Which brand of elliptical trainer is best? What else should you pay attention to? Rating of elliptical trainers with aeromagnetic load

Sport has become an integral part healthy image life. People want to be slim, fit, flexible, and exercise machines are a great help in this. Not everyone has the opportunity to visit gyms. But you can always find houses free time to devote yourself physical activity. Elliptical trainers are considered the most effective devices for losing weight and maintaining good health. physical fitness. Therefore, it would be advisable to discuss how to choose the right exercise machine for training at home.

If you hear about level compensators, keep in mind that they are used to stabilize the device on the ground. They usually compensate for the narrow structure of the device. Regarding the size of the device, it should be selected based on the size of the user. If you take up less space, you won't be able to perform your elliptical motion optimally.

It should be flexible and as wide as possible. We also recommend choosing a model with adjustable pedals to adjust the unit to your size and the size of all users. This good way for all home users to use it. The flywheel is an important element of the elliptical trainer. If you take the wheel too light, there will be no more comfort for the pedals at the rendezvous. It should be known that the heavier the wheel, the more comfortable the pedaling. For occasional use, never go below 7kg.

Elliptical trainer: features and purposes of use

The operating principle of the elliptical trainer is to combine 2 types physical work- cycling and running on a treadmill. Although the device itself does not look like either one or the other. The trainer allows you to simulate walking or running. In addition, you will develop your leg muscles well as they move along the elliptical path. This can be compared to the load on a bicycle or ski machine. And the hand levers, used simultaneously with the pedals, like rowing, will help activate the muscles of the arms, chest and back.

Most elliptical trainers have a flywheel located at the back. This inertia wheel placed at the back allows for good posture and makes training easier. Muscle effort is less important, but wheel speed is higher. Ideal for people who want to burn fat quickly.

Other models, however, have a wheel at the front and are more suitable for people with narrow pelvises and knee pain. The stride type is flatter and the muscles are more tense than the rear wheeled version. These models are especially suitable for people who want to develop their muscular abilities.

Working on an elliptical trainer provides strength and static loads on muscle tissue, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Accordingly, you get the necessary cardio loads that make your heart work harder. And this, in turn, has a positive effect on blood circulation.

Regular training on the elliptical will help you lose weight and improve your health cardiovascular system and always keep yourself in good shape

There are three braking systems: a magnetic drag brake that is manually adjusted, a motor magnetic drag brake set by the on-board computer, and an electrically controlled electromagnetic drag brake. The difference lies in the technology used to brake the flywheel.

In the case of a manual magnetic braking system, the flywheel will be braked by several magnets that will gradually move closer to the wheel depending on the level of difficulty you want. This is a braking system that is usually controlled by a wheel located on the steering wheel of the bicycle.

But not only cardio training - positive trait ellipsoid (another common name for such a simulator is orbitec). Due to the load on certain areas of the body, the process of burning fat and forming muscle mass, which promotes weight loss, that is, weight loss. In addition, excess stress is removed from the legs and knees, which significantly reduces the risk of injury.

Motorized magnetic braking

This type of braking works the same as manual magnetic braking, except in this case it is controlled by the on-board computer on the bike. This system allows for more precise customization for training that is completely tailored to the user's needs. This allows, in particular, to have predefined programs for better preparation.

This braking system is the most precise of the three. It is electrically controlled for a quieter system and better pedal comfort. Electromagnetic braking provides all the benefits of other braking without any moving parts in the system. To achieve optimal results, the elliptical trainer should have movable handles. We do not recommend bicycles with fixed handlebars. Indeed, one fixed handlebar does not make an elliptical movement that benefits practice.

In any fitness center you are sure to see ellipsoids. They have become very popular and in demand. But before you buy such a simulator for home use, you need to decide on the type of device, purpose and suitable price category. After all, the key to a successful purchase is the right price-quality ratio.

However, choose a bike with movable handlebars, while fixed handlebars will work with in different parts bodies. These are moving bars that work on the upper body, so if you don't want to work, you can only use fixed bars that will redirect your efforts to the lower half.

Devices equipped with a heart sensor can measure heart rate, effort and calories burned during exercise. Almost all elliptical trainers have sensors on the handlebars, but the most effective sensor is the cardio trainer, which provides better tracking. There are also sensors on the ear.

Types of orbitreks by type of loading

Well-known manufacturers offer a huge range of ellipsoids. But they are all divided into 5 types according to the principle of action:

  • mechanical (belt);
  • magnetic-mechanical;
  • magnetic;
  • electromagnetic
  • aeromagnetic (self-generating).

These characteristics are the primary ones when choosing the right model. Please note that the price of the simulator depends on the type (we presented data on types in order of increasing cost).

Whether you're a beginner or experienced, you'll appreciate the evolution of your performances. The heart sensor allows you to track your workouts and optimize them for better results. Indeed, your sessions will be different depending on your initial goals, so follow-up is essential to achieving your final goal.

Today, the elliptical trainer is invading gyms and your interiors. This revolutionary device has many selling points to make for the uninitiated. Essential in fitness and rehabilitation programs, the elliptical trainer is the equipment you absolutely need. However, before equipping yourself at home, you need to make a choice to choose as a consumer and an informed athlete. This guide is designed to answer all your questions and make your choice easier.

Aeromagnetic ellipsoids are premium models

Pay attention! Always check the length of the power cord if you choose a mains powered elliptical model. A cord that is too short can significantly limit your movement (the machine will only have to be placed in certain place). You can use an extension cord, but this is not always convenient.

What is an elliptical trainer?

Contrary to what you might expect, the elliptical is not actually like a bicycle as you might imagine. Unlike a regular bicycle, the user stands on two pedals and maintains his balance using mobile handles. The mechanism allows the pedals to move simultaneously with the moving handles as the user pulls and pushes them in sequence.

This mechanism introduces movement in ellipses, characterized by the softness of this balance and gradually the user's muscles through various ways resistance. This bike allows the athlete to develop according to his level and expectations. This model proposed by the brand, launched by David Duyel and Cédric Dermet, is a compromise to satisfy the largest number. An effective product for regular use but not a professional one, this bike offers excellent value for money.

We can conclude: beginners with limited funds who decide to buy an elliptical trainer for home exercise should pay attention to easy-to-use and inexpensive magnetic-mechanical trainers. If you regularly engage in fitness or professional strength training, take a closer look at electromagnetic ellipsoids.

It offers 23 workout programs and 16 resistance levels to train at your own pace, allowing you to vary your efforts. This template can be suitable for multiple users as it can save up to four different profiles on the console.

This model has many advantages, including the ability to bend and move easily. But this practical side is not the only advantage of this bike. It involves 20 automatic programs: 10 programs to improve his silhouette and 10 programs to develop his physical characteristics.

Depending on the loading system, the capabilities of the ellipsoids differ. For example, mechanical exercise machines do not have computers, with the exception of some of the most modern models with a simple display that allows you to control your heart rate, movement speed, and the number of calories burned, but without a program selection function. The factor of energy independence and low price in this case is a priority, especially if you are ready to independently motivate yourself to train. But the electronic and electromagnetic systems will provide you with quiet, smooth operation and plenty of opportunities to adjust the load and monitor the results of your training.

This model is designed for people who want to renew physical activity or want to start their own business. Small in size, it has interesting technical characteristics, including effective ergonomics and an electronic monitor. This model is suitable for both beginners and more experienced athletes, as long as their weight does not exceed 110 kilograms. He will also invest in good headphones because this model can be a little noisy.

This affordable model will be a great ally for anyone who wants to stay in shape. Easy to install and highly resistant to the wear and tear of time, this model allows rear pedaling, has eight resistance levels, but allows for the same cycling performance as an elliptical bike. Indeed, the availability of a classic chair is quite rare and represents a real added value for this versatile model. Comfort is also at the rendezvous with four-foot-wide moss-covered handles and non-slip pedals.

Expert advice: what to look for when choosing

If you want the elliptical trainer purchased for your home to be useful and enjoyable, you need to consider several important points when choosing it:

  • the number of people who will be engaged;
  • weight of the trainee;
  • drive - front or rear;
  • type of load regulation;
  • difference between types of load;
  • the space required by the simulator in operating mode.

Choice depending on the number of students

If you are going to buy an ellipsoid just for yourself, it will be enough for you to simply compare all the characteristics and come to a common denominator. But most often, exercise machines are purchased with the expectation that the whole family will exercise. This means that you need to consider the possibility of adjusting step length and load.

After some failure to ride it, this elliptical bike is a great investment for a beginner. To optimize its use, it is necessary to have a rather refined silhouette to the extent that the bike does not support more than 100 kilograms. This entry-level device provides reasonable noise and is quite practical, as it weighs only 27 kilograms and is therefore easy to carry. Easy to use thanks to the rotating system, this bike is suitable for those who want to exercise but are limited enough for more regular and professional use.

How often the simulator will be used depends on the number of students.

  • Regular, daily classes involve the use of a simulator for an average level of training. Choose a high-quality ellipsoid with a strong frame, smooth adjustment, controlled by an electromagnetic loading system, and the ability to adjust the pedal platform.
  • If the ellipsoid will be used infrequently, then a model for a standard level of training will be sufficient. Such simulators are smaller in size, use permanent magnets as a load source, or provide manual adjustment of the resistance level.

User weight and height

For people with tall or weighing more than average, the choice of elliptical models may be limited. However, this will even simplify the task. In the instructions for exercise machines, manufacturers indicate the maximum recommended user weight. On some models, 2 indicators are used: recommended and maximum permissible weight.

There are many benefits to practicing an elliptical trainer. Of course, it is obvious that these benefits will be more noticeable if the practice is regular. Very rare practice can produce only superficial effects. Firstly, the elliptical, like any sports activity, brings a feeling of physical well-being, but not only that. Doing an elliptical ride on your cross trainers on the way home from work will help you avoid the stress of the day while you're busy.

Nowadays, when most people are under pressure and stress at work, this benefit should not be overlooked. It offers the combined benefits of a rowing session, jogging and cross-country skiing without feeling the shock or damaging your joints. Along with this, it keeps the body healthy.

The choice of elliptical trainer model depends on the weight and even height of the user

If the user’s weight is approaching the maximum allowable for the selected model, it is worth looking for a higher level exercise machine. Please note that your weight must be at least 15 kg less than the specified maximum value. That is, if the user weighs 85 kg, this mark should be at least 100 kg.

Choosing a bike size is a milestone. It is no coincidence that this is the first criterion to consider in your choice. Bikes under a meter should generally be avoided, especially for regular use. For a person with a small to medium morphology, it will be necessary to choose a model from one meter to 1.5 meters, while larger and stronger athletes will have to choose a model of at least 1.5 meters. If the bike is too small, the use will not be optimal.

The structure should be determined depending on the weight of users and their number. If multiple users use it, it will be necessary to choose a more durable structure that allows frequent use. If the structure is not strong enough for regular use, the structure of the bike will be damaged and will need to be replaced sooner than expected.

Of course, with regular training your weight will decrease, but until this happens, the device will have to work at its maximum capacity. If the recommendations are not followed, this can lead to rapid breakdowns.

Front or rear drive

Depending on how the flywheel is positioned, elliptical trainers are divided into front- and rear-wheel drive. It is impossible to say for sure which of them is better. The choice is purely individual and depends on the characteristics of the figure, personal preferences and even habits.

The amplitude of the pedals is important factor in order to target what you want. Circular range is recommended when you want to lose weight or improve your endurance. The movements are faster, but they are based on body weight rather than pull. A flatter amplitude will be appreciated by athletes looking to gain muscle mass, since this amplitude requires all muscles. The pace is slower and we take time to work the muscles in depth.

The distance between the pedals should be as small as possible so that your pelvis has optimal alignment. The movement of the hips must be performed naturally. The flywheel, like the design, depends on the use of the device. For regular and intensive use, you will need a wheel of at least 20 kilograms. However, it is not advisable to choose a model with a wheel weighing less than 7 kilograms. The choice of this wheel is important because the weight of the inertia wheel affects comfort during efforts. The location of the flywheel is important.

Pay attention! Before choosing an elliptical to buy, try working out several times in the gym on several of these machines. This will help you understand which drive is more convenient for you personally - front or rear.

If the flywheel of the simulator is located in its rear part, between the trainee’s legs, then this is a rear-wheel drive model. It will appeal to those who prefer to keep their torso tilted when moving, like runners or skiers. The length of the footrest is sufficient so that you can choose the most comfortable body position. Such models are universal for any height, which means that all family members can use them.

A rear-wheel drive elliptical is generally suitable for most users.

In addition, the design features of the rear-wheel drive ellipsoid give it additional stability and compactness, which is especially important for use at home.

For front-wheel drive ellipsoids, the flywheel and transmission are located in the front part. When training on such a device, your body is positioned almost vertically, and its elliptical trajectory changes accordingly. Such models are optimal for tall people, since they eliminate impacts with the knees on the frame of the simulator.

Front-wheel drive elliptical trainer suitable for tall people

Don't forget that the weight of the flywheel is also very important. The larger it is, the better the load and the softer the ride. For average-weight users, a flywheel weighing about 8 kg is sufficient. Larger people are better off opting for 15 kg.

Now simulators with a central flywheel are beginning to appear, which are distinguished by the greatest stability and shortened shape.

Step Settings

In order for the use of the ellipsoid to be not only convenient, but also as efficient as possible, you need to adjust the load, which depends on the length of the step and the angle of the pedals. The most common stride length for elliptical trainers is 40 cm. On at the moment This indicator is considered the standard. For more expensive models it can be more than 50 cm - optimal for tall people. The step length of 30 cm is already, as they say, “morally obsolete.”

If your whole family plans to exercise, it is better to choose an ellipsoid model with a step length adjustment function.

Be sure to pay attention to stride length and the ability to change the inclination of the pedals to optimally adjust the load during training

The most popular models of elliptical trainers for home use have the ability to change the angle of the pedals. With regular exercise, this function is very useful: when you change body position, the load on the muscles changes, and other areas that previously remained passive begin to work.

Required workspace

Elliptical trainers come in all shapes and sizes, so you won't have a hard time finding the right model even if you don't have a lot of space in your home. Most home exercise machines have a length of no more than 130 cm at rest and 150 cm in working condition (in motion), and a width of 50–65 cm. You can build on these data when choosing the size of the area in the room. There are even folding ellipsoids that, after use, can be placed in a corner or closet where the exercise machine will not disturb you.

Choose a place for the exercise machine so that it is convenient for you to exercise

It is not necessary to secure the elliptical trainer to the floor: as a rule, they are quite stable. The device can also stand on any floor covering. However, according to customer reviews, some lightweight (usually mechanical) models may sway during operation if the weight of the trainee is more than average and is approaching the maximum weight. technical specifications. In this case, it is worth determining the orbitrek permanent place and screw it to the floor.

If your house is large, and you even have the opportunity to dedicate a separate room for sports, we advise you to opt for stationary models. A premium elliptical for home training with a wide range of settings will be excellent option for you.

Additional features

Such features can be a nice bonus if you are serious about training. For example, the software built into the simulator is improved year after year. Modern top models are equipped with a large number of programs for different needs.

Budget ellipsoids for home use provide a minimum set of functions. If you want an easy-to-use model, get one like this. This can help motivate you to train, and you will learn to regulate your load level on your own. On the computer display you will see the training time, the speed and length of the distance traveled, heart rate, and the amount of energy expended.

A computer with a wide selection software- not a prerequisite, but a very useful bonus

If you want more options from the on-board computer and variety in your training, choose an advanced model with a wide selection of software. Such an ellipsoid only needs to be “charged” necessary information, by pressing a few buttons, and he himself will distribute the load and adjust and change it during training.

Rating of elliptical trainers from different manufacturers

Table: which orbitreks for home are chosen by RuNet users

Manufacturer, model Model description Loading system Number of load levels Manufacturer's stated stride length Dimensions Flywheel weight Maximum user weight Nutrition Advantages Flaws User rating Approximate price
Dender Omega E-1655
  • The weight of the simulator is 41 kg;
  • computer with multifunction display, 25 programs.
16 40 cm frame length - 100 cm 16 kg 120 kg From the mains
  • Anti-slip pedals;
  • intuitive computer interface;
  • light weight allows you to easily move the simulator;
  • heart rate measurement.
According to user reviews, it is suitable for people no heavier than 80 kg. In other cases, the machine will sway. 3.5 out of 5 32,000 rub.
Deus Orbita KP-280
  • High quality bearings;
  • weight - 37 kg;
  • customizable pedals;
  • rollers for transportation;
  • compensators for uneven floors.
8 36 cm 125x59x157 cm 8 kg 120 kg Autonomous, battery operated
  • It has a smooth running, quiet and compact design;
  • can be installed anywhere in the house and moved using transport rollers;
  • The ellipsoid allows you to move both forward and backward;
  • heart rate measurement;
  • exercises on this device simulate the natural movement of the hip, ankle and knee joints without having a detrimental effect on them.
  • Users talk about inflated data in the documentation about step width and maximum weight.
  • Thin metal of the rear leg and frame, which can lead to quick breakdowns.
3.5 out of 5 14,000 rub.
Diadora Circle Cross
  • The frame is highly durable with two-layer painting;
  • weight - 49 kg.
Magnetic with manual adjustment 8 39 cm 140x59x171 cm 10 kg 150 kg Autonomous, battery operated
  • Transport rollers make it easy to move the device;
  • anti-slip pedals, adjustable in 3 positions
  • console readings - speed, time, distance, calories, pulse.
Lack of training programs. 4.0 out of 5 27,000 rub.
Family VR20
  • Inertial flywheel;
  • 6 programs.
Magnetic with manual adjustment 8 36 cm 130x67x159 cm 18 kg 130 kg Not required
  • There are transport rollers;
  • floor unevenness compensators;
  • availability of target programs (calories, distance, time, pulse).
No deficiencies identified. 5 out of 5 30,000 rub.
Svensson Body Labs Comfortline ESM
  • Frame type - biovector;
  • weight - 38 kg.
Unique patented magnetic loading system SpinMaster 8 41.8 cm 120x56x153 cm 20 kg 130 kg Not required
  • An energy saving system is provided;
  • console readings: time, distance, speed, calories, rpm, pulse, fitness test;
  • transport rollers;
  • floor unevenness compensators
  • Training and user programs are not provided.
  • There is no shock absorption system.
4.5 out of 5 25,000 rub.

Elliptical trainers(ellipsoid) for home in lately are gaining more and more popularity, with only positive reviews from owners. When exercising on it, all human muscle groups work. If you want to quickly get in good shape at home, then the ellipse will effectively help you cope with this task.

What is the best elliptical trainer for home?

Elliptical trainers have their own characteristics. To choose the best model for you, you need to take into account its characteristics, reflected in the filters on the left of our catalog.

Maximum user weight

Each manufacturer indicates this important characteristic. Recommended when choosing an elliptical trainer to " Maximum weight user” add 10-20 kg, the service life of the simulator depends on compliance with this recommendation.

Flywheel weight

One of the key characteristics of the Elliptical Trainer, responsible for the softness and smoothness of the ride, as well as the range of loads. How more weight flywheel, the higher maximum level loads and smoothness.

Flywheel location (drive).

Depending on the location of the flywheel, elliptical trainers are divided into two main types - rear-wheel drive and front-wheel drive.

  • Rear-wheel drive - compact elliptical trainers in which the flywheel is located behind the user. Due to this, they have a large distance between the pedals. The main disadvantage of this type is that during exercise you have to transfer your body weight from one leg to the other, moving the pedals in a circular path, which significantly reduces the load on the trainee’s muscles.
  • Front-wheel drive elliptical trainers have a small distance between the pedals due to the front flywheel. When exercising on such an ellipse, pushing through the pedals with your own weight is eliminated. The user makes more natural movements that are typical for him when walking or running. This allows you to use your muscles as much as possible.
Step length

One of the most important characteristics elliptical trainer is the stride length. How longer length step, the greater the amplitude of movement, which involves more muscles of the practitioner. For the most comfortable activities, when choosing “Step Length”, take into account the height of the users. Below are our recommendations.

Load system

There are three types of loading systems for elliptical trainers:

  • The magnetic loading system is the most inexpensive model of exercise equipment with manual load adjustment. They do not require a network connection and do not have built-in programs.
  • Electronically controlled magnetic ellipsoids are very common. Load adjustment is carried out by pressing a button. There are built-in training programs. Powered by electricity.
  • Elliptical trainers with an electromagnetic loading system are the most advanced. They are very reliable and silent. The load is regulated by the current strength, which makes it possible to very accurately set the load level over a wide range.

Most elliptical trainers come with built-in workout programs. They are aimed at solving specific problems, such as building muscle mass, developing endurance, and burning calories. Training using standard programs Depending on the state of the body, you can change the intensity of the load. In addition to the built-in standard programs, there are individual ones, where the user independently selects time, speed and other parameters. Some ellipse models have heart rate programs that automatically adjust the load level depending on heart rate data.


Elliptical ergometers are professional models simulators with more precise control over load and readings. They are equipped with sensitive sensors that allow you to very accurately determine the state of the body.

The ergometer's powerful computer provides a greater range of functions than a conventional elliptical trainer. In addition to professional training, they are designed for use by people with cardiovascular diseases.


All manufacturers presented in our catalog provide a warranty on elliptical trainers from 1 to 5 years. Models with a long warranty period are made of higher quality and durable materials.

Please note that failure to comply with the terms of use of the equipment may completely void the terms of the warranty.