Data transfer speed test. How to measure LAN speed

There are several ways to check the data transfer speed in local network. If your local network is based on a WiFi connection, then, of course, the data transfer speed will be significantly different from a wired connection.

Now do the same on the remaining computers on the local network. Knowing the IP address of each computer, all you have to do is enter a command in the console to send the packet.

To do this, open the console again and enter: Ping (IP address of the computer), after which you will see a window for sending a packet where it will be written below average speed sending the package.

Local network speed testing program

Finally, you can use programs to measure the speed of data transfer on your local network. There are a lot of such programs, both paid and free.

Let's consider a speed test using the example of the "LAN" program Speed ​​Test", which you can download on the Internet without any problems. The program does not require installation.

After launching the software, a window will open where you will have to specify any folder on your computer to send the report and click the “Start Test” button.

After a few seconds, the program will display the result of checking the local network speed:

The only downside to the program is that it is shareware, so for more specific reports you will have to purchase a license.

When purchasing the services of a provider, we hope that the speed of the Internet connection will be exactly as specified in the contract. Well, or almost like that. However, in practice, it extremely rarely corresponds to the numbers on paper, because it is influenced by a lot of factors - from network congestion to the state of the client device - a computer, smartphone, tablet or Smart TV. In addition, in the contract the provider indicates the maximum, not the actual connection speed. However, if the latter is constantly and much lower than the first, the quality of the service can be questioned.

To control the work of the provider and simply be aware of the real Internet speed, you need to know how to determine it. Thankfully there is a reason for this a large number of special software and free web services that we will get acquainted with today. But let's start with what capabilities the Windows operating system has in this regard. We will also find out how to get the most reliable result.

Built-in Windows capabilities

The easiest and fastest way to view your current Internet connection speed is in the task manager on the “Performance” tab. If the network is lightly loaded, the graph in the “Bandwidth” window will be low; if it is strong, the window will be filled almost completely, and the speed shown in the upper right corner will be closer to what is specified in the contract with the provider. This should be normal. If, when the network is heavily loaded, the speed remains low, it means that there is an obstacle somewhere. But where - at yours or at his?

To find out the maximum achievable (in theory) Internet speed within a specific connection type, open the folder " Network connections" and select the "Status" section in the context menu of your network.

The necessary information is contained on the “General” tab.

The actual speed is usually 2-3 times lower than the maximum. By the way, when transmitting data via Wi-Fi and cable, it can differ significantly.

Let's say you have determined that the Internet on your computer should be faster. The next task is to find out who is to blame for the slowdown - your devices or the provider.

How to check your Internet connection speed manually

To get the most reliable result, you need to check the Internet speed on the computer to which you are connected. network cable provider. If it is not possible to insert the cable directly into the computer, for example, if it only supports wireless connections or binds the connection to the router’s MAC address, disconnect all other devices from the Internet during the test.

  • Prepare a 1 GB file and select any cloud web service to which you will upload it, for example, Yandex Disk or Google Drive. It is important that the service does not limit the speed of uploading and downloading content.
  • Close all programs that use the network and the Internet to relieve the channel as much as possible.
  • Disable VPN clients and proxy servers if they are not required to establish access to the global network.
  • Record the time and start uploading the file to the cloud server. Note the download completion time.
  • Under time control, download the file back to your PC.

Knowing the file size in megabytes and the number of seconds spent on its transfer, you can easily calculate the Internet speed in Mbps. If it is close to that specified in the contract, it means that the provider will fulfill its obligations to you, and the reason for the slowdown is in your devices. If not, then it's the other way around.

For those of you who don't want to do the math, you can test your Internet speeds using the methods discussed below. For reliability, we recommend performing the check several times within an hour.

Web services

Testing your Internet speed using the 2ip service is as easy as shelling pears: click the “Test” button and wait 1-2 minutes.

In addition to ping indicators, as well as incoming and outgoing speeds, 2ip allows you to find out:

  • Average Internet speeds in your city.
  • Average speed indicators among your provider's subscribers.
  • The best tests for all providers for the current day.
  • The total number of measurements among all providers.

This is a kind of benchmark. Below on the page is a table of the last ten measurements.

By the way, as of the date of the audit, none of the largest leaders in the provider services market in the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan - Rostelecom, ByFly, Ukrtelecom, Kazakhtelecom, MTS, Beeline, Akado, Yota,, Citylink and TTK record holder. The first places were taken by small and not very well-known companies.

And further. If you have something to tell other users about the services of your Internet provider, you can leave a review about it on the site.

- another simple free service of similar purpose. To start the scan, just click the “Start” button. The result will appear on the screen in a couple of minutes.

By the way, if you register for Speedtest (this is also free), you will be able to save the test results in your account and share links to them with other users.

In addition to the web service, accessible online through a browser from any device, SpeedTest exists as an application for desktop (Windows, Mac OS X) and mobile (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Amazon) platforms.


The Yandex.Internetometer service determines the speed of incoming and outgoing connections without ping. However, in addition to this it shows detailed information about your Internet connection, operating system and browser in which you ran the scan. It’s just a pity that there are no benchmarks or opportunities to save test results here.

To start the test, click the “Measure” button. The result, like its competitors, appears on the screen in 1-2 minutes.

The set of functions is very similar to the service of the same name in the “ru” domain and differs from it only in the design style. In addition to the Internet speed testing button, this resource contains a rating of Ukrainian providers and indicators of the last 20 checks.

For users with Russian IPs, the website opens in Russian, for residents of Ukraine - in Ukrainian.

To start testing, click the “Test” button. The result will be displayed after the same time as the others. uses 2 tests provided by the telecommunications company Wellink. One of them is a traditional test of response time (ping), incoming and outgoing Internet speeds, the second is a test of the quality of online video viewing. Based on the testing results, the service displays brief description your connection: how quickly it will open New episode movie, how long it will take to download an album and upload a photo to a social network, what video quality is optimal for your connection, whether the picture will freeze when watching videos through a browser.

Using the service on is no different from others.

Free programs to check Internet speed on PC and mobile devices

If you use the above services several times in a row, you will notice that the Internet throughput indicators will always be different. This is normal, but not entirely informative, especially when the connection is intermittent. Applications, unlike web services, allow you to monitor network traffic continuously. And this is their main advantage.

NetTraffic for Windows

The utility, available in installation and portable versions, is a small window that constantly hangs in the corner of the screen, where the connection speed is displayed in real time.

In addition to current data, it collects traffic statistics for time periods specified by the user. Can monitor several network interfaces simultaneously.

TMeter for Windows

is a more advanced Internet traffic monitoring tool than the previous utility, but also very easy to understand and use. In addition to speed parameters, it collects statistics about the IP addresses of visited resources, ports, protocols, etc.

Tmeter has a built-in firewall and traffic distributor (traffic shaper) between local network devices. These functions become available if the program is running on a computer that is used as a gateway to connect other devices to the Internet.

The utility is designed to monitor the entire flow of information passing through the network adapter, including the data transfer speed. Initially it is in English, but a localizer has been released for it (available on the download page), which you just need to copy to the folder with the executable file or program archive.

NetworkTrafficView works without installation and does not require any special settings. Connection data is displayed in table form in the main and only window of the utility.

Internet speed test for Android

The Internet Speed ​​Test mobile application is not only stylishly designed, but also very functional. In addition to collecting the main speed characteristics of Wi-Fi and 2/3G networks, it displays the delay time for sending packets and allows you to select test server(its accessibility and remoteness affect the indicators), accumulates statistics and publishes the results of checks on social networks.

The application is also convenient because it supports even very old versions of Android.

Meteor - speed test for Android

Meteor - speed test - one of the few mobile applications, which received the highest user rating - 4.8 points. It not only shows real speed Internet connections, but also determines how quickly popular network programs will work with the current connection quality. Among such programs are clients social networks, browsers, Gmail, YouTube, Skype, WhatsApp, Wase navigator, google maps Maps, Uber taxi service, etc. A total of 16 different applications.

Other advantages of Meteor are that it supports all types of network connections, including 4G, and does not contain advertising.

It would seem that there are no problems on your computer or laptop, you paid for the use of Internet services a couple of months in advance, but the page with the necessary information periodically refuses to work, or downloading a movie is like moving a snail.

Most likely your computer has problems with the speed of your Internet connection.

The problem is that most Internet providers slightly embellish the actual numbers during connection. For example, if your contract specifies Internet speeds of 100 Mbit/s, 50 Mbit/s, then most likely the true speed will be significantly lower. But don't despair, today you will learn how to check serves in minutes.

What is speedtest

So, it's time to find out the real speed using a special test called speedtest.

Speedtest– a special test designed to check data transmission.

There are a number of sites that allow you to measure Internet connection indicators, incoming and outgoing, and determine the so-called Ping (the time from the moment a signal is sent from one computer until it is received by another computer). Below, we will talk in more detail about several examples of such services.

But, in addition to online services for checking, there is also a built-in method. It lets you know necessary information by using the settings on your PC (personal computer).

For example, the Windows 10 operating system is used. There are 2 ways to check in different operating systems.

Method 1

So, to measure the Internet using basic operating system tools you will need:

Right-click on the Internet icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

In the window that appears, select “Open network and Internet settings.”

Then you need to open the “Configure adapter settings” item.

In the window that opens, select the Internet connection and double-click with the left mouse button.

We are looking for Internet connection speed.

Important! In some versions of Windows 10, as well as in Windows 7.8 operating systems, this path may look slightly different. But the actions are basically the same.

Right-click the Internet icon and click Network and Hardware Center

In the “Connections” column, select your Internet connection.

And what we need is revealed window with speed graph.

Important! This method has a significant drawback. No matter what the computer shows, in reality it can still be significantly lower.

Online services

Some options on your computer may slow down the process of checking your Internet connection speed. Therefore, it is strongly recommended:

  • close all possible programs and all tabs in the browser (except for the required speedtest tab for testing).
  • disable antivirus on your computer
  • right-click on the taskbar to launch “Task Manager” and check the downloads (if any, disable them)
  • check 3 times (this will increase the accuracy of the results)

So, the leader of the nomination is the Speedtest website. net


As soon as you visit the site, the program immediately determines your exact location and indicates your Internet provider.

You can also create here account, which allows you to have access to check histories and their results.

Using the page is not difficult - you just need to click the “Start” button in the very center of the screen. Here we must pay tribute to the site’s interface - it is very simple and easy to use, as they say, nothing superfluous.

Once you click the desired button the service immediately begins scanning and calculates all the necessary data.

And literally in a minute you get the expected result: ping – signal transmission time, receiving time (data about how you receive information from the server to your computer), sending time (sending data to the server).

You can find out more about what Ping is here:

Advice! This site should be used with ad blockers enabled (for example, Adblock). Because without auxiliary utilities, working with this site is not very pleasant, due to the large and annoying amount of advertising.

By the way, speedtest from the same developer exists as an application on the phone, which is installed by the in a simple way- by using Play Market. This application allows you to check the Internet on your smartphone.

  • nice site interface
  • quick check
  • possibility of creating a personal account
  • ability to track inspection history
  • there is a phone app
  • annoying advertising

Ukrtelecom Speedtest

One of the simplest assistants for checking your Internet connection. Simple and tasteful - no unnecessary information.

One of the advantages is that there is nothing superfluous on the screen. Absolutely White background and clear numbers. All you need to do is click the Start button at the top of the screen.

The check is carried out quickly and more or less accurately.

In a matter of seconds, all the necessary numbers are in front of you: download- download from server to computer, upload- speed of sending from computer to server, ping- time from the moment a signal is sent from one computer to the signal is received on a second computer, jitter- unwanted random deviations of the transmitted signal.

  • user-friendly interface
  • no advertising
  • ease of use
  • high efficiency
  • no registration option
  • there is no way to track previous scan histories

Website from German developers. In my opinion, the interface is not very user-friendly. Despite the fact that it won’t be difficult to complete the check, we see the “Forward” button at the top of the screen. And the verification itself, in fact, happens right here.

But below is the text in full German, which contains information about this speedtest.

This may be confusing, but the site does its main task well - everything you need to check is provided in Russian.

  • the site does not always accurately show your location (it may confuse the city). But this does not affect the IP address, it is reliable
  • most of the information is in German
  • inconvenient interface

Voip Test

This site is entirely English language, which may cause some difficulties. But at the same time, it perfectly performs its key task - checking your Internet connection.

If on previous sites only a special verification page opened before us, then In addition to speedtest, there is a number of other information here.

But this does not affect the verification in any way.. Moreover, using this site you can watch how the indicator arrow moves during the check. Allows you to brighten up the waiting time, although it already takes very little time.

To start working you need to click the “Start” button.

The necessary results appear on the screen at lightning speed.

  • high tempo
  • the date and time of the inspection is indicated


  • the site is entirely in English

Ukrainian Speedtest

Website from Ukrainian developers with convenient and simple functions. But, again, there is unnecessary information.

To start testing, click the “Test” button.


  • ability to track Internet changes during the verification process
  • high tempo


  • extra information on the site
  • advertising (no blocker)

So, we have reviewed some of the most popular internet testing sites and listed their advantages and disadvantages. Now I propose to remember the most important indicators these resources in the table:

Computer utility

In addition to the built-in method for checking the Internet and online resources, there are also special programs for the computer.

One such program is speed-o-meter.

Speed-o-meter shows the current network load. Indicators are updated every second. Using this program, you can determine what speed is used at specific moments when using the Internet.

The program measures the incoming and outgoing speed of the Internet connection. The utility provides information in graphs where the necessary incoming and outgoing data are marked different colors. After installation, the program will start automatically when you turn on the PC (personal computer).

To install this program, you need to follow the link below and select the “Download” button.


  • quick installation
  • small consumption resources
  • no advertising
  • ease of use


  • high probability of downloading an infected file

Conclusions and video instructions

So, today we took a look at some of the most popular and high-quality sites for checking the Internet. Now you know that checking the Internet will not be difficult.

There are many other specialized resources that can help you get the information you need. But in general, they are very similar, and use the same methods to check the Internet connection. This article lists the most basic services.

And in addition to online services, there are also special programs for checking the Internet. Such programs can be easily installed on a PC (personal computer).

Hi all! Sometimes it is necessary to check the Internet speed. In this article I will show you several ways!

Delay— time before data loading. The lower the number, the better.

Hesitation— How stable is the Internet connection? The lower the indicator, the more stable.

Unloading— speed of downloading data from your computer.

The fewer programs that use the Internet, the more accurately your speed will be shown.

You can check the speed with my plugin above or...

Check Internet speed in SpeedTest— This is the most popular service on the Internet. Over time, it has proven itself and it measures the most accurately of all services. Of course, there are glitches, like everyone else, but in most cases it shows accurately.

Just click START and the service will automatically find the server closest to you and measure the speed.

If suddenly something is not shown accurately, try selecting the service manually.

2ip another service that allows you to measure speed.

Click Test, after which the speed measurement will begin. If it doesn’t measure accurately, we try to choose another site.

Yandex and one more most accurate test from Yandex.

Here we simply click measure speed.

Internet speed test program

If you don’t want to constantly surf through services, there is a program that can measure the Internet.

It does not require installation (portable). Therefore, we select the version for the system capacity and launch it. We wait further, further and it’s done.

A new icon will appear in the tray where the clock is. We wait with the right mouse button and click measure speed.

We are waiting for the start!

The program will show ping, and incoming and outgoing speed.

Only the speed is shown not in MBit (Internet connection), but in MB (download speed per second). Therefore, if you need to find out the connection speed, then multiply this figure by 8. 11.3*8=90.4 MB, i.e. correct, my connection is 100 MB.

The question about the speed of your own network connection most often arises when something starts to download slowly. The user also wants to know the number just like that, for example, to brag or, conversely, to remain silent in front of friends.

One way or another, today we will tell you how to check the real speed of your Internet connection on a laptop or computer. We will also tell our readers a little about what network connections are like and how each of them differs. So let's get started.

Below is waiting for you short description everyone existing types network connections. We'll start with the most popular ones and gradually move on to those that people simply have to use.

Cable Internet

The most modern, fast and reliable way to connect. The system most often works through a fiber-optic cable from which “stretch marks” of shorter length are created. For example, an optical fiber goes into a populated area, and then a regular copper conductor runs through the streets and houses of the city. The speed of such Internet usually varies from 20 to 500 Mbit/s.

Wi-Fi (Wi-Max)

A modern type of connection, which implies use in apartments with a range of several meters and the presence of cellular coverage that already covers kilometers. In this case, one channel is used for communication between base stations, and distribution to points of consumption is carried out via separate “air cables”. The connection speed is not inferior to cable.

3G/4G (LTE)

Mobile format that works very well high frequencies and speeds. Often, users who access the network in this way even on their phones receive downloads of about 100 Mbps.

ADSL and Dial UP

Two outdated and rarely used types of communication that were used to connect telephone line. The difference between ADSL is higher speed and the ability to simultaneously access the Internet and make a phone call.


An ancient mobile format that was used before the advent of 3G. The Hedgehog speed varied within 100 Kbps, which is very low. For example, it might take about 5 minutes to download an MP3 song.


A terrible old way of accessing the Internet, which worked at a speed ten times slower than EDGE. In the harsh realities of that time, a more or less “heavy” page could take more than 2 minutes to open.

Satellite Internet

This type of connection is used in hard-to-reach places and can be either duplex or unidirectional. In the first case, data is transmitted and received by a special dish directly to the satellite, and in the second, a dish is used for reception, and Dial UP/ADSL or a mobile channel is used for transmission.

So, what speed is considered normal? In general, 20 Mbit/s is enough for comfortable surfing, but, for example, to download a movie in 4K it will be very little and 100. So it all depends on how you work on the network.

How to check internet speed

So, after a brief digression into theory, we will tell you how, in fact, to check the network speed. The easiest way to do this is through one of the online services. But you can also resort to more sophisticated and informative methods. More about everything below.

The simplest, most popular and reliable service for checking the speed of your connection is Speedtest. Let's look at how to work with the site:

  1. Let's go to the home page of our tester. In order for the measurement to be as accurate as possible, we need, firstly, to select the closest server, and secondly, the one that has a channel capacity higher than ours. Click on the link marked below.

  1. We are located in the Ukrainian city of Melitopol. Accordingly, we begin to write the name settlement and select the desired result from the search results.

  1. Now we can begin. Click the button marked with the arrow.

  1. Initially, the service will detect our Ping. Ping is the time it takes for a signal to travel from the client to the server. The feedback is called Pong. In this case it is 23 ms, which is pretty good. Then the download test (the speed at which our PC downloads data from the network) will begin. Again, for us it's just over 90 Mbps.

  1. Upload speed is the inverse of performance (when we send something to the network). In our case, Upload is the same as Download.

  1. When the test is completed, we will see the overall result.

  1. As an experiment, let's try changing the server to a particularly remote one.

  1. We know that in the Far Eastern districts Russian Federation There are significant problems with access to the network, therefore, let’s take Vladivostok.

  1. Let's run a speed test at a distance of 10,000 km.

Start re-check

As a result, we see that the ping has increased almost 10 times (although it remains acceptable), and the download and upload speed has dropped significantly. This is due to the low speed of Far Eastern servers.

An excellent service that allows you to quickly and, most importantly, accurately find out the speed of your network connection.

Let's consider another popular site that will help you see the speed of our computer's connection to the Internet:

  1. Initially, we go to the website and see that in addition to measuring speed, there are a lot of other useful tools. However, click on the marked link.

  1. By clicking on a point on the map, select the server closest to us, then click “Test”.

  1. It will begin checking the speed of incoming traffic, testing the outgoing traffic and measuring ping.

  1. As a result, we will see a detailed set of data, which, in addition to the connection speed, contains our IP address and the name of the provider. Unfortunately, for some reason the site was unable to determine the ping.

Perhaps these are problems with the selected server, but 2IP clearly determined the outgoing stream speed incorrectly.


Let's consider another service that allows you to find out the speed of our connection:

  1. Go to the SPEED.IO home page and select the nearest provider.

  1. A set of tests has begun, first of all this will be a loading test. We are waiting for its completion.

  1. This will be followed by checking the data upload.

  1. And here is the result. There are no questions about the speed of the network, but the ping value of 2 ms is clearly exaggerated.

The service looks beautiful, I’m pleased with its speed and accuracy of checking, but the ping here is clearly calculated incorrectly.

For variety, we will supplement the list with an unusual site that not only tests connection quality, but also does it in a classic, analog style. Which we personally really liked. Here is the link to

When you go to the site, you will see that there are no newfangled server selections, extra buttons or other nonsense that is so widespread on the sites described above. There are analog dials for speed, progress and a single “Start” button.

As soon as the test is started, the needles will creep up with the grace of a Ferrari speedometer. This will last for some time.

The same will be repeated for the Upload measurement.

Additionally, the service detects and displays our IP address and provider name.

Yandex Internetometer

Everything related to the Internet cannot be done without the participation of Yandex. Naturally, only on the territory of the Russian Federation. Accordingly, this search engine also provides a service for measuring network access speed. Let's see how it works:

  1. We follow the link above, see a simple interface and press the only yellow button.

  1. It starts with a speed measurement as simple as 2 kopecks. This will be a download test first.

  1. Next, the outgoing connection is tested.

In the end, they show us the result. What can we say: the fact is that we are in Ukraine, and Yandex recently “moved out” from here, and accordingly, the distance has grown. But despite this, the upload speed is really not up to par. After all, you yourself know: ping increases with distance, but not the speed of downloading or uploading data.

We can't say anything good about this resource. Perhaps the situation could be corrected by some marketing ploy Yandex, well, for example, seat Alice next to her. She could use her chatter to distract users from incorrect results.

Checking the speed through the task manager

You can also view the data transfer rate at a certain point in time by launching the task manager. This is done as follows:

Attention: our instructions are based on Windows 10. In earlier versions of Microsoft OS, everything can be done in a similar way.

  1. In order to measure the speed, let's launch a torrent with a 65 GB toy. Then open the task manager by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting the desired item from context menu.

  1. If the utility is opened for the first time, it will need to be switched to expanded mode. To do this, click the button indicated below.

  1. Go to the “Performance” tab and enable the submenu of your adapter. As a result, you will see the network graph, download and upload speeds.

This option does not measure maximum speed connection, and the amount of data transferred per unit of time at the current moment.


  1. First download and install free program in Russian from its official website. Then we launch the resulting distribution.

  1. Click on the button indicated in the screenshot and thereby begin the installation.

  1. We accept the program license by checking the box indicated by the number “1” and clicking the “Next” button.

  1. Let's skip next step, simply by clicking on the button circled in red.

  1. We don’t change anything here either and move on to the next step.

  1. IN Once again We poke the annoying button.

  1. And finally, proceed to the installation by clicking on “Install”.

  1. The installation process itself will not keep you waiting long.

  1. Ready. We complete the installation.

  1. First, select the Russian language.

  1. We indicate which connections we want to test.

  1. And finally, we complete the setup.

You can access NetWorx functionality by opening the context menu of the system tray icon. We choose settings.

Go to the “Graph” tab, switch the display mode to “Line”, check the “Bit/s” checkbox and save the changes.

Again, go to the program’s context menu and turn on the graph.

Since the computer is not downloading anything now, the speed is displayed in tens of kilobits.

We launch a torrent in order to load the Internet channel, and we see the result instantly displayed on the graph.

We are trying to upload something to the cloud. The result immediately changes and the red line, indicating Upload, goes up.

Now that we've measured the speed over a period of time, let's test the overall throughput. Again, launch the designated tool from the context menu.

In the window that opens, click the scan button.

The speed of receiving and sending data will begin to be measured. We are waiting for the process to complete.

The result is in front of you. The speed is measured as accurately as possible. You see the name of the server with which the interaction was made, speed data and ping. Also at the very bottom, Upload/Download comparisons are displayed, which can later be recorded in a log and track the growth or decline of channel throughput over time.

This program is clearly superior to any service and, once installed, allows you to test the speed of connecting your PC to the Internet in just a couple of clicks. In addition, it is full of other useful functions.


So, now you know better than anyone how to check the speed of your computer's Internet connection. I would like to add that some providers, for example, Rostelecom or, have own funds to test the connection.

In others, such as Beeline, Kyivstar, Ufanet, MTS or Yota, use the above options. If, after reading, you still have questions, we recommend asking them in the comments. We, in turn, will try to give a comprehensive answer to your problem as soon as possible.

Video instruction

A training video on the topic in question has also been added for you.