers within her: both hotly and brightly, like a large torch, to blaze and shine before Your unearthly glory on earth.

Humbly entrusting myself entirely to you, I reverently pray:

God! Forgive me for my past! Cleanse and sanctify me with Your grace, O Great One! Make me a mouthpiece of Your words to the world today and grant me, in Your almighty right hand, to become an obedient instrument of Your all-good will.

O God of Love, hear me! Hear! And make sure that Your great love always leads me to You as a guiding star; always, until my soul rests in You. Amen.

God! May that evening hour always be blessed when I first heard You - You, for Whom “there is no name worthy among mortals!” - Thank you for the years of trials, for adversity, for exile. Thank you for allowing me to be reproached and persecuted. Thank you for the slander, ridicule and contempt... I believe: You are always good to Your servants, You will strengthen me and will not leave me. Test me with suffering, oppress me with enemies, but do not deprive me of Your favor and Your holy grace, for Your greater glory.

God, be always with me!
1955, Omsk.

Lord Jesus Christ! You are the One Truth. Alive and Eternal! Vouchsafe me to speak with love about this holy Truth - about You, our Lord and Savior, to those who have not yet heard about You and do not know You, so that those who hear may believe in You, repent and, living according to the Gospel teaching, rejoice and be saved.

God! Make me wise by Thy grace and be present at my mouth, so that I know to whom, when, what and how to preach Thy word, to Thy glory. Amen.
1941, Butyrka prison.

God Almighty!

The soul strives for grief, and the flesh clings to earthly things under the weight of a sinful burden...

Oh, deliver me from my iniquities!

Accept my repentance and grant me merciful forgiveness!

Forgive my past shameful deeds and the memories of them that now plunge my soul into temptation.

Forgive the involuntary desires of the violent flesh and excessive attention to it.

Forgive the soul the carefree peace amid the bustle of the world - both dirty and destructive.

Forgive me for the fact that, being careless in worshiping You alone, I give honor to that which is completely unworthy of worship.

Forgive me for the fact that in my insolence, having lost the fear of You, I nevertheless fear an insignificance - like myself - in this world.

Forgive me for the fact that, although I hate evil, I do not have the courage to expose it and fight it.

Forgive me also for my unreasonable requests to You - for the fact that, depressed by a long trial, for vain things, for worldly blessings for myself at times I ask recklessly.

Do not heed, O God, such requests, but Himself, at His own discretion, according to His will, decide my destiny for my good.

God! I want to achieve Your heavenly purity with my soul, but with my body I drown all in the dirt of the earth.

Forgive me, Lord, forgive me! And with Your grace, cleanse and sanctify me, to Your greater glory, O Great One.
1954, Omsk.

God, be with me!

When envious people slander me,
When my comrades laugh at me,
When enemies are chasing me, -
I have one prayer before You:
God, be with me!

When I am excommunicated from the company of my relatives,
When I am despised by power and country,
When imprisoned or camped, -
I have one prayer before You:
God, be with me!

When I'm exhausted at work, I'm in the forest,
When I'm numb from the cold under the blizzard,
When I'm lying sick in bed, -
I have one prayer before You:
God, be with me!
1954, Omsk.

Turn me away from pride and vanity. Deliver me from temptations and temptations. Calm the carnal worries in me and do not allow me to become a slave to passions.

Dispel and resolve my doubts. And humble my sinful will before Your holy will. Confirm and increase in me my childish, simple faith. Place Your love within me and grant me Your holy grace.

God! Hear my prayer now and open to me the path that should go to You; and strengthen my will and give me strength to come to You. Amen.
January 21, 1956, Omsk.

God Almighty!

By your command, the crows brought baked cakes and pieces of meat to the desert for Elijah. By your command, Habakkuk delivered dinner to Daniel in the lions’ den...

I recognize my unworthiness before You. And I know that I am unworthy of such caring goodness of Yours. But I pray to You with the rest of my strength:

Lord, have mercy and reveal to me Your will for me. Reveal what and how I must do in order to achieve peace in You as quickly as possible, for Your greater glory. Amen .
June 18, 1951, Aban.

God! Guide my path. I don’t pray that You send me an Angel, I am not worthy of this, send me a person who would enlighten me on how I should be where I am directed by Your will.
God, be with me!
1944, Unjlag.

God! With Your Word, make me wise for salvation and teach me to humbly walk in life according to Your will towards You, in order to quickly achieve the unity of love with You. Amen.
November 1955

Polls say so public opinion and the entire popular movement. The Russian people are ready to look for the Tsar today both in Vladimir Putin, and in the descendants of the Royal Family of the Romanovs, and among the descendants of Grand Duke Rurik of Novgorod. The Russian people are waiting for the Tsar.

We are waiting for the Chosen One of GOD, like the Holy King and Prophet David, and not the people’s chosen one like King Saul. Saint Theophan of Poltava and many ascetics prophesied about the coming Russian Orthodox Tsar.

“The Monarchy will be restored in Russia, Autocratic power. The Lord has chosen the future King. This will be a man of fiery faith, a brilliant mind and an iron will... He will be appointed by God Himself strong king on the Throne"

Who is the Tsar for the Russian people? And why in the depths of the people’s soul and in the depths of the heart of every truly Russian person is there such a thirst for the Tsar of the earth? As is known, from the very beginning of human history - the Tsar, the royal family meant the eldest over the people, the eldest in flesh and blood. That is, both the eldest in the family (that is, the eldest son from the eldest son), and the eldest in spirit, as, for example, the Lord revealed King David, the eighth son of Jesse - by no means the eldest by blood, but invisibly anointed by the Lord from his mother’s womb to reign over Israel, the people of God, because David loved God and glorified Him from the heart with his psalm songs, sung to the accompaniment of a golden-stringed harp psalter.

In those “last” times, when the world was already perishing in pagan depravity and suicidal pride, the Jews were waiting for the King of the earth, the King over Israel, as their Messiah, the Savior of the world! But the Messiah - Jesus Christ came to earth not as the Jews expected him: not in the form of an earthly King, not in the form of a strong King in the flesh, but in the form of a spiritual King of Israel. Although, undoubtedly, Jesus Christ is the King of Kings both in heaven and on earth, and His Kingdom possesses everyone.

United Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. (For the mystery of lawlessness is already in action, only it will not be completed until the One who now Holds is taken from the environment 2:7), became the Orthodox Emperor over the entire Roman ecumene. And over the next 1150 years, under the leadership of the Roman Emperors, the Orthodox faith, the Orthodox ecumene, flourished and multiplied. But after the renunciation of Orthodoxy at the Ferraro-Florentine Council of almost all the bishops of Rome and the Emperor John Palaiologos VIII, after the conclusion of a union with the Catholics, the Orthodox Roman Emperors soon disappeared into history. And instead of them, in the 16th century, in the place of the Holder, the Lord placed the faithful - the Russian people, led by the Tsar - the Anointed of God, the first Russian Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible.

The mercy of the Lord descended on us for the faithfulness of our ancestors to the Orthodox faith, for the fact that Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich expelled Metropolitan Isidore, a Greek who signed the Ferraro-Florentine Union, from the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin in 1439 and preserved the purity of the Russian Orthodox Church. And so the small Grand Duchy of Vladimir-Moscow in just three centuries turned into a great powerful Orthodox Power, the Russian Empire. According to Orthodox teaching, Orthodox Emperor, Orthodox Tsar is a living icon of the King of Heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ. And just as the Lord is our heavenly Father, so the Russian Tsar is our earthly father. Alas, it is difficult for us, who now live in the cities and villages of Russia - in Great Russia, Little Russia and Belarus, to understand and realize what it means to live in Russian Empire, what it means to be a servant of the Emperor and a servant of God. We must add all “equality”, all “freedoms” to being servants of God - our Lord Jesus Christ and associates and subjects of the Orthodox King of the earth. This is happiness for any Russian.

It is difficult for us living today to realize this, but try! Imagine that we are members of a large patriarchal family, and there is a father who takes care of all family members, pays this or that attention to all of them, you can seek protection from him, you can seek advice from him, you can seek justice from him, which is always above the law. He is merciful and he cares about his family. This is how the Russian Tsars were, and now the Russian people have no earthly father, no earthly protector, no earthly icon of the Heavenly King, and this is God’s punishment for the sin of perjury to Tsar-Martyr Nicholas and Tsarevich Alexei, heir to the throne. Every man in the Russian Empire took an oath of allegiance to the Emperor for himself and his family; military and spiritual officials took a special oath to the Emperor. Most of the people closest to Tsar Martyr Nicholas - the highest military, state and spiritual officials - disgustingly and vilely betrayed him in February 1917, and as a result - they handed him over to be torn apart by the infidels, allowed the ritual murder of the Emperor and all Royal Family, which took place on the night of July 17 (new style) in 1918. In one way or another, not only were involved in this connivance senior officials Russian. And you and I, now living, are the physical and spiritual heirs of our ancestors who committed this sin, which is akin to the sin of condoning parricide. No matter what we do, no matter how much we turn away from obvious facts, the sin of condoning the Regicide lies with us, our people.

Think about it, Emperor Nicholas II, who did nothing wrong for the Russian people, could not be accused or condemned of anything real even by his most arrogant opponents - the infidels, masons and Bolsheviks who came to power in 1917.

The Royal Family was imprisoned for a long 16.5 months. And so 150 million subjects (more than 120 million Russians) could not find any worthy forces to free the Tsar and all Royal Family to save from execution the innocent Tsar, Tsarina, Tsarevich youth Alexei, Princess Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia. For no reason, for no fault, but only because they served as an obstacle to the ruin, plunder, and strangulation of Russia and the Russian Orthodox people, they were subjected to torture and death. The overwhelming majority of their killers did not even know the Russian language and were not Russian people, which is already common knowledge. But they acted in the Russian environment - in the Russian city of Petrograd, in the Russian city of Tobolsk, in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg.

The Tsar forgave us all - those who were directly guilty, those who were indirectly guilty, and those who were almost innocent. He did not renounce us, his service as an Orthodox Tsar, but he did not cling to power and did not consider it necessary to drown the country in blood in order to preserve personal power. civil war. He measured all his actions against serving God. And seeing that the people did not want to serve Him, he prayed for this people, for our ancestors, who - some through silence and inaction, and some through actions - broke their oath and betrayed the Sovereign. The Emperor was blocked, actually arrested, first in Pskov and Mogilev, then He and His Family languished under arrest, first in Tsarskaya Selo near Petrograd. Our ancestors had to flock from all over the country, interrupt this illegal arrest, pray to the Emperor to return to the Throne, take his father’s place and rule us again.

But our people, out of stupidity and greed, succumbed to false promises of freedom, equality, brotherhood, more satisfying bread, new orders that will give happiness to humanity, wanted to exchange heavenly riches for earthly riches... and lost them all.

The carnage of the civil war claimed dozens of times more lives than the first world war. Mass hunger and devastation instead of food and prosperity, ruin of industry and agriculture for many decades, the occupation of territory by enemies of the Russian people is the fruit of perjury.

The Lord is merciful and the saints Royal Martyrs pray for us sinners. They, the only ones innocent of the sin of perjury, pray to the Lord God to forgive Russia.

It has been 22 years since the fall of the atheistic government began, which to us, who lived in the Soviet Union, seemed eternal and unshakable. Already in many cities, idols - statues of the ghoul Lenin - are being toppled from their pedestals. Now Patriarch Hermogenes in bronze from the Kremlin walls appeals to the Russian people, as in 1612, to protect the Kremlin from foreign invasion, from the occupying power.

So let us pray to the Lord to have mercy on the Russian country and accept our repentance for the sin of perjury and connivance in the murder of the Royal Family.

Pray to God for us, Holy Royal Martyrs - Holy Tsar-Martyr Nicholas, Holy Queen-Martyr Alexandra, Holy Tsarevich-Martyr Alexei, Holy Princess-Martyrs Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia!

Vasily Boyko-Veliky