Is it possible to make money making knives? Making handmade axes and knives

Today the market is full of products that are Chinese. Of course, knives are no exception, but the quality of the products suffers from a large number of offers. Therefore, many are increasingly turning to designer products, the quality of which cannot be doubted.

It is for this reason that it is considered beneficial to create something without leaving home. So making knives at home can become both a favorite activity and bring a good income. After all, such products will be used by hunters, fishermen, tourists, and simply connoisseurs of beauty.

Will making your own knives be difficult?

Will need to purchase necessary equipment, dexterity and desire to start earning money on your own. With experience, making knives no longer seems difficult, although initially the process will not be easy. The material that can be used for products is wood for handles, steel for blades. For example, beech wood is good because it is easy for beginners to work with. In order to set up production, you will need to purchase the required tools and materials. Although, initially it’s worth trying yourself in this matter by making a couple of test models. Many masters talk about the simplicity of the process, so you just need to master the skill.

How to make money on knives?

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 22:40

moved from Workshop

Hello good people. there is such a question. Does anyone have a knife making business or their own knife business??? I want to open my own, I wanted to know the features of this business

asi 08-08-2009 22:44

I have.
The main feature is to sell cheaper than you bought it.

Mikha_A 08-08-2009 22:45

so you read the forum carefully, who has THIS business, they are not hiding, it seems

zmeya 08-08-2009 22:51

At the age of 18, ambitions are usually higher... you start mastering the art of knife making, and the commercial component will stick on its own...

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 22:55

I have 50 blades on my account of varying complexity. learned to forge. There are even exclusive knives from the film The Chronicles of Riddick forged by himself. I just want to know all the nuances of this case, that's all

serge-vv 08-08-2009 22:56

you'll burn out
but seriously, without being a “promoted brand” it is very difficult, as in any other area, to prove that you are “worth”... well, or you can take volumes and prices... like Sanders, for example... or Vikings (not be remembered by night) ... show us what you are going to enter the market with, we’ll discuss

asi 08-08-2009 23:02

I have 50 blades of varying complexity on my account. learned to forge. There are even exclusive knives from the film The Chronicles of Riddick forged by himself. I just want to know all the nuances of this case, that’s all

and, if so, then it’s more interesting.

Then we can advise you to conduct tests, preferably comparative ones.

You can arrange for one knife to be sent in turn to a dozen others who want to get acquainted and tested.

take a closer look at the local and flea markets = it will help you decide on prices.

and so - exhibit your works here - if they are worthy, those who wish will go.

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:03

True, I’m not a resident of Moscow, but of Izhevsk

TRUCKER 08-08-2009 23:06

And to Canada?

zmeya 08-08-2009 23:10

no, well, Asi is right. start selling here. If the knives are worthwhile, then you will make a name for yourself, recognition. The main thing is that it has its own “trick”, a “zest” that would unmistakably identify the knives as yours.

It’s not entirely clear what subtleties you are asking about. About the subtleties of pricing? Or legal issues of registering private entrepreneurs? Or what knives to make so as not to end up in jail? What exactly are you interested in?

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:16

I have an average education as a turner. I’m friends with steel brands, I know everything, and I’ve read a lot of books about blacksmithing. In general, I want to make knives of the following types: tourist, hunting, exclusive, gift, and for everyday use. Regarding the laws, it’s a little confusing. I don’t fully understand which knives need to be registered and which ones don’t. So you need to have certificates for all. but I have no idea how to get them. Which inspectorates should I contact and the like.

zmeya 08-08-2009 23:16

But what, “Khokhloma” has its own consumer, who pays in the same banknotes as sophisticated nayfomaniacs... the main thing is to be able to make “correct” knives...

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:21

Of course I haven’t come up with my own trick yet. and the knives that he made, out of 50, about 20 were copies of Kizlyarov and other knives

zmeya 08-08-2009 23:25

Regarding certification and permits, the Sanders definitely need to be tortured. But this is if you are going to make knives on an industrial scale... and about the laws, there is a topic in the Workshop upstairs:

asi 08-08-2009 23:26

quote: [B]I’m friends with steel brands, I know everything, and I’ve read a lot of abstruse books about blacksmithing.

Well, if it’s “everything”, then respect...

Ashedow 08-08-2009 23:26

What price level are you aiming for?

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:27

No, I can’t raise the drain in industrial areas. although who knows. This is a relevant topic for me. production of knives of varying complexity, both custom and standard. the approximate number of knives is 100-200 per year.

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:28

As for the prices, my knives were sold from 250 to 15,000.

asi 08-08-2009 23:30

Then I don’t understand the question - even if they sold for 15,000 - so why worry?

Or have they stopped selling?

Ashedow 08-08-2009 23:31

Here's the thing... if you personally sculpt them one per week, then the price must be high for it to make sense. But what you posted... look at the threads of member Ku. There are examples of quite expensive products that have stable demand.

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:45

Well, if you take those that were sold for 15,000, then firstly the hard manufacturing takes a lot of time, and secondly the materials were expensive. so it doesn’t cost anything to take a 65G or tighter U13-U7 and unchain it and make a handle from birch burl or birch bark, it doesn’t take much time, a maximum of 4 days. and that’s what I personally do. There is no current engraving. haven't mastered it yet

asi 08-08-2009 23:48

and from not amateurs but ordinary people - you can’t even get 1000...

Mefistofel18 08-08-2009 23:50

Well, this is self-explanatory, but I want a real business, both online and in person, my own shop

serge-vv 08-08-2009 23:55

well, simple ones on the Hansa will cost no more than 3000 rubles
but from ordinary people, not amateurs, you can’t even get 1000...

asi knows... he is the boss there....
quote: Originally posted by Mefistofel18:

both online and in person your store

Should we chip in for the store? what will be our gamble?

asi 08-08-2009 23:58

quote: asi knows... he is the boss there....

Ashedow 09-08-2009 12:06

What will you sell in the store? At first, it is not a store that is needed, but a production base. You don’t want to live off resale, right?

kU 09-08-2009 12:11

Practice shows that a simple knife made individually becomes profitable from 5000-7000 rubles. See the products of elephants as bright (and probably among the Russian best) representatives of this niche. Cheaper - only hired labor, assembly line, etc. the delights of capitalism. With appropriate quality.....

Mefistofel18 09-08-2009 12:12

there is a production base. Of course, the current of the instrument is not enough. This is an important question for me. how to open this business completely, what documents are needed to register such a business, to ensure compliance with the law and where to get certificates for knives. license for sale. and you went to another place. No one complained about the quality of the knives. I give a guarantee. and if necessary, they send it for jewelry sharpening

AlexPit 09-08-2009 12:15

but it’s not Friday)

serge-vv 09-08-2009 12:16

quote: Originally posted by asi:

but they will take better bread.

I’ll assume that the beer will go better... while it’s warm.... then we can profile for the next seasonal product, have a stand with knives for the “assortment”...

Ashedow 09-08-2009 12:17

quote: but it’s not Friday)

So this one can really add up to money, it’s a pity.

serge-vv 09-08-2009 12:21

quote: Originally posted by kU:

a simple knife made individually becomes profitable from 5000-7000 rubles.

I'm subscribing!
quote: Originally posted by Mefistofel18:

This is an important question for me. how to open this business completely, what documents are needed to register such a business, to ensure compliance with the law and where to get certificates for knives. license for sale.

and this needs to be addressed in another topic... I think the sergeant will turn it into something legal, since the question is about legal issues, not technical ones...

Ashedow 09-08-2009 12:27

quote: Originally posted by Mefistofel18:
and you went to another place. No one complained about the quality of the knives.

My advice to you (free, mind you). Design 10 knife models. Drawings - detailing, assembly. Then find a competent technologist, give him money, let him estimate the technical process, calculate the equipment based on the production of 500 products of each model per month. He will estimate production costs if he can (most likely he can). Then calculate the costs of purchasing equipment, renting premises, and hiring staff.
Then, with everything considered, go for a consultation with a lawyer. He will explain how to open an enterprise of this scale, and how much it will cost.
After that, look at the amounts received and add to them the costs of starting sales.
After that, get comfortable and start thinking from the very beginning.

asi 09-08-2009 12:30

quote: Originally posted by Mefistofel18:
there is a production base. Of course, the current of the instrument is not enough. This is an important question for me. how to open this business completely, what documents are needed to register such a business, to ensure compliance with the law and where to get certificates for knives. license for sale. and you went to another place. No one complained about the quality of the knives. I give a guarantee. and if necessary, they send it for jewelry sharpening

this is offtopic. from a legal point of view, it’s like trading bread versus selling knives. well almost.

Anton42 09-08-2009 09:16

First try to sell your products on this forum, be it just blades or ready-made knives, then you will see how things go! If they are not in demand here, then it is unlikely that there will be a queue for them “in the wild”
So it’s too early to think about IP. That's when there will be constant demand.

Nozhedel 09-08-2009 11:01

Hmmm... Just like that, business right away...
I’ve already made over a hundred long ones, but I lost count of the knives a few years ago. The need came to be formalized only this year. But the problem is with the employees! No, transferred! In such a matter as making knives, you need people no less, and better yet, more experienced than yourself. Where can I get these? I tried to teach, but it turned out that it was just a waste of time, materials, and therefore money.
And instead of investing in a store, I would advise it to be better to increase the material base, buy machines and all sorts of devices. You look and “tempt” one of the experienced knife makers to look at your base, and you will find options for mutually beneficial cooperation!

Mefistofel18 09-08-2009 11:52

Mefistofel18 09-08-2009 11:52

Thank you all, I read everything and understood it for myself. thanks for the advice. As for the technologist, I can calculate all this myself. the diploma was a process to write and calculate everything, so there is no need for me to apply

Mefistofel18 09-08-2009 11:53

topic can be closed))

moved from Workshop

VitaminCpp 11-08-2009 05:10

quote: Originally posted by asi:
I have.
The main feature is to sell cheaper than you bought it.

Attachments: from 290,000 rubles

Payback: from 4 months

A knife is the oldest cutting tool. Despite its centuries-old history, its appearance has remained almost unchanged. The basis is still the blade and the handle. At the same time, the scope of application of the tools is varied: housekeeping, hunting, fishing. Therefore, the business related to the production of knives will always be relevant.

Business concept

The business idea is related to the opening of an enterprise for the production of knives of various shapes and purposes. The main buyers will be individuals purchasing household appliances, as well as fishing, hunting and other stores.

Production always starts with a blank. You can make it yourself or buy it ready-made. After the type of future knife is determined, steel is selected, and a pattern is made from a piece of metal.

But first, the source material is put under a roller weighing 80 tons. The result is a flattened plate on which the contours of the workpiece are traced. Steel for production is sold in sheet form.

After this, the workpiece goes through the stages of drilling, a hole is cut in it to attach the handle. The blade is then heat treated. The resulting shape is ground and pre-turned. At the final stage of blade manufacturing, polishing is carried out.

In addition to the blade, the knife also consists of a handle. The cheapest material used to make handles is plastic. But wood is considered traditional, although more expensive. Which specific material to choose depends on the quality finished product. For example, wood goes well with metal. But this does not mean that a plastic handle can only be found on cheap items.

At the last stage, the knife undergoes final processing, is packaged, transferred to a warehouse for storage or directly to the point of sale.

The quality of the final product depends entirely on compliance with the technological process.

What will be required for implementation?

First of all, you need to decide on the type of knives that will be manufactured at the enterprises. For example, it makes no sense to master the technology for producing collectible knives at the initial stage of business development, since it will take a long time to find buyers for such products. But kitchen knives and hunting cleavers will find use among consumers and will be bought.

  • grinder with discs;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • sharpening machine;
  • engraver with different attachments;
  • grinder (grinding machine);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • band saw.

As for the raw materials, for example, to make traditional kitchen knives, you need steel with a hardness of 48-50 HRC. If hunting is done, then this figure should be higher. During operation, the knife should not lose its original shape, should not rust from detergents or other household products, should be well sharpened, etc. The strongest and most frequently used steel grades are CPM, S30V, 154 CM.

As for handles, you can buy a special line for their production or order ready-made handles from other manufacturers. When starting a business, it is more profitable to purchase ready-made equipment. And the technology for independent production of handles can be mastered a little later, when the company begins to achieve self-sufficiency and make a profit.

Step-by-step launch instructions

  1. Registration. Before starting a business, register with the tax authorities and obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. OKVED code 28.6 “Production of cutlery and cutlery.”
  2. Room. Despite the fact that a knife is a fairly compact tool, its manufacture requires a large number of different machines and devices. To place all the equipment, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​at least 60 m². The work involved in knife making is very noisy, so don't try to rent a room in the basement of a multi-story building. It's better to look for a place on the outskirts of the village. Rent is cheaper there too.
  3. Equipment and materials. Equipment costs will be about 82,000 rubles. Of these: Bulgarian – 10,000 rubles; drill – 5,000 rub.; sharpening machine - 20,000 rubles; engraver – 12,000 rubles; grinder – 18,000 rub.; jigsaw – 7,000 rub.; band saw – 10,000 rub. It is better to purchase steel from the manufacturer in bulk. It's much more profitable this way. First, decide on the grades of steel that are needed for production. After that, find several suppliers, compare prices, conditions and product quality. Only make a choice based on all these criteria. The same applies to the materials that will be used in the manufacture of handles. To purchase raw materials, you will need about 50,000 rubles in the first month of work (the cheapest workpiece will cost about 500 rubles, the expensive one - from 5,000 or more; handles - from 300 to 2,500 rubles). Purchase material with a supply of 2-3 months.
  4. Staff. To work in a small workshop, it is enough to hire two craftsmen who have skills in working with all of the above tools. The manager can conduct accounting independently, or use the services of a visiting accountant, concluding agreements for the provision of professional services by a specialist at the end of the reporting period.
  5. Advertising. Before starting a knife manufacturing enterprise, you need to know exactly who the end consumer of the goods will be: housewives, professional chefs, hunters, fishermen, etc. The best source of attracting customers and sales will be an online store. Firstly, you won’t have to spend money on renting additional premises or furnishing them. Secondly, you will not need to look for large wholesale buyers, running around the city and without getting off your phone. You can even organize advertising via the Internet. Pay attention to various thematic communities on cooking, hunting and other topics where knives can be discussed.

Financial calculations

Starting capital

Monthly expenses

How much can you earn?

In a month, the company can produce up to 100 pieces of products. The average cost of one knife ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. At the same time, its cost will not exceed 800-900 rubles. Consequently, from one unit of goods you can earn up to 600 - 1,500 rubles (net profit about 80,000 rubles).

Payback period

The profitability of such production will actually be high (about 45%), and the return on the initial investment will not exceed 4-5 months.

Business Features

The main risk involved this business, is associated with fairly high competition. Today, many craftsmen are engaged in similar activities at home. They don't pay taxes, but they make a good income selling homemade knives. Companies engaged in mass production of cutlasses for the kitchen, hunting, etc. also compete.


To bring the enterprise to a decent level, it will be necessary to produce only high-quality products. Every customer must be satisfied.

Despite possible difficulties, the production of knives is profitable business, which will quickly pay for itself and begin to generate stable profits. After the return on investment, it is worth thinking about expanding the workshop, scaling up production, and making it serial.

Various types of knives have long been helping people in their work activities. They are involved in both manual work and automatic mechanisms.

The technologies for manufacturing such instruments have now stepped forward with an iron foot. And the demand for such things is constantly growing. Therefore, many aspiring entrepreneurs direct their enthusiasm into this area of ​​activity.

Technical equipment for production

Equipment for the production of knives are complex mechanisms that are controlled using computer technology. The MF 223 machine is often used for work. To organize a production where all parts will be made independently, you will need several conveyor lines.

Each will be responsible for one specific detail. Manual labor will only be needed to supply the workpieces and control the quality of the output. Therefore, the bulk of investments will be in machines. Otherwise, production will look like a small workshop that produces single copies.

Types of products

You need to decide on the range of products in advance. This is done based on market analysis and identifying demand for specific types of knife blades. Each knife production line will have its own template according to which the workpiece is processed. Since the geometric shape of the knives is different, each conveyor will be responsible for one type of knives. The number of such lines will depend on the range of products produced.

Knife handles

In parallel with the department where equipment for the production of knives operates, there will be a workshop for the preparation of handles. Handles are installed after heat treatment. This should involve robotic manipulators that ensure factory quality. Depending on the material and shape of the handle, the line is configured for different operations. The choice of handles should be given special attention. Potential buyers first look at this element. It should be made of high-quality plastic, rubber or wood.

Operation of a knife production machine

For the machine to work, you need a template that will be used to copy the shape of the future knife. It is made manually or on special CNC machines. In order for a machine for the production of knives to work for a long time and produce high-quality workpieces, the templates should be made of hard alloys.

Based on economic calculations, a decision needs to be made. Either the entire line will be fully automated, or specialists will be hired to operate semi-automatic machines. For the latter case, the master who operates the machine should have access to sharpening at different angles and special cutters for complex profiling.

Materials for the production of knives and requirements for them

At large quantities types of knives require steel with different properties. For example, a typical kitchen appliance requires a material with a hardness of 48 to 57 HRC. In the case of a hunting knife, this figure should be higher.

Therefore, steel grades for the production of knives are selected based on the conditions of its future operation. In addition to hardness, there are a number of other requirements:

  • the cutting edge must retain its shape for a long time and be hard;
  • steel should not rust from household liquids;
  • the knife must be elastic;
  • hardness should allow sharpening at home;
  • If possible, a balance should be maintained between the blade and the handle.

It is quite difficult to satisfy such requirements with just one grade of steel. Therefore, several varieties are the most popular: CPM S30V and 154 CM. But sometimes there are domestic analogues of D2, as well as AUS 8. Having chosen the grade, steel should be purchased in bulk from the manufacturer. This option will be much more profitable.

Materials for making knife handles

For the full operation of the enterprise, equipment for the production of knives must include, as already mentioned, a device for making reliable and comfortable handles. Of course, you can order ready-made pens from other companies. But it’s still more reliable to have your own production.

For wooden handles, choose hardwoods with high viscosity. Plastic handles are individually manufactured using injection molding. Since the convenience of a knife primarily depends on the handle, its shape is specially profiled for fingers.

Sales of finished products and advertising

When starting a knife manufacturing enterprise, you should know in advance for which consumer the product is intended. If these are kitchen appliances, then the buyers will mainly be housewives and professional chefs. In the case of a hunting knife, this could be all men.

An online store is perfect for selling and attracting customers. Its service is inexpensive and requires minimal staff to ship and process orders. Advertising can also be organized on the Internet. Special attention worth paying attention to different thematic communities and forums.

In Soviet times, making knives was punishable by law, and it didn’t matter for what purpose you were making a knife. And yet, at every enterprise where there was a sharpening machine, there were those who liked to make a knife for themselves or their friend. Knives were made from anything: from a hacksaw blade for metal, from a circular saw, etc. It is important that the material for the knife be hardened; not all enterprises had heat treatment.

Nowadays, making a knife is not punishable by law, unless, of course, your knife is a bladed weapon.

I was interested in the topic “Making a knife at home”

There is a lot of information about the belt sander or grinder.

The machine is undoubtedly good, but expensive. Buying a good grinder is unrealistic for me, and it’s simple and stupid. It’s stupid, in my version, I worked all my life at machine-building enterprises and making any machine is not a problem for me.

I like the concave triggers with a clear sharpening edge.

Therefore, when making a belt sanding machine, I made a driving drum with a diameter of 165 mm as the main working one. There is a polished steel platform measuring 250x180 for direct descents from the butt. I didn’t set out to make a cheap machine, and I won’t be able to do that. To make inexpensive products, you had to be born in China.

My machine has a lot of expensive parts. The weight of my machine is 36 kg.

Unfortunately, the grinder does not solve the main problem - to make high-quality descents with a clear sharpening edge. Needed great experience. At enterprises specializing in the production of knives, experience is not needed; machines decide everything there.

Craftsmen who make piece goods, which by the way are of very high quality, use all kinds of devices for removing triggers.

I also developed and manufactured my own version of a device for removing triggers, so far only for concave ones. Let me remind you that I like knives with concave slopes and a clear sharpening edge.

Not all knife makers have a grinder; knives are made on a sharpening machine or, in other words, a sharpener. By the way, some people do it very well.

I tested my device on two sharpeners, one with a speed of 2800 rpm, the other with a speed of 800 rpm. On the first descent I completed it in 12 minutes, on the second in 35 minutes.

My task was to make high-quality descents.

And I think I coped with my task; let me remind you that I have no experience.

The picture shows a device for concave slopes. As you can see, the device is very simple. If you wish, and most importantly, if you have the necessary tools, you can do this for yourself. Dimensions do not matter here; adjustment is made using the groove on the top part. The radius of the blade is 250mm. What did I mean when I titled my page “Do-It-Yourself Knife”? Anyone with a little experience can do what a knife can do with this device.

It’s better not to bother with making the device, but to buy it from me, especially since my prices are low.

The picture shows a device for concave slopes.
The price of the device today is 1370 rubles.

You will learn how to work with this device by watching these two films:

In Russia today the price of the device is 1,370 rubles.

This amount includes postage.

You can receive a package with the device from me as follows.

you send remittance in my name with your address. Having received the transfer and your address, I send you the parcel on the same day.

My address: 460024 Orenburg, Kiseleva Lane 71

Gladyshev Alexander Ivanovich.

Welcome to the website of the St. Petersburg tool plant "STANKODETAL"

On our website You will find information about the knife tool. We hope it will help you make the right choice.

Factory products- a reliable, high-quality tool.

Metal cutting knives

Metal cutting knives are used in metallurgical, procurement and processing industries. We produce knives for cutting sheet, round, square rolled products, as well as strips, angles, channels, corrugated sheets, corrugated sheets, for the production of mesh, bent and rolled profiles.

Guillotine knives

Guillotine knives are used on sheet guillotine shears for cutting black and non-ferrous sheet metal. We produce knives for domestic and imported guillotines of all brands for cutting metal with a thickness from 0.1 to 40 mm. We produce both solid and composite knives.

Disc knives

Disc knives for cutting sheet metal are used on longitudinal cutting lines for rolled steel, expanded metal cutting presses, cutting tables and other equipment. We produce knives with straight and angled cutting edges.

Rebar cutting knives

Knives for cutting reinforcement are used for cutting reinforcing steel, incl. heat-strengthened in production for the reinforcement of reinforced concrete products, the production of metal structures, construction, installation and other enterprises. We produce knives for domestic and imported equipment.

Knives for crushers

Knives for crushers are used on crushing equipment - crushers for processing wood, plastic and other materials, including waste.

Chip knives

Chipper knives are used on chippers for wood processing, etc.

Homemade sharpening of knives with your own hands - creating a knife using drawings

materials. We produce knives for domestic and imported equipment.

Combination knives

We also produce: knives for press shears, combination knives, knives for cutting reinforcement, knives for corners, knives for strips, sheet knives, profile knives, knives for scrap metal.

Making knives for guillotines

Making knives for guillotines. Production capabilities allow us to produce one-piece knives up to 2000mm long. For imported equipment with solid knives over 3000 mm, we have developed a technology for producing them from component parts without reducing the quality of the cut and the convenience of setting gaps; this is not only a significant saving on the knives themselves, but also ease of maintenance - sharpening the knives.

Knives for press shears COMPACT.

Check availability...

Roller knives for spiral winding machines SPIRO

Knives SMZh-175

Read more…

Attention! GREAT offer for professionals!

Due to the use of modern methods of heat treatment, as well as sharpening of cutting edges on precise modern equipment, it was possible to increase the service life of knives for guillotine shears by 2-2.5 times compared to knives produced using standard technology.

Application of highly resistant guillotine knives allows not only reduce financial costs per tool by 1.5-2 times, and also save the resource of your equipment: the more accurate and durable the knives, the smaller and more uniform the cutting force, the less wear on the guillotine parts, which means equipment will last longer!

St. Petersburg tool plant "STANKODETAL" offers the following services:

Sharpening flat knives

Sharpening flat knives. Our production capabilities allow us to sharpen knives for domestic and imported equipment with a length of more than 3000 mm.

Sharpening disc knives

Sharpening circular knives. We will quickly and efficiently sharpen circular knives for longitudinal cutting lines for rolled steel, as well as other equipment.

Manufacturing of industrial knives

Production of industrial knives of non-standard sizes, according to the Customer’s drawings for cutting sheet or long products according to individual production needs. Design of knife tools.

Manufacturing of circular knives

We accept orders for the production of circular knives according to the Customer’s drawings for cutting rolled steel, expanded metal cutting and other machines, and we can also sharpen circular knives

Making knives for shear presses

Production of knives for press shears, including: knives for combined press shears, knives for cutting reinforcement, NG5222 knives, NB5222 knives, NV5222 knives, C 229 knives, SMZh-172 knives, SMZh-322 knives, SMZh 652 knives

Knives for shears in the warehouse

For the convenience of our Customers, common knives for press shears and guillotines are available in stock: H3121 knives, H3222 knives, H478 knives, NA3225 knives, NG-13 knives, NG-16 knives, ND 3314 knives, NK3418 knives, STD-9A knives, N knives 3118, knives NA 3222, knives NA3225, knives N 3222, knives STD9A, knives NA 3121, knives ERFURT, etc.

Metal cutting knives

For knives for cutting metal, crushing wood waste and other materials, where, along with high hardness, high viscosity is also required, to prevent chipping and breaking of the knife under sudden and impact loads, the choice of steel grade plays a vital role. The purposes of some common knife steels can be found in the reference section.

Vibration mounts

The plant offers the following spare parts for machines: vibration mount OV-70, vibration mount OV-31M - designed for vibration isolation of industrial equipment and small and medium-sized machines with rigid frames of normal and high precision.

We will be glad to see you among our Customers!

Tool plant St. Petersburg 2010

General overview, models, equipment

I have been making knives for quite a long time, but professionals are so rare among consumers that almost every person has to explain how they should be sharpened, why a properly made knife does not need to be sharpened, how a knife should be made so that the term “self-sharpening” can be applied to it "that some stains on the blade are not a steel defect at all, but even the opposite... All material was prepared by me for accessible reading and does not in any way pretend to be scientific or “academic.” On the contrary, I tried to tell about everything in the form of tales and small tips. It was not so difficult for me to tell you about this; I passed it all through my own hands, since there is no literature on such topics for sale. There are, of course, various articles, books, but so that right away, in one place, about some unexplained problems for knife makers, about some subtleties, tips... Everything is scattered on separate islands... Having gained a little experience, I want to help those who, for any reason, wants to make himself a cutting knife or some other knife, but, for the same reasons, is forced to communicate with amateurs from “knife making”.
I myself began to consider myself a “professional” about seven years ago, since “knife making” became my profession, and I get bread for my family from what I do and how. Life and practice, only they can give a true assessment of your work. Someone talks about the advantages of a knife and judges it by its “external appearance”. But his reasoning is also “external”. To me, for example, the brightness of the shine of polished steel does not say anything at all about the quality of the steel itself, but speaks about the attitude of the master to his work. How much he respects what he did. And, at the same time, the matte transverse stroke of fine grinding tells me about the professionalism of the one who put his hand to the blade. Ninety percent people will pass past a knife with a nondescript, diamond-shaped handle and a twelve-centimeter blade and will not stop. Ten, just looking at it, will say: “Good knife!” Among these ten will be myself and those for whom a knife is a tool first and foremost. I hope you will be among these ten. The butcher and the butcher, the amateur hunter and the commercial hunter, do not care what technology the blade is made of, medieval, primitive, or ultra-modern. He needs the knife to cut for as long as possible and be comfortable to use. This is where he is always right. In my discussions and conversations with people, I quite often use the phrase “knife making,” and many agree with me. As a rule, these are people who have already tried to make some effort in manufacturing and already have some experience in creating knife products. I will try to explain to you how to make a good knife yourself, since training is not prohibited by our law. For “speedy” learning you need to read this page and good luck.

Let's look at the picture. This is how you will have to “remove” the excess metal to get the simplest blade design. The black outline is the outline of the workpiece in the cut. The red outline is the finished outline. The pink fill is the “body of the blade.” The gray fill is something that is not needed. Thus, you can make any knife product with limited properties, be it a kitchen or utility knife. To create a functional product, you will have to read at least everything that will be discussed below and spend more than one day sanding... And this is the MINIMUM!!! But don't be scared!!! Even if you don’t want to create knives, I will try to make it interesting for you, and maybe you will learn something new for yourself...

EQUIPMENT. First of all, I would like to warn you that it is not at all necessary to collect all the equipment. You can choose any model and calmly do all the work with a minimum of equipment. Believe me, I started with one 2.2 kW motor. But we’ll talk about the minimum later, but for now... In the picture you see an abrasive wheel with a diameter of 300mm and a thickness of 40mm; seat with a diameter of 76mm. The speed should be low: 1200-1400 rpm. Before work, for safety reasons, the circle must be idle for 15 minutes, then leveled with a diamond pencil or corundum to a minimum runout. All restrictions must be removed. Access to the circle should be as free as possible. You need to be able to press the workpiece at any angle to remove metal where you want it, and not where the sander “wants” it. For a particular type of work, your own circle must be selected. For wood - softer, for steel - harder. I mainly use the following wheel parameters: dimensions 300x40x76, hardness - CM1/CM2, grain - 25A40P. The average cost is $10, depending on where you buy and from whom... I mainly buy circles from the Luga plant. The Moscow Abrasive Plant also produces good wheels, but somehow the soul does not lie, although in the absence of “Luga” I use it occasionally... You will also need felt circles. When making knives, you need to have a lot of them and different diameters. I bought them a long time ago, in the Do-It-Yourself store, for 55 rubles (stagnant) apiece. You need to have approximately 5 large circles, with a diameter from 250mm to 400mm, the optimal option is 300mm. And, preferably, many small different diameters, thicknesses and configurations. Felt wheels were made at felting plants (there was some kind of label on the wheel), and you only have to buy them once. They are practically not consumed. Now all this stuff is being purchased at the Moscow poultry market. I am giving this information so that if you want to do something, you don’t have to run around a lot looking for what you need... A separate issue is preparing felt circles for work. The most unpleasant thing is the “centering”. In the picture you see the shaft of the polishing wheel with a felt wheel.
1. The shaft itself.
2. A mandrel with a conical thread (hereinafter we will call it a carrot).
3. Nozzle thread.
4. Polishing felt wheel.
So, the main task is to make a seat in the center of the circle. But no matter how you define it precisely, the circle will still “beat” on the shaft when rotating. To eliminate runout as much as possible, I do this:
1. Using a red-hot steel bar (in a forge or at a welder), I burn out a conical hole with an outer diameter of 10 mm and an inner diameter of about 30-35 mm. Then I coat it with wood glue, and when the glue dries, I screw it tightly onto the one greased with Vaseline or vegetable oil"carrot". The seat thread appears. Next, the glue dries and the circle is ready for “holding”.
2.I make a cutter from a file, although you can use any hardened plate.
3. I twist the circle onto the “carrot”, but not tightly, but lightly, so that it just fits into place. Then, when you press the circle with the cutter, it will spin itself to the required maximum torque.
4.Like a turner, I begin to grind the circle to a minimum runout. This applies to polishing wheels. Because in addition to applying polishing paste to them preliminary work no more. Another thing is grinding and finishing wheels. Several more operations will be required to prepare them. Let's continue...
5.After holding on the carrot, coat the working surface of the circle with wood glue, let it dry and hold on the carrot again. After applying glue, it is necessary to support the circle for one simple reason - the circle “leads”. No matter how hard you try, the glue will do its “job”, and after smearing and drying the circle, as if nothing had happened, will “knock” again.
6.Last operation. Apply wood glue and roll on the required abrasive grain. The circle is ready. Now, during finishing operations, your hands will not “fall off” when changing circles frequently. One twisting motion is enough, and the circle itself will “fly” off the “carrot”. Throw on another one, and during operation it will spin to its maximum value.

ATTENTION!!! Do not plant circles with a diameter of more than 200 mm on carrots - they will BREAK!!! Only on the seat of the emery wheel!!! Take care of yourself!

ABOUT STEEL 95Х18Ш. It is believed that the main criterion in approaching a knife is steel. Let me express a “seditious” thought that this is not entirely true. It seems to me that after all, the design comes first. There are some models in which steel grade 95Х18Ш is used in manufacturing - the steel is very powerful, but at the same time very “capricious”. It is used in the manufacture of stainless bearings (bearings made of this grade of steel are marked “U” after the number). For some reason, everyone who wants to have a good knife begins to “push away” from this grade of steel. But ignorance of the correct heat treatment technology or lack of technical equipment leads to the opposite result. I know few thermal specialists who are capable of performing a high-quality heat treatment of “95” and obtaining a workpiece with the required hardness in advance. With a small cross-section of the cutting edge, “crumbling” occurs, which entails certain inconveniences, including the loss of the specimen. It is necessary to increase the cross-section at the cutting edge, and this leads to a decrease in the “dressing” ability. Naturally, it is much more difficult to sharpen such a knife, and the “manufacturer” reduces the Rockwell hardness to 48-50 units. No comments needed...

ABOUT 65G STEEL. Good knives are made from 65G steel... unfortunately it rusts a lot. Its cutting properties are excellent. But cases of complaints about knives from this brand have become more frequent. Sometimes it happens - I’ve forged it and pulled it back, but “it” doesn’t cut or, having been welded onto a butcher’s block, doesn’t chop. I started looking for the reason and found one.
For artisans and various “craftsmen” the 65G is available in the form of a spring. All products are made mainly from what is mined... in the endless expanses of our strange (from the word "country" - author's note) scrap metal and substandard equipment dump. For some time I worked as a blacksmith at a car depot, and I had unlimited access to this material. Every morning at the “intermediate” warehouse for my needs there were 1-2 springs with broken leaves. My job was to bring them to the forge and disassemble them. After sorting, add new sheets received from the warehouse, properly straighten the whole thing, assemble and send back to the “intermediate” for further circulation. It will seem to some that I am describing the entire procedure for repairing springs for a very long time and tediously, but believe me, it is necessary. Maybe you will avoid a lot of unpleasant moments. Over the 10-15 years of operation of the car, all its components are practically not original, and the springs even more so. Moreover, the spring itself has leaves, like a historical review. One says hello from the 60s, another from the 80s, and so on... What happened? Either science has moved forward and they began to install frail substitutes, or the water was wetter then, but the fact remains that it is better not to use sheets from springs manufactured after the 70s. For example, I completely switched to carriage springs - the guarantee is almost 100%. But to be on the safe side, you can use a standard sheet with all the markings and paraphernalia. And there is no need to forge it. True, without forging one “zest” is missing, but that’s what we’re talking about , Maybe, let's talk further...

MODEL. I can offer beginners a simple, but already well-proven model for production. The first time I saw her was at an Italian exhibition. It struck me with its simplicity and modesty and distracted me from other research for a long time. The Italian company "KAYMANO" has created a truly amazing example. Nothing could be simpler: a handle and a blade. I admit, I fell in love with this model. And after some thought, I decided to repeat it. The lack of such a model among our cooks and sellers depressed me morally. But how to solve the hardware problem? After all, to manufacture a blade with a step, a precision (especially accurate) surface grinding machine is required. Even two. One machine processes the blade only from the right plane, the other one is on the left... I don’t have that kind of money not only for the machine, but for the documentation for it (and even now I don’t)!!! But there is nothing to do, hunt is worse than captivity, as they say. I tried with a large “gutter” - it was useless. This cannot be achieved on wide (large chef's) blades. The diameter of the abrasive wheel is not enough to immediately capture 50mm along the plane in one pass. And the chute for a professional knife is a disadvantageous element. A chef's blade requires weight and sufficient rigidity. With the design we need, the gutter will remove all the metal necessary for weight and rigidity. And this will mean that the goal has not been achieved. Then it dawned on me - you can remove the excess mass carefully using a mandrel, i.e. special device or device. This device must bear the duty of a limiter. And keep the rotating sanding wheel away from the polished step. As soon as I thought of this... half an hour later I made the first adjustment. It consisted of two plates with precisely calculated holes (as on the shank of the blade) for rivets. Plus I also added 20mm from the “heel” of the blade onto the step. The effect was joyful for me. He immediately began making half a dozen knives. However, the technology was still far from being fully developed. It caused a lot of trouble to align the holes for the rivet, firstly, and secondly, I had to drill the holes themselves in a shank with a diameter of 4mm. The plates were fastened to the blade with two bolts and M4 nuts.

Making a knife with your own hands: from start to finish

And with a rivet with a diameter of 3.5 mm, this is somewhat inconvenient. You have to “strain” when riveting - so as not to split the handle, so as not to wobble at the joint. In short, I sacrificed time for the sake of quality - I began to rivet a mandrel of two plates to the shank, and then grind off the rivets to remove the mandrel. "Madhouse" of course, but at that stage this was already an achievement. The technology is low-productivity, but this is enough for the artisan. Later, the management of the Moscow STIZ plant asked me to refine this technology for production. That's when I solved this mandrel problem. I simply bent a 1.5mm thick plate in half, and, having drilled a 6.5mm hole, began to fasten the mandrel with a bolt and an M6 nut under the shank. The problem with the mandrel in this model has been solved. Later, I began to use this device in the manufacture of other structures, slightly changing the mandrel.

In the pictures above there is a blank of a cutting knife in a holder, below there is a chef's knife for meat.

SPECIAL KNIVES. Perhaps the most difficult to manufacture, in my opinion, are special knives.

Well, there are so many conditions imposed on them that sometimes you end up ruining one or two pieces before you start to get what you want. Among these knives are boning knives. I know several models in this group. They differ both in manufacturing methods and in appearance. The requirements for cutting properties and shapes in this category are so high that sometimes you begin to suspect butchers and deboners of being boring and capricious. But all suspicions crumble to smithereens when you take a closer look at the specifics of this wonderful profession. Sometimes a knife is at work for 12 hours... And if the master maker did not try, they remember him for nothing... However, not for very long. Such items are usually disposed of quickly. I regret to admit that I am no exception. And I had to listen to unflattering things... But I missed most of the vocabulary I had saved for this case. The reason is that, wanting to understand what the secret of the boning lies, I used a simple technique. Before I made my first “boner” for sale, I hired three “experts”. Two of them worked in a nearby store, the third was the husband of my classmate, who bears the wonderful surname Maksichka (now, by the way, in Moscow you can find semi-finished products produced by him on sale). Several knives were made and distributed free of charge with the secret hope of praise... It was not to be. A complete failure... Even for free. But I won’t bore you with a description of my experiments and alterations (and there were several of them over the course of six months), but will immediately give advice to those who will follow the path of creating boning knives. Look for the golden mean in the design of the blade... Don’t skimp on purchasing the best raw materials... Make a pair of knives for the deboner to choose from... Give them to him to work for 2 hours and take a walk. If your knives are returned to you, don't worry. None of those who use this practice escaped this. If you have been prepared the agreed amount for one knife, feel free to start making knives and sell almost everything. If you get money for both knives... You are GENNADY KONSTANTINOVICH (JOKE)!!!

One of the secrets or one of the tricks . A material that can carburize well is required. You can use 40X steel. You make the product to a pre-grinding state. Cementation by 0.1-0.2 mm. Heat treatment. Grinding. The result: a viscous core in a carburized shell with a hardness of up to 60 Rockwell units. The deboners are very grateful. When in contact with bone, the two hard, load-bearing layers behave amazingly. Almost PERFECT.

I have made only 7 good, but very expensive ones (including Damascus) in my entire career. I know where they are, who has them, and in what condition. I just didn’t follow the expensive and simple ones (to my regret now). . . . . .

HOBBIES. Free time is especially important. I try to translate almost all unused ideas and fantasies that come into my head into exotic products, or into products that are sold as “gifts”. Although it always happens that it is after a flight of fantasy that something appears that brings me inexplicable joy and a feeling of deep satisfaction. This happened with a knife that one of my friends ordered from me as a souvenir for a certain gourmet... Initially, the knife was intended as a cute joke, although somewhat “blackish”. The product had the original name "Souvenir kitchen knife for hara-kiri, reusable." And in the end, “TANTIK” appeared. Japanese style game and fish cutting knife.
By order of one travel agency, several “fishing profile” knife products were made from Damascus steel for an exhibition in France. Very high demands were placed on one of the knives. Firstly, buoyancy (the knife should not sink). Secondly, very quickly restore their cutting properties (a requirement for commercial knives). Thirdly, the design features must allow the knife to withstand short-term bending of the blade up to 80°. And it so happened that this order was placed in three places. I made the blade, and in another place a high-class craftsman made the handle and connection (fasteners). In the third, a leather case was made - precisely adjusted to the shape of the knife.

These guys should not only be involved in tourist trips, but would unite us all, scattered across Russia, at least in products... “We would also look at which side has the sharpest knife.”
RESULT: Fishing fillet knife - "PUTINA - 1"; "PUTINA - 2"; "PUTINA - 3".
in the picture: a fishing couple (PUTINA-3", "SKINER-S").

Throughout his existence, a person cannot do without a tool, and it is impossible to do without such a device as a knife to this day. Not long ago I visited a friend of mine who is a master in creating cutting objects and a member of artists' unions. What struck me was the varied number of axes, which, as it turned out, are used in hunting for a variety of needs. I would like to present to your attention new look, a business based on the production of axes and knives self made.


This business plan can be divided into two categories. In the first, the entrepreneur himself acts as the creator of knives and axes, and in the second, he is only an intermediary. It’s the second option that we’ll be talking about. If someone asks why this type of business is profitable and what advantages it has, then I can answer without hesitation - security. Now we are talking about hunting knives and axes that are not cold. Are there such hunting tools? Of course, there are, but you need to know some subtleties so that you don’t have problems with laws and sales of goods later. Firstly, the maximum length of the blade should be 91 mm, and the thickness of the blade itself should be more than 2.6 mm, secondly, the deflection of the blade itself should exceed 5 mm, or better yet 6, and this also includes representatives who do not have a sharpened blade or with a large convergence angle. Based on these signs, you should place orders and pay attention.


When ordering a hunting knife and ax, you should pay attention to its versatility and lightness. No one will want to buy a cutting tool if it can only prick or cut the skin. All knives are usually sharpened for one specific purpose and are not particularly distinguished by any of their features, but, for example, hunting knife They are made exclusively for sanding at the initial stage. But their appearance should scream: “Buy me!” The knife you choose for sale should be lightweight and work even at sub-zero temperatures. Each knife comes with its own strap that protects a person from being cut. There are six types of knives. They differ in blade length. The length is 35 mm for the smallest representative and ends at 60 mm for the longest. Distinctive feature A good knife will always have high strength and reliability in operation.

Axes, on the other hand, are more functional and varied, and their appearance should captivate the eye. Exists different quantity material from which the handle is made, but of the entire range presented, I liked the handles made from Canadian walnut and Korelian birch the most. Every good hunting ax should be equipped with a skinner and should be capable of skinning, gutting, deboning meat, and then dividing into rations. If earlier the trend was for rough, heavy and bulky axes, now they have been replaced by miniature and unique axes. Good ax should weigh about 400–500 grams, and its thickness should be 3–4 mm. As in the case of a knife, the ax must withstand negative temperatures, and must also be decorated with a beautiful clasp that protects both it and the owner.


Many people are probably now asking questions like: “How and why will people place orders from me?” Everything is so simple that it’s hard to believe. Nowadays it is gaining popularity to personalize everything. This also applies to household items. Many people are willing to overpay for items of the same quality only if they are different in some way. This is equivalent to knives and axes. You can simply start creating your own models of handles and assemble a solid knife from them. The style of the blade and handle must match each other and the composition must be completely unique. You can find talented artists who will be ready to make unique projects for knives or buy excellent steel, but with poor design and remake it, in general, there are a lot of options.

DIY knife sharpening device, drawings

So this business plan is not straight forward and contains many possibilities and implementations. The sale itself can be carried out both online and using an online store. Since these knives and axes are not considered edged weapons and are free for distribution, such a business can be run on a machine gun.

If you are looking for a business idea for your garage, then read my article Business in your own garage or another one: How to come up with an idea for your business.

Sincerely, Mikhail Yakovlev.

Materials and technologies for making knives

The quality of a knife blade is influenced by two factors: chemical composition steel (its grade) and its heat treatment (hardening). And the second one is perhaps even more important. Errors in heat treatment (hardening) can seriously degrade the stainless steel properties or make it brittle.

Hardening quality- this is undoubtedly a significant factor, depending on it the blade can be soft, quickly dull and bend excessively (under-heated) or become brittle and brittle (over-heated). Unfortunately, the quality of heat treatment cannot be assessed with a glance and, therefore, one has to take into account not only the grade of steel on a particular knife, but also the level of technological equipment and the production culture of the manufacturer. In this regard, when purchasing knife products produced in a garage or by a small individual entrepreneur in a small forge without professional equipment, you rely on chance and they can guarantee you quality only in words.

One of the main qualities of steel is its hardness. The main element that determines the hardness of steel is carbon. Steels with a carbon content above 0.6% are considered “high carbon”.
Many knife manufacturers indicate the hardness of the blade. As a rule, throughout the world this indicator is measured in Rockwell units (HRC). Its value for most steels varies from 24 (the indicator of “raw” non-hardened steel) to 64 units. (this is an indicator of steels like Kh12MF subjected to proper quenching with low tempering). Harder materials are no longer classified as steels; they can be ceramics and various carbides. For example, our knife sharpeners are equipped with carbide inserts made of silicon carbide with a hardness of 88-90 HRC.

Another important quality is corrosion resistance. There is no absolute stainless steel, but steels containing more than 13% chromium are considered “stainless” because they can resist corrosion for a long time. In the process of hardening steel, alloying elements play an important role - molybdenum, manganese, vanadium, etc., which are designated by the corresponding letters in the marking. For example, X12MF steel contains chromium, manganese and tungsten.

Of the domestic steels, the most common for knives is steel 65X13. From the marking it is clear that it contains 0.65% carbon, and the letter “X” means chromium and indicates that the steel is stainless, since it has 13% chromium. Medical scalpels and other instruments are most often made from this grade of steel, and therefore this steel is often called “medical” or “surgical”. This is very good steel, a knife made from it can be sharpened without difficulty, but with aggressive use it quickly becomes dull. One of the very good advantages of this steel is that when properly processed, it almost never rusts. This steel is the material for the blade of a good kitchen, fishing or camping knife. Simple and easy to sharpen even in field situations “on a pebble”. A good heat treater can achieve very good results with this grade of steel.

Steel grade 65G- is good at cutting and elastic, this steel is often made from throwing knives and Cossack checkers, can be easily oxidized (blued, blackened), the hardness of the finished knives is up to 57 HRC, requires care, after use, blades made of this steel must be wiped dry and preferably lubricated to avoid corrosion. The 65G marking reminds us of the carbon content of steel of 0.65%. The surface of the finished blade is manually mirror polished by default if no coating is selected.

Steel 95Х18— is one of the best steels of domestic production, which is excellent for the manufacture of cutting tools, has high hardness (more than 60 HRC), with quite good impact strength with proper heat treatment, holds sharpening well, thanks to the increased chromium content (17-19%) is resistant to corrosion. The surface of the finished blade is manually mirror polished by default if no coating is selected.

Steel X12MF has high hardness, which is determined by the carbon content (1.45-1.65%), after hardening the knife blade has a hardness of 62-64 HRC, the main alloying element of this steel is chromium (11-12.5%), molybdenum (0. 4-0.6%) and vanadium (0.15-0.3%) - they increase cutting properties and wear resistance, increase strength and hardenability, and also provide stainless properties. A blade made of X12MF is not afraid of moisture, but after prolonged use it can still darken, unlike 95x18, which contains more chromium but less carbon. The surface of the finished blade is manually mirror polished by default if no coating is selected.

Steel 9ХС contains 0.9% carbon and up to 1.5% chromium and silicon, the knife blade has a hardness of up to 65 HRC. All bevels on blades are made by a blacksmith using a hammer by hand, and the geometry is such that the bevels have a cone-shaped shape in two planes (from the butt of the blade to the cutting edge and from the handle to the tip of the knife).

Diamond forged stainless steel (XB6) - alloy tool steel containing 1.25 - 1.45% carbon, 0.4 - 0.7% chromium and 4 - 5% tungsten. It is quite difficult to machine, but has a high hardness (62-65HRC) close to the hardness of diamond; therefore, knives made from it retain their sharpness for a very long time and allow cutting materials of considerable hardness. Our XB6 diamond steel is resistant to corrosion under normal use.

Damascus steel- a composite material produced by forge welding. In our Damascus steel we use high-carbon steels such as ShKh15, U10A and 65G. The knives have a very high hardness of 62-64 HRC and are distinguished by exceptional cutting properties due to the alternation of slightly softer and slightly harder layers of metal, which create a so-called micro-saw on the cutting edge. More hard layer Over time, it begins to protrude forward, forming a micro-saw tooth. Thus, excellent cutting quality is achieved, maintained even after long-term use.

We use “torn” damascus - the layers in it, unlike twisted damascus, are always located perpendicular to the cutting edge, due to which a greater number of alternations of harder and softer layers are achieved on the cutting edge, which is what forms the Damascus micro-saw.

End Damascus in comparison with the usual one, it has a more interesting pattern of layers, as well as a greater number of intersections of these layers in the part that forms the cutting edge. Due to the smaller and more expressive pattern, the result is slightly best quality cutting And of course, the manufacturing technology is more complex.

Powder Uddeholm ElmaX– one of the generally recognized world leaders among steels for the manufacture primarily of weapons and elite cutting tools. Swedish stainless powder steel with alloying additives combines high wear resistance with corrosion resistance. Due to the high content of chromium (18%) and molybdenum (1%) in the alloy, ELMAX steel is very well suited for the manufacture of cutting parts of tools, which for their intended purpose can be in constant contact with moisture. The main advantage of powder-type steel is its homogeneity - homogeneity of structure, as in a liquid, in contrast to conventional steels, where atoms are combined into crystal lattices and the bonds between the crystals are not so strong, and in the crystals themselves there are places with harder carbides and softer elements. Powder steel is free from such disadvantages due to the uniformity of its structure. The hardness of knife blades is 60-65 HRC. The surface of the finished blade is slightly matte.

V anadis-10 imported powder alloy steel, which has high strength and toughness (as it has a high carbon content of 2.9%, vanadium 9.8% and molybdenum 1.5%), and this steel is also corrosion-resistant (due to the chromium content of 7.8% ). Vanadis-10 steel is resistant to chipping and allows you to maintain the sharpness of the blade for a long time. The hardness of the knife blades is 62-65 HRC. In production this type steel in Sweden by Udellholm. The surface of the finished blade is slightly matte.

Vanax– powdered high-nitrogen stainless steel with low carbon content, having a high metal hardness of 60 HRC. Has very high durability, providing excellent mechanical properties and high corrosion resistance (absolutely does not rust).

There are two varieties of this steel: Vanax 35 and Vanax 75

In fact, Vanax 35 is a high-nitrogen version of steels such as Elmax or M390 (with slightly increased molybdenum content), Vanax 75 is similar in composition to 35, differing mainly in the vanadium and nitrogen content (with slightly less molybdenum content).

How to make a knife with your own hands

We offer Vanax 35 for our models. The surface of the finished blade is slightly matte.

PSF-27– one of the best steels in the world today for the production of cutting tools, made using spray forming technology, with a fairly high hardness (62 HRC), has good toughness and is relatively easy to sharpen. The sizes of carbides are 5-10 microns. It has the following chemical composition: Carbon - 1.5%, Chromium - 12%, Molybdenum - 0.7%, Nitrogen - 0.3%, Manganese - 0.4%, Silicon - 0.4%, Vanadium - 1%. The surface of the finished blade is slightly matte.

Happy shopping!

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