What to see in Reus. The Route of Modernism (Route of Modernism) and other attractions

Spanish, or rather Catalan city ​​of Reus is the capital of the district (mosquito) of Baix Camp ( Baix Camp) in Catalonia. In terms of population (Reuse's population is about 100 thousand people), it is the second city in the province of Tarragona. This charming town attracts tourists not only for its abundance of shops, but also for its rich cultural heritage: suffice it to say that this is one of the main centers architectureCatalan modernism.

Getting to Reus from the resorts of the Costa Dorada is very easy. Buses from Cambrils, Salou and La Pineda run regularly (once every half hour, or even more often), and the ride is very short, from 15 to 30 minutes ( more about transport in the Costa Dorada area cm. ).

Reus bus station (Estació autobusos Reus), where all buses arrive, is located next to the square PlazaDel Canal(at our bus station it is marked in large letters BUS and a bus icon). Most tourists begin their acquaintance with Reus from the bus station, which, by the way, has a small information center(there, for example, you can take a map of the city).

Note: it is best to travel by direct buses. In 10-15 minutes you can get from Salou to Reus, and they have several stops in the center of Reus, which is very convenient, since you can get off not necessarily at the bus station, but closer to the center (for example, it is convenient to get off at the stop near Sant Jordi park , north of the city center, see stop location at Reus map (upper right corner of the map)). Other bus routes go from Cambrils, to Salou, via La Pineda, and this is already quite long and not particularly convenient for those coming from Salou.

Regarding the return journey from Reus, it is useful to know that there is a bus route (serving only Salou and not stopping at La Pineda and Cambrils) that also stops in the Old Town area of ​​Reus, in particular near the parkParc St. Jordi and onand only then at the bus station, soleave Reus It is most convenient for vacationers from Salou - they do not have to return to the bus station (additional stops are marked with blue flags with a bus icon). The most convenient in this regard, it seems to us, is to stop at . More good to know that at all stops in Reus and Salou it is posted same schedule, that is, the time is indicated in the schedule from the final stop, and not from the stop at which this schedule hangs. Therefore, for example, the bus will appear on Goose Square only after 10-15 minutes from the specified time (it has a roundabout at Sant Jordi Square, from where it will arrive after these 10 minutes). Current schedule of Plana buses from Salou to Reus and back(until October 2011) can be viewed at the link.

So, precisely from the square PlazaDel Canal The main tourist route begins at the bus station walks around Reus. From here, fortunately, it is very close to the old, historical part of the city, where, in fact, the main attractions are located (on our recommended walking path from the bus station to the city center, to the main Tourist Information Center, is shown in the form of black “paws”). Walk for 10-15 minutes.

Most interesting architectural monuments of Reus included in the so-called “route of modernity”, or ( La Ruta del Modernismo). This walking route includes the most interesting architectural ensembles of the modernist era, many of which were designed by the famous Catalan architect Luis Domenech i Montaner(aka Lewis Dumenech i Muntane) (Lluís Domènech i Montaner) (1850-1923). In total, the route includes 26 of the most beautiful facades Reus (on the plan of Reus they are indicated by numbers in red circles).

How to get to know the city? The first option is to join sightseeing tour along the Reus Modernism Route (Reus Modernista) and inspect best samples Catalan Art Nouveau (including interiors and) with a guide. Such excursions regularly (from Monday to Saturday) are organized for individual tourists V summer period(from mid-July to mid-September) on different languages: Spanish, Catalan, English and French (every day there is a tour in some two languages). The rest of the year, tours are offered only on Saturdays and only in Spanish and Catalan. Gathering of tourists - directly at Plaza del Mercadal, at the Office tourist information Reus. The price of a ticket for a tour along the Route of Modernism in 2010 was 12 euros.

Second option - explore Reus and its attractions on your own, guided by special signs and signs. The main disadvantage of this option is that you will not be able to see some of the beautiful buildings of Reus from the inside. At the same time, if you, for example, only want to look interiors of some specific buildings- for example, interiors or, then you can book a separate excursion that does not include a walk around the city.

As for the prices for such excursions: a tour of the interiors of Casa Navas in 2010 cost 10 euros; cost 5 euros. Please note: all these excursions require advance reservation at the Reus Tourist Information Office.

Reus Tourist Office (Reus Turisme) is located on the ground floor recently open center Gaudi ( Gaudí Center), at the address Plaza del Mercadal, 3. It is possible sign up for a tour directly with them or contact the office staff in advance at email ( ) - or through a special form on the website.

Personally, we chose the second option - . But since we also wanted to see the beautiful interiors of the Pere Mata Institute, then we - by e-mail - ordered an excursion there separately (in this case, tourists gather directly at the entrance to the Institute, and you need to get there yourself: on foot or by bus ( practical information cm. )).

On our website you can free download tourist map Reus, Catalonia, Spain. This detailed plan city, with the names of all streets and indications of all the main attractions. To download Reus plan, click on the map thumbnail below or . Attention: Full size map takes up 1.04 MB (2000 x 1876 pixels). The red line with arrows shows the walking route through the Old Town recommended by the Reus Tourist Information Office. Main attractions of the Modernism Route are indicated by red circles with numbers. Accordingly, the green circles in the form of stars indicate the sights included in the Gaudí Route (memorable places associated with this most famous native of the city of Reus).

A walk through the main attractions of Reus indicated on this map (with a description of the corresponding buildings, temples, monuments, etc.) is offered in the "" section.

Our Witharticles about monuments, temples and other attractions in Reus.

Sights of Reus. The most important and interesting sights of Reus - photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, websites.

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    The very best

    Casa Navas

    “Stone Garden”, one of the most beautiful mansions in the Art Nouveau style, a masterpiece of the talented architect Luis Domenech i Monatera - all this can be safely said about Casa Navas, a house of amazing elegance, beauty and filigree craftsmanship in the heart of the Catalan city of Reus.

Gaudi, Catalan Art Nouveau, the best examples of architecture of the early 20th century and, at the same time, a quiet and sleepy place, known to all tourists exclusively as a city where there is a large international airport accepting flights from Russia. It’s surprising how a city so stunning in its atmosphere and number of unique buildings has not yet exploded on the market, becoming one of the most popular excursions on the entire Costa Dorada. Alas, Reus is not yet able to take the “palm” away from Tarragona, but it is already known among discerning connoisseurs of beauty as an amazing place where you can get acquainted with the birth of Art Nouveau in Catalonia - very much so.

In short, the “lion’s share” of Reus’s attractions is associated with architecture. The recipe for a great walk around the city is this: mix up a good portion of buildings in your camera, lightly flavor it with a bit of museums and, as a cherry on the cake, decorate it with St. Peter's Basilica. The final dish will turn out, believe me, it will.

You should start, of course, from the city center, or more precisely, from its ancient Plaza del Mercadel, also known as Market Square. There are a ton of places here that can be given must-see status. Firstly, of course, the Gaudi Center (as we know, the great genius of architecture was born and lived until he was 16 years old in Reus), and secondly, the luxurious Casa Navas mansion. Don't forget to pay attention to the solemn building of the City Hall and, of course, the nearby Church of Sainte-Pere (the same Saint Peter). Fans of the whimsical creator of stone and cement will be interested to know that it was in it that the young maestro was baptized.

Further, the paths of tourists may diverge - someone will prefer to go explore Reus along the famous “Route of Modernism”, which includes, for a moment, 24 buildings. Others will tear off at the city’s Tourist Office a map with the so-called “Gaudi Route”, where there are an order of magnitude fewer objects (only 6), but all are extremely interesting.

Finally, don't forget to take a look at the museums of the Catalan town. In particular, for exhibitions of contemporary art, photography or interesting art installations, it is worth visiting the Cal Masso art center. But behind the old one good story region, archaeological finds and similar antiquities - to the Archaeological Museum of Salvador Vilaseca, a famous native and patriot of Reus.

  • Where to stay: In numerous hotels for every taste of the most beloved city of Spain by tourists - the beautiful Barcelona, ​​simply chock-full of all kinds of attractions. Tarragona is worth going to for those who love peace and solitude without sacrificing the excursion experience. We recommend accommodation in Girona to history fans - there are a lot of colorful ancient buildings here. Reus perfectly combines the richness of the beach and the attractions of Catalan Art Nouveau.
  • What to see: Lots of attractions

The Spanish city of Reus is the capital of the Baix Camp region in Catalonia. This charming town attracts tourists not only with great shopping opportunities, but also with a rich cultural heritage: it is one of the main centers of Catalan modernist architecture, the birthplace of the architect Antoni Gaudi, the artist Maria Fortuny and General Prima. The famous vermouth is also produced in Reus.

3 things to do in Reus:

  1. Get to know Gaudi's life and work better in the museum dedicated to him.
  2. Follow the walking Route of Art Nouveau.
  3. Buy a bottle of aromatic vermouth.

How to get to Reus

Search for flights to Barcelona (closest airport to Reus)

Weather in Reus

The average daily temperature in Reus in summer is +25 °C; in winter it rarely drops below +15 °C. Water temperature is +21...+23 °C almost all year round.

Popular hotels in Reus

Entertainment and attractions in Reus

In Reus you can see buildings by the best Spanish architects of the 19th and 20th centuries. - primarily on the streets of Paseo de Brianço, Paseo de la Misericordia, Gaudi, Jesus Llovera. In general, Reus can be called a mecca for those who love the modernist style in architecture. For a more detailed acquaintance with the city, you can join a sightseeing tour along the Reus Modernism Route (La Ruta del Modernismo) and see the best examples of Catalan Art Nouveau.

Architecture in Reus

The Modernism Route is not the only way to see the city's most interesting buildings. While walking around Reus on your own, pay attention to Navas mansion (Casa Navas) on Mercadal Square (address: Reus, Placa del Mercadal, 5). It was built at the very beginning of the 20th century, since then the building has not been rebuilt and remains almost the same as it was a hundred years ago - only one tower is missing, destroyed during the Spanish Civil War. Today this building is considered one of the best examples of modernism in Europe. Thanks to the care of the owners of the mansion, the interiors were preserved almost in their original form: tiles, mosaics and stained glass - the best examples of Catalan art are collected here. The furniture designed by Gaspar Omar is very interesting.

The Renaissance-style Temple of Mercy, built in honor of the Virgin Mary in the 17th century, is located just outside the city. Its location is not accidental: it was founded in the place where the Mother of God appeared to Pastor Isabel Besora. Its walls are painted by José Franquet, Joaquim Juncosa and Juan Juncosa. The chapel was restored by the young Antoni Gaudí, exceptionally boldly for his era.

The Monastery of St. Peter is one of the 17th century ecclesiastical parishes of Reus.

Gaudi in Reus

Antoni Gaudi is the most famous native of Reus, and of course there are many places here that are associated with his life and work. The name of the famous architect has become a tourist brand of the city. In addition to the Route of Modernism in Reus, they have developed Gaudi route, which includes: home Antonio on Via San Vincente, a sculpture of Gaudi as a child, the Church of St. Peter where he was baptized and the school where he studied, as well as the Temple of Mercy - it could have become one of Gaudi's works if his project for the reconstruction of the facade had been approved by the authorities . A route map can be obtained from the Reus tourist office, which is located in the Gaudí Museum.

On Mercadal Square there is a new interactive Gaudí Museum, dedicated to his life and work in Reus, the features of his work and the role of Gaudí in the history of world architecture. It opened quite recently, in 2007, but has managed to become one of the most attractive attractions of Reus - on a par with boutiques. Here you can see models of Gaudi’s most famous creations (the Sagrada Familia cathedral, individual residential buildings in Barcelona) and interactive map“his” buildings in Barcelona; touch almost all the exhibits, look documentary about the life of an architect, sitting on mushroom chairs.

Ironically, in Reus itself there is not a single building designed by the great architect.

Fountains of Reus

Besides architectural monuments, Reus is famous for its fountains. The most famous of them are the Neptune Fountain in Victor Square (1789), the Hercules Fountain in the square of the same name (1857), the fountain in Plaza de la Sang (1779), as well as the modern Niño de las Ocas fountains (in the square Plaza de las Ocas), Triptolemus (Plaza Juan Rebulla) and the fountain at Plaza del Canal. Hiking trails also lead to the fountains in the sculptures of Pastoreta (in the square of the same name) and Maria Fortuny (Plaza de la Libertad). Other sculptures without fountains are Prim (General Prim Square) and Condesito (Maria Fortuny Square, next to the La Caixa building).


  • June 29 - Sant Pere (Holy Father), the most big holiday in Reus,
  • September 25 is the holiday of Mare de Deu de la Misericordia;
  • Tronada fireworks festival;
  • carnival and festival Festa de l’Anada a l’Antiga near Salou.

Also, many quarters of the city celebrate their own holidays.

At the pyrotechnics festival in Reus

This time we are exploring Reus (Spain). The city's attractions are so enviable that you can't miss it during your trip.

Gaudi Center

The Gaudi Center was opened in 2007. This large three-story building houses a museum complex dedicated to the work of the architect Antoni Gaudi. On the ground floor are his personal belongings: interior items, letters, sketches. The second floor is dedicated to Gaudi's innovative ideas. Here you can see models of his creations and get acquainted with a huge number of plans and drawings. On the third floor there are miniature models of buildings built according to the architect’s sketches. Also in one of the halls you can watch a stereo film about the life of the Catalan genius.

House Casa Navas

Casa Navas is an example of Art Nouveau architecture, built in the early 20th century. The building has three floors and two balconies, and one of them is a corner one. There was originally a tower in the left corner of the third floor, but it was seriously damaged by explosions during the period Civil War. Otherwise, the architectural structure has retained its original appearance. Residents and tourists compare this building to a stone garden due to the fact that its interior is decorated with elaborate floral patterns in marble and ceramics created by the craftsmen of Reus. The surface of the floor and walls, furniture, lamps, windows and even stairs are covered with floral landscapes and bas-reliefs.

La Caixa bank building in Reus

The La Caixa bank building in Reus is a massive structure with three domes, built between 1929 and 1932. It was created by the architect Enric Sagnier, whose work is also , and initially its owner was to be a local entrepreneur. The symmetrical building is designed in the neoclassical style with elements of Roman Baroque. On the ground floor there are offices and apartments for rent. The facade is presented in three parts: two sides with small towers and domes on top and main part with a colonnade, which is majestically crowned with a voluminous dome. The central parts of the four columns are decorated with bas-reliefs extolling the virtues of frugality.

City Hall in Reus

The city hall building in Reus was erected at the end of the 16th century, and due to the fact that it was rebuilt many times, it is problematic to attribute it to one or another architectural style. The most significant reconstructions took place in the 17th - 18th centuries, and in 1925 - 1932 architects from Catalonia took part in restoration work. As a result of this, the city hall acquired its neoclassical form, which is still preserved today. The facade of the building is decorated with forged winged dragons, made in the Art Nouveau style. In their claws they hold lanterns that illuminate the building at night. The architectural structure boasts a fairly bright interior. On the ground floor there is a gallery with portraits of prominent citizens of Reus. Also in one of the halls, visitors can see a bust of the symbol of Catalonia - Antoni Gaudi.

Monument to the Giant Indian in Reus

A giant Indian reminds the people of Reus of memorable holiday, held in this town in 1993. A series of similar celebrations have been held in various cities of the region since 1985, and the central characters of this celebration were giant figures. These giants were usually made of papier-mâché, in the form of huge, fat costumed figures with colorful faces. Now the giants are the favorites of the townspeople, and they can be seen at all festivals and carnivals, when they walk through the streets of the city and perform their dances in the center of the colorful procession. Giant Indians symbolize the American continent, and the height of some of them reaches 3.5 m. Indians are one of the very first and most significant characters of the holiday, which is why they were chosen for the monument. Near the monument there is a stone on which you can read the inscription in Catalan: “Reus is the city of giants.”

House Casa Laguna

Casa Laguna amazes tourists with its elegant façade, made using the trencadís technique. This narrow house is clad in asymmetrical tiles, and the façade design, showcasing a variety of materials, combines floral patterns with geometric shapes, creating the appearance of the building typical of the Art Nouveau style. However, the eclectic decor of the building is dominated by stone, ceramics and wrought iron, decorating some of the balconies. To the right and left of the main entrance there are mosaic medallions in which the initials of Sixtus Laguna are imprinted, by whose order this mansion was built.

Fortuny Theater

Fortuny was built in 1882 on the initiative of a prominent representative of the bourgeoisie of Reus, who wanted to create a theater in the city that would be equal in beauty and grandeur to the theaters of Barcelona itself. Since its opening, the theater has had numerous owners, hosted an endless number of productions, and at one time even housed a movie theater. Fortuny was reopened in 1988 and is now managed by the governments of Catalonia and the province of Tarragona, as well as the city council of Reus. The theater seats 850 spectators, and on its stage you can see outstanding examples of dramatic productions, opera and ballet.

Monument to the artist Fortuny

The monument to the magnificent Spanish artist Maria Fortuny was created based on one of his canvases, which depicts a young dandy count in an elegant 18th-century outfit. Now the painting is kept in Barcelona, ​​in the National Museum of Art of Catalonia. And the monument was erected in Pintor Fortuny Square, next to a historical building topped with three domes. The figure of the count rises above the square on a two-meter pedestal made of marble. On the façade of this pedestal you can see a round plaque with a portrait of the artist engraved on it. The height of the statue itself is approximately 189 cm. The bronze count with a grin on his face stands in an imposing pose, holding his hands in his pockets, and the hilt of his sword is visible from under his cloak.

Hi all!

Reus- a city that is part of the province of Tarragona, Catalonia (Spain).

On the Internet you can see that many sites indicate: “The city of Reus is a paradise for shopaholics.” This is more of an attraction for tourists. In fact, after the stately city of Tarragona, Reus seems like a shabby outback. It is located very far from the sea, the streets are unattractive and initially made some kind of negative impression, since I was counting on full-fledged shopping. I think that this city is not at all necessary to visit, but it was still interesting to visit there in the end.

I’ll tell you about visiting the city of Reus and my impressions of what I saw.

My husband, daughter and I arrived in this city from Salou on the BUS PLANA bus using a travel card in the morning. They brought us to the bus station, and from there we had to go back.

The photo in the distance shows a white booth with the letter “i” drawn on it. In the morning a young man was sitting there, giving out free city maps, advised tourists in Russian on various issues. This booth was not open in the evening.

I photographed the preserved map for clarity.

I repeat that we were counting on shopping in the city of Reus. And we went towards the small shops in the center from the bus stop along the street c. sant joan and then went to Mercadal Square.

The streets in the city are narrow, the roads are good, there are two lanes of traffic, there is pedestrian crossings and traffic lights, in this regard everything is civilized.

There are catchy and attractive design of store facades.

The pictures on the sign seemed original to me.

The city made such an impression that all the locals know each other.

Girl school age stood on the balcony, most likely her classmates passed by and everyone greeted her and talked about something.

The monument to an ancient steam locomotive on one of the streets reminded me of our Russian railway stations and locomotive monuments.

The city of Reus itself is so small that you can walk around it in a day.

Along the way we came across various cafes, the prices were more attractive compared to Salou and Tarragona.

There were few tourists and local people on the streets. It turned out that we ended up in a Spanish town and looked at the leisurely daily city life of the locals, but it was not particularly busy, since most people were at their jobs.

In Spain stormy life starts after 19.00 pm, this is when locals come to pubs, meet friends and can sit with a glass of beer until late at night. And during the day, some kind of movement occurs only until 13.00, then SIESTA begins - a long lunch break, usually lasts until 16.00, and sometimes until 19.00. At this time, all shops and shops are closed.

On the Internet they write that on Wednesdays no siesta in Reus. We went on a different day of the week and the siesta was in full swing.

Look at these houses, there is nothing attractive about them, and this is one of the streets in the center of Reus.

It seemed to me that all the money for the improvement of the city goes to Tarragona, and there is not enough money for Reus. This also suggests that this city does not attract tourists at all.

In Reus there is such a feature - the entrance to the store/window itself is small, but in fact the department is very long. They are simply tall for the size of the display case.

The prices in such departments did not please me at all; they sell consumer goods and are expensive. Only tourists from Russia enter them in the hope of finding something attractive. We came across few such shops in the first half, but after lunch they were all closed for siesta.

  • One of the attractions of Reus is monument to General Prima , which is located on the square of the same name (Plaça de Prim).

Here the facades of the houses have already been restored to their divine appearance; it was nice to look at them.

Along the way we met one of my favorite departments Stradivarius.

But we didn’t buy anything here, because the day before we visited large shopping centers in Tarragona and they all sell the same thing there.

On one of the facades of the houses we saw a monument of a man (at first I thought it was Robin Hood), who was pointing his finger at the window of a neighboring house. It turned out that a sculptor lived in this house with a little man, he quarreled with a neighbor from the house opposite and then created this monument, saying, look people, what a bad person lives there.

We were already pretty hungry and decided to look into a local cafe, a friendly girl worked there who spoke Russian well, she married a Spaniard, her husband and she run this cafe in Reus, and they themselves live in Cabrils. It's always nice to meet friendly compatriots in an unfamiliar city far from your homeland.

The prices in this establishment were normal; pasta could be ordered for 5 euros (about 350 rubles). Then, for the first time, my husband and I tried local draft beer Estrella (star). They serve olives with beer. They also recommend trying local vermouth as an alcoholic beverage, but we never got around to it.

I'll say something else about language barrier. You can travel in Spain without knowing any other languages; gestures always help. The workers of cafes and shops spoke to us in Russian as best they could or spoke a few words in English. The only thing you need to have in the company of a person who knows his way around the map and the area well, street names are signed everywhere.

I’ll show you a few more photos of streets and houses; it was already busy time, almost everything was closed, all that was left was to walk and contemplate.

I captured prices in euros at some real estate agency in Reus.


Then we went to Mercadal Square, it is central in Reus, all tourist routes pass through it, pedestrian streets go off.

One of the attractions of this square is House Navas / Casa Navas.

House Casa Navas, built in the period 1901-1908, by many compared to a stone garden.
This residential building was built in Art Nouveau style by the architect Luis Domenech i Montanera. The house has three floors and two balconies, one of which is a corner one. On the left side of the facade, on the corner of the third floor, a tower was originally built, which was destroyed by a bomb during the Civil War. Apart from this, the house still retains its original appearance.
The house is called a stone garden, because the main motif of the building's interior is a floral masterpiece woven from unique marble, ceramic, artwork, made by the best craftsmen of Reus. Everything here, including mosaics on the floor and walls, furniture, lamps, window glass and even staircases, is decorated with plant landscapes and bas-reliefs.

There were cafes here too.

I don’t know if you have heard that elections will be held in October 2017 regarding the separation of Catalonia from Spain. The balconies of houses in the central square were full of posters and slogans. Some kind of rebellious political mood was felt.

An attractive place for tourists in Reus is Gaudi Museum(Gaudi Center Reus), it is located on Mercadal Square. It is believed that the famous Spanish architect Gaudi was born in Reus and spent his childhood and youth there.

I'm glad that we were able to visit this museum in Reus. I told you more about it in my other review. If you are planning a trip to Reus, I recommend the Gaudi Museum first.

There is a Gothic building right next door Priory Church of Sant Pere or Church of St. Peter - one of the main oldest attractions in Reus.

Dedicated to Saint Peter, patron saint of Reus. And the architect Antonio Gaudi was baptized in this temple.

Near the Church of Sant Pere (between the temple and the Fish Market Square / Plaça de les Peixateries Velles) you can see a sculpture of a naked woman - El Vent("Wind")(1989).

created by one of the most famous Catalan sculptors Josep Jassans (Josep Salvado Jassans) (1938-2006)

Another attraction we saw was a monument to the poet and playwright Joaquin Bartrin.

It was interesting to walk along the streets of the city in good weather, it’s just a pity that there is no sea in Reus, then tourists would come there more often.


During the trip we visited the main shopping centers, there were a total of 2 of them. I will give a description of each of them.

    El Pallol Shopping Center

It is located next to Mercadal Square and the Sant Pere Temple, but I do not recommend that you waste your precious time on it.

We went to this point on the map and at first did not understand where shopping mall?

El Pallol - It's not a big building with a lot of departments like we're used to, but just a couple of departments downstairs and upstairs around an open terrace.

I read on the Internet that supposedly

When purchasing at the El Pallol shopping center for the amount over 20 euros can be obtained 2 tickets free to the Gaudi Center.

But what to buy there? And I don’t even know if this promotion is valid at the moment.

There is nothing good about the departments on the ground floor at all.

And upstairs there are only two normal departments, one with Jeck Jones men's denim.

And another with C&A children's clothing, prices are high even during sales.

I captured another children's department in this shopping center.

  • Shopping center La Fira Center Comercial

The only normal shopping center in Reus is La Fira. But if you were in Tarragona in a shopping center Parc Centra l, then at La Fira it’s the same, only there are fewer departments.

Address: Avinguda de Sant Jordi, 6, 43201 Reus, Tarragona, Spain

This shopping center is located at the very top of my map (circled).

Main departments: Bershka, H&M, Zara, Mango, PULL&BEAR, again Stradivarius, Jeck Jones and others.