Remote desktop connection errors. How to fix the error “Cannot connect to the remote computer”

This requires:

  1. network connection;
  2. definition with name;

Why is this necessary?

Who may find it useful:

What issues can it solve:


After this, a shortcut is created.

To a computer on the local network

Video: remote desk

To connect you need:

  • check the connection to the local network or the Internet;
  • to connect to the desktop, in the “Start” menu, find “Properties” - “Advanced system settings”;

  • in the window that appears, go to “Remote access”, put a dot on: “Allow remote assistant connection”;
  • give permission to control the PC by clicking “Advanced”;

  • add a user from whom the connection to the remote computer will occur - go to “Start”, then “Control Panel” and “User Accounts” and select “Add and remove accounts»;
  • Go to “Remote Access Settings” again. You need to write: “Select user”, then - “Add, Advanced” and at the end “Search”. Specify the login of the created administrator and click “Ok”;
  • go to the control PC: Start - All programs, select in Standard - Connect to a remote desktop. Specify the IP address of the computer to be connected;

  • when all fields are filled in, enter your login and password;
  • to get to a desktop that is remote, you must agree, answering the system’s question about trust in such a connection.
  • We create a network through programs

    There are two groups:


    • RAdmin Viewer;
    • RAdmin Server.
    • viewing;
    • management;
    • Telnet;
    • shutdown;
    • file transfer;
    • text message;
    • Drag&Drop method does not work;


    1. conferences;
    2. voice and video communications;
    3. data exchange;
    4. seal;
    5. shutting down the PC;
    6. record the session.

    Google Chrome Remote Desktop

    Setting up a computer from a smartphone is done from the My Computers area. This connection works, but only for one Google account.

    How to connect to a remote desktop

    If you need to gain access to another computer at a distance, just use simple tips on setting up and connecting to the desktop.

    This requires:

    1. network connection;
    2. permission to set this mode;
    3. user network access to another PC and permission for such an operation;
    4. definition with name;
    5. Confidence in allowing the network firewall to this type connections;
    6. added password to the desired account (when the current account does not ask for a password to log in).

    The main goal is quick access to folders and files located at a distance (to another PC).

    Who may find it useful:

    What issues can it solve:

    • gaining access to the program that is on your home PC;
    • transferring important files left on your home PC due to forgetfulness;
    • solving problems of relatives or friends with a PC at a distance.

    Everything is done simply using a local or global network.


    To connect to a remote desktop in Windows 7, you need to go through three steps:

    • launch the program itself: Start menu, then - All programs - Accessories, and select the connection to the required location;
    • configure the program and display the shortcut:

    After this, a shortcut is created.

    • connect to the server. When such an operation is carried out for the first time, a warning window will pop up, which should be closed and continue working.

    To a computer on the local network

    To make a connection to a computer on a local network:

    1. Automatically detect gateway server settings for all desktops;
    2. use the following Remote Desktop Gateway server settings;
    3. do not use the Remote Desktop Gateway server for local addresses (this option is selected by default);

    Note: the checkbox must be unchecked when the computer is connected to local network.

    The switch should be left in case of a permanent connection to the local network.

    • Next, the user must select an action:
    1. To save the settings and close the window, click: Save, then - Cancel;
    2. to save settings to another location - Save As;
    • To connect to the local network, click - Connect and fill in the fields with your credentials.

    Video: remote desk

    To a remote PC via the Internet

    The Windows operating system has a couple of components for remote connection: Remote Desktop Connection, Remote Assistance. The advantage of the second is that the controlled PC does not require the presence of the user.

    Photo: window for controlling the Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance functions

    To connect you need:

    1. check the connection of both PCs to the Internet;
    2. go to Control Panel - Properties - Remote access settings - Allow Remote Assistance to connect to this PC;
    3. on the managed PC, through the Start button, enter “RemoteAssistance” in the search bar. Click: Invite an assistant;
    4. an invitation should be sent;
    5. after it, the one who controls the computer launches RemoteAssistance as in the third point;
    6. you need to agree to the connection;
    7. Next, you should take control. The guest in the upper left corner can use the button: Request control.

    Note that subsequent connections will require much fewer steps.

    Remote Desktop Connection

    To make this connection you need:

    We create a network through programs

    The use of local networks will no longer surprise anyone. Users of computers connected to such a network gain access to each other’s information and the ability to edit it. But this applies to PCs connected to each other by wires.

    If they are far away, virtual local networks will help. Special programs have been created to work with them.

    There are two groups:

    1. the first allows you to imagine one of the computers as a server. Data must be exchanged via the Bit Torrent protocol.
    2. The second category includes those in which the software manufacturer’s server is the main one. To do this you need to register on its website.


    RAdmin is a program for remote access to a PC with a graphical interface. It provides the ability to transfer files, text and voice messages.

    The program is divided into two parts:

    • RAdmin Viewer;
    • RAdmin Server.

    To begin with, the server component is installed, specifying a password. By rebooting the PC, the user can view the remote desktop and perform operations on it as if he were there.

    Another feature of the program is adjusting the image quality. This is useful when the Internet speed is low.

    RAdmin allows the use of various modes:

    • viewing;
    • management;
    • Telnet;
    • shutdown;
    • file transfer;
    • text message;
    • text and voice chats.

    But this program has disadvantages:

    • everything contained in the clipboard requires manual synchronization;
    • regularly entering a password when connecting;
    • Drag&Drop method does not work;
    • It is not possible to work with a computer that has a “gray” IP address.


    TeamViewer is a free tool for controlling your computer from a distance.

    The program allows you to perform the following operations:

    1. conferences;
    2. voice and video communications;
    3. chat with multiple users;
    4. data exchange;
    5. seal;
    6. shutting down the PC;
    7. record the session.

    The peculiarity of the installation is that it operates in portable mode.

    The interface is quite simple. On the left side you enter an identifier and password, which can be changed. Below it is an uncontrolled access password for connecting from anywhere.

    The ID of another user is entered on the right.

    The connection itself is carried out in two modes:

    Conference modes provide for working with multiple users and allow you to hold meetings, presentations, and collaborate.

    File transfer is managed using the manager.

    You can create and delete files and folders, print documents, take photos from the screen, and more.

    Google Chrome Remote Desktop

    Google Chrome Remote Desktop is a program that allows you to quickly connect to another PC. The latest update supports mobile devices.

    To configure this tool you need Google Chrome:

    You can install a plugin for the taskbar to make it easier to access everything Google services.

    When you launch the module, you will see that the interface is designed in a minimalist style.

    At the top of Remote Support, access to your own PC is allowed and a connection is made to someone else’s. There is a specific pin code for this.

    You don’t know how to reinstall Android on your tablet. This article will help you.

    You are interested in how to increase memory on drive C. This is the place for you.

    You must allow the connection for the PC on which RemoteDesktop is being configured. To complete the operation, enter your PIN code.

    By connecting to a second PC that is located at a distance, you can significantly reduce the time spent. There are enough ways to implement such connections. The article discusses the most important points. The user will choose which method is suitable.

    Connecting to a remote desktop on a computer running Windows 7

    Managing a remote computer is a fairly useful function that can be used in many ways. More experienced users, by logging into the remote desktop, can help less experienced users resolve any problematic situation. Company employees can configure access to rdp on their work computer and perform their duties while at home or away. This article describes connecting to a remote desktop using standard Windows 7 tools.

    Account setup

    In order to connect to your computer via rdp, a password must be set on your account. If the account you are using is not password protected, follow a few simple steps indicated in the instructions:

    Now, in order to log into your account, you will need to enter the access code you specified - this is a prerequisite for rdp.

    PC setup

    Now that your account meets security requirements, you can enable management of this computer over the network. To do this, users will need to do the following:

    Connecting to rdp

    After all the preliminary configurations, you will be able to connect to this remote desktop. To do this, you need to use a special utility preinstalled in Windows:

    After these steps, the connection will occur, and the desktop of the other PC will be under your control.

    Additional setup

    If you are going to make a similar connection quite often and control another desktop via rdp, you can create a special file and save the necessary connection configurations into it. To do this, click on the “Show parameters” button. Enter the required values ​​in the text fields, then click “Save As.” Specify the location and name of the rdp file. Simply running this file will automatically take you to the specified computer's desktop.

    If you are interested in more in-depth configuration, you can go to other tabs and configure all the rdp parameters you need.

    Can't connect to a remote computer via RDP

    Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the blog, today I encountered the following situation: when I tried to connect to a terminal server on Windows Server 2008 R2, I received the error “Cannot connect to remote computer. Try connecting again. If the problem persists, contact the owner of the remote computer." after entering your login and password, which indicates at least that the port is accessible, let's see how we can solve it this problem and restore access.

    Causes of the "Try to connect again" error

    Last time we defeated the blue screen error dpc watchdog violation, we will defeat this one too, but first we need to understand the reason for all this action. This is what the problem looks like:

    As I wrote above, it appears after entering the correct login and password.

    • This whole rigmarole began back in 2014, after updates KB2992611 and subsequent ones. At the time of installation of these updates, the level of security and encryption was tightened.
    • Second possible reason, this is the presence of the CryptoPro or VipNet programs, I had exactly the second option
    • Other third parties software on encryption.

    If you look at the Windows logs, you can find the following system warnings:

    • The following fatal warning occurred: 36888. Internal error status: 1250

    • The X.224 RDP protocol component detected an error in the protocol stream and disabled this client.

    How to solve an error with an RDP connection

    There are several methods to solve the error "Cannot connect to the remote computer. Try connecting again. If the problem persists, contact the owner of the remote computer." what you should do:

    1. Remove required windows updates
    2. Removing or updating "Crypto PRO" and VipNet
    3. Reduced encryption level requirements
    4. Installing additional updates

    I start with this method, since it is the most correct both from the point of convenience and from the point of safety. If you don’t need this software, then I advise you to remove it and clean the system of garbage, but if you need the programs, then consider updating them to the latest versions that no longer have such problems. In my case, this could not be done, since I needed old version VipNet.

    Uninstalling update KB2992611

    The next method I will recommend is installing new updates that solve this, I can recommend KB3018238 (it now comes with KB2992611) and KB3011780, as time goes on, these updates may overlap with newer ones, so keep an eye on them on the official Microsoft website. If KB2992611 is installed, then try to remove it, check connectivity and install it again.

    Download KB2992611

    Download KB3011780

    Setting up remote desktop in windows 7

    Using the “remote desktop” function, you can access any computer connected to a local network or directly to the Internet. For example, you can access your data located on your home PC from your work computer, or vice versa. This tool has become very widespread among system administrators who manage the operation of PCs on the local network of a certain enterprise. Any user of this network can turn to the administrator for help, and he, having his desktop on his monitor screen and not running around the enterprise, will provide him with the necessary assistance. Many remote desktop management tools have been developed. Among them there is a tool built into Windows 7, as well as a number third party programs.

    Setting up remote access on a local network

    Let's imagine such a situation. There is a local network that includes five PCs connected via a router, as shown in the figure:

    Scheme of a regular local network

    The administrator (PC with local IP address is faced with the task of connecting the buh4 computer for remote access to his desktop and providing assistance. This is just a typical case when you need to connect a remote PC without resorting to an Internet connection. What setup is required for this?

    What should the user do

    In order for an administrator to connect a user’s PC in Windows 7, the latter must give permission to do so. Setting up his PC, that is, the sequence of his actions is shown in the following figure:

    Setting up a remote computer for connection

    The setup of the remote computer is completed; now on the administrator’s PC you need to start connecting to it.

    Starting a connection to a remote PC

    To connect a Windows 7 user's desktop to his PC, the administrator must follow the sequence of actions shown in the following figure:

    Remote Desktop Connection

    If, when starting a connection, the administrator receives a message that the connected PC does not have a certificate, he should continue the connection procedure by entering an affirmative answer.

    After all the settings are completed, the connection with the remote PC is established, and its desktop is given to the administrator, he gets full control of this PC. His user does not have access to his desktop because it is locked by windows. There is one drawback to this - he does not see what the administrator is doing. To return control of the computer to yourself, the user needs to unlock the system. To do this, he needs to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and log into Windows 7 with his username and password.

    Managing remote PCs using RAdmin

    RAdmin is one of many and probably the best program for remote control of several computers with Windows OS. In addition to administering remote PCs via their desktop, it provides file sharing capabilities, Telnet functionality, and much more. Functionally, this program has two components - Server (server part) and Viewer (client part). The first of them must be installed on those computers that need to be administered.

    Setting up the RAdmin server part

    After this component is installed, the RAdmin shortcut will appear in the notification area of ​​the taskbar. Setting up remote access is done by clicking on this shortcut, which leads to the appearance of a settings dialog. The following figure shows the sequence necessary actions(1 – 9) for setting up the RAdmin server component:

    Radmin server settings

    RAdmin Server has the following features:

    • Autorun when windows starts.
    • Checking user access rights when connecting.
    • Protection of transmitted data via AES protocol.
    • Reproducing the actions of a remote user on the monitor screen.
    • Work in server mode to provide chat functions (text and voice).
    • Ensure image accuracy, including cursor shape and movement, from multiple remote monitors.
    • And much more.

    Setting up the RAdmin client part

    The second component – ​​Viewer – must be installed on the PC from which control is performed. Typically, this is the system administrator's PC, but this is not necessary. After starting Viewer, you need to create a new connection, specify the connection mode, set the IP address of the managed computer, the name and password that are specified on the RAdmin server side. The sequence of these actions for the case of a local network is shown in the following figure:

    Connection via Radmin Viewer

    After connecting to the managed computer, the administrator has at his disposal the user's desktop and the ability to work with it as if it were his own. Moreover, everything he will do is displayed on the connected PC online.

    Managing remote PCs over the Internet

    If you need to connect a remote computer without being on the same local network, you must connect to it via the Internet. Regardless of the remote desktop management tool used (the built-in Windows method, or the RAdmin program), the process of connecting to such a PC is similar to connecting to a local network, only in this case, instead of the local IP address of the PC, its external address on the Internet must be specified.

    The matter becomes somewhat more complicated if the managed computer does not have an external address, since it is connected to a local network, which the managing PC is not a part of. This is a common phenomenon for modern network topologies, when the Internet is connected not to a single PC, but to a switch to which all other PCs are connected. In this case, they do not have an external IP address, but only internal (local) IP addresses, and from the outside, this network structure has one external address assigned to the switch, which is the “entry point” into it. All of the above is illustrated by the figure below:

    Connection diagram to a local network via the Internet

    In this configuration, the connection to one of the managed PCs should proceed as follows:

    • First you need to connect the switch using its external IP address.
    • The switch will then connect to a specific computer using the port number on which it communicates with that PC.

    Therefore, the managed computer must be specified by the switch address and port number, separated by a colon.

    TeamViewer program

    This utility is a way to connect two PCs via the Internet to perform two main tasks:

    • Allow one of them to control the other using his desktop.
    • Exchange files between them.

    The good thing about the program is that it does not require the user to know about the network configuration, and the location of the PC does not play any role. The connection is made through the TeamViewer server, as shown in the following figure:

    Diagram for connecting to a remote desktop via TeamViewer

    This utility must be installed on both computers being connected. After launching, it displays its main window, which looks like:

    TeamViewer program interface

    Connection setup

    When connecting, only two parameters are used: identifier (ID) and password. Users of both PCs tell each other their ID and password. For both of them, in the “Partner ID” field, the ID of the other user must be indicated, that is, its value in the “Your ID” parameter, and the switch is set to the “Remote control” position. If, for example, user ID1 decides to gain control of a computer with ID2, then he clicks the “Connect to partner” button. His PC searches the Internet for a computer with ID2, and if it finds it, it issues a connection invitation to it. In response to this prompt, user ID2 enters the password set on PC ID1. The password is checked, and if it is correct, the connection is established. As a result, user ID1 is given the contents of the screen of computer ID2 (in particular, his desktop), control completely passes to ID1.

    How to speed up a laptop on Windows 7

    Remote connections have become widespread relatively recently. This is due to the development of local networks and the emergence of Internet access in large and medium-sized populated areas. About 10 years ago, you couldn’t even dream of connecting to a computer that was located several tens or hundreds of kilometers away.

    But, nevertheless, the idea of ​​​​connecting to a computer at a distance was tested while working on local networks. And one of the reasons for the development of this feature was human laziness (or convenience). Let me give you an example. A certain system administrator has 30 computers on his local network, which are distributed among office rooms. large area or on different floors. During their work, users regularly have questions about the operation of programs, equipment, and information search. The network administrator has to leave his office every 10-15 minutes. workplace and help users, even if the problem is minor, because even with a phone, sometimes it is not possible to correctly identify the problem and recommend a solution. But if there is a configured remote connection to user computers on the local network, the system administrator can, without leaving his seat, solve the problem fully, since he will see and control the user’s computer independently.

    In a situation where computer users are located in different parts of the city, in addition to convenience, the ability to remotely connect to computers will bring significant savings to the organization cash for transportation costs and release of the driver for other company needs.

    Connecting to a computer on a local network

    Let's consider next case. There are several computers on the local network, each of which has its own IP address and name. ()

    The task is as follows: connect from computer (it) to computer (buh3).

    Without using the Internet, this can be done using a remote desktop connection or through the RAdmin program, which is very popular, despite the paid license.

    Remote Desktop Connection

    First of all, you need to open the option to connect to the desktop on the computer you will connect to (in the example “buh3” with IP address

    If the computer you want to connect to has the Windows 7 operating system installed, or one of the Windows Server 2003 or 2008 server platforms, then you must:

      Right-click on the “Computer” icon on the desktop and select “Properties” from the menu that appears.

      In general, set the switch to be able to connect with any version of Remote Desktop.

      Click the “OK” button in the system properties window.

    If Windows XP is installed on the connected computer, then the procedure for opening access to the desktop is as follows:

      Right-click on the “My Computer” icon on your desktop and select “Properties.”

      Go to the “Remote Sessions” tab.

      Check the “Allow remote access to this computer” checkbox and click “OK”.

    Note: if there is no “My Computer” or “Computer” icon on your desktop, then look for it through the “Start” button (lower left corner of the Windows desktop).

    After the remote computer is configured, go to the computer from which you will connect. You need to start a remote desktop connection on it.

    For Windows 7, follow these steps:

      Click the “Start” button in the lower left corner of the Windows desktop.

      Open the “Standard” group.

      Launch the “Remote Desktop Connection” shortcut.

      In the “Computer” field, enter the IP address or name of the computer to which you will connect.

      Click on the “Connect” button. When an authorization request appears, enter the name and password of the user on the connected computer or domain user (if a domain is organized on your network).

    Starting a Remote Desktop Connection in Windows XP is slightly different than in Windows 7.

      Click the Start button.

      Open “All Programs” (or “Programs”).

      Expand the “Accessories” group and launch “Remote Desktop Connection”.

      As for Windows 7, enter the IP address or name of the computer you will connect to and click on the connect button. When connecting, you must enter the user name and password available on the computer or domain.

    If, when you try to connect, you receive a warning that the computer you are connecting to does not have a certificate, continue the connection by answering the question in the affirmative.

    After establishing a connection to the remote desktop, you will be able to control your computer from a distance. In this case, the user sitting directly at the remote computer is blocked from access and control is intercepted. He doesn't see what you are doing. To regain control, the user must unlock the system by pressing the Ctrl+Alt+Delete key combination and entering his Windows name and password. Another remote user who connects to the computer later can also take over control.

    The Remote Desktop-based control method is not very convenient for providing assistance, since your interaction with the user does not occur online. But this connection is ideal for working on a remote computer where no users are working. These can be servers, or your own workplace, located in another room.

    Connection using RAdmin program

    The RAdmin program consists of two parts: Server and Viewer.

    The Server component must be installed on the computer to which you will connect. If you have many computers on a local network to which you periodically need to establish a connection, then this component must be installed on each computer. After installation, the RAdmin server icon appears in the system tray (lower right corner of the desktop). Through it you can access the component settings, where you need to set a name and password for the connection. The figure below shows the sequence of creating a user, password and assigning rights for the RAdmin server part.

    The Viewer component is installed on the computer from which the connection is made. This is usually the system administrator's computer. Having launched the Viewer component, create a new connection, specify the address of the computer to which you are connecting and enter the name and password specified on the Server component side.

    Connecting via RAdmin makes it possible to work on a remote computer in full interactive mode, i.e. everything you do is displayed on the screen of a connected computer online. In addition, you can send text and voice messages to a remote computer, as well as transfer files.

    Connecting to a remote computer via the Internet

    The process of connecting to a remote computer via the Internet is carried out in the same way as for a local network, if the connected computer has a dedicated external (or “white”) IP address. But in modern networks this is extremely rare, since the connection via the Internet is not made to a single computer, but to another local network, and already in it to a specific computer. The entry point in a remote network is a router or gateway, through which you will be taken to a remote local network and will be able to access local computers.

    All computers on the remote local network have internal IP addresses and do not have dedicated external ones. Only the router has a dedicated external IP address. This is where the connection should be made. But in order to connect to the router and go to the desired computer on the local network, you need to configure port forwarding on the router (“port forwarding”).

    Redirection works as follows: You connect to the external IP address of the router, specifying in addition to the address the port for connection. Depending on the port number, the router (in accordance with the redirection settings) transfers your connection to a specific computer on the remote local network. Setting up port forwarding requires some knowledge of networking and depends on the router model.

    Having working port forwarding on the router, you can connect to a remote computer that is part of a remote local network using the methods listed above: connecting to the desktop and using the RAdmin program.

    Connecting using TeamViewer

    TeamViewer allows you to quickly connect to a remote computer and does not require special knowledge building networks and their settings. This is a convenient option for most users.

    The program works when there is an Internet connection. The computers are connected via the TeamViewer server. Where the computers are physically located and how the local networks are arranged does not matter.

    There are several versions of TeamViewer, the most popular of which are:

      TeamViewer: full version. It has the ability to both establish a connection to a remote computer and allow you to connect a partner to you.

      TeamViewer QuickSupport. It can only be connected to your own computer. Launched by the user separately. Connection from outside is only possible if the program is running.

      TeamViewer Host. Only connection to your own computer, starts when the operating system starts. Used in cases where it is necessary to connect to a remote computer without the approval and confirmation of the computer user.

    Let's look at the connection process through the TeamViewer program. On the computer from which the connection is made, you must install full version TeamViewer. On the remote computer you need to install either the full version or the Host version, or save the TeamViewer QuickSupport launch file ( this version does not require installation).

    After logging in, you will be able to work on the remote computer interactively. The user will be able to see everything you do, as well as take any actions independently.

    TeamViewer is free for private personal use, but companies will have to purchase licenses to use it.


    Registering a computer on the network...

    Error: 720: Unable to connect to the remote computer. You may need to change your network connection settings. Click the "Advanced" button or contact the support center for assistance, indicating the error number.

    Description of error 720:

    Error 720 means that there are no PPP management protocols configured.

    Reasons for error 720:

    Error 720 Occurs when PPP control protocols are missing, incorrectly configured, or corrupted.

    Most users who have encountered error 720 have noticed that error 720 in many cases appears after incorrect uninstallation of the Avast antivirus program! (not confirmed).

    Possible solutions:

    Method one:

    Restoring the operating system to the date (recovery checkpoint) when connection error 720 was not detected in the system. In order to perform a rollback, you need to press the key combination WIN + R and enter in the window that appears rstrui.exe and press Enter.
    The operating system recovery program will launch.
    Next, follow the prompts, select a date and select a restore point.

    The system will roll back for the specified time and reboot. This method is not always effective and in most cases error 720 appears again. If this method did not help get rid of error 720, go to the next step.


    Attention! Next points require some skills and knowledge of the Windows operating system. If you are not confident in your abilities, ask for help from more experienced users or contact a specialist.

    Method two:

    This method is to restore the Winsock configuration. To do this, press the key combination WIN+R and in the window that opens, enter cmd and press Enter.
    In the command prompt window that opens, enter

    and press Enter.

    After running this command, restart your computer.

    Using the netsh winsock reset command may cause some Internet or control programs to network connections, will work incorrectly or will not start at all. Such programs will need to be restored or reinstalled (in the uninstallers of some programs, in addition to the uninstall option, there is a Repair item).

    Method three:

    If the first two methods are ineffective, try the following: press the WIN+R key combination and enter the command regedit and press Enter. In the left part of the Registry Editor window that opens, find and delete the following registry keys responsible for Winsock:

    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2

    Then restart your computer. The operating system will recreate the deleted partitions upon startup.

    Reinstall the TCP/IP protocol. To do this, open Control Panel and find in it Network and Sharing Center. In the window that opens, click on the link “Local Area Network Connection.” In the window that opens, click the button <Свойства> .

    Note: On Windows XP, simply open the Network Connections folder. Right-click the network connection and select Properties.

    Click the button <Установить> .

    Select Protocol and click the button<Добавить>.

    Click the Have Disk button.

    Enter C:\Windows\inf\nettcpip.inf and press the button<ОК>.

    In the list of protocols, select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click the button<ОК>.

    Method four:

    If all of the above options do not help, try reinstalling operating system.

    Remember! Incorrect handling of the operating system + your inexperience or negligence = failure of the PC or operating system.

    Remote desktop is an operating system functionality that allows you to administer a remote computer in real time, using a local network or the Internet as a data transmission medium. There are a great variety of remote desktop implementations depending on the protocol or operating system. The most common solution in the Windows operating system is Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), and in systems based on the Linux kernel - VNC and X11.

    How to enable remote desktop functionality

    By default, the ability to become an RDP session server is disabled on a Windows workstation.

    Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select context menu"Properties" item.

    Select the item “Setting up remote access” in the left menu. This will require administrator privileges.

    The “System Properties” window will open, in which, on the “Remote Access” tab, you need to set the access permission to this computer as done in the screenshot below.

    If necessary, you can select users under whom you can log in to the system.

    In addition, if you have a network filter (Firewall) installed, you will need to create an allowing rule to connect to this computer in the properties of the network adapter or in the Windows Firewall applet in the Control Panel.

    How to connect to remote desktop

    There are several ways to connect to a remote desktop. Go to the main menu of the system “Start – All Programs – Accessories – Remote Desktop Connection”

    Or run the command in command line Windows (or window Execute»)

    Both of these methods are equivalent and launch the same program - the Remote Desktop Connection Wizard.

    In the wizard window, you can specify the name or IP address of the computer to which you want to connect, as well as specify special parameters, such as screen resolution, transfer of local (clipboard, local disks) or remote (sounds) resources.

    Enter the IP address of the remote node and press the button “ Connect».

    Most likely we will see a warning about problems authenticating the remote computer. If we are sure that we have not made a mistake in spelling the address or name, then we can click “Yes”, after which the connection to the node will be initialized.

    You will also need to enter the remote user's credentials.

    If we haven’t made a mistake anywhere, then after some time we will see the desktop of the remote computer, where we can perform certain actions. Control the mouse pointer, enter characters from the keyboard, and so on.

    As mentioned earlier, for ease of system administration, we can transfer local resources such as printers, logical drives or clipboard on a remote machine.

    To do this, in the Remote Desktop Connection Wizard window, go to the “Local Resources” tab, click on the “More details...” button.

    And in the window that opens, select, for example, Local disk (C:).

    Now, when connecting a remote desktop, we will see our local drive (C:) of the computer from which the connection is made.

    How to Increase Remote Desktop Security

    It's no secret that leaving a computer with Remote Desktop activated and connected to the Internet is unsafe. The fact is that various types of attackers are constantly scanning network address ranges in search of running network services (including remote desktop) with the aim of further hacking them.

    One of the ways that can make it more difficult for an attacker to find a running Terminal Services (RDP) service is to change the standard port number to a different value. By default, the RDP service listens on network port 3389/TCP waiting for an incoming connection. It is this port that attackers try to connect to first. We can say with almost 100% certainty that if a port with this number is open on a computer, then it is running a Windows system with allowed remote access.

    Attention! Further actions with the system registry must be performed very carefully. Changing certain settings may make the operating system inoperable.

    In order to change the port number of the remote desktop, you need to open the registry editor and open the section:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp

    Then find REG_DWORD the PortNumber parameter and change its value in the decimal system to an arbitrary number (from 1024 to 65535).

    After the value is changed, the computer should be restarted. Now, to access the remote desktop, you need to additionally specify our port via a colon. In this situation, you need to specify as the computer name

    Well, attackers, having tried the standard port, will probably conclude that this computer not allowed remote access via RDP protocol. Of course, this method will not save you from targeted attacks, when every network port is carefully checked in search of a loophole, but it will protect you from massive template attacks.

    In addition, you need to use a fairly complex and long password for those accounts that are allowed access via remote desktop.