Waste recycling as a business in Russia. Financial aspect of business organization

IN European countries up to 80% of household waste is returned back to production. In Russia, the system for collecting recyclable materials is being revived. This is economically beneficial for processors, and gives many entrepreneurs a good chance to open their own business with minimal investment in 2017.


About 4 million hectares of land in Russia are occupied by landfills, and it is no coincidence that 2017 has been declared the year of ecology. The federal budget includes funds for preferential loans for waste disposal activities. For those who are starting a business from scratch, ideas for collecting recyclable materials will be interesting, since this business does not require large investments, and the need of enterprises is constantly growing. Since there are a lot of varieties of “useful waste,” we will review the recyclable materials in demand in Russia.

What types of waste are in demand?

Expecting to open a business in 2017, you need to know what waste is of interest to existing producers in the city or region. Demand and prices for them are determined by actual and potential buyers. The most profitable is considered to be the processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, glass and waste paper (Table 1).

Table 1. Percentage of waste used as secondary raw materials. Based on materials from the study of the SSGA, Novosibirsk.

Type of recyclable materials

Inferred resources, million tons

Degree of use, %

Type of production

Share in the finished product, %

Scrap ferrous metals

steel foundry

Car tires (crumb rubber, reclaimed)


Blast furnace slag, thermal power plant, ash, mining and processing waste

Construction Materials(crushed stone, gravel, sand)

Plastic waste

products made from thermoplastic polymers

glass breaker

Waste paper

cardboard and paper

Recycled raw materials in Russia are used in almost all industries, and the demand for them is growing. Prices vary by region and are determined by the needs of local producers.

1. Car tires.

This is one of the most promising areas for starting a business from scratch; ideas in this direction deserve special attention. The volume of discarded tires in Russia in 2015 amounted to about 940 thousand tons. More than 80% goes to landfill (of which 20% is burned), and only 17% is mechanically recycled. The content of usable components is shown in table. 2, potential market capacity - in Fig. 1.

Most often, used tires are recycled into crumb rubber. The material is 2-3 times cheaper than synthetic rubber. The market is in the early stages of development, but prices have already formed, demand and stable supply have appeared. Certain requirements are imposed on the feedstock: the waste must comply with GOST 8407-89, it must be clean, have a residual layer of rubber, and intact sides. Typically, tires on rims, with studs, and mixed rubber-metal products are not accepted.

2. Waste paper

During 2013-2015, prices for waste paper increased by almost 60%; its export is currently prohibited, and sales are exempt from VAT. This is a traditional raw material in demand on the market; GOST 10700-97 has been developed for it. According to this document, the paper used is divided into 15 classes based on composition and 3 quality groups. The most expensive variety: white drawing, writing, copying (MS-1A), the cheapest - wallpaper, packaging, poster (MS-13B).

Raw materials are universally accepted for processing by factories producing:

  1. paper, containers, corrugated cardboard packaging (relevant ones included);
  2. linoleum, roofing insulating materials, vinyl leather;
  3. toilet paper, napkins, disposable medical linen.

The quality requirements depend on the direction of recycling. The paper must be cleaned, sorted, packaged (pressed) into briquettes weighing 50 kg or more. This processing saves warehouse space and reduces transportation costs.

3. Scrap metal (ferrous and non-ferrous).

The most profitable business, however, its organization is the most expensive of all types of recycling collection. This is due to the need to obtain a license; the rules and conditions for obtaining it, as well as handling scrap metal, are regulated by two main regulations:

  1. on licensing of procurement, storage, processing - No. 1287, 12/12/2012;
  2. on the handling of scrap and waste of non-ferrous metals - No. 370, 05/11/2001.

Procurement includes the purchase of scrap from individuals and organizations, transportation and sales. Mandatory requirements: drawing up acceptance certificates, monitoring for radioactivity and explosion safety. This entails the purchase of special equipment, training and confirmation of the qualifications of workers.

License terms, OKVED codes for ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal - different. This is a competitive type of activity, however, in regions with developed metallurgical and metalworking industries, it brings good income. The opportunity to open your own business in this area is simplified if you use a franchise offer, they are presented on the market.

4. Used batteries.

About 65% of the metal that is used in the production of new batteries is recovered from old batteries. The main part is lead (up to 17 kg), and in addition: nickel, zinc, cobalt, silver oxides. This is economically beneficial for enterprises, therefore the average acceptance prices for this type of recyclable materials are high. For example, in Novosibirsk there are more than 50 companies that buy batteries, and the cost ranges from 570 (45Ah) to 3,400 (220Ah) rubles.

Common places for battery collection: garage cooperatives, active roadways, transport companies, car repair services. Reception centers are usually located there and advertisements are posted there. If you consider that most car owners are simply too lazy to specifically look for a place to return a used battery, then they give them away for 150-200 rubles.

However, the collection and storage of batteries is subject to licensing. This is waste of hazard class 3-4, and work with it is regulated by two federal laws: No. 89-FZ (06.24.1998) and No. 99-FZ (05.04.2011). The license is issued to both the individual entrepreneur and the organization. It notes a specific type of activity, so you can limit yourself only to the collection of batteries, including their neutralization (draining the electrolyte).

5. Polymer waste (PET bottles).

This type of recyclable material is represented by plastic production waste and household waste. While 80% of the former go into recycling, used bags, packaging, and disposable tableware litter recreation areas and large and medium-sized cities everywhere. In the total volume of garbage, the share of plastic is more than 60-70%. The PET bottle holds the palm among polymers.

The main consumers are companies producing building materials, polyethylene film, and plastic household products. Demand for it clearly exceeds supply (Fig. 2). Acceptance prices depend on the quality, purity and degree of processing of the material. Thus, landfill waste costs 2-3 times lower than sorted household waste. The most primitive processing that PET undergoes:

  • removing lids and labels;
  • sorting by color;
  • pressing into bags.

Inexpensive mini-plants for plastic processing significantly increase business profitability. For example, landfill PET waste is accepted at a price of up to 6 rubles/kg, LDPE waste - from 10 rubles/kg, washed and sorted used film - at 11-13 rubles/kg, and granules and agglomerate cost 25-35 rub/kg Despite the fact that the cost of a new film Russian production varies from 39 to 49 rubles/kg.

In fact, the plastic recycling market in Russia is just emerging. Experts estimate its potential at $150 million. From all types of workpieces polymer waste: collection points, waste separation, separate collection of household waste - the latter is the most effective from an economic point of view.

6. Cullet and glass containers.

Along with waste paper, there are old and sought-after recyclables. Cullet took the place of solid glassware for a simple reason. Manufacturers have begun to produce bottles and cans that are so original that this makes them very difficult to reuse.

It is required always and everywhere. Two years ago, the Novosibirsk Ekran plant began opening collection points for recyclable materials from the population, since its shortage was holding back production. He needs up to 5 tons of cullet per month, but with the help of suppliers (including other regions) he manages to collect only 1.5-2 tons.

A collection point for glass containers justifies itself if, for example, a brewery is located nearby. Thus, Baltika uses up to 36% of recycled bottles. But cullet is even more profitable because it expands the list of potential suppliers. These could be companies that install window packages, or you can install containers for separate collection in yards. Glass makes up about 17% of household waste.

7. Computer scrap.

Old electrical equipment, computers, and telephones are in great demand, as evidenced by a simple request in Yandex (Fig. 3). At the same time, prices for scrap are very good (Fig. 4). This activity is usually carried out through intermediary firms that have appropriate licenses and are associated with raw material processors. They do the disassembly and sorting themselves, forming batches for delivery of quite large volumes (from 300 kg).

This is a good option for starting a business from scratch if you organize a reception point in a multi-storey residential area. In almost every apartment there is a lot of rubbish that has been lying around in the corners for years and is simply thrown into the trash. Simply because there is no place nearby where it can be rented out, even for little money.

The collection of equipment containing precious metals does not require licensing, but the company must be registered with the Assay Office. Therefore, in order to avoid obtaining permits at the first stage, you can operate under an agreement with one of these companies, maintaining a representative office in your city or region.


There are three main sources of recyclables:

  • reception directly from the population,
  • removal of defects and waste from organizations and enterprises;
  • collection, transportation from landfills of solid waste.

The latter is the most stable, although its implementation will require concluding an agreement with the municipal housing and communal services service. It is necessary to provide for the costs of specialized equipment, which are usually small. In general, this activity does not require licensing, with the exception of work with scrap metal and hazardous waste (batteries, mercury). It falls under the patent tax system - the most beneficial for small businesses.

The problem of waste disposal in many countries, including Russia, is very acute. City landfills take up a lot of space, but some of the garbage (for example, plastic) can be recycled, thereby saving raw materials. And while in developed European countries this issue is being actively resolved by launching entire processing complexes, in our country only a few small factories are currently operating. And this is the main prerequisite for buying equipment for plastic processing and launching your own highly profitable business.

In this area, raw materials, in the literal sense of the word, are lying on the street. But the resulting product (purified plastic) will then be sold. This is direct proof of the profitability of the business.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 600,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 7/10.

The plastic processing business gives entrepreneurs great development opportunities - the resulting products are in demand, the equipment is relatively inexpensive, and no special knowledge is required. But let us also highlight the main problem that every entrepreneur must solve - waste collection. The fact is that not every person, even if given such an opportunity, will sort waste into containers, separating paper waste from plastic. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan for plastic processing, you will have to think through all the nuances of collecting raw materials for the smooth operation of the line.

When developing an idea, you can pay attention to the experience of foreign colleagues. In many countries, some options for collecting raw materials work quite effectively.

How can plastic be “mined” for further processing in Russia?

  • Open paid plastic collection points.
  • Agree with enterprises on the supply of unnecessary raw materials.
  • Divert plastic waste from landfills on your own.
  • Installation of containers for plastic waste throughout the city.

Establishing an enterprise is a long process. And all because of the novelty of the direction. But if you approach the matter wisely, you can achieve success in this area.

Where to start a business?

It will be possible to open a mini plastic processing plant only after receiving all permits from the regulatory authorities.


  • business license,
  • ecological conclusion.

An entrepreneur should prepare for a lengthy process of collecting a package of documents. And if you don’t have time for this, it’s better to hire a specialist.

Since the processing industry can be harmful to environment, you need to find a room in advance somewhere in the industrial part of the city. The workshop will also be checked for compliance with all environmental and fire safety standards.

It is possible to receive a government subsidy for running a business. Plastic recycling is an important matter, and therefore the government today allocates small funds for the development of this area.

Plastic waste recycling technology

Plastic recycling technology is not complicated. And here you can save part of the budget, since you don’t have to hire highly qualified personnel.

What raw materials can modern lines process?

  • factory packaging,
  • polyethylene bags,
  • plastic products.

Everything is clear with the raw materials, but what can you get as a result? Depending on what kind of plastic processing plant will be implemented in production, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to sell in the future:

  • PVC granules,
  • flex,
  • chemical fiber,
  • fuel.

The most cost-effective products that are invariably in high demand among the end customer are granules and flex. They are also easier to manufacture. Flex is plastic flakes, which can later be used in many areas of production - to produce chemical fiber or plastic bottles. The organization of this technology will require minimal costs. But processing plastic into granules can bring higher income to the entrepreneur, since this material is more expensive on the market and is in high demand among industrial plants. But the processing of plastic into fuel in Russia has not yet taken root well, since it will require an expensive technological line.

Fuel from plastic waste– reality! And in the future, perhaps, this will become a real way out of the fuel crisis. Several similar enterprises are already actively operating in the United States. From 1 ton of plastic raw material you can get 3-5 barrels of synthetic oil of medium or light fractions.

The line for processing plastic waste, after receiving and sorting raw materials, carries out the following stages:

  • Waste crushing.
  • Plastic agglomeration is the sintering of crushed plastic into small lumps.
  • Granulation of mass – formation of plastic balls in special equipment.

In fact, each of the designated stages is complete. For example, purified crushed plastic (aka flex) and agglomerate can be sold as final products.

The organization of processing plastic waste into a specific final product is carried out based on what kind of products are planned to be offered to customers in the future.

Equipment needed for plastic recycling

Have you already started accepting plastic for recycling? Then you can start selecting the necessary technical equipment. The choice of line will directly depend on the entrepreneur’s further plans - sales volumes and the intended product for sale.

The technical equipment of the workshop is a significant expense item. But capital costs can be reduced if you limit yourself to the production of only flex or agglomerate.

Plastic Recycling Production Line

To organize a workshop for complete waste recycling, you will need to buy the following plastic machines:

  • Crusher.
  • Automatic machine for obtaining agglomerate.
  • Granulator.

We do not take into account complex equipment for producing liquid fuel from plastic waste - this technology is not yet profitable to implement in Russia. Yes, and there will be problems with purchasing the line - we don’t produce such things yet.

The price of equipment for processing plastic into full-cycle granules is quite high - about 4,000,000 rubles. Its productivity is up to 1 t/h. But you can save a lot if you purchase semi-automatic machines with low productivity. Then it is quite possible to meet 2,000,000 rubles.

But the high cost of technical equipment for the workshop should not be scary, since all investments will pay off very soon, given that the price of accepting plastic for processing is very low, and the final product is sold well at a fairly competitive price.

To accommodate a full cycle line, you will need to find a room with an area of ​​at least 150 m2. If we talk about individual machines, then it is quite possible to place one crushing machine even in a garage.

What income will the business generate?

A plastic recycling machine will be an excellent investment for the future. Considering the demand for plastic raw materials (it is used in many industrial areas), the enterprise will bring consistently high income to the entrepreneur - regardless of the season.

The most profitable clients are large companies that purchase raw materials in bulk. And it is precisely these buyers that you need to rely on when launching processing production.

The amount of investment in a business varies from 600,000 rubles. up to 5,000,000 rub. It all depends on the planned development path. Home business, where one crusher will operate, and the purchase of plastic for processing will not require large funds, you can open it with a minimum of investment. But launching a full-fledged processing plant will require at least 3,000,000 rubles. Capital costs include:

  • Obtaining permission to conduct business.
  • Workshop equipment.
  • Purchase of raw materials.

According to practice Russian entrepreneurs, a processing business can bring in up to 300,000 rubles. net profit. And all thanks to practically free raw materials, because many will be ready to recycle plastic completely free of charge. Plastic granules cost ≈30,000 rubles/t on the market. Flex is somewhat cheaper - 10,000-15,000 rubles/t.

Waste recycling is the most promising business

A very favorable activity for investment is the waste recycling business. Firstly, there are relatively few waste processing companies, while there is enough raw material for everyone - about 250 kg of household waste per person per year. Secondly, the entrepreneur can organize a reception various types garbage. The high profitability of production turns waste recycling into a very profitable business: up to 0.8 kg of secondary raw materials can be obtained from 1 kg of plastic waste. Today, the classical approach to waste disposal (into a container - to a landfill - reclamation) is becoming ineffective and also potentially dangerous - toxic waste pose a certain threat to the environment and human health. Government and the city administration have a favorable attitude toward waste recycling enterprises. And, therefore, the waste recycling business will soon become very popular.

Organization of mini-production for waste processing

The first thing an entrepreneur will have to deal with is organizing the supply of raw materials. It is recommended to start by accepting different types of waste in your area. For these purposes, you will need a truck with compartments where the raw materials will be stored. The main difficulty lies not in collecting, but in sorting waste. You'll need some start-up capital because people won't sort their trash for free. This means you need to set a certain price for bottles or waste paper. Plastic packaging is one of the most difficult wastes to recycle.

According to experts, profitability is good organized business waste recycling can be up to 80%. Consequently, your enterprise will fully pay for itself within a few months. Deep recycling of waste can bring maximum profit. It has been established that the greater the turnover of an enterprise, the longer it takes to pay for itself.

You should decide in advance what types of municipal solid waste (MSW) you will work with, since organizing a universal enterprise for processing solid waste will require very significant material costs.

We draw up a business plan: we calculate costs

The construction of a huge universal complex for processing all types of solid waste (wood, rubber, plastic, metal, paper and glass) will cost, according to experts, a huge amount - over $20 million. But even a more modest enterprise can generate significant income. Setting up a workshop specializing in one type of solid waste will cost from 50 to 300 thousand dollars.

It will take about 2-3 thousand dollars to equip warehouse and production facilities, as well as bring them into full compliance with fire and sanitary standards. If production is located close to residential buildings, it will be possible to save on the removal of raw materials. In this case, garbage and waste for your enterprise will be supplied by local residents.

The cost of a crusher, sorting line and other equipment of domestic production can be approximately estimated at 50 - 70 thousand dollars. Waste paper is purchased for 30 - 50 kopecks, depending on the quality of the paper, and sorted plastic raw materials from 1.5 to 7 rubles. per kilogram.
In total, the minimum investment amount will be: $50 thousand + purchase of raw materials and wages of hired workers and payment of rent for premises and electricity.

Certificates and other necessary documentation

To engage in the processing of solid waste at legally, You will need to obtain a license from the Ministry of Environment. The Law “On Environmental Expertise” requires any entity that collects and subsequently processes waste to undergo an environmental assessment. The conclusion is issued for the entire period of the company’s activities, its cost is about 5.5 thousand rubles.

The entrepreneur must also obtain permission from the fire and sanitary services, prepare project documentation With detailed description technological processes future waste recycling plant. Each conclusion will cost from 300 to 1000 rubles; it usually takes from 3 months to six months to collect all the documentation. During the operation of your enterprise, its activities will be checked quarterly by local orderlies, firefighters, nature conservationists and other government services.

Industrial premises And necessary equipment

The best option for organizing a waste processing enterprise is a premises located near a landfill, on the outskirts of the city, or, in extreme cases, in an industrial zone. It is advisable that the nearest residential building be located no further than 600 meters from the enterprise. You can organize your own fleet of vehicles to supply raw materials from the landfill or negotiate with city municipal waste removal companies or companies specializing in cargo transportation.

A small room with an area of ​​no more than 100 sq.m. can be equipped as a warehouse. To set up a workshop, you will need a room with an area of ​​300 - 500 sq.m.

The minimum set of equipment for an enterprise includes: a crusher, a sorting line, a press, a storage hopper, and a magnet. A set of used imported cars or domestic analogues costs from 50 to 70 thousand dollars. Experienced entrepreneurs believe that there is no need to spend money on expensive foreign machines, since domestic units are more reliable, cheaper and more stable in operation. In addition, it is easier to select the components necessary for repairs.

Personnel for waste processing plants

Personnel should be hired depending on the scale of production. A medium-sized waste recycling plant employs about 40 people, sorting, shredding and rejecting waste by about fifteen people per shift. All work is done manually. The enterprise needs both ordinary workers and experienced specialists who can distinguish unsuitable raw materials from suitable ones by eye, train newcomers and control the quality of their work.

Sales of finished products

Depending on what raw materials your enterprise works with, its products will be sold.

Toxic waste (mercury lamps, etc.) is processed by burning. Industrial and construction materials are obtained from them;
- plant waste is processed into compost intended for fertilizing the soil, landscaping areas and growing flowers;
- various electronic waste (picture tubes, electrical appliances) serve as a source of metals - iron, copper, aluminum, as well as glass;
- paper is processed and sold as recycled material for the formation of new varieties.
The cost of one ton of processed and compressed recyclables is calculated as follows:
- polymers up to 9,000 rubles;
- waste paper – up to 1,500 rubles;
- aluminum cans – up to 15,000 rubles.

Consumers of waste disposal company services and products are:

1. Municipal authorities. Their main task is to eliminate the city landfill and environmentally friendly recycling of waste.

2. Pulp, woodworking, glass and other enterprises are interested in recycling their waste. Enterprises cannot afford to store waste on their own territory, and the state imposes significant fines for unauthorized disposal. You can offer business owners waste removal for less than their current disposal costs.

3. Consumers of recycled leather waste, polymer waste, construction waste , rubber products will purchase recyclable materials for industrial and individual purposes from you.

Organizing a waste recycling business is a profitable business, but it requires certain financial investments. Provided there is a well-established sale of recyclable materials or agreements on the removal of waste from various enterprises, the payback period for the business will be from 10 months to 1.5 - 2 years. If an entrepreneur fails to establish distribution channels, the company will incur significant losses. According to expert observations, the profitability of a successful enterprise ranges from 40 to 82%, since there is practically no competition in this segment.

Recycling PET bottles and other plastic products became relevant immediately after the start of their mass production for household needs. Under natural conditions, plastic decomposes for a very long time, so sooner or later society faces the question: what to do with waste from this material - dispose of it or process it into raw materials that are in demand for various production purposes. Statistics show that the profitability of enterprises involved in plastic processing is quite high. This is due to the insignificant costs of creating enterprises, the simplicity of processing technology and practically inexhaustible sources of raw materials.

IN Russian Federation This business is much more promising than in European countries. The numbers speak volumes about this: in Russia only about 6% of plastic bottles and other types of packaging are recycled annually, while in Europe this figure is 80%. The recommended business plan for plastic processing with calculations is a project for organizing a small plant that will be in demand in almost any region of the country, especially in small towns and near places of mass recreation.

Market Review

Worldwide, over 3 billion tons of waste are generated every year from various materials. Of this amount, at least 11-12% is plastic. The United States produces the most plastic waste – approximately 77 kg per person. In our country this figure is 25 kg. Mostly polyethylene and polypropylene are recycled. Combined waste is practically not recycled. Recyclable materials obtained from plastic waste are sent to enterprises engaged in the production of various structures, composite building materials, packaging products, etc. An important advantage modern technologies recycling is that during the recycling process many of the original properties of plastic materials are lost and their scope reuse narrows, thereby reducing the re-production of waste.

In Russia, the annual volume of plastic waste generated is estimated at approximately 40 million tons, of which only 35% is suitable for recycling. As noted above, only 6% of this amount is sent for processing. The rest is transported to numerous landfills, the size of which grows from year to year.

The main obstacle to organizing a civilized approach to plastic recycling in our country is the lack of a system separate collection. Only such activity can become the main one for deep processing, because sorting mixed waste makes it possible to extract only 10-15% of recyclable raw materials from them.

Despite all the difficulties, the plastic waste recycling industry is developing in Russia. The number of factories producing flex from used plastic is gradually increasing in the country, their profitability is increasing, and the cost of primary raw materials is increasing, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the use of recyclable materials.

It is gratifying that new laws are being adopted at the state level and attractive economic conditions are being developed for market participants. On it in given time The main players are:

  • 11 thousand landfills and landfills.
  • 4 waste incineration plants (all located in the capital region).
  • 5 waste processing plants.
  • 39 sorting bases.
  • Over 1 thousand transport organizations involved in waste removal.

A feature of the domestic plastics processing market is its predominantly local nature, which leads to a constant increase in the area occupied by landfills. According to the FAS Russia, the market is characterized by an extremely low level of competition, especially in the regional context. An example of this is city statistics, which depend on population size. In particular, 45% of cities with over 100 thousand residents are served by one waste removal company. Much more organizations are engaged in recycling,

In general, according to Research.Techart, the domestic recycling market is estimated at $1.5-2 billion. There are quite a few “pure” processors; most enterprises prefer to produce flexible products.

In addition, the Russian plastic recycling market is technologically underdeveloped, as evidenced by the following statistics:

  • There are 36-38 million tons of waste in the country's landfills (i.e. 90-92% of the total).
  • Only 1.8% of solid waste is burned in the country.
  • 1.2-1.6 million tons (3-4%) are subjected to industrial processing per year.

Thus, opening a small plastic processing plant is a socially significant and economically attractive business line.

Organizational and legal form

A plastic processing enterprise is created within the legal form of a limited liability company (LLC). This choice is due to the advantages that the plant will have in production and commercial activities. First of all:

  • Possibility of concluding contracts for the supply of products abroad.
  • Granting the right to cooperate with legal entities.
  • Wider prospects for the development of the enterprise.

In accordance with the chosen form of business organization, taxation is carried out according to the general system.

The main taxes paid and their amounts are indicated in the following table:

Tax Applicable tax base Periodicity Bet amount
By the amount of profit Amount of profit received Mts 20%
VAT Amount of accrued VAT Mts 18%
For property The amount of the cost of the acquired property According to schedule 2,2%
Income Payroll Mts 13%
Social payments Payroll Mts 34%

Description of the object

The plant being created for processing plastic waste will produce flex as a final product. This material is in the form of granules, which can later be used to make disposable plastic dishes, packaging containers, films and tapes made of plastic and other products.

Implement milestones of this project is planned within the following timeframes:

Stage / month, decade 1 2 3
1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 1 Dec
Registration of LLC, enterprise + + +
Registration in tax authorities, opening a current account + +
Signing a lease agreement for production space + +
Purchase of production and technological equipment + + +
Repair of industrial premises + + +
Registration of permits and conclusion of contracts for the supply of raw materials for the enterprise + +
Installation, adjustment and testing of a plastic processing production line + + + +
Conclusion of contracts with consumers of final products (flex) + +
Recruitment + + +
Starting a business +

Selection of production premises

For the normal functioning of a plastic processing enterprise, unused premises of a factory or large warehouse are selected with total area not less than 120 sq. m. The facility must have a connection to the electricity, water supply and sewerage networks. The most preferable location of the plant is near landfills for waste collection and storage. This will reduce the costs of transport support for the project.

The facility is equipped with premises for:

  • Enterprise office.
  • Warehouses for raw materials and finished products.
  • Factory workers.
  • Workshops with an installed plastic processing line.
  • Sanitary and hygienic needs of personnel.
  • Storage of spare parts of equipment and tools.

On the territory of the plant there is a parking area for vehicles delivering raw materials for processing and exporting finished products.

The best solution for choosing premises is to provide them for rent by the city administration as part of a regional environmental program.

Production and technological equipment

The preparatory stage for plastic processing consists of the following operations:

  • Collection of PET bottles and other types of plastic packaging.
  • Sorting of raw materials by classes (colors).
  • Rejection of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) products.

After their completion, the raw materials are sent to a technological processing line consisting of the following units:

  • Band conveyer.
  • Rotary machine.
  • Screw conveyor with Archimedean screw.
  • Machine for removing caps and labels from bottles.
  • Crusher.
  • Boiler.
  • Screw.
  • Washing machine.
  • Rinsing machine.
  • Dryer-water separator (centrifuge).
  • Air drying equipment (pneumatic dryer).
  • Flotation baths.
  • Storage hopper.

The capacity of the purchased equipment is 700 kg of flex per hour. The line is operated by two workers.


At the initial stage of the project, 18 employees are hired to work at the plastic waste recycling plant. Staffing table and labor costs are shown in the following table:

Name of position (specialty) Number of full-time employees Salary per month Payroll per month
Director 1 30 000 30 000
Collectors-sorters 15 12 000 180 000
Workers servicing a plastic processing line 2 20 000 40 000
TOTAL 18 62 000 250 000

Accounting services at the initial stage of operation of an enterprise are outsourced.

Financial plan

The total investments in the project are distributed as follows:

Directions for project financing Total
Purchase of equipment 3 500 000
Working capital 155 000
Organizational expenses 610 000
Total (in rub.) 4 265 000

It is planned that plastic bottles will be purchased mainly from the local population at a price of 15-18 rubles per 1 kg (in calculations the price of 18 rubles per 1 kg is used). Considering that approximately 800 grams of flexible are obtained from 1 kg of plastic waste, the technological losses of the line will amount to 20% of the total mass of waste. The average cost of flex granules is 35 rubles/kg. Transport costs are accepted in the amount of 20% of the cost of raw materials.

Under these conditions, the plant’s revenue from product sales for the first year of its operation will be 17,248,000 rubles.

The total costs of the project for 1 year of operation of the enterprise are shown in this table:

The projected revenue of the plant for 1 year of operation will be 17,248,000 rubles, with a production cost of 18,651,000 rubles. Taking into account the payment of taxes in the amount of 172,480 rubles, the net profit of the enterprise will be 1,575,480 rubles. Thus, with a planning horizon for the enterprise’s activities of 1 year, projected expenses and income, investments in the creation of a plastic processing plant will pay off no later than 8 months from the date of its opening. The profitability of the enterprise for this period will be 27%.

SWOT analysis of business

Visualization of potential risks and benefits of this business gives a SWOT analysis.


  • Availability of versatile international experience activities of enterprises in this industry.
  • Availability of standard design and estimate documentation for the creation of plastic processing facilities.
  • High social significance of the type of activity.
  • Availability of public environmental organizations, supporting the creation of processing enterprises.
  • Availability of environmental programs implemented by local government bodies.
  • Simplicity of raw material processing technologies.
  • Constant availability of raw materials for processing.

Weak sides:

  • Insufficient development of a regional regulatory framework for the activities of plastic waste recycling plants.
  • Possible limitation of raw material sources in some regions of the country.
  • Insufficient level of organization of separate waste collection.
  • Poor development of the industry in the country.
  • Low social prestige of the activity.

As a result, a business may face the following risks:

  • Market fluctuations in the cost of final products.
  • Decrease in investment attractiveness.
  • Changes in the field of state regulation of waste management rules.


Creating an enterprise for processing plastic waste is economically feasible and profitable business. Profitability production process ensured by insignificant costs for the purchase of raw materials, low current production costs and high level profit after the enterprise reaches break-even operating mode.

The average city dweller throws out up to 250 kilograms of garbage per year, and about a third of this mass is polyethylene containers. PET bottles are widely used for storing and transporting both beer and kvass, and for mineral waters, various juices and drinking water. There's a lot in the trash plastic containers from technical fluids, primarily those that motorists use when servicing their cars.

Of course, it would be wiser to recycle the plastic , n Despite the fact that one used polyethylene bottle is an empty space, its weight is negligible. Containers made of glass or cardboard are much heavier. However, it is difficult to find in trash container more expensive and necessary raw materials for the production of expensive chemical fibers from polyethylene, new packaging for liquids.

The first product of plastic waste processing is flex. This is a flake-like raw material obtained by primary processing of plastic bottles. With further processing, it can be used to produce the same types of plastic containers as those that were thrown into the trash. The chain of recycling plastic waste is almost endless, and each time, passing through a closed technological cycle, the product returns in an updated form to its consumer - a person.

Chemical fiber obtained from waste plastic containers is used to make brushes for road and sidewalk cleaning machines, and working parts for car washes. Flex is used to make polyethylene film and packaging containers, paving slabs and tiles. This is not the entire list of products for processing plastic raw materials; it can be continued almost indefinitely.

If we also take into account the environmental effect of recycling, then no one will have any doubt that this is a very useful thing. After all, in nature, plastic decomposes over several hundred years, polluting our cities, roads, lakes and even oceans. Opening a mini plastic processing plant in Russia means providing yourself with a profitable business for a very long time and doing good to humanity.

Plastic waste recycling technology

When processing solid household waste from plastic, the first step is sorting PET containers into colored and transparent. Then the colored waste is sorted again according to color scheme, since each color will be preserved in the future, and mixing colors means getting an indefinite color of a non-standard product. All foreign objects located inside the bottles and adhering to them from the outside are removed.

It is unacceptable to hit total weight plastic materials such as glass, rubber, paper or other types of plastic products. Each color will be processed separately in the future. Plastic recycling technology necessarily involves careful sorting of waste, since the price of finished raw materials will also depend on this.

At the next stage of processing, plastic raw materials, sorted by color tones, are pressed with special presses and sent to processing machines. In the machines, plastic is processed into granules, and the output is a flaky granular material - flex.

The plastic waste recycling line consists of several machines connected into a common conveyor chain using roller belt conveyors. In the first machine there is a rotation of raw materials with high speed, in which various labels, caps, caps and other foreign objects are separated from the walls of plastic containers. Next comes the crushing of the raw materials in a plastic processing plant, which is similar in principle to a blender. Grinding occurs using a knife mechanism that cuts the raw material into small crumbs.

The next stage is the supply of crushed raw materials to the steam boiler using a screw conveyor operating on the principle of an Archimedes screw. Under the influence of hot steam, the remains of foreign impurities and adhesive compositions in place of labels and lids are separated from the chopped mass. The raw materials become cleaned and washed to an intermediate degree of readiness.

The material washed in the steam boiler goes into the machine for more thorough washing and polishing of the crumbling surfaces. Next view processing - rinsing in water. The mass of raw materials is mixed with water, creating turbulent rinsing conditions. Only after this treatment can the plastic be considered completely cleaned and ready for a new stage in the manufacture of products from it. Of course, the washed mass should be dried well in a dryer and packaged in standard containers.

As if summing up the research technological sequence processing of plastic waste, we list all its main operations:

  • sorting PET waste by color and composition;
  • pressing of dirty waste;
  • rotation;
  • splitting up;
  • steam cleaning;
  • washing with water;
  • drying and packaging.

This sequence may change during the operation of other automatic processing lines, and some operations may be combined into one. But the basic principle of sorting and cleaning remains the same.

If the processing and granulation of PVC raw materials is carried out as part of an integrated organization of plastic waste processing, then the technology uses slightly different equipment. But everything that is needed for waste treatment described above is stored as a preliminary processing step. If the waste arrives sorted and pure form, then the loading of this raw material is carried out directly into the machine line of the complex.

The line consists of an apparatus for crushing PVC waste, a device for mixing various compositions, a two-screw extruder, a granulating apparatus and a sieve. If you buy equipment for processing plastic of this type, you will need an amount of about 2,500,000 rubles. This price of equipment for processing plastic into pellets is not so high if you consider the possible profit from its operation.

You can buy plastic recycling machines separately, but this will not necessarily be cheaper. The typical productivity of a small line for producing raw materials from plastic waste is up to 30 kilograms per hour. The cost of finished granulated PVC raw materials, depending on its color, technical properties and granule size, is up to 80,000 rubles per ton. Considering that even the smallest processing enterprise produces dozens of tons of raw materials per month, the plastic processing business can provide quite a large profit. If you increase the scale of production, then the income of the enterprise will grow in proportion to the increase in the total productivity of the machines.

Where to get PET waste?

Gaining access to raw materials of plastic waste means concluding agreements with waste processing plants. It is also beneficial for them when some company in large quantities makes purchases of plastic for recycling. After all, the price for one kilogram of empty plastic containers reaches 30 rubles and more. Again, you can use the main lever in the fight against competitors - increase the purchase price. But here, too, you need to see a dangerous line, beyond which there is a threat to deprive your production of profits.

Another option for obtaining PET waste is to install machines for receiving empty containers in places where juices, waters, and beer are sold. Such machines can often be seen in front of the entrance to shopping room big stores. There are collection points for used plastic containers in all big cities. The manufacturer of plastic raw materials should also establish contacts with them.

There is nothing humiliating about visiting large city dumps. After all, it is there that all the solids flock household waste, including PET bottles. Placing an advertisement on an A4 sheet of paper with an offer to buy plastic bottles, indicating the price of accepting plastic for recycling in the region of 20 rubles per kilogram is a matter of minutes. It is also important to indicate in the advertisement that the bottles must be empty and without caps, since caps complicate the waste sorting process.

To save yourself the hassle of traveling, you can place your own collection point for plastic bottles somewhere not far from the recycling workshop. Even if in small batches, but in this way the raw materials will find their way into your production.

The price for waste must be set in a differentiated form: for transparent bottles it should be higher than for colored ones. Then colored waste will occupy the average price niche, but for bottle waste Brown the price should be lower, since the industrial use of this plastic is limited. There is also another reason for this - the distributors of plastic waste will sort it themselves, without distracting the workers of the recycling workshop.

It will be difficult to start a business on the scale of a mini-workshop for processing plastic waste alone. To fully load the workshop with work, you will have to hire up to ten workers to organize shift work equipment. Minimum wage machine operator should be 15,000 rubles per month. You will also need auxiliary workers and an electrician with an accountant.

Profitability of recycling plastic waste

Receiving plastic for recycling gives this material a second life. It again becomes dishes, film, tape, chemical fibers. A ton of processed raw materials – flex – costs up to 22,000 rubles, and this is not the limit. Of ten tons solid waste it turns out about 8 tons of raw materials. It turns out that recycling bottles can bring even a home mini-workshop a monthly profit of 80,000 rubles.

You can compare the benefits of recycling various types plastic – PVC and PET. At recycling plastic (PET waste) results in a fairly high profitability of the enterprise. Even if the monthly salary for all employees is 190,000 rubles and the price of purchased raw materials is 3,000 rubles per ton, then with the number of working days in a month equal to 24, the productivity of the line will be at least 10 tons of flexible. And this is more than 300,000 rubles of net profit on the gross product. Considering and public utilities for the operation of an enterprise in the approximate amount of 25% of gross profit, the net profit of the entrepreneur will not be less than 200,000 rubles.

A similar calculation for recycling PVC waste. The cost of purchasing a production line will be about 2,500,000 rubles. Typically the number of workers on such a line is 2 people. Their average salary per month can be approximately estimated at 30,000 rubles. By purchasing raw materials from intermediaries at 20,000 rubles per ton and receiving finished product more than 200 kilograms per day, the monthly gross income will be 240 thousand.

If you manufacture more expensive types of PVC and transfer the production line to three shifts, you can increase the net profit of the enterprise by 3 times.

Even if we take the minimum numbers of the main indicators of the enterprise’s performance, then in 2–3 years the costs of the equipment will be recouped and the entrepreneur will reach a high-level profit regime. It is important not to get confused halfway, to be stubborn until you overcome any problems!

Experience of other producers of PET raw materials

The Russian waste recycling niche is practically unoccupied, especially in small towns. Such production is necessarily supported by the authorities, which means that it will be much easier to obtain a bank loan for a developed detailed business plan for plastic processing than for other production. In addition, you can count on free assistance from the city budget, given the dysfunctional environmental situation in areas of landfills and adjacent urban areas. It would not be surprising if sponsors and patriots of their city could easily be found to help buy machines for plastics.

The popularity of business on secondary raw materials is explained by the following reasons:

  • a business that processes PET bottles can count on government assistance, as it improves the state of the area’s ecological system;