How to carry out the initial settings in the “managing a small company for Ukraine” configuration. How to carry out the initial settings in the configuration “management of a small company for Ukraine” Setting up 1c management of a small company

How difficult is it to implement and use 1C:UNF?

The program is based on the principles quick start, guaranteeing its simple and quick implementation into your business:

  • the program is not overloaded with unnecessary features, it implements the most necessary for accounting, control, analysis and planning in a small business;
  • a visual interface with prompts helps you quickly master the program and ensures the convenience of daily work;
  • Built-in start-up assistants allow you to quickly configure the program by checking the boxes. With literally one click you enable or disable existing functions;
  • To use the program, no knowledge of accounting and tax accounting is required.

Is 1C:UNF suitable for my business?

The 1C: Managing Our Company program is aimed at use in small business trading, service and manufacturing companies. The recommended number of employees is from 1 to 20 people, but there are no restrictions on the final number of users.

The direction of commercial activity and the age of the company do not matter: the program will be equally effective when starting a business from scratch, when expanding and entering new level, when starting individual commercial or production projects within one organization.

Will I need to purchase something else besides 1C:UNF for full-fledged work?

There is no need to purchase any additional options or software packages. 1C: Managing our company is a single and comprehensive solution. Everything is concentrated in one program: CRM, sales, purchasing, warehouse, finance, clients, suppliers, reports for the manager, tax and other reporting.

The program supports several work scenarios (in-store trading, online trading, services, production), downloading data from Excel, Google, synchronization with mail, downloading categories from, downloading data from the site.

All the capabilities of 1C:UNF are described most fully in this section.

How can 1C:UNF help a start-up business?

Initial settings for starting a business is already in the program. Enter your personal information and get started right away. Develop and maintain a database of clients and useful contacts from related fields, look for profitable suppliers and partners, and upload contractors from your contact list to a single database.

If you are launching an online store, fill it in one click directly from 1C:UNF. Maintain a website with minimal time spent by setting up automatic uploading of goods, pictures, prices, balances to the website and loading orders into the program for processing shipments. I will have everything at your disposal necessary tools for accounting of transactions, events, income and expenses, for planning and analytics, for control of all stages of activity.

Banking operations are carried out simply and quickly - payments and statements are sent to the bank directly without an accountant. Using the 1C-Reporting service, prepare and submit reports yourself (for individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system and/or UTII).

How can 1C:UNF help experienced businesses?

The program will allow you to collect and organize all the information you have in a single database, find and use resources to increase income and reduce costs.

With 1C:UNF you can:

  • maintain strict financial discipline by controlling accounts receivable, planning and coordinating expenses;
  • save employee time by creating document templates (for example, recurring invoices and payments);
  • segment customers and target offers, introduce a flexible and controlled system of loyalty programs;
  • quickly select products based on characteristics, prices, and availability in stock;
  • evaluate the performance of managers, apply motivational schemes, issue tasks and monitor their implementation;
  • get a real picture of the business - operational, up-to-date information in different aspects at any time for reflection, analysis, comparison.

Is it possible collaboration 1C:UNF with an online store?

1C: Our company management can be used as a back office for one or more online stores. The program automates all areas of the online store: CRM, work with orders, printing documents, warehouse accounting, pricing, promotions and discounts. Allows the manager to build a variety of reports, plan finances, and calculate management salaries. Individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system/UTII/patent can submit reports to the tax office directly through 1C:UNF. LLC and individual entrepreneur on OSNO for delivery financial statements can upload data to 1C:Accounting using a standard exchange.

The program has standard integration with popular content management systems (CMS): 1C-Bitrix, UMI.CMS, InSales, HostCMS, Rugento, Diafan.CMS, Shop-Script. The information base of the online store and 1C:Management of our company work independently, and at a specified point in time (according to a schedule or by user decision), the information in the systems is synchronized: a list of products is uploaded to the site, and accounting system- orders placed in the online store.

You can also create an online store yourself directly from the 1C program: Managing our company using 1C-UMI.

To integrate an online store with the 1C:Enterprise system, an open data exchange protocol is used.

How to create your own online store using 1C:UNF?

Creating an online store does not require a lot of time and special skills. Launching a website and filling it with products is completed in several simple steps on the 1C-UMI platform:

  • go to 1C:UNF in the CRM menu - Company website - Create a website;
  • select the type of website from 4 options: online store, company website, landing page, specialist website;
  • check the e-mail and site name, then click Create site and wait a few minutes;
  • the site will open in a browser window. Products and their images, prices and balances will be automatically uploaded to it from 1C:UNF.

You don’t have to spend resources on hosting and website promotion, or worry about the safety of your data. Immediately after creation, you can begin promoting the site and accepting orders. If desired appearance the site can be changed - for this there are 550 available in the Design menu ready-made templates. At any time, the site can be transferred to another hosting with the transfer of ownership rights to the user and full preservation of all developments - content, design, position in search engines, as well as full access to the source code.

Is it possible to work with 1C:UNF on a smartphone or tablet?

Yes, the program has mobile versions. While you're away, you can issue and pay bills, track cash receipts, and track customer information.

What are the differences between the cloud version of the program and the desktop version?

Cloud 1C:UNF

Works in a browser with a constant Internet connection.

Always automatically updated to latest version.

Initially, only two users can work in the program. It is possible to connect new users with an additional payment for each of them. unlimited.

Desktop 1C:UNF

Works only on a computer without an Internet connection.

Updates are installed by the user as they are released.

The number of users depends on the purchased version of the program and can be any.

Cloud 1C:UNF Desktop 1C:UNF
Works in a browser with a constant Internet connection. Works only on a computer without an Internet connection.
Always automatically updated to the latest version. Updates are installed by the user as they are released.
Initially, only two users can work in the program. It is possible to connect new users with an additional payment for each of them. The total number of users is not limited. The number of users depends on the purchased version of the program and can be any.

Will the cloud version of 1C:UNF work in any browser?

The operation of the cloud version of the program is guaranteed in Microsoft browsers Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Google Chrome only after their preliminary configuration.

What are the differences between the desktop versions of the program - basic, PROF and batch?

Currently, three versions of the 1C: Managing Our Company program are available.

Peculiarities For whom?
  • designed for work on one computer;
  • installation on a second computer and connecting new users impossible.
For self-employed users and individual entrepreneurs without employees.
  • originally designed for work on one computer;
  • unlimited - no restrictions on time of use;
  • total quantity users unlimited.
For organizations that are just starting out, recruiting staff or plan to regularly expand.
  • originally designed to work immediately at five computers;
  • unlimited - no restrictions on time of use;
  • installation on additional computers and connection of new users is possible with an additional payment for each of them;
  • total number of users unlimited.
For organizations with established staff that have the potential to expand and increase the number of employees.

Implemented in version

Increasing the reliability of 1C:Enterprise is one of the tasks that we pay constant attention to. A significant role here is played by the security of the cluster from failures that can occur in both hardware and software components of the cluster. To solve these problems, the cluster has several areas of redundancy and a mechanism for automatic load distribution. If a failure is detected, this mechanism will automatically transfer work to backup components.

However, the previous cluster architecture had such a disadvantage that the occurrence of a failure was not diagnosed quickly enough in all situations. For example, if there was a network failure, if the connection between cluster processes was broken, it could take quite a while long time before the fault tolerance and load balancing mechanisms detected the problem. As a result, the functional load from the unavailable cluster node was “transferred” slowly, with a significant delay.

In order to reduce the cluster response time to a connection break, we implemented integrity tracking mechanism network connections . This mechanism tracks internal connections between cluster processes, and external connections between the cluster and web server extensions.

The use of this mechanism allows, firstly, to quickly detect communication breaks between processes, and secondly, it reduces the overall overhead costs of monitoring the integrity of connections.

Connections are checked immediately for a group of connections called a direction. There are rules by which the platform automatically groups several connections into one direction. For each direction, a small verification data packet is periodically sent and a response is waited for. The check is carried out both on the source side of these connections and on the receiver side.

To send and receive test packets, two protocols are used sequentially: UDP and TCP.

For this reason, when installing a cluster and when publishing infobases on a web server, we now recommend ensuring mutual accessibility between components not only via TCP, but also via UDP with the same port numbers. In this case, components are understood as working cluster servers and web server computers.

The verification algorithm is as follows.

Packets are sent using the UDP protocol. A response is expected before the timeout occurs. If a response is received, the direction is considered available and the UDP check continues. If at any point UDP response packets stop arriving, the direction is considered unreachable.

The situation is separately processed when during the entire lifetime of the direction not a single response packet has been received via the UDP protocol. In this case, the direction continues to be considered available, but TCP will be used for further verification. Installed TCP connection, and the check goes through this new connection according to the same principle. If, before the timeout, not a single packet has arrived from the opposite side via the TCP protocol, the direction is considered unavailable.

Once a direction is considered unavailable, all connections in that direction are marked as unusable and will be dropped the next time they are accessed. In addition, the cluster mechanisms are notified when connections are broken for a prompt response to this event. Including to remove locks corresponding to an inaccessible process.

The mechanism has two configurable parameters:

  • Check period - period of sending packets in milliseconds. Default value: 1000.
  • Check timeout - the time during which at least one response packet is expected for a given connection direction to be considered accessible. Default value: 5000.

The standard values ​​are chosen in such a way as to exclude false alarms with a large margin during normal load of the network and other equipment. At the same time, these values ​​provide a comfortable response time to accidents on network equipment or cluster nodes.

We provide cluster administrators with the ability to monitor the quality of connections between servers and independently configure the mechanism. You can use a technology journal for this. Check statistics are written to it every 10 seconds. In particular, information is displayed on the average response time and the maximum response time. Based on this information, the administrator can set minimum timeouts that will not lead to false positives of the verification system.

An example setup script might look like this:

  • The administrator receives complaints from users that their connections are being lost. Or processes are restarted.
  • In the process log, the administrator discovers that the connection tracking system is triggered. For example, due to network or cluster node overload. In addition, the administrator sees that the average response time is high and is approaching a timeout. A maximum time the answer often exceeds it.
  • The best solution in this situation - scale the equipment. But if this is not possible, then the administrator can increase the timeout time so that the system does not reset connections. Thus, accepting the general overload of the system.

For connections within the cluster, you can set the check period and timeout values ​​using the parameters command line pingPeriod, And pingTimeout. These options can be used when running the server agent as a service, a daemon, or an application.

For cluster and web server connections, the check period and timeout are set in the file default.vrd, and you can set them interactively in the infobase publishing dialog.

Beginning users of programs developed on the 1C:Enterprise platform, having come to the point of purchasing the “box” or having already purchased it, naturally ask the question: “How to install 1C Enterprise?”

In fact, installing 1C Enterprise is a simple process; it is not necessary to have any special skills and knowledge for this. In this article we will take a detailed look at the installation process and give step by step instructions to remove everything possible questions during installation.

The first step for installation is to obtain the installation distribution of the 1C platform. You can do this in three ways:

  1. Take the distribution kit on disk in the same yellow box that you received when purchasing any 1C configuration. In this case, you don’t even have to look for the distribution itself on the disk, but use autorun;
  2. If you have an ITS subscription, simply register on the support site and download the distribution from there.
  3. Again, if you have an ITS subscription, request the installation distribution from a representative of the company serving you.

*It is worth noting that regardless of where the distribution comes from, the 1C 8 installation process will remain unchanged.

Let's take a closer look at the first two ways to obtain a distribution.

1. The box you purchased contains a disk with installation distributions for the 1C platform and configuration. To install, insert the disc and use autorun. You will see the following window (it is the same for all typical 1C configurations):

  • Quick installation of 1C 8 and launch. The program itself will install the minimum set of components required for operation.
  • Custom installation of 1C 8. The user independently selects the necessary installation components.

To install the 1C platform, select “1C:Enterprise 8”. We will describe further actions below, since they are the same for all points.

2. To download the distribution kit from the 1C support site, type the address into the address bar of your browser

Once the site loads you will see the following:

Active links for going to the necessary sections are highlighted in the text. You will need the “Software Updates” or “Download Updates” item. Clicking on any of the inscriptions will take you to a page with a list of sections for downloading (of course, after entering the login and password that you specified when registering on the site).

In the list of sections you will need the very first one, “Technological distributions”. Click on it and see the subsections. You will need one of the sections shown in the screenshot below, depending on which platform you want to install.

In our example we will install platform version 8.3

We go to this subsection and see the available versions. We will use the latter, but if necessary, you can choose any of them.

When you click on the desired version, you are taken to a menu of download options. Don't be intimidated by the abundance of items: you will only need one of the two - a technology platform for 32- or 64-bit* versions of Windows.

*It is important to remember one nuance here: the platform for 32-bit versions works perfectly on 64-bit versions, but not vice versa.

After selecting the version, you are taken to a page with a download link. Download the archive with the platform to any location on your hard drive. After unpacking you will receive a folder with files like this:

You will need a "Setup" file. It is the penultimate one in the list of files. Launch it by double-clicking and the installation begins.

Direct installation of 1C

The 1C installation process itself is very simple. As a rule, it is enough to agree with the proposed settings during installation.

In the first window, click “Next”, in the second, select the components to install. You don't have to change anything here. To work with 1C, it is enough to install the minimum set of components specified by the system by default. You can also select the folder in which 1C will be installed. By default, this is drive C. Click “Next”.

In the next window you will be asked to select the interface language. There are 3 options available: System settings (by default the language of your Windows versions), English and Russian languages. Choose the desired option. In the next window, the program will inform you that everything is ready for installation. Click the “Install” button. We wait for the installation to complete and in the window that appears we see a proposal to install the protection driver. If you purchased version 1C (USB), then do not uncheck the box. If you have a version with software protection, you can remove it. Click Next.

In the next window, the program will inform you that the installation of 1C Enterprise is complete. Uncheck if you don't want to read background information and click "Done".

So we're done: we've completed the 1C installation. After this, a shortcut should appear on your desktop to quickly launch the program. Ahead of you is the installation and configuration of 1C - the configuration in which you will work.


IN new version On 1.6.11, the internal chats 1C:UNF - Discussions were updated. Now chats are built on a new developing platform 8.3.10 - Interaction Systems.

The chat interface is now more similar to the usual instant messengers. In the chat, the user can see the status of his interlocutor and make video calls if the interlocutor uses the same application.

However, the video calls mode is currently in beta testing. To participate in testing, you need to send an application to email [email protected] indicating:

· registration number of the software product, which is specified in the contract, as well as the enterprise tax identification number;

· email that was used when registering the interaction system;

It will be possible to connect to testing the video calling mode only if available.

Thanks to instant messages, the user will be aware of all new messages.

Also in the new version it is possible to exchange messages without reference to documents.

To enable discussions, you need to select “Even more features - Discussions” in the CRM settings.

Once the checkbox is checked, a dialog box will appear asking you to get new code registration or enter one previously received in the 1C:Dialog service.

Please note that the interaction service only works when connected to the Internet.

When you click “Get Code” you will need to specify the email address to which it will be sent. Then the received code should be entered into the system and click the “Register” button.

When the interaction system is connected, the “Discussions” item will appear in the section menu.

In “Discussions” you can open new chats without being tied to a specific object and invite participants to participate in the discussion.

Changes have also occurred in contextual discussions that are tied to a directory item or document.

The user has the opportunity to enable the old chat option in parallel with new discussions. To do this, in the CRM section settings you need to select: Even more options - Discussions and check the Chat box in the history of objects.

New opportunities in commercial offers

New parameters have appeared in Commercial Proposal templates. Now you can select parameters such as the counterparty’s bank account, article number and description of the item, and management signature.

In the CRM section, you can add new details to the Commercial Proposals template. To do this, you need to go to the “CP and Contract Templates” section, open the template to which you need to add the details, and select the option to add to the file.

For many parameters it became possible to add contact information and additional information. Details as subordinate parameters. They will appear if you expand the list on the “+” icon.

So, for example, by expanding the Organization parameter, the following values ​​will appear: Position, Signature Explanation, Full Name, etc.

Below is full list parameters for version 1.6.11:

  • Organization
    • Manager's signature
      • Full name
      • Position held
      • Acts on the basis
    • Enterprise codes expanded
  • Counterparty
    • Bank account
    • A signatory has been added to the main person
      • The list of contact person parameters has been expanded
      • Contact details
      • Possibility of declination of full name
  • Tabular part of the Order
    • Item number
    • Add. item details
    • Description of the nomenclature

Working with contract templates

Version 1.6.11 provides new opportunities for creating contracts: quick access to different contract templates has appeared, it has become possible to create a contract template for a certain type document, the possibility of declining the name of your own contact person specified in the contract.

Due to the innovations, the procedure for working with contract templates has changed.

In the latest version, you can open a list of contract templates directly from the CRM section. To do this, you need to click on the link Templates for commercial proposals and contracts.

You can also go to the list of print templates from the print submenu, which contains commands for printing by template, show all by line.

Agreement forms created in previous versions of 1C:UNF are marked as outdated, and the entry “outdated” is added to the name.

The Print Templates list includes all contract and commercial proposal templates.

The algorithm for creating a contract has changed. Now to create it the following steps are performed:

1. Specify the name of the template and select its purpose.

The destination can have the following values:

  • Counterparty agreement (1);
  • Agreement + Order (2);
  • Contract + Order work order (3);
  • Agreement + Account (4);
  • Commercial proposal (5).

(1) displayed in contracts and counterparties;

(1) and (2) appear on sales orders;

(1) and (3) appear on work orders;

(1) and (4) appear on the invoices;

(5) displayed in orders;

(1), (2), (3), (4) are displayed together in the submenu Contracts of counterparties.

2. The document from which the template is created is loaded. A previously prepared agreement in docx format will work well ( Microsoft word) or odt (Open Office).

In the parameters Contact person's full name and full name Individual Now it is possible to indicate your full name in declension, based on the context.

Templates and print commands now have restricted access by rights:

  • full rights;
  • sales;
  • procurement;
  • money.

Expanding user rights in the Documents Journal

In the new version of 1C:UNF, the Documents journal is available to users with the following rights level: Sales, Purchasing, Money.

You can open this journal from the counterparty’s profile.

Users have the opportunity to independently select the composition of documents displayed in the journal. For this purpose, a special filter is implemented in the form.


Sets and kits

The new version of 1C:UNF allows you to work with sets and kits.

A set or set is several different products and services that are combined into groups for more convenient sales. Bundles are convenient for anyone selling bundles of products. This could be a flower, clothing, or gift store.

To work with sets, you need to select the Sets and kits option in the Sales settings.

After enabling this option, the Set/Kit group is displayed in the item card.

After checking the This is a set/kit checkbox, the set settings become available: Set price and display in printed form.

Rules for setting the price of a set:

  • The price is formed from the prices of components;
  • The price is set for the set and distributed among the components in proportion to their cost;
  • The price is set for the set and distributed among the components in proportion to the price shares.

In the Change set contents section, you can enter the set composition or change it. Editing the composition of sets is available only to users with Administrator rights or through the Allow editing of items rights settings.

The corresponding icon will be displayed opposite the set in the item list. To make working with sets more convenient, a filter has been added to the list of items, which, when enabled, allows you to see only sets.

To sell a set, select it in the tabular part of the sales document. When you select a set of items, the entire composition is automatically added to the tabular part of the documents.

This algorithm is implemented in the documents:

  • buyer's order;
  • invoice;
  • invoice for payment to the buyer;
  • invoice;
  • certificate of completed work;
  • receipt invoice with the type of operation “Return from buyer”;
  • work order (for the “Works and Services” and “Inventories” tabular parts);
  • retail sales report;
  • KKM check (including RMK form);
  • KKM check (return).

Barcode input sets are added in the same way.

You can change the composition of the sets that are added to the tabular parts in a separate window. It opens by double-clicking on the composition lines. With such a change in the set, prices, discounts, etc. are completely recalculated.

Please note that the set is not stored in the warehouse as an independent unit. The process of completing the set occurs at the time of shipment of the goods to the buyer.

The user can independently estimate how many sets he is still able to collect. For this purpose, a new parameter Remaining sets has been added. The report on kit balances is displayed in the list of reports in the Purchasing section (if the Use kits/Kits option is enabled).

The report displays to the user the balances of sets based on the remaining components.

Added the ability to display information about implemented sets. This can be seen in the Sales report. When you add groupings by sets to the report, the number of sets sold is displayed.

If this grouping is missing, the report is generated in the old way - the quantity of the item sold is displayed.

Warehouses in tabular parts of documents

The functionality of version 1.6.11 allows you to select a warehouse for each product in documents. For this purpose, a Receipt Invoice and an Expenditure Invoice have been implemented. The user can select a warehouse for each row of the Products table.

To start using the new option, you need to set the options Multiple warehouses and Allow warehouses in tabular parts in the settings of the Purchasing section.

To open warehouse settings you need to call context menu right-click and select Header/table section. You can also go to the More menu - Header/table part.

To select a warehouse in the delivery and receipt invoices and in the tabular section, you need to select the parameter in the settings: warehouse location in shipping documents: in the tabular section.

When the Warehouse option in the table section is enabled, the table is filled with warehouse data from the product card. If the card does not contain information about the warehouse, it is inserted from the header of the document.

The Warehouse parameters must be filled in. When creating a new document based on a Receipt or Expenditure Invoice, the position of the Warehouse column is borrowed from the base.

Online store operation

Automatic generation and sending of a receipt to the buyer when paying online

According to the new edition of Law No. 54-FZ On the use of cash register equipment, when accepting payments using bank cards In an online store, the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with an electronic receipt by sending it to the buyer’s email or phone number.

Work in 1C:UNF version 1.6.11 is carried out in accordance with this law. Thus, the program allows you to automatically run a check in 1C upon payment on the site.

Below is detailed diagram working with new functionality:

When setting up an exchange with a website in 1C:UNF, orders from the online store are loaded. As of 01/01/2017, downloading payments is already functioning on sites running on the 1C:Bitrix and 1C-UMI platforms.

If the order contains payment information, the Payment Card Transaction document is automatically generated, in which the payment method is set to Online Payment.

An online receipt will be sent to the client by email or phone in the form of SMS, depending on the data specified by the client in the order. In this case, it is not necessary to print a paper check.

To enable automatic generation of checks for online payments, you need to select Exchange with the site in the settings (Company - Even more opportunities - Integration with other programs).

After this, the Online Payment Monitor function will become available to the user. The right to launch the online payment monitor is granted only to the administrator.

Pay attention! To run an online check, the online payment monitor must be open.

In the monitor you can see up-to-date information about all customer payments made and punched checks.

Errors and failures that occur during check generation processing are displayed in the monitor.

You can set up automatic notifications about failures in Workflows. To do this, you need to specify Error in breaking through online checks as the start condition.

Reserving goods in an order from an online store

It is now possible to reserve goods ordered from the online store by customers. When an order is loaded into the program, a reserve is immediately established for product items from the order, regardless of payment. Reservation allows you to avoid situations where, by the time the order is shipped to the client, there is no product left in the warehouses.

To use this option, you need to enable Inventory Reservation in the settings (Purchasing - Even more options - Inventory Reservation).

You can also set up product reservations in the settings of the exchange site with the site: Company - Even more opportunities - Integration with other programs and open Exchange settings with the site.

In the exchange settings with the site, you need to go to the Order Exchange tab and fill out the table in accordance with the order statuses.

Select the Reserve item checkbox next to the status. If a product is accounted for in several warehouses in the database, you should specify the Reserve Warehouse.

New fields have been added to the exchange settings with the site; based on them, the corresponding order details are filled in when downloading from the website:

  • Warehouse for substitution in orders - will fill in the Reservation Warehouse in the customer order if the Warehouse (reserve) is not filled in in the exchange settings table. The field is displayed if the Accounting for multiple warehouses option is enabled.
  • Method for setting the order shipment date - will set the Shipment Date in the customer order. Can have three values: the current date, the number of days from the current date, and not set.

Information about exchange with the site in the buyer's order

A new Website tab has appeared in the customer's order. It is visible when the Exchange with site function is enabled.

This tab stores information about the order from the online store: number, date and time of the order, information about the counterparty and additional information about the order.

In version 1.6.11, the user can search for an order by number without taking into account the prefix.


Printing price tags and labels

The functionality of the new version provides even more opportunities for printing price tags and labels.

Among them:

  1. Coding SKU codes.

SKU is an identification number of a product item; it is unique for each product within the information base.

SKU codes are determined in the context of Items, Characteristics, Lots, Units of Measurement.

Scales with a printer now have two codes uploaded: PLU, as before, and additionally the SKU code.

For new products, SKU codes must be assigned manually. This is done in the product card or using the processing Work with SKU codes (Company - Administration - Connected equipment - Exchange rules with connected equipment).

Products entered earlier are numbered automatically when the database is updated.

SKU codes for weight products are distributed in the range 1-100000, for other products - 100000-…. You can change the upper and lower ranges of weighted goods in the Company section (Administration - Connected equipment - Setting up ranges).

  1. Support for scanning labels from scales into UNF has been implemented.

Weight goods

To use exchange with connected Offline equipment, a new parameter has been added - Weight. With its help, the system can distinguish goods that should be unloaded and numbered on scales with printed labels.

Weighted goods in the item card are marked with the Weight flag. Previously, such goods were registered in a barcode. In version 1.6.11, old products with a weight barcode are converted automatically. These items of the nomenclature will be assigned the Weight attribute.

It can be assigned to an entire category. When creating a new item, in this case it is inherited from the category.

Discount totals in the Retail Sales Report document

The new edition of 1C:UNF in the document Retail Sales Report contains a summary of the Discount and Automatic Discount columns. By calculating the total amount of discounts, you can obtain data on the amount of discounts for the entire shift.

Other changes

The functionality of the new version allows you to:

  • Use the Cash Register Directory without enabling the Retail Sales option.
  • Equipment management forms have been added to the More menu in the lists Cash register documents, Cash receipts, Cash expenses, Payment card transactions.
  • Select taxation for printing a receipt in the documents Receipt to the cash register, Expense from the cash register, Payment card transaction.


Calculation of the cost of operations according to temporary standards

For piecework orders, the ability to calculate the cost has been implemented technological process taking into account the time spent on production.

Enabling calculation according to time standards is carried out in the settings: Production (Production - Even more options - Cost calculation method).

When calculating the cost of operations, the time spent will be automatically taken into account.

Calculation of the cost of operations taking into account temporary standards is displayed in the Standard product composition report.


New printing capabilities: facsimiles in the Act, TORG-12 and UPD, setting up printing of document numbers and new printing forms

In version 1.6.11, the printing subsystem has been functionally improved. IN previous version The ability to edit a facsimile signature directly in the document was implemented.

New features allow you to work with facsimile signatures in the following printed forms:

  • Certificates of completed work.
  • Acts of reconciliation of mutual settlements.
  • TORG-12 (Order, Adjustment of invoice, Processing reports, Invoice).
  • UPD (Acts of completed work, Work order, Adjustment, Invoice).

When working with documents, you can choose to present the code in printed forms, for example, in an invoice, in TORG-12, etc.

You can configure views in the menu: Company - Administration - Printed forms, reports and processing.

When printing the form, you can enter the following values ​​in the Code column:

  • product code;
  • product article;
  • leave the value blank.

The format of the document number in which it will be printed can be configured separately. This is done like this: Setting up printing of document numbers - Administration - Printed forms, reports and processing.

Below we will look at a sample document number Invoice for payment.

  • If the checkbox is set to Exclude infobase prefix, then the number AC-18 will be printed.
  • If the checkbox is set to Exclude organization prefix, then the FR-18 number will be printed.
  • If the checkbox is set to Preserve leading zeros, the number ASFR-000018 will be printed.
  • If the checkbox is set to Exclude custom prefix, the number will hide prefixes that were added manually.

When you check the boxes, as shown in the screenshot below, the number 18 will be displayed. Using these features, the user will be able to obtain a convenient format for printing the number.

Printing settings are made for all documents in the database.

New printing forms

Version 1.6.11 has several printable forms:

  • MX-1 - the printed form is available from the Receipt Invoice documents (with the Receipt for safekeeping option enabled) and from the Expenditure Invoice document (with the Transfer for safekeeping option enabled).
  • MX-3 - the printed form is available from the Invoice document when the Reception for safekeeping option is enabled.

Reporting for individual entrepreneurs

Access rights profile “Taxes”

IN software product a new option has appeared - Taxes. It allows the user to generate and submit tax reports.

A new level of rights can be assigned to the user in the card on the Access rights tab: Company - Administration - User and rights settings.

Certificate 2-NDFL for employees

You can generate 2-NDFL certificates for company employees. The certificate contains information about the employee's income. This certificate may be needed to obtain a loan, property or social deduction, changing jobs, etc.

You can generate a certificate from the employee’s card.

The program also allows you to view certificates that were issued to the employee before. This is done in the Taxes section: Certificates 2-NDFL (employees).


Remote workplace (Distributed infobases)

Version 1.6.11 1C:Management supports the mechanism of distributed information bases (RIB). Using this function, you can create geographically distributed systems based on the same 1C:Enterprise 8 configurations.

In other words, RIB allows you to combine several territorial points into unified system by creating remote jobs. Working with a distributed information base does not require constant access to the Internet.

The RIB is configured in the Company - Integration with other programs section. In the subsection Synchronization with 1C: Enterprise programs, you need to check the Data synchronization checkbox. Then the Set up data synchronization link will be available.

When creating a remote workplace, you can choose two options:

  • RIB full exchange;
  • RIB with filter by organization.

RIB settings are open to profiles with full rights.

There is a limitation for the databases in which Company Accounting is maintained. Only the RIB full exchange option is available to them.

Then the user needs to select the appropriate base scheme, perform configuration and initial unloading, and connect the RIB base at the workplace.

Synchronization with 1C:Accounting

Version 1.6.11 takes into account the wishes of program users regarding synchronization with 1C: Accounting.

So, it became possible:

  • Transfer currency purchase documents

In the Receipt to Account document, the Purchase of Currency transaction is equipped with additional fields Counterparty and Agreement. These fields are required if an exchange with 1C: Accounting is configured.

Thanks to the introduction of new required fields, it has become possible to transfer a document to the Verified status. Before this, the user had to fill in the required fields to post the document.

  • Fill out documents on loans and borrowings

Loading documents on loans and borrowings from 1C: Accounting to 1C: UNF is accompanied by inserting a credit/loan agreement. If there is no corresponding agreement in 1C:UNF, it is generated automatically based on the terms of the document and is inserted into it for credit and loan.

  • Transfer item configurations

The new version allows you to transfer the Production document to 1C: Accounting as the Item Assembling document when performing assembly in a warehouse.

  • Carry protective clothing, special equipment and consumables

The Inventory Transfer document with transaction types Transfer to service and Return from service contains new values ​​of Working clothes and Special equipment.

Adding table values ​​allows you to fill out the corresponding tables in inventory transfer documents in 1C: Accounting when synchronizing data.

How to start keeping records in the UNF as quickly as possible, i.e. make the minimum required set of settings and load the initial data. In this article, I have prepared a cheat sheet for you on the initial setup and preparation of the program for operation. The article does not claim to be full description all existing settings, the goal of the article is to help you as much as possible short time make minimal settings and prepare the program to start accounting.


In the first step, you need to go to the Administration section (Section “Company”, block “Settings”) and go through the bookmarks listed below (not all bookmarks will be listed, but only those that, in the opinion of the author, are really necessary, so that after express configuration you can immediately start work in the program).

Contact information

In order to immediately correctly maintain the address data of your employees and contractors in the program, you need to decide on the option for using the address classifier (KLADR). If you work in the cloud or you always have fast internet, then you can select the option “Use the 1C web service to enter and verify addresses.” In this case, the program will connect online to the 1C server and check the entered address data.

If you know exactly which region’s counterparties you are working with, then it will be easier to select the “Load classifier into the program” option. In this case, data verification will happen faster, and address data can be verified even when there is no Internet connection.

Attention! If you choose the KLADR download option, do not download all regions at once, as this can take a very long time and “extra” data will be stored in the database. It is better to load the necessary regions from the classifier as needed.

Setting up users and rights

If you plan to maintain multi-user accounts (that is, there will be other users working in the program besides you), then they must first be registered.

To add a new user, follow the link of the same name, see photo below.

In the window that opens, fill in full name, login name, set a password, after which the user card must be written down, but not closed.

Next you need to configure user permissions. To do this, in the user card, click the “Access Rights” button and select the sections to which you want to grant permissions. Then you need to write down everything and continue setting up further.

Connected equipment

If the specifics of your activity involve the use of retail or warehouse equipment, in this case you need to make the appropriate settings in this section.

Please note that the settings of retail equipment are stored in the UNF and are linked to user workstations.

Program functionality

In the second step, you need to record what functionality of the program you plan to use. To configure, you need to go to the “Even more options” section.

It is important to understand that for a “quick start” it is enough to specify only those settings that the program will not allow you to change after you start accounting. These are the ones that need to be configured first. You can return to the remaining parameters at any time and turn them on or off if necessary. Let's look at the "first priority" settings.

Section "Company":

  • Accounting for the company as a whole;
  • Budgeting;
  • Property.

Section "Sales":

  • Discounts and markups in sales;
  • Discount cards;
  • Automatic discounts;
  • Transfer of goods to commission;
  • Acceptance of goods on consignment.

Section "Purchases":

  • Multiple units of measurement;
  • Characteristics of the nomenclature;
  • Nomenclature batches;
  • Control of remaining serial numbers;
  • Inventory reservation;
  • Acceptance of inventories for safekeeping;
  • Transfer of raw materials and materials for processing;
  • Transfer of inventories for safekeeping;
  • Order warehouses;
  • Cellular warehouses.

Section "Production":

  • Technological operations;
  • Processing of customer-supplied raw materials.

Section "Salary":

  • Part-time job;
  • Personal income tax and contributions.

Entering initial data

In the third (final) step, you need to enter the initial balances. Ideally, you need to keep all initial balances, so they have an impact on all sections of accounting, well, if only because without this the management balance sheet will not converge. The program provides a special document “Entering initial balances” for this purpose. It is located in the "Company" section.

Input is carried out through an assistant, which breaks all initial data into the following sections:

  • Money;
  • Goods;
  • Calculations;
  • Other.

After entering the data, you can always return to the list of documents and make changes.