Personal life of Ekaterina Klimova. Photos of husbands and children

Today all of Russia celebrates Knowledge Day. Parents gather their children for the traditional lineup, which begins academic year at school. Celebrities who are happy mothers and fathers also prepare their heirs for the beginning of a new stage in life. Among them was actress Ekaterina Klimova. She took her sons Matvey and Korney, as well as her daughter Elizabeth, to school.

Together with the famous artist, her former spouses, jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov, and actor Igor Petrenko, were present at the gala event dedicated to September 1. Despite the fact that their paths with Catherine diverged, the men decided to support their children on their important day.

In her Instagram Stories, Ekaterina published a series of shots taken on the line. Eldest daughter star Elizabeth was accompanied by her father Ilya Khoroshilov, while Igor Petrenko also enjoyed spending time with the children. Apparently, on the Day of Knowledge famous actor talked to reporters. In the photo on Catherine’s microblog you can see the artist talking to his son, and correspondents with a microphone stand next to them. The next photo shows a happy boy posing in his school uniform.

Let us recall that Ilya Khoroshilov was the first husband of Ekaterina Klimova. The future spouses met when the actress was still in school. Despite the fact that the couple was considered strong, their marriage broke up in 2003. Now the businessman is happy in his relationship with the star of the series “Sasha + Masha” Elena Biryukova. In April, the entrepreneur invited his chosen one to marry him on the air of the NTV program “Secret to a Million.” By the way, it was Catherine who brought Ilya together with his future bride. At one time, Klimova asked Khoroshilov to go with her daughter to the circus and agreed on a joint trip with Biryukova. But due to a busy schedule, the celebrity simply could not make it to the performance.

Second spouse famous actress became her colleague in the workshop Igor Petrenko. In this marriage, the artists had two sons - Korney and Matvey. After ten years spent together, the celebrities decided to separate.

Ekaterina’s youngest daughter, charming Bella, who was born in September 2015, is still too early to go to school. By the way, her father, the third husband of actress Gela Meskhi, recently starred in Anastasia Zadorozhnaya’s video, which was filmed in Portugal. Ekaterina Klimova went abroad with her husband.

Personal life of actress Ekaterina Klimova - today

Find out everything about actress Ekaterina Klimova now: Name: Ekaterina Klimova Date of birth: January 24, 1978 (40 years old) Zodiac sign: Aquarius Place of birth: Moscow Profession: Russian actress, performer of romances. DO YOU LIKE EKATERINA KLIMOVA?
The best films of Ekaterina Klimova:“We are from the future”, Everything is not by chance, Love under cover, Poisons, or World history poisoning (actress). The best TV series by Ekaterina Klimova:"Kuprin. Duel", "Dragon Syndrome", Once Upon a Time in Rostov, Grigory R, ​​Mosgaz.
What is the height and weight of actress Ekaterina Klimova?
Weight: 57 kg Height: 168 cm
Ekaterina Klimova's figure parameters: chest volume - 86 cm, waist volume - 60 cm, hip volume - 90 cm.
Ekaterina Klimova in social networks on Instagram:


Ekaterina Klimova was born on January 24, 1978 in Moscow. Mom - Svetlana Vladimirovna, housewife; father - Alexander, a free artist by profession, was convicted of negligent homicide in 1979, returned to the family when Katya was already 13 years old. Catherine has older sister Victoria. The family lived in a two-room apartment, raising children was based on Orthodox traditions.

Ekaterina Klimova starred in more than 50 films, of which the dilogy brought Klimova the greatest fame "We are from the future" and "We are from the future 2", as well as the popular romance from this film performed by her charismatically “Thank you for everything, good friend...” based on poems by Elizabeth Stewart. She also played in more than 15 repertory performances of the Russian Army Theater and enterprises.

Since childhood, Catherine loved furs, jewelry, bright outfits “the more elaborate the better,” white and yellow gold, stones—sapphire, diamond and emerald. Klimova willingly jumps with a parachute, flies on a paraglider, rides a motorcycle, and has been involved in figure skating and athletics. The actress’s favorite vacation spots are Bali and Barcelona. (Wikipedia)

As a child personal life of Ekaterina Klimovawas filled with interesting events. She was very close to her older sister, with whom she spent almost all her time. The girls were inseparable, shared secrets with each other, traveled together to summer camps. Already at that time, Katya took part in various amateur theatrical productions, and this influenced her choice future profession. Ekaterina was born in Moscow on January 24, 1978. After graduating from school, she applied to the theater school. Shchepkina and successfully withstood entrance exams. Ekaterina Klimova studied easily and with pleasure and was on the account of the first beauty, for whom suitors followed in droves. But Katya’s heart had long been occupied - from the age of fifteen she was friends with Ilya Khoroshilov, whom she later married. Family life It was a very happy life, the couple were always together and were sure that nothing could separate them.

Ekaterina Klimova with Igor Petrenko view photo
But Ekaterina Klimova’s personal life changed, and this happened after she met Igor Petrenko. This happened while still studying in Shchepka, but then the relationship did not develop beyond sympathy and friendship, because by that time both already had families, and Katya’s daughter was already growing up. But you can’t escape fate, and in 2003 it brought them together film set. The young people were drawn to each other so strongly that they realized that they could not live without each other. However, after filming ended, they decided to separate because they did not want to lead a double life.

During the year during which Igor Petrenko divorced his first wife, his attitude towards Ekaterina did not change, and she, despite the fact that she was tired of Ilya, continued to do everything possible to save the family. Everything was decided by one call, when Igor asked permission to meet her after the performance. This meeting became decisive, and the young people decided not to separate again. The personal life of Ekaterina Klimova was bursting at the seams. The husband, noticing that his wife was moving away from him, started a serious conversation with her, which led to a quarrel, after which Katya took her daughter and went to her parents. Ilya did everything possible to win Katya back, but after a painful relationship that lasted a whole year, they decided to divorce.

Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko with children - photo
Some time later Ekaterina Klimova married Igor Petrenko, and later they had two boys - Korney and Matvey. More recently, rumors have appeared that a major scandal has emerged in Katya’s family, which almost led to a divorce from Petrenko, but for now the couple live together and, according to them, are trying to return everything to its place.

Source of biography and personal life of Ekaterina Klimova:

The personal life of the actress Ekaterina Klimova (Ekaterina Klimova) - today

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova is a Russian theater and film actress, who is also known as a performer of romances. The films “We are from the Future” and “We are from the Future 2”, the series “Poor Nastya” and the film “Second Wind” brought her the greatest popularity, for which the actress was awarded a medal by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Ekaterina Alexandrovna was born in Moscow on January 24, 1978 in the family of housewife Svetlana Vladimirovna and free artist Alexander. A year after Catherine’s birth, the father was convicted of manslaughter, and the next time he saw his daughter was only 12 years later. It is interesting that Katya’s great-grandmother on her father’s side was a gypsy, from whom the girl inherited her dark skin and emotionality.

The artist remembers her childhood years with a smile. Ekaterina associates games, development and growing up with her sister Vika, who took a direct part in sisterly upbringing. And although Vika is 4 years older, the girls managed to fight and make peace at the same time, but the quarrels never dragged on for long. Klimova says that she and her sister are completely different, but that didn’t stop them from finding common language. The girls were sent to the camp together, small pranks, like the first cigarette smoked in the kitchen, the sisters did together.

At school, Katya was not an exemplary girl, a Komsomol member and an excellent student. Exact sciences They turned out to be darkness for her, so she had to pass the exams cunningly. Klimova managed to bribe teachers with chocolates, flowers, and sometimes just kind words. The girl was more than friendly in the team. During trips to camp with her class, Katya began performing in theatrical productions. Since then, the dream of a big theater stage was born.


After school, the dream gradually began to come true when Klimova entered the Shchepkinsky School without failure, from which she graduated in 1999 with honors. The actress recalls that then she felt like she was in her environment. The first year of college was a fun start creative career. Then students in pairs portrayed cats and dogs, imitating the behavior of animals. Onlookers passing by looked into the windows of the audience and were very amused by such a spectacle.

Ekaterina Alexandrovna in the series "Poor Nastya"

At the final exam, Ekaterina Klimova got a role in the production of “Romance”. The girl performed in an old dress, which had been gathering dust for a long time in the bins of the Maly Theater. The artist decided that she could not go out in such an outfit, so she spent nights reshaping the dress and decorating it with beads.

After studying at Shchepkinsky, Ekaterina Klimova went to work at the Russian Army Theater, where she immediately played in the play “Othello.” For her work in the production, Klimova was awarded the “Crystal Rose of Viktor Rozov” award. In addition to this work, Ekaterina was involved in the plays “The Stingy”, “Much Ado About Nothing” and others.

Ekaterina Klimova in the TV series "Kamenskaya"

Ekaterina Klimova's first film role in 2001 was Jeanne d'Albret in the film "Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning" directed by. This was followed by several more episodic roles in the films "Truckers" with and starring, "You Can't Choose Times" with and , “Moscow Windows”, where the aspiring actress worked together with, who later became the girl’s husband.

The creative biography of Ekaterina Klimova experienced an unprecedented leap after the release of the series “Poor Nastya”. Klimova was invited to audition for the serial film by Peter Stein, for whom she played in the Oscar film. Klimova was immediately approved for the role of Natasha Repnina, whose character evoked the warmest emotions among viewers. Catherine herself considers the heroine one of the most strong-willed women in the series.

The unconditional success of the historical telenovela, which was broadcast in 34 countries around the world, led to a number of proposals in famous projects. Ekaterina Alexandrovna at that time starred in the series “Sins of the Fathers”, “My Prechistenka”, “Kamenskaya”, “ Storm Gate».

The actress received another round of popularity after the release of science fiction film"We are from the future" with in leading role. Klimova received an offer to participate in this film from director Andrei Malyukov, who subsequently trusted the Muscovite more than once to play diverse characters in his projects. In one interview, Ekaterina admitted that this is the actress’s favorite director. The film is also notable for the fact that Klimova performed the famous romance “Thank you for everything, good friend” in the film.

Ekaterina Klimova in the film "Match"

In 2012, the artist played in the historical drama “Match”, the main characters of which were and. Ekaterina Klimova was given a secondary role here, which she coped with perfectly. The filming of this film took place in Ukraine. In 2014, the melodrama “Women in Love” with the participation of the actress was filmed there.

The actress was able to show her talent again in the film “,” a role in which Klimova called “a gift from her beloved director Andrei Igorevich Malyukov.” The artist’s partners on the set turned out to be, and. The artist is grateful to them for the work experience gained. Participation in this film is noteworthy for the actress in that for the first time she played real person that existed in history. This is the maid of honor, who ardently worshiped.

Ekaterina Alexandrovna in the film "Grigory R."

Every year the number of television projects in which Klimova participates is growing. It remains to wish the actress success in such difficult work.

And in December, viewers saw their favorite star in the New Year's film. Klimova played the role of TV presenter Ksenia Lastochkina.

On May 28, 2018, the artist attended the presentation fashion brand Jog Dog. Artists became guests along with Klimova.


  • 2001 – “Moscow Windows”
  • 2003 - “And in the morning they woke up”
  • 2003-2004 – “Poor Nastya”
  • 2006 – “Storm Gates”
  • 2008 – “Second Wind”
  • 2008 – “We are from the future”
  • 2010 – “We are from the future 2”
  • 2012 – “Match”
  • 2013 – “Love in big city 3"
  • 2014 – “Wolf Sun”
  • 2014 – “Gregory R.”
  • 2017 – “You all piss me off!”
  • 2017 – “Torgsin”
  • 2017 – “New Christmas trees”
  • 2017 – “According to the laws of war”
  • 2018 – “Youth. Final game"
Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Klimova is a star of Russian theater, film and television series, who became famous after her role in the TV series “Poor Nastya.” Mother of many children, ex-wife actor Igor Petrenko, owner of excellent vocals.

Childhood of Ekaterina Klimova

Katya Klimova was born in Moscow, in the family of a housewife Svetlana and a “free artist” Alexander. When the baby was one year old, the father went to prison for manslaughter for 12 years, so early childhood Ekaterina Klimova was held in the company of her mother and older sister Vika.

Despite the 4-year age difference and absolutely different characters, the girls were very friendly. They went to camp together and even smoked their first cigarette together - in the kitchen. It was in the camp that the first prerequisites for the girl’s future profession arose. She gladly took part in amateur performances, and every performance with her participation received a storm of applause.

Theatrical career of Ekaterina Klimova

After school, which Ekaterina Klimova graduated from in 1996, the girl entered the Shchepkinsky School, in the workshop of Nikolai Afonin, where Maxim Konovalov and Pyotr Krasilov became her fellow students. Katya finally found herself in her environment: the hated algebra, physics and geometry were replaced by acting classes. In the first year, students were forced to imitate cats, dogs, and even plants. “It made everyone laugh. And if someone passed by on the street and looked through the window into the office, he probably thought that everyone had gone crazy,” said the actress.

At graduation, Klimova played in the production of “Romance”. The costume used was an antique dress, which was found in critically dilapidated condition in the bins of the Maly Theater. Catherine completely restored it, decorating it with beads and lace at night.

In 1999, Ekaterina Klimova graduated from the Shchepkinsky School and immediately got a job at the Theater Russian army. The young actress was immediately entrusted with the role of Desdemona in the play Othello. For her outstanding work, she was awarded the “Crystal Rose of Viktor Rozov” award in the “Actors under 30” category.

Ekaterina Klimova was also involved in the productions of “The Stingy”, “Much Ado About Nothing” and many others. At the same time, the girl worked part-time in the theater company of S. Vinogradov and in the projects of Pyotr Stein.

Ekaterina Klimova's first film role. Heyday of film career

One of Klimova’s first film jobs was the role of Raisa in the TV series “Moscow Windows,” released in 2001. Together with the girl, Igor Petrenko worked on the project, whom Ekaterina met at school - the actor was studying a year younger.

Ekaterina Klimova in the “Smak” program

In the same year, several more series were released with the episodic participation of Catherine: Jeanne de Albret in the phantasmagoria “Poisons or the World History of Poisoning” with Oleg Basilashvili, a saleswoman in “Truckers” with Vladimir Gostyukhin and Vladislav Galkin, “ Best city land" with Irina Lachina and Elena Ksenofontova.

Popularity fell on Ekaterina Klimova out of the blue after the premiere of the series “Poor Nastya,” which took place in November 2003. Ekaterina Klimova was invited to audition by director Pyotr Stein, who was already familiar with Katya’s talent from the Oscar production.

“Natalie’s Romance” performed by Ekaterina Klimova (“Poor Nastya”)

According to most critics, Ekaterina Klimova’s heroine, Princess Natalya Repnina, turned out to be the most charming female character in the project, eclipsing the lead actress Elena Korikova.

The success of the pseudo-historical novel turned out to be fateful for Catherine: they began to vying with each other to invite her to popular television projects. In 2004, she appeared on screen in the series “Sins of the Fathers”, in 2005 - in the fourth season of “Kamenskaya” together with Elena Yakovleva and Sergei Garmash, and in 2006 she starred in several episodes of the series “Storm Gates” with Mikhail Porechenkov and Andrei Krasko.

In 2008, the actress was cast in the role of Nina in Andrei Malyukov’s science-fiction film “We are from the Future.” In the story, the hero of Danila Kozlovsky and his three friends, “black archaeologists” conducting illegal excavations, inexplicably find themselves in 1942, in the midst of hostilities. During filming, Ekaterina Klimova was pregnant, so a stunt double performed all the dangerous stunts for her.

The film received very warm responses from the audience, and in 2010 the second part of the blockbuster was released, but it failed to repeat the success of the first film.

In 2009, Ekaterina Klimova, in tandem with Gosha Kutsenko, starred in the third part of the crime thriller “Antikiller”. Critics greeted the film coolly, noting that there was nothing to see in it except the attractive heroine Katya, fights and chases with special effects.

This was followed by the main female role in the Russian remake of the series “Escape”. The place of the heroes Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell was taken by Yuri Chursin and Vladimir Epifantsev, but the project still failed, unable to withstand comparison with the original version. Despite the criticism, in 2012 the second season of the domestic “Escape” was aired with the same cast.

Ekaterina Klimova visiting Ivan Urgant

In 2011, Klimova was involved in Malyukov’s new project “Match”, a film about the historical football match between Dynamo Kyiv and the Luftwaffe team. The audience's attention was focused on the drama between the main characters, the characters of Sergei Bezrukov and Anna Shvetsova, and Katya received the minor role of Olga Kovtun.

In the early 2010s, Ekaterina Klimova actively starred in TV series, often simultaneously participating in several projects (“Once Upon a Time in Rostov”, “Mosgaz”, “Dragon Syndrome”, “Defender”).

In 2012, Ekaterina joined the cast of the New Year’s comedy “Happy New Year, Moms!”, where not only domestic stars played (Pavel Volya, Elizaveta Boyarskaya and many others), but also Alain Delon, who was invited for a cameo.

In 2014, Klimova played the role of Diana in Karen Oganesyan’s film “A Gift with Character.” A kind, bright comedy with Mikhail Galustyan, which somehow reminded the audience of “The Toy” with Pierre Richard, became last job actresses in feature films before the protracted “serial” period. Over the next 2 years, Katya took part in 11 different television projects.

The series “Cancellation of All Restrictions” received the highest ratings from viewers, where Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova played a couple trying to save their marriage with everyone possible ways– the images of constantly quarreling spouses turned out to be very vital for both actors.

Personal life of Ekaterina Klimova

The actress began dating her first husband, Ilya Khoroshilov, while still at school, at the age of 15. Everything went according to the usual scenario: a marriage proposal after graduation, a wedding, the birth of their daughter Lisa (the girl was born in 2002). But with the advent of popularity, discord began in Catherine’s family, but the actress could not even dream of taking the child and leaving her husband.

In 2003, on the set of the series “Moscow Windows”, the girl became close to an old acquaintance from school, Igor Petrenko. Even then, sympathy flashed between the young people, but they gave vent to serious feelings only while working on the sequel (“The Best City on Earth”). Both actors were married at that time, and for some time Katya tried to build a secret relationship, but in the end she got tired and briefly asked Igor: “That’s enough.”

They haven't seen each other for a whole year. During this time, Petrenko managed to divorce his wife, and Ekaterina, forced to forcefully smile at her husband every day, was on the verge of divorce proceedings. And yet, Igor could not get thoughts of Catherine out of his head and, unable to bear it, he called the girl himself.

Katya was born into the family of free artist Alexander Klimov and his wife, who took care of the house and raised two daughters. Katya has an older sister, Victoria, with whom she is very close.

Despite the age difference of four years and completely opposite characters, the sisters were always friends, played pranks together and could not stay angry with each other for long when they had a fight.

Happy family Unfortunately, trouble was not spared: when the girls were very young, their dad was sent to prison for manslaughter. He was given 12 long years during which he did not see his daughters.

But life went on. Katya grew up, went to school, and in the summer, so as not to leave the girls alone at home, her mother, who went to work, sent them to camp. It was there that the first desire of the restless Katya to show off on the stage manifested itself.

Amateur theater performances summer vacation Katya was so captivated that by graduation she was already confident in her choice of profession. Experience working with counselors-directors and the opportunity to perform in front of the guys who vacationed with future actress in the camp, they gave her the opportunity to go to Sliver after school without fear. Klimova got in on the first try.

Married student

film “Poisons, or the World History of Poisoning” (2001)

She ended up on the same course with actors who would later become famous - Maxim Konovalov, Pyotr Krasilov, but the most interesting thing is that her future second husband, Igor Petrenko, studied a course younger. However, then the girl simply did not notice him. The fact is that she was already married.

Katya got married for the first time very early. While still at school, she began dating jeweler Ilya Khoroshilov. First love was as it should be: pure and affectionate. He beautifully courted his first very young bride, and then a student, a future artist, was introduced to his parents, and touchingly asked for his hand in marriage...

The lovers got married, but the young wife kept postponing the birth of a child: she had to wean herself off. And then I tried my best to save the marriage - no matter what happened.

And, as in any family, anything happened. Having found herself in the student theater environment, Klimova finally felt at home there. Now she went to study with pleasure, because Katya no longer had to go to the hated mathematics!

Year by year she grew up, became more and more attached to art and increasingly moved away from her husband.


film “Sins of the Fathers” (2004)

After graduating from university, Katya had already managed to star in several TV series and had some recognition. However, her main roles were still ahead. There were big changes ahead.

On the set of Moscow Windows, the first sympathy appeared between the actors playing the main roles - Klimova and Petrenko. They were both legally married and were about to build a secret relationship, but the girl realized that she was making a mistake and stopped the nascent passion, telling Igor: “Enough.”

The shooting ended, they each went home. Katya, who loved her family with all her heart, tried to save the marriage. When in once again When there was talk of a child, she finally agreed, calling into question her fledgling career. In 2002, Klimova and Khoroshilov had a daughter, Lisa, and a year later Katya was invited to film the sequel to Moscow Windows.

New meeting with Igor on the set, the feelings of the lovers again heated up. Now it was real passionate love, from which it was impossible to escape. Klimova reproached herself every day for what was happening, returned to her family with a heavy heart and continued to smile at her husband. But she couldn’t do anything about her feelings, which were stronger than her.

And now she managed to end this relationship and, suffering and breaking herself, still abandoned Igor. The actress herself recalls that she could not imagine how she could suddenly take a child and leave her husband, because he was everything to her - from a very young age.

But the marriage was already breaking down. When little Lisa turned two, Ekaterina and Ilya filed for divorce.

Petrenko’s heart was also empty during this period. The man raved about Klimova, suffered without her, and finally decided to call - just to hear his own voice. It was this call that was decisive. In an interview, she will later tell: after hearing Igor, she realized that this person should be nearby.


They didn’t care whether their relationship was registered, so, having nevertheless decided to get married, they set a date for New Year’s Eve - December 31st, were late to the registry office and forgot wedding rings. The employees just shook their heads, and the happy couple, without taking their loving eyes off each other, went home to celebrate the New Year 2004.

They were called Russian Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, they were incredible beautiful couple and lived together for 10 years. During this time, they had two boys - Matvey and Korney. The couple was envied, admired and strictly believed: an idyll reigned in the family.

When news appeared in the media in 2014 that Klimova and Petrenko had officially divorced, the fan was shocked, and Klimova commented: they were an ordinary couple, with their own troubles. In their shared destiny there were moments of absolute happiness, but they also knew how to make each other’s life unbearable.

They parted, according to the actress, on normal terms, having experienced their passions to the fullest. They communicate, raise children together, organize family councils, where they decide where the boys will study, what additional classes they will attend, and who will pay for it.


The paparazzi linked the divorce to Katya’s betrayal. Allegedly, the actress started an affair with another filming partner. In the film “Wolf Heart” she played with Gela Meskhi, an aspiring and very talented and temperamental artist eight years younger than Klimova.

Allegedly, he fell madly in love with the star and literally did not give married Katya peace, expressing his readiness to marry her and raise her children. But still, Petrenko took the blame for the divorce in his interview, only mentioning that Katya is the best wife and mother in the world.

Klimova refused rumors about a relationship with Gela for a long time, and a year after the divorce she unexpectedly married him. After some time, the couple had a daughter, Bella. Despite pregnancy and childbirth, the actress did not stop acting. On particularly energy-intensive projects during this period, all the stunts for Ekaterina were performed by a stunt double.