Google remote desktop. Remotely control your computer using the Google Chrome browser

Remote access technology allows you to connect to a computer using the Internet or local network for the purpose of administering or controlling the computer in on-line mode.

How does remote access technology work?

These programs were initially designed to provide convenience and optimization of working time for IT specialists who administer local networks, usually consisting of hundreds of computers, which are often located at a considerable distance from each other.

The use of remote administration programs can significantly reduce the time delays required to resolve issues that arise for users while working with a PC, thus reducing production downtime.

There are many software implementations of the idea of ​​remote administration, which differ in the protocols used (VNC, RDP, Telnet, X11, ARD, Rlogin, RFB, ICA, as well as software developers’ own protocols) and management interfaces (console and graphical).

SSH, TLS, SSL and other protocols are used to encrypt transmitted traffic.

As a rule, programs for remote access consist of 2 applications with different functionality:

1. Server application – installed on computers that will need to be administered.

2. Client application – installed on the computer from which other PCs are controlled.

Soon, from the sphere of system administration, these programs gradually penetrated into the user sphere, adding to the range of necessary programs the average user.

It is worth noting that, having occupied the user niche, programs for remote administration were somewhat modified.

So, instead of the required two client and server applications, there is now one application that plays the role of a client or server, depending on the internal settings of the program.

It also became possible to run programs on the Internet without additional settings.

Chrome Remote Desktop

Step 1. Install and configure Remote Desktop

To do this:

1.1 Go to the applications page in the Chrome Web Store.

1.2 Download the application by clicking the blue “Install” button, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen and the “Add” button in the subsequent dialog box.

After adding a remote desktop, an application icon will appear on the desktop, in the Quick Launch panel, and also in the browser itself.

Important! When you first launch the application, you must authorize it, allowing the following actions: access to the list of computers connected to the remote desktop, information about your email, and also allow sending and receiving chat messages.

The site also contains articles on the following topics:

  • Google Image Search (Google): How to Find Similar Images

Step 2. Activate a remote connection to your PC

A prerequisite for working with a desktop at a distance is having a Google account. To activate the connection you must:

2.1 Open a new browser tab Google Chrome and click the “Applications” icon located under the search bar or use the shortcut on the desktop or quick launch panel.

2.2 Find and launch the Chrome Remote Desktop application. To view the remote connection settings, in the “My Computers” section, click the “Get Started” button.

2.3 Click “Allow remote connections”, download and install the host service for the remote desktop. The service is downloaded and installed automatically.

2.4 After installing the service, enter a PIN code containing at least 6 digits, confirm it and click OK.

2.5 To continue, you must confirm your login to your Google account and enter the PIN code again, after which the configured device should appear in the “My Computers” section.

Step 3. Connect to a remote computer

To connect to computers, you need to check on each of them the presence of an Internet connection, as well as permission to connect from a distance.

There is no need to run Google Chrome on the remote PC. After checking you must:

3.1 Launch the application as described above.

3.2 Go to the “My Computers” section and click the “Get Started” button, then select the desired computer profile from the list of available devices, enter the PIN code specified in the previous step and click the “Connect” button.

To terminate the remote session, you must click the “Disconnect” button, which is located in the drop-down panel at the top of the page.



Easy to set up.

Stable and fast operation even with low Internet connection speed.

There is no need to configure a firewall.


There is no possibility to transfer files (unlike analogue programs).

Chrome Remote Desktop

Chrome Remote Desktop: How to Always Access Your PC

Chrome Remote Desktop is a cross-platform solution and allows you to provide remote access To Windows computers, Mac and Linux, or access personal Windows and Mac computers anytime from the Chrome browser on any device, including Chromebooks.

Remote computers may be available on a short-term basis to carry out specialized technical support or in long term for organizing remote access to applications and files. All connections are securely protected.

Chrome Remote Desktop Features Overview

Chrome Remote Desktop is a remote access tool developed by Google. The solution allows users to remotely control another computer using the Chromoting protocol, also created by Google. During the connection, keystrokes and mouse events are transferred from one computer to another and GUI events are relayed over the network.

Chrome Remote Desktop requires the use of a web browser Google Chrome, as well as installing an extension from the Chrome Web Store.

Chrome Remote Desktop supports a remote assistance mode, allowing one user to monitor another user's computer (mostly to diagnose and fix problems), as well as a remote desktop mode, where the user can connect to a remote personal device. In remote assistance mode for terminals on Windows, Mac, Android or Linux, you must enter a PIN. Remote Desktop mode functionality is supported for Windows, Mac and Linux, although Linux support is limited at the moment is in beta stage. The VP8 video codec is used to display the remote computer's desktop. Windows supports copy and paste operations and real-time audio playback, but there is no option to disable audio streaming.

It is no secret that today more and more applications are being developed to gain access from one terminal or mobile device to Among all the diversity software Separately, it is worth noting the Chrome “Remote Desktop” application released by Google. Now we will look at how to properly install the program and configure it for subsequent operation on different devices.

Chrome "Remote Desktop": what is it?

First of all, let's find out what kind of program this is. As is already clear, it is a powerful means of communication between individual devices, the connection between which is carried out via the Internet or over a local network.

The name "Chrome Remote Desktop" says it all, so... prerequisite To install and use this software, you must have a browser of the same name installed on your system or any development based on it.

This approach saves the user from installing separate program, then integrating it into browsers other than Chrome, and saves a lot of time. In addition, interaction on this basis also reduces the access time to remote terminals. Well, as for the possibilities, on a remote computer you can perform almost all operations as on your own device, including mobile devices, and even administer the system. This will become a very powerful tool, for example, for system administrators who have dozens of computer terminals connected to their network.

Google Chrome, "Remote Desktop": how does it work?

Now let's see how this whole system functions. In principle, remote Chrome can be classified as a class of programs called Actually, and the principles underlying its operation are quite similar.

True, at the dawn of the development of such technologies, in order to carry out a communication session between two computers, it was necessary to install two main applications. The server software was intended for installation on a computer that will be administered. The client program was installed on the terminal from which another terminal will be controlled. But all this is in the past, because later the two different programs were combined into one, and the need to install several different applications was no longer necessary.

As for work, everything is as usual. The program uses its own protocols and interface, although it also supports many others. And just like in many other programs, there is a built-in traffic encryption system at the TLS, SSH, SSL level using AES algorithms.

But generally speaking, the Chrome Remote Desktop application is, rather, not an independent program, but an add-on for the browser. Therefore, looking ahead, we note that its removal can be done exclusively from the browser, without using operating system tools or specialized software packages for deep search and uninstalling applications on the system.

Pre-installation on PC

Now let's turn our attention to the Chrome Remote Desktop program itself. Installing and configuring it so that everything works correctly is quite simple.

First you need to go to official page loading the add-on, as is probably already clear, through the Chrome browser. On the page at the top right there is a special installation button that you need to click to start downloading and installation, and in the next window there is an “Add” button to create shortcuts. Upon completion of the process, the application icon will appear on the computer’s Desktop, in the Quick Launch Panel, as well as in the browser itself (under the address bar).

Activating a remote connection

Now a few more words about the Chrome Remote Desktop program. Installing it, as we see, is not difficult, and this process only takes a couple of minutes. But the matter is not limited to installation. At the second stage, the application needs to be activated.

When you first start the program, you will be asked for several actions, for which you must give permission, since the data transmitted and received is subject to the jurisdiction of Google and the Chrome Privacy Policy. Without such consent, the installation process will be interrupted.

In the browser, click on the Chrome “Remote Desktop” button or enter http://apps in the address bar. You can also launch the application via a shortcut or use quick launch from the corresponding panel.

Next, select the section of the remote desktop, to view the parameters - “My computers”, and then - “Getting started”. Now click the button to allow remote connection and set the host parameters following the instructions.

The most important moment comes: you need to enter a PIN code. It must contain at least six digits. Next, enter the code again to confirm.

To continue with the setup, you will need to log into your Google account and enter the above PIN again. Only after this the already configured device will appear in the computers section.

Direct connection to remote terminals

To connect to a remote terminal, you must first make sure that each one has an active Internet connection.

After this, we launch the program in the manner described above and reach the point where work begins. Now it’s a small matter - you just need to select the desired terminal from the list, then enter the appropriate PIN code and press the connection activation button. To interrupt a communication session, use the disconnect button.

Setting up connections in Android and iOS

As you can see, the installation and preliminary configuration of the Chrome Remote Desktop program (PC version) is quite simple. Now let's look at issues related to setting up access to computer terminals with mobile devices based on operating systems Android and iOS. For convenience, I will use Android, since this system is also developed by Google. However, on iOS all actions will be identical.

It goes without saying that you first need to install the Google Remote Desktop mobile client from the store on your device Google Play(aka Android Market) or AppStore for Apple gadgets. As in the case of the stationary version, we agree to the terms and wait for the download process to complete and the applet to be installed on the device.

If problems occur during the connection process

Finally, consider a situation where the Chrome Remote Desktop program for some reason cannot establish a connection or configure access to the desired computer terminal. First, you should check your Internet connection.

In addition, if such a situation arises, you should make sure that the program is not blocked by a firewall. In its settings, permissions must be set for outgoing UDP traffic and incoming responses, as well as two 5222 for XMPP and 443 for HTTPS.

It is quite possible that if the terminal is located on a certain corporate network, there are restrictions on the use of remote access to it. You will have to contact your system administrator or network administrator.

Finally, one of the reasons may be the presence in the system outdated version Chrome browser itself, so before you start installing the add-on itself, you should update it to the current one.


That, in fact, in brief, is everything that concerns the installation and configuration of the application for remote access to computer terminals from different devices. It remains to add that mobile clients are also interesting because, in addition to direct access functions, they even allow you to view packs and files on computers disconnected from the Internet, so to speak, in offline mode. And if you understand the principles of setting up and working with the Chrome client, then you can easily deal with almost any RDP-class program.

At the moment, there are a huge number of programs that allow you to gain remote access to a computer or laptop. However, most of them are shareware, while others limit the session time or have a complex interface. The most successful among all the known ones is not even a program, but an extension developed by Google employees called “Chrome Remote Desktop”. This is exactly what this article will be about.

What is Chrome Remote Desktop?

This is an addon developed specifically for Chrome, and is designed to provide remote access to a computer/laptop. Using it, you can perform any actions on a remote device: run programs, create or delete files of various formats, watch videos, copy data, and so on.

How to download and install "Chrome Remote Desktop"

2. Click on the “Install” button.

3. Confirm your desire by clicking on the “Install application” button and wait for the process to complete.

Many sites offer to download the extension, passing it off as original, do not be fooled by this! Download only from the official store.

How to set up Remote Desktop in Chrome (Windows 7 and Windows 10)

1. Enter “ chrome://apps

2. Click on the icon that says “Remote Desktop”.

4. Click on "Allow".

5. Click on the “Get Started” button located in the “My Computers” window.

6. Click on “Allow remote connections”.

7. To start installing the Host, you need to click on the blue “Accept the terms and install” button.

8. In the pop-up window, click “Ok”.

9. Click “Ok” again.

10. At the same time, your IE browser should open, in which the host will start downloading; when the download is complete, click on the “Run” button.

11. The installation of the Host will begin - wait for it to finish.

12. Enter a PIN code consisting of at least 6 characters (come up with a code that will protect you from unauthorized connections - you can use the methods described in this article for reliability -) and click “Ok”.

Your PC is now available for remote desktop connection.

How to remotely access your desktop in Google Chrome browser

Connecting to the desktop is very easy if you know the PIN code.

1. Launch the extension and in the My Computers list, select the device you want to connect to.

2. A window like this may appear, don’t be alarmed and just click “Connect”.

3. Enter the PIN code and click on the “Connect” button.

How to terminate a remote session to your desktop

It’s very simple - click on the “Close access” button located at the very bottom of the screen in a green frame.

How to provide remote access to your desktop in Chrome

Provide access only to trusted persons, otherwise all your data may be stolen and used for illegal activities!

2. Your personal access code will be generated, which must be provided to the user trying to establish a connection to your computer/laptop.

When the other party enters the code, all you have to do is confirm the connection.

How to remove the Remote Desktop application in Chrome

If you don't like the application, or simply don't need it anymore, you can always delete it in a few clicks.

1. Enter “ chrome://extensions/" (without quotes) and press "Enter".

2. Find “Remote Desktop” in the list of extensions and click on the trash can icon located next to it.

3. Confirm your desire by clicking on the “Delete” button.

Remember, by providing remote access to your desktop, you not only allow someone else to see everything you have installed, but also give access to all your passwords, programs and system settings.

Lets get remote computer access via the Internet using another computer. For example, you can use this application to securely work with files or applications from another computer.

You can also temporarily give your desktop to a friend to help you solve computer problems.

Setting up Chrome Remote Desktop

Installing Chrome Remote Desktop

Install Chrome Remote Desktop on each computer that you want to access remotely and on each computer that will be used for remote access.

After installing the program, a new tab will open and the program icon will appear in the Programs section of the new tab page (for Chrome devices, you can find it in the list of programs).

  1. Open a new tab in Google Chrome by clicking the button at the top of the browser window or the key combination Ctrl + T;
  2. Click on the Programs panel to open Chrome Remote Desktop;
  3. If the Start button appears in the My Computers window, click to see the remote connection options;
  4. Click Enable remote connections;
  5. Install Chrome Remote Host Service.

    Windows instructions

    1. Click Yes to install Chrome Remote Host Service. The hosting service is automatically downloaded and installed.
    2. A confirmation window will appear. Verify your Google account and enter your PIN again to continue.

    An account management window may appear. Windows records and ask permission to install. If you do not have administrator rights on your computer, contact your system administrator to complete the installation process.

    Mac OS Instructions

    1. Chrome will begin downloading the installation .Dmg file. Click the Save button.
    2. Select the chromeremotedesktop.dmg file from the Download panel to launch the installer.
    3. Go to Finder and look for the Chrome Remote Control window with the installer package "Chrome Remote Desktop.mpkg".
    4. Double click the file Chrome Remote Desktop.mpkg to start the installer.
    5. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.
    6. Once the installation is complete, return to Chrome and click OK on the on-screen dialog to enable your computer for remote access.
    7. Enter the PIN, re-enter the PIN and press OK.
    8. The System Preferences dialog box appears. Unlock the panel and confirm your account and PIN again.
    9. When a message appears that says “Remote connections are enabled for this computer,” click OK to close it.
    10. The connected computer will appear in the “My Computers” section.

Protecting your computer with a PIN code

Protecting a computer with remote connections enabled using a PIN adds another layer of security beyond that provided by a regular password. account Google. Even if your account is hacked, your computer remains safe.

You can't access your computers using just a PIN; you must also be signed in to your Google Account.

Below are some tips to improve the security of this feature:

  • Your PIN must be at least 6 digits long, but may be longer. A long PIN provides better security.
  • Use a different PIN for each computer enrolled in Chrome Remote Control.
  • Try to remember your PIN rather than write it down. If you wrote it down, keep it in a safe place.


  • Don't use a PIN that you already use for another service, such as your bank account.
  • Do not store your PIN in email, documents, etc., where it can be found if your account is hacked.
  • Don't share your PIN via SMS or chat message, or give it to people you don't trust.
  • Don't share your PIN in text messages or chats or with anyone you don't trust.

Gaining computer access and control

Access to your computer

A computer with remote connections enabled can be accessed using a Google account. Make sure the computer you want to access is turned on and connected to the Internet. You don't need to run Chrome on it.

  1. Open a new tab in Google Chrome.
  2. Click Applications below the search bar. (If you are using Windows 8, access shared computer can only be accessed in desktop mode).
  3. Open the Chrome Remote Desktop app.
  4. If the Start button appears in the My Computers section, click it to see the remote connection options.
  5. From the list of computers that have remote access enabled, select the computer you want to access.
  6. Enter the PIN code configured on this computer.
  7. Click Connect.

To end the remote control session, move the cursor to the middle of the top of the page, and then click the bar and the Disconnect button.

When your friend enters the passcode, the sharing session begins and they will see your computer screen. To end your session at any time, click Stop sharing or press Ctrl + Alt + Esc (on Mac OS X: Opt - Ctrl - Esc).

If you use this application and you give your computer to someone, that person will have full control over it, including access to applications, files, email, documents and history, and will see your address email. Use this feature with caution.

Access to a shared computer

  1. Open a new tab in Chrome.
  2. Click "Applications" below the search bar. (If you are using Windows 8, the shared computer can only be accessed in desktop mode.)
  3. Click the Get access button.
  4. Enter the access code provided to you.
  5. Click Connect.
  • The user who has given you access to their computer will see your email address.
  • If the Windows User Account Control window appears on a public computer (for example, if you try to change something in the Control Panel), further action will not be possible. In this case, you will need to get permission from the person who gave you access to the computer, or cancel the request.

Uninstalling an app and troubleshooting it

Uninstall from Chrome

If you're signed into Chrome on multiple computers, and you uninstall the Chrome Remote Desktop app, this will remove it from all devices.

  1. Type chrome://extensions in the address bar.
  2. Find "Chrome Remote Desktop" and click on the trash can icon.
  3. In the confirmation window, click Remove.

Removing from your computer

If you have remote connections enabled on your computer, the Chrome Remote Desktop app will need to be removed from your computer.


  1. Select Control PanelProgramsInstall/Remove programs.
  2. Find the Chrome Remote Desktop application.
  3. Click Remove.
  1. Find the “Chrome Remote Desktop Host Uninstaller” application.
  2. Launch it and click Uninstall.

Updating legacy nodes

If a notification appears "Chrome Remote Desktop on your computer is out of date and needs to be updated", install latest version Chrome Remote Desktop Host. The update will take a few minutes and can be done while connected to your computer remotely.

  1. Download Chrome Remote Desktop Host.
  2. Once the download is complete, click on the installer file in the downloads bar at the bottom of the Chrome browser window.
  3. Complete the installation by following the onscreen instructions.

Troubleshoot sharing issues

  1. Check your internet connection

    If you share your computer or computer access with someone else, both computers must be connected to the Internet. To see them, open a new tab in Chrome and try visiting any page (for example, If the page does not open, check the network settings on your computer.

  2. Check your firewall settings

    Your computer's firewall may be configured in a way that prevents the application from working properly. Make sure your firewall allows outbound UDP traffic, inbound UDP response, and TCP traffic on ports 443 (HTTPS) and 5222 (XMPP).

  3. Check the NAT traversal rules on your network

    If your computer is located on a corporate network, make sure that corporate network security policies (NAT traversal rules) do not prohibit access to external services or P2P (peer-to-peer) connections. If this is the case, then using Chrome Remote Desktop will not be possible. This restriction applies when both computers are on the same corporate network. To receive additional information, please contact your corporate network administrator.

  4. Check the version of Chrome you are using

    Make sure you are using the latest version of Chrome or Chrome OS.

  5. Check the meaning of the displayed error message

    If you are unable to start a sharing session, you may receive an error message.

Error message Display location Description
The access code is incorrect. Try again. The message appears in the following situations:
  • The entered access code to another computer is invalid. Make sure you have the correct access code.
  • Network connection interrupted. Check your internet connection and try again.
  • The person who provided his computer interrupted the exchange after sending you the code. Ask him to open access again and send new code access.
The plugin is missing or outdated. Make sure you are using the latest version of Chrome and try again. When you try to access another person's computer Failed to load application plugin. Make sure you're using the latest version of Chrome or Chrome OS, and then try starting your session again.
Authentication failed. Exit Chrome Remote Desktop and try again. Sign out of your Google account in the top left corner of the Chrome Remote Desktop screen and sign back in. Then try starting the session again.
An unknown error has occurred. Exit Chrome Remote Desktop and try again. When launching Chrome Remote Desktop Follow the troubleshooting steps in this section and try starting your session again.
No response from the server.
There is a problem accessing the server. Try again.
When you try to access a shared computer There may be a problem with your internet connection. Check your network settings and try starting your session again.

Known Issues

The following issues have occurred for some Chrome Remote Desktop users. In the right column you can see their status.

Problem State
It is not possible to connect to another user's shared computer after entering the received access code. Long time displays a message "Checking the access code". Probable cause are problems with the firewall or NAT.
Performance during a remote exchange session is low or drops periodically. The cause of this problem is being investigated
No sound can be heard from the shared computer. This is a known limitation when connected to a Mac computer (audio from a Windows computer can be heard).
I can't set up remote access on a computer running Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or Chrome OS. This limitation is appropriate. Computer sharing for remote access requires Mac OS X 10.6 ( Snow Leopard) or later, or Windows XP or later. But you can access your computer remotely from any Chrome device.
Even though Chrome Remote Desktop has been removed from the host, the computer is still in the list of hosts, marked as offline. This is a known limitation. After uninstalling the program, the computer is not accessible remotely, but is still in the list of hosts (marked as offline). To remove it, click the X next to its name.
After changing my Google account password, I can't access the remote computer. If you have changed your password Google account, you must turn off and then turn on remote connections on your computer.
After establishing a connection with the remote computer, you cannot use some keyboard shortcuts (for example, Ctrl + W or Ctrl + N).

Chrome Remote Desktop does not send them to the remote computer by default, as it runs on the Chrome browser, which reserves certain keyboard shortcuts for its own needs.

This is the default action, however, you can change it by right-clicking the Chrome Remote Desktop icon in the Applications list and selecting “Open in Window”. In this mode, almost all keyboard shortcuts are transmitted to the remote computer.

You cannot set up remote access on a computer that connects through a proxy server that requires authentication. This is a known limitation.
When you try to enable remote connections on a computer running Windows, you receive the error message “The Remote Access Service could not be started.”

This error occurs if you are not a host administrator. Developers are looking for a solution to this problem.

Get administrator rights on this computer, or sign in as another user who has them, and try again.

Google Apps for Education users cannot set up a remote connection if the Google Talk app is disabled in the admin console. This is a known limitation.

Chrome Remote Desktop Security

For your safety, all remote desktop sessions are completely encrypted using SSL Chrome, which includes full AES support.

Although in setting up a connection through Google servers, the remote desktop session data itself is transferred directly from the client to the host, with rare exceptions, it goes through Google intermediary servers. Google cannot, however, allow anyone other than you to access your computer because of the PIN or passcode used during the exchange (verified by the client and host, not revealed to anyone, not even Google).

Using a PIN/passcode and SSL encryption also ensures that when you connect to the host, either through a peer-to-peer connection or through servers, no one can see your data, not even Google.

Session data is never recorded or transmitted in a way that could be accessed by Google or anyone else (other than the participants).

However, developers collect and store data about network latency and session duration. This data is completely anonymous. They are used to learn how Chrome Remote Desktop can be further improved.