Zodiac sign Libra name faith characteristics. What does the name Vera mean?

In the Soviet Union this name was very popular. But even now, in the age of bizarre, complex, long names, they do not forget about him. Maybe because it is church and carries the concept of one of the most important human virtues - or maybe due to the fact that it is ours, dear, familiar from childhood. What kind of fate does it guarantee to its owner?

It is both Greek and Russian. How did this happen? It's simple: Christians borrowed the names of many saints of Roman origin. Among them is the name of Saint Sophia, as well as her daughters - Faith, Hope, Love. And if - this is typical Greek name, the sound of which has not changed, the names of daughters in every Christian country were translated into local languages.

Less commonly, the name Vera can be short version longer female name(- “bringing victory”, Venus - “passion”, “charm”).

Friends and relatives can also call Vera this way: Verochka, Verunchik, Verunya, Veruska, Verushka, Rushka. And when the woman finally gets it, they say: Verka.

The character of a typical Vera

Strong The sides of character are considered to be: courageous and open disposition, independence, independence, inflexibility on the path to the goal, equanimity, practicality. Verochka has a keen sense of people and is often a creative person. If she is sure that her goal is good, she will go towards it, despite the obstacles. She doesn't like to talk about her own plans. Her mature, realistic outlook on life earns the respect of her parents and friends.

Weak sides: self-confidence can lead a girl to fanaticism or arbitrariness. If a girl is not instilled with moral traits from childhood, she can become an adventurous, tough person, walking almost over her head on the way to what she wants. If, on the contrary, you raise a girl in Christian or simply highly moral traditions, she will become a strong and selfless person whom you can look up to.

The fate of the bearer of this name

  1. Childhood. Large companies The girl doesn't like her peers. She is very thoughtful and likes to read or watch TV alone. Her parents are pleased with her non-capricious disposition. She often collects things (badges, candy wrappers, calendars). Sometimes she is very touchy.
  2. School. The girl is a good student (maybe even considered an excellent student). She has few friends, but those that she does have are the most faithful and are her friends from grades 1 to 11 (and beyond). She is kind and sympathetic, but the older she gets, the less she trusts people. Verunchik believes that a person is visible not by his words, but by his deeds. The baby hates coercion, and if she doesn’t want to do something, it’s very difficult to persuade her.
  3. Youth. Despite the fact that the girl’s affairs seem to be going well (admission to good university, help from her parents), her soul is tormented by some kind of melancholy. The girl becomes suspicious and secretive, often plagued by complexes or lack of self-confidence.
  4. Mature years. She does not become the center of the work collective, but if someone urgently needs to return from heaven to earth, they go to Vera for advice. She is not scandalous, but she is very picky about people. She's in no hurry to get married. He knows well what he wants from life. If she sets a goal for herself, she achieves it, even if it takes ten years.

All the lucky talismans

  • Libra is considered the most successful zodiac sign for Vera. That is, according to astrologers, this name best suits girls born from September 24 to October 23.
  • Patron planet: Saturn.
  • This girl and woman should wear jewelry with beryl.
  • Name color: grey.
  • The hardworking ant is considered a totem animal.
  • Lucky plants: heather and maple.

Most Popular angel day(name day): September 30. On this day, Orthodox Christians commemorate the Great Martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Love, as well as their mother Sophia. However, these are not the only ones church name days Faith.

Other patron saints named:

  • Venerable Martyr Vera Morozova (Orthodox Christians commemorate her on February 26).
  • Martyr Vera Samsonova (June 14).
  • Martyr Vera of Rome (September 30; this is exactly the same sister of Hope and Love about whom it was written above).
  • Martyr Vera (October 14).
  • Venerable Vera Grafova (December 15).
  • Martyr Vera Trux (December 31).

This is how Vera appears in...

  • ...Love. The girl often considers her peers to be too flighty, choosing her beloved from older men. She is very loyal. The girl takes her choice of husband seriously, assessing both his strengths and weaknesses, so that her marriage is doomed from the very beginning to a long and happy life together.
  • ...To the family. She does not have many children, most often she gives birth to only one. Even from the cradle, she begins to think about what kind of dowry her daughter will receive, and also tries to ensure that the children have everything that their peers have. As for her husband’s relatives, she gets along with them because it’s right (and convenient too). Verochka loves to lead her husband, so when asking her to marry, you need to remember this.
  • ...Household. Delicious dinners and a cozy home delight even a picky mother-in-law.
  • ...Career. This woman can succeed both as a lawyer and politician, and in the acting field. She is not interested in work that she does not like, but she works diligently to earn money. However, if a woman has a creative touch and chooses a career as an actress, writer, director, then she turns into a real workaholic and simply lives her own business.
  • …Health. Vera's weak organs include the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Also, the bearer of this name should closely monitor her nervous system.

Relationships: compatibility with male names

Verochka can become happy with: Alexander, Vladimir, Evgeniy, Egor, Mikhail. These men will be able to fully appreciate the character and all the advantages of such a serious, decisive and thorough woman.

But with these guys family life It may not work out: they won’t suit the girl on an energy level. However, if Verochka is very strong, able to “live for two,” that is, mentally pull both herself and “that guy,” the couple can happen, and successfully.

Famous bearers of the name

  1. Vera Kholodnaya (1893 - 1919) - silent film actress. Born in Poltava, filmed all over Russian Empire. Historians say that for their short life this young girl managed to star in 50 (according to other sources - 80) roles.
  2. Vera Mukhina (1889-1953) - Soviet sculptor, winner of the most prestigious prize in the USSR - the Stalin Prize. It is she who should be thanked for the monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”.
  3. Vera Vasilyeva (1925) is a Soviet and Russian actress, known for her roles in films such as “Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro”, “While the Fern Blooms”.
  4. Vera Alentova (1942) - film and theater actress.
  5. Vera Glagoleva (1956-2017) - theater and film actress, director, screenwriter.
  6. Vera Kamsha (1962) is a fantasy writer known for her Chronicles of Arcia and Glimpses of Eterna series.
  7. Vera Brezhneva (1982) - creative name Ukrainian singer in the genre of popular music. The girl is known for her creativity in the musical group " VIA Gra"and also solo project and acting in comedy films.

In the end, we invite you to evaluate the work of one of famous actresses the beginning of the 20th century, whose glory thundered on our land exactly 100 years ago. Vera Kholodnaya in a silent drama about love:

DOB: 1956-01-31

Version 1. What does the name Vera mean?

Faith -
a balanced person who does not go to extremes. Materialist,
not prone to illusions. Looks soberly at everything that happens, it wouldn’t even occur to her,
that with a sweetheart there can be heaven in a hut.

I firmly believe that for well-being in your personal life you need
a good and well-paid job, comfortable housing, a husband who holds a respectable position
position. Has the gift logical thinking, will quickly dispel dreams of eternal love,
will prove to anyone that to create a stable environment in the family you need to put in a lot of effort
effort, because nothing comes by itself.

Vera often doubts the correctness of her decisions,
so she always has a backup option. In everything she is dominated by material things.
calculation. Loves to travel. Gifted with musical abilities. Very attached
to animals, there is always a cat or a dog in her house.

DOB: 1942-02-21

Version 2. What does the name Vera mean?

Faith -
"faith" (Russian)

Since childhood she has amazed
adults with their prudence and commercialism. This is a very calm girl
with a logical mind, a lover of all kinds of piggy banks and collections of small things.

Mom's Lost Bead
found in her toys. She is not noisy or capricious. Study diligently, will not refuse
babysit a brother or sister. Elders are always an authority for her. Not scandalous
but Vera, who is quarrelsome by nature, rarely has close friends. Doesn't strive
get married early.

She is well organized
practical mind. She is smart in specific matters, sober in assessing what is happening.
She is not devoid of creative abilities, often musical, but the one who, having seen her for
piano, will decide that before him is a creature living exclusively a spiritual life, deeply
is wrong. He knows perfectly well what he wants from life and will never miss what he wants. If
she has a desire to acquire something - rest assured, she will acquire what
for what it's worth.

Vera's husband
rarely chooses among peers, prefers older men to them. Most often it has
one child in whom he dotes, and if this child is a girl, then the mother will
begins to save a dowry for her. Raises children in strictness, a supporter of the Puritan
morality. He gets along with his mother-in-law because he simply knows: you have to get along with your mother-in-law. Does
she does this masterfully - without losing her dignity and satisfying any, even the most
incredible claims.

Her delicious lunches, starched napkins, caring
attitude towards children, devotion to her husband lead to the fact that even
those in-laws who initially objected to marrying her. Marriages like
As a rule, Vera is successful.

Predisposed to gastrointestinal diseases
tract. She has weak heart, unstable nervous system.

Vera is serious, thoughtful, taciturn, and decisive.

- organized, has a practical mind, weighs everything,
calculates. Can work as a laboratory assistant, chemist, doctor, draftswoman, programmer.
The name matches patronymics: Arkadyevna, Egorovna, Danilovna,
Mirolyubovna, Surenovna, Removna, Lazarevna, Igorevna.

Faith is kind, responsive, but vindictive and does not forgive insults.
True, he doesn’t know how to take revenge.

- vulnerable, mysterious, romantic.
She can work as a doctor, actress, music worker, teacher. The name is good
combined with patronymics: Pavlovna, Anatolyevna, Izrailevna,
Tigranovna, Bogdanovna, Evgenievna, Mironovna.

date: 0000-00-00

3 version of the meaning of the name Vera

- Art. glory faith, belief.

Verka, Veranya, Verakha, Verasha, Verulya, Verunya, Verusya, Rusya, Verukha, Verusha.

Folk signs.

Name day is called the all-world Indian name day.


It is observed
a strange combination of recklessness and logic, poetic outbursts and everyday life;
for what drives her in life is not the power of inspiration, intuition, or even temperament,
namely virtue and consistency. But Vera is unexpected
sometimes not only for others, but also for herself. She suddenly breaks her calculations,
traditions, decency. But he will never act dishonestly, honesty comes first
commandment of Faith. There is nothing hidden in her thoughts and actions,
unsaid. However, this clarity makes Vera’s appearance somewhat
elementary. Faith is not a crystal stream and not the music of Mozart; Faith
he just thinks that she is. Without being particularly eccentric, she still
self-willed and capricious.

date: 0000-00-00

4 version of interpretation of the name Vera

- faith, belief (Staroslav.)

Name day: September 30 - Holy Martyr Vera, together with her sisters
With Love and Hope, after suffering for the faith of Christ, they were beheaded before the eyes of their mother
(137 year).

Zodiac sign
- Scales.

Planet - Saturn.

Color - gray.

Auspicious tree
- maple.

Treasured plant
- heather

Patron name
- ant.

Talisman stone
- beryl.


Faith is very reasonable,
a balanced, logical and practical being. She is very smart and specific:
knows perfectly well what he wants from life and will never miss what he wants. And this is quality
it clearly exceeds the emotional perception of the world, soars above dreams and fantasies.

date: 0000-00-00

Russian chess player, first women's world chess champion

7 version of the meaning of the name Vera

Like a name of completely transparent etymology
and, moreover, not going beyond the boundaries of the language from which it was borrowed, the name Vera
has not yet been overgrown with the moss of history, and there are no mysterious nooks and crannies in it, the relationship of which
to the whole plan is comprehended intuitively, but is not deduced by elementary inferences.

Although expressing a concept, it is quite
opposite to rationality, this name further develops the content of its concept
straightforward and almost rational. In the limit, we can already talk about it as a rationalistic,
according to the method of processing the irrational in content concept of faith. Theology XVII
-XIX centuries dealt with the deepest secrets of the spirit in a straightforward, rational manner and precisely
he especially readily made them the subject of his anatomy, which is why the secret was not made
obvious, but became boring. So, Vera, choosing your paths in defiance
reason and even with passion and stubbornness, overturning rational barriers, goes further
along chosen paths with rational consistency, as if riding on rails.
She has a strange combination of recklessness and consistency, namely rational
consistency, poetic outcomes and virtuous boredom: for she walks along
their paths, once they are chosen, not by the power of inspiration, intuition or even temperament,
namely, with virtuous consistency and almost mathematical duty, he passes
to the limit.

It's alien to her
symbolic thinking, the understanding that the secret is exposed by exposure is inaccessible,
as well as vice versa - it is hidden, deprived of covers.

There is faith
revealing things unseen. And indeed, the name Vera gives strength to come
in relation to what is not given sensually and what denies the present sensuous; to her
it is given to receive news about what is hoped for and confidence in what is not perceptible through the senses. She
is confronted with something that has not yet been expressed, and perhaps never will be
expressed. But this unexpressed thing is closer and dearer to Vera than the expressed thing around her.
It is determined in its initial decisions by precisely this, expressed in spite of everything
to the obvious that surrounds her. And then the motives of her actions, or, more correctly,
her behavior is incomprehensible to others. Certain actions of Vera are very logical
fit in with each other, but their very ranks are generally considered as insulting common sense
meaning and cause resistance, if not indignation.

in her main decisions she surprises not only those around her, but also herself.
She suddenly breaks calculations, traditions, decency. But then she never returns to
broken and makes his act the beginning of a new coherent kind, that is, new calculations,
new traditions and new decency. In other words, she follows a new path in the direction
but ordinary in character. The entry into it is tragic and can easily lead
to death. But following this path in itself is no longer a leap, but rather
calm pursuit of a goal. Walking this path is confessed by Faith
as duty and virtue. Those around him are initially shocked by this new path, but
then, seeing the internal consistency of Faith, they begin to reckon with the fact.
Those around them see that Vera’s path has diverged from their established path, and then
coldness sets in. They do not have the data to accept the path of Faith and leave theirs,
for to do this it is necessary to believe in him. But the consistency of Faith and accessibility
the reason of her path as a whole prevents them from decisively condemning him. He's at his end
not motivated, in the future does not represent the strangeness of foolishness and mystery
symbolism, it simply does not coincide with the path of those around him and therefore is capable of causing
rather minor clashes than a significant struggle against oneself.

In his
thinking, as well as in his actions, is clear and definite. Her nature is characterized by honesty,
and honesty, moreover, is the first commandment of Faith, which she sets for herself
deliberately emphasizing and contrasting many other commandments. All
this makes Vera’s thinking and actions clear and simplified in their
claiming impeccability and utmost clarity: there is nothing hidden, nothing
unsaid. However, clarity imparts to the appearance of Vera some deliberate
elementaryity, without making it, however, truly transparent. Faith
- not a crystal stream and not the music of Mozart; Vera only thinks that
she is like that. In fact, behind the surface layer of common understanding there are intuitions,
premonitions and unmotivated desires, not at all transparent, but at the same time
not so deep as to again become convincing as a revelation of the other
peace. They therefore seem to be something arbitrary - if not caprice or eccentricity,
it is still self-will and wilfulness. Not logically transparent and at the same time incomplete
ontologically, Vera’s intuitions are close to dreams, but with benefit for Vera
do not contain the moist warmth characteristic of real daydreaming. Vera has something akin to Varvara, but Vera is drier than she.
less pressure of aspirations, less heat and, so to speak, smaller
features of your entire organization. Like Varvara, Vera is sacrificial, prone to
sacrifice and makes it a duty and a passion for himself at the same time. In Vera lives an exaggerated
an appreciation of heroism, which for her comes down mainly to sacrifice, some kind of acceptance
seriously false classical tragedy. Directness, no guile, great loyalty, equal
like the honesty and sacrifice of Vera mentioned above, they also make her similar to Varvara; but they are expressed in Vera more proportionally and more subtly, with greater
a sense of proportion and common sense, so that they do not lead Vera to those sharp dissonances
with the lives of those around him, as is always the case with Varvara.

DOB: 1905-03-20

Soviet writer, film playwright

8 version of the meaning of the name Vera

This Russian name,
it has the same meaning as the word "faith"1
Since childhood, he has amazed adults with his prudence and commercialism. It's always
a balanced girl with a logical way of thinking, a lover of all kinds of piggy banks
and kopecks.

Mom's lost bead is always
can be found in her toys. This is not a noisy, not capricious girl. She studies hard
will not refuse to babysit her brother or sister; elders are always an authority for her.
Not scandalous, not quarrelsome by nature, Vera nevertheless rarely has loved ones
girlfriends Doesn't want to get married early.

Vera is doing well
organized practical mind, acumen in specific matters, sobriety
in assessing what is happening. She is not devoid of creative abilities, she is often musical,
but the one who, seeing her at the piano, decides that in front of him is a creature living
exclusively spiritual life, is deeply mistaken. Knows perfectly what she wants
from life, and will never miss his goal. And this quality in her clearly exceeds the emotional one.
perception of the world reigns over dreams and fantasies.

she looks at everything soberly, it would never even occur to her that with her sweetheart there could be heaven in a hut.
She believes that earthly paradise requires very real things. If emotions get in the way
you need to subordinate your mind to logic, consult your friend Vera more often - she
will quickly return you to the sinful earth.

Future husband is rare
chooses among peers, prefers older men. Most often has one
a child in whom he dotes, and if this child is a girl, then he begins
save up a dowry for her. She raises her children in strictness, a supporter of Puritan morality.
Vera gets along with her mother-in-law because she knows: you have to get along with your mother-in-law. Does
she does this masterfully - without losing her dignity and satisfying the claims of the most captious
mother-in-law Her delicious dinners and starched napkins, her caring attitude towards children,
devotion to her husband leads to the fact that even those husband’s relatives begin to love her
who was initially against marriage.

Marriages, as a rule, are with Ver

She will be lucky with Vadim,
Alexander, Mikhail, Zakhar, Egor, Evgeniy, but marriage with Oleg, Anatoly,
Vyacheslav or Vladislav will most likely be unsuccessful.

Russian translation of the Greek “pistis” (faith).

Name day named after Vera

February 26, June 14, September 30, October 14, December 15, December 31,

A person has only one name day - these are either the name days that fall on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Famous people named Vera

DOB: 1956-01-31

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, director, People's Artist of Russia

DOB: 1942-02-21

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia

date: 0000-00-00

Russian Princess of Imperial Blood

date: 0000-00-00

Soviet luger, Olympic champion, coach

Vera Kholodnaya

DOB: 1893-08-05

Russian silent film actress

Vera Komissarzhevskaya

Vera's traits are decency and warmth, she is truthful, kind-hearted and values ​​order.

The name Vera speaks volumes about its meaning. It actually means the word “faith.”

Origin of the name Vera:

The name Vera is a Russian-language adaptation of the Greek “pistis” - “faith”; this name has related roots with Latin word"verus", which has a similar meaning.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Vera:

Vera is born balanced and calm. Since childhood, she has been attentive to people, loves her parents and tries not to upset them. She loves her younger brothers and sisters and is not jealous or capricious. She tries to avoid noisy games, is a little timid, prefers quiet activities, and often collects collections of small items and herbariums. She is sensitive, thinks quickly, with early years shows a penchant for art. Many Veras enjoy attending music schools and use the acquired skills in life. Failures hurt them greatly.

Vera is sober and practical, far from fantasy, although she has a subtle poetic nature. She rarely has a leadership streak, she is not consistent and rational enough for analytical work, and therefore professions related to art and pedagogy are best suited for her. Many faiths have a good voice and are talented and successful singers. In other areas they are rarely characterized by outstanding success; Vera is a strong average.

Faiths are sensitive to family and friendly relations, they react more sharply to someone else’s pain than to their own. Vera is loyal and trusting, sometimes too inert. She prefers to communicate more with women than with men, but she has few friends. She often suffers from suspiciousness, lack of self-confidence, and complexes; she needs the support of loved ones to get out of apathy and get rid of laziness. Vera has a strong moral core, she strives for rightness and truth, does not like lies, but is not ready to be an active fighter for the truth. He tries to resolve conflicts, avoids open opposition with anyone, but loves it when last word remains behind her.

Vera's down-to-earth nature attracts her to self-confident, fundamental men. Young Vera's ideas about relationships often diverge from reality; it is not easy for her to accept the true character of her chosen one. Good partners For Vera, experienced men older than her will become. In bed, she needs confirmation of her own attractiveness and desirability; the more Vera doubts herself, the more often she changes partners. He gives preference to wealthy men; he believes that you will not be satisfied with love alone.

The most strong marriages Ver - late. Vera, as a rule, gives herself entirely to the child, diligently raises him, her type is an imperious, possessive mother. If there is more than one child in a family, this is less pronounced. She expects her husband to live up to his ideals, reliability, and financial security. She does not pretend to be a leader in the family, loves to spend time at home, cooks well and tasty - Ver's husbands are often inclined to be overweight. She is not scandalous and gets along well with her husband's relatives.

Faiths born in the warm season are distinguished by sensuality and increased sexuality. “Autumn” ones are businesslike and calculating, “Winter” ones can be overly strict, restrained in relationships, and get married late.

For marriage, Evgeny, Alexander, Vladimir, Egor, Pavel and Mikhail are suitable for her; relationships with Anatoly, Oleg and Vyacheslav should be avoided.

According to biblical tradition, this name was given to one of the great martyrs, who was killed along with her sisters for their true faith and unwillingness to renounce Christianity.

Short form of the name Vera. Verka, Verochka, Verunya, Verusya, Veranya, Verakha, Verasha, Verulya, Rusya, Verukha, Verusha.
Synonyms for the name Vera. Faith, Fe, Veera, Vyara.
Origin of the name Vera. The name Vera is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Vera is an original Russian name and literally translated from Greek means “faith”, “service to God”. Faith, hope, love are the three main virtues in Christianity. Among Christians, the martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, who lived in the 2nd century, are revered. Despite the existence of corresponding Greek names, in Europe the names of the three sisters were translated literally, while the name Sophia was borrowed directly from the Greek language.

Also, the name Vera is a shortened form of some female (Venus, Veronica, Veronia and related names) and male names (Avenir, Liveriy, Averky, Sever, Saveriy).

Vera can be described as an intelligent, truthful and supportive person. This is a sensible girl who values ​​practicality. The actions of the owner of this name always reveal her prudence. She is not inclined to fantasize. Always tries to realize his goals. Despite her kindness, Vera is characterized by tough actions. She is not an addicted person. Vera is characterized by equanimity.

WITH childhood Vera shows her logic and prudence. She is rarely capricious and does not like noisy companies. She likes to collect various trinkets. He gets good grades at school. She has few friends. Vera is a trusting girl who does not forget to think not only about herself, but also about others. With age, Vera believes less and less in anyone’s promises, and increasingly bases her conclusions on the specific actions of people. She becomes suspicious. The girl is characterized by some self-doubt and slight complexes. Faith is suppressed, it is overcome by melancholy and secrecy. At the same time, things usually go well for the owner of this name.

Vera does not always have a sufficiently developed intuition. She tends to follow the stereotypes and judgments existing in society. At the same time, they do not become an integral part of her life.

Vera is practical and has good organizational skills. In solving various issues, she knows how to soberly assess the situation and show intelligence. In a group, she is usually reserved and thoughtful.

Moral and moral values Beliefs often do not coincide with social beliefs. She may be drawn to various accomplishments and dizzying adventures. Natural restraint does not allow her to make mistakes and follow her desires.

The owner of this name can be difficult to understand. In personal relationships with the opposite sex, she needs to constantly feel affection, kindness and warmth. At the same time, she changes partners to make sure of her attractiveness. Faith was created for the tender and warm relations, so you shouldn’t expect passion and a storm of emotions from her.

For Vera, financial benefits and real things are important. It is impossible to interest her with promises and fantasies.

Vera usually chooses a man older than herself as a husband. At the same time, the woman does not have ardent feelings for him. Usually she has one child, to whose upbringing the woman devotes all her time. Vera gets along well with all her husband's relatives good relationship. In her relationship with her husband, Vera always shows concern. At the same time, a woman unconsciously constantly searches for her sublime ideal.

Vera has well developed musical abilities. She can easily learn to play musical instrument. As a profession, such professions as biologist, engineer, teacher, sculptor or actress are perfect for Vera. The owner of this name rarely shows her passion for work. Most often, work for such a woman becomes only a means of earning money.

Vera's birthday

Famous people named Vera

  • Vera Kholodnaya ((1893-1919) nee Levchenko; Russian silent film actress. Depending on the source, the number of films in which she starred varies from 50 to 80.)
  • Vera Romanova (1906-2001) - Russian princess of imperial blood, youngest daughter Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov)
  • Vera Vasilyeva ((born 1925) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. She received the title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1986, twice winner of the Stalin Prize (1948, 1951). She starred in the films “Crazy Day or the Marry of Figaro”, “The Legend of Thiele”, “The Inspector General”, “Dandelion Wine”, “While the Fern Blooms” and many others.)
  • Vera Mukhina ((1889-1953) Soviet sculptor, winner of five Stalin Prizes (1941, 1943, 1946, 1951, 1952). She received the title of People's Artist of the USSR in 1943. The author of such sculptures as the monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”, the monument to P. I. Tchaikovsky, a monument to Maxim Gorky, the composition “Bread” and many others not only in Moscow, but also in other cities.)
  • Vera Glagoleva ((1956-2017) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, holder of the titles Honored Artist of Russia (1995) and People's Artist of Russia (2011). Also a teacher, director, screenwriter and producer.)
  • Vera Menchik ((1096-1944) surname after marriage - Stevenson; Russian chess player, first world chess champion among women)
  • Vera Pashennaya ((1887-1962) married - Gribunina; Russian theater actress)
  • Vera Komissarzhevskaya ((1864-1910) famous Russian actress of the early 20th century)
  • Vera Zasulich ((1849-1919) Russian writer, participant in the revolutionary movement of the last quarter of the 19th century, carried out her activities under various party and literary pseudonyms)
  • Vera Figner ((1852-1942) by husband - Filippova; Russian revolutionary populist, writer)
  • Vera Caralli ((1889-1972) Russian ballerina and silent film actress, ballet teacher, emigrated after the 1917 revolution)
  • Vera Alentova ((born 1942) theater and film actress, People's Artist of Russia)
  • Vera Maretskaya ((1906-1978) Soviet actress theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR (1949), also winner of four Stalin Prizes)
  • Vera Panova ((1905-1973) Russian and Soviet writer, film playwright)
  • Vera Glebova ((1885–1935) chemist, organizer and first director of GIREDMET)

Each name carries a certain meaning. By naming a child, parents themselves lay down some character traits and determine his destiny.

In order not to make a mistake and give your child a happy future, you need to study what this or that name means. What is the meaning of the name Vera?

According to Wikipedia, the origin of this name dates back to 137. It was then that the Roman Emperor Hadrian forced his subjects to worship the ancient Greek goddess Artemis. But not everyone shared his views. The widow Sophia and her three daughters (Pistis, Elpis and Agape) refused to honor the goddess, for which the girls were executed in front of their mother.

Translated from Greek, Pistis means faith. This is how this name appeared in Rus', which is still popular today. It is a symbol of perseverance, loyalty and fortitude.

  • Full name: Vera.
  • Forms of the name: Verochka, Verunchik, Verusya, Rusya, Verka, Verukha, Verchik, Verakha, Verulya.


The girl Vera is an inquisitive, smart child. She is interested in absolutely everything, be it toys, motorcycles or human origins. Verochka's stubborn character helps her thoroughly study any topic. She will not rest until she receives comprehensive answers to all her questions.

The name Vera does not make a child gullible. On the contrary, little Verulya is very suspicious and often wary. Those who lisp with her will receive a stern, appraising look with a hint of disdain.

A distinctive feature of this girl is that she prefers to communicate with adults in the company of her peers. The most interesting thing is that they also like to talk to her. After all, Verochka is developed beyond her years and can chat on any topic.

The character of young Verochka is complex. She begins to show possessive traits. She will even demand from her friend that she communicate and be friends only with her. Otherwise, Verochka will find another girlfriend or will be alone altogether.

Young girl wearing great name Vera is very amorous. She often idealizes guys, attributing to them only positive traits. That is why she is often disappointed and suffers from unrequited love.

Unlike others, Verusya knows from a young age what she will do in the future. She sets goals for herself and persistently moves towards them. That is why the owners of this name often “find themselves” much earlier than their peers.

Adult Vera is a beautiful, confident lady who controls her every action. Its distinctive features are strong character, prudence and loyalty.. First of all, she is true to herself and her beliefs. Verunya will never accept someone else's opinion if she does not agree with him.

Verochka loves specifics. Uncertainty and poorly formulated thoughts confuse her. The character of this woman does not allow her to mumble and evade answers. From her you can hear what even the closest person will not tell you.

When communicating with a girl named Vera, you must adhere to three rules:

  • You must be as frank as possible.
  • Don't look away when talking.
  • Don't interrupt her.

The fact is that Verusya recognizes lies on an intuitive level. She can listen carefully to a person, knowing that he is lying. But she admits this only after communication, which can easily put her interlocutor in an uncomfortable position.

Verusya gets annoyed when her interlocutor interrupts her or is distracted from the conversation. Such a person immediately becomes uninteresting to her. And if you don't look her in the eyes, you risk being suspected of dishonesty.

Another strong point of this woman is logic. She can calculate in advance not only events, but also the actions of other people. This feature gives her the opportunity to prepare for what awaits her and build the right model of behavior.

Also, the meaning of the name Vera includes the presence of a subtle, sparkling sense of humor. Verochka knows how to joke and understands the jokes of others. She can laugh not only at others, but also at herself. This quality attracts interlocutors to her.

In love, the girl Vera is a reliable, faithful partner. She is devoted to her partner in all situations. But if her beloved cheats on her, she will erase him from her life forever, although in her heart she will continue to love him.

In sex, Vera has no equal. Her fantasy is so wild that every time her partner receives unearthly pleasure and a lot of new impressions. In addition, Vera has a natural sexuality that cannot be hidden even under work clothes.

Verochka is an excellent cook. From simple products she can cook a real culinary masterpiece. She loves to cook and often pleases her household with beautiful, mouth-watering delicacies.


The fate of a woman wearing wonderful name Faith, things are going well. Strong character, perseverance and self-confidence allow her to rapidly take off in the world. career ladder, earn big money.

Vera usually starts a family after 25 years. Until then, she is enjoying life and gaining experience in communicating with men. Verochka's chosen one is, as a rule, several years older than her. She is not interested in being with her peers, just like in childhood.

The family union turns out to be strong and reliable. Vera loves and respects her husband. She shares his interests and automatically becomes not only his wife, but also true friend. The husband is proud of such a wife, and his friends often envy him.

Verusya usually has one or two children. The birth of a baby brings the family together even more. Boys often look like their mother, and girls often look like their father. Vera's children are growing up smart and obedient.

Vera has few friends. Often it's one best friend and several good friends. Despite her name, Verunya is very distrustful and secretive. But she will be faithful to her only friend all her life and will always help her out of trouble.

Compatibility and other information

Vera can create an excellent union with Evgeniy. Men bearing these names will be able to make Verochka truly happy. They will appreciate and extol their chosen one all their lives.

It is undesirable to connect your life with Anatoly, Vyacheslav, Vladislav, and Philip. These men are energy vampires for Vera. But if a girl is confident in her abilities, that her energy is enough for two, you can safely develop a relationship.

Name days of the Faith in Orthodoxy are celebrated 6 times a year:

  • February 26 (Reverend Martyr Vera Morozova).
  • June 14 (martyr Vera Samsonova).
  • September 30 (martyr of the Roman Faith).
  • October 14 (martyr Vera).
  • December 15 (Reverend Vera Grafova).
  • December 31 (martyr Vera Trux).

The most revered day is September 30th. Its origin is associated with the sisters Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sofia.

Nowadays, parents are increasingly beginning to call girls by this name. Fathers and mothers, having learned what the name Vera means, want their child to have a strong character, natural magnetism and a good destiny.
Author: Vera Drobnaya