Paul l marina intensive care. Samara Regional Medical Information and Analytical Center

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research development

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# study


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bromine ~1

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" research development "~2

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For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

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Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

This book is a translation of the latest, third, world-famous edition of the fundamental manual written by Professor Paul Marino of the University of Pennsylvania, USA, "The ICU Book". It presents the most modern and relevant information on hemodynamic and metabolic monitoring, the pathophysiology of critical conditions, modern methods their diagnosis and treatment. Special attention focuses on the issues of choosing adequate treatment, which is very valuable given the tendency of many doctors to polypharmacy, as a result of which the risk of iatrogenic complications increases and economic costs unreasonably increase. The material is accompanied by numerous clinical examples and summary tables that facilitate the perception of information. The appendices describe the features of pharmacotherapy, doses and routes of administration of a number of medicines, diagrams and algorithms of resuscitation and diagnostic measures, reference tables for calculating the various needs of the body are provided, international systems assessment of the severity of the patient's condition, measures to prevent infections and a hemodynamic profile are outlined. The book will be useful not only to specialists in the field of intensive care and resuscitation, but also to doctors of other specialties, as well as senior students of medical institutes.

Preface by the scientific editor to the publication in Russian

List of abbreviations

Basic scientific concepts


Oxygen transport and carbon dioxide


Preventive measures in critical conditions

Infection control in the intensive care unit

Preventive treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

Venous thromboembolism


Vascular access

Creation of venous access

Stay of the catheter in the vessel


Hemodynamic monitoring

Blood pressure

Pulmonary artery catheterization

Central venous pressure and wedge pressure

Tissue oxygenation

Circulatory disorders

Bleeding and hypovolemia

Reimbursement with colloidal and crystalloid solutions

Acute heart failure syndromes

Heart failure

Infusion of hemodynamic drugs


Critical conditions in cardiology

Early treatment of acute coronary syndrome



Acute respiratory failure

Hypoxemia and hypercapnia

Oximetry and capnography

Oxygen inhalation therapy

Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Severe airway obstruction


Artificial ventilation

Principles of artificial ventilation

Assisted ventilation modes

Patient on mechanical ventilation

Stopping artificial ventilation


Acid-base disorders

Interpretation of acid-base status

Organic acidosis

Metabolic alkalosis


Renal and electrolyte disorders

Oliguria and acute renal failure

Hypertensive and hypotonic conditions

Calcium and phosphorus


Transfusion Therapy Practice in Critical Care Medicine

Anemia and red blood cell transfusion in the intensive care unit

Platelets in critical conditions


Body temperature disorders

Hyper- and hypothermic syndromes



Inflammation and infection in the intensive care unit

Infection, inflammation and multiple organ failure


Sepsis in pathologies of the abdominal cavity and pelvis

Patients with immunodeficiency

Antibacterial therapy


Nutrition and Metabolism

Metabolic needs

Enteral tube feeding

Parenteral nutrition

Adrenal and thyroid dysfunctions


Intensive care in neurology

Pain relief and sedation

Thinking disorders

Movement disorders

Stroke and related disorders



Toxic reactions to drugs and antidotes to them



Appendix 1

Units of measurement and their conversion

Appendix 2

Selected lookup tables

Appendix 3

Clinical scoring systems

Subject index

Once a child is diagnosed with diabetes, parents often head to the library for information on this issue and are faced with the possibility of complications arising. After a period of worry, parents are hit with the next blow when they learn about diabetes-related morbidity and mortality statistics.

Viral hepatitis in early childhood

Relatively recently, the hepatitis alphabet, which already included hepatitis viruses A, B, C, D, E, G, was replenished with two new DNA-containing viruses, TT and SEN. We know that hepatitis A and hepatitis E do not cause chronic hepatitis and that hepatitis G and TT viruses are most likely “innocent spectators” that are transmitted vertically and do not affect the liver.

Measures for the treatment of chronic functional constipation in children

When treating chronic functional constipation in children, it is necessary to take into account important factors in the child’s medical history; establish good relationships between medical officer and the child-family to implement the proposed treatment properly; a lot of patience on both sides, with repeated assurances that the situation will gradually improve, and courage in cases of possible relapses, constitute the best way to treat children suffering from constipation.

Research findings challenge beliefs about diabetes treatment

The results of a ten-year study have proven beyond doubt that frequent self-monitoring and maintaining blood glucose levels within normal limits leads to a significant reduction in the risk of late complications caused by diabetes mellitus, and reducing their severity.

Manifestations of rickets in children with impaired formation of the hip joints

In the practice of pediatric orthopedists and traumatologists, the question of the need to confirm or exclude formation disorders is often raised. hip joints(hip dysplasia, congenital hip dislocation) in infants. The article shows an analysis of a survey of 448 children with clinical signs of disorders of the formation of the hip joints.

Medical gloves as a means of ensuring infection safety

Most nurses and doctors don't like gloves, and for good reason. Wearing gloves, the sensitivity of your fingertips is lost, the skin on your hands becomes dry and flaky, and the instrument tends to slip out of your hands. But gloves have been and remain the most reliable means of protection against infection.

Lumbar osteochondrosis

It is believed that every fifth adult on earth suffers from lumbar osteochondrosis; this disease occurs in both young and old age.

Epidemiological control over health workers who had contact with the blood of HIV-infected people

(to help medical workers in medical institutions)

IN methodological guidelines The issues of monitoring medical workers who had contact with the blood of a patient infected with HIV are covered. Actions are proposed to prevent occupational HIV infection. A logbook and an official investigation report for contact with the blood of an HIV-infected patient have been developed. The procedure for informing has been determined higher authorities on the results of medical observation of health workers who came into contact with the blood of an HIV-infected patient. Intended for medical workers of treatment and preventive institutions.

Chlamydial infection in obstetrics and gynecology

Chlamydia of the genitals is the most common sexually transmitted disease. All over the world, there is an increase in chlamydia among young women who have just entered the period of sexual activity.

Cycloferon in the treatment of infectious diseases

Currently, there is an increase in certain nosological forms infectious diseases, first of all, viral infections. One of the directions for improving treatment methods is the use of interferons, as important nonspecific factors of antiviral resistance. These include cycloferon, a low molecular weight synthetic inducer of endogenous interferon.

Dysbacteriosis in children

The number of microbial cells present on the skin and mucous membranes of the macroorganism in contact with external environment, exceeds the number of cells of all its organs and tissues combined. The weight of the microflora of the human body is on average 2.5-3 kg. On the importance of microbial flora for healthy person first drew attention in 1914. I.I. Mechnikov, who suggested that the cause of many diseases are various metabolites and toxins produced by various microorganisms that inhabit the organs and systems of the human body. The problem of dysbacteriosis in recent years causes a lot of discussions with an extreme range of judgments.

Diagnosis and treatment of infections of the female genital organs

In recent years, throughout the world and in our country, there has been an increase in the incidence of sexually transmitted infections among the adult population and, which is of particular concern, among children and adolescents. The incidence of chlamydia and trichomoniasis is increasing. According to WHO, trichomoniasis ranks first in frequency among sexually transmitted infections. Every year, 170 million people worldwide become ill with trichomoniasis.

Intestinal dysbiosis in children

Intestinal dysbiosis and secondary immunodeficiency are increasingly encountered in the clinical practice of doctors of all specialties. This is due to changing living conditions, the harmful effects of preformed environment on the human body.

Viral hepatitis in children

The lecture “Viral hepatitis in children” presents data on viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, F, G in children. All clinical forms are given viral hepatitis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention that currently exist. The material is presented with modern positions and is designed for senior students of all faculties medical universities, intern doctors, pediatricians, infectious disease specialists and doctors of other specialties who are interested in this infection.

Dear readers!
We present to your attention an electronic exhibition of books from the collections of the regional scientific medical library MIAC on the topic “Intensive Care”. Each publication is accompanied by a bibliographic description with a brief annotation. If you activate the cover of the publication that interests you, you will be able to familiarize yourself with its contents. We hope that the new books will be useful to you.

Intensive care [Text]: national guidelines / ch. ed. B. R. Gelfand, A. I. Saltanov; ASMOK, Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists, Russian Federation. assoc. specialists in surgical infections. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 956 p. : ill.

The book is an original guide to intensive care, which includes, based on careful selection, key data on the most important issues in the diagnosis and initial stages of treatment of various diseases and critical conditions. All topics in this publication are covered according to a single plan and their volume fits within the framework of one page of text, and the search for questions of interest to the reader is facilitated thanks to the alphabetical index. The publication is intended for practical primary care clinicians.

Intensive care [Text]: national guidelines / ch. ed. B. R. Gelfand, A. I. Saltanov; ASMOK, Federation of Anesthesiologists and Reanimatologists, Russian Federation. assoc. specialists in surgical infections. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. - 784 p. : ill.

The manual contains modern information on the diagnosis and treatment of critical conditions of various etiologies and pathogenesis. Thanks to the unification of leading Russian specialists in the team of authors, it was possible to create a guide that reflects a coordinated position on topical issues modern intensive care. All recommendations have undergone an independent peer review process. The publication has an appendix on CD which includes information materials and links to high-quality online resources. The manual is intended for doctors of all specialties, senior students of medical universities, interns, residents, and graduate students.

Shurygin I. A. Breath monitoring in anesthesiology and intensive care [Text] - St. Petersburg. : Dialect, 2003. - 416 p. : ill.

The book presents detailed information on the use of non-invasive respiratory monitoring in anesthesiology and intensive care. The technical, physiological and clinical aspects of methods for monitoring respiratory mechanics and pulmonary gas exchange are considered. On numerous examples shows how to use monitors and monitoring systems to ensure patient safety. Much attention focused on issues of in-depth interpretation of the data obtained and their use for decision-making in various clinical situations. For anesthesiologists, resuscitators, emergency doctors and other specialists who use monitor control methods in their work.

Marino P. L. Intensive care [Text] / trans. from English, ed. A.P. Zilber. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 768 p. : ill.

This book is a translation of the latest, third, world-famous edition of the fundamental manual written by University of Pennsylvania professor Paul Marino, The ICU Book. It presents the most modern and relevant information about hemodynamic and metabolic monitoring, the pathophysiology of critical conditions, modern methods of their diagnosis and treatment. Particular attention is paid to the selection of adequate treatment, which is very valuable given the tendency of many doctors to polypharmacy, as a result of which the risk of iatrogenic complications increases and economic costs unreasonably increase. The material is accompanied by numerous clinical examples and summary tables that facilitate the perception of information. The appendices describe the features of pharmacotherapy, the doses and routes of administration of a number of drugs, provide schemes and algorithms for resuscitation and diagnostic measures, reference tables for calculating the various needs of the body, international systems for assessing the severity of the patient’s condition, and outline measures to prevent infections and a hemodynamic profile. The book will be useful not only to specialists in the field of intensive care and resuscitation, but also to doctors of other specialties, as well as senior students of medical institutes.

Marino P.L. The ICU book [Text] / with contributions from Kenneth M. Sutin. - Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007: ill.

The third edition of the book has remained the fundamental textbook on intensive care for more than 15 years. When writing this publication, the author, as before, pursued the goal of creating a textbook that would contain the basics and principles of patient treatment and could be used in any intensive care unit, regardless of the department’s profile. Highly specialized critical care areas such as obstetric emergencies, burn care and neurological emergencies were not considered. Most of the book's chapters have been completely revised, and two new chapters have been included on infection control in intensive care units and diseases associated with thermoregulation. Most chapters are accompanied by a final section, which briefly presents the main points of the chapter read. Literature references have been significantly updated, focusing on recent research and recommendations used in clinical practice.

This publication is an expanded translation of the fundamental manual of the famous professor at the University of Pennsylvania, USA P. Marino, “The ICU Book”, consists of 47 chapters and contains large number illustrations.
It provides information about complete hemodynamic and metabolic monitoring, the pathophysiology of critical conditions, modern methods of their diagnosis and treatment. Particular attention is paid to the selection of adequate treatment, which is very valuable given the tendency of many doctors to polypharmacy, which leads to an increased risk of iatrogenic complications and an unreasonable increase in economic costs. The material is accompanied by numerous clinical examples and summary tables that facilitate the perception of information. The Appendix provides features of pharmacotherapy, doses and routes of administration of a number of drugs, schemes and algorithms for resuscitation and diagnostic measures, reference tables for calculating the various needs of the body, international systems for assessing the severity of the patient’s condition, measures to prevent infections and a hemodynamic profile.
The book will be useful not only to specialists in the field of intensive care and resuscitation, but also to doctors of other specialties, as well as senior students of medical institutes.

Section I. Physiological aspects of intensive care
Heart activity
Oxygen transport
Assessment of gas exchange in the lungs at the patient's bedside

Section II. Main problems and practical issues
Access to central veins
Ulcers caused by stress (stress ulcers)
Hospital diarrhea
Treatment of thromboembolism

Section III. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring
Blood pressure recording
Pulmonary artery catheterization
Jamming pressure

Section IV. Clinical shock
A structural approach to the problem of clinical shock
Blood loss and hypovolemia
Acute heart failure
Septic shock and related syndromes
Cardiac arrest and brain damage

Section V. Practical aspects of some approaches used in resuscitation
Use of solutions of colloids and crystalloids during resuscitation
Principles of transfusion therapy
Platelets in critical conditions

Section VI. Heart rhythm disturbances

Section VII. Acute respiratory failure
Damage and pulmonary edema
Non-invasive blood gas monitoring
Oxygen therapy
Pharmacotherapy of respiratory failure

Section VIII. Artificial ventilation
Traditional artificial ventilation
Types of ventilation
Endotracheal tubes, pulmonary barotrauma, latent positive end-expiratory pressure
Methods for gradual withdrawal of artificial ventilation

Section IX. Acid-base disorders
Algorithms for interpreting acid-base indicators
Lactic acid, lactic acidosis and ketoacidosis
Metabolic alkalosis

Section X. Fluid and electrolyte disorders
Medical tactics for oliguria
Water and sodium imbalance syndrome
Magnesium: a hidden ion
Calcium and phosphorus

Section XI. Nutrition and Metabolism
Nutritional requirements
Enteral (tube) nutrition
Parenteral nutrition
Pathology of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland in patients in intensive care units

Section XII. Infectious diseases
Hospital fever
Hospital pneumonia
Sepsis due to catheterization
Urinary tract infections
Information about antibacterial agents

Section XIII. Application
Optimal (proper) weight of an adult (male)
Optimal (proper) weight of an adult (woman)
Basal metabolic values
Content of microelements in biological fluids
Content of vitamins in biological fluids
Arterial blood gases
Serum drug concentrations
Examples of drug incompatibility
Examples of incompatibility of intravenous solutions
Absorption of drugs when administered through the mouth and veins
Lidocaine and procainamide
Sodium nitroprusside
Norepinephrine hydrotartrate
Relief of hypertensive crises
Algorithm for relieving ventricular fibrillation
Algorithm for restoring heart contractions
Algorithm of measures for asystole
Algorithm of measures for bradycardia
Algorithm of measures for tachycardia
External cardiac massage
Cardioversion algorithm
Monitoring the effectiveness of CPR
Algorithm of measures for hypotension, shock and pulmonary edema
Emergency suppression of ventricular ectopic foci of excitation
Drugs that can be administered endotracheally
Determination of blood volume
Crystalloid solutions
Colloidal solutions
Hypertonic solutions for wide use
Blood transfusion agents
Glasgow Severity Score
Pittsburgh Brainstem Scale (PSBS)
Diagnosis of brain death
Infection Prevention
Biological fluids and transmission possibilities of the human ID virus
Requirements for personal protection medical personnel from HIV infection
Results of observation of HIV-infected patients
Hemodynamic parameters and equations
Hemodynamic parameters
Patient hemodynamic chart sample

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