What types of meat pigeons are divided into? Your own business: breeding meat breeds of pigeons. Raising pigeons for meat.

Raising pigeons for meat can be a good source of income. These birds are unpretentious in care and show fairly high productivity. Read below on how to properly care for them and organize your business.

A variety of meat pigeon breeds

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of meat pigeon breeds that show the highest productivity. These breeds include:

  • king;
  • carnot;
  • Monden;
  • Roman giant;
  • Strasser;
  • Texan.

Did you know? An adult pigeon has about 10,000 feathers on its body, which have their own special purpose. Some are designed to maintain flight stability in strong gusts of wind, others are designed for slow gliding, and others are designed to reproduce sound in flight.

Kings were bred by crossing 4 breeds, including the Roman giant. It was from this breed that the Kings adopted most of the positive qualities, including appearance. The American breed of king pigeons is characterized by a high rate of muscle mass gain. In just 45 days, if properly maintained, they can reach a weight of 700–900 g. During the year, the female hatches about 18 chicks. The body structure of birds is dense and cast.
Plumage color according to the exhibition standard:

  • white;
  • black;
  • yellow;
  • red;
  • ashen;
  • brown.
The slaughter weight of clean meat is 60–68%, depending on the management scheme. The breed is used not only as a meat breed, but also as a decorative one.

The French variety of pigeons is one of the most valuable on the world market. The birds were bred by crossing in the cramped conditions of an aviary.
The breed does not weigh too much - on average, this figure varies between 500–700 g. However, birds reach this weight within a short period. The pair reproduces on average 14 chicks per year. The breed is highly valued among breeders who breed birds on an industrial scale.

The French breed of Monden pigeons is considered one of the best in the world. Birds of this breed are distinguished by their large dimensions. Their body is wide and well feathered. The chest is wide and full. The rounded wings are pressed tightly to the body.
Common feather colors:

  • black;
  • silver;
  • ashen;
  • ash red;
  • yellow.
The weight of a male is 0.9–1.3 kg, females 0.85–1.2 kg. At one month of age, young animals reach a weight of 600 g. The slaughter meat yield is 70%.

Did you know? Pigeon eyes can perceive up to 75 frames per second, while the human eye perceives only 24 frames during this time.

The breed was bred in Italy, then went through a number of selection improvements in France. Today it is often used to improve the qualities of other varieties.
Birds are large in size. Their body is dense, molded, well muscled. The weight of a male is 1–1.3 kg, females -1.1 kg. Meat yield from carcass - 70%.

The Austrian pigeon breed was created by crossing the Modena and Florentine pigeons. The German variation of Strasser is most often used as meat. Their average weight varies between 700–900 g. The maximum weight of a male of the breed in question can reach 1 kg.
The pigeon's body constitution is massive. The chest is convex. The wide back is completely covered by rounded wings. The disadvantage of the breed is its restless character. Males often get into fights with each other, which should be taken into account when breeding the breed. Birds are lazy and don't fly well.

In a year, a couple produces up to 12 chicks.

American texan pigeons have a number of features. One of them is the autosex color of the plumage, which makes it possible to accurately determine the sex of pigeons immediately after hatching. The second advantage of the breed is its high productivity. During the year, one pair can reproduce up to 20 pigeons. The third advantage is the non-conflict nature of the birds, which makes it possible to keep a large number of individuals in a relatively small area.

The bird's physique is powerful and molded. The chest is fleshy and convex. The wide back is covered with neat wings that fit tightly to the body. Texans are good fliers, but they are very lazy, so they often move on foot.
The average weight of poultry varies between 700–950 g. Slaughter meat weight is 70%.

Selection of the best breeds of meat pigeons for growing and breeding

Meat breeds of pigeons are divided into 3 groups:

  • gigantic- they are distinguished by their squat stature, quickly gain mass and practically do not fly (king, Roman giant);
  • chicken- externally similar to chickens, their body is set on high legs, and the neck is more elongated than that of other varieties (Florentine pigeon, Modena);
  • standard meat- outwardly they are most similar to ordinary pigeons, differing in higher mass indicators and less prone to flight (Texan, Strasser, Monden, Carnot).
It is better to purchase pigeons for breeding at various thematic exhibitions. There are very few breeders in the Russian Federation who can offer high-quality breeding representatives, so, most likely, you will have to go to the near abroad for them (Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic).
One not very productive pair reproduces 2 chicks up to 3 times a year. More productive individuals reproduce from 10 to 18 chicks. It takes a couple a month to hatch a clutch of eggs. In 30–45 days, the chicks gain maximum weight and are ready for sale or slaughter.

Important! A pair of pigeons hatch eggs alternately. This should be taken into account when preparing a feeding ration for birds expecting the birth of offspring.

You can raise meat pigeons by following one of 3 methods, which are selected depending on:

  • planned number of birds;
  • the purposes of their cultivation;
  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • the breeder's own capabilities.

Intensive method

It involves intensive fattening of birds for slaughter kept in dark rooms. It takes about 2 weeks to fatten.

Force feeding is carried out up to 4 times a day using a syringe with a soft rubber nozzle. For fattening, a porridge-like mixture is used, which is produced from products containing large quantities of proteins (cereals, legumes) and mineral complexes. One individual needs 60 g of porridge per day. After feeding, the birds must be offered warm (+30°C) clean water.
The disadvantage of this method is the risk of developing various diseases in birds living in cramped conditions. The meat of this bird is high in fat.

Extensive method

It is the least expensive in terms of fattening. Suitable for breeders living in favorable regions with extensive green plantations at their disposal. With this method of rearing, the bird provides itself with food throughout the entire warm period, and the breeder supplements it with cereals once a day. This method is closest to the natural habitat of pigeons. The meat of pigeons, which have the ability to move freely, has a higher nutritional value.

Did you know? In the Middle Ages, carrier pigeons were valued as highly as thoroughbred breeding stallions.

The combined method of raising meat pigeons is something between intensive and extensive. Most suitable if the purpose of poultry breeding is to make a profit.

Conditions for keeping

Pigeons are easy to care for, but to keep them it is necessary to equip a dovecote and a walking aviary.

Requirements for a dovecote

The dovecote should be spacious and bright. The size of the room is calculated based on the number of couples. Each pair should have 50 cm³. The room must be divided into sections intended for different breeds or ages. There should be no more than 15 pairs of birds per compartment. Young animals are also kept separately. The height of the room should be at least 2 m, ideally 2.5 m. The outer walking area is arranged in the form of a square. The entrance for meat birds is located at a height of 30 cm. This structure is designed for landing and departure of birds. The walking area should be surrounded around the perimeter with a fine mesh net.
Plywood is laid on the mesh located in the lower part of the walking area. To provide the birds with the opportunity to move freely, another entrance is built on the outside of the walking area.

A mandatory nuance is ventilation to prevent drafts. To ensure the influx of fresh air and the outflow of carbon dioxide along with excess moisture, the following should be equipped:

  1. An additional lattice door immediately after the main one.
  2. A hood in the ceiling area - it can be built from 2 plastic pipes with a cross-section of 5–10 cm (one for inflow, the other for outflow of air), or you can make a lattice dormer window (necessarily with a shutter to prevent hypothermia in winter).
The air temperature in the room in winter should not fall below +5°C, and in summer it should not rise above +20°C. It is better to build from natural materials, such as wood or plywood. Only the frame can be made of metal. The flooring is made of boards. In winter it is covered with hay or straw. When constructing a roof, special attention should be paid to hydro- and thermal insulation. It is better to form window openings on the south or southeast side.

Important! If you plan to make the entire building out of metal, or use it as a roof, you need to take care of thermal insulation. This material has high thermal conductivity, so it will be too hot in the dovecote in summer and cold in winter.

Perches are arranged at a distance of 30–50 cm from the ceiling. They are made from long beams 5 cm wide and equipped with sides made of thin-walled slats. Perches are placed in rows gradually descending. Perches are divided into nests, which are wooden boxes. Each cell is separated by a wall. Nest dimensions 40×35×75 (width, height, length). The nests are left empty - the birds themselves will take care of their arrangement, the main thing is to leave them a sufficient amount of soft hay, straw and branches on the floor.

It is better to choose bunker type feeders. They can be bought in specialized stores. In addition to them, you should install a couple of troughs for mineral feed. To supply water, a drip system should be installed. Install feeders and drinkers on the opposite side of the nests.
Electricity must be supplied to the room. There is no need to install a heating system in the dovecote for the winter. With the onset of autumn and a decrease in temperature, the cracks should be well insulated using available materials, for example, mineral wool. Also, during the cold period, more frequent replacement of the floor mat will be required - approximately once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the humidity level.

Disinfection of the pigeon coop

Preventive disinfection is carried out once every 2 weeks throughout the year. First, all birds are removed from the premises. Then remove the bedding and wash the entire room from the inside with soapy water. Drinkers and feeders are disinfected in the same way. Immediately after wet cleaning, ventilation is carried out, and then a new bedding is laid on the floor.

Important! In case of an outbreak of various diseases, disinfection is carried out using a 3% bleach solution.

Features of caring for meat pigeons

The main task of the poultry farmer is to provide the birds with normal nutrition. The productivity of the livestock will depend on this.

Approximate diet for meat pigeons in percentage terms:

  • complex of cereals (barley, millet, millet, buckwheat, corn) - 60–70%;
  • legumes (peas, beans, vetch) - 20–40%;
  • oilseeds (sunflower, rapeseed, anise, flax) - 3%;
  • greens (nettle, cabbage, lettuce, sprouted oats, barley) - 5%;
  • minerals (charcoal, shell rock, sand, eggshell) - 5%;
  • vitamins (glucose, fish oil, calcium, proteins, ascorbic acid, vitamin A) - 2%;
  • potatoes, carrots (boiled) - 5%.
Clean drinking water must be freely available.
When preparing a complete diet, you should consider:
  • season;
  • gender and age characteristics.


From the first days, the parents feed the offspring with a special substance that is produced by crop cells, the so-called “bird's milk”. From the 9th day, the birds begin to feed the chicks with grain swollen in their crop. After 3–4 days, the pigeons can be separated from their mothers and transferred to three meals a day. For 2–3 weeks, grains and legumes are served steamed. Legumes are soaked in fish oil. This helps improve the immunity of the offspring. The daily rate of feed consumption for pigeons is 40 g.

An approximate diet for pigeons looks like this:

  • barley, wheat, millet - 20 g each;
  • peas, vetch, oats, corn - 10 g each.

Powdered eggshells and crushed boiled eggs are added to the feed mixtures. The shells must be fried in the oven for 10 minutes at +100°C.


On average, an adult meat-producing animal consumes 55 g of feed per day. Large grain crops are most suitable for feeding. An approximate diet for fattening for slaughter is as follows:

  • corn - 35 g;
  • peas - 30 g;
  • barley - 20 g;
  • oatmeal - 5 g;
  • greens, vitamin and mineral supplements - 10 g.
In the spring, during the period of egg laying and incubation, it is necessary to add a large amount of greens and protein products to the diet. For 2–3 weeks, hemp seed is introduced into the diet (1% of the total feed weight per day). During the mating period, sprouted oats or wheat (5%) are added to the diet.

Vaccination against diseases

From the age of two months, pigeons begin to undergo preventive vaccination against the most common diseases. Only healthy, active birds are subject to vaccination. Before vaccination, feeding is increased, enriching the diet with vitamins and minerals. A month before the procedures, worming is carried out using Albendazole at the rate of 100 mg of the drug per 1 kg of live weight. The anthelmintic drug is fed in the morning for 2 days in a row, adding it to the food. In addition, unscheduled disinfection of the poultry house should be carried out.
List of required vaccinations by age of young animals:

  • 8–10 weeks - live smallpox vaccine - the drug is equipped with an injector with two needles, for young animals there will be enough liquid to fill the hollow between the needles and injected into the wing membrane;
  • 3 months - Avivak for spinal cord, injected into the cervical or thoracic region in a volume of 0.5 cm³;
  • 6 months, and then 2 times a year - Salmo PT for salmonellosis, injected into the neck area, 0.5 ml per individual.

Important! Vaccination against smallpox is carried out only in unfavorable regions where outbreaks of this disease often occur.

Profitability of breeding meat pigeons as a business

Expense items with approximate prices:

  • 5 pairs of pigeons - depending on the breed up to 2,000 rubles per pair - it turns out 10,000 rubles;
  • arrangement of the territory (dovecote, paddock, drinking bowls, feeders, etc.) - 90,000 rubles;
  • annual supply of feed (grain + vitamin-mineral complexes) - 500 kg = 2,500 rub.
At the initial stage, permission to breed such birds will not be required. In total, the costs will be 102,500 rubles.
Profitability depends entirely on the type of business. For successful sales you need to find regular customers. It can be:
  • markets;
  • restaurants;
  • sports clubs;
  • healthy nutrition clubs.
To sell products to large buyers, it is necessary to have all quality certificates approved by veterinary control, for which you will need to find a reliable veterinarian. Costs for a veterinarian can amount to 7 thousand rubles/month. Together with the above calculations, you will have to pay 186,500 rubles for the year.

During the season, productive pairs hatch an average of 10 pigeons - 5 pairs produce 50 chicks. It will take about 3 months to fatten them to slaughter weight. Taking into account the fact that from the litter from each pair you need to leave 2 individuals for breeding, in a year it will be possible to fatten 40 chicks to slaughter weight. The carcass can be sold for 500 rubles. In total, the income comes out to 20 thousand rubles. (40 carcasses for 500 rubles) + 5 new pairs of pigeons, which can be left for breeding or sold for 2,000 rubles. (only 10 thousand rubles of income). When selling carcasses and live pairs, the annual income will be 30,000 rubles. You can increase your income by renting out pigeons for weddings, kindergarten graduations and other events. The cost of renting one pair is on average 500 rubles, respectively, from renting 10 birds you will receive 5 thousand rubles. And then everything depends on how well the advertising campaign is carried out. If you hold an average of 1 event per month, you will have a stable income of 60 thousand in 12 months.
When marketing is intensified on all fronts and everything planned is implemented, the annual income scheme looks like this:

  • sale of slaughter carcasses (40 pcs.) - 20 thousand rubles;
  • sale of live five-month-old pairs - 10 thousand rubles;
  • rental, taking into account the holding of at least one event using 5 pairs of pigeons - 60 thousand rubles.
Total: 90 thousand rubles. in a year.

From all this it follows that the business will pay off and begin to generate stable profits within 1.5 years.

Important! Chicks from the same litter are not crossed to avoid inbreeding.

Breeding meat pigeons can be a good source of income. With a correctly calculated marketing scheme, the business will begin to generate income within 1.5 years.

Meat pigeons are bred and raised for food. Unlike other breeds of domestic pigeons, they are larger, and their body weight on average reaches 650 g. This group of birds includes more than 50 breeds and many of them are bred on an industrial scale in the USA, Hungary, France and Italy. What kind of breeds are these, how they should be bred and maintained, we will consider further.

Popular breeds

Breeds of meat pigeons differ in weight, plumage and fertility, so it is worth reading their descriptions in more detail.


The breed was bred in the 19th century in the province of Mahrischer Strasser, which explains its name. The external characteristics of the Strassers are as follows:

  • the head is large with a convex wide forehead;
  • the neck is medium in length and slightly curved;
  • the beak is strong, medium in size and with a small wax;
  • the body is strong and massive, about 40 cm long;
  • the back is straight and wide;
  • the wings are wide and of medium length;
  • paws are bright scarlet;
  • the tail is narrow and medium in size.

Separately, it is worth noting the original coloring of pigeons of this breed: their hips, lower part of the body and neck are white, but the remaining parts are colored, that is, the color can be blue, gray, yellow, red or black.

Some poultry farmers characterize the Strassers as fatties: the weight of males can reach 1.2 kg, and females - 800 g. As a rule, on the 30th day the weight of the chicks is 600-700 g. During the season, a pair of pigeons can produce up to 12 pigeons, which will give up to 7 kg of fine-fiber meat. Thus, the slaughter yield of this bird is 58-62% (the indicator may vary and depends on the conditions of detention).

To get the maximum mass of offspring, it is worth removing birds whose age exceeds 5 years from the dovecote.


The breed was bred in the USA by Californian poultry farmers in 1890 by crossing several species - Maltese and Roman pigeons, the Roman giant, from which it received its meat qualities. The goal of poultry farmers was to obtain a large pigeon that grows quickly and has high fertility. So, this bird is dual-purpose, since it is used both for meat production and for participation in exhibitions.

King has a tight and molded physique with the following external characteristics:

  • the figure is tall and stately;
  • the head is large with a proud stance (the pigeon adds impressiveness, due to which it received its royal name);
  • the neck is thick and almost vertical;
  • beak is medium-sized, powerful and strong;
  • The chest is wide and voluminous, falling somewhat forward;
  • the back is flat;
  • the wings are short and straight;
  • the tail is small and raised (looks up).

The plumage of Kings can have a variety of colors. In their classic appearance, these pigeons are solid colors - white, black, red or brown. In more original versions, birds have belts of different colors - brown, blue, silver, ash-red, ash-yellow. The most popular color is snow-white. In this case, pigeons often have black eyes. If the plumage is colored, then the eyes are often yellow.

These birds have a lively and lively character, so they often show aggressiveness. They are capable of flight, but have a poorly developed ability to climb upward.

The weight of adult show Kings can reach 1.5 kg. If the bird is raised for meat, it can weigh about 700 g at 45 days of age. Under the right conditions and a nutritious diet, the female will produce up to 18 chicks per year.

You can clearly see Kings of different colors in the following video:

It should be noted that pigeons of this breed are more suitable for growing in warm climates. Thus, they are actively bred in Europe, the southern and central regions of Russia, including the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region.


The breed is also of American origin - bred in the last century in Texas. The main difference between Texan is its high fertility. Under favorable conditions, one pair can produce up to 22 chicks per year. On average, this figure remains in the range of 16-20 chicks.

The external characteristics of Texan are as follows:

  • medium sized head;
  • the neck is short, located vertically;
  • powerful body with a small belly;
  • the chest is fleshy, wide and protruding forward;
  • wings of medium length and tightly pressed to the body;
  • the tail is short (up to 15 cm) and raised up;
  • The legs are short, strong and widely spaced, which is a common distinguishing feature of all meat breed pigeons.

It should be noted that it is possible to distinguish the sex of chicks of this breed at a very early age. The fact is that after hatching, male chicks are naked, while females are covered with long yellowish fluff, and a few days later a brown spot appears on their beak. Adult males are light in color, while females are darker, their wings are brown or cream with bands, and their chest is blue, smoky gray or brown.

Texans digest food well, grow quickly and gain weight. On average, their weight is 700-900 g, and at one month of age they already weigh about 600-750 g. They can fly well, but more often prefer to move on the ground.

Texans are distinguished by a calm temperament and unpretentiousness to living conditions, so they are often chosen by poultry farmers who want to pay a minimum of attention to their livestock, but at the same time want to get a good meat yield.

Roman giant

The breed's homeland is what is now Italy, as it appeared during Ancient Rome. It is believed that the image of the Roman giant is carved on the internal columns of St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican. The breed is actively bred in Spain, the south of France and the USA.

The Roman pigeon is a large bird - its weight can reach 1.3 kg. Larger specimens are also known. So, in 1906, the American club of fans of this breed presented a bird weighing exactly 1.8 kg. As for the length of a pigeon, on average it is 50 cm, but the length of the wings can reach 100 cm.

The build of these pigeons is similar to ordinary pigeons, but they are twice as large, hence the nickname “giant”. American representatives of this breed have some external differences from their European counterparts. They are somewhat shorter and more plump, have shorter wings and a tail. European representatives have a small head, a longer neck and a slender body. The color of the Roman giant can be different:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • silver;
  • white;
  • black;
  • blue;
  • red-ash;
  • with or without a belt.

Roman pigeons have a calm and peaceful character, despite their impressive size. Thus, they rarely fight and are easily tamed. Such individuals practically do not fly. Among the disadvantages, one can note low fertility - up to 4-5 chicks per season. It is for this reason that this breed is kept in smaller quantities than more productive modern breeds like Strassers.


France is considered the birthplace of this breed, and in the 60s of the last century it was introduced to the USSR from the USA. Carnot were bred at a time when aviary keeping of meat breeds of pigeons with maximum mechanization of all processes became popular, since it allowed breeders to reduce the cost of meat. Thus, Carnot are most suitable for aviary keeping.

The external characteristics of the individual are as follows:

  • the head is small, out of proportion to the body;
  • the beak is long, pink in color, slightly curved down;
  • the neck is thick, short;
  • the thoracic region is excessively convex;
  • legs without feathers, small;
  • the feathers are thick and wide;
  • the tail is short, lowered to the floor.

Carnot's color can be single-color (brown, white, black) or variegated (white with gray, red feathers, or brown with white feathers). In any case, these pigeons are relatively small - their weight is about 600-650 g. Moreover, this breed is the fastest ripening of the meat pigeons - it gains weight in two months. Poultry farmers prefer young birds because their meat is more tender.


The breed was bred by French breeders in the city of Mont-de-Marsan, which explains its name. Monden pigeons are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • high meat yield, which averages 60%;
  • high massiveness index - about 28.7%;
  • high index of edible parts (for males - 82.6%, for females - 81.3%), so almost the entire bird can be eaten.

Visually Monden looks like this:

  • the head is small;
  • the eyes are small and brown;
  • the beak is medium and reaches 0.3 cm;
  • the neck is thick and short, almost invisible;
  • the body is powerful with a wide and convex chest;
  • the wings are small and tightly pressed to the body, practically indistinguishable;
  • silver feathers;
  • legs are short, dark red, almost black;
  • the tail is short and raised up.

Monden pigeons can be fattened to a maximum weight of 1.1 kg, and at one month of age they weigh on average 500-700 g. The minimum weight of adults is 700 g. The meat yield with rapid weight gain is 60%, and most of the carcass can be consumed as food .

These birds are resistant to various diseases, grow quickly and gain weight, therefore they are often used for crossing and breeding highly productive hybrids.

Prachensky Kanik

Czech ancient breed of pigeons, which can also be found in Crimea. It was bred by crossing several types of individuals - Czech Lapwing and chicken pigeons (Domestic, Florentine and Viennese). Outwardly it resembles a blue Kanik, which is why it is also called a “buzzard”. The characteristics of the Prachen Kanik are as follows:

  • the head is small;
  • orange eyes;
  • the beak is strong and orange-red in color;
  • medium sized neck;
  • the body is small, graceful;
  • the chest is convex and wide;
  • wings well developed;
  • paws of medium size, without feathers;
  • tail pointing upward and continuing the line of the back.

Representatives of this breed grow quickly, gain weight and are resistant to many diseases. Unlike other meat pigeons, they fly well. The average live weight of a male is 550-750 g, and that of a female is up to 600 g. During the course of a year, quite a lot of chicks of this breed can be hatched, and they will be well-fed and fleshy.

Polish lynx

The breed is of Polish origin and is often raised on a commercial scale to produce excellent quality meat. It cannot be crossed with other species, since in this case there is a high risk of loss of meat quality.

Unlike many of its fellows, this pigeon has a large head and a long beak. Its legs are not short, but of medium length and traditionally widely spaced. As a rule, such individuals are single-colored - black, white, gray, brown or blue, but there are also individuals that have stripes or specks of a different color on the neck, wings and tail.

The Polish lynx is easy to care for and grows quickly. The average weight of an adult is 800 g. The bird's fertility is relatively low - it hatches about 8 chicks per year. They have a calm nature and can fly.

The breed was developed in Italy in early 1327 and named after the city of Modena. It is considered practically the only truly European breed. Its external characteristics are as follows:

  • the head is small;
  • the neck is large and practically does not stand out;
  • the chest is convex, wide and fleshy;
  • the back is short and wide;
  • the wings are short and slightly raised;
  • the tail is short, narrow and raised upward (located at neck level).

The plumage of the Modena pigeon can have different colors, and poultry farmers have identified more than 200 variations. The most popular colors are blue, bronze, black, silver, red, cream or yellow. In addition, hiking options and combinations of these colors are possible. The pigeon can be either single-colored or multi-colored, scaly and with belts.

Modena has an average size: height - up to 23 cm, length - about 18 cm. The weight of individuals is relatively small - about 350-500 g.

Features of keeping meat pigeons

Many poultry farmers keep pigeons in the attics of country houses or build separate poultry houses for them. In any case, the room must be under a canopy, protected from temperature changes, and suitable for summer and winter maintenance. It is equally important to provide good air ventilation and heating.

To ensure acceptable conditions for keeping birds, it is worth equipping the dovecote as follows:

  • make windows that should face south;
  • place nests on the floor or on a slight elevation, since most meat breeds fly very poorly;
  • provide nests with paths along which individuals can climb;
  • lay the floor and constantly monitor its cleanliness (at least 2 times a year you need to disinfect the litter);
  • install drinking bowls and feeders that need to be refilled on time.

In the dovecote it is necessary to maintain the air temperature always above 0°C.

Pigeons checked by a veterinarian can be released into a prepared house. They should be fed mostly grains, but rye, oats and lupine should be completely excluded from the diet. The feed mixture can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • corn (35%);
  • barley (20%);
  • peas (20%);
  • oatmeal (15%);
  • greens (5%).

The diet must contain vitamin and mineral supplements (5%), for which the following can be added to the feed:

  • lime;
  • river sand;
  • red brick chips;
  • clay;
  • charcoal;
  • egg shells.

Individuals of meat breeds should consume about 50-55 g of grain mixture per day. Of course, they should not be given spoiled or moldy food, as it will be difficult to digest.

It is equally important to ensure that there is always fresh water at room temperature in the house, since without life-giving moisture the birds will not be able to live even a day. If feathers, bird droppings or small debris get into the water, it must be poured out immediately and new water must be poured into the drinking bowls.

In order for pigeons to be completely healthy and have strong immunity, it is necessary to vaccinate them twice a year using the services of a certified veterinarian.


To breed pigeons in a poultry house, it is necessary to leave an equal number of males and females so that each individual can find a mate. Under natural conditions, pigeons make 3 clutches of 2-3 eggs each year. With proper lighting and heating, this figure can increase by more than 6 times.

Females can participate in breeding from 8 months, but individuals aged 1-1.5 years are considered the most fertile. Mating occurs naturally when the pigeons live together in the same enclosure. In this case, you can resort to forced mating if you need to obtain specific qualities from the chicks. In this case, a pair of pigeons must be temporarily placed in a separate enclosure.

It is quite simple to understand that mating has already occurred and the birds are ready to return to the common enclosure, since the pigeons will constantly sit next to each other and carefully sort each other’s feathers.

After 11-16 days, eggs are laid. To make sure that embryos are developing in them, on day 6 you can put them on spoons and look at the light. If the spot is visible, there will probably be offspring. In addition, as the embryo develops, the color of the shell changes - on the 8th day the egg acquires a matte gray tint.

Pigeons alternately lay eggs for 16-19 days, but in some breeds this period can last up to 29 days. The chicks will be born helpless and blind, but after a few hours they will be able to take food from their parents. During the first 2 weeks, they should eat only goiter milk, and after that, goiter gruel can be introduced into their diet, which the parents soften in the goiter. Only after a month is proper nutrition allowed.

Growing methods

There are several of them, and the choice depends on what goals the poultry farmer is pursuing.


It does not require special costs or effort from the breeder, since in this case the birds get their own food, and the poultry farmer gives them food once a day so that they can gain weight over the allotted period of time.

This method has a number of disadvantages. For example, when searching for food, pigeons may encounter wild birds or animals that can carry dangerous diseases. In addition, individuals need to be guaranteed complete protection from predators. Of course, a well-fed bird that cannot or does not want to fly will become quick prey even for a domestic cat.


It involves force-feeding birds so that they quickly gain weight of 600-800 g or more. For such purposes, it is better to choose highly productive breeds like King or Texan, since they can increase their weight to a given point in just 30-38 days. In addition, these birds, due to their high fertility, can reproduce 5-10 times a year, which will bring 10-20 chicks to the farm.

Individuals aged 3 weeks are suitable for fattening for slaughter, since young meat has better taste. Selected chicks must be placed in a dark room. They need to be force-fed every day up to 4 times a day with a mushy mixture, using special equipment or a syringe without a needle, but with a soft rubber nozzle at the end.

As food, it is necessary to prepare a mixture of cereals, grains and legumes. It is recommended to add mineral supplements in small quantities. Each bird should eat 50-60 g of this mixture per day and wash it down with warm water. The optimal volume of a single serving is 15-20 g. If you feed young pigeons for about 2 weeks, you can end up with pigeons weighing about 800 g.

There is also a combined or economic-decorative method, but it is mainly popular among poultry breeders of domestic decorative pigeons.

Slaughter of meat pigeons

Birds aged 29-37 days are slaughtered. As a rule, their weight already reaches 600-750 g. During the last 3 days of fattening, it is worth mixing aromatic seeds of various crops, spices or berries in small quantities into the pigeons’ food. Using this trick, you can give pigeon meat a piquant taste.

Masha Popova

City: Tomsk

Publications: 102

*Calculations use average data for Russia

Perhaps one of the most common birds in the world is pigeons. We meet them at every step, and most of us don’t even realize that we can make money by breeding and selling these birds.

Pigeons were once used for postal communication. Thanks to their ability to perfectly navigate even in unfamiliar terrain and accurately find their way home, these birds are perfect for the role of postmen. Of course, they cannot carry heavy parcels and parcels, but they are quite capable of delivering small notes and letters to the addressee. However, pigeon mail has long lost its relevance. And although good local orientation allows pigeons to be used for other purposes (for example, for wedding photo sessions, when newlyweds symbolically release snow-white birds into the sky), this is still not the main “field of application” of birds. The most important thing now is breeding pigeons... for meat, if, of course, you consider pigeon farming as a business and not as a hobby.

It is a common belief that only homeless people eat pigeons. However, pigeon meat is a delicacy and dishes made from it are served in the most expensive restaurants. Back in the Middle Ages, the famous physician Avicenna recommended that patients include pigeon meat in their diet, which is dietary, contains a large amount of protein and consists of small fibers, so its taste and nutritional value are much higher than that of the meat of other types of poultry.

Of course, ordinary “city” pigeons are not suitable for consumption. There are various meat breeds of birds, for example, Strasser, Monden, King, etc., which are bred on special “pigeon farms” for slaughter.

Pigeon meat with all the necessary documents is then sold both in retail and directly to catering establishments. One average pigeon carcass retails for about 250-300 rubles. One kilogram of meat at purchase prices will cost 1000-1500 rubles. (Here it is necessary to clarify that the weight of a processed pigeon carcass is on average two times less than an unprocessed one, so manufacturers set the price for their product both per kilogram and per whole carcass).

On the one hand, it seems that pigeons are too small birds, so these prices are quite justified and the profitability of the business of breeding them is a big question. On the other hand, you need to take into account that one pair of meat pigeons can produce up to 7 kg of meat per year! Breeders are constantly working to improve meat breeds. The weight of one pigeon of this type reaches 1 kg, but there are breeds (King) whose representatives weigh up to 2 kg (see below).

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So, the business of breeding meat pigeons can be very profitable and promising. However, as in any other business, there are subtleties and nuances here. Let's try to figure them out.

Meat breeds of pigeons

King. The weight of meat pigeons directly depends on the breed. Among the most famous is the King breed, which was bred in the USA. Representatives of this breed are very fertile and quickly gain weight (with proper care and balanced nutrition, a king pigeon can be fattened in 45 days to an average weight of 700 g). In a year, a female can bring up to 18 well-fed chicks. Adult birds weigh 650-800 g. However, exhibition representatives of this breed can weigh up to 1.5-2 kg. True, they cost much more. The slaughter weight of such pigeons is 60-68%. This indicator directly depends on the growing conditions of the king. For example, when kept in cages, the weight of the bird will be much lower than with a limited-range method of rearing, or, moreover, in an aviary.

Beginning pigeon breeders prefer cage housing, which allows them to significantly increase the number of pigeons in the house. However, the benefit in this case is rather dubious. A gutted carcass of a pigeon kept in a cage weighs up to 350-370 g, and the slaughter weight does not exceed 55-56%. However, no matter what conditions the representatives of this breed are kept in, “at the exit” you will get the following indicators - 50% meat, 16% fat and 5% giblets. Everything else is recycled.

Strasser. Strasser pigeons are also large breeds. The weight of a male of this breed, bred in Western Europe from the Moravian Pshtros and other local breeds of pigeons in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, can reach 1200 g. Although on average representatives of this variety of meat pigeons weigh about 1 kg. Unlike the Moravian Pshtros, which belongs to the productive types of pigeons, has a larger than average figure, but is mobile and has good flight qualities, Strassers are stocky and sedentary. Already at the age of 30 days, the bird’s weight can reach 700 g. True, the Strassers themselves are significantly smaller than males and weigh up to 800 g in adulthood. It has been noted that the mass of the offspring directly depends on the age of the parental pair. Therefore, in order to avoid weight loss of chicks, experts advise removing birds older than five years from the dovecote.

The Strasser's body is large and massive (the length of the birds is 36-40 cm). The head is large, with a wide and convex forehead. The beak is medium, strong, the wax is whitish, small. The eyes are dark orange, the eyelids are narrow, light, but there are species of birds with red eyelids. The neck is of medium length, thick, slightly curved. The chest is wide, rounded, strongly protruding. The back is relatively short, wide, straight. The wings are medium, wide, cover the back and lie with their ends on the tail. The legs are of medium length, unfeathered, strong, widely spaced, bright scarlet in color. The tail is of medium length, consists of twelve feathers, collected, narrow. There are pigeons with white or black scaly wing coverts, as well as white-belted ones with white tails and Bavarian ones with white wing tips.

Strasser meat is fine-fiber. These birds are highly productive - you can get from one pair to ten chicks per season. As mentioned above, in a month the chicks gain a live weight of 600-700 g, thus the slaughter yield of birds of this breed averages 60%.

Roman pigeons, as the name of the breed implies, were bred in Italy, and then further selection work was carried out in France. These birds are also among the largest representatives of their species and are successfully used as breeding material for the creation of other meat species. Representatives of the Roman breed have a large, strong, oblong body, thick, dense plumage, long wing feathers and a long tail. The head is large, rounded-elongated, smooth, the forehead is relatively high. The beak is long, powerful, slightly curved, dark in black and gray birds, light in other colored lines. The wax is long, white, smooth, heart-shaped, divided in the middle. The eyes are small, all colored ones have pearl color, white ones have dark eyes. The width of the eyelids is 2-4 mm, they are finely warty, red or dark in color; in young pigeons they are smooth and narrow. The neck is relatively short, thick, the throat is well defined, and some have a noticeable throat fold. The head is large, rounded, with a high forehead. The eyes are small, pearly, dark in birds with white plumage. The eyelids are red or dark, finely warty, 2–4 mm wide. The beak is large, slightly curved, dark in rock pigeons, light in other species. The neck is thick, short, with a well-defined throat. The chest is convex, wide, with a straight, long keel. The back is relatively wide, oval and tapering towards the tail. The wings are large, with long flight feathers. There are no shields. The belts of silver and gray individuals are black, while those of beige and brown individuals are gray. The limbs are strong, short, bright scarlet with long fingers and light claws. Birds of black and gray color have dark claws. There is no feathering on the legs. The tail is quite long, wide, and rounded. Body weight is 1–1.3 kg, doves – 0.9–1.1 kg.

Representatives of this breed do not fly very well. The plumage of such birds is silver or gray, there are transverse black belts on the wings or a transverse stripe at the end of the tail, while the lower part of the back is light in color. The plumage of Roman pigeons has a silvery or bluish tint with transverse black belts on the wings and a transverse stripe at the end of the tail. Their lower back is light colored. Roman pigeons of black color have white speckles on their heads, while beige pigeons have dark (brown or gray) belts on their wings and the same stripe on their tail. There are birds of pure red, fawn, and white. The neck of colored pigeons is darker, with a shiny tint. The largest representatives of this breed are blue birds, the smallest are red pigeons. The length of the bird from the beak to the end of the tail is 50-56 cm, the wingspan is 100-105 cm. The live weight of an adult pigeon is 1-1.3 kg, and doves - 0.9-1.1 kg. Individual specimens weigh 1.7 kg. The weight of young animals at the age of four weeks is 620-650 g.

Roman pigeons are quite easy to keep: they move little, fly poorly and are trusting of people. Although they are not without their drawbacks - they are pugnacious and not the best hens. Unfortunately, representatives of this breed are not highly fertile - they produce up to 8 chicks per year, but they have good disease resistance. Representatives of this breed are used in breeding work to breed high-productivity meat breeds. For these purposes, Roman pigeons are crossed with more fertile breeds bred by Russian breeders (for example, drummers).

Mondenese breed pigeons were bred in the French city of Monde-Marsan. The weight of adult males of this breed is up to 1.1 kg. The smallest weight of its representatives is 850 g. In 30 days, a chick can be fattened to a weight of 700 g. At the same time, the slaughter yield of meat for Monden pigeons is 61%. Representatives of this breed have the highest massiveness index among other meat breeds. It is estimated at 28.7%. This indicator is primarily used to assess the meatiness of poultry. The main advantage of this breed is that its representatives can be eaten almost entirely, since Mondenese pigeons have the highest index of edible parts: in males it is estimated at 82.6%, and in females at 81.3%. Among gourmets, the meat of French and Swiss Monden chicks is most valued, weighing 550 and 600 g, respectively.

Carnot. One of the fastest-maturing breeds is the French Carnot breed, which is an aviary breed. The weight of an adult pigeon of this breed ranges from 550 to 700 g. In a month, a pigeon can be fattened to a weight of 330-340 g. However, weight in this case is not a priority. The main thing is the taste of pigeon meat, which in representatives of this breed (at least at a young age) is much higher than in other meat breeds of pigeons. Although purely from the point of view of decorative breeding of pigeons, birds of the Monden species are not the most attractive, due to their taste they are leaders among meat breeds.

Ready ideas for your business

In general, there are not so many meat breeds of pigeons when compared, for example, with the number of breeds of chickens and other poultry. The main problem that domestic pigeon breeders face is the difficulty in purchasing good producers. Although the business of raising pigeons for meat is profitable and promising (there is no doubt about it), nevertheless, in Russia there are very few farms that offer high-quality producers for sale. Pigeon breeders have to purchase birds of rare breeds from our countries near and far abroad. Some are bringing representatives of the most common breeds from Ukraine, others from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. True, the prices for a pair turn out to be not at all humane - from 8,000 to 15,000 rubles. Not all farmers can afford this luxury. The issue of transportation is also very complex. The journey to Russia by train takes more than one week. There is a high probability that one of the pigeon pair will simply not live to reach their destination.

Simpler and more common breeds are sold at various exhibitions. If you are planning to get one of these, it is worth visiting thematic exhibitions in Crimea, where the price for one bird now ranges from 500 rubles.

When breeding pigeons, you need to take into account that one female pigeon, not the most productive breed, lays one or two eggs up to three times a year. Thus, in a year you can get from one bird to six chicks. Hatching the clutch takes about a month. Moreover, unlike chickens, a pigeon pair hatches eggs alternately. Within a month, the young animals reach their maximum weight and are ready for sale. The weight of a meat breed pigeon is, on average, 1 kg. In this case, we do not take into account show birds, whose weight can reach 2 kg. True, the weight of the processed (gutted) carcass will in any case be two times less than the weight of a live bird. But processing (gutting) a pigeon is not so easy. It is for this reason that each manufacturer decides for himself how it is more profitable for him to set prices - per kilogram or per carcass.

Criteria for choosing birds when purchasing

Age of birds. The age of a pigeon is determined by its legs and wax. When the bird is five months old, the cere gradually becomes white, indicating the onset of puberty. Subsequently, the cere increases in size and becomes larger and larger over time, which makes it possible to determine the age of the bird up to three to four years. After this, it becomes difficult to accurately determine the age of the bird. Pigeons are long-lived. They live up to fifteen to twenty years, but are used for reproduction (at least in meat breeds) only up to five or six years. Old individuals are not suitable as producers: they are not productive and produce very weak offspring. Therefore, only purebred and healthy birds are mated.

But even with these recommendations, it is not always possible to determine the presence of problems “by eye,” especially if you have not previously had experience in keeping and breeding birds. In this case, it is better for beginners to seek help from a more experienced pigeon breeder or read special literature in advance. Determining the presence of diseases in poultry is not so difficult. Do not forget to take contact information from the seller (an honest seller will definitely give them) in order to contact you in the future regarding the purchase of birds, their maintenance and breeding. Of course, you shouldn’t abuse the seller’s kindness, but rare calls once or twice a month are unlikely to cause him any trouble.

Construction of a dovecote

Pigeons are extremely unpretentious birds in terms of keeping. If you have ever lived in private areas of the city (or, even more so, in the countryside), then most likely you have seen dovecotes more than once. Unlike chicken coops, a dovecote does not require much space to set up. Someone uses their attic for this, where previously unnecessary rubbish was stored. Someone is building a separate roof superstructure for the dovecote. Ideally, of course, you should have a separate room where the pigeons will be kept. Large investments in its arrangement are not required. This can be either an aviary with a stretched chain-link mesh, or a “typical” dovecote house, where the birds can hide from the rain and rest.

However, regardless of your financial capabilities, the main thing is that cats and various small predatory animals (from foxes to rats) cannot enter the territory of the dovecote. It is for this reason that dovecotes are often raised above the ground (although this also saves space). As for the area, based on their calculations, the pigeon coop has an area of ​​12 square meters. meters can accommodate up to 50 pigeons. But with limited space, the question of choosing pigeon breeds becomes relevant. For example, representatives of the King breed are very bloodthirsty. As pigeon breeders themselves say, kings destroy other people's nests, throw other people's eggs out of the nest and kill chicks. Although pigeons are a universally recognized symbol of peace, these birds, regardless of breed, are not nearly as friendly. Males often fight each other to the death, and females drive other members of the bird species out of their nests. Conflicts between females can be avoided by providing them with a sufficient number of nests for incubating eggs.

The bottom of the dovecote is sprinkled with sand, which will make cleaning easier in the future. You can also use old newspapers, but this method is more expensive. Perches are made along the walls of the poultry house. At the same time, no special care is required for the dovecote: regular cleaning of the premises is sufficient. Once a year (after the winter period), experts advise carrying out a general cleaning and repair of the premises.

Feeding pigeons

Birds also do not require special supervision. But when feeding, it is necessary to inspect all the inhabitants of the poultry house and remove sick individuals. Pigeons are usually fed at the same time. The optimal feeding frequency is twice a day. Accordingly, feeding is divided into morning and evening. Pigeons are fed a grain mixture of cereal crops. This includes millet, millet, lentils, peas, barley, as well as seeds of oil plants (for example, sunflower, flax, etc.). It is also necessary to regularly give various vitamins. They are very inexpensive, and you can buy them even at the most ordinary pet store. Chalk, sand, red clay and even ordinary crushed red brick are suitable as feeding. Birds need pebbles: they grind food that enters the stomach, facilitating its better absorption. If you breed pigeons on an “industrial” scale, it is more profitable to purchase various vitamin supplements at wholesale stores.

An average of 55 g of feed is required per pigeon daily. It is also important to provide birds with access to fresh water. High-quality and balanced food, fresh water and the absence of drafts are the main conditions for the success of your “pigeon” business.

Sales organization

Pigeon meat is especially in demand among establishments in the HoReCa sector. If you can find a regular customer for your products among expensive restaurants or cafes, then you will not have problems with selling the main volume. Of course, you will have to conclude all the necessary contracts with the veterinary service and obtain the appropriate certificates. This applies to the sale of any bird, but especially pigeons, because they are carriers of various dangerous infections. Therefore, your customers must be confident in the complete safety of the products you offer.

Another area of ​​work is selective breeding of meat breeds of pigeons and selling them both to amateur poultry farmers (there are, however, not as many of them in Russia as we would like) and to breeder farmers. Let us recall that pigeon selection is a set of measures to improve the qualities of a certain breed or to develop a new breed with improved hereditary characteristics. The latter option seems very promising, but requires considerable costs both for training and for the purchase of birds for breeding. On the other hand, with the almost complete absence of competition in some regions of our country, this line of work can bring good profits.

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Meat breeds of pigeons are bred taking into account their differences from other birds:

  1. They stay in large groups. They are a flocking bird.
  2. Pigeons always live in pairs, which are never destroyed (only if one of the partners dies).
  3. They are the only birds capable of feeding their offspring “bird milk” in the first days of life. This is a paste that the parents produce in their crops. Milk is secreted in both females and males.

The best representatives of meat pigeons are distinguished by:

  • endurance;
  • precocity;
  • ability to quickly fatten;
  • good fertility.
Pigeons Kingi

Success in breeding meat pigeons lies in the selection of the best breed, as well as in the physical condition and preparation of individuals for the start of breeding. Another important requirement is good living conditions.

In order to have a suitable variety that produces high-quality pigeon meat, you need to choose the right representatives of the breed. In fact, there are not very many options (compared to other poultry). The problem is solved by choosing a good manufacturer.

Typically, poultry farmers look for purebred individuals abroad - in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Poland. Each country has its own specialization. Pigeon breeders select birds for further breeding (primarily) for health reasons. By external signs you can immediately determine what condition the pigeon is in.

Pay attention to the activity in the behavior of birds. They should not be lethargic or apathetic. Feathers can say a lot about the health of a bird - they should be even and dense. Open the wing and check that there is no downy feather infestation. One of the signs of which is holes in the feathers. The eyes of the individual must be free of foreign mucus and clean. It is important that pigeons are purchased in pairs.

There are features in the behavior of birds that allow you to determine where the pair is. Birds are placed in a box two at a time. The dove will coo, and the dove will fluff its feathers and tilt its head - this means they are a couple. If the birds start fighting, then there are individuals of the same sex in the box.

The process of reproduction of representatives of meat breeds occurs in several stages and is similar to the behavior of other types of pigeons:

  1. It begins with mating dances, steaming, mating.,
  2. A nest is established, eggs are laid, and offspring are hatched.
  3. The chicks hatch, the parents feed and care for the offspring.

There are differences for each breed. Meat pigeons begin to mate at the age of eight months. At the same time, representatives of other breeds reach reproductive age at one or two years.

You can mate meat pigeons starting from the age of eight months, when for other breeds the best reproductive age is considered to be one to two years. The number of days of parental care ends on the thirtieth day - chicks of any meat breed become completely independent. Domestic pigeons take care of their offspring for up to 40-45 days.

When building a pigeon enclosure or creating a farm, you don’t need a lot of space. At home, attics, superstructures in warehouses, sheds are suitable. Ideally, a separate room for keeping pigeons. This could be an aviary made of chain-link mesh, a standard dovecote in which pizzas can hide from the weather and relax.

It is necessary to provide protection for feathered pets from small predators and rodents. To do this, the dovecote is raised above the ground. For 12 sq.m. can accommodate 50 pigeons. Perches are filled inside the bird's house, and the floor is sprinkled with sand.

In anticipation of the nesting season, a thorough sanitary cleaning is carried out in the dovecote. Nests and mating boxes are set up. They are installed more than the number of pairs of pigeons. Then the choice of a place for mating takes place calmly and there are no fights between males over it.

Nest boxes are equipped with a door and placed at a decent distance from each other. This helps couples remember their place. After the formation of families, the boxes are turned into nests.

If the dovecote is small, then the nests are placed on racks and separated from each other by vertical walls. Necessary:

  • take care of good lighting (diffused light);
  • cover the bottom of the boxes with straw, hay;
  • Pour ash and pyrethrum under the twisted nests.

The most popular varieties of meat breeds

Among the productive varieties of meat pigeons, the following are especially popular:

  1. King - the breed was bred in the USA. High fertility of individuals is noted. If all maintenance recommendations are followed, they gain (on average) up to 700 g. Each female produces 18 well-fed chicks in 1 year. Average bird weights range from 650 to 800 g. Specimens participating in exhibitions weigh 1.5-2 kg.
  2. The slaughter weight indicators are 60-68%, depending on the conditions of detention. If the birds are kept only in cages, then the weight of the carcasses is much less than with limited walking.
  3. Large European meat pigeons are represented by the Strasser breed, well known among breeders. They are characterized by high performance. An adult male can weigh 1.2 kg. The chicks gain weight very quickly and already on the 30th day of life they weigh 700 g. Pigeon meat is fine-fiber. The slaughter weight of the breed is 60%.
  4. Roman pigeons, bred in Italy, were later improved by French specialists. Individuals have a sedentary way of life. As a result, adult males reach a weight of 1 – 1.3 kg, and females – up to 1.1 kg. The yield from one carcass can reach 60%. The breed is characterized by a low reproductive rate. The meat of this breed of pigeon is tasty and healthy. In demand among consumers and breeders.
  5. Meat pigeons from France, raised in the city of Monde-Marsan, were called Mondenese. Adults gain weight 1.1 kg. 30 days are enough to fatten young animals up to 700 g. The breed is distinguished by the highest massiveness index - 28.7%. Meat yield after slaughter is 61%.
  6. Representatives of the Carnot breed are valued all over the world for the highest taste of pigeon meat. At the same time, the weight of an adult (male) varies from 550 to 700 grams. In a month, young animals gain no more than 340 g. In terms of weight, they are significantly inferior to other breeds.
  7. Prakhnensky Kanik - this variety is endowed with excellent reproductive abilities and has an ancient history. They gain weight quickly, but rarely more than 700 grams.

Representatives of meat breeds are provided with a balanced diet and careful care. Proper fattening of pigeons for meat includes the mandatory use of:

  • grain crops;
  • legumes, which are the main carrier of protein that promotes rapid weight gain;
  • green feed;
  • vitamin supplements.

Roman pigeons

When pigeons are bred near meadows, the active pigeon obtains most of its diet on its own. To regulate weight, the breeder adds vitamin supplements.

A proper diet is of great importance for young animals. The quality and quantity of meat depends on this. During growth, young birds are more susceptible to various diseases than adult birds. Therefore, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients must be included in the food in sufficient quantities.

The first few weeks after hatching, the chicks require large amounts of food. As soon as the iris of the eyes of young animals becomes the same as that of adults, the portions are reduced. In the morning the birds are given a small portion of food, and in the evening the portion is increased. Before feeding, the grain is slightly moistened with fish oil. For active growth, the diet of young animals includes wheat, peas, and barley.

However, these birds produce tasty, tender meat that is superior in protein content to the meat of other poultry.

It has an unusual taste that resembles the taste of game, and is considered a delicacy.

The breed was formed in the 19th century; its homeland is the province of Mahrischer Strasser, which gave the name to these birds. External features of the Strassers:

  • large head with a convex wide forehead;
  • neck of medium length, slightly curved;
  • strong beak of medium size with a small wax;
  • massive and large body about 40 cm long;
  • wide straight back;
  • wide wings of medium length;
  • strong, widely spaced paws of bright scarlet color;
  • narrow tail of medium size.

One of the features of the breed is its remarkable coloring: the hips, lower part of the body and neck of the Strasser are white, and the remaining parts are colored.

The color can be different - blue, yellow, red, black.

The maximum weight of males of the Strasser breed is 1.2 kg, and females - 800 g. By the age of 30 days, the chicks of these pigeons reach weight 600-700 g. In one season, a pair of Strassers brings up to 12 pigeons, from which you can get up to 7 kg of meat.


This meat breed was bred in the USA by Californian poultry farmers. During the selection, Roman, Maltese and other pigeons were used. The goal was to obtain a large pigeon that grows quickly and is highly fertile. The breed was formed at the end of the 19th century, its standard was first compiled in 1921.

Features of the appearance of representatives of the king breed:

  • these pigeons have powerful bodies and large heads;
  • the neck is thick, it is located almost vertically;
  • beak is medium-sized, strong and powerful;
  • these birds have a wide, voluminous chest that protrudes forward, and a flat back;
  • the small tail is raised and looks up, the wings are also small, short and straight;
  • the color can be white or colored, in the first case the birds' eyes are black, in the second - yellow.

By temperament, these birds are lively and lively, are often aggressive. Kings can, but their ability to rise into the air is poorly developed.

There are two lines in the breed - exhibition and industrial. Exhibition kings reach weight 1.5 kg. The weight of birds raised for meat is about 700 g at the age of 45 days. Under favorable conditions and a nutritious diet the female brings up to 18 chicks per year.

Kings are well suited to growing in warm climates. They were originally bred in states such as California. Later they became widespread in Europe.

Today they are also grown in Ukraine, in the southern and central parts of Russia - and other regions.


The breed was developed in Texas in the middle of the 20th century. Its most interesting feature is its high fertility. Under favorable conditions one pair brings up to 22 chicks per year.

External features of the breed:

  • medium sized head;
  • the neck is positioned vertically;
  • powerful body with a small belly;
  • wide, fleshy, protruding chest;
  • short feathers that fit tightly to the body;
  • wings of medium length, tightly pressed to the body;
  • short, raised tail.

These birds digest well, grow quickly and gain weight.

At one month of age, Texans weigh about 650 g. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a calm temperament.

They are also not demanding in terms of living conditions, so they are suitable for poultry farmers who want to pay a minimum of attention to their livestock, while receiving a large yield of meat.

roman pigeon

One of the oldest meat breeds, which, as you might guess from its name, was bred in Italy. Outwardly, these birds are similar to ordinary rock pigeons, but very large in size:

  • they have large, elongated heads with a high forehead;
  • long and powerful beaks with a slight bend;
  • short and thick necks with a protruding throat;
  • large oblong bodies;
  • long, well-fitting wings with sharp ends;
  • long tails.

Maximum the weight of males is 1.4 kg, and that of females is 1.2 kg. These birds are inferior to representatives of most other meat breeds in fertility - a couple produces no more than 12 chicks per year. They hatch and feed their offspring rather poorly.

Roman pigeons fly better than other meat breeds; this feature must be taken into account when equipping poultry houses. Today They are raised for meat quite rarely. More often, Roman pigeons are crossed with representatives of other breeds to improve the productivity of the latter - they are well suited for this.


This breed of meat pigeons was developed in France. It was brought to the USSR in the 60s of the 20th century from the USA. External features of Carnot:

  • small head;
  • long, downward curved pink beak;
  • thick neck;
  • thick and wide

There is a wide variety of color options for these pigeons.

Carnot is relatively small meat birds, their weight is about 600-650 g. At the same time, this is the fastest ripening of the meat pigeon breeds. Carnot were bred at a time when aviary keeping of meat pigeons with maximum mechanization of processes began to spread. The goal of the breeders was to reduce the cost of meat. These birds are very suitable for aviary keeping.

Features of feeding and maintenance

In general, meat pigeon breeds They are not particularly demanding when it comes to living conditions. They are also very disease resistant. But it is important to choose the right food so that the birds grow quickly and gain weight. The basis of their diet is:

  • barley;
  • millet;
  • oats;
  • peas;
  • corn;
  • sunflower seeds.

It is also worth including potatoes in their diet - this product is rich in nutrients and vitamins necessary for meat pigeons.

Such birds must be constantly provided with food, in which case their productivity will be maximum.

Another important point is the provision of vitamin E, which prevents the development of obesity, to which meat pigeons are prone. There should be at least 10 mg per kilogram of feed.