Reception of waste paper is a controversial business idea with great prospects. Business at a waste paper collection point

Considering that, according to expert estimates, Russians throw away over 100 million tons of paper per year, and waste paper is accepted from $50 per ton, there is no doubt that this business is profitable. But let’s give specific figures: according to experts, the profitability of the waste paper collection business is from 30 to 50%: - you must agree, there is something to think about.

This business is especially attractive because you can start it simply - using your garage as a temporary warehouse. The big plus is that this business is not particularly location-specific, which means there is no need to spend money on special warehouse space (at least in the beginning). You also need to get a small truck or trailer. In fact, this will be the main starting capital.

As a rule, you will not need full-time staff at the initial stage - it is enough to notify the maximum number of friends and strangers, working in organizations that throw away a lot of paper about how much you pay per ton.

Everyone determines the specific amount of payment independently, not forgetting, however, that your competitors are also trying to motivate these same people. Ideally, you should notify as soon as possible more people related to government agencies, schools, office centers and printing houses about their offer. If you manage to establish a fairly extensive network of paper suppliers, you will be provided with uninterrupted supplies of waste paper for a long time, since this business has virtually no seasonality.

However, even if you have regular suppliers, constantly inform others about your services. Experienced waste paper collectors recommend producing and placing information on waste collection on the sides of the vehicle and distributing business cards anyone who may be potentially useful in the future.

Don't forget about schoolchildren. And although the times of the Timurites are long gone, there will always be teenagers who want to earn extra money - and this, by the way, is a very powerful labor force. Among other things, schoolchildren can easily interview neighbors on the street and bring the collected newspapers in a wheelbarrow directly to the collection point.

So that you don’t have to set up a time and travel around all the areas where you have independent “partners” to collect found waste paper, it is worth organizing stationary points in each district of the city. These points could logically again be the garages of your “largest” assistants. Of course, in this case you will have to slightly increase the purchase price for this item. On the other hand, you do not invest money in renting premises and the salary of the receptionist.

And of course, it is necessary to notify residents of the area about the presence of a collection point. Usually, all you need to do is put up a few signs, and your “intelligence network” will do the rest.

Well, of course, accepted waste paper should be paid not per ton, but per kilogram (from 50 kopecks per kilogram).

At this stage, it is no longer possible to do without investing in weighing equipment. But by that time you will already have a constant profit, part of which you will invest in expanding the network of collection points.

As in any business, a novice entrepreneur will have to make the main efforts at the very beginning. And if he copes with the initial stage of creating an agent network and developing a regular clientele among commercial enterprises and government agencies, then his future in this business will be very bright. Because no matter how the situation in the economy develops, no matter how acute the economic crisis In our bureaucratic state, paper waste has always existed and will always exist. This means that the business of collecting waste paper is almost eternal.

As you know, today you can make money not only by producing any product, but also by receiving waste. In particular, this applies to waste paper. Moreover, you can build a very profitable business on paper waste. We will talk further about how to start a business using waste paper.

A little about recycling paper waste

Many of us remember how, during the times Soviet Union Waste paper collections were regularly held in schools and businesses. Moreover, as a rule, there were no special problems with finding it.

After all, a person, both at home and at work, constantly encounters paper in the form of documents, newspapers, magazines, books, advertising brochures and brochures, packaging for various goods, napkins, etc.

In our country, as a rule, waste of this type is simply taken to a landfill, where it is burned or rots in the rain and snow.

At the same time, in the majority European countries paper waste is disposed of. Thanks to this, companies engaged in this have the opportunity to receive a good and stable income. Thus, according to recent studies, about half of all European paper is made from recycled materials.

Of course, these results are largely a consequence of green pressure to preserve forests and recycle waste paper as much as possible. In Russia, the acceptance of recyclable materials and their further use are not so well developed. Therefore, entrepreneurs have every opportunity to start a similar business and earn good money. First of all, you need to draw up a detailed business plan.

Waste paper as a source of income: where to start?

As when opening any other business, at the initial stage you need to register as legal entity or individual entrepreneur. The most suitable form for a waste paper collection point is an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur).

Selection of premises

Due to the fact that the collected paper waste will need to be stored somewhere, it is necessary to take care of the warehouse. If you have sufficient funds, you can rent a suitable room. If your budget is limited, then you can use, for example, your own garage for this purpose. When renting premises, it is advisable to select an area where your waste paper collection point will be the only establishment of this kind.


At first, you can work independently. However, keep in mind that as a business owner, you will have many other concerns besides dealing with paper waste. After all, you will have to search for clients, enter into contracts with them, take care of delivery, etc.

Therefore, when opening a business using waste paper, it makes sense to resort to the help of hired employees. Due to the fact that the work is simple and does not require any high qualifications, selecting personnel will not be difficult.

Where to look for suppliers?

You can receive paper waste both from individuals and from various stores, companies and other organizations. It is important to try to build long-term relationships with suppliers. After all, even a small store or company can deliver about 20-30 kilograms of waste paper to your collection point every week.

In addition, schools, kindergartens, restaurants and cafes can become the main suppliers. Therefore, do not be lazy to establish relationships with the management of such institutions. This will ensure you have a steady flow of raw materials.

As for private individuals, it is advisable to carry out a small advertising campaign with the distribution of booklets and a description of the benefits and benefits of such an activity. In addition, you can hire local janitors who, for a small fee, will not only provide you with a variety of paper waste, but also sort it.

Subtleties of work

All waste paper arriving at your collection point will need to be carefully sorted. This will significantly increase the profitability of your business. Therefore, a waste paper business must provide for the organization of a site for the primary processing of incoming recyclables, where the paper will be sorted into classes. First class is the most expensive.

This includes waste from the production of white uncoated paper (with the exception of newsprint), as well as all types of white paper in the form of scraps and products based on unbleached sulphate pulp. The second class includes waste paper in the form of cardboard, unnecessary books, magazines and brochures without spines, covers and bindings. The third class includes newspapers and paper pulp.


Since the waste paper business involves not only the collection of recyclable materials, but also their sorting and subsequent delivery to customers, you will need to purchase some equipment. So, the receiving point must be equipped with a special press. It is not necessary to buy a new unit; you can get by with a used one. You can buy it for about 50 thousand rubles. To deliver sorted waste paper to its destination, you will need to purchase a truck.

Sales of waste paper

When organizing a business for recyclable materials, first of all, you need to decide where you will take the collected paper waste. As a rule, in every city there are resellers who will be happy to accept your waste paper. However, the price will be lower than when selling directly, but they will pay you right away. Also, often in each region you can find a collection point for recyclable materials or a pulp and paper mill.

But cooperation with them has a number of difficulties. So, when delivering raw materials to a receiving point, they are checked for moisture and blockages. As a rule, both are found, which automatically reduces the cost of waste paper by 30-40%. As for money, no one will pay you right away, and sometimes you have to wait several months for payment. In view of this, it is often much more profitable to build waste paper collection as a business in cooperation with resellers of recyclable materials.

Collection of paper waste as a business: the financial side of the issue

On average, to open a waste paper collection point you will need to spend about 200 thousand rubles. If, thanks to your efforts, you can collect about 20 tons of recyclable materials per week and sell it at a price of 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles per ton, then your weekly earnings will be about 40 thousand rubles.

If you subtract overhead costs from this amount, then the net profit will be at least 100-120 thousand rubles per month. Thus, you can easily recoup the initial costs in the first couple of months of active work.

Business not only on collection, but also on further processing of paper waste

If you want to organize not only the reception of waste paper, but also its further processing, then you can count on much greater profits. However, in this case, you will have to organize your own production, which will require significant financial investments.

So, first of all, it is necessary to select a suitable premises and purchase the appropriate equipment. Today you can purchase both a line for primary processing of waste paper and a full cycle processing line. In the first case, you will resell the resulting raw materials to large manufacturers.

And in the second, you yourself will engage in the production of final products in the form of cardboard, newspaper or toilet paper, napkins, paper bags, etc. In this case, your profit can range from several hundred thousand to several million rubles per month. However, opening such a business will require spending at least two million rubles.

You can provide yourself with tax-free income, and also save forests from deforestation. All that is needed to develop such a source of additional income is a small initial capital for the purchase of a truck or a trailer for a passenger car, for transporting collected recyclables, as well as funds for the purchase of unnecessary paper products from the population.

Waste paper collection as a business- This is a great way to provide yourself with additional income free time or during a crisis period of unemployment. At proper organization and a skillful approach to business, you can get an annual income of 1.5 - 2 million rubles. This work does not require special equipment or qualified employees.

Depending on the starting capital, you can start developing a business alone, and later hire schoolchildren as assistants who want to earn extra money after classes. They will do all the work of organizing the notification of residents of residential buildings about the collection of waste paper, and loading it into the car.


First you need to develop business plan for waste paper as income-generating material. This is a fairly light and voluminous recyclable material that needs to be transported to your own warehouse by a vehicle with a carrying capacity of at least several cubic meters.

In this case, the weight of each cubic meter will not exceed 0.5 tons, which means a heavy-duty vehicle is not needed here. Suitable for such purposes the following types transport:

  • all-metal van;
  • Gazelle flatbed truck;
  • minibus;
  • station wagon;
  • car with trailer;

You also need to take into account the vehicle’s fuel consumption, for example, on trucks such as Kamaz, it will be unprofitable to travel 100 km to buy just a ton of waste paper, so a compact van or the same car with a trailer would be more appropriate here.


For those who want to know, how to open a waste paper collection point, the following information will be of interest regarding the choice of storage space and its size.

Initially, you can use an ordinary garage as a storage room; also, an outbuilding in rural areas. Since renting a large premises is quite expensive, and the initial collection of recyclable materials will not cover such waste.

Determining the size of the room is a very important question, since excess free footage will incur unnecessary waste, and too small a size will not allow proper development waste paper business. To do this, determine the area of ​​the city in which the collection work is carried out and the monthly volume of purchased recyclables.

Stages of business development

First stage

Many companies develop their business by recycling waste paper; they set the price for collecting this recyclable material throughout the region, which means that you need to start developing your business by establishing contacts with representatives of such organizations. Initially, you need to determine the following factors influencing your own:

  • wholesale and retail prices for all brands of waste paper;
  • minimum and maximum volume of accepted products;
  • conditions for delivery of goods from a personal warehouse to the factory premises;
  • and most importantly, acceptable standards the level of contamination of recyclable materials with foreign substances or moisture content.

Second stage

The second stage can be considered the beginning of direct work. After choosing a vehicle, preparing a warehouse and concluding an agreement with a processing company, all that remains is to find a source of waste paper, these can be considered:

  • educational institutions;
  • accounting institutions;
  • offices;
  • mail;
  • shops:
  • residential buildings;

such places can supply:

  • unused unbleached paper or its waste;
  • printed publications;
  • cardboard containers;
  • paper packaging bags;

many people will be happy to get rid of such garbage without any financial compensation. For example, they take up a huge amount of space in the premises, their disposal costs money, so an offer to get rid of unnecessary worries for free will be accepted. Educational institutions They also have similar archives that have been collecting tons of waste paper for years. A similar situation exists with stores; they, as a rule, receive goods in cardboard packaging, and then dispose of it in the nearest trash container.

Worth knowing! The average is $20.

Information advertising

Collection of waste paper as a business will bring in constantly growing income only if the work develops and covers new territories all the time, and for this it is necessary to inform people about your activities.

Nowadays, there are many paid and free advertising methods own business, it could be:

  • newspaper advertising;
  • notices posted at bus stops;
  • posting a note on the yellow pages;
  • creating a page in social networks with the proposed waste paper removal services;
  • advertising on a local TV channel or radio station;

The larger the client base, the higher the profit and net income from the work done.

According to statistics, more than 100 million tons of paper waste are thrown into the trash every year in Russia, if converted into cash equivalent, then the amount will be 8 billion dollars. How much of this money you can earn will depend only on own desire work.

Considering that, according to expert estimates, Russians throw away over 100 million tons of paper per year, and waste paper is accepted from $50 per ton, there is no doubt that this business is profitable. But let’s give specific figures: according to experts, the profitability of the waste paper collection business is from 30 to 50%: - you must agree, there is something to think about.

This business is especially attractive because you can start it simply - using your garage as a temporary warehouse. The big plus is that this business is not particularly location-specific, which means there is no need to spend money on special warehouse space (at least in the beginning). You also need to get a small truck or trailer. In fact, this will be the main starting capital.

As a rule, you will not need full-time staff at the initial stage - it is enough to notify the maximum number of acquaintances and strangers who work in organizations that throw away a lot of paper about how much you pay per ton.

Everyone determines the specific amount of payment independently, not forgetting, however, that your competitors are also trying to motivate these same people. Ideally, you should notify as many people as possible related to government agencies, schools, office centers and printing houses about your offer. If you manage to establish a fairly extensive network of paper suppliers, you will be provided with uninterrupted supplies of waste paper for a long time, since this business has virtually no seasonality.

However, even if you have regular suppliers, constantly inform others about your services. Experienced waste paper collectors recommend making and placing information on the sides of the vehicle about waste collection and handing out business cards to anyone who may be potentially useful in the future.

Don't forget about schoolchildren. And although the times of the Timurites are long gone, there will always be teenagers who want to earn extra money - and this, by the way, is a very powerful workforce. Among other things, schoolchildren can easily interview neighbors on the street and bring the collected newspapers in a wheelbarrow directly to the collection point.

So that you don’t have to set up a time and travel around all the areas where you have independent “partners” to collect found waste paper, it is worth organizing stationary points in each district of the city. These points could logically again be the garages of your “largest” assistants. Of course, in this case you will have to slightly increase the purchase price for this item. On the other hand, you do not invest money in renting premises and the salary of the receptionist.

And of course, it is necessary to notify residents of the area about the presence of a collection point. Usually, all you need to do is put up a few signs, and your “intelligence network” will do the rest.

Well, of course, accepted waste paper should be paid not per ton, but per kilogram (from 50 kopecks per kilogram).

At this stage, it is no longer possible to do without investing in weighing equipment. But by that time you will already have a constant profit, part of which you will invest in expanding the network of collection points.

As in any business, a novice entrepreneur will have to make the main efforts at the very beginning. And if he copes with the initial stage of creating an agent network and developing a regular clientele among commercial enterprises and government agencies, then his future in this business will be very bright. Because no matter how the situation in the economy develops, no matter how acute the economic crisis, in our bureaucratic state there has always been and will always be paper waste. This means that the business of collecting waste paper is almost eternal.

There are many options for enriching recycled materials, but cardboard collection as a business is not a very common method, even taking into account its little competition and low physical labor costs. The principle of building such a business is simple: we buy for little money and sell for impressive money.

You can easily find at least one company in your city that buys such raw materials. It is necessary for later processing, for example, into toilet paper or corrugated cardboard. Some businessmen simply collect paper, others also press such material, and then sell it for good money.

Waste paper collection sites

It is best to collect it at wholesale centers, shops, markets, various organizations and offices. Such material is collected in packages and transported away by whole trucks.

You can also consider the option of landfills. It is enough to buy a small one truck like Lawn, and negotiate with local homeless people at the landfill so that they collect and give you paper at a price of 500 rubles per ton. At the same time, you need to understand that they can collect three tons of such paper in a day without any problems, you need to be prepared for this.

In order not to think for a long time, this car, full of paper, can be immediately sent to local receivers, who will pick up the waste paper at a price of 2,500 rubles per ton. Thus, with clean cars you can easily earn about 4,000 rubles a day, taking into account the costs of gasoline, driver’s salary, repairs, etc.

Organization of a reception point

You have the opportunity to create your own company that will collect waste paper at low prices from those who collect it. The first thing you will need to do is rent a room (warehouse), preferably not far from the microdistrict in a good location. accessible location, and put up a sign that says something like “Reception of waste paper.”

You can also make your ad even more noticeable by attaching the information to your car so that people can easily see it. Also don't forget about your local newspaper, which you can give to. advertisement. The fact is that many people have large number excess waste paper, which they could easily sell if someone came to them and took it away.

After collecting such raw materials, they can be sorted and packaged so that they can be sold to large factories for further processing for reasonable money. If you can come to an agreement with such an enterprise, it will buy one ton of waste paper from you for 60-100 dollars, and the cardboard collection business will begin to operate at full capacity.

Features of the chosen niche

  1. If you have your own car, then you don’t need any more expenses at the initial stage: only a small starting capital to buy paper from people and gasoline to immediately transport and sell it.
  2. No need to receive any special knowledge and have great experience doing business.
  3. You can recoup your investment in a day and put the rest into circulation.
  4. There is an opportunity to make big profits.
  5. There is little competition for the reason that many people really don’t like doing this dirty work, and many people want to immediately receive huge amounts of money without investing anything.
  6. Well, the most important thing is to cleanse our Earth of rubbish.

With proper organization of the paper business, this will be an ideal opportunity to receive a constantly stable, albeit small, source of income. But you immediately need to look further: this is only an opportunity to raise money for some further development. Most likely, you don't want to do this for the rest of your life. So immediately set your sights on this type of activity as a springboard for your next endeavors.