Recycling plastic bottles as a business. Equipment for recycling plastic bottles

It takes about 300 years for a plastic bottle to completely decompose, and they cannot be burned, as this leads to pollution environment. Therefore, they are usually simply buried in the ground. However, you can make good money from this garbage by recycling it. City administrations are interested in improving environmental situation, so it is likely that you can count on receiving various preferences and discounts when organizing a workshop according to recycling plastic bottles.

Sources of raw materials

If you want to open a mini-factory for processing plastic bottles, then the first thing you need to find out is whether you can find enough raw materials. It can be obtained in several ways:

  • subscribe agreement with the landfill;
  • organize reception points bottles from the population for a small fee;
  • spread around the city ballot boxes For separate collection garbage in which people will throw away including plastic bottles

At first glance, it may seem that getting bottles that people throw away is not a problem. However, in reality this is not the case. All recyclable materials that are in landfills have already been divided between interested companies, and becoming the owner of this plastic is, as a rule, very difficult.

By organizing collection points, you can count on receiving bottles directly from the population, but you will need to spend on advertising and pay for the containers accepted.

By placing bins around the city for separate waste collection, you can receive raw materials for free. To do this, you will have to first agree with the city administration - most likely, she will not mind. A cheaper option is to put bins just for plastic, but in this case you will have to be prepared for the fact that people will simply start throwing everything into them.

Mini-plant for processing plastic bottles: preparation for opening

If you are confident that you can obtain sufficient quantities of raw materials, you need choose a legal form and taxation system. Suitable for a PET bottle recycling business.

When registering, you must select the processing of non-metallic waste and scrap as a type of activity, which takes place under number 37.20.

Equipment for recycling plastic bottles

In a workshop for processing PET bottles, the following equipment may be needed:

  • installation for removing caps and removing labels;
  • crusher;
  • steam boiler;
  • polishing machine;
  • rinsing machine;
  • drying unit.

Equipment for recycling plastic bottles can be purchased new or purchase installations, a machine for processing plastic bottles, already used, purchase the entire line entirely or cars separately.

Perhaps, best option- purchase of a new full-cycle PET bottle recycling line - the likelihood of problems with the installations in this case will be minimal.

Most manufacturers provide the service installation supervision- the company’s specialists install the line, set up its operation and receive the first batch of processed raw materials at your enterprise.

How is plastic recycled?

Plastic bottles are recycled in 5 main stages:

  • first you need to sort the bottles by color, each color is processed separately;
  • then they are cleaned of any debris that might have gotten on them - this operation, like the previous one, is done manually;
  • the bottles are delivered to the recycling line, where the labels and caps are first removed;
  • after crushing PET containers in a crusher, which is like a large blender, using hot water in a steam boiler, everything unnecessary is removed from the raw material - remnants of labels and debris that were not removed at previous stages of processing;
  • This is followed by a process of washing, rinsing and drying, after which the plastic can be considered fully recycled.

The result is processed raw materials, which look like white or colored plastic flakes - flex.

Recycling PET bottles as a business: required start-up capital and return on investment

Like any other successful business idea, organizing a workshop for processing plastic bottles at the right approach will bring good income. The required start-up capital depends on the region in which you are opening a business (plastic processing). Opportunities for obtaining raw materials, the price of renting premises and the size of employee salaries vary significantly from city to city.

IN averaged form The numbers for a business plan for recycling plastic (PET) bottles might look like this:

  • purchase of mid-price equipment - 3 million rubles;
  • purchase of raw materials - 30 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for salaries of the company’s employees - 120 thousand rubles;
  • contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund, Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund - 40 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 10 thousand rubles.

Net profit such a workshop will cost about 150 thousand rubles, the period payback enterprise - about two years.

Thus, you can make good money by recycling bottles. The main thing is to find sources of raw materials and establish distribution channels for products. By solving the first problem, you will ensure half the success of the entire enterprise. By finding buyers for your recyclables, you can count on receiving a stable income.

Perhaps, having started with bottle recycling and achieved success in this business, in the future you will want to open your own production using this raw material instead of selling it. This will allow you to take your business to the next level new level. Recycled plastic bottles are an excellent source material for the manufacture of a wide range of products for household and industrial use.

Plastic recycling business proper organization capable of generating a decent income. At the same time, such activities help save the environment by clearing landfills of non-degradable waste and preventing the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere when it is burned.

Advantages and disadvantages of a business idea

Even a small home-based recycling business plastic waste the same empty bottles are cost-effective. This is facilitated by low costs for raw materials - it can be obtained for free if you negotiate with enterprises that want to get rid of unnecessary waste.

Purchasing plastic waste from the population will require approximately 9 thousand rubles. per ton. If you choose the production of granules, then from 5 tons of waste you can get 4 tons of product. With properly organized sales, their cost will be about 200 thousand rubles.

Over a one-month period, taking into account weekends and working one shift, an average enterprise is capable of producing about 40 tons of processed product.

Profit excluding taxes and other expenses is about 2 million rubles. For such an enterprise, the equipment will cost approximately 4 million rubles. If you subtract the costs of rent, salaries, public utilities, transport, it will pay for itself in about six months.

A plastic bottle is the most common type of container today

It is necessary to take into account the scale of production and the chosen business technology. If you recycle small quantity plastic at home and produce not granules, but plastic flakes - flexes, then the income will be significantly less, but the costs of equipment will also be reduced. Here the average income is about 300 thousand rubles. per month, and reaching the break-even point occurs in about a year.

When organizing a plastic processing business, it is necessary to take into account its possible disadvantages:

  • a large number of permits, which will require both time and money. In general, starting a business will require 4 months and at least 50 thousand rubles. excluding the cost of equipment and rental;
  • difficulties in finding sales and quite high competition;
  • the need for manual labor, which expands the staff and costs for salaries, payments to insurance funds and tax.

But with a competent approach to the plastic processing business, these shortcomings are offset by good profits, which in a year will become stable, and a fairly quick return on the initial investment.

Types of plastic recycling

To properly organize a plastic recycling business, you need to decide what specific plastic waste will be sent for processing, and what final result is planned to be obtained. The choice of technology, scale of production and cost of equipment depend on this.

The most in a simple way is the processing of single-grade scrap without serious contamination - the same PET bottles.

But with good financial investments, you can organize a mini-factory for processing various types of plastic materials or plastics containing impurities. In this case, additional cleaning equipment will be required.

The processing process at enterprises is carried out mechanically or use chemical and thermal methods. To obtain secondary raw materials for sale, the first method is used. Chemical methods (hydrolysis, glycolysis, methanolysis), as well as thermal destruction (pyrolysis) require expensive equipment, special laboratory conditions, and it is extremely difficult to organize such production on your own.

Main types of recycled plastic:

  • polymer granules;
  • polymer-sand mixture;
  • flexes.

The granular form of polypropylene is ideally suited for its connection with other components

The plastic recycling business involves more than just pellets, which are used to create plastic bottles, polymer fibers and packaging.

If you purchase the appropriate equipment - melting and heating apparatuses - you can organize the production of a polymer-sand composition.

It can be sold to enterprises involved in the creation of flexible tiles, paving slabs and other similar products.

Processing technology includes five main stages:

  1. Sorting plastic by type and level of contamination.
  2. Initial grinding.
  3. Secondary sorting.
  4. Washing and drying.
  5. Melting the plastic until homogeneous and molding in a press granulator.

From one bottle you can get from 35 to 40 g of flakes

When creating flexes, the last stage is skipped, so you just get crushed plastic of a small fraction different colors. The granules have the same weight and size, they differ more high quality. It is more profitable to produce them, but the equipment is more expensive, since a special extruder is required.

The main difficulty of mechanical recycling is preliminary sorting and cleaning. Contaminated plastic is brought from landfills - removing labels, debris and impurities takes time and manual labor.

Where to start

To implement this business idea, you first need to analyze the market for competitors. If a city with a population of less than 100 thousand people already has a similar production facility, opening a new one is unprofitable. Or you need to change the direction of sales - come to an agreement with buyers in the nearest large populated areas, choose a different type of finished product. But in any case, the first step is to draw up a business plan for plastic recycling to take into account the likely costs and risks.

Drawing up a business plan

Even if you are planning to start a plastic recycling business at home, you need to start by drawing up a business plan. Ideally, it is better to create three options: realistic, optimistic and pessimistic. This will allow production work to vary depending on the situation. When drawing up a plan, you need to consider the following:

  • Availability of likely suppliers of raw materials and potential distribution channels finished products. It may be more profitable to spend money on equipment for the independent production of blanks for bottles or polymer fiber.
  • Required permits to start production. First of all, this is the official registration in tax authority as an LLC or individual entrepreneur with the purchase of an online cash register and its setup.
  • Choosing a suitable room. If you are organizing not a tiny production in a personal garage, but a mini-factory, it is economical to rent a non-residential workshop on the outskirts of the city. But all communications must be connected.
  • Selection and purchase of equipment. The kit depends on the final product. At the initial stage, you can save money by buying devices second-hand.
  • Calculation of personnel and expenses for salaries, transport.

Don't forget about advertising campaign. If preliminary sales agreements have already been concluded, a small website with product prices is sufficient. But you will probably need to spend money on leaflets to attract potential suppliers of raw materials and organizing containers in yards for separate waste disposal.

Recycling plastic bottles is a hazardous industry, so you will need to obtain a license to operate and obtain an environmental certificate

Search for plastic suppliers

To keep a processing line running continuously, a continuous flow of raw materials is required. To do this, it is necessary to establish not one, but several channels for its receipt:

  • purchase from the population;
  • organization environmental activities for cleaning up territories;
  • use of containers for separate waste collection;
  • collection of unnecessary plastic containers from cafes and restaurants.

With the right approach, most of the raw materials will be supplied free of charge, which will reduce the cost of production and increase the likelihood of its quick sale.

Installing containers is not enough; you need to purchase at least a cargo GAZelle

Search for premises and equipment

A mini-plant for plastic processing will require an industrial premises with an area of ​​at least 60 square meters. m with additional departments for storing raw materials and finished products. All communication lines must be connected to it.

You will need to obtain permits from the fire department and environmental services of the locality.

The set of equipment depends on the types of raw materials being processed, but you will definitely need:

  • automatic devices for feeding raw materials;
  • cleaning devices;
  • shredders for preliminary crushing;
  • crushers for final grinding;
  • bunkers;
  • dispensers.

Both liquid and dry modules can be used to clean plastics. The latter type is more convenient, economical and environmentally friendly.

The line consists of several units connected by conveyor belts

To process plastic bottles into flakes, a puncher and a specialized line, which already includes cleaning devices and shredders, are sufficient.

If you plan to produce granules, you will additionally need a granulator press. It consists of an extruder equipped with one or two screws, a slide filter, as well as an electric heater and an air or water cooler. Thanks to extruders with two screws, higher quality products are obtained, but such installations are more expensive. Low-cost extrusion machines are produced in China, Russia and Ukraine, while more expensive and high-quality ones are imported from Western Europe.

Modern models require remote control of operation. If you don’t skimp on an expensive automated line that carries out a full cycle of washing, separating from foreign inclusions, grinding and granulating, you can subsequently seriously save on salaries for regular staff.

Homemade equipment for plastic recycling on video

Personnel search

The staff of the processing complex depends on the scale of the enterprise and production automation. For home business Two family members will be enough, but a small plant will require hiring four workers per line, as well as a truck driver.

Possible errors

An optimistic business plan assumes that the plant operates without interruption, there is always enough raw materials, and finished product does not stay in stock. In this case, it is possible to obtain consistently high profits. But reality does not always coincide with the desired result. To establish the most cost-effective production, you need to take into account possible problems:

  • lack of raw materials to fully load the line;
  • geographical proximity of a competing enterprise;
  • lack of equipment capacity;
  • the risk of breakdown of equipment components, which will cause production to stop;
  • human factor - negligence or alcohol abuse of workers.

If you control these points, you can avoid production errors and achieve stable operation of the enterprise.

It’s no longer news to anyone that a plastic bottle takes several decades to decompose. And it is no longer possible to remember how we lived without them before. Meanwhile, they lived wonderfully. Drinks were sold in glass containers and often, in order to buy milk, kefir or lemonade, you had to return the same number of bottles that you would like to buy.

Young people think this is some kind of medieval savagery. But only some 25 years have passed since the day when plastic poured into our market. Therefore, the question of how to recycle plastic bottles is quite important.

Global environmental problem

And before, the approach was much more civilized than what is happening now. It’s enough just to take a look at the landscape on any city beach, park or even in the forest many kilometers from the city.

In the Moscow region, only unauthorized landfills occupy 1.5 thousand hectares.

About 10 million tons of PET are produced annually in the world. In Russia, tons of PET bottles are taken to landfills, where they are burned and buried.

This waste accumulates, poisoning the air, soil and water. This is a global environmental problem. Europe has already begun to more or less cope with this problem. By the way, PET containers are not that good. It allows ultraviolet light and oxygen to pass through, and also does not retain carbon dioxide inside, and this greatly reduces the shelf life of the product.

Such a market has not yet been fully developed

But there is also a plus: PET containers are recyclable. Recycled materials are used to produce insulation for jackets, stuffing for soft toys, so-called artificial wool, which is used for the production of knitwear, etc. So in the UK, about 70% of bottles are recycled, in Germany - 85%, and in Sweden - 95%. And in Russia it is only 6%. This suggests that this market is still very far from saturation. Thus, this is a tasty morsel for investors. Therefore, it is worth considering a business plan.

Recycling of plastic bottles, namely the organization of this business, should begin with the following: you need to find out whether there are any grandees in the region of interest or any government support for this type of business. Then you need to register legal entity and you can start looking for production space and an office.

Searching for premises and obtaining documents

For manufacturing enterprise for processing PET containers, you need to find a room with an area of ​​at least 3 thousand square meters. m. It is best to look for it in the suburbs. Abandoned factory, warehouse, hangar. If only it would fit the area, and communications would be provided. The premises will have to be divided into three parts: a production workshop, a warehouse for raw materials, and a warehouse for finished products. This must be taken into account when designing a business plan.

Recycling of plastic bottles is possible only with certain licenses and various approvals from services such as the SES and the fire organization. It will take about 200 thousand rubles to obtain all the necessary documentation.

What equipment will be needed?

Equipment for processing plastic bottles will cost approximately 4 million rubles. You need to be prepared to pay another 400 thousand for its installation and commissioning. Add to list necessary equipment includes a granulation line, a rotary grinder and an agglomerator.

You can get by with domestically produced equipment. Such a line for processing PET bottles will cost approximately up to 1 million rubles. But then you need to be prepared for low production capacity and frequent breakdowns lines.

However, it should be borne in mind that bottles can be used not only for the production of any other goods. Raw materials can be used to produce energy. This is the so-called pyrolysis recycling of plastic bottles. But this process requires the purchase of additional equipment.

What nuances need to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan?

Recycling plastic bottles without raw materials is impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase it. And this is a difficult question. Raw materials can be purchased from landfills. You will have to travel around a certain number of similar places, agree on a price, discuss the presence or absence of caps on the bottles. You can organize collection points for plastic containers. It would be good if one of these points was right next to the workshop. This will save transportation costs.

Why should you discuss the issue of traffic jams in advance? The whole point is that the complexity of the pressing process will be increased due to the presence of air in the bottle. Taking into account the fact that many begin their activities on weak lines, their breakdown is possible.

Accordingly, it will be necessary to hire employees who will manually check bottles for corks. And this entails additional costs. Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that such an important aspect must be discussed in advance with the supplier. Otherwise, recycling plastic bottles will be difficult.

Waste sorting technology

The habit of sorting garbage in Russia has not yet formed. But, for example, in England it is as natural as breathing. How could it be otherwise if the fine for improperly sorting waste is £1,000? Each type of waste (there are three) is collected only on a certain day of the week. And if the owner of the house confuses the days and places the bin with the wrong type of garbage, he will be fined again. The Germans also sort garbage.

The first type of waste is food waste. This waste is used to feed livestock and is also used as fuel in some energy industry enterprises. Paper is thrown away separately from cardboard, as the recycling methods for these wastes are different. Glass bottles different colors- in different tanks.

Old clothes and shoes are placed in special containers near stores, churches and parking lots. The batteries will have to be taken to the nearest supermarket and thrown into a special bin for batteries. Another tank for plastic and metal. And one more for the "rest".

Everything is not as absurd as it might seem at first glance

At first, it may seem to our person that he has found himself in a “world of the absurd.” It's no joke, about 10 different garbage cans. And in Germany, stores take a deposit (about 25 cents) for each bottle. If you return the bottles, you get your money back. And so it is in almost all European countries. There is hope that the rest will “wake up” soon. In the meantime, residents of high-rise buildings do not really understand why instead of one tank in the yard there are now two.

Capacity planning

You can plan labor costs based on production capacity. That is, a number of questions need to be answered. How many workers are needed at full load and shift work? How many drivers are there to deliver raw materials and ship finished products? Do you need an electrician, plumber, or janitor on staff? And also plan wages storekeeper, receiver, loaders, accountant, sales manager.

Sales of received products

All that remains is to organize sales of the products. From 50 tons of PET waste, about 40 tons of recyclable materials will be obtained. Recipients of commercial proposals can be manufacturers of disposable tableware, packaging film, fiber manufacturers for weaving factories, soft toy factories and many others. A list of potential clients with contact information can be found on the Internet. And then create a price offer, a system of discounts, a payment method - and the commercial offer is ready.

It is necessary to assess the competitiveness of this area

In order not to sit and think later why sales are not happening, you first need to familiarize yourself with the offers of your competitors. The best way to do this is to design a business plan. Recycling plastic bottles requires clear answers to the following questions: what do we sell, to whom, at what price?

The amount of initial capital

To summarize all of the above, we can note the factor that organizing your own business recycling bottles will require about 5 million rubles. This amount will include equipment for processing plastic bottles, the rental of the necessary premises, and the search for personnel. However, you should understand that your own enterprise must be constantly improved. Otherwise, it will not bring the expected income.


If plastic recycling, the business plan for which was described above, is organized correctly, then such an entrepreneurial idea will pay off within two years. Plus the satisfaction that this is an extremely important matter for environmental health. We cannot yet change the planet like an apartment. Therefore, it would be good to learn to live on this.

Polyethylene terephthalate is commonly called simply PET.

This is one of the most versatile and inexpensive materials for the production of convenient packaging.

Usually Drink bottles are made from polyethylene.

On average, one person produces more than 360 kg of solid household waste per year.

A significant part of them are plastic bottles, the decomposition of which in natural conditions will take hundreds of years.

Landfills are growing around major cities. Developed countries have been recycling and disposing of their waste for a long time. Gradually, the problem of garbage is beginning to be solved in Russia. It turned out that recycling plastic bottles can bring good income.

Today there are two main technologies. Most often obtained from plastic bottles PET granules, which are reused in the production of various polymer products. The technology for converting old bottles is revolutionary into automobile fuel. The domestic installation gives a product yield of about 900 grams per 1 kg of raw materials.

True, such equipment costs about 12-17 million rubles and is not affordable for small businesses. But the production of recycled PET is not difficult to organize. How does this happen and where to use the resulting recyclables? Let's consider the main stages.

Collection of raw materials

The collection of raw materials is the easiest to organize, but it costs minimum cash investment.

The municipality will most likely agree to such initiatives.

The easiest ways:

  • create reception points;
  • establish cooperation with landfills;
  • install on the streets bottle bins;
  • put machines for automated assembly of raw materials among the population.

The bottles are very light but bulky, so significant transport costs may be required at this stage. They can be reduced by purchasing a small press. This will allow us to significantly reduce the volume of primary raw materials and reduce the costs of transporting them.

If possible, bottles are better immediately collect without lids and rings, because they are made from a different type of plastic - PVC, which must be recycled separately.

Of course, at subsequent stages of processing they can be removed, but then it will not be so easy to compress them; you will need a special spiked press.

As an option, you can purchase a PET bottle piercer (puncher) as a separate unit.


Not all plastic is the same, so the collected raw materials need to be sorted. Bottles of different colors are collected separately:

  • colorless,
  • green,
  • blue,
  • brown.

Less suitable for bottle recycling like this:

  • red,
  • from under the oil
  • from dairy products,
  • packaging for household chemicals.

This processing step is very important because it greatly affects the quality of the final product.

It is important to select only PET type plastic, excluding all other types.

There are special types of equipment that allow perform this sorting automatically, but if there is a cheap one labor force, this can be done manually.


Sorted bottles must be thoroughly washed to remove labels, remaining contents, dust, dirt, and glue. Washing is simple hot water with caustic soda. The caps are unscrewed or cut off from the bottles if this has not been done previously.

For better cleaning from the inside bottles need to be crushed.


Well-washed PET is converted into special crushers flex– multi-colored flakes measuring 12-20 mm.

There are production lines that combine washing and crushing, which improves the quality of the finished product.

At the same stage, you can automatically sort the material by color, if this has not been done before.

Sorting PET by color is very important because Prices for plastic of different colors differ. Brown flakes are the highest quality, but the cheapest, as they cannot be repainted. Their purchase price is approximately $600 per ton. Next comes green and blue flex. Transparent is the most expensive, up to $800 per ton.

After washing, the flex is thoroughly dried in a centrifuge and dryer.

Unloading and packaging

Flex is an intermediate product in the PET bottles processing line, although many sell it as a finished product.

Clean and dry flakes are unloaded from the drying chamber hopper and packaged in big bags or plastic bags, usually 30 kg each.

The finished flex can already be sold to manufacturers, or you can still work on it and get a more expensive product - granules.


This is the process of flex sintering. It is crushed with rotating knives at a temperature of 100 degrees, resulting in small lumps of 2-15 mm. These lumps are sent for the final operation - granulation.


The crushed mass turns into granules of the same size and weight. Next is the mixture:

  • heats up to 280 degrees,
  • stretched into fibers
  • cut into identical granules.

At this stage you can use extruder.
In this case the mixture:

  • melts,
  • mixed,
  • is drawn into fibers.

Received fibers:

  • cut into pieces of the required length,
  • cool in cold water.

From such material already can be produced:

  • sewer pipes,
  • sheath for electrical wires,
  • mesh
  • and much more.

Granular plastic is already finished raw materials for packaging manufacturers and themselves wide range products - from basins to clothes.

Demand on the market

Recycled PET granulate is in wide demand in production:

  • preforms for plastic bottles;
  • thick film;
  • binding twine;
  • polyester for the textile industry;
  • tiles;
  • Euro pallets;
  • paving slabs;
  • abrasive wheels;
  • components for the automotive industry (engine covers, panels, bumpers, doors) and much more.

Recycling plastic bottles can be very profitable if the process is properly organized. Raw materials are cheap and available, and the final product widely in demand.

The same material can be recycled more than once.


In Russia, such production is still poorly developed, which means competition is still minimal. But in many countries plastic has long been no longer found on landfills. This type of recycling allows you to:

  • limit oil consumption,
  • reduce environmental pollution,
  • reduce prices for PET products.

The time is not far off when there will be a serious struggle for access to landfills.

  • Plastic collection
  • Tax system
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Plastic waste recycling - mega current idea V modern business. The number of goods and products that use plastic for packaging and containers is constantly growing. As a container, plastic is very advantageous compared to other materials, and this is the reason for its popularity. Meanwhile, from an environmental point of view, this is not the most “useful” material. Plastic does not decompose on its own, but when burned it releases harmful substances into the atmosphere. Therefore, its disposal is possible only at specially prepared sites...

Plastic collection

Collecting raw materials is precisely the stumbling block that confuses many investors. Unlike Europe, where residents have long been throwing away plastic waste in separate containers, this practice is not taking root well in our country. Well, our people don’t like to bother environmental problems when there are enough household items. Therefore, installing special prefabricated containers for plastic in the courtyards of high-rise buildings is an extremely dubious idea. There are other ways to obtain raw materials. One of the most realistic ones is the purchase of pressed recycled plastic. There are enterprises that specialize exclusively in collecting and pressing plastic bottles. There are such organizations everywhere big city. One kilogram of pressed PET costs about 15 rubles. The only difficulty here is to organize transportation of pressed PET, because the volume is very large. And not every small enterprise is ready to provide large volumes and its own transport.

Plastic recycling technology

Plastic recycling is a process carried out in several stages: first the plastic is washed and dried, then cut, and the last stage is the direct production of secondary material, plastic granules. Processing into granules is carried out in extruder presses, and the output is granular material - flex.

Recycled granules, which are obtained as a result of plastic recycling, are in high demand. This is exactly the case when demand actually exceeds supply. Our processing enterprises cannot meet the needs of the domestic market of the Russian Federation, so many enterprises purchase pellets from China. For this reason, due to the growth of the dollar in recent years The price of granules has risen sharply.

The granule is obtained from recycled waste, which at the first stage of processing is called flex (white multi-colored fluffy flakes). The granulate is then used to produce well-known plastic products: PET, barrels, canisters, bottles household chemicals, boxes, containers, plastic film. Raw materials are also used for the production of insulation for clothing, filling for soft toys and sleeping bags, for bandage tape and car upholstery. The scope of application of recycled plastic is so wide that in principle there should be no doubt about the sale of these products.

Choosing a place to recycle plastic

Selecting a production site is not an easy task. According to the law, such objects must be located at a respectful distance from residential buildings, at least 500 - 1000 m. You can look for suitable premises in the industrial zone of the city, where rental rates are not so high. The area of ​​the object must be at least 700 square meters. m., since it is necessary to allocate space not only for the production workshop, but also for the premises for receiving raw materials, as well as for the warehouse of finished products. As for engineering requirements, they are not so high. You can do without hot and cold water supply (use autonomous sources), without any “frills” in the design of the room. The main thing is to have sufficient electrical power for operation of the main equipment.

How much can you earn from recycling plastic?

So, a kilogram of plastic granulate costs about 80 rubles. For understanding, one 1.5 liter plastic bottle. weighs approximately 40 grams. That is, 25 recycled bottles will bring us 80 rubles. (revenue, of course), 25,000 bottles will already bring 80,000 rubles. Don’t forget that in addition to bottles, there are also heavier objects, such as cans, plastic barrels, etc. Their weight is more than 1 kg, and they are also available for next to nothing.

What equipment to choose for plastic processing

The list of equipment entirely depends on the technological length of the processing cycle. What do we mean? For example, PET waste can be purchased either cleaned or not cleaned (in fact, in its original form). In the latter case, you will have to additionally purchase equipment for washing waste, which will naturally increase the initial investment, but in the future will allow you to obtain products with a lower (and, therefore, more competitive) price. The line may include the following components:

  • Equipment for receiving, storing and transporting raw materials (pneumatic transport)
  • Grinding equipment (knife, hammer, impact crushers)
  • Mixing equipment (mixers)
  • Extruders
  • Calenders
  • Injection molding machines
  • Presses

It is difficult to say exactly how much the production line will cost. As noted above. A lot depends on the configuration, production goals and the country of the equipment manufacturer. One thing is for sure - it won’t be limited to $100 thousand. Perhaps that is why there are not so many similar enterprises in our country yet.

Key issues in organizing a plastic processing business

The organization of this area of ​​commercial activity must begin with a study of the market situation. You must find out which enterprises in your region will buy ready-made pellets, whether there is a free niche in this market, and also calculate how much you can reduce the wholesale cost of finished products in order to create your customer base. If you have found out that this area of ​​commercial activity has real prospects for development, then you can begin to address the following issues:

  • collecting information and preparing a business plan, but for this you need to decide on the method of obtaining raw materials (organize the work of plastic collection points or sign a contract with a company that produces pressed recyclable materials);
  • business registration with the Federal Tax Service, social funds and statistical authorities;
  • resolving all legal issues;
  • searching for premises for a workshop, as well as signing contracts with suppliers of raw materials/consumables and buyers of finished products;
  • formation of staff;
  • purchase of equipment, tools, etc.

Additional problems may arise during the implementation of the presented plan, but they rarely disrupt the proven algorithm for creating a profitable plastic recycling enterprise.

Financial aspect of business organization

If you plan to create a serious, profitable company, you will need a decent sum of money. The most expensive item of expenditure is the purchase of high-performance equipment ($70-150 thousand), followed by the following costs:

  • rental of premises;
  • repairs in the workshop, warehouses and office, taking into account the requirements of the fire inspection and Rospotrebnazor;
  • preparation of documentation and business registration.

In addition, do not forget that after the start of activity, it will take 1-5 months until the company reaches the level of self-sufficiency. These expenses must be financed from our own sources. If you count all the listed costs, you get an amount of 80-170 thousand dollars.

List of required documents

In addition to certificates of registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, etc., you must have the following documents:

  • permits from Rospotrebnadzor and fire inspection;
  • premises rental agreements;
  • staff contracts;
  • papers confirming product quality.

In addition, the activities of your company will be constantly monitored by environmentalists to eliminate the possibility of environmental pollution. Important point! Be sure to remember or save your activity code in a safe place. In this case, it is OKVED 38.32.53.

Tax system

Entrepreneurs who process plastic mainly choose a simplified tax regime. It allows you to prepare declarations to the Federal Tax Service without the appropriate education, and gives you the opportunity to choose the method of calculating taxes. You can pay 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.