Biography of Ani Lorak, personal life, husband. Biography and personal life of Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak is wonderful famous singer, TV presenter, Honored Artist of Ukraine and model of popular brands. She is charming, sweet, good-looking, and managed to conquer not only Ukraine, but also Russia. Her path to success was quite difficult, but the star managed, and we can enjoy her work constantly.

Ani Lorak is the singer’s pseudonym, but the girl’s real name is Carolina Kuek. At the very beginning of her journey, the singer performed on stage under her own name. The name change happened suddenly; Carolina Kuek and another Carolina, but only from Russia, came out to win the competition. To avoid confusion, the producer said that it was urgent to look for a pseudonym, without thinking twice he offered the girl the option of Ani Lorak, which meant her name, but was only read backwards. Thanks to small changes, and naturally, the singer’s talent, in 1995 the public learned about her.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ani Lorak

Of course, fans are always interested in the singer, like any other star; they are curious about her height, weight, age. How old is Ani Lorak?

The girl has a rather petite height of only 162 centimeters. Weight is only 46 kilograms. The girl turned 40 years old. Despite her short stature and weight, the star has very attractive shapes. Not only men, but also women admire the beauty of Ani Lorak.

According to many fans and the press, Anni Lorak always looks amazing, as if she knows the secret of eternal youth. But of course this is not so, it’s just that the girl takes good care of herself, leads healthy image life, goes in for sports.

The singer's zodiac sign is Libra, and eastern calendar- Horse. This combination characterizes the sensitivity, activity and cheerfulness of a person. Quite purposeful, they always achieve the desired result. They are very romantic. It is these qualities that help our heroine through life.

Carolina Kuek (Ani Lorak) was born on September 27, 1978 in the ordinary city of Kitsman, Ukraine. Before the girl was born, her parents separated. The mother raised the girl and her two brothers alone; there was a catastrophic lack of money; the mother could not fully provide for her children and she had to send them to a boarding school to be provided for by the state.

As a very little girl, she wanted to become a singer, but due to her difficult life situation, her dream was impossible to realize. While at the boarding school, Caroline tried in every possible way to participate in various music competitions, and one of them allowed us to take the first steps to the big stage. This competition was called "Primrose", where young girl met her future producer Yuri Thales, who immediately recognized the unusual talent of 14 year old girl. Yuri took the girl under his wing and taught her the basics of show business.

In 1995, the girl appeared on the program “Morning Star”, where she had to take the pseudonym Ani Lorak. On this program, the singer experienced her first popularity and received the Golden Firebird award.

In the same 1995, the singer recorded her first album, “I Want to Fly.”

Ani Lorak, under the guidance of her producer, began to take part in most music competitions, where she won victories and became increasingly popular. One of the most famous competitions in which a star from Ukraine participated was Eurovision 2008, in which she took an honorable second place. The singer simply conquered Europe with her talent and charisma.

After great success At the competition, all the doors of show business opened for the singer. And her career quickly began to gain momentum.

On at the moment the singer is the owner of a large number of awards, as well as gold and platinum discs. The star does not stop there and constantly pleases us with her creativity. She periodically surprises us with a duet with a pretty famous singers. Her songs are heard both on radio and television and occupy one of the first places in the music charts. The star is admired by millions of fans; her beauty and talent simply cannot go unnoticed.

Ani Lorak is not only an excellent singer, but also a model for famous brands, appears in commercials, and since 2006 she has owned a fashionable restaurant in Kyiv. But Ani Lorak’s biography is famous not only for her career, but also for her personal life. She loving wife and a wonderful mother of her daughter Sophia.

Despite the fact that the singer is very attractive, Ani Lorak’s personal life is not colorful a large number novels. There were only two men in her life. The star has never tried to hide her personal life from the public, as she believes that there is nothing wrong with it.

Her first great love was her own producer Yuri Falyosa, with whom she lived for happy 8 years civil marriage. But their relationship ended, they lost their former passion and the couple ran away.

And after a couple of years of loneliness, the girl found her true love. She turned out to be an attractive foreigner, Murat Nalchadzhiaglu, a major businessman and owner of the travel agency Turtess Travel. In 2009, Ani marries Murat, and already in 2011, daughter Sofia is born. The singer is happily married and doesn’t need anyone else.

The very meaning of family for the singer is at one time a rather tragic and sad moment in her life. Growing up in a dysfunctional family and poverty, she was sent by her own mother to a boarding school with her brothers. Disillusioned with the very essence of the family, the singer decided to become the best mother and wife on the planet.

Ani Lorak's family consists of her beloved husband Murat and the little princess, their daughter Sofia. Despite her busy schedule, the star always finds time for her family. Envelops his daughter with love and care, instilling in her the most best qualities. The family often goes on vacation together, enjoying every moment of life.

the actress currently has her only daughter, Sofia, who is very similar to her parents. The singer claims that she is madly in love with her little girl, and she would like to spend more time with her. But touring, filming, general career Lorak is a little distracted. Being the daughter of a star is not so easy, but seven-year-old Sophia understands everything and is proud of her mother.

Ani Lorak’s children bring great happiness, but the couple has no time to think about adding to the family. The singer claims that children are God’s gift, and if fate brings a baby into the world in their family, she will definitely not resist, and her daughter really wants a brother or sister as her friend.

Ani Lorak's daughter - Sofia

The star's first child was born in 2011, it was little Princess Sofia. At the moment, the girl is seven years old. Ani Lorak's daughter Sofia is growing up like her mother, she is talented in her own way young age she already has exquisite taste and a sense of beauty. She considers herself a little princess, and it’s not surprising because her parents constantly pamper their beauty; for example, on Sofia’s fifth birthday, her parents took her to Disney Land. The birthday celebration was simply gorgeous, and the child had only the best memories. Ani Lorak also often arranges joint photo sessions in beautiful outfits and posts them on Instagram.

It’s too early to talk about Sofia’s future, but the girl is open great prospects, so she grows in prosperity and well-being.

Ani Lorak's ex-husband - Yuri Thales

The singer’s first chosen one was Yuri Thales, who appeared to the girl common-law husband. The couple did not see the need to formalize the relationship. The man was not only the singer’s common-law husband, but also her personal producer. It was thanks to Yuri that the star was able to grow to such a high level. Their relationship lasted eight years from 1997 to 2005.

The actress is in friendly relations with her former partner, Ani Lorak is still grateful for her career and massive success. After the relationship ex-husband Ani Lorak – Yuri Thalesa, for a long time was single, but already in 2016 he got married and had a son.

Ani Lorak's husband - Murat Nalchadzhiagl

In 2005, Murat and Ani met while on vacation in Antalya. The courtship of the Turkish businessman was simply gorgeous, and the singer could not resist such a handsome man. A year later, Murat moved to his beloved’s homeland, and in 2009 the couple got married.

Their wedding was grandiose, with more than 200 guests alone. There were magnificent scenery fiery dances, and of course a stunning looking bride. And already in 2011, the couple had a daughter, Sofia.

Photo of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery

For fans of the singer, perhaps the most interesting question is whether the star had plastic surgery or not. Headlines constantly flash on the Internet on the topic “photos of Ani Lorak before and after plastic surgery.” After all, everyone on the Internet was interested in the changed volume of the star’s lips. But there is no specific data there, and the girl herself claims that everything she has was given by nature itself and of course proper care, gym and balanced diet.

It also remains a mystery that Ani Lorak is already 39 years old, and her appearance remains unchanged for a long time, does her beauty remain thanks to plastic surgery. Whether this is true or not remains a mystery.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak

Anyone who is interested in the idol’s personality can find information on the Internet. The singer does not hide her identity and has her own page on social networks, such as Instagram and Wikipedia Ani Lorak, as well as VKontakte where she periodically communicates with her fans.

On Instagram you can find all the details of her personal life, see photos with her husband and their daughter, the singer also posts her new songs and videos. And if you are interested general information about the star, you can find them on Wikipedia, where the career rise of Ani Lorak is described in detail. The article was found on

Ani Lorak now

In February 2018, Ani Lorak presented a world-class show DIVA, directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk. The show premiered on February 16 in Minsk, on February 25 in St. Petersburg, and on March 3, the show was sold out at Moscow's Olimpiysky Sports Complex, where it created a sensation.

Ani Lorak was called a diva by her friend and mentor Philip Kirkorov even at Eurovision. The singer's concert program corresponds to the status of a stage star in terms of vocals, staging, and stage effects. Ani Lorak dedicated this show to all women, each of whom, in her opinion, deserves such high rank. Among the images used by the singer on stage are the Virgin Mary, Mata Hari, Coco Chanel, Mother Teresa and others.

For Ani Lorak herself, this show became a real test. The singer is present every minute on stage for three hours, performing complex balancing act during her vocal numbers. The performance was directed by Oleg Bodnarchuk, the author of the artist’s previous concert program “Carolina”. For the Diva show, a moving robot platform, 500 kinetic suspensions to create tricks in the air, 19 elevators that create the illusion of a moving floor, and 240 stage costumes were used. The premiere in Moscow took place at the Olimpiysky sports complex to a full house; there was no free space in the hall for 15 thousand people.

Among latest works singers – hits performed in duets with popular singers. These are the songs “I Can’t Say”, “Forgive”, recorded together with Emin, and the hit “Soprano”, which Ani Lorak performed together with Mot. At the end of spring, the premiere of Ani Lorak’s video “Crazy” took place, the video of which collected 7 million views on YouTube hosting in two months.

Today the singer has 2 grandiose shows: “Carolina” (2013) and “DIVA” (2018), 16 albums, a biographical video film, more than 50 video clips, as well as large number"gold" and "platinum" discs. During my creative activity Ani Lorak has won many awards and prizes: “Best Singer”, “Person of the Year”, “The Most beautiful woman", "Fashion singer", "Song of the Year", "Best Concert Show", "Golden Gramophone", MUZTV, RU.TV, ZHARA, Major League, BraVo, EMA and others.

The singer performed at the world's most famous concert venues. Today, show business diva Ani Lorak successfully performs on stages in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, America, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, UAE, Spain, Malta, Italy, and the Baltic states. Article found on

As for her personal life, for a long time Lorak did not tell reporters why she did not wear wedding ring, does not appear in public with her husband Murat, and the main thing is whether she is ready to forgive her husband. And just recently she gave only a short comment: “I cannot forgive betrayal. After all, the one who loves will not betray. And if you fall out of love, then you can’t return anything,” said the Ukrainian star.

At the same time, journalists noticed that there was no wedding ring on the singer’s finger. In addition, the singer immediately turned the conversation to another topic: she asked women all over the world to be patient and merciful. be able to give in. “After all, you are real divas of love,” said Lorak.

Let us recall that, according to eyewitnesses, Murat and a girl named Yana behaved just like a couple in one of the Kyiv nightclubs: the whole evening the Turkish businessman did not take his eyes and hands off his companion: he gently hugged the girl, stroked her legs and whispered something to her in the ear. The couple also left karaoke together long after midnight. After the scandal erupted, Ani Lorak completely disappeared from social networks. Article found on

The Ukrainian singer won the hearts of a huge number of men and women, not only with her appearance, but also with her strong and melodic voice. Lorak will celebrate her anniversary in September 2018; she will turn 40 years old.

For her age, she looks simply flawless. Her height of 163 cm and weight of 52 kg allows her to demonstrate to her many fans what kind of body women at her age can have. Biography, personal life, children, husband and photos of singer Ani Lorak were main theme for discussion among fans, journalists and simply lovers of her work.


Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek is the real name of Ani Lorak. Born on September 27, 1978 in the city of Kitsman, in the Bukovina region. Despite the early separation of her parents, her mother kept her father’s surname and chose the name based on her liking for the heroine of her favorite TV show. Due to lack of money and poverty, Lorak’s mother had to spend a lot of time at work.

IN early age Ani ends up in the Sadgori boarding school. During her studies, she took part in numerous vocal competitions. In 1992, a young girl won the Primrose festival. Yuri Falyosa saw the girl’s talent and became her first producer. She signed her first contract with him.

Ani Lorak in childhood and youth


“Morning Star”, one of the most popular Russian television programs, has made changes to the singer Ani Lorak’s biography and personal life. Pay attention! It was this program that created the stage name by reading her name backwards.

Lorak's career grew rapidly. In 1995, her first album was recorded, and already at the beginning of 1996 a CD was released by an English company. This year was a victory for her. She won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition.

Boundless talent and desire allowed her to record such albums as:

  • "Shady Lady"
  • "Ships";
  • "Caroline";
  • "Without you";
  • "Don't give up";
  • "Autumn Love";
  • "The New Ex."

Ani Lorak on the set of the video “Ships”

These albums include the 7 most popular songs that we all love so much:

  • Shady Lady;
  • Sun;
  • At first sight;
  • For you;
  • Bring back my love;
  • Take it;
  • Mirrors.

Ani Lorak and Valery Meladze on stage

Each composition gives us the opportunity to return to past memories. I have no doubt that every girl has at least one favorite song that she associates with a certain part of her life.

Personal life

Attention! Yuri Falyosa was the first de facto husband from 1996 to 2004. In 2009, Turkish businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu became Ani Lorak's husband.

Looking through the biography, personal life of Ani Lorak, her husband and photos of children, many try to find in them even more fascinating facts from life. Their luxurious wedding took place in her husband’s homeland, Turkey. Two years later, the couple decided to expand the family with children. In 2011, their daughter Sofia was born.

It is interesting that the couple chose the Bulgarian singer, Philip Kirkorov, as godfathers, and Verkhovna Rada deputy Irina Berezhnaya became godfather. The christening took place on April 7, 2012 in Kyiv.

Ani Lorak with Murat Nalchadzhioglu

Husband and children

Everyone is interested in knowing the biography, personal life of Ani Lorak, photos of children, husband and how old they are strong marriage. Who is Murat Nalchadzhioglu? What does their now five-year-old princess look like? Murat Nalchadzhioglu is a businessman from Turkey whom Ani met on vacation in sunny Antalya. Murat was one of the owners of the hotel where the singer stayed.

He fell in love with her at first sight, Ani did not keep him waiting long and soon returned his feelings. After the end of her vacation, Lorak flew away, but she and Murat constantly talked on the phone. A year later she returned to Turkey, where she filmed a video and settled in the same hotel. After this meeting, their real romance began.

Many people are interested in the question - “How old is Murat”? The husband is only a year older than his beloved. He was born on June 12, 1977. Murat started earning money very early to help his mother after the death of his father.

Wedding of Anya and Murat

After the wedding in Turkey, Murat moved to his wife’s homeland and began to rapidly develop in the restaurant business. He also manages several clubs and has no plans to stop. The biggest achievement for the couple was the birth of their daughter Sofia. Ani Lorak and Murat no longer hide photos of their charming baby.

Now on the pages of Instgrama, parents with pride and great delight for their “child” post funny pictures of their daughter. Dad's eastern roots and mom's charming smile combined perfectly in this charming baby. Five-year-old Sonya is not intimidated by cameras and poses well. Therefore, there is a high probability that the daughter will follow in the footsteps of the star mother.

Ani Lorak with her husband and daughter

Bullying in Ukraine

Loud statements were made against the Ukrainian singer. Many claimed that she had betrayed her homeland and was openly touring Russia with concerts. Singer Anastasia Prikhodko spoke sharply not only towards Ani Lorak, but also towards her fans. Despite the betrayal of Ukraine, they continue to applaud her creativity.

“The harassment that is happening now is part of the political game,” the singer believes.

Ani Lorak

By clarifying their relationship, politicians are setting people up for negativity. But Ani Lorak’s songs and creativity will always serve Ukraine. “I made my choice to bring love to people through music. This has always been and will be my choice: to serve people with my creativity,” says Ani.

Politicians are trying to use different situations from Ani Lorak’s personal life, biography and photos, but this will remain only on their conscience. She will always remain with her people. The singer believes that we are all “connected” by family and historical ties.

“Soon these terrible days will end, and all people will forget about the suffering caused during cruel games"! – says Ani Lorak.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak now

Ani Lorak demonstrates her creativity on world stages. She performs in:

  • England;
  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Hungary;
  • Poland;
  • Turkey.

Ani Lorak sings on stage

Her immediate plans are to conquer the European and world public. Undoubtedly, the wide profile of her music and charming voice will help her achieve this goal.

In the last video, which they recorded together with the famous producer Alan Badoev, the singer had to change her image. Ani Lorak has turned into a femme fatale.

She “tried on” 5 bright images:

  1. Bright red lips;
  2. Red boots;
  3. Transparent dress;
  4. Short jacket;
  5. Black lacquer coat.

Ani Lorak

It's interesting what viewers criticized new clip- “New Ex.” Viewers noticed that it was very similar to Tina Karol’s video for the song “I Will Not Stop” and accused the singer of plagiarism. Did Alan Badoev really “borrow” someone else’s idea and thereby frame Lorak?!

After intense filming of the video and New Year's concert the singer decided to relax with her husband and daughter. Lorak shared a photo from the heat of Mexico on Instagram. On the beach, the singer showed off her black bikini, which clearly showed off her flat tummy.

Ani Lorak on vacation in Mexico

Lorak is sunbathing and preparing for the upcoming concerts and the main event of the year in the “Diva” show. Let's hope that the rested and tanned Ani Lorak will continue to delight the audience's eyes not only with her gorgeous photos, but also new creative discoveries.

Ani Lorak is a famous Ukrainian performer who became a People's Artist of Ukraine in at a young age, TV presenter. In 2008 she entered the top three performers at Eurovision.

Ani was born in the small Ukrainian town of Kitsman on September 27, 1978 in a family of creative people. Anya's dad Miroslav Kuek, despite music education, worked in the field of journalism, and his mother Zhanna Vasilievna worked on the radio - she voiced regional programs (announcer).

The only daughter in the Kuek family was born when her parents were already divorced, but Anya’s older brothers Sergei and Igor devoted special attention raising a girl, namely her vocal abilities.

It’s interesting that at birth Ani was named Carolina, that’s what her grandmother wanted, and Ani Lorak is a pseudonym that came from the name Carolina read backwards. The girl’s desire to perform appeared at the age of 4; even then she sang at various city competitions, and later at school ones. In 1992, young Carolina Kuek sang at the Primrose music festival, where she won. There she was noticed by a representative of the Titan production center, Yuri Thales, who invited Caroline to collaborate. This is how the Ukrainian beauty began her singing career.

Ani Lorak and music

Ani made her debut on the Russian stage in 1995 with the song “My God” in “Morning Star”. It was then that she came up with her pseudonym, since a girl named Caroline had already been announced. After a successful performance, Ani was recognized as the discovery of the year.

After " morning star"There were "Tavria Games". Lorak performed at this festival for several years in a row, receiving awards. By 1996, Ani Lorak recorded her first solo album, “I Want to Fly,” however, the record, released in 6 thousand copies, was not sold in her homeland. And in 1999, Lorak toured major American, German and French cities, of course, not leaving Ukraine without concerts. Returning home, Ani Lorak earned the title of People's Artist. At the same time, a fateful meeting took place with Igor Krutoy, with whom the song “Mirrors” was recorded and a contract was signed in 2000. A year later, Anya already had four solo discs to her credit.

In 2004, Lorak released her fifth album, and the song “Three Habitual Words” from it was named song of the year. In 2005, the singer decided to start performing songs on English. The sixth album “Smile” was released specifically for this purpose, and with a song from this album Lorak was chosen to participate in Eurovision 2005. However, circumstances turned out to be such that Ani did not represent Ukraine; instead, the country was represented by the group “Grinjoly”, which, by the way, was not even included in the top ten.

Eurovision 2008

In 2008, Lorak still went to international competition, and with the number “Shady Lady” she entered the top three, taking an honorable second place.

Success at Eurovision brought the already popular singer native love. Lorak's songs sounded everywhere, the girl herself took part in various events and social gatherings. To support people living with HIV, Ani Lorak recorded a special album and performed a song with a sick guy.

At the same time, Ani records a song with Timur Rodriguez, sings with the popular performer Anastacia, and participates in Alla Borisovna’s project “Christmas Meetings.” In addition, the performer was invited to host Junior Eurovision, and in 2014 Lorak was a mentor for the Ukrainian project “The Voice”.

Photo of Ani Lorak with her husband and daughter

Lorak met her lover in 2005 while vacationing in Turkey. Relations with the Turk Murat Nalchadzhioglu developed rapidly. The young man followed his love and moved in with his beloved, and in 2009 the lovers got married.

Ani Lorak's husband organized a magnificent wedding ceremony in Turkey a few days after the painting. Two hundred people were invited to the celebration. The invited guests were entertained with fiery Turkish dances in colorful images.

Murat organized fireworks, and a large cake in several tiers completed the most important day of lovers.

Two years after the wedding, Ani Lorak gave birth to Murat’s daughter. Little Sofia was baptized by Philip Kirkorov. Ani Lorak often shares her photographs with subscribers. Ani Lorak's photos with her daughter and husband evoke a lot of positive comments from fans.

The singer and her husband are connected not only by warm feelings, but also by business relations. The couple opened their restaurant “Mangal” in 2015, the main menu of which is Turkish.

Ani Lorak (Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek) is a Ukrainian popular pop singer and model for many advertising international brands that is now known to almost everyone. In this article we will tell you the most interesting facts from the life of a celebrity.


Biography of Ani Lorak

The girl was born on September 27, 1987 in the city of Kitsman. Caroline's father left the family before the girl was born. The mother had to work hard to feed her four children.

The future star spent her childhood in a boarding school, since the girl’s mother did not have time to simultaneously work and raise children. During periods of loneliness and longing for a full-fledged family, the girl’s love for music intensified and her first musical abilities were discovered.

IN at a young age she lost her older brother. Then the future popular performer made a clear decision to devote her life to the stage and bring light and inspiration to people through songs. She began to take part in all possible song competitions and at one of them she met her future producer.

Ani Lorak's career

2. Start of a career

Yuri Thales, who became the girl’s producer, after the next competition decided to change the name Carolina and thus Ani Lorak appeared (Carolina was already on the stage at that time).

The new name marked the beginning new history. Until 2004, the girl performed successfully, recorded her own albums and won various competitions. In 2006, the accomplished star opened her own restaurant “Angel lounge” in the center of the capital of Ukraine.

Afterwards, the singer won the competition over herself and became famous throughout Russia. In 2008 she attended Eurovision and represented Ukraine, thanks to which she became famous throughout the world.

3. Lorak and Philip Kirkorov

The star is in warm relations with, supporting her and helping before Eurovision.

4. Ani Lorak and Grigory Leps

In 2015, the girl recorded working together s and presented the song on “New Wave”. The work turned out to be extremely dramatic and strong vocally and emotionally, for which the project received rave reviews from listeners and critics.

5. Cooperation with Mot

The star loves to surprise fans with unexpected duets. She decided to record a joint song with the famous rapper Mot. As a result, the project received rather mixed reviews from the public. Most fans liked the new song. As a result, the track “Soprano” became one of the most popular and sensual.

6. Creativity in 2018

One of the most notable videos in 2018 was the video for Ani Lorak’s song “Crazy”.

7. DIVA Show

In February 2018, Lorak demonstrated a world-class show called DIVA. The director of the show was Oleg Bondarchuk, the premiere took place in Minsk on February 16, then the event was held in St. Petersburg on February 25, but a real sell-out was gathered on March 3 at the Moscow Olimpiysky Sports Complex.

The name of the show is not accidental; the singer’s Eurovision mentor, Philip Kirkorov, called Ani Lorak a Diva.

Many noted that the show turned out to be on a global scale, both in terms of the level of vocals and stage effects. The performer herself dedicated her new program to all women. By the way, the female theme was well revealed in the images that Lorak herself demonstrated during the show - the Virgin Mary, Mata Hari, Coco Chanel, Joan of Arc, Mother Teresa.

Some facts about the show:

  • The performer is on stage for more than two hours of the program, alternating vocal numbers with complex tightrope tricks;
  • A moving robotic platform was created especially for the show;
  • For air stunts, 500 kinetic suspensions and 19 elevators are used;
  • 240 stage costumes were used.

Personal life of Ani Lorak

8. Producer turned husband

Yuri Thalesa was the girl’s producer and common-law husband. The union lasted until 2004, after which the couple decided to separate. Thales later admitted that the breakup occurred after his common-law wife cheated.

9. Marriage to Murat Nalchadzhioglu

In August 2009, the popular singer married businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu. Two years later she gave birth to a daughter. Godfather became for a girl.

The relationship between the spouses was shaken after photographs of Murat in company with the finalist of a beauty contest in Ukraine, Yana Belyaeva, were published online.

Ani Lorak herself tries not to talk about her personal life, but from posts on social networks it becomes clear that there is simply no relationship between the spouses now. For example, on Anya’s birthday, September 27, 2018, Murat on the pages social network published a congratulation-apology in English. The congratulation ended with the words “Happy birthday. You are the only one. Regardless of whether we are together or not, you are the only one.”


10. Ukraine or Russia

The singer comes from Ukraine, so in light of recent political events it is quite difficult for her to avoid numerous condemnations from her compatriots. In 2015, activists staged a picket in front of the nightclub where the girl performed. Despite attempts law enforcement agencies smoothing out the conflict was not without problems. She was condemned and boycotted at home, but this does not affect Lorak’s views.

According to the performer herself, she will always remain Ukrainian and has no plans to change her citizenship. But at the same time, now in her homeland the girl does not perform at all because of government officials and radicals who are negatively opposed to her.

11. Clip from Maidan

For the “Malva” video, the singer received harsh condemnation from critics and the public. The video was called empty and not sincere, and the idea itself was called plagiarism. The singer used the footage tragic events that took place on the Maidan, which makes us think that Lorak simply wants to play on the feelings of the public in the simplest and most primitive way. The girl explained the clip differently. As planned, the song should call for peace among residents, as well as all world political figures.

12. Lorak’s opponents almost disrupted the concert in Kyiv

Another concert, held in Kyiv, was also actively picketed. Fans of the popular singer were pelted with firecrackers, eggs and smoke bombs. It was not possible to disrupt the event. It was sold out to a full house, despite the riots.

13. Golden Gramophone Awards

The public was embarrassed by receiving the Golden Gramophone award, for which the singer went to Russia. Such a gesture was perceived as an outright betrayal of the homeland. This time the girl was condemned by her devoted fans.

14. Lost Homeland

Judging by the aggravated situation in Ukraine, the star and his family will have to finally leave home country and move to permanent place residence in Russia. Such a statement was made or her official representatives. Lorak tries to avoid such questions and does not comment on this situation in any way.

  • What does he earn now?

15. Kiss on the buttock

In 2017, at one of the ceremonies of a popular Russian music channel, a famous showman and prankster ran onto the red carpet and fell right at the singer’s feet while she was being photographed.

Then he tried again, but this time he went further and kissed Lorak right on the buttocks. The girl’s husband, Murat Nalchadzhioglu, who was nearby at that moment, quickly reacted to what was happening and gave the guy a good kick. Management printed edition, where the showman worked, hastened to react to what happened and fired the careless joker.

16. Wet Basque

On one of social events the girl danced with, after which she decided to make fun of the popular singer and threw him into the pool. The artist admitted that such an outburst did not anger him at all and amused him, although after that he had to dry his expensive suit for a long time and put himself in order.

Other facts

17. Ani Lorak had breast augmentation

In 2018, Lorak enlarged her breasts to size 5, which was immediately noticed by subscribers to her Instagram channel.

Photo: Instagram

More more facts about celebrities you can find in a special section of our website.

Meanwhile, the brilliant Ukrainian singer is married not to an oligarch or a producer, but to a very ordinary guy. The only unusual thing about him is that he is Turkish.

Eastern fairy tale

Many different things have been written about Murat Nalchadzhioglu. Sometimes he is called a Turkish wealthy businessman, sometimes he is called a gigolo and a marriage swindler. Ani herself does not hide the fact that her husband is not a money bag, and not a shoulder in the world of show business.

When in 2005 she was vacationing in Turkey, albeit in a five-star, but not in the most luxurious hotel, he worked there as a manager.

She understood this from her badge and walkie-talkie. A handsome young man invited her to a restaurant that had karaoke.

“My singing will cost you dearly”, - answered Lorak. He didn’t know that a pretty girl in shorts and no makeup was a star in Russia and Ukraine. The next day he organized a banquet in honor of an unknown star. Imagine his surprise when Ani Lorak appeared as a guest of honor in evening dress. They talked a little over dinner, and Murat walked her to her room.

The next morning Anya had to leave. She last time I went to the sea and decided to drink tea in a cafe on the beach. Murat approached her and said: “I don’t know if I will ever see you again, but I will wait for you all my life!”

Lorak admits that for a long time she could not get the young Turk out of her head. I tried to turn my head on: you are here, he is there, and you don’t know the person at all. Maybe he's married? Maybe he has three wives and eight children?

And he suddenly began sending her SMS in English. Ani did not answer, she even turned off her phone so as not to be distracted by beautiful oriental messages.

One day she couldn’t stand it and called back.

In a drowsy state, they simply breathed into the tube, since Ani could only connect two or three words in English at that time.

A year later, Ani Lorak went to Turkey to shoot a video clip.

Fate decreed that the organizers chose this particular hotel to accommodate the group. This time the overseas prince met her fully armed. A chic white car, a separate floor for her. Seeing Murat, Ani decided - come what may! She confessed her feelings to him, and they decided not to part again.

Harsh Slavic everyday life

Murat moved to his beloved in Ukraine, and even took citizenship. In show business, the choice of the beautiful Lorak was met with bewilderment. Murat, who could not read Russian, constantly asked Ani to translate for him what was written about their couple. He was very surprised. What is it that he is a Turk? Ani tried as best she could to protect him from public opinion.

Ani admits that Murat’s life story is similar to hers. Ani grew up in an incomplete large family Besides her, my mother had three more children. Mom worked very hard, and at one time Caroline (the singer’s real name) even had to live in a boarding school. Murat's father died early, and he stayed the only man in the family. He needed to feed three sisters and his mother.

Interesting notes:

During this period, the young man had a patron named Talkh, whom Murat considers to be his named father. He helped make a career in the tourism business and rise to the position of manager good hotel. At first he was against Murat’s relationship with Lorak, but later he softened and even allocated Murat a share in one of the travel companies Turkey.

Except own business, Murat was involved in the restaurant business, but rather not successfully. It is believed that Lorak bought the restaurant for him.

In addition to everyday difficulties, other conflicts arose in the star’s family. Murat was not satisfied with his wife’s busy schedule, and he even almost went home. Lorak managed to hold him back. The singer also had to deal with the fact that during the tour her husband was having fun in nightclubs in the company of model-looking girls. Videos and photos of parties with caustic comments ended up on the Internet.

Despite everything, the Lorak family is still together, they have a daughter, Sofia. Ani has never said anything negative to the press about her husband. She says openly: “My husband is my god.” Today the family lives in three countries - Türkiye, Russia, Ukraine.

Unfortunately, information in the media about Ani Lorak’s infidelities turned out to be true. As a result, the popular singer filed for divorce from Murat.