Processing cow manure into fertilizer. Manure processing equipment

Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin.

Department of Animal Hygiene.

Removal, storage and disposal of manure.

Moscow, 2008

    Manure removal………………………………………………………3

    Manure and slurry storage system…………………………………..4

    Treatment and disposal of manure……………………...................8

    List of references…………………………….….14


Manure is valuable organic fertilizer. However, unneutralized manure is a source of a large number of infectious diseases (over 100) of humans and animals.

Each gram of fresh feces contains from 250 million to 2 billion bacteria, including E. coli from 340 to 560 thousand, and enterococci from 3.5 to 17 million.

Manure is a favorable environment for the development and preservation of microorganisms. The survival time of pathogenic microorganisms in solid (litter) manure, depending on the type of microbe and the method of storing manure, ranges from several days to 12 months.

Litter manure has the property of self-warming and natural disinfection. In liquid manure, the process of self-heating cannot occur, so diluting the manure increases the survival period of bacteria by more than 3 times.

Manure removal is the most labor-intensive and complex process on modern farms. Capital costs for the construction of manure removal and utilization systems reach 30 % total costs of constructing large farms. The veterinarian and animal engineer must have a good knowledge of the basic requirements for manure removal and treatment systems, make right choice one or another system for your farm.

The system must ensure timely and effective removal of manure from the premises, its loading, transportation to a manure storage facility, storage, disinfection, effective use of manure nutrients for fertilizer, application to the soil at optimal agrotechnical times, create optimal microclimate parameters, and be safe for animals and staff .

When using liquid manure, the system must have biological treatment of the liquid fraction, ensure disinfection of wastewater and protection environment from pollution and infection.

The manure treatment process includes the following operations: cleaning premises, loading manure onto vehicles, transporting it to a manure storage facility or composting site, disinfection, preparing organic fertilizers, loading and transporting manure to the field and applying it to the soil.

Depending on the size and type of farm, the following means of manure removal are used: ground trolleys, suspended rail trolleys, trackless hand trucks, circular or reciprocating scraper conveyors, bulldozer attachments, hydraulic devices, motorized vehicles, electric vehicles.

The most widely used on cattle farms are circular scraper conveyors, which consist of horizontal and inclined conveyors.

The horizontal conveyor is installed in the form of a closed ring in the manure channel. It mixes the manure through the channel into the receiving hopper, from where it is lifted up by scrapers on an inclined conveyor and dumped into a transport cart.

The inclined conveyor must be located in an insulated vestibule. In winter, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the discharge chute after finishing work; in severe frosts, add salt under the scrapers so that they do not freeze to the bottom.

The efficiency of manure collection by conveyors depends on its consistency. When kept without bedding, liquid manure is obtained and conveyors do not ensure complete cleaning of manure channels. Manure stagnates, the area of ​​evaporation increases, the decomposition process and the release of harmful gases intensify.

The sanitary condition of the premises is also greatly influenced by the frequency of manure removal and the activity of workers in cleaning stalls and machines. Manure must be manually pushed regularly into the manure channel and removed at least 2-3 times a day. Reducing the frequency of manure removal leads to overflowing of the channels with manure, increasing the load on the chains, which eventually break. Sometimes the rotating parts of the conveyor fail, which entails serious consequences.

From a hygienic point of view, reciprocating conveyors are the most convenient, since manure moves the shortest route to the place of unloading, reducing the likelihood of spreading infection to pens or stalls.

Recently, hydraulically driven conveyors have appeared, which have advantages from both a technical and hygienic point of view.

Delta scraper installations must operate in automatic mode and have a level, smooth floor. Manure mass should not accumulate in the channels, since constant contact of animal limbs with slurry leads to damage to the hooves and the development of necrobacteriosis.

Modern intensive technology involves keeping animals without bedding using slatted floors. Slotted floors can occupy the entire animal housing area or part of it. When the animal housing area is completely covered with bars up to 80 % manure falls into the canal. This method allows you to isolate animals from the manure mass, dramatically reduce labor costs for cleaning the machine, and improve the sanitary condition of the premises. Manure is removed from the channels using mechanical systems using various conveyors or hydraulic systems using water.

The hydraulic system provides direct flushing of continuous action and periodic action (settlement-tray, or gate, and recirculation system).

The system with flush nozzles provides for flushing the manure mass in the channels once a day through flush tubes. At the same time, the yield of manure mass and the costs of its processing sharply increase. Flush cisterns system allows for flow into channels estimated quantity water, reduce the output of manure.

Settlement-tray and gravity-flow systems are used in cattle fattening complexes and in pig breeding enterprises. This requires the construction of complex and expensive liquid manure treatment systems.

The choice of a manure removal system requires taking into account the requirements of technology, hygiene, ecology, and economics.

Manure and slurry storage systems

It is well known that the cornerstone of the effectiveness of organic fertilizers is their storage. Proper storage manure and slurry for a long time, and in Russia the storage period reaches 200 days, leading to the preservation of microelements necessary for plant nutrition. Proper storage prevents environmental pollution caused by the leaching of some microelements and their entry into the soil and water. In this "Agricultural Workshop" we want to talk about possible manure and slurry storage systems that are widespread in Canada, in the province of Ontario.

When choosing a manure storage system, it is recommended to take into account the following influencing factors: economic, availability labor force, building area, odor level, ease of maintenance, compatibility with existing equipment and manure removal system.

1. Open cylindrical slurry storage tank

This is one of the most popular manure storage systems. The height of the tank walls is 3.6 meters, the internal diameter is 15, 18, 21 meters.

2. Above ground slurry storage silo equipped with a pump driven by a power take-off shaft

In areas of heavy moisture, an above-ground tanker made of concrete rings is used. A silo with a height of 11 meters and a diameter of 9 meters equipped with a pump-out pump allows you to store manure and slurry without loss of quality. However, depending on the type of sludge, a thick crust will often form on the surface of the slurry, which will stop the odor from spreading. However, such a crust does not form in large-diameter silos. Unfortunately, this system for storing manure and slurry does not allow for good mixing. As a result, solid fractions accumulate at the bottom of the silo. Precisely because potential danger the emergence of such a problem, this system has not received proper distribution.

3. In-ground manure storage facility with pump intake device

The main advantage of such a manure storage facility is its relative cheapness. Widely distributed in areas with heavy clay soils and deep burial groundwater. Two mixing methods are used: traditional, using a pump. Most farmers use pumps with an extended shaft, operating from specially equipped entrances. The bottom of the manure storage can be made of concrete, but ordinary clay is more often used.

The picture shows a fence, however, it should be installed in areas where manure is collected.

4. Completely enclosed concrete manure storage facility

Often used when storing liquid. The main benefit is odor control and complete protection from snow and rain.

The depth of a typical manure storage facility for this system is from 2.4 meters to 3 meters, length from 3.6 meters to 12.6 meters and width from 3.6 to 12.6 meters. The width depends on the storage volume required and the power of the mixing pump. The roof of a tanker can usually support the load of a typical transporter, but is not designed to support a tractor or truck. For safety reasons, a fence is installed around the roof of the tanker (if it is located at ground level). Sometimes they make a reinforced roof that can withstand the load

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Agro Profile Plus LLC is a developer of lines and drying complexes using the ASKT method and the owner of drying technology.

On October 12, 2019, negotiations were held. In the Tver region, in 2020, we are launching a joint project for the production of berry powders with a productivity of 25-30 kg per hour and the production of vitamin-herbal flour with a productivity of 1000-1300 kg per hour.

On September 8, 2019, during commissioning works in Uzbekistan, pumpkin (butternut squash) and grape pulp powders were obtained. The performance of the ASKT-0.5 complex has been confirmed. After ventilation and aspiration work has been carried out by the customer, the complex is ready for industrial use.

Preliminary negotiations on joint activities were held.

A declaration with a research protocol for carrot powder was received.

08/22/2019 According to the results of the study, carrot powder obtained in Uzbekistan during the start of commissioning is undergoing the certification stage.
Once the customer is 100% ready in accordance with the Standards and Regulations, work on putting the complex into operation will continue.

08/16/2019 The modernization of the main cylinder with a new blade part was tested at the test base.

Specifications have been received for carrot powder brought from the commissioning of equipment in Uzbekistan.

We are starting an official audit of the work of ASKT ING LLC

10/18/2018 Agro Profile Plus LLC has completed single sales of complexes and continues to work in large projects.
Cooperation is carried out under contracts and licensing agreements.
The production of drying and grinding complexes using the ASKT method is carried out under a license agreement registered with FIPS in the manner prescribed by law. Date and registration number: 05/16/2018 No. RD0251937.
ASKT Ing LLC, as a licensee, supplies complexes using the ASKT method, and also participates in various projects to introduce this technology to the market.
The main element of the complexes has been patented, without which drying is impossible.

May 2018 The running-in of reinforced units and complexes was completed in full.
Agro Profile Plus LLC ends single sales of complexes and begins work on large projects.
Sales of complexes and cooperation will be carried out under licensing agreements.

March 2018 Carrots were dried using ASKT with a reinforced console part and an anti-stick system.
You can see how it was in the video on the page

In February 2018, commissioning and commissioning of the ASKT fiber drying complex was completed.
At the request of the customer (GK Soyuz Snab), we successfully tested the possibility of modernizing units for starch drying. Laboratory analysis showed a positive result for the dried product.
On November 18, the 2nd series ASKT line was launched in Belgorod for beets and carrots. Powder moisture content is 7-9%. Drying temperature 65 degrees C.
Modernization taking into account the developments of ASKT series 3 made it possible to reduce the moisture content of the product.
You can see how this happens in the video on the page.
Agro Profile Plus LLC continues to work on R&D, testing and introducing into mass production both units and new complexes.
At this stage, testing and implementation of a reinforced unit for the internal part of the working cylinder has been successfully completed.

Based on customer experience, an automatic overload protection system has also been implemented.

We continue to manufacture our own line using ASKT technology, taking into account the modernization of units. All new components first undergo a full cycle of tests.
Pay attention to the site page "ATTENTION BEWARE"
On at the moment We have removed information about our dealer until all the circumstances are fully clarified.

Our plans:
1. Joint projects with:
- Ak Altyn Group (Kazakhstan);
- TGSHA (Tver State Agricultural Academy).
2. Creation of installations for small farms
We modernized and tested the internal components of the drying complex. The tests were successful.

Series 3 ASKT tests were successfully carried out on the customer’s raw materials (prepared meat, protein). Performance tests on this raw material have been successfully completed at the test site. The introduced changes and modernization showed a positive calculated result. After being shown to the customer’s representative, the line is installed on the customer’s premises.

The production and sale of new ASKT complexes of the 3rd series, such as ASKT and WtD drying and grinding complexes, is carried out under the trademark "Agro Profile Plus". The ASCT method, as well as the complexes, are patented.

Our technology is called ASCT. Drying of raw materials with humidity up to 80-85%. The final product is powder.

Fertility, abundance and well-being of your business will be ensured by drying complexes based on dryers using ASKT technology

The only developer of equipment using ASKT technology (Aerodynamic Dryer of Combined Type) is Agro Profile Plus LLC. The entire technology is patented, and individual elements are also patented, without which drying is impossible. The dryers we produce are kept in a register.
Beware of fakes.

LLC “NIMOPL “Rodnik” was warned in writing about liability for copyright violations through a lawyer.
At the moment, the testing of ASKT series 3 at the test site has been completed and the necessary calculations and modifications are underway to increase productivity. How this happened step by step can be seen on the page

We have finished demonstrating the operation of ASKT series 3 on flows at our test site. During the entire testing period, we showed the operation of ASCT to everyone.
After certification work, the third generation of dryers using the ASKT method will go into production
Photo on the page

Drying technology is being developed to achieve a raw material input moisture level of up to 80-85% with increased productivity.

2017 We have increased production capacity.

The best fertilizer for cultivated crops is manure, which contains: nutrients, affecting soil fertility. Some agricultural plants deplete the soil, reducing its fertility. But mineral fertilizers do not always enrich the soil to the required level. In this case, processing of manure and its further use as fertilizer comes to the rescue.

What does it contain?

There are two main types:

  • bedding
  • unlined

The first is formed using litter mixed with liquid or hard species livestock waste. The quality and quantity of such organic fertilizer depends on the following factors:

  • feed used to feed animals and birds
  • type of pet
  • amount of litter that is applied
  • manure storage method

The quality of compost is mainly influenced by the type of animal. For example, pig waste is mostly liquid, due to the fact that urine is twice as solid as feces. In cattle the situation is the opposite - solid waste 2.5 times higher than liquefied ones. The liquid form of organic fertilizer concentrates nitrogen and potassium, and the solid form contains phosphorus. Although this is a rather arbitrary division.

This is what high-quality cattle manure looks like

The second factor that affects the quality of humus is the food supply. If the diet is dominated by juicy and liquid components, more urine is naturally excreted, which increases the level of potassium in the waste. When using mixed feed, phosphorus and nitrogen are concentrated in the manure.

Processing methods

The result of the vital activity of poultry and animals, in addition to valuable food products, is a large volume of waste and droppings. This can become both a huge problem in the household and a good source of income. Having mass beneficial properties, waste if stored improperly pollutes groundwater, act as a source of infection. This can be avoided by using some methods of disposing of them.

When organic matter decomposes, certain chemical processes occur that lead to heating. This may cause plant burns

Therefore, fresh waste is practically not used, and manure is processed before use. Different technologies are used.


Quite a popular method used for waste disposal . It is used both in small farms and in large agricultural complexes. Its advantages are ease of work and low cost.

All types of waste can be composted: pork, cow, sheep, poultry and others. In compost pits, manure is converted into fertilizer when the temperature rises during the fermentation process. Fever promotes disinfection of the compost mass, while most pests die. The process of decomposition of organic matter is accompanied by heating of waste to 60 degrees. On average, after a year, good quality humus is formed.

Processing manure using composting occurs in several stages. First, the waste is stored in two to four meter piles. Disintegrants are added to the organic mass: straw, sawdust, wood shavings. They improve the quality of humus. The type of additives and their quantity depends on the type of organic matter.

Properties different types waste are very different. For example, cow's milk is quite dense in structure and contains large number useful substances. Leavening agents (shavings and sawdust) should be added to the compost pit. Fresh pork waste is quite liquid. To make them more dense, sawdust and peat are added.

When recycling waste by composting, no special equipment is used. The work is carried out by special microorganisms that are formed naturally.

Example of a manure composter

Composting is also called a loose-dense method of storing humus. At the first stage, animal and bird waste is thrown freely. Under such conditions, natural decomposition of the mass occurs with a gradual increase in temperature. Then, the already rotted compost is stored more densely to retain nitrogen. To do this, use peat or sawdust, which blocks the access of oxygen to the compost mass. The fermentation process occurs. This rapid processing of manure leads to its transformation into humus in two to three months.

Manure disposal is also carried out using vermicomposting. Compost heaps do not use microorganisms, but earthworms. The fertilizer obtained in this way contains a sufficient amount of beneficial microorganisms.

Worms for composting are bred specially or simple dung worms are used.

Video: How to properly populate a worm nest

The composting method is considered traditional and widespread. With the development of agriculture, new, more efficient technologies for converting waste into humus have emerged. . This includes drying of manure, granulation and briquetting of manure, and processing in a bioreactor unit.


In large agricultural complexes the number of livestock and poultry reaches hundreds of heads. Total weight waste and bird droppings are measured in tons. Under such conditions, composting is not the most efficient method of recycling. The large volume of compost pits, the number of which is constantly increasing, leads to a loss of usable space on the farm.

It will be more productive to use new technologies. For example, pig manure is processed by drying and granulating. This method requires special equipment - drying chambers. They dry under the influence of high temperature. Dry waste can be stored for a long time and is odorless. They are used as fertilizer for agricultural crops or as a feed additive for domestic animals.

Video: Technology for pelleting cattle dung

The granulation method requires additional purchase of equipment. For example, a granulator and a grinder. Processing manure using the granulation method contributes to the emergence of a safe fertilizer for agricultural plants. Granular fertilizers are applied mechanically, they are non-toxic and do not have an unpleasant aroma. Used for own needs or for sale. The essence of the method is that the waste is first dried (up to 12% humidity), then the resulting mass is crushed and granulated.

Advantages of granular fertilizer:

  • no harmful microorganisms
  • balanced amount of minerals
  • long shelf life
  • Possibility of introducing into the soil using a mechanized method

Litter manure is processed into fuel briquettes. To do this, it is crushed using a rotary crusher and placed in a mixing device for sterilization and mixing. As a result, a homogeneous mass is formed, which is squeezed out and compacted. Briquettes are formed from the resulting material. They are dried naturally in the sun or forced drying. Briquettes are used for space heating in gas generating plants.

Bacteria in waste disposal

Using bacteria to process manure, a useful biological fertilizer containing the required amount of enzymes is obtained.

The technology for recycling manure and droppings using bacteria is applied directly to livestock farms equipped with a waste water flushing system. Bacteria are used for manure, which retain nitrogen in it. When placing livestock waste in large 2-4 meter piles, bacteria are used to process pig manure, which leads to the decomposition of cellulose and lignin.

An example of a Russian-made bacterial preparation for processing manure

Manure processing is a gold mine

Three quarters of all crops from fields and gardens are converted into manure. 90% of vegetables and grains go to feed livestock, and only 10% goes to people!

When raising cattle, large amounts of manure, a waste product of animals, accumulate on farms. Not all plant matter is processed by cows. Some of it comes out and can be used in different ways. IN Soviet era all this manure was simply piled into piles, and after it rotted, it was partially transported to the fields. Cow dung is a valuable fertilizer. However, it also has a number of disadvantages: it is often infected with helminths and other insect larvae, it has a large mass, and it is unprofitable to transport it to the fields further than 4-5 kilometers.

In Germany, there are even “smell days”, when waste products are transported en masse to the fields.

Manure needs to be processed, because when it rots in piles, 80% of the nitrogen so necessary for plants in the soil escapes into the atmosphere. And nitrogen fertilizers are added to the soil, which are specially produced and spend a lot of energy, materials and financial resources on it. On the other hand, if all the organic matter that now rots in piles or flows into rivers, worsening the environment, was introduced into the soil in the fields, crops would grow year after year.

Manure processing technologies

  1. Manure can be processed into biogas. It's very fashionable now. Large farms install biogas plants and process hundreds of tons of manure and other organic waste. The result is a fertilizer that is small in quantity, but it is concentrated and free of contamination by weed seeds and helminths. However, all the energy of such manure is lost. The soil-absorbing complex irreversibly loses both nitrogen and carbon dioxide, given for biogas. In practice, using methanates, we take energy from the soil in order to pour it into the tanks of power plants. The fertility of thousands of hectares of arable land with this method of processing is gradually but inevitably lost forever. And for the production of heat and electricity there is a whole ocean of renewable resources: sun and wind. A Russian enterprise is engaged in the production of wind turbines that are practically eternal in terms of conversion, and not just one, but solar panels year after year they become cheaper and more efficient! In addition, stop burning fuel already - the planet has heated up so much that the climate has begun to change!
  1. Vermicomposting manure is the processing of manure using worms. The resulting humus also loses up to half of its energy, and, in addition, you also need to spend money on a warm room, the ability to manage the worm population, time and electricity. This method can only pay for itself when selling worms and finished fertilizer at retail. And the fertility of the fields will be irretrievably lost. Worms could do this directly in the soil with much greater productivity and virtually no cost.
  1. Processing manure with the help of flies and other insects. It's also possible, but not profitable.
  1. Drying manure with hot air. It would be great - the mass of the active substance is reduced by only 20%, it becomes light and convenient for transportation, but there is a big drawback: to dry a ton of manure, you need to spend from half a ton to a ton of fuel! It turns out to be unreasonably expensive!

In general, all currently known methods and methods for processing manure do not justify themselves, since almost all energy value they are lost.

The only manure processing that is currently most valuable for the soil is:

  1. This is manure pelleting. But it is practically not established in mass production. Although similar processing technologies exist and operate in Europe and the USA. They are widely used, despite the fact that the production of their fertilizer requires up to half a ton of fuel per ton of finished pellets.

Manure processing in Russia

We have a great advantage in this matter: a plant has already been created in Bashkiria that produces organo-mineral fertilizers from manure, which is many times more efficient than foreign ones. Per ton finished product only one hundred kilograms of fuel and one hundred kilowatts of electricity are consumed. And the resulting fertilizer exceeds all expectations: it is consumed in the soil gradually, over 3-4 years! At the same time, there is an increase in the dynamic fertility of the soil and an increase in vegetable yields - up to two times.

The economically positive effect of recreating dynamic fertility is 200 billion dollars a year! And one ton of such fertilizer would cost about $130. Moreover, you don’t need to contribute every year – once every 4 years is enough! This turns out to be beneficial even in terms of fuel consumption: per kilogram of fuel spent, energy is stored in the crop in terms of 3-3.5 kg. fuel! And per ruble of expenses, in the future, up to 16 rubles of profit are obtained!

Back in 1996, an interdepartmental commission concluded that this technology is the only one that solves the problem of preserving organic matter in the soil. Author of the technology L.S. Tarkhanova. OMU BITSOR:

The production is complex, but the scheme is as follows: Manure is treated with formaldehyde. This destroys bacteria and preserves organic matter for several years. Then urea is added at a certain temperature. The resulting mixture is quickly dried in a fluidized bed unit and granulated. The resulting substance is superior to known fertilizers. They revitalize soil microflora. It is consumed slowly in the soil and saves nitrogen from loss. 1-2 tons per hectare are applied. The installation and the product have passed the entire range of tests.

Such installations are profitable and vital not only on farms, but also in cities! They can successfully recycle mountains organic waste and city waste, which is transported to landfills by the thousands of tons every day. It is only necessary to organize the collection of raw materials. This problem has already been solved in many developed countries.

When testing a new excellent fertilizer, they even came up with a new theory: the fertility of fields can and should be increased, productivity increases, and costs with a new way of working with the field are minimized, and agriculture becomes economically profitable! And it can not only feed the entire country and its surroundings, but also bring profit to the people working in the endless fields of our homeland.

Almost any livestock farm is faced with the problem of accumulating large amounts of manure, a waste product of animals. This is especially evident in those farms where the number of livestock per unit area is much greater than the norm. Do not forget that manure is a valuable organic fertilizer, which contains a large amount of nutrients for soil and plants. However, the use of organic fertilizers is regulated in some countries legislative norms. Where there is a connection between animal husbandry and agriculture, there is practically no soil pollution from animal waste. In other words, manure processing is often a necessity in agriculture.

In some cases, the use of animal excrement in pure form not desirable, it can harm cultivated plants, the environment, the quality of groundwater, and the application process itself is labor-intensive. All this can be fixed if done processing manure into fertilizer acceptable for further use, especially since new opportunities are currently being used for this and there are modern technologies.

Pig manure processing

In its pure form, pig manure is ineffective as a fertilizer. This is due to the fact that the nutrients in it are in a form unfavorable for agricultural crops. Liquid consistency contains small quantity plant residues, as a result of which it does not contribute to improving the soil structure. In addition, pig manure contains few microorganisms that contribute to the rotting of food debris, releasing a substance such as nitrogen.

All this suggests that, in order to avoid souring, it is not recommended to use pig excrement on heavy loamy soils, since the process of their decomposition may be delayed. However, on sandy loam soils it is possible to use animal manure, provided that no diseases have been identified among them that could be dangerous to human health.

Today, several technologies are used to process pig manure:

Composting and vermicomposting;
- biothermal disinfection;
- accelerated fermentation;
- granulation of manure and production of granulated organomineral fertilizers;
- separation into liquid and solid fractions;
- anaerobic waste processing, etc.

Processing of cattle manure and poultry litter

Farms that have a large number of cattle are most likely to encounter problems with manure handling. Animal waste products can be of several types: solid, liquid, semi-liquid and litter. In any case, processing of cattle manure, and especially excess, is necessary; various technologies can be used for this process, from composting to anaerobic processing and granulation.

The processing of poultry manure deserves special attention. Without processing, it is not recommended to be used as a fertilizer. At the same time, the amount of waste is quite large. So, in a year a laying hen produces up to 300 eggs (up to 18 kg), and the litter is up to 73 kg.

The waste product that birds excrete is a viscous substance with a moisture content of 60-80%, which depends on the species, age and conditions of detention. Fresh excrement contains organic and inorganic compounds. In the first case, these are nitrogenous, sulfurous and carbonaceous substances. In addition, it may contain pesticide residues, heavy metal salts, nuclides, etc.

Although there are a number of ways to recycle bird droppings, greatest distribution received the following technologies:

- vermicomposting;
- high temperature drying;
- bioenergetic methods.

Composting manure

Is one of the most known methods, with the help of which bird droppings and cattle manure are processed. If we describe the classic version, waste composting occurs approximately as follows. Animal waste products are folded and stored in piles 2-4 meters high. Thanks to the action of special microorganisms, the organic elements contained in it gradually decompose. During the process, the temperature reaches up to 60 degrees, which leads to the death of harmful microorganisms and loss of germination of weed seeds (if any).

Various additional organic materials (shavings, tree bark, straw, peat, etc.) can be added to manure. The duration of this processing process is several months. For composting, it is advisable to use litter whose moisture content varies between 50-80%. A significant disadvantage of this method is the need for various additives to obtain a truly effective fertilizer.


Processing manure into fertilizer can be done using a method such as vermicomposting. Its main difference from the previous one is that special earthworms. This method helps to obtain organic fertilizers rich in valuable bacteria. The optimal temperature for the development and reproduction of worms is 20-24 degrees, so the method is used mainly in the warm season. The advantage of the technology is low financial costs and the relative simplicity of the method.

High temperature drying

This method is one of the most reliable for neutralizing manure or droppings from harmful factors (pathogens or weed seeds) and preserving useful elements. Moreover, the product that gives this technology can be used not only as a fertilizer, but also as an additive to feed for ruminant animals.

The disadvantages of high-temperature drying are the need for expensive equipment and the cost of heat treatment(up to 100 kg of fuel per 1 ton of evaporated liquid will be needed). This method is appropriate when using low moisture manure (less than 50%) as a raw material.

Bacteria for manure processing

In order to maintain the value of manure as a fertilizer (namely its nitrogen content), its proper processing is necessary. One of modern methods, which is becoming increasingly widespread, is processing by bacteria. To achieve this, manufacturers create effective biological compounds that contain selected microorganisms and enzymes. This method is suitable for both poultry manure and manure from cattle and pigs.

The method can be used by both farms that use hydro-washing and those who prefer processing in piles. In the first case, animal and bird waste usually settles. As a result, a crust appears on the surface, the liquid remains in the center, and sediment falls to the bottom. The sediment hardens and becomes difficult to pump out. In this case, bacteria for processing manure will prevent separation into liquid and solid fractions (sediment), keeping the waste in its original form long time, besides, they will help retain nitrogen.

In piles, manure is mixed with straw or other organic matter. In this case, processing will require microorganisms that promote the decomposition of lignin and cellulose. Again, the types of bacteria for processing manure will be the best option. In addition, the drugs are effective even with high level moisture content of manure, help reduce bad smell and reduce the number of flies in stalls.

Pelleting of manure and poultry litter

Among modern methods processing of waste products of animals and poultry, one can note the granulation of manure and bird droppings. As a result of using this method, compressed granules are obtained, in which macro and microelements are contained in optimal quantities and normal humidity. This type of organic fertilizer can be used effectively for any type of plant and soil type.

The most valuable granulation product is pellets made from bird droppings. They are easily soluble and contain nutrients that are easily absorbed by plants. Advantage this method processing of excrement is a reduction in the volume of raw materials by almost 10 times. Nutrients contained in the excrement of animals and birds can compete with mineral fertilizers in terms of efficiency of use. And taking into account the fact that on cattle farms, the problem of storing and disposing of cattle manure and bird droppings often arises, installations that make it possible to obtain granulated manure can greatly facilitate the life of farm owners.

Fertilizers produced by granulation technology have the following advantages:

1) they are guaranteed to be free of harmful microorganisms;

3) they can be introduced into the soil by agricultural machinery;

4) long shelf life of granulated litter and manure;

5) environmentally friendly, absolutely non-toxic product for humans.

The process of producing granular fertilizer consists of several stages. First, you need to prepare the raw materials. To do this, the litter or manure is dried (up to 10-12%) and crushed. Aerodynamic dryers can be used for this purpose; this equipment has low power consumption.

The next step will require grinders. They will help you get raw materials required size. After this, the manure is granulated using a special granulator. And the last stage is cooling the resulting organic granules.

Processing manure into biogas

One more in an efficient way To obtain organic fertilizer is the processing of manure and litter into biogas; this technology produces a mixture of gases, including methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide. The amount of gas produced depends on environmental conditions, including temperature. Three bioconversion modes can be distinguished:

- mesophilic;
- thermophilic.

The most optimal of them is thermophilic.

Anaerobic fermentation can be used for both solid organic waste and liquid poultry manure. It is advisable that it lasts at least 12 days. At the same time, nitrogen and phosphorus in the feedstock are preserved almost in full.

The total mass of waste remains virtually unchanged, with the exception of moisture, which is converted into biogas. The result is an organic fertilizer with an alkaline reaction, making it ideal for use in acidic soils. There is an increase in the effectiveness of this substance in comparison with manure processed by composting. Thus, reviews say that on average crop yields increase by 10-15%.

The complex, which is equipment for processing manure into biogas, includes a hermetically sealed container with a heat exchanger (usually used as a coolant plain water temperature 50-60 degrees), devices for input and output of raw materials, gas outlet. Currently, there are automated lines developed by large European manufacturers, equipment whose purpose is to make the process of producing fertilizers from waste as easy as possible.

It should be noted that the technology of processing manure into gas today is a rather expensive method of producing fertilizers from waste products of domestic animals and birds. However, it is environmentally friendly and effective method which has already been adopted in some countries.

Manure processing is a necessary condition for full functioning livestock farm. Moreover, this process can be made economically profitable.