Maidan, Leonid Kornilov, Evgeny Zhilin, Oplot, Civil War, appeal. Ukraine's stronghold against Bandera fascism (video)

On Monday evening, in the Veterok restaurant in the elite village of Gorki-2, an unknown person shot the leader of the Ukrainian public organization"Oplot", businessman Evgeny Zhilin. At the same time, his companion Andrei Kozyrev (according to other sources - Kozar) was seriously wounded. Russian law enforcement agencies put forward several versions of what happened, the main one being entrepreneurial activity deceased.

But a political motive cannot be ruled out.

Meanwhile, career and some details from political activity The 40-year-old businessman deserves special attention.

Witness and accused

Until 2005, Evgeniy Zhilin was a little-known employee of the department for combating organized crime in the Kharkov region. Came here by assignment after graduating from the faculty economic security Kharkov University of Internal Affairs.

In 2005, Zhilin was first seconded from the Organized Crime Control Department to the Kharkov regional department of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), and then almost immediately arrested for blowing up the car of an influential deputy of the Kharkov City Council, Gennady Kernes.

At the same time, as reported in official biography Zhilin, he was a witness in another case - the poisoning of the then President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko.

Source: the killer who shot Zhilin may not have known the identity of the victimThe attacker probably received a phone call to confirm the identity of Ukrainian activist Yevgeny Zhilin, after which he began shooting, a source in the RIA Novosti news agency told RIA Novosti. law enforcement agencies.

Yushchenko was poisoned in the fall of 2004, presumably in one of the country estates in Kyiv. At that time, Zhilin was fighting organized crime in Kharkov. What is the connection between Zhilin and Yushchenko’s poisoning is unknown. Both crimes - the bombing of Kernes's car and the poisoning of President Yushchenko - remain unsolved and almost forgotten to this day.
Zhilin spent more than two years in the Kharkov pre-trial detention center. In 2007, he was completely acquitted and restored to all rights. The state, as Zhilin later claimed, compensated him for damages for detention and unfounded charges in full, his criminal record was annulled, and the period of his stay in the pre-trial detention center was counted as work experience.

However, Zhilin was reinstated not to his previous place of work, but to his previous one - in the Organized Crime Control Department. By that time, Gennady Kernes had gone from being an influential deputy to becoming secretary of the Kharkov City Council. However, there was no conflict between them either at that time or later.

In 2010, Zhilin, at the age of 34, with the rank of police captain, retired to an honorary pension based on length of service. When calculating his length of service, he was credited for three years of service in a pre-trial detention center, and one and a half years for each year of service in the Organized Crime Control Department. It turned out to be 27 years.

“If the criminal is armed, kill!”

After retiring, Zhilin created the Oplot corporation, which included charitable foundation, a public organization, a law firm, an audit firm, a news agency and a sports club. With nominally different legal entities they wore common name"Stronghold" Zhilin himself, at his main place of work, was a senior legal adviser at a law firm within this corporation.

The most notable were two enterprises: the public organization "Oplot", which, according to informed sources, was engaged in security activities, and a sports club, which Zhilin himself called "fighting".

The public organization "Oplot" operated not only in Kharkov, but also in neighboring Donetsk. The Donetsk branch of Oplot was then headed by Alexander Zakharchenko, now the head of the DPR.

At the same time, the fight club held fights without rules in a specially equipped cage in Kharkov. The fight club was like a “training ground” for the security structure.

Apparently, the public organization and the fight club also had a common ideology. Here's how Zhilin himself voiced it:

“If at the same time (when attacking a club fighter - ed.) you took a stick, if there are three of you and you resist me or attack my property, I am not responsible even for murder. Even if I kill him, exceeding self-defense, the law deprives me of my freedom for only three years. Be afraid of this, and don’t commit a crime, don’t come to Kharkov. And I, as a candidate of legal sciences, explain these rules of the law to all my fighters. I tell them that you can easily knock out an eye. , break off the arm or leg of the attacker. If they swing a stick at you, you can kill. The law does not require that you tolerate the criminal, and if he is armed, kill."

Fights without rules in the cage and in politics

On January 17, 2014, Oplot fighters clashed with participants in the so-called Automaidan. This organization has blocked President Yanukovych’s Mezhyhirya residence more than once and participated in clashes between various types of Protestants and security forces.

On January 17, 2014, Zhilin said that it was necessary to “tear the Maidan to pieces” and that he was ready to do this with the participation of members of the public organization Oplot, which he headed.

Source: the murder of Zhilin in the Moscow region may not have been planned initiallyThere was no point in killing in the restaurant, but then something changed, a law enforcement source told RIA Novosti. The men who came under fire from the killer turned out to be Ukrainian activists who opposed the course of the country’s current government.

Exactly two weeks later, on February 1, 2014, Oplot held a noisy rally at the monument to General Nikolai Vatutin (located in Mariinsky Park, next to the building of the Ukrainian parliament). Here Zhilin organized a photo exhibition about the crimes of members of the OUN-UPA (the United Organization Ukrainian nationalists and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, which operated on the territory of Ukraine in 1930-1960).

At the same time, Zhilin summoned members of the nationalist political party"Svoboda" and a member of parliament from this party, Igor Miroshnichenko, for a fight "in a cage without rules." Neither Svoboda nor Miroshnichenko accepted this challenge.

It is known that Zhilin was a fierce critic of Euromaidan and called on the authorities to use force against the protesters. At the same time, he became a delegate to the congress of the Party of Regions, which took place in Kharkov after the coup, and again demanded the use of force to restore state order in the country.

Then the fighters of the Oplot club protected public organizations in Kharkov from Euromaidan protesters. However, a few days after the coup, the security was removed, and the buildings were occupied by representatives new government.

After Euromaidan

5 days after the coup, on February 26, 2014, according to the statement of the new Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, a criminal case was opened against Zhilin. The new government charged him with “creating illegal armed groups,” and the accused himself left for Russia. According to the SBU, he was in Belgorod, from where he continued to manage his organizations, primarily a security company.

Murder of the head of "Oplot": the investigation has decided on the priority versionThe reason for the murder of the leader of the Ukrainian public organization "Oplot" Evgeniy Zhilin could be his commercial activities, as well as hostile relations, investigators believe. In addition, the version of a political murder cannot be ruled out.

According to informed sources, since March 2014, Oplot has been protecting a number of enterprises, residential premises and estates of businessmen and politicians in Donetsk who left Ukraine or left the territory of the self-proclaimed DPR. First of all, this concerned the property complex of the richest man in the country, Rinat Akhmetov.

August 5, 2014 former manager Alexander Zakharchenko headed the Donetsk branch of Oplot.

20 September 2016, 16:37

Non-profit organization

"Stronghold"- a public organization created in Kharkov in 2010. Founder and director Evgeny Zhilin.

The organization gained fame in Ukraine during the political crisis of 2013-2014, during its participation in the popular uprising in eastern Ukraine.

  • 1 Creation
  • 2 Structure
  • 3 Promotions
  • 4 Participation in events related to Euromaidan
  • 5 Participation in protests in eastern Ukraine
  • 6 Notes
  • 7 Links


The public organization "Oplot" was created in 2010 former officer Ministry of Internal Affairs Evgeny Zhilin. As the main statutory objectives, financial, legal, social and moral assistance were declared to the families of police officers who died in the line of duty, military personnel who lost their ability to work as a result of combat operations, and military personnel who, due to age or life circumstances, are unable to provide themselves with a decent existence. Another area of ​​Oplot’s activity was military-historical work: countering attempts to glorify the OUN-UPA, financing the search for the remains of fallen Red Army soldiers, caring for monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, glorification and exaltation of the “victorious people”.

The fighting sports club, created in November 2011 in Kharkov by the president of the Oplot organization Evgeny Zhilin with the assistance of Alexey Oleynik, bears the same name. SC "Oplot" specializes exclusively in mixed martial arts (MMA / Ultimate Fighting). At the same time, the club is also an MMA league, that is, a platform for holding professional MMA championships and prize draws in various weight categories.


In addition to the direct public organization “Oplot”, it has related and subsidiary structures:

  • Charitable Foundation "Oplot"
  • Legal company "Oplot"
  • Auditing company "Oplot-audit"
  • Information agency "Oplot-Info",
  • Sports club "Oplot",
  • Supermarket "Oplot" in the city of Kharkov (in the premises of the former supermarket "Target" at Gagarin Avenue, 167/1.).

According to the leader of the movement, Evgeniy Zhilin, at the beginning of February 2014, the Oplot fight club consisted of 350 fighters, and in total the public organization had about two thousand activists in the regions of Ukraine.


In April 2013, Oplot organized an exhibition dedicated to the crimes of the OUN-UPA at the monument to Nikolai Vatutin in Kyiv. Security of the exhibition was provided by 150 athletes from Oplot. Oplot leader Yevgeny Zhilin, during discussions with representatives of Ukrainian nationalists and the Svoboda party, challenged MP Igor Miroshnichenko and other representatives of the Svoboda party to a fight without rules. The challenge was not accepted.

Participation in events related to Euromaidan

The organization took a sharply negative position regarding Euromaidan. Its activists took part in anti-Maidan actions and demanded that the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych forcefully counter the Euromaidan.

On January 17, 2014, activists of the Oplot organization held an action in Kyiv to block the cars of Automaidan participants.

Participants in the Kharkov Euromaidan associate Oplot and its leader Zhilin personally with attacks on activists and press representatives committed by young people of athletic appearance (“titushki”). Oplot activists detained Euromaidan participants, inflicting bodily harm on them, and handed them over to the police.

Participation in protests in eastern Ukraine

See also: Oplot (battalion)

At the end of February and March 2014, Oplot activists, together with other residents of Kharkov, took part in protecting the local Lenin monument from destruction, participated in clashes with Euromaidan supporters for control of the regional state administration building, and in clashes with Right Sector and Patriot activists Ukraine".

On April 14, 2014, information appeared that Oplot fighters were taking part in the battles for Slavyansk and were located in the building of the Donetsk Regional State Administration.

On April 16, 2014, activists of the organization led by Evgeniy Zhilin and Alexander Zakharchenko seized the city council building in Donetsk. Evgeny Zhilin spoke about these events like this:

“Everyone hoped that it would be like in Crimea. Let's turn to Russia - and everything will be fine. “Oplot” was almost the only public organization that had a power bloc at that time. And we seized the city administration building and defended it so that no one would rob it.”

According to statements from the Ukrainian side, in May 2014, its Donetsk organization separated from the Oplot organization, which received the independent name Russian Orthodox Army.

According to media reports, in the spring and summer of 2014, on the territory of the self-proclaimed DPR, Oplot fighters were subordinate to the DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov. The leader of the local Oplot, Alexander Zakharchenko, was officially the Deputy Minister of Defense. Evgeny Zhilin later pointed out formal character of this subordination: “Strelkov was never its leader. Strelkov declared himself commander-in-chief.”

August 8, 2014 Supreme Council of Donetsk People's Republic approved the leader of the Donetsk “Oplot” Alexander Zakharchenko as prime minister.

On November 2, 2014, Alexander Zakharchenko was elected head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic.


  1. The Donetsk City Council was captured by the Kharkov group “Oplot” // BBC Russian Service, 04/16/2014
  2. Azar I. “I will defeat you and hand you over to the police.” Reportage. (February 3, 2014). Retrieved February 4, 2014.
  3. 70th anniversary of the liberation of Ukraine and the rebuff to neo-Nazis, Russian Unity (03/24/2013). Retrieved February 2, 2014.
  4. Rulev S. In Kyiv, under the protection of 150 athletes, an exhibition about the crimes of the UPA was held (PHOTOS, VIDEO) // New region. - 2013, April 16.
  5. “Svobodovets” Miroshnichenko was called to fight without rules, TVi (04/15/2013). Retrieved February 2, 2014.
  6. The leader of Oplot was a suspect in the case of blowing up a businessman // LIGABusinessInform. - 2014, January 17.
  7. Deputy Mayor of Donetsk: the City Council building is controlled by the Kharkov organization “Oplot”. RosBusinessConsulting
  8. In Kharkov, the local Maidan was attacked by members of Oplot, there were casualties.. (February 23, 2014).
  9. In Kharkov, the Right Sector seized the premises of the Oplot fight club.
  11. "Oplot" fight with "Patriots of Ukraine" in Kharkov | News of Ukraine and the World
  12. “If Donbass rises, there will not be enough room for everyone.” MK
  13. Donetsk City Council captured by Kharkiv group Oplot - BBC Russian
  14. “Oplot” captured the Donetsk City Council due to the betrayal of the “regionals” -
  15. 1 2 3 The head of Oplot spoke about lobbying for Zakharchenko’s candidacy for the post of head of the DPR, Dozhd TV Channel (November 4, 2014).
  16. People in Donbass are being kidnapped by the “Russian Orthodox Army” - NSDC Advisor | Reviewer
  17. “Oplot” took under protection the residence of the Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov in Donetsk. DPR hopes that he is a patriot of Donbass - OstroV


  • Alexander Zakharchenko admitted that fighters from the Oplot battalion took part in the brawls.
  • The public organization “Oplot” demands from Yanukovych a harsh dispersal of the Euromaidan // ICTV: television channel. - 2014, January 17.
  • Official website of the Oplot movement. Retrieved February 2, 2014.
  • Fighters from Kharkov challenge Ukrainian nationalists to a duel. - Vesti Ukraine, 2014, January 17.
  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs will consider the possible involvement of Oplot in the kidnapping of Bulatov. - RBC Ukraine, 2014, January 31.
  • Tertyshnaya Ya. Evgeny Zhilin: “I am convinced that I should give part of the money that comes to me to other people” // Status Quo: news agency. - Kharkov, 2012, August 6.
  • Nayem M. Leader of the Kharkov “Oplot” Evgeniy Zhilin: I don’t like that they are putting pressure on my president, it insults me (Russian) // Ukrainian truth: information Agency. - 2014, February 6.
  • The guest of the information and analytical program “Naspravdi” is the head of the public organization “Oplot” Evgeny Zhilin. Interview. Media group Lens (28-11-2013). Retrieved February 2, 2014.
  • Kharkov fighters go to Kyiv to disperse protests // Vesti (Ukraine). - 2014, January 21.
  • Official website of the Fight Club "Oplot". Retrieved February 2, 2014.

Stronghold (organization) Information About

A year has passed since the start of the punitive operation of the Kyiv authorities in eastern Ukraine. He told about how Euromaidan began, how the Donbass people lived all this year, how the struggle for the Russian language and the right to be called Russian went on, how the militia was formed. live video channel website chairman of the public organization "Oplot" Evgeniy Zhilin.

Source: Pravda photo archive. Ru

— Evgeniy, what does your organization “Oplot” do?

— The Oplot organization was originally organized by me in 2011, after I retired from the internal affairs bodies. I created it in order to defend my interests and beliefs with which I worked in the internal affairs bodies. Initially, we helped the families of deceased police officers in Kharkov. They provided assistance on a monthly basis. Then I went into business, good financial results appeared, and we began to help Afghans who came from the war without arms, without legs, without eyes, and even then they lost the opportunity to earn a living.

It turns out that he worked instead of them - “for his friends,” as they say. Thus, I fulfilled my duty as a soldier and officer to these people.

Subsequently, our activities consisted of defending the interests of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine. We supported the President of Ukraine Yanukovych after he signed the language law, collected signatures in support of the Russian language, and we also fought neo-fascism with all available legal means.

Thus, we appealed the decision of local councils to rename Mira Street to SS Nachtigall Street on western Ukraine, won this trial. When did Ukraine begin to choose where to move - European integration or integration with Russia and Eurasian Union- I understood perfectly well that for Ukraine it would be disastrous to move exclusively to Europe, because the entire economy of Ukraine is tied to Russia, here is our money, our interests.

We are not against moving to Europe, but together with Russia.

Therefore, we collected signatures, wanted to hold a referendum, wanted to show the whole world that the people of Ukraine are against the imposed course of European integration.

But the laws of cohabitation say that the minority must obey the majority, then we will get along. But when we decided to hold a referendum on where Ukraine should go, where most people want to go - into a union with Russia or with Europe, this referendum was blocked. Because supporters of European integration knew that they would lose in this referendum.

When did they start violent acts against police officers, the peaceful expression of views ended, I made an appeal, calling on people to disperse from Euromaidan.

After that I came to Kyiv. There were no people in the political leadership of Ukraine who were ready to simply come out and tell the truth. Many have left political elite turned out to be unable to fight for her beliefs.

Without meaning to, I found myself in front. Simple people who shared my views, saw some kind of strength in me, realized that I was a simple and straightforward person. Therefore, “Oplot” acquired very great support among ordinary people throughout Ukraine, although it was originally created as a Kharkov public organization.

People from all over Ukraine began calling, including from Donetsk, Lugansk, Odessa, and Zhitomir. People came and asked to appoint them as leaders of Oplot in their regions. One of them was Alexander Zakharchenko. We talked to him, we were of the same opinion about what was happening, he was ready to fight, fight, and not just sit back. Therefore, I decided that he would head Oplot in Donetsk. Igor Bezler and Alexander Bednov also support our ideas and work.

— A year has passed since Turchinov and Porubiy sent troops to Donbass. Why did military confrontation arise in these areas?

“Such a confrontation could occur throughout the entire southeastern Ukraine. People in Kharkov, Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk, and other regions were no less opposed to this government.

In Donetsk and Lugansk, it probably started because, to their credit, Igor Ivanovich Strelkov appeared there. There was a popular protest. But there was also Strelkov’s merit. People were ready to peacefully prove their protest and came out to the square.

In Kharkov, 10-20 thousand people gathered, people said: “We are against this.” But no one heard them. Our people were not ready to kill for the sake of their beliefs. They hoped that the authorities, whatever they might be, would hear them., but the workers came out and said: We may be ready to accept this, but only we are against fascism, against neo-Nazism, it is in our blood. But the new government did not care about the people. And in Kharkov there was no Strelkov, who was ready for armed resistance. It became clear that the protest movement could only be suppressed by armed means. The Ukrainian authorities did not want to take anyone into account, listen to arguments, and decided to suppress this by force, as their curators - the Americans - did everywhere. But Strelkov messed up their cards.

— Do you think Strelkov is a terrorist who was sent by the Russian special services, or is this our Che Guevara, a revolutionary?

— Strelkov is like Che Guevara. I don’t know him personally, but we know each other indirectly. He was not directed by the Russian special services; Strelkov is a sincerely convinced person. There were some mistakes in his actions that I do not agree with, but it was Strelkov who did what many wanted to do, but did not dare.

It is difficult to call him a terrorist, because he fights for the Russian people, he stood up and said: I am ready to fight to the death for the Russians and kill anyone who dares to kill Russians because they are Russians. This is the right slogan. He came out against the people who seized power illegally through an armed coup.

Legally, their power is illegal. This was recognized, there was simply no will of other states to defeat this coup, to strangle it. But Strelkov came out and said: The king is naked! This power is not real. I am against it and am ready to defend it with arms in hand. Naturally, Europe and America will call him a terrorist. And we, ordinary Russian people, must say thank you to Igor Ivanovich for calling white white and fighting black, for defending the interests of ordinary Russian people with arms in hand.

- As in the central and western parts Do Ukraine relate to this war? Is there an understanding that the Russians need to be released, or do they think that these territories and people need to be subjugated and Ukrainized?

Middle class doesn’t want to fight, wants stability, but no one asks their opinion. They don't want to fight. There was not a single mobilization in Donbass, but there are a lot of people who want to fight for the Russian world. They simply don’t take them anymore, they don’t let them in, because the DPR and LPR armies are oversaturated. But there are no people who want to fight for Ukraine.

They must be forced into this army under the threat of being drawn to criminal liability. But the people are completely under the rule of a regime that is tightly controlled by the United States. For them, Ukraine is the same country as the Philippines or Guinea. Everything is decided in the State Department, and they are not interested in the opinion of Ukrainians. They themselves make and present false television programs, staged images, and fake opinion polls.

I know many people all over Ukraine, I spoke with them. Ukrainians want peace and tranquility, they want to work and earn money, they want friendship with Russia, with their brotherly people, but television creates a different opinion.

Of course, the war, which has dragged on, the lack of victory is already giving rise to hatred in many, including the DPR and LPR, because they see this as the source of their problems.

Because people are told: you don’t get much money because of Donbass, you can’t be treated because Donbass, because it is supported by Russia. Such an algorithm is launched, it is repeated constantly and instilled in people. But in fact, simple ones rose, ordinary people

- miners and other workers. It turned out that even smugglers, half-bandits with an incomprehensible past in their souls, love their land much more than the so-called elite who fled. They were afraid to give them weapons at first, they didn’t believe them at first, which is why so many cities were given away in which people voted for the independence of Donbass.

Then, later, they began to be retrained, including with my participation, and given weapons. Life does not stand still, there is now a truce, and there is real power for Zakharchenko in the DPR and Plotnitsky in the LPR. The authorities do not always do the right thing, in my opinion, not exactly as it should. After all, everywhere too different people

in power. Ordinary residents expected something different, people expected greater honesty and decency. Today, statehood is not fully built in legal terms, which personally worries me very much.

I don’t understand why investigative bodies were created, but courts were not created, how people can be put in prison, but not be able to judge them further, so that the person has the opportunity to prove his innocence. Of course, everything can still be corrected, in any case, someday it will all be corrected, and in any case, it is better in the DPR and LPR because today they will celebrate May 9, they respect veterans and their memory. There will be a Victory Day holiday, and this means there is hope that everything will be fine.