Livestock family farms. Family Farm Projects


Register an individual entrepreneur. Any farm, even a small family farm, whose products will be put up for sale is a tool entrepreneurial activity. When engaging in an activity whose purpose is to gain profit, it is necessary to pay taxes to the state. To carry out such activities there must be mandatory registration. You can, of course, consider other forms of enterprise registration, but for small family farms it will be easiest to work with individual entrepreneur registration.

Select farm type. This question is one of the determining ones when creating a farm. First, you need to decide on the ambitions of your farm. Will you produce agricultural products personally for yourself and your neighbors, or are you going to work on a large scale? Another question that you need to decide for yourself is whether your farm will specialize in one activity (growing wheat, potatoes, pigs, chickens, dairy cows ), or there will be a little bit of everything. If you choose a specialized one, then you need to decide what you can best grow in your region, which crops and which animals. In general, you need to come from the general to the specific and, based on this, plan your future farming activities.

Create a business plan. Whatever type of farm you choose, you'll definitely need to do some planning. Calculate your capabilities, find out if you can get some benefits from the state, loans from banks. It is also important to determine the payback period of the undertaking so that your efforts do not go in vain.

Weigh all the risks. You must understand that the costs of large scale farm will be significant (10-20 million rubles), it will be difficult to sell directly if you do not have connections in this area (due to the presence of a large number of intermediaries), and wholesalers will buy your goods. If you plan to have farm for your own provision and sale of goods to neighbors, friends and acquaintances, in this case you should not dream of any significant profit.

Take action. If you decide to have your own farm, started an individual entrepreneur, wrote a business plan, then you need to start taking specific actions. Buy or rent land, store grain, build or purchase ready-made premises for storing it. If you are raising livestock, you need to purchase the necessary equipment, as well as the animals themselves. Don’t forget about hired workers, who will need to be registered in accordance with the law. Farming is not an easy task, and success awaits you only if you have your heart set on such a business. For your own benefit, you can choose much easier ways of doing business.

The business of breeding farm animals in most cases becomes very profitable. Today, family farms of almost any specialization can bring quite a significant income. But, of course, making a profit from breeding animals or poultry is only possible if the right approach entrepreneur to business.

First stage

The specialization of the future farm is, of course, what a novice farmer must first decide on. Family livestock farms are organized in Russia usually for the purpose of raising traditional cattle, pigs or chickens. All these types of agricultural animals are kept using fairly simple technologies developed over decades, and sometimes centuries.

Standard family farms, specializing in the breeding of traditional types of farm animals, of course, usually bring a good income. However, the owners of such a farm will most likely have to face strong competition in the course of their activities. After all, we already have quite a lot of farms of this specialization in our country. Therefore, perhaps entrepreneurs should think about breeding some other, rarer agricultural animals.

Some ideas for the beginning farmer

Recently, in our country there has been an increased demand for this type of meat such as lamb. Previously, such a product was not particularly popular in Russia. Many consumers simply didn't like the smell. However, recently breeders have developed many breeds of sheep, the meat of which is completely devoid of such a defect. So today, organizing a small cattle breeding farm can also become quite a profitable activity.

Agriculture in Russia, after all sorts of economic shocks, is, in fact, still developing. Some niches in this area of ​​the country's economy are still practically unoccupied. Therefore, the business of breeding some very unusual animals can also become quite profitable. For example, an entrepreneur might want to think about starting a farm:

  • trout;
  • rabbit;
  • nutria.

Business plan

Of course, first of all, future entrepreneurs should develop a detailed project for a family farm. Organizing a livestock farm of any specialization is always quite expensive. Own funds Most likely, there simply won’t be enough for a family to start such a business from scratch.

The best solution in this situation may be, of course, a bank loan. In Russia, in our time, programs are periodically implemented aimed at maintaining and developing just such an industry. national economy like livestock farming. A family farm can be organized, including with money borrowed from a bank at very low interest. But, of course, in order to convince a potential lender of the prospects of the newly organized business, he needs to be provided with a detailed business plan. If necessary, you can draw up such a document yourself.

Whatever specialization family farms are created, their business plan should include:

  • Description of the final product. In this paragraph, you need to indicate the type of product that will be supplied to the market from the farm and its expected volume. You should also provide the bank with information about exactly how meat, milk, eggs, etc. will be sold.
  • Production plan. This item should include information about where exactly the money received on credit will be sent (for the construction of premises, the purchase of young animals, feed, etc.).
  • Financial plan. This includes all expected expenses of the farm in the process of its operation and development - wages to workers, public utilities, prevention of animal or poultry diseases, transportation of feed and carcasses.
  • Variable expenses. At this point, farm owners usually indicate the expected expenses for feed (for one animal per year and for the entire herd).
  • Income. The estimated profit is indicated here, along with the necessary calculations.

Cattle breeding farm: organizational features

Most often, these are the types of family farms that have been registered in Russia lately. In our country, cattle are traditionally bred to produce milk. Farm owners rarely keep such animals for meat. This product is most often considered secondary in relation to milk. Therefore, the profitability of almost any such farm depends on the amount of milk yield. Therefore, entrepreneurs first of all need to take care of choosing a high-milk breed of cattle. This could be, for example, a red steppe cow, black-and-white, Holstein, Kholmogory or Yaroslavl. In addition to productivity, when choosing a breed, it is worth paying attention to such an indicator as whimsicality in terms of care. For example, Holstein cows produce the most milk. However, a less experienced farmer should still choose red steppe or black-and-white to begin with. Such cows are much more unpretentious, and there will most likely be no losses in the herd during their breeding, even if any technology is violated.

The construction of family farms for breeding cows is usually carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

  • the ceiling height in the room should not be less than 2.5 m;
  • the farm should have good natural light;
  • windows in the premises are located at a height inaccessible to cows;
  • Ventilation should be installed in the barn.

The most convenient are barns with stalls on the sides and a passage in the middle. In addition to the barn itself, staff quarters and outbuildings (for storing feed, equipment, medicines and protective clothing) will need to be built on the farm.

Of course, entrepreneurs will also have to organize the supply of feed to the farm. The better the quality of the animal's diet, the more milk can be obtained from them. Cows are required to be given all three types of feed intended for agricultural animals:

  • juicy (root vegetables);
  • rough (grass, hay);
  • concentrated (grain, bran, mixed feed).

Animals will also need to receive mineral and vitamin supplements. In summer, cattle are usually turned out to pasture all day.

Pig breeding: features

Such a family farm is also usually quite a profitable business. When organizing a farm specializing in raising piglets, it is important to choose the right place to build a barn. The smell from a pig farm can be very strong, even when the animals are well cared for. According to the regulations, the construction of premises intended for raising piglets is allowed only outside settlement, no closer than 50-500 m from its border (depending on the number of heads in the herd).

In this case, the choice of animal breed must also be approached as responsibly as possible. All varieties of pigs existing today can be divided into three large groups: meat, greasy and meat-greasy. Breeding the first type of piglets is more difficult than the last two. But at the same time, leaner pork costs more. A novice farmer should choose a tallow or meat-fat breed of piglets for breeding. It will be much easier to raise such pigs.

The piglet housing should be built from sufficient durable materials(these animals love to chew on walls and floors). Most often, pigsties are built from foam blocks. Indoor floors should be smooth, waterproof, non-slip and easy to clean. Most often in pigsties they are made of concrete. For insulation, such a floor is covered with boards. A drainage chute must be installed in the middle of the passage in the pigsty. The floors themselves are poured with a slight slope towards it. Near the piglet farm, it is worth, among other things, installing several septic tanks.

There are different technologies for fattening pigs. The choice of a specific one depends, first of all, on the breed of piglets. Fat and meat-greasy pigs are usually fed products containing large number carbohydrates. This could be, for example, potatoes, corn, beets, barley. Of course, such piglets are also given food waste.

How to organize a rabbit breeding farm

There are breeds of such animals, both meat and skin or fur. Most often today in Russia, novice entrepreneurs organize a mini-farm for rabbits of the first variety. The best meat breeds of these animals are Risen, White and gray giants, flanders Also, very often, beginning farmers breed unpretentious “Soviet” chinchillas.

Fur-bearing animals, including rabbits, in most cases are not at all afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, on farms they are sometimes kept in shads. This is the name of special structures that are a single- or double-sloped long canopy, inside of which cages are installed in several tiers. Keeping animals outdoors in winter allows the farm owner to obtain better quality skins. But, if a mini-farm for rabbits is organized to sell only meat, the premises, of course, should be made closed. In this case, the animals will feel more comfortable (and, therefore, will begin to gain weight faster).

Today, rabbit cages can be purchased ready-made. Farmers will have to buy three varieties of them - intended for queens with offspring, for young animals and for producers. Cages are installed in sheds or sheds, usually in 2-3 tiers. In large farms of this specialization, individual feeders are more often used, mounted on the door. The drinking bowls are installed at the top of the last tier. Hoses are led from them to each cage.

The diet of rabbits, like cattle, usually consists of three types of feed. The main emphasis in this case, just as when keeping cows, is on roughage. Rabbits should receive dried grass or hay very large quantities. Of the concentrates, the menu of these animals usually includes only barley. Farmers also sometimes use oats. Of the root vegetables, rabbits are most often given only carrots and beets (in limited quantities).

Nutria farms: how to create

The organization of a farm of such specialization also has a number of its own characteristics. It is better for beginning farmers to purchase breeders, as well as young nutria, from special nurseries. You can also, of course, buy animals from private owners. However, in this case, entrepreneurs should first visit the seller’s farm and make sure that the animals are kept in compliance with all required technologies.

Farmers who decide to start breeding nutria will have, among other things, to drill several wells on the site. Therefore, it is worth choosing a place for such a farm, including taking into account the depth of water underground. Family farms for breeding nutria are almost never established on the shores of natural ponds and lakes. The fact is that such reservoirs usually contain a lot of different kinds of pathogenic bacteria.

They contain nutria, like rabbits, most often in cages. However, the design of such housing for animals is slightly different. In this case, one male and several females are placed in each cage. Distinctive feature nutria is that they do not have a hunting period. The mating of these animals, and therefore the appearance of their offspring, can occur at absolutely any time.

The basis of the nutria diet is green food. At the same time, farmers should give preference to those plants that can be mowed on the banks of rivers and lakes. Of course, nutria should also receive succulent food. This can be carrots, beets, zucchini and almost any other vegetables and root vegetables. They also give nutria concentrates, but only in limited quantities.

Trout farming

Unfortunately, such farms in our country are still extremely few in number. Therefore, family farms specializing in trout breeding are usually profitable. However, organizing such a farm is, of course, a little more difficult than any other.

Rainbow trout is most often raised on farms. Its main advantages are unpretentiousness in terms of water parameters and high productivity. Farmers also sometimes breed speckled brook trout. This variety is not particularly productive, but its meat is much tastier than that of rainbow fish.

A trout farm is usually organized on the shore of an artificial reservoir. The difficulty in keeping this fish lies, first of all, in the fact that in captivity it does not reproduce naturally. Young trout are simply short terms eats eggs laid by adults. Therefore, a farmer who decides to organize such a farm will have to include the periodic purchase of fry in a separate expense item.

The diet for trout is developed in such a way that per 100 kg of fish there is exactly 3 kg of feed per day. You cannot give less or more. Trout are usually fed with beef offal - liver, spleen, stomachs, etc. The purchased products are first washed, boiled and ground.

Registering a family farm: main stages

Of course, an entrepreneur who decides to start breeding agricultural animals, poultry or fish will definitely need to formalize his farm. To do this, you will have to go to the tax office and give its employees the following documents:

  • agreement on organizing a peasant farm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • an application for farm registration certified by a notary.

You will also need to write an application for the transition to special taxation. Most often, owners of family farms choose the form of payment according to the simplified tax system or unified agricultural tax. The usual tax system in this case is very unprofitable.

Government support

As already mentioned, our country has adopted many laws aimed at developing agriculture. Small and medium-sized farmers, among other things, can receive assistance from the state. For example, the employment service issues subsidies in the amount of 50-60 thousand rubles to aspiring entrepreneurs who decide to organize a business such as a family farm. Also, in some cases, peasant farm owners are provided with a loan from the bank for favorable conditions according to the agricultural development program.

Sales markets

Of course, raising farm animals, fish or poultry is only half the battle. Entrepreneurs who organized a farm will also need to sell their products. Owners of family mini-farms often sell their products at the market or sell them to small shops. Owners of trout and rabbit breeding businesses can cooperate, including with restaurants. Entrepreneurs of medium-sized enterprises usually open their own retail outlets in cities. Large farmers also supply products to enterprises food industry, in workshops for the production of semi-finished products.

Relatively recently arose current issue– import substitution. Meat, vegetables, fruits - all agricultural products at the moment is urgently needed and therefore a relevant product. In this regard, aspiring entrepreneurs have increasingly begun to wonder about opening their own farm.

How to open a farm? In this guide, we will take a comprehensive look at this issue.

This area has not lost its relevance and will never lose it. There are millions of potential consumers of final products living in Russia. Meat processing plants are more interested in quality meat suppliers than ever before. But such a large scale is not always achievable for a beginning entrepreneur.

The primary task for a potential farmer should be to provide his own region with products, and as production grows, one can begin to think about entering the federal market.

Main types of farming activities

A farm can engage in the following activities:

  • Livestock breeding;
  • Vegetable growing;
  • Plant growing and seed production;
  • Production of products from our own natural raw materials.

The undoubted advantage of this type of activity is all kinds of government benefits and subsidies, which are relatively easy for a novice entrepreneur to obtain.

How to legally register a farm?

Federal Law No. 74 “On Peasant (Farm) Farms” is responsible for regulating this type of activity. This type of business is registered as a peasant farm (peasant farm).

It involves certain social benefits and support from the state. After registration, the head of the farm receives , and information about peasant farms is entered into

Any capable person over 18 years of age can create a farm. There are no citizenship requirements. Family members of the head of the farm are accepted into it when they reach the age of 16 years. No more than 5 unrelated persons can be part of a farm.

This does not mean a ban on hiring workers or any limitation in their number!

The procedure for registering a peasant farm is very simple and will require collecting minimum package of documents.

Documents for creating a peasant farm

  1. Agreement between members of the farm on its creation. Not required if the farm is organized by one person. The sample can be downloaded here:
  2. Application for farm registration (Form 21002). See an example of filling here:…
  3. Passport or photocopy applicant's passports.
  4. Receipt for in the amount of 800 rubles. Important nuance– the receipt must be paid by the head of the farm using his own data, otherwise the tax office will simply not accept it.
  5. Statement on the transition to a special tax regime.

Documents for registration can be submitted in person, sent certified copies by mail, or using the registration procedure itself takes a standard 5 days, after which you will receive a ready-made package of documents for individual entrepreneurs.

Important! If the head of the household is already registered as individual entrepreneur, then it will no longer be possible to register a peasant farm in your name.

What to do to receive subsidies for starting a farm from scratch?

To receive subsidies for starting a farm at the initial stage, you will need to come to the Employment Center and register. There is no need to register an individual entrepreneur before applying.

Under the self-employment program, aspiring entrepreneurs are provided with a subsidy to start their own business. in the amount of 60 thousand rubles.

To apply for a loan (if there is such a need) You should choose banks with government support. The best choice is Rosselkhozbank, which has special loans issued for agricultural development.

The only thing is that the entrepreneur must own the land plot on which the farm will be located. To receive large sums you will need to provide collateral

We'll talk more about the costs of starting your own business below.

There is also an option to attract investors - they can act as members of a farm, and based on the share of their investments (which are determined by an agreement between members of the farm) they will receive a share in the profit.

And now - about the main thing. Let's consider several areas of activity for peasant farms with numbers and calculations.

Farming: business plan with calculations

Rabbit farm business plan

Rabbits are relatively profitable farm animals. They produce skins and meat, which is considered dietary and sells well. Frequent illnesses are their greatest drawback.

If several rabbits fall ill, almost the entire population eventually dies, which is serious problem. You can protect yourself from this by regularly vaccinating your livestock, and by mandatory compliance with the conditions for keeping rabbits.

Basic rules

It is forbidden:

  • Allow overcrowding and overcrowding of rabbits in cages;
  • Buy animals from unverified breeders;
  • Add new rabbits to the main stock without prior quarantine;
  • Neglect mandatory vaccination;
  • Keep rabbits in damp, poorly heated and ventilated areas.

If you follow these simple rules and proper feeding There shouldn't be any problems with breeding. Rabbits should be selected directly for breeding meat breeds(not mixed and not fur). These include: white giants, Californian breed, New Zealand - white and red.

These breeds are characterized high speed growth, as a result of which young animals can be slaughtered by 4-5 months. Rabbits of these breeds reach a weight of 4-5 kg ​​by 5 months.

Costs for equipment for a rabbit farm (business plan) with a productivity of up to 1000 animals per year

Purchase of breeding stock30 females + 2 males15,000 for 3-month young animals
Purchase of feedFeed, hay, mineral supplements150,000 per year
VaccinationVeterinary drugs10,000 rubles per year
Veterinary servicePreventive inspection of livestock5,000 rubles per year
Shed or barn structureMaterials + workFrom 10 to 25 thousand rubles
Purchasing cellsBased on 60 cellsFrom 30 to 60 thousand rubles
Hiring staff1 person (as needed)180,000 rubles per year
Equipment for slaughtering and waste disposal From 20 to 50 thousand rubles
Refrigeration equipmentFor storing carcassesFrom 20 to 40 thousand rubles
Other expenses 50,000 rubles per year

Profits from a rabbit farm

Calculation of net profit: 1,300,000 – 345,000 = 955,000 rubles per year. You can reduce costs without hiring staff, then the net profit will be 1,135,000 rubles per year from a small herd of 30 females.

The advantage of rabbit breeding is that the number of livestock can be increased very quickly, due to which profits will also begin to grow. It should also be taken into account that tanned rabbit skins are purchased in large volumes at a higher price.

Dairy Farm Business Plan

Consider the plan for a small dairy farm with 10 cows. The sale of milk has been and will remain a relevant area, in addition, cows and calves also provide meat. Average cost of fresh veal – 200-300 rubles per kg (wholesale prices), beef - 200-250 rubles.

Many novice businessmen are confident that there is nothing simpler and more profitable than agriculture: in their opinion, it is enough to plant several hectares of land with any popular crop to make a huge profit. In fact, in terms of the complexity of organizing and coordinating production processes, a medium-sized farm approaches an industrial enterprise, and their planning is a necessary condition for successful business activities.

Therefore, it is very difficult to draw up a full-fledged business plan for a farm: in fact, the entrepreneur must develop a separate project for each type of agricultural activity, and then link these documents together and harmonize them with each other. Moreover, in the process of work, he will have to take into account such unpredictable values ​​as average yield, animal productivity, survival of young animals and daily feed consumption. Therefore, experienced farmers recommend calculating several scenarios to ensure that the enterprise will have a sufficient margin of safety for a negative set of circumstances.

Business Features

Urban residents most often imagine a farming business as an enlarged version of a subsidiary farm, in which all possible types of poultry run around the yard, goats, sheep, cows and pigs graze in the meadow at the same time, and any vegetables grow in the beds, from potatoes to eggplants . This opinion is only partly true: indeed, farms mixed type more viable and resistant to changes in the market situation, but their creation requires the involvement of a huge amount of financial and human resources.

Therefore, entrepreneurs starting a farming business from scratch are limited to one or two popular areas, concentrating all their efforts on them. The remaining types of activities are of a non-core nature and are intended rather to satisfy personal needs or form a food supply than to make a profit.

However, even in this case, farming work cannot be called easy: animals and plants require constant, sometimes round-the-clock care without holidays, vacations and weekends. Since it is almost impossible to cope with so many tasks alone, entrepreneurs have to look for voluntary or hired help. For this reason, a small farming business is considered a family enterprise: a person who is personally interested in the productivity of his work will work much more efficiently than an outside specialist.

Beginners who have no experience in agricultural activities often believe that growing plants, like raising animals, are industries that, in principle, cannot be unprofitable. However, in reality, these types of activities are accompanied by many risks and difficulties - for example, before starting a farming business from scratch, you need to consider that:

  • Work processes have a pronounced seasonal nature, and the first income cannot be expected earlier than in 8–9 months;
  • Yields, market saturation and the level of competition are affected by unpredictable weather factors;
  • The demand for certain types of products is dictated by fashion trends;
  • It is impossible to predict an increase or decrease in the level of prices for raw materials, seeds, fuels and lubricants, feed and fertilizers.

It should be understood that it is impossible to form an objective picture of the agro-industrial sector based on shortcomings and risks alone. Therefore, when developing a business plan for the development of a farm, it is also necessary to take into account the presence of the following positive factors:

  • There are many programs to support the agricultural industry, involving tax benefits, payment of subsidies and grants, free allocation of land plots, compensation of expenses for the development of peasant farms and the purchase of seed material;
  • As market prices for products increase, the income of the enterprise also increases;
  • Hundreds of different directions are available to a beginning entrepreneur, and in some you can open a farming business with minimal investment;
  • Peasant farm products are considered essential goods and are in constant market demand.

Registration of activities

Studying, it can be noted that a peasant farm is an analogue of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, which is created by one or more able-bodied citizens for the purpose of producing, processing and selling any agricultural products. Taking into account the family format of the enterprise stipulated by law, it is allowed to include:
  • Spouses, their parents or children, brothers and sisters, as well as grandchildren, grandparents from a maximum of three families;
  • Other able-bodied citizens who are not relatives of the founders of peasant farms, up to a maximum of five people.

Future members of the farm must hold a meeting of founders, agree on the charter of the enterprise and elect its leader, as well as form the authorized capital of the peasant farm by contributing monetary or material assets totaling 10,000 rubles. The result of such a meeting of all participants is the conclusion of an agreement on the creation of a farm, containing such information as:

  • Passport details of farm members;
  • Decision on choosing the head of the peasant farm;
  • Distribution of rights, responsibilities and powers between its members;
  • The procedure for the formation of common property, the rules of ownership and disposal of it;
  • The procedure for joining and leaving the association;
  • Principles of distribution of farm income.

A peasant farm can be created even by one person, who automatically becomes its head. In this case, the procedure is significantly simplified: due to the absence of other co-owners, there is no need to form an authorized capital and enter into an agreement.

How to start a business: a farm is considered legitimate by the fact of carrying out not only the specified activities, but also the state registration of the SPD. This procedure includes paying the state fee, submitting the agreed package of documents to the Federal Tax Service, registering with the Pension Fund of Russia and opening a current account.

Choosing a direction

When looking for an idea for a farm business, the state does not limit the entrepreneur in any way - it is enough to remember that the main features of agriculture are the natural nature of production and the possibility of reusing the resulting product in technological process. Simply put, the cultivation of cucumbers belongs to this category, but their processing and canning no longer does. within the framework of a peasant farm:

Growing crops. When choosing specific types of plants, you need to take into account climatic features region, the nature of the soil and the presence of demand in the local market. Peasant farms are most often cultivated:

  • Cereals and grains - corn, millet, wheat, rye and barley, sunflower;
  • Vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, cabbage, carrots, potatoes;
  • Fruits - pears and apples, plums, apricots and peaches, strawberries, melons;
  • Greens - celery, onion, garlic, lettuce, sorrel, dill, parsley;
  • Mushrooms - white mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, champignons, honey mushrooms.

Livestock and poultry farming. The popularity of the data is due to the demand for meat, milk, eggs, fluff, wool and skins. A farm can breed:

  • Birds - chickens, turkeys, ducks, quails, exotic ostriches and peacocks;
  • Ungulates - cows, pigs, goats, bulls, sheep, horses;
  • Fur-bearing animals - rabbits, nutria, minks, chinchillas;
  • Fish and crustaceans;
  • Bees, worms or insects for food.

Related business. When raising cows, farmers receive additional income from processing milk into cottage cheese, sour cream or butter, and raising animals for meat allows them to diversify their product range with smoked meats, sausages and semi-finished products. You can also consider a business option such as a farm products store: having your own retail outlet will help create an audience of regular customers and increase demand. The main condition for maintaining the status of a peasant farm in this case is a structural limitation on profits: the share of income from additional activities should be no more than 30% of the total amount.

To simplify organizational processes, a novice entrepreneur can use one of ready-made business farm plans or order its development from one of the specialized companies. At the same time, the following areas are considered the most accessible and in demand among beginners:

  • Poultry farming. First of all, we're talking about oh, whose meat is at affordable price is one of the best taste qualities, and eggs are used in 80% of recipes meat dishes and desserts. In addition, to raise 500–1000 birds, large premises are not needed, and feed consumption does not exceed 100 g per day for each adult;
  • Pig farming. With intensive methods, after 7–8 months the animals reach a marketable weight of 110–120 kg: a small farm of 100–200 animals in this case pays for itself after selling only two or three offspring. At the same time, growing grain and vegetables yourself allows you to additionally save on the purchase of feed and increase the profitability of the enterprise;
  • . This type of business is easy to start with keeping a small herd and gradually increase the number, offering customers such popular products as milk, cheese and wool. Thanks to the small size and unpretentiousness of animals, you can save on building a farm, and the omnivorous nature of animals allows the use of any food supply;
  • Sheep breeding. involves making a profit from the sale of wool, lamb, fur and healthy sheep's milk. A significant disadvantage of this type of activity is the need to allocate sufficient large territories for pasture;
  • Cattle breeding. Even a small herd of 5-6 heads allows you to earn up to 30,000 rubles monthly from the sale of milk and dairy products. Bulls are successfully raised for meat: already at the age of 12 months, an animal weighing up to 400 kg can be sold for 25–35 thousand rubles;
  • Vegetable growing. Entrepreneurs who have invested in the construction of heated greenhouse complexes receive three harvests annually and recoup millions of dollars in investments in less than two years. However, even when growing garlic in open ground you can earn about 900 thousand rubles in a year.

Search for a site

The process of creating an agricultural enterprise begins with the search for fertile land plot, the size and type of which depend on the chosen type of activity. For example, it does not involve the use of large production areas, while growing wheat or potatoes is unprofitable on a scale of one or two hectares. To choose the right location for a farm, you need to take into account the following factors:
  • If it is necessary to deliver over long distances, the cost of production increases significantly, so it is better to look for a site near large cities;
  • If possible, you should avoid proximity to industrial enterprises and look for land in areas with good environmental conditions;
  • A prerequisite is the presence on the site of the possibility of connecting to electrical networks and water supply;
  • The livestock farm must have hay meadows and areas for planting grain, which will allow creating its own food supply;
  • The required pasture area is calculated based on grazing standards for certain types of domestic animals;
  • The presence of natural reservoirs on the site allows you to additionally engage in raising geese or fish farming;
  • When adding an apiary to the farm, it is advisable to locate the hives close to the main growing areas of honey plants.

The cost of acquiring land is limited only by the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur - for example, a business plan for a farm may include the following options for obtaining a plot:

  • Purchase (land cost starts from 7,500 rubles per hectare);
  • Long-term lease (average rate - from 400 rubles per hectare per year);
  • Free use of municipal lands with subsequent transfer of ownership if certain conditions are met.

Premises and equipment

The next step in setting up a farm is preparing production premises. Of course, sometimes there are plots of land with ready-made buildings on sale, but their cost is usually frankly inflated, so an entrepreneur, as part of a business plan for a peasant farm, most often has to include the costs of setting up a farm from scratch. When listing the composition and purpose of the main structures, the following should be mentioned:

  • Granaries and vegetable storages;
  • Silos and sheds for storing hay;
  • Manure pits;
  • Premises and enclosures for animals and birds;
  • Utility rooms, repair shops;
  • Premises for slaughter and cutting of livestock and poultry;
  • Greenhouse complexes.

The specifics of agricultural work require the use of certain equipment, which is conventionally divided into two groups: equipment that helps mechanize labor-intensive production processes, and devices used to provide comfortable conditions for keeping plants and animals. It should be noted that you cannot do without equipment at all: even such a simple business as one requires the purchase of incubators, brooders and cage batteries for chicks. In general, the following can be used on a farm:

  1. Tractor with a full set of attachments;
  2. Truck;
  3. Diesel power plant;
  4. Irrigation system with pumps;
  5. Special lighting devices;
  6. Heating system with gas or solid fuel stoves;
  7. Ventilation systems for farms and greenhouses;
  8. Refrigeration chambers for vegetables, fruits and meat;
  9. Drinkers, feeders, water tanks;
  10. Devices for preparing feed - grain crushers, feed cutters;
  11. Standard agricultural tools.

Heavy equipment can be rented at the initial stage, and as the business develops, you can gradually acquire ownership of potato and grain harvesters, harrows, mowers, and cultivators.


Most aspiring entrepreneurs at the start prefer to make do on our own and help from family members. However, as the enterprise develops, the volume of current tasks increases significantly, as a result of which there is a need to attract not only qualified specialists, but also working personnel. For example, a business plan for a peasant farm specializing in livestock and crop production should include searching for and hiring:

  • Agricultural technology, whose responsibilities include planning sowing and harvesting, monitoring compliance with plant growing technology;
  • Zootechnics, which compiles the diet and feeding standards for animals, controls the conditions of their keeping and breeding;
  • Veterinarian to monitor the health of animals and birds, vaccination and treatment, as well as to issue accompanying documents for products;
  • A butcher involved in slaughtering livestock and cutting up carcasses;
  • An accountant who conducts financial transactions at an enterprise;
  • Drivers, combine operators, field workers, milkmaids.

Marketing methods

After harvesting, the farmer has to solve a less difficult task: look for quick and profitable ways to sell his products, which, given the short shelf life, sometimes turns into a real problem.

Depending on the production volumes of peasant farms, you can choose retail or wholesale distribution channels. The first include:

  • Weekend fairs. Special events, the fashion for which has appeared in the capital, attract a huge number of citizens and entrepreneurs. Here you can sell any agricultural products, with the exception of homemade meat and dairy products;
  • Food markets. Many buyers are confident that markets sell better and natural products than in supermarkets. With small and medium production volumes, farmers rent one or several points here, hire distributors and deliver fresh goods daily;
  • Own retail outlets. Availability within reach large city makes you think about the feasibility of developing a business plan for a farm products store and consider the possibility of opening your own vegetable pavilion here or butcher shop. In such retail outlets you can sell not only your own goods, but also the products of other peasant farms.

Selling meat, milk or vegetables in bulk is much easier, since in this case the farmer does not have to spend time and resources on such non-core activities as finding a place to sell, obtaining permits and selecting sellers. The only drawback of this method is pricing policy buyers: in order to interest contractors, the entrepreneur is forced to provide them with a 25–35% discount, which is not always justified for farms with low profitability.

The main wholesale clients of peasant farms are resellers, retail chains, supermarkets and catering establishments. In addition, you can regularly sell fairly large volumes of products using such sales channels as:

  1. Specialized exhibitions. Such events are often attended by intermediaries, representatives of wholesale companies and processing enterprises in search of new partners, so a high-quality presentation of their products and farming capabilities will allow them to conclude profitable long-term contracts;
  2. Government and commercial tenders. State, educational and medical institutions, as well as processing enterprises, are searching for suppliers on a competitive basis. To win the tender, the entrepreneur must guarantee regular supplies of the agreed quantity of products of the required quality at a competitive price;
  3. Wholesale markets. You can also find clients at wholesale food markets and vegetable stores. Some farmers rent their own warehouse here, others hand over their goods for sale to local resellers;
  4. Electronic platforms. There are many people working on the Internet trading platforms, where not only farmers, but also suppliers of fertilizers, seed, and equipment post their offers. Such electronic exchanges allow you to quickly find counterparties with the best offers.

Video on the topic

Investments and income

Other than that equal conditions mixed farms have certain advantages over specialized ones: even if demand for one type of product falls, they avoid significant losses by selling other goods. However, to create such a large enterprise, no less large investments will be required, so for beginning entrepreneurs, the optimal path of development would be the implementation of two or three of the most popular business ideas with a step-by-step coverage of related areas in the future.

In the process of designing an agricultural enterprise and determining the scale of investment, it is also necessary to take into account that the farmer will receive his first profit in 5–10 months at best. Thus, he will have to not only purchase equipment, seed and young stock, but also constantly purchase additional fertilizers, feed, fuel, and pay for utilities throughout the entire season. Summarizing the above, we can make a list of farming expenses:

  • Acquisition of land and construction work;
  • Purchase of equipment and agricultural machinery;
  • Ordering seed or young stock;
  • Payment for supplies of feed, fuel and fertilizers;
  • Staff salaries;
  • Rent of heavy equipment (if necessary);
  • Payment of utilities;
  • Tax payments;
  • Marketing expenses;
  • Product certification.

Thus, the cost of creating a medium-sized peasant farm from scratch reaches 7–10 million rubles. To reduce this amount, some entrepreneurs start by purchasing rural areas a small plot of 25–40 acres, on which residential and outbuildings have already been erected. Using such an area, you can open the following types business:

Types of agricultural business

Direction Investments, rub. Profit, rub. Payback period
Beekeeping 350000 600,000 per year 8 months
Pig breeding 600000 450,000 per year 18 months
Breeding crayfish 550000 450,000 per year 15 months
Rabbit breeding 1800000 500,000 per year 36 months
Nutria breeding 200000 250,000 per year 12 months
Geese breeding 380000 600,000 per year 12 months
Chicken breeding 650000 450,000 per year 18 months
Guinea fowl breeding 300000 270,000 per year 12 months
Quail breeding 450000 75000 per month 6 months
Turkey breeding 550000 600,000 per year 12 months
Growing cucumbers 1200000 600,000 per year 24 months
Growing champignons 850000 75000 per month 11 months
Growing oyster mushrooms 250000 30000 per month 9 months
Growing Garlic 150000 900,000 per year 12 months
Growing vegetables 400000 510000 per year 12 months
Growing green onions 280000 150,000 per year 24 months
Growing Potatoes 700000 350,000 per year 36 months


Many enterprising people try their hand at areas close to agriculture: some are engaged, others set up a greenhouse in their own apartment and sell indoor plants, still others buy summer cottages and plant garlic or herbs there. In such a situation, a gradual transition to full-time farming is logical.

However, you cannot rush in this matter: despite the high profitability, such a business is sensitive to the mistakes and miscalculations of beginners: it is enough to purchase seed of questionable quality or use the wrong fertilizers to lose the entire harvest. Therefore, only a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience will help an entrepreneur create a successful farm.

The increasing popularity of cryptocurrency has led to a systematic increase in the interest of users - many began to find out whether it is even possible in practice with their own hands. Situation for different types means of payment is different, but the very construction of the coin mining installation is simple process. Even for people who have little knowledge of hardware and PCs. In the current century, all boards and components are modular in nature, and are also abundantly supplied with manuals and drivers - any of you are unlikely to have any difficulties connecting them.

How does this work?

A video card farm for mining is a computer with equipment connected to it, which provides computing power for the benefit of the system. In the most common cases, such components are video cards - a standard tool used by ordinary users for games, rendering and other tasks.

But a video card mining rig will not be limited to just installing components on a rack or in a computer case. The fact is that the heat transfer of these cards is very high - for some models, a temperature of 120 degrees Celsius is still acceptable under short-term loads. Those who want to make money are faced with the question of how to set up a mining farm and maintain normal heat transfer. Cryptocurrency mining, after all, involves constant long hours of work “at high speeds”, therefore, a mining video card farm requires care about cooling.

Installing additional coolers increases air circulation and reduces the stagnation of hot masses in the space between video cards - this way the mining rig will work longer and more productively. This not only improves their productivity, but also prolongs life cycle– not a single modern component can be combined with excessive heat. Semiconductor elements on memory boards quickly begin to deteriorate if proper air circulation is not ensured and if not properly maintained, a DIY Bitcoin farm will turn into a pile of failed components.

Basic nuances during assembly

And yet, how to assemble a farm? In an ideal case, video cards are installed on a remote rack, and coolers for airflow are attached to the structure on several sides. The maximum number of cards connected to a computer is 6 pieces - these are the capabilities of modern motherboards. But before you create a mining farm, there are many details to consider.

The next issue that the future miner needs to solve is energy consumption. If we are assembling a mining farm, then this becomes a matter of first importance. The fact is that with all their energy-saving improvements and reduced processing technology, video cards consume a huge amount of current. If you are planning to build a mining rig from scratch, then electricity costs should also be taken into account - they will be very high.

The minimum power of devices in the mid-price segment with not the best computing power is 50 watts per hour. For top-end solutions, the more relevant figure is 100 W per hour, which when multiplied by 6 ( maximum quantity slots) gives an impressive 0.6 kilowatts. Creating a mining rig will force you to consume current almost like any household appliance.

But that’s not all that those who want to build a farm need to know. The installation cannot work on its own - in fact, it is the same computer as everyone else, only with expanded capabilities. Therefore, we also add the central processor here, RAM, hard drive and coolers on racks and inside the system unit.

All the components listed above can add another 200–400 watts, which is ideal conditions gives 1 kW per hour. Or about 24 kilowatts per day - for some citizens this is the consumption rate per month per person. Creating a mining farm will turn you into a current consumer comparable to a small office. Don’t forget about the dimensions of a do-it-yourself mining farm. The dimensions would be comparable to a small diesel generator or something similar. The size of an ASIC-based mining rig can also be huge. Some installations weigh up to 25 kilograms.

Another way to mine cryptocurrency

The profitability of mining could not help but attract large companies involved in high technology and electronics. Already in 2012, the first one saw the light - specialized microcircuits for counting hash sums. In fact, instead of a video card, which is a multifunctional device, manufacturers simply created a mechanism that can only mine cryptocurrency.

Now users have stopped thinking about how to make a mining farm on video cards - it turned out to be simply irrelevant. In addition, I didn’t have to think about how to make a mining farm from a bunch of spare parts and maintain them all. The performance of such solutions is incredibly high. Current controllers outperform flagship video cards in computing power by about three orders of magnitude. Such numbers gave rise to a bunch of questions about how to assemble a mining farm. Step by step instructions for controllers it turned out to be several times simpler. Another thing is that the price of miners high class is one and a half to two thousand dollars, and sometimes even higher. Therefore, not everyone could afford a do-it-yourself mining farm. 2017 became the era of these microcircuits. At first glance, such a purchase seems unjustified and it is better to think about how to make a Bitcoin farm on video cards.

But here it’s worth comparing installations on video cards and miners in several key parameters. For example, Radeon RX 550 and Antminer S9 are taken - the most popular solutions:

Farm of six video cards + power supplyMiner
Power consumption – about 0.5 kilowatts per hour (not including the computer)Power consumption – 1.5 kW (without system unit)
Computing power is about 210 Mhash/s.Computing power – 13000-14000 Mhash/s.
The price (including the power supply, excluding additional coolers and rack) is almost $900 ($120 for each card and about $150 for the power supply).Cost – $1900 (power supply is built-in).
The noise level is about 60 dB.Noise level – less than 40 dB.

As a result: one miner, with a loss in cost of 2 times, has an advantage in power of almost 70 times. And given twice the energy consumption, the profitability of this farm will be even higher. The payback is higher, which is also worth considering before assembling a mining farm.

Profit and financial component

For performance calculations, we will compare a farm of six Radeon RX 550 with current models using calculators. We also use power databases, which can be found on the website with instructions on how to assemble a mining rig in 2017. Let’s take the average price for electricity to be around 4 rubles per kilowatt, for ease of billing. We select miner models based on the optimal price-performance ratio.


Radeon RX550 x6:

  • productivity 60 Mh/s;
  • net profit about $70 per week;
  • electricity costs – $6 per week;
  • price – 900 dollars;
  • payback period – 3.5-4 months.

Miners are absent as such.