Games English. English for Kids: Online Resources to Bookmark

Winner of the All-Russian competition « Most requested article of the month » JANUARY 2018

Hello! Hello. I"m + (name) Mickey, pencil Say hello to me. Say goodbye to me.
Good bye What's your name? This is Mickey. Follow me. Show me (red)

In this lesson children:
1) say hello and goodbye in English: “Hello!”, “Good-bye!” ("Bye!")
2) understand by ear the question “What”s your name?”;
3) count to five in English; learn to name colors (red, green, blue, orange and yellow)
4) answer the question “What"s your name?", using the construction "I"m (Dima)."
5) understand “classroom English” (“Good!”, “Good for you!”)

Lesson materials:

The lesson begins with the song: Hello Song (cassette - song 1) page19 (Teacher’s Book)
The teacher invites everyone to say hello: Say hello to me! Hello Dasha, hello Dima, etc.

Guys, let's get to know each other better! I’ll ask you What’s your name? (What’s your name? What’s your name?), and you say your name, and we’ll get to know each other. Just don’t forget to say I’m...Dima first.

Color palette memory game.

Let's play in the Memory Game. (Let's play a memory game)
Children first name the colors in order after the teacher and try to remember them. Then the teacher suggests closing your eyes: So, close your eyes! (close your eyes). And he removes one card - then asks to open it: Open your eyes! (open your eyes) and guess which color is missing. What color is missing? (Which color is missing?) Who is correct
guesses - gets a card with that color.

Listening to a song about the colors red and blue. (chant 4) page 19

Exercise "Colors"
Colorful butterflies
Purpose: to introduce color.

Rules of the game:

Game of colored cards. (Playtime)
Children gather in a circle, the teacher hands them cards and asks them to show a certain color: “Please, show me the red(green/blue) card". The one who has this card raises it up. The teacher praises the correct display of “Great!” (fabulous)
Then you can exchange cards. Let's change these cards! (Let's switch cards!)
We draw, we color.

The teacher asks to sit down at the table: “Please, sit down to the table!” Let's draw"
(please sit down at the table! Let's draw"
When coloring a picture, you can ask questions: “What color is it?” What color is this?

Welcome to planet Baloons!

Song Thank you.

End of class

Unit Phrases Vocabulary Receptive Language

1. My family Touch mum. Mum, dad, baby, family, Bambi. Look! This is my family.
sister, brother. Yes. No.

1) count to five in English;

3) ask a question about a person (Who is it?)
4) understand by ear the expressions “Yes.”, “No.”, “Stand up!”, “Sit down!”, “Hands up!”, “Hands down!”, “Hands to the sides!”, “Bend left!", "Bend right!", "Hop!".
5) Name the colors.

Lesson materials:
Cards of family members: mom, dad, brother, sister, baby (Mum, Dad, Brother, Sister, Baby)
Cards different colors: red, green, blue, orange and yellow.

The teacher shows the cards and offers to guess the color - asks the question: What color is it? (What color is this?)
After the children have fixed the name of the colored cards, we move on to new material. (My Family)
You are invited to look at the picture: Please look at the picture. What can you see? (Please look at the picture. What do you see?)
Children first name what they see and then repeat new words after the teacher.

The teacher once again shows cards with family members and names them one by one. Then he asks the children to close their eyes “Please, close your eyes” / removes the card / “Open your eyes.” Who's missing? (Who is missing?) You can return the card to its place, you can give it to the person who guessed right. (Well done! Excellent!)

Well done! Look at me and do the same!
Now I will say the words of the English exercises, and you perform the movements.

Hands up! Hands down!
Hands on hips! Sit down!
Stand up! Hands to the sides!
Bend left! Bend right!
One, two, three, hop! (When you say these words, you need to jump on one leg.)
One, two, three, stop!
Stand still!

Listening to Song 5 p. 23

Exercise "Colors"
Colorful butterflies
Purpose: to introduce color.
The picture shows a meadow. In the meadow you will see several butterflies resting on the hedge. Between every two butterflies, there is one colorless (transparent) one.

Rules of the game:

Between every two butterflies, there is one colorless one. Replace the colorless butterfly with a colored one, whose color is a combination of the colors of the resting butterflies located on either side of the colorless one (for example, a yellow and red butterfly form an orange one)
Continue playing until all the colorless butterflies are replaced by flying butterflies

Let's draw a family.

After the children color and name the colors, ask them to count all family members. Let's count how many people can you see? One – mum, two-dad, three – sister, four – brother, five – baby.

Welcome to planet Baloons!
The teacher names the colors, the children must help catch the right ball.
Please, catch me a red balloon!
Song Thank you.

End of class

Song “Goodbye Mickey” (chant 3) p.19

Unit Phrases Vocabulary Receptive Language

1. My family Touch mum. Mum, dad, baby, family, Very Good. Listen and repeat. Touch mum.
sister, brother. Yes. No. Let's sing.

In this lesson children will learn:
1) count to ten in English;
2) name family members in English;
3) assign color names.
4) Learn to perceive commands by ear.

The lesson begins with the song: Hello Song (cassette - song 1)
Hello, everybody! Good to see you again. Let's begin our English lesson.

The teacher distributes pictures of family members to the children. Children sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher recites the poem at a slow pace.


This is the Father who brings us our ...bread.
(The child who has a picture of his dad picks up the picture.)
This is the Mother who puts us to ... bed.
(The child who has a picture of his mother picks up the picture.)
This is the Brother who plays with his ...ball.
(The child who has a picture of his brother picks up the picture.)
This is the Sister who plays with her ...doll.
(The child who has a sister picks up the picture.)
And this is the baby - the smallest of all.
(The child who has a baby rings the rattle.)

Playtime “Colors”

We decorate the rug. (choice level 1), where children choose a color themselves - pronounce it in English and paint over any empty cell.
After all the cells have been painted over, the teacher names the color in English for each child and invites them to paint the cell. Please find red/blue/green
Now, let's count. How many colors? Children count how many cells they have painted.
One-red, two-blue, three-green, etc.

Teams Run! Jump! Swim! Turn around! Hop! Stop!
Play in teams with the children, reinforcing each with the appropriate movement. If children do not understand commands, explain their meaning. Children follow commands when signaled by an adult.

Listening to Song 5 p. 23 (repeat)

Game Please show me...

Place pictures of already known family members on the table. Invite the children to the request Please show those and Mum! show a picture with mom, and when asked Please show those and Dad - with dad, etc. Make sure the children have mastered the material well and add new brother and sister cards. Play with new cards and play with a new expression. Invite the children to act as a presenter - to practice the expression Please show...

Let's draw a family.

Blanks with a picture of a family. The teacher first asks to find all family members and show them. Let's find and show Mum on your picture.
After the children have painted all the family members, ask them to repeat the expression This is a family!

Dance game.
Welcome to planet dance!
Where children will consolidate their knowledge of the Jump, Pull, Push, Dance commands.
Song If you are happy.

End of class

Song “Goodbye Mickey” (chant 3) p.19


Hello to one and all! My dears, I continue to provide useful information and materials in such an important area for many as English for children. And there’s already a lot... So I decided to collect everything in an organized warehouse! (Or maybe a treasure :-)), so that everyone can look there and find what they need for themselves and their children.

This page of my website is the address of the location of this warehouse. It contains (and continues to collect) all the necessary materials on the English language that will be useful to the smallest representatives of the human race)) (2-7 years old, and even older), their parents or teachers. Here are my materials, and there are those that I found on the Internet, chose the best and present to you here. English can be interesting, free and accessible to every child!

By the way, be sure to voice your questions or suggestions for materials in the comments. Let's improve the treasure together!


Remember that the basic principles of teaching “young students” are brightness, interest and only playful form! So here everything is exactly like that - memorable and fascinating video English lessons, bright educational cartoons, game ideas, cards and pictures, songs and rhymes - everything that will allow you to plunge into the world of English with your baby!

By the way, many materials are suitable not only for those who are starting to plunge into the world of language from scratch, but also for those who are older! Such children can even use materials independently, listening, watching and repeating.

Always seek emotional involvement on your part and then the child’s passion for the subject will not take long to occur.

My tips and recommendations

One very serious mother once asked me a question: “Tell me, how can I teach English to my 3-year-old son? What’s the best way to structure a lesson... and in general, where to start?” I answered her: “Start with this - forget the word “teach”, “lesson” and the like! And remember the words "games, fun and bright pictures"!

Books and textbooks

There are some parents who believe that in the age modern technologies the book can be replaced with various convenient devices. And I say - no! A book is something that will never go out of style and will forever remain every child's best friend! Especially when it comes to learning a new language.

If your child is already 4 years old and you want him to learn English not only with the help of songs and cartoons, it’s time to buy a good book that will help him the best assistant and guide to the world of language . ABOUT good options books and textbooks for children I’m talking about here:

Numbers and numbers (1-10, 11-20)

One spoon... two spoons... three spoons! How familiar this is to our children! After all, they hear numbers almost from birth. That's probably why this topic It’s especially easy for kids!

Numbers and figures...What a broad topic! But very young students don’t need to know all the numbers—they only need to learn 10 numbers! It's so easy - after all, there are 10 fingers on your hands! On your feet too! And in general, you can count anything around you - toys, books, adults and even seconds...

But if you want more, you can go up to 20!


Some people believe that teaching a child English should start exclusively with the alphabet. This is a big misconception when it comes to children 3-4-5 years old! Children master foreign language absolutely no problem, without even knowing the letters. After all, they understand Russian somehow already at 1-2 years old!))

But nevertheless, one day the moment comes when you get to know in English letters already worth it. For example, before school - to be fully prepared, as they say. Or if the baby himself shows interest in them.

My daughter knew all Russian letters (by appearance and corresponding sound) at 2 years of age. We were ready to learn English letters at 4!

And here different ways of approaching this insidious English alphabet)). I talk about these methods in my article:

There with help songs, videos, cards, sounds, games and rhymes You can learn the alphabet very quickly.

Words for children by topic

It is with words that every child’s acquaintance with the English language begins! He must hear and see them! And this - warp at the initial stages. But seeing does not mean looking at the written word! Each new word heard should form an image and picture in the child’s head. This is how he begins to see him! And only then will the child try to pronounce the learned words himself.

I have prepared for you a selection of the most popular words for children , and also small thematic collections . Each word is voiced, translated and has a picture. Besides this, you can download cards with words to print, cut them out and work. It is very convenient and practical.

Words on the topic of family

Words about animals

Words on the topic of fruits and vegetables

Words about home

Words about food

Words on the topic of clothing

Words on the topic of profession

Colors in English

Pink became an even more favorite color for my daughter when she was introduced to it in the context of the English language. After that, “pink” was heard from her lips wherever she encountered pink objects))

Colors in English are kids' favorite theme which comes very easily to them. A child is able to remember even 10 colors within 2-3 days. To do this, you need to present these bright words “on a silver platter”)). And to do this, just go here:


Needless to say, cartoons today are one of the favorite entertainments of all children and teenagers. Some children manage to watch them all day long, and some parents manage to allow it!

I think this type of entertainment is for a child must be strictly limited. And of course, if you watch cartoons, then they should be useful and meaningful. Do you agree? And this is especially true if we are talking about cartoons in English . They can become completely unobtrusive but at the same time extremely effective English lessons that the child will perceive as fun! He may not even realize that he is thereby learning a foreign language!

I have selected the best, in my opinion, cartoons for children. Please note that such cartoons are divided into those with Russian comments and those only in English! I recommend Children under 4 years old should watch exclusively English cartoons without a single Russian word. . They will understand everything. Watch, learn and enjoy!

Educational video lessons

Here you also need to understand that very young children (up to 3-4 years old) do not need to listen to explanations in Russian - just watch English-language videos with bright pictures - they will be able to understand everything! The main thing is that you like the video and arouse interest. Choose:

Songs and Video songs

Beautiful combination of rhyme and melody always gives a wonderful effect in the process of learning and memorizing something!

In addition to the cartoons and educational videos (which also included a lot of songs), I offer you 2 more of my notes with materials for children. In the first there are video songs, in the second there are simply songs with an attached translation into Russian:


Play and learn in fact, two identical words, because nothing gives such results in learning as the game form of any classes and any activity.

I have talked about games in English for kids more than once on the pages of my blog. And this topic is far from closed. IN There is still a large amount of materials in the process of preparation, which parents and teachers will soon be able to use for their very young charges.

And now you can familiarize yourself with these.

English lesson for children 5-6 years old “Journey through a fairytale forest - in search of Capy”

Author: Yulia Vladimirovna Pluzhnikova
This activity is intended for children preschool age in order to interest them in the English language and increase their vocabulary.
Consolidation of lexical units on the completed topics “Family”, “Colors”, “Counting”, “Action Verbs”, “Wild and Domestic Animals”
-ability to answer questions in a short form: No, I can’t. Yes. It is. No. It isn't. Yes. I do.
- develop the ability to pronounce English sounds correctly and clearly
- Develop the skill of dialogical speech.
- Develop attention logical thinking, memory, speech activity.
- Continue the development of visual memory, visual-figurative and practical meaning, and ability to imitate.
- Learning the rhyme “Two Little Black Birds”
- Consolidation of lexical units on the topics: “Animals”, “Colors”, “We count”, “Family”, “Action verbs”
- fostering a kind attitude towards animals
- fostering love for family members
- Cultivate a friendly attitude towards your comrades, a desire to help others, and the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: puppet doll, note, paper trails, a house with opening windows, red cards according to the number of children, wild animals, imitation of a forest, audio recording of the voices of nature, audio recording of the song “I’m lying in the sun”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment
Teacher: Hello, children! I am glad to see you. Let's begin our English lesson
Today we"ll count to10. Now we count to 10 and someone should appear in our room. I think our friend Capy will come to us today. Now close your eyes, let"s count to10. One, two, three...10. Open your eyes!
Children close their eyes and count to 10 in English.
Teacher: Open your eyes. Where's Kepy? I can't see him. Can you see him, Olya? And you, Tanya, can you see Kepy? (The teacher asks the children one by one if they see Capy.)
Children: No, we can't...
Teacher: Kepy is not here. Oh, look, what is it? (There are multi-colored footprints laid out in advance on the floor.) I can see somebody's steps. They may be Kepy's. Oh, there"s a note here. Here is a note. (There is a note on the floor or on the table. The teacher reads it.) "Kepy is near here. Follow the steps." "Capi is nearby. Follow the steps." I think, guys, Capy came up with everything himself so that we could look for him. Well... Let's follow the steps. Let's try to find Kepy. Let's follow the tracks. Let's try to find Kepy. Stand up. Oh, there's something else written in the note. (Reads again.) "Jump to the blue step." "Jump on the blue trail." Let's do what the note says, then we can find Capy.
Children take turns following commands (Run to the green step. Fly to the red step. Walk tiptoe to yellow. Touch the white step.)
2. Repetition of vocabulary on the topic “Family” (background exercise)
(house with windows)
Teacher: You and I followed the tracks and came to the English house What's this? It's the house in England. It's a very nice family.
Teacher: this is very good family, a nice family. Look, the house even has windows! There are windows in the house! One, two, three, four, five, six windows! They are all different colors! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. Let's open the red window. (Opens the window.) Oh, who is this
Children: This is Mother.
Teacher: I see, mother, OK, now let's open the orange window. (Opens the orange window.) Who is it?
Children: This is Father.
Teacher: Father, I see. It's clear. Now the (yellow) window. Who's here? (Opens yellow, then the rest of the windows.)
Children: This is Sister, (Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Baby).
Teacher: Guys, don’t you hear anything? When we open some windows, I hear some sound. Now again let's open the red window. Well, of course, this is Englishsound. He loves to play around - he turns into a fly, flies into the windows and buzzes, while he also blows on his tongue. Let's listen to whose window he flew into. When you hear the sound, clap your hands louder. Let's open the red window.
Children: Mother.
Teacher: Did you hear the Englishsound buzzing? Then clap your hands quickly!
Children clap their hands.
Teacher: Now, open the orange window.
Child (opens a window): Father.
Children clap their hands.
Teacher: Now the yellow window.
Child (opens window): Sister. (Brother, Grandmother, Grandfather, Baby).
Children clap (not clap) their hands.
Teacher: Excellent! Great, it didn't work out English sound hide from us, we find him everywhere.
3. Strengthening the ability to briefly answer a teacher’s question
Teacher: Now let’s play a game called “Yes, I do. Yes, it is.” To do this, we will split into two teams. Serezha's team will always say Yes, I do. Vicki's team will say Yes, it is. I will ask you questions, if at the beginning of my question you hear the word do, then Seryozha’s command will answer Yes, I do. And if you hear the first word is, the Wiki team answers Yes, it is. If the team answers correctly, the captain receives a red card.
Teacher (to children): Do you like to jump?

Teacher (takes a pencil): That's right, just louder. Is this a pencil?

Teacher: Do you like to sing (walk, hop, fly, smile etc)?
Children (first team): Yes, I do.
Teacher (takes a crocodile)): Is this a crocodile (bear, hare etc.)?
Children (second team): Yes, it is.
At the end of the game, red cards are counted.

4. Consolidation of lexical units on the topic “Wild Animals”
(audio recording of the voice of nature sounds)
Teacher: Guys, have you ever been to the forest? Let's go for a walk in the magical fairytale forest today. Animals do not hide in it, but come out to people and play with them. Stand up! Let's go to the forest! Let's go to the forest. (The teacher “walks” on the spot, Spot also “walks” with his feet on the table). Go, Sveta! Go, Dima! Let's go to the forest together.
Children "walk" through the "forest".
Teacher: How beautiful it is here! Various sounds are heard. The bee is flying. She stuck her tongue between her teeth, that’s why she makes that sound. And the dragonfly flies quietly. Oh, the bear is roaring (you can show people with the appropriate sound). But here are two birds, one small sings, and the other big [u] - [u] - [u], probably an owl.
Children repeat sounds.
Children: Oh, I can see a bird!
Teacher: I can see a bird, too.
Children: Oh, I can see a bear!
Teacher: I can see a bear, too. (shows a picture.)
Children: Oh, I can see a hare!
Teacher: I can see a hare, too. (shows a picture.)
Children: Oh, I can see a squirrel!
Teacher: I can see a squirrel, too.
Children: Oh, I can see a hedgehog!
Teacher: I can see a hedgehog, too.
Children: Oh, I can see a wolf!
Teacher: I can see a wolf, too.
Children: Oh, I can see a fox!
Teacher: I can see a fox, too. That's how many animals there are in the forest. Forest animals in English - forest animals. Let's play a game called "Forest animals". Remember that there are predator animals that can eat other animals? Name them. Right you are - a wolf, an owl, and a fox, a bear. You will jump and have fun in a forest clearing, and I will tell you what animal is coming here. If it is not a predator, a good animal, call it here, waving your hand towards you, and shout “Come here!”, that is, “Come here!”, and if it is a predator, wave your hand away from you and shout “Go away!” Let's practice. I can see a hare. A hare-bunny, what should you shout? Good for you.
Teacher: Now the game is over. That's it, game over, well done. Sit down, please.
5. Physical exercise
Now let’s relax a little in our magical forest (to the audio recording of the song “I’m lying in the sun,” the children do the following exercises:
Put your fingers on your nose

On your nose, on your toes
On your hips and on your toes
Put your finger on your knees
On your hair and on your cheeks
On your knees, on your hair
And wave them in the air.

When the children have completed all the commands, the teacher takes Capy out from under the chair.
Teacher: Aha, here's Kepy, under the chair.
Capy: Hello, kids! I am so glad to see you! Let's play with me.

6. Learning the rhyme “Two Little Black Birds”
Guys, Capy has prepared a surprise for us. Look, two little black birds from an English rhyme flew in with him
Teacher: Oh, I can see two birds. One bird's name is Peter, and the other is Paul. Look at me!

Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds
Sitting on the wall
(arms bent at the elbows, elbows spread to the sides, four fingers of each hand touch the thumb, forming the heads of two birds)
One named Peter,
(the first “bird” bows)
The other named Paul.
(the second “bird” bows)
Fly away Peter!
(remove one hand behind your back - “one bird has flown away”)
Fly away, Paul!
(remove the other hand behind your back - “the other bird has flown away”)
Come back, Peter!
(return one hand to its original position)
Come back, Paul!
(return the second hand to its original position)
Teacher: Guys, let’s all have two birds. Stand up! Look at me. Show me two birds. Show me two birds, two birds, two little black birds. Which bird's name is Peter? Let her nod when she hears her name - one named Peter. Which bird's name is Paul? She also nods - the other named Paul. Let's send Peter away so he can fly away - Fly away Peter! And let Paul fly away - Fly away, Paul! Now let’s call the birds and let them come back - Come back, Peter! Come back, Paul!
Children repeat the rhyming words and perform the corresponding movements.

Guys, you were great today. You have completed all the tasks and found our guest the little ostrich Capy. But our time is coming to an end.
Time is up.
Lesson is over. See you later. Have a nice day. Good bye!

Is your child struggling with English at school? Do you see no progress or is your child losing interest in learning English?

Would you like your child to speak ? Or are there difficulties or gaps in language learning that you would like to correct? You want your child to fall in love with the English language and run to class as if it were a holiday. Then you should definitely come to us.

Methods of teaching children 6-8 years old

Your child begins to speak English already in the first lesson thanks to a professionally structured training program. It immerses the child in the language environment from the first minutes, helping to quickly and easily start using the language being studied.

We are against boring activities. Away with uninteresting textbooks. The manuals we use were developed by professors from the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. They are bright and memorable, with a variety of tasks: games, poems, children's comics, fairy tales and songs.

An interactive online platform helps maintain the child’s constant interest in and consolidate both lexical and listening skills. Thanks to a well-thought-out motivation system, your child always completes homework without reminders and without your participation.

Schedule and cost

Frequency of classes for all levels Cost per month for all levels Cost per course for all levels
Discount until December 27!
Free trial lesson
2 times a week (6-8 people)
1 (60 minutes)
6000 a 16500 a
18000 a
Recording in progress
2 times a week individually
1 (60 minutes)
12000 a 32900 a
36000 a
Recording in progress
2 times a week for two
1 (60 minutes)
8000 a 21900 a
24000 a
Recording in progress
2 times a week (3-5 people)
7000 a 18900 a
21000 a
Recording in progress
2 times a week individually (Skype)
12000 a 32900 a
36000 a
Recording in progress
Once a week (Sunday)
2 astra.h.
7000 a 18900 a
21000 a
Recording in progress

Our teachers are true fans of their work and know all the intricacies of the psychology of child development. That is why all the characteristics of your child, his interests and hobbies will be taken into account, and individual teaching methods will be selected.

Training is usually carried out 2-3 times a week for 1 hour. on weekdays and weekends. As a rule, the following developed levels are provided for children 6-8 years old. But the program is also adjusted in accordance with the goals and individual characteristics of the students.

  • Family and Friends 1
  • Family and Friends 2
  • Family and Friends 3

Our advantages

  1. Teachers with education from Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow State Pedagogical University and additional certificates in teaching children and adolescents;
  2. Educational license issued by the Moscow Department of Education;
  3. Our language center has been providing training since 2011;
  4. Flexible class schedule (weekdays, weekends, daytime, evenings).
  5. Tuition can be paid monthly;
  6. Discounts for regular students.

We are waiting for you at our center in Moscow (Southern Administrative District)

Our teachers

Alexander Kraev

Polyglot of all Rus'.

Maria Fedorina

I spoke with Depardieu in French before he became Russian.

Ekaterina Rusakova

In the Moscow metro I speak only Spanish.

Everyone remembers how at school we were forced to study using boring, outdated and shabby library textbooks. Our children are luckier. But with the overwhelming choice comes a feeling of confusion. How to understand what is right for your child? We selected eight English language textbooks for children and divided them into two categories: textbooks for the youngest (6-9 years old) and for teenagers (10-15 years old).

Modern textbooks differ significantly from their predecessors. Education in them is built not only with the help of bright pictures and games. The authors of the manuals develop characters that schoolchildren like. These could be children, animals, or even mythical heroes with whom the child would like to associate himself. Next, the authors lead their characters throughout the textbook, talking about the daily lives of the heroes and the adventures that happen to them.

In addition, modern textbooks not only teach children English, but also help them develop in general. In these textbooks the child will find There are many creative tasks: make a postcard, compose a song. Teenagers are offered individual, pair and group projects.

With regular classes, children will acquire a level even before leaving school.

General structure of English textbooks for children

  • The main textbook for children aged 6-9 years old is usually called Pupil’s Book or Class Book. Manuals for children 10-15 years old are called Student’s Books. They are illustrated texts with tasks. At the end of the textbooks you will find lists of new words (Word Lists) and explanations of grammar (Grammar Reference). Some publishers offer materials on regional studies (Culture Clips).
  • In the Activity Book, the student completes unit tasks: drawing, coloring images, writing words, composing essays, and solving tests.
  • In the Teacher’s Book you will find tips on teaching a lesson, correct answers to test questions, transcripts of audio recordings and additional materials for teaching by units: stories, songs, discussions, games. You will also learn what skills each specific exercise develops in a child.
  • All textbooks are sold together with CDs containing listening materials. Some textbooks are accompanied by discs with video files.

Textbooks for children 6-9 years old

It is believed that 6-7 years is the most suitable age to start learning English. The child already goes to school, gets used to a regular schedule and a continuous learning process. He develops his own interests, so it is easier to interest and motivate him than a baby who is just going to kindergarten. Let's see what benefits will help the child at this stage.


The textbook (Class Book) consists of 9 units, each of which is devoted to a particular topic: school play, picnic, toys, farm. The unit is divided into several short lessons: this allows you not only to conveniently divide classes depending on the allocated time and stamina of the student, but also to carefully work through all the skills. The tasks are aimed primarily at developing active listening and speaking skills. The exercises consist of colorful illustrations, short texts and short audio recordings.

Examples of exercises: Listen and find (you need to study the image, listen to the speaker and find the indicated objects, animals or people in the picture), Listen and say (you need to repeat the words after the speaker), Listen and sing (you need to repeat lines from the song). To break up the monotonous educational process, children are offered creative tasks, for example, making a picture frame. You can consolidate the material you have learned in game form(Revision block). For example, it is suggested to play a board game: after going from start to finish, your child will earn points for correct answers.

As the textbook levels up, you'll encounter more text, such as emails kids write to their parents from summer camp, or magazine clippings from short interviews and articles.

After all the units you will find lyrics and even more exercises.

Additional materials

The standard kit contains a workbook with assignments and a teacher's manual. In addition to audio files, the discs contain two types of video materials. The first is short (2-3 minutes) animated videos with characters already familiar to the child from the textbook.

The second is longer (8-10 minutes) videos without animation: in them, actors act out educational sketches on topics from the textbook.

Welcome by Virginia Evans and Elizabeth Gray is a textbook published by Express Publishing. Children are teleported to exciting new places with the help of a magical character - the genie. And in the third textbook, he is replaced by the boy Oscar, who moves with his family to Edinburgh and becomes a reporter for the school newspaper Welcome Weekly. While traveling around the world virtually, children learn English.

Age: 6-7 years

Level: A1

Age: 8 years

Level: A1

Age: 9 years

Level: A1


Pupil's Book Welcome 1 and Welcome 2 consist of 14 units each. There are three lessons in units. Welcome 3 consists of six modules of three units each (18 units in total). The content of the textbook will tell you what vocabulary each unit is devoted to (environment, holidays, food, pets) and what writing skills the child will practice (description from a photograph, letter, advertising brochure, invitation, recipe, article, history, schedule). Each unit has visual grammar tables and tasks to practice this material (for example, name plural nouns).

Examples of tasks: Talk with your friend, then write (children are required to act out a dialogue with each other and write their options in a notebook), Read and correct (the student is asked to read the sentences and correct the mistakes made in it), Read and answer the questions (after reading text you need to answer short questions in monosyllables).

The Revision block (repetition) is given after every 3-4 units. Also at the end of the textbook you will find an example of a script for a school play (School Play) with songs and words broken down by role. Next, a Word List has been prepared for you, with which it will be convenient to repeat the material you have covered. And finally, the creators of the textbook have saved the “Photo File Section” section. There is free space on the pages that allows you to paste your photo, draw a picture and describe it, or complete the corresponding task.

At the end of Welcome 3 you will find materials on cultural studies (Culture Clips). Here the child can learn fun facts about English-speaking countries.

Additional materials

The textbook also comes with a Workbook, a Teacher’s Book, audio files and Flashcards with images of objects. weather conditions, animals, people, buildings: having visual information in front of their eyes makes it easier for children to remember words.

Fly High by Danae Kozanoglou - textbook published by Pearson. The purpose of the manual is to develop a positive attitude in children towards the English language. For this purpose, students are offered humorous cartoon stories, games, songs and chants.

Age: 6-7 years

Level: A1

Age: 8 years

Level: A1

Age: 9 years

Level: A1

Age: 10 years

Level: A2


The textbook (Pupil’s Book) Fly High 1 consists of 14 units of two lessons each. Fly High 2 and Fly High 3 consist of 28 lessons (no division by units), and Fly High 4 consists of 36 lessons. After a few lessons, the student gets a break in the form of a Jungle Fun section. Here are games and light entertainment material. Between lessons, children will find parts of the comic book about the adventures of the girl Sally (Sally’s Story) and other stories in the Story Time section. This format captivates children: they do not receive entertaining information immediately, but gradually, unit by unit.

There is a colorful alphabet and cards at the end that you can print and cut out for more easy to remember new words. Here you will also find materials for the holidays: songs, descriptions of traditions and instructions, for example, how to make a card or mask for the carnival.

Additional materials

Audio files, word cards, workbook, tests and teacher's guide are complemented by a separate Fun Grammar textbook and a Fun Grammar Teacher's Guide.

Brilliant by Jeanne Perrett is a textbook published by Macmillan. The manual aims to open children's eyes to a world full of adventures in which the main characters of the textbook Alice, Denzil, Bertie, Nora and Brill find themselves. This, according to the creators, can be achieved through reading simple and fascinating stories. Simple circuits The authors also adhere to this in explaining grammar and presenting new vocabulary. This way, the desired result is achieved: children play, learn new material without boring and abstruse formulations, and progress in English.

Age: 6-7 years

Level: A1

Age: 8 years

Level: A1

Age: 8 years

Level: A1

Age: 9 years

Level: A1


Textbooks (Pupil’s Book) consist of 8 units each. At the end of each unit there is an Adventure Notebook section - these are activities that involve you in the learning process, for example: draw your name and make a beautiful poster out of it for the wall or fill out a questionnaire about yourself. After two units, the student completes repetition tasks (Revision). At the end of the manual there is a brief summary of the grammatical material of the entire course (Grammar Summary).

Additional materials

In addition to Flashcards, the kit also includes Stickers, which make the learning process brighter and more fun. In addition to audio files, an activity book and a test booklet, there is a separate grammar book: it consists of 30 lessons and a final test.

Textbooks for children 10-15 years old

Manuals for teenagers teach them to formulate and express their opinions on a variety of topics, offer material about the problems and interests of teenagers, and prepare them for passing the first international KET and PET exams.

New Challenges by Michael Harris, Amanda Harris, David Mower - textbook published by Pearson. According to the authors, their guide for teenagers 10-15 years old helps students learn English more effectively and develop as individuals. New Challenges not only involves children in studying topics in science, history, technology, and education, but also motivates them to express their own opinions and take an active position on each issue. Levels 1 and 2 prepare students for the Cambridge English: Key (KET) exam, and levels 3 and 4 prepare students for the Preliminary English Test (PET).

Age: 10 years

Level: A1

Age: 11 years

Level: A1+KET

Age: 12 years

Level: A2+KET

Age: 13 years

Level: A2–B1 + PET

Age: 13+ years

Level: A2–B1 + PET


The textbook for each level (Student’s Book) consists of 8 modules. Sample module topics: discoveries, talent, imagination, life stories, music, films, health, fashion. The module contains exercises to develop all skills and separately highlighted keywords(Key Words) on the topic.

To develop writing skills, there is a “Challenge” section. The challenges could be, for example, a task to fill out a form to participate in some international competition or learn to write a formal complaint (a letter of complaint). To improve teamwork skills and develop creativity, it is worth doing the exercises from the Projects block. For example, a teacher assigns a group of students to prepare posters and chants in support of their favorite sports team. At the end of each module there are tasks to test the learned vocabulary.

At the end of the manual, the authors inserted an entertaining Time Out section. There are tests here fun facts, crosswords, jokes, poems. This is followed by the Picture Dictionary section. Here you will find thematic dictionaries, each word in which is accompanied by an illustration. There are also tables with stable phrases (Collocations), idioms (Idiomatic Language) and antonyms (Opposites).