Viral infection: symptoms, signs and treatment in adults.

Computer viruses– special programs that are created by attackers to obtain some benefit. The principle of their operation can be different: they either steal information or encourage the user to perform some actions for the benefit of the attackers, for example, top up an account or send money.
Today there are many different viruses. The main ones will be discussed in this article.

Worm– a malicious program whose purpose is to fill the computer with all sorts of garbage so that it becomes slow and clumsy. The worm is capable of self-replication, but cannot be part of a program. Most often, infection with this virus occurs through emails.

Trojan program (Trojan, Trojan horse)– this program fully lives up to its name. It penetrates other programs and hides there until the host program is launched. Until the host program is launched, the virus cannot cause harm. Most often, a Trojan horse is used to delete, change or steal data. The Trojan cannot reproduce on its own.

Spy programs– these Stirlitz are engaged in collecting information about the user and his actions. Most often, they steal confidential information: passwords, addresses, card/account numbers, etc.
Zombies - malware received this name because it actually turns a computer into a “weak-willed” machine that obeys attackers. Simply put, bad people can control someone's computer through these malware. Most often, the user does not even know that his computer is no longer his only.

Blocker program (banner)– these programs block access to the operating system. When turning on the computer, the user sees a pop-up window in which he is usually accused of something: violating copyrights or downloading pirated software. Next come the threats. complete removal all information from the computer. In order to avoid this, the user must top up a specific phone account or send an SMS. Only now, even if the user performs all these operations, the threat banner will not go away.

Boot viruses– affects the boot sector of the hard drive (hard drive). Their goal is to significantly slow down the operating system boot process. After prolonged exposure to these viruses on your computer, there is a high probability that you will not be able to load operating system at all.

Exploit- These are special programs that are used by attackers to penetrate the operating system through its vulnerable, unprotected areas. They are used to infiltrate programs that steal information necessary to obtain access rights to the computer.

Phishing– this is the name for actions when an attacker sends emails to their victims. The letters usually contain a request to confirm personal data: full name, passwords, PIN codes, etc. Thus, a hacker can impersonate another person and, for example, withdraw all the money from his account.

Spyware– programs that send user data to third parties without his knowledge. Spies are engaged in studying the behavior of the user and his favorite places on the Internet, and then show advertising that will definitely be of interest to him.

Rootkit– software tools that allow an attacker to easily penetrate the victim’s software and then completely hide all traces of his presence.
Polymorphic viruses are viruses that disguise themselves and transform. They can change their own code as they work. And therefore they are very difficult to detect.

Software virus– a program that attaches itself to other programs and disrupts their operation. Unlike a Trojan, a computer virus can reproduce and, unlike a worm, it can successful work he needs a program to which he can “stick”.
Thus, we can say that a malicious program (Malware) is any program that was created to provide access to a computer and the information stored in it without the permission of the owner of that computer. The purpose of such actions is to cause harm or steal any information. The term "malware" is a general term for all existing viruses. It is worth remembering that a program that has been infected with a virus will no longer work correctly. Therefore, it needs to be removed and then installed again.

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There are no safe diseases

You can die from a cold, a runny nose, or hiccups - the probability is a tiny fraction of a percent, but it exists. The mortality rate from common flu is up to 30% in children under one year of age and the elderly. And if you pick up one of the nine most dangerous infections, the chance of recovery will be calculated in fractions of a percent.

1. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

1st place among fatal infections went to spongiform encephalopathy, also known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. The infectious agent-pathogen was discovered relatively recently - humanity became acquainted with prion diseases in the mid-twentieth century. Prions are proteins that cause dysfunction and then cell death. Due to their special resistance, they can be transmitted from animals to humans through digestive tract- a person becomes ill after eating a piece of beef with nerve tissue from an infected cow. The disease lies dormant for years. Then the patient begins to develop personality disorders - he becomes sloppy, grumpy, becomes depressed, his memory suffers, sometimes his vision suffers, even to the point of blindness. Within 8-24 months, dementia develops and the patient dies from brain disorders. The disease is very rare (only 100 people have fallen ill over the past 15 years), but absolutely incurable.

2. HIV

The human immunodeficiency virus has moved from 1st to 2nd place quite recently. It is also classified as a new disease - until the second half of the 20th century infectious lesions Doctors did not know the immune system. According to one version, HIV appeared in Africa, passing to humans from chimpanzees. According to another, he escaped from a secret laboratory. In 1983, scientists managed to isolate an infectious agent that causes immune damage. The virus was transmitted from person to person through blood and semen through contact with damaged skin or mucous membrane. At first, people from the “risk group” fell ill with HIV - homosexuals, drug addicts, prostitutes, but as the epidemic grew, cases of infection appeared through blood transfusions, instruments, during childbirth, etc. Over the 30 years of the epidemic, HIV has infected more than 40 million people, of whom about 4 million have already died, and the rest may die if HIV progresses to the AIDS stage - a defeat of the immune system that makes the body defenseless to any infections. The first documented case of recovery was recorded in Berlin - an AIDS patient received a successful bone marrow transplant from an HIV-resistant donor.

3. Rabies

Rabies virus, the causative agent of rabies, takes an honorable 3rd place. Infection occurs through saliva through a bite. Incubation period ranges from 10 days to 1 year. The disease begins with a depressed state, slightly elevated temperature, itching and pain at the bite sites. After 1-3 days, an acute phase occurs - rabies, which frightens others. The patient cannot drink; any sudden noise, flash of light, or the sound of flowing water causes convulsions, hallucinations and violent attacks begin. After 1-4 days, the frightening symptoms weaken, but paralysis appears. The patient dies from respiratory failure. Full course preventive vaccinations reduce the likelihood of disease to hundredths of a percent. However, once symptoms of the disease appear, recovery is almost impossible. With the help of the experimental “Milwaukee Protocol” (immersion in an artificial coma), four children have been saved since 2006.

4. Hemorrhagic fever

This term hides a whole group of tropical infections caused by filoviruses, arboviruses and arenaviruses. Some fevers are transmitted by airborne droplets, some through mosquito bites, some directly through blood, contaminated things, meat and milk of sick animals. All hemorrhagic fevers are characterized by high resistance of infectious carriers and are not destroyed in the external environment. The symptoms at the first stage are similar - high temperature, delirium, pain in muscles and bones, then bleeding from physiological orifices of the body, hemorrhages, and bleeding disorders occur. The liver, heart, and kidneys are often affected; necrosis of the fingers and toes may occur due to impaired blood supply. Mortality ranges from 10-20% for yellow fever (the safest, there is a vaccine, treatable) to 90% for Marburg fever and Ebola (vaccines and treatment do not exist).

5. Plague

Yersinia pestis, the plague bacterium, has long since fallen from its honorary pedestal as the deadliest. During the Great Plague of the 14th century, this infection managed to destroy about a third of the population of Europe; in the 17th century, it wiped out a fifth of London. However, already at the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian doctor Vladimir Khavkin developed the so-called Khavkin vaccine, which protects against the disease. The last large-scale plague epidemic occurred in 1910-11, affecting about 100,000 people in China. In the 21st century, the average number of cases is about 2,500 per year. Symptoms - the appearance of characteristic abscesses (buboes) in the area of ​​the axillary or inguinal lymph nodes, fever, fever, delirium. If modern antibiotics are used, the mortality rate for the uncomplicated form is low, but for the septic or pulmonary form (the latter is also dangerous because of the “plague cloud” around patients, consisting of bacteria released when coughing) is up to 90%.

6. Anthrax

The anthrax bacterium, Bacillus anthracis, is the first pathogenic microorganisms, captured by “microbe hunter” Robert Koch in 1876 and identified as the causative agent of the disease. Anthrax is highly contagious, forms special spores that are unusually resistant to external influences- the carcass of a cow that died from an ulcer can poison the soil for several decades. Infection occurs through direct contact with pathogens, and occasionally through the gastrointestinal tract or air contaminated with spores. Up to 98% of the disease is cutaneous, with the appearance of necrotic ulcers. Further recovery or transition of the disease to the intestinal or especially dangerous pulmonary form of the disease is possible, with the occurrence of blood poisoning and pneumonia. Mortality rate cutaneous form without treatment up to 20%, with the pulmonary form - up to 90%, even with treatment.

7. Cholera

The last of the “old guard” of especially dangerous infections, which still causes deadly epidemics - 200,000 patients, more than 3,000 deaths in 2010 in Haiti. The causative agent is Vibrio cholerae. Transmitted through feces, contaminated water and food. Up to 80% of people who have been in contact with the pathogen remain healthy or have a mild form of the disease. But 20% are faced with moderate, severe and fulminant forms of the disease. Symptoms of cholera are painless diarrhea up to 20 times a day, vomiting, convulsions and severe dehydration, leading to death. With full treatment (tetracycline antibiotics and fluoroquinolones, hydration, restoration of electrolyte and salt balance), the chance of death is low; without treatment, mortality reaches 85%.

8. Meningococcal infection

Meningococcus Neisseria meningitidis is the most insidious infectious agent among the especially dangerous ones. The body is affected not only by the pathogen itself, but also by toxins released during the decay of dead bacteria. The carrier is only a person, it is transmitted by airborne droplets, through close contact. Mostly children and people with weakened immune systems fall ill, about 15% of total number were in contact. An uncomplicated disease - nasopharyngitis, runny nose, sore throat and fever, without consequences. Meningococcemia is characterized by high fever, rash and hemorrhages, meningitis - septic brain damage, meningoencephalitis - paralysis. Mortality without treatment is up to 70%, with timely started therapy - 5%.

9. Tularemia

She's the same mouse fever, deer disease, “minor plague”, etc. Caused by the small gram-negative bacillus Francisella tularensis. Transmitted through the air, through ticks, mosquitoes, contact with patients, food products etc., virulence is close to 100%. The symptoms are similar in appearance to the plague - buboes, lymphadenitis, high fever, pulmonary forms. It is not lethal, but causes long-term impairment and, theoretically, is an ideal basis for the development of bacteriological weapons.


The time when the first viruses appeared is usually considered to be the early 1970s. It was then that the Creeper program appeared, written by BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman) employee Bob Thomas. Creeper had the ability to move itself between servers. Once on the computer, it displayed the message “I’M THE CREEPER... CATCH ME IF YOU CAN” (“I’m a Creeper... Catch me if you can”).


The time when the first viruses appeared is usually considered to be the early 1970s. It was then that the Creeper program appeared, written by BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman) employee Bob Thomas. Creeper had the ability to move itself between servers. Once on the computer, it displayed the message “I"M THE CREEPER... CATCH ME IF YOU CAN” (“I’m a Creeper... Catch me if you can”). At its core, this program was not yet a full-fledged computer program the virus. Creeper did not perform any destructive or espionage actions. Later, another BBN employee, Ray Tomlinson, wrote the Reaper program, which also independently moved through the network and, when it detected Creeper, stopped its operation.

Elk Cloner

More similar to a modern virus was the Elk Cloner program, identified in 1982. It spread by infecting the DOS operating system for the Apple II, stored on floppy disks. When an uninfected floppy disk was found, the virus copied itself there. With every 50th download, the virus showed a small comic poem on the screen. Although this virus was not intended to cause harm, it could corrupt the boot code on floppy disks of other systems. The author of this virus is considered to be 15-year-old schoolboy from Pittsburgh Rich Skrenta. Initially, the author's friends and acquaintances, as well as his mathematics teacher, became victims of this computer virus.


The first viral epidemic was registered in 1987. It was caused by the Brain virus. It is the first computer virus created for IBM PC-compatible PCs. Its development was based solely on good intentions. It was released by two brothers who own a software development company. In this way they wanted to punish local pirates who were stealing their software. However, the virus created an entire epidemic, infecting more than 18 thousand computers in the United States alone. It is worth noting that the Brain virus was the first virus to use stealth technology to hide its presence in the system. When trying to read an infected sector, it “substituted” its uninfected original.


The next significant event in the history of virus development was the emergence of the Jerusalem virus. This virus was created in 1988 in Israel - hence its main name. The second name of the virus is “Friday the 13th”. It actually only activated on Friday the 13th and deleted absolutely all data from the hard drive. In those days, few people were familiar with computer viruses. It is natural that antivirus programs did not exist at all and the users’ computers were absolutely defenseless against malware. Therefore, such destructive activity of this computer virus caused a huge panic.

Morris worm

Also in 1988, we note the appearance of a virus called the “Morris worm”. It was the most terrible computer virus known at that time. This network worm was one of the first known programs to exploit a buffer overflow. He managed to do the impossible - disable the entire global network. However, it is worth noting that the network was not yet so global. Although the failure did not last at all for a long time, but the losses from it were estimated at $96 million. Its creator was Cornell Computer Science graduate student Robert T. Morris. The case went to court, where Robert Morris faced up to five years in prison and a fine of $250 thousand, however, taking into account mitigating circumstances, the court sentenced him to three years probation, a $10 thousand fine and 400 hours of community service.

Michelangelo ("March6")

It was discovered in 1992. Generated a wave of publications in Western media. This virus was expected to damage information on millions of computers. Although it is greatly overrated, it is still deservedly considered one of the most ruthless computer viruses. Using floppy disks, it penetrated the boot sector of the disk and sat quietly there, not reminding of its existence until March 6th. And on March 6, I successfully erased all data from my hard drive. Companies that produce antivirus software have greatly enriched themselves from this virus. They managed to create mass hysteria and provoke purchases of antivirus software, while only about 10,000 machines were affected by this computer virus.

Chernobyl (CIH)

One of the most famous viruses, which became the most destructive in all previous years. Created in 1998 by a Taiwanese student. This student's initials are in the name of the virus. The virus landed on the user’s computer and remained dormant there until April 26. This computer virus destroyed information on the hard drive and overwrote the Flash BIOS. In some cases, this led to replacing the chip, or even replacing the motherboard. The Chernobyl virus epidemic occurred in 1999. Then more than 300 thousand computers were disabled. The virus also harmed computers around the world in subsequent years.


On March 26, 1999, the first world-famous email worm was released. The worm infected MS Word files and sent copies of itself in MS Outlook messages. The virus was spreading at tremendous speed. The amount of damage caused is estimated at more than $100 million.

ILOVEYOU ("Letter of happiness")

Appeared in 2000. A letter was sent to the mail with the subject “I LOVE YOU” to which a file was attached. By downloading the attachment, the user infected his computer. The virus sent an incredible number of letters from the computer of the unlucky user. He also deleted important files on the computer. According to some estimates, it cost PC users around the world more than $10 billion. The ILOVEYOU virus infected 10% of all computers that existed at that time. Agree, these are quite shocking numbers.


The name of this computer virus is the word "admin" spelled backwards. This virus appeared in 2001. Once on the computer, the virus immediately assigned itself administrator rights and began its destructive activities. He changed and violated the design of sites, blocked access to hosts, IP addresses, etc. To spread, the virus used several in various ways. It did this so effectively that within 22 minutes of its launch into the network it became the most common computer virus on the Internet.


In 2004, this worm caused a lot of noise. Home computers and small firms, Although serious problems Some large companies have also experienced it. Only in postal service In Germany, up to 300 thousand terminals were infected, which is why employees were unable to issue cash to customers. The computers of the investment bank Goldman Sachs, the European Commission, and 19 regional offices of the British Coast Guard also became victims of the worm. In one of the terminals at London's Heathrow Airport, British Airways lost half of all computers at passenger check-in counters, and in the American city of New Orleans, up to 500 hospitals were closed within a few hours. Social and health care facilities in Washington were also affected.

To become infected with this worm, all you had to do was connect your computer to the Internet and wait a few minutes. The worm entered a computer, scanned the Internet to find other computers with an unpatched hole, and sent them a virus. The virus did not cause any particular harm - it simply restarted the computer. A special FBI cyber agency joined the search for the worm. Main victim Microsoft Corporation set a price of $250,000 for the attacker. And it turned out to be... a student high school Sven Jaschan is from the German city of Rottenburg. According to some observers, the teenager created Sasser not only to become famous, but also out of filial love - to improve the affairs of the small PC service company PC-Help, owned by his mother.

My Doom

This worm was launched in January 2004. At that time, it becomes the fastest worm that spreads across email. Each subsequent infected computer sent more spam than the previous one. In addition, he changed the operating system, blocking access to the websites of antivirus companies, the Microsoft website, and news feeds. This virus even attempted a DDOS attack on the Microsoft website. At the same time, the multitude of infected computers sent a huge number of requests from different parts of the world to the Microsoft website. The server directs all its resources to processing these requests and becomes practically inaccessible to ordinary users. Users of the computers from which the attack is carried out may not even be aware that their machine is being used by hackers.


First appeared online in 2008. One of the most dangerous computer worms today. This virus attacks operating systems of the Microsoft Windows family. The worm finds Windows vulnerabilities associated with buffer overflows and executes code using a fraudulent RPC request. As of January 2009, the virus infected 12 million computers worldwide. The virus has caused such harm that Microsoft company promised $250,000 for information about the creators of the virus.

This list, as you yourself understand, is not complete. New viruses come out every day, and there is no guarantee that the next one will not cause another epidemic. Installing a licensed antivirus from a reputable antivirus software manufacturer on a licensed operating system with latest updates will help keep your computer as secure as possible. In addition, there are certain precautions when working on a computer against infection by computer viruses, which we will discuss in our next articles.

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There are so many things in our life scary stories about evil spirits, ghosts, brownies. But unlike these tales, which still have no evidence, there are truly scary and inexplicable things in the world - mysterious viruses. What is a virus anyway? This is a microscopically small, pathogenic microorganism, which for the most part does not have a cellular structure.

In this article we will look at 10 of the most mysterious viruses on the planet.

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Black Widow Virus

Recently, scientists made a unique discovery. The WO virus, which infects bacteria (bacteriophage), has appropriated the gene for the venom of the Black Widow spider. Previously, it was generally accepted that bacteriophages do not exchange genes with animals, but recently American scientists informed the world that this bacteriophage is capable of taking pieces of other genes, combining them together, thereby forming a new gene. This is a very unique phenomenon that scientists have recently discovered.

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Infertility is the inability of a man or woman to conceive a child during regular sexual activity.

Infertility is divided into two categories - absolute and relative. In women, it can be primary (when pregnancy never occurred) and secondary (pregnancy occurred, even if it ended in a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy).

Italian scientists conducted research and concluded that one of the causes of infertility may be the HHV-6A virus, one of the herpes viruses. It causes immune reactions that prevent the fetus from attaching to the uterine wall. Treatment is carried out with antiviral therapy and injections of the hormone estradiol.

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Scientists have discovered an incredibly tenacious microbe in the SIRV2 virus. It is able to survive even in boiling acid. Survives even at temperatures of 175 degrees Celsius. It is also resistant to UV radiation. Scientists have found striking similarities between SIRV2 and bacterial spores from diseases that are difficult to treat, such as anthrax. They intend to study the virus in more detail in order to further use it for gene therapy.

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Multicomponent virus

This virus is very unusual, because the usual virus is one, but this one is divided into five parts. To become infected, a cell must be exposed to at least four genes.

The virus was found in the genes of a mosquito, meaning a person needs at least 4 mosquito bites to become infected with the disease. This study was part of a larger project aimed at finding out what viruses mosquitoes can carry, but it brought this unexpected discovery.

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8% of the human genome comes from ancient viruses. Retroviruses target human sperm and eggs in order to further gain a foothold in the DNA of a new person and be passed on from generation to generation. Even though millions of years have passed, the virus may reappear. Researchers do not know the exact time of awakening - this can happen during the emergence of new diseases and as a result of the work of a viral cell that attaches itself to the DNA of our body.

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In the summer of 2014, a Bourbon County resident was bitten by a tick. He went to the hospital complaining of vomiting, rash and high temperature. He developed pulmonary and kidney failure and died on the 11th day. A new virus was isolated from his blood and assigned to the Thogotovirus species, which includes the causative agents of meningitis and encephalitis that affect the membranes of the brain. But unlike them, the bourbon virus infects leukocytes. To date, this is the only case of infection with the bourbon virus.

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French research group discovered a virus in the Siberian permafrost that is already 30,000 years old! But there is nothing to be afraid of - the virus is not capable of infecting animal or human cells. It affected single-celled amoebae during the Upper Paleolithic or Neolithic. The Siberian virus is wider in diameter than other giants. It has a genome of 600,000 base pairs, which can create 500 proteins.

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These viruses are the cause of death for most prokaryotes in the deep ocean, scientists say. As in the entire biosphere of the planet, viruses are the most common in the deep ocean biological beings. Partial genetic matches have been found between Californian and Norwegian waters.

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Mysterious paralysis

In the United States in 2015, more than a hundred cases of mysterious paralysis in children were recorded. The symptoms started out like a common cold. Scientists initially suspected the EV-D68 virus because it could cause paralysis, but it was only detected in 20% of cases. Enterovirus D68, and now enterovirus C105, were found in the children's respiratory tracts but were not detected in the cerebrospinal fluid, the researchers said. The cause of the mysterious paralysis outbreak still remains a mystery.

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This is an acute febrile disease that affects blood vessels and leads to the development of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome. Last year, 129 people died from an unknown disease, but it is not yet clear whether they were carriers of the same disease.

Many viruses were identified in the blood samples of the victims. Most scientists believe that the disease is transmitted by ticks or mosquitoes, but do not rule out that the virus enters the body with bacteria. It is still unknown whether the fever is transmitted from person to person.

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This was an article about the strangest and most mysterious viruses on the planet. Thank you for your attention!

Viruses can live in the human body without causing harm. These may be the same viruses that cause disease in humans. What types of viruses do humans have? Scientists have found several viruses living in healthy people.

Everyone knows that the human body has normal bacterial microflora. Modern research showed that normal viral flora also exists. Viruses live on the mucous membrane of the nose, in the mouth, on the skin, in stool and in the vagina.

In some cases, these viruses help strengthen the immune system. For example, the herpes virus lives in 90% of the world's population.

Viruses adapt to conditions external environment, and each virus penetrates certain cells of the body. Viruses cannot exist outside a living organism.

How the body fights viruses video

A person’s immune system, which has been formed over millions of years in the process of evolution, saves a person from the harmful effects of viruses. Some cells of the immune system recognize the virus, others bind it, and others destroy it. Thus, the immune response to the invasion of the virus is formed.

Human papillomavirus infection has been detected in people who did not have symptoms of an acute viral infection. It can cause throat cancer and cervical cancer.

The herpes virus lives quietly in the human body without causing harm. Adenoviruses, which cause colds and pneumonia, are also very common. Many viruses hide in cells and are difficult to detect.

  • hantaviruses transmitted from rodents or through their waste. These viruses can cause bleeding and thrombosis;
  • influenza virus;
  • Marburg virus causes bleeding, thrombosis, jaundice and pancreatitis;
  • rotavirus causes acute diarrhea, most often affecting young children;
  • Ebola virus causes thrombosis and bleeding. Characterized by a sharp increase in temperature, muscle pain, rash, diarrhea, kidney and liver dysfunction;
  • The dengue virus causes intoxication, fever, muscle and joint pain, rash and swollen lymph nodes;
  • Smallpox virus is the oldest virus;
  • the rabies virus suppresses the central nervous system;
  • Lassa virus is a deadly virus that affects the respiratory system, kidneys, central nervous system, heart;
  • human immunodeficiency virus is the most dangerous virus, transmitted through sexual contact or blood.

Every person should strengthen their immunity. To do this, you can do hardening, drink vitamin and mineral complexes, and eat right.