The topic is about rational rest after work. Learning to rest fully after work

The lifestyle of a modern person forces him to spend a large amount of energy, concentrate his attention and keep many areas of his life under control.

All this causes the accumulation of fatigue and, as a result, provokes depression. Therefore, it is very important to be able to relax correctly. We will tell you in detail how to relax after work in our article.

The basics of proper recuperation

In order for your performance to be at a high level and your mood to be on a positive note, it is necessary not only to work well, but also to have quality rest. Let's start with the basic rules:

  • To relax and throw off the burden that has accumulated during the working day, you also need strength. Experts advise stopping work before all your strength leaves you;
  • Don’t forget about changing activities; active and passive work, their proper alternation, will help increase productivity and energize you;
  • Healthy sleep is an essential component of proper rest, because its quality affects physical and mental health;
  • Rest should be not only passive, but also active. Extreme sports and exercise in the gym are perfect;
  • You should get rid of the habit of taking work home and dumping all your work for the week on the weekend, since this time is intended specifically for recuperation.

Rest after work

Many people mistakenly think that aimlessly lying on the couch refers to relaxation. In fact, relaxation of this kind does not lead to anything good.

Yes, you rest physically, but your brain can scroll through plans for tomorrow or events that happened today during the work day. It is better to go for a bike ride, to the sauna or swimming pool.

Massage is great for relaxation. You can perform either self-massage or visit a specialist who will help relieve tightness and muscle blockage.

Literature will help you take your mind off the drab everyday life. According to research, reading calms you down and helps you relax.

The most popular types of holidays

We have already said a little about relaxation methods, but there are five most used relaxation methods:

  • Sleep lasting 6-8 hours. It will help restore strength and give good spirits. It is better to go to bed before 22 o'clock. To do this, the bedroom must be ventilated, which will enrich the room with oxygen;
  • Visiting cultural events. People often choose this way of relaxation. Many attend concerts, theaters and cinemas, and various exhibitions. This helps to take your mind off the hustle and bustle and tune in to the positive.
  • Home family movie watching. A fairly common type of relaxation, when relatives gather near the screen, drink tea and watch their favorite movie. This promotes relaxation and pleasant pastime;
  • . They help you relax after work and express yourself creatively;

Cosmetic care. In fact, not only women prefer to spend their leisure time in this way. Many representatives of the stronger half visit salons, take care of themselves, and treat spas and other procedures for the beauty of the face and body with trepidation.

Self-care allows you to simultaneously take care of your physical health and enjoy the results.

A day off is meant for relaxation.

If you have at least one day off a week, be sure to dedicate this day to a break from the hustle and bustle of work. This time can be spent with family, friends or alone.

On your day off, you can go into nature, organize a picnic in a city park, take a mini-hike, gather friends for a team game of volleyball, etc. The main thing is that the activity brings you joy and helps you take your mind off work matters.

At the end of the day off, you can take a bath or a contrast shower, which will help relieve fatigue and consolidate the results.

Gymnastics to relieve tension

Many of us, upon returning home, feel very tired after a day of work. Everyone has their own recipe for recovery, but there is a universal one - gymnastics.

For those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, special emphasis should be placed on warming up and strengthening the spine and its muscles, as well as eliminating blood stagnation in the pelvic organs.

People whose work involves constant standing should pay attention to the condition of the lower extremities, effective prevention of varicose veins with the help of special exercises and medications to relieve heaviness in the legs.

Those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor should take care not only of correct posture, but also of their eyes. Eye exercises should be done every half hour to an hour. Gymnastics will help relieve tension, strengthen the eye muscles and help maintain vision.

Gymnastics will help improve blood circulation, cheer you up and set you up for relaxation after work, so it needs to be done every day.

Recreation for men and women

It may not be strange, but the relaxation of men and women is in some sense different concepts. Women can relax after work, leafing through a glossy magazine, knitting or floristry. And men can relax by watching a football match, hockey game, or simply visiting a sauna in the company of friends.

The division of recreation into male and female is a very relative concept, but it still has its place. Since the same needlework can be perceived not as a way to find balance and relax, but as another type of work activity.

It is worth noting that for proper rest there is a need for sufficient energy. Therefore, breaks from work should be taken throughout the day so that by the evening your energy reserves remain at a high level.

No matter how strange it may sound, being able to relax and rest is a lot of work, a real art that not many people master. We hope that our article will help you learn how to spend time after a hard day actively, fun and beneficial for your soul and body.

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It is no secret that in our society it is customary, albeit unspoken, to brand solo travelers with descriptions of “lonely”, “sociopathic”, “unsociable”. Even shawarma is sometimes embarrassing to eat alone. In Paris. In a Michelin star restaurant.

But, despite the stereotypes, traveling alone has become increasingly fashionable lately. We are in website, relying on the Quora and Reddit forums, found out what is so special about them and why everyone should experience such an experience.

1. You will see yourself in a new light.

As the classic said, if you want to test a friend, take him to the mountains. This rule can also work in the opposite direction: if you want to know yourself, go on a trip alone.

It sounds unromantic, but the logic here is simple: leaving the comfort zone introduces a person into an environment of self-knowledge. If you are lost in an unfamiliar city with a group of friends, friends will create a safe atmosphere in which responsibility and panic can be transferred to others.

Loneliness leaves no choice: you have to gather your courage and figure everything out on your own. This is the key moment in which the “other” qualities of a person are revealed: courage, generosity, sudden extroversion, cowardice, and so on. Such acquaintance usually cannot disappear without a trace - this is a fact.

2. Single player always gets more

The more people in the company, the longer the debate about where to go lasts. And a solo traveler is always selfish. And this is the case when the concept of selfishness does not have a negative connotation. So why not sometimes use this side of vice?

If you want, you can eat kebab, or if you want, you can sleep in the park. Long live freedom!

3. Homo orientus will awaken in you - a person who orients himself

Building a trip route, transfer connections, choosing accommodation - all this will somehow make you feel like a travel logistician. Even if you bought a trip from a tour operator, you still need to not get lost at the airport, you know. And terrain orientation, even with GPS maps, will make you a real a traveler, not a simple tourist, which follows an active friend or local guide.

P.S. You can acquire other unexpected talents, for example, becoming a camera self-timer master.

4. This is a great opportunity to get involved in an adventure

You can get into a good mess even in company, you say. True, but it’s more fun alone - there’s more adrenaline! Turn onto the wrong street, miss the train, check into the wrong hotel - and the premise of a good adventure film is guaranteed. The further development of the plot is already in your hands: if you perceive failures as heavenly punishment, you can get an absurd tragicomedy, and if you consider everything as a fun intercultural quest, you can get a good road movie.

5. There is a risk of infection with a foreign culture

When traveling alone, you can wear an invisibility cloak. In this case, for example, a criminal court officer might jump from Mickey to Snow White at Disneyland. No one will condemn him, because, firstly, not a single soul will know about it, and secondly, everyone will understand that this is simply a recharge necessary for a person, an attempt to escape into a reality in which he does not need to adjust his image to the local environment.

Have you ever traveled alone? Would you like to try it?

Moya Sarner, a British journalist and columnist for The Guardian, is sure that many of us have forgotten how to rest properly and effectively. And I decided to figure out how to fix it.

Analyze your screen time

In our constantly online world, it is becoming increasingly difficult to relax. Moya herself admits that she first seriously thought about it after she had to quit sports due to an injury.

Exercise was always an activity during which she could be alone with herself. And without them, she began to feel completely lost.

When I have a free evening at home, I often have no idea what to do with it. It inevitably ends with me staring at one screen or another for hours, until I go to bed. And then I wonder why I spent so much time on it.

Moya Sarner

Moya is convinced she's not the only one who likes to plop down on the sofa and sit in front of the TV while her Twitter feed and five WhatsApp group chats flash before her eyes.

Many people are really familiar with this problem. For example, actress Diane Keaton said in an interview with More: “I have no idea what I would do with a whole week off.”

Gwen Stefani, in turn, told Stylist magazine that if she has downtime at work, she feels a little panic and tries to plan what to do next. And when Elon Musk was asked what he usually does after work, he answered: “Usually, I continue to work.”

The need for an accessible way to relax is indicated at least momentarily If The Adult Coloring Book Craze Is Dead, It Needs A Postmortem the surge in popularity that adult coloring books have received. Or height Sales of mind, body, spirit books boom in UK amid ‘mindfulness mega-trend’ sales of books that teach survival in a world where no one and nothing stands still. Or the obsession with mindfulness in the example of Headspace, a meditation app that has already been downloaded more than 15 million times.

Those who spent money on such things were apparently looking for answers to the same questions. And many of them are still looking for them. By the way, the market for anti-stress coloring books is currently in decline, and Headspace has begun to lay off employees.

A 2018 report from UK communications regulator Ofcom confirms A decade of digital dependency that a huge number of people depend on their digital devices and need constant access to the Internet.

78% have a smartphone, and among young people 16–24 years old this number rises to 95%. We check our phones every 12 minutes, although more than half admit that this interferes with family and friends. And 43% agree they spend too much time on devices. 7 out of 10 never turn them off at all.

Devices prevent us from resting, but even without them we find it difficult to relax.

Clinical psychologist Rachel Andrew notes that she faces this problem every day in her therapy room, and things are getting worse. “In my practice, I have noticed that the number of people who find it difficult to disconnect from everything and relax is growing, especially in the last 3-5 years. This applies to all ages from 12 to 70 years old.”

There's generally nothing wrong with lounging in front of the TV screen or with a smartphone in your hands, says Rachel. But it all depends on how exactly you do it.

“Sometimes people admit that they don’t even delve into what is happening before their eyes. They are completely distracted, not understanding what they have been doing for the last half hour. This can be considered almost like dissociation - periods when the brain is so overloaded that it completely disconnects from what is happening. Of course, such rest does not help the brain much.”

Moya Sarner says that after evenings entirely devoted to Twitter or TV shows, she woke up feeling like she had eaten junk food before bed. And the fact is that she confused the feeling of a complete shutdown of the brain with real relaxation.

Psychoanalyst David Morgan believes that such immersion online is both the cause and consequence of the fact that we have forgotten how to relax and have fun. “All of our devices and the way we use them are all distractions,” he says.

People are so used to looking for different means to forget that they can’t even survive the evening alone.

David Morgan

Immersion in the virtual world is an attempt to distract yourself, a way to avoid communicating with your own inner self. While for ourselves we need to free up mental space, which is entirely occupied by our devices.

Think about your true desires

Rachel Andrew says some of her patients have never thought about how they want to spend their free time.

“They say they are too busy with their responsibilities - work, caring for family and having to maintain friendships. By the evening or weekend there comes a time when they can do anything, but they no longer have the strength or motivation to do anything other than “fall out of reality.” But how can life be enjoyable if you always do only what you have to do?

For others, Rachel says, the idea of ​​listening to their needs and desires is completely foreign. Those raised in a family where everything was centered around the needs of the other child or parent may never have been asked what they themselves would like to do. And it is not surprising that they might not have thought about it before.

But if they manage to find their own pleasant activity that will help, this can cause big changes in their lives.

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish our own needs from the needs of the people around us. And it may take a lot of effort to understand where your desires end and your partner’s desires begin.

Nina Grunfeld, founder of Life Clubs, an organization that helps people live full lives.

“When my husband and I were still young, we went on vacation to Rome,” says Nina. “He wanted to visit every temple, every restaurant, every place that interested him. And I returned home completely broken. Only after I understood myself, thought about my life separately and what I personally liked, I realized: in order to enjoy my vacation and return home fresh and full of energy, I need quiet rest and reading.

Now, when we go on vacation, my husband goes to temples alone, and I feel really happy, lying on the beach, by the pool or. For me this is real pleasure. Well, I can join him in the restaurant.”

Ask for help

Moya Sarner reports that she has already started using all the ideal rules, but sometimes she still feels world-weary.

Sometimes I want to disappear, disappearing into my smartphone or TV. It’s as if I desperately need this feeling of complete detachment, even though I know it’s wrong.

Moya Sarner

She says that psychoanalytic therapy helps her think about the reasons why this happens. David Morgan also agrees that psychotherapy is very important in the process of getting rid of Internet addiction, since in consultations a person has to use his mind.

"Therapy fights distraction - it involves," he says. “When people walk into my office, they often say that for the first time they feel unable to escape their circumstances.”

Facing difficulties head-on and running away from them are equally exhausting. Solving problems is indeed a difficult and hectic job. But when there is someone nearby who can listen and help figure things out, it becomes easier.

Everyone is looking for their own ways to distract themselves from the most important thing: here we live, and then we have to die. Having a mind to make sense of everything that is happening, and someone who will think about it even more deeply with you, is what helps you cope with this terrifying truth.”

David Morgan

But this frightening fact also helps us realize how little we have on the planet. And it’s a shame to spend it voluntarily turning off your brain.

1. Introduce the one-hour rule. Nina Grunfeld recommends that during holidays with friends or family, assign a whole hour to each person, during which he can decide what everyone will do to relax. “One of my children will say that we will play video games, another will say that we will go for a walk, and the third will force everyone to bake pies. This way everyone gets a little “own” time and tries out other people’s ways to relax. It’s very relaxing when you don’t have to plan your whole day yourself.”

2. Try to remember what you liked to do most as a child. Determine what was most important to you in this activity and try to come up with an “adult version” of it. If you no longer remember this, you need to ask friends and family or look through old photographs.

Everyone can find something to do. If we lose it as an adult, it’s like losing our integrity as a person. Perhaps you enjoyed playing in the sandbox and would like to learn ceramics. Or you loved to sculpt all sorts of things and you will like baking.

3. Get out into nature. Rachel Andrew says: “If you have no idea what will help you relax, trust science. More and more researchers agree that being in nature lifts your spirits and energizes you.”

4. Look at the world in a new way.“Allow yourself to explore it. Wherever you are, go for a walk and see what new things you can find for yourself. Try to get lost: every time before you turn, decide where you want to go - left or right - and check where you end up,” advises Grunfeld.

Someone will say that this is a simple matter: rest - don’t work. This is a mistake. There are much more rules for quality rest than for productive work.

You definitely need to rest

We have such workaholics who work from morning to evening and constantly put off rest, trying to first finish the most important work - fly to Mars, turn back the Ob and Lena, end the war, defeat famine in Africa... And then, they say, for all the years at once you can go on vacation. It is forbidden! Fatigue and overwork are two different things. Fatigue, for example, is very beneficial for the body. It trains the body, hardens it, because after rest the cells restore their normal state, again accumulate energy and are again ready for work. The constant process of training “fatigue-recovery” increases the body’s capabilities. Overwork is a completely different matter. It cannot be restored by rest, since the cells become depleted, and they have to be restored with the help of medications. Therefore, it is imperative to rest without bringing the body to overwork.

Rest should be regular

You’ve worked for 11 months—drop everything and go on vacation. It has been absolutely reliably established that it is impossible to rest after the fact, just as it is impossible to rest in advance before labor-intensive work. The nervous system won't allow it. She is generally like that - she really loves a clear rhythm. In everything. In the change of work and rest too. Recuperation occurs at three levels: daily short-term rest, weekly recuperation and annual “overhaul” of the body. All these types of rest must be carried out regularly at the same time.

On vacation you need to change your activity

If you've been sitting at a computer for a year, forget about it on vacation. Mental work needs to be replaced by physically active rest. And if someone has been digging a ditch all year, throw the shovel into the bushes. If your work involves noise (a jackhammer, for example), ensure quiet during your vacation. In general, you need to give rest to all tired senses - ears, eyes, and nose.

Rest should be active

Spending your entire vacation on the couch is not relaxation, but violence against the body and a complete health disorder. This has also been proven. Play ball with friends, for example, walk, swim, play beach volleyball or badminton, and finally dance. But just don’t sleep for days.

Annual vacation should be spent away from home

By the way, many people do this now - travel around the country and abroad. This is very correct. You can, of course, stay at home if your wallet or other circumstances do not allow you to leave. Just don't start repairs, please! Every day, leave your apartment, inventing a variety of activities for yourself: excursions, hikes and other entertainment.

Should you take your spouse with you on vacation?

It is already clear that this is not so much a rule as a tricky question. Let's try to answer it. On the one hand, a vacation can revive a fading relationship and give it newness. On the other hand, on the contrary, cause irritation due to a month-long stay in front of each other. By the way, after the Christmas holidays, English courts are traditionally overwhelmed with divorce cases. The British, it turns out, see their spouses so rarely during the year that they simply cannot stand a forced two-week stay together. There is a third side to this medal... I am hinting at the “Tula samovar”. In general, decide for yourself whether to relax with or without your significant other.

Is it worth vacationing with children?

This is what child psychologists and pediatricians say. Adult psychologists do not agree with them; they believe that parents should take a break from their children. This is just one of the incidents in the “uniform” rules for an ideal psycho-hygienic holiday. There are quite a lot of such inconsistencies. Therefore, you will have to decide for yourself whether to relax with or without children.

You need to improve your health while on vacation

Vacations should be spent following all the rules of a healthy lifestyle. Try to give up bad habits. By changing the situation, some manage to quit drinking or smoking. And to consolidate this, try to develop healthy habits. But everyone can come up with this to their own taste.

On vacation you need to make the most of natural factors - air, water, sun, forest

I think everyone knows what to do with these factors. I can only emphasize that city dwellers absolutely need to visit nature.

Relax with humor

Everyone knows that laughter prolongs life. But it also helps tired cells recover. Therefore, gather the most humorous company for your vacation. And don’t frown yourself. In general, you should only have pleasant impressions from your vacation. It’s worth treating yourself to new things. Ladies are recommended to update their wardrobe. It would be nice to add sex to this directive. But it - high-quality and regular - should be available throughout the year!

If you rely on all these rules, it is quite possible to create a vacation scenario that is at least a little close to ideal.

Go to bed early

Everything is obvious here: if you don’t get enough sleep, you won’t rest, no matter what you do. Therefore, try to be in bed at least an hour earlier than usual. If you can’t fall asleep right away, read a book. Just don’t watch TV series or go on social networks, you know what will happen: you won’t notice how you’ll stay up until three o’clock in the morning. This, of course, is also a way to relax, but now you need something else: your task is to get enough sleep, so that in the morning you have the opportunity to lie in bed for half an hour and enjoy the feeling “I don’t have to jump up and run, hurray!”

Turn off your mobile and Internet

This is the first thing to do after you wake up. Because usually the first thing we do in the morning is check what’s new on Facebook or Instagram. Researchers talk about a real addiction that we are all susceptible to. Your brain has information intoxication, you need a detox. So turn off your devices and start your morning without them. It’s also better not to turn on the TV. On vacation, you wake up, wash your face and go have breakfast without gadgets, right? Well, today is vacation. A one-day rest can also be effective.

Go to nature

This is the very case when nature really does not have bad weather. You can restore strength with the help of the resource of the surrounding world, even in the snow, even in the heat, even in a thunderstorm. Another thing is that the usual format of outdoor recreation will not suit you. If you have a dacha, you will still start working there, but if you invite friends for a picnic, everything will again turn into a classic “barbecue”, and you, in fact, will not see nature itself. Therefore, invite only one person with you - your best friend or loved one. And go for a walk in the park, or even better, go to the forest to pick mushrooms. You need silence, the smell of the forest and the absence of other bipeds in sight.

Arrange a zootherapy session

There are three types of highly developed animals, communication with which turns tortured office workers into thriving and joyful vacationers: horses, dogs and dolphins. A session of swimming with dolphins is an expensive pleasure and not accessible to everyone due to geographical reasons, but dogs and horses are everywhere. If you choose hippotherapy, remember that just walking on a rental horse will not give you the full range of sensations, especially if you are afraid of horses. It’s better to look for equestrians among your friends: you will be allowed to enter the stall, chat with the horse, treat it and even clean it. By the way, this is not “dirty work”, but an extremely useful activity: it has been proven that close physical contact with a horse calms the nervous system, this is what you need. If you are not ready for this (because it is scary and smells bad), there is another option - petting zoos. Actually, they were invented for children, but who said that adults can’t use it? Go cuddle ferrets, rats, pet parrots, hamsters - and dogs, usually there are some there. Children's delight is guaranteed!


Shopping, ma'am!

If you usually get tired from shopping, this does not mean that you can use it to relax and unwind. This means that you usually go shopping when you literally have nothing to wear. You understand that you simply cannot afford to leave empty-handed, and this is annoying, because you have no choice: you have to take what they give, you can’t walk barefoot or without a coat. So, of course, you won’t rest, you’ll only get tired. Organize an optional shopping day: go shopping and promise yourself to buy only what you like, not what you need.

Play tourist

Where to relax in 1 day? Even if you managed to explore the length and breadth of all the sights of your city while still in school, there is probably something interesting within a radius of 100 kilometers from it. And you don't need to plan an excursion in advance: grab a friend, get in the car and go explore the area. On one's own. This is much more interesting than crowding around the bus in the morning, listening to the guide’s stupid jokes, and then yawning in the wind and waiting for you to finally be taken to lunch.

Have a blast!

In the literal sense of the word - break away from your usual activities. If your usual day off involves going to a nightclub, go to a museum. If you are used to relaxing at home, watching TV shows and cocoa, plan your day so that you can return after midnight. You need new experiences, this is the best way to reset your brain. Plan as many interesting things as possible, the principle of choice is very simple: you either haven’t done it before, or you’ve done it so long ago that you’ve already forgotten how it even happens.


The best way to relax your body is to go to the spa. If you are limited in funds, choose only a massage: the chocolate wrap smells delicious, of course, but it is of little use. But a good massage will allow you to finally relax and stop thinking about work, and besides, it’s really useful, you know it. Didn't have time to sign up for a spa salon? Go to the bathhouse! To the most ordinary, classic bathhouse. It’s not so beautiful there, of course, and you won’t find any handsome young men with towels on their hips around, but there is a real steam room there. Which will give a head start to all these barely warm hammams and saunas, in which you only dry your skin.

Spend time with loved ones

Go to your grandmother and help her make a ton of apple jam, and then be sure to take her to a restaurant - when was the last time she was there? Invite mom to the cinema. Go fishing with dad, and bring grandpa a stack of pancakes and a good movie that you can watch together. In general, choose a close person with whom you have not communicated for a long time as you should, and it is better if it is an older relative. Because after a couple of hours of calm communication without running, you will feel like you are returning to childhood. Unforgettable sensations.

Sit back

If you feel like you're too exhausted to even walk in the park, don't do anything at all. At all. You can easily lie in bed all day, watch a movie and chew pizza - you don’t need to cook, of course, order it. The “day without social networks” rule still applies, but you can watch the series, why not? The only condition: if you feel that you can’t do anything anymore, because it’s terribly boring, don’t take on spring cleaning! And you can easily afford everything else on your one-day vacation.