Effective techniques for memorizing English words. How to easily remember new words

Want to know how to teach English words quickly and easily and remember them later all your life? In this article, we will introduce you to several tricks that can be used when learning not only English, of course, but any language, and which will help you quickly memorize new vocabulary. Choose convenient ways and no longer worry that something is not remembered or not kept in mind.

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Tell me and I'll forget. Teach me and I will remember. Engage me and I will learn.

NB! Don't try to learn everything if you're studying on your own! Study only what you will actually use and talk about. Of course, the topics “home”, “family”, “food”, “work” are required, everyone should know the vocabulary on these topics. However, if you want to learn something that is far from your life and almost never occurs (you are a lawyer, and you learn huge lists of words on the topic “medicine” for the sake of interest), you will only waste your time - your brain is unlikely to let in the information which he doesn't need. Now let's get down to business!

How to learn new English words quickly and effectively.

Let's say one important thing right away: always learn words in phrases and expressions, and never – just one word! Having learned one word out of context, you will not clearly understand how to use this word.

  1. Make cards with words and expressions.

This is a very old method, but proven by generations: you take thick small sheets of paper (so that they do not show through), on one side write an expression in the language you are studying with notes on pronunciation, on the other - the translation, preferably with different pens. Try to write individual words, only if it is a pair of antonyms easydifficult, in other cases, write down phrases on cards go home or even whole sentences and questions Have you been to…? You need to teach them this way: look at the Russian translation and say the expression out loud, turn the card and check yourself, take the next one. Such cards will not cost you anything; you can store them in an envelope and always carry them with you. They are very convenient: repeat them while you are on the subway going to work or stuck in a traffic jam, and always before you go to bed. Double benefit: the cards will be better understood, and you will have a dream in English or Spanish)

  1. Combine words by topic.

To quickly memorize new English words, try to combine them into semantic groups on some topic. For example, your favorite food:cheese, salads, fish, dry red wine, milk chocolate. The brain is good at remembering what is close to you.

  1. Say words and expressions out loud.

It is better, of course, to say them in a secluded place - at home or in the office, when no one else can hear you, in order to avoid unnecessary questions and puzzled looks. This method is really effective; by pronouncing words and expressions you train your auditory memory, and it is very important in memorizing. Pronounce the words, try to imitate the manner that you hear in the speech of native speakers of the language you are studying. If you are watching a movie or listening to a song, do not be lazy to repeat the words or phrases you like.

  1. “Build” a new word into your experience.

When young children learn their native language, they begin to notice a new word in a variety of situations, environments, and contexts. For example, when hearing the word “white” for the first time, Small child starts repeating it when he sees it White snow, white paper, white sugar. And this is what helps him remember the word quickly and easily. Use a new word more often different situations- try to engage him by retelling the text, doing homework, or fellow students, with native speakers.

  1. Make up examples with new expressions.

When you take a new word or expression, try to write it in a sentence. Firstly, you will remember its spelling, and this is important, and secondly, check whether you correctly understand and use its meaning in context. Read the compiled examples to your teacher or a native speaker friend and check together.

  1. Make up funny stories and absurd dialogues.

If you need to learn a lot of new English words at once, make up a short story or dialogue out of them, funny and absurd. My students and I often use this method. The student writes a story or dialogue at home with new vocabulary and then reads it out in class. We do this at the very beginning of the lesson to relax, tune our brains to the language we are learning and have a good laugh.

  1. Apply labels.

Take a pack of sticky notes and write words from your home or work environment on them. Then glue these leaves to the corresponding objects: a bathroom door- on the bathroom door, “Salt”- on the salt shaker, « a dining table"- on the dining table, a laptop- on a laptop.

The disadvantage of this technique is that you can only apply stickers to accessible physical objects around you; It will not be possible to sign abstract concepts, as well as actions - they will have to be taught in other ways that we have proposed.

  1. Make Mind Maps - intelligence maps.

Mind map- this is a kind of scheme in which we associate certain vocabulary with a concept or event. Moreover, new words may belong to different parts of speech. Words will be remembered more easily thanks to associations, as well as division into groups.

Let's look at an example of a mind map to understand how it works. For example, you want to learn vocabulary related to work (the activities you perform at work). The main word in this diagram will be work. We will assign the following lexical group to it:

  • Get to work - get to work
  • To make a call - call
  • Chat with colleagues – chat with colleagues
  • Check email – check email
  • Reply to letters – respond to letters
  • Sign documents - sign documents
  1. Surround yourself with the words you study.

Do you know what the apartment of one of our students looks like? Made from paper! When she does, behind her, on the walls, furniture, and almost on the ceiling, there are sticky notes with words and expressions that she is studying. We suspect that this is the case throughout the apartment! Every morning she brushes her teeth and repeats the words. Prepares breakfast - repeats words. Putting on makeup for work - repeating the words. After some time, she removes the old remembered leaves and replaces them with new ones. The point is that the cards catch the eye and come across where we spend a lot of time, for example, at our favorite computer. Use technology to your advantage: write 5-10 words on the screen saver, in a couple of days you will remember them well.

  1. Connect your emotions.

Emotional connection and imagination are very important in remembering new words. Emotions can even double the amount of information we remember. You should be interested in what you learn! Choose films and books that are fascinating to you in the language you are learning, read jokes and short funny stories. Watch the translation of your favorite songs, and then sing along. Watch news, travel and animal channels, solve crossword puzzles, play The gallows.

You must love the language you are studying; without this, nothing will work. Our teachers will do everything possible to ensure that the “need” with which you came to us turns into a “want” after the first lesson!

How to learn even more new English words? It is necessary to put them in a certain associative series. Let's take for example ride a bike(to ride a bike), imagine that you decided to teach your son or daughter to ride, taught them, and now ride together. Using this expression, remember how much delight the child had when he went on his own without your support...

Using this method, you can always quickly find the desired expression in your vocabulary - it is enough to find yourself in a situation that requires you to have the same emotional associations that were used when memorizing it.

  1. Study on training sites.

If you can’t imagine learning without a computer, then learn new English words with its help. Study on educational resources if this is more interesting to you than classic cards or notebooks with words. We recommend the site lang-8.com, where you can practice the language by writing and sending texts to native speakers who will correct your mistakes and give recommendations.

  1. Read texts out loud.

The more you read, the more often you encounter new words and the more likely you are to remember them. You should not look up the meaning of every unfamiliar word in the dictionary; this will turn reading from pleasure into torture. Choose only those that are often found in the text or without which it is completely impossible to understand the meaning of the sentence.

  1. Install useful applications.

If you don't have time to make flashcards or draw mind maps, you can install a special program on your smartphone or tablet and learn new English or Spanish or any words you like. We recommend using Lingualeo, Busuu or Duolingo - they are free and the classes are effective.

  1. Test your knowledge.

It's good to go through from time to time various tests per level vocabulary. For example, you can find excellent tests for training oral and written speech at puzzle-english.com or englishteststore.net. After passing such a test, you will immediately see what is stored in your memory and which topics or words need to be repeated.

  1. Execute your daily plan precisely.

The average person is able to learn 5-10 new words per day. Follow your plan for learning new vocabulary exactly to see progress. Regardless of which method you choose, it is better to memorize new English words according to this scheme: “ Writing - pronunciation - translation" Remember that classes must be regular. It is better to learn 10 words every day than 100 words once a week.

Memory is like a muscle; it can atrophy if it doesn't work. Most The best way train your memory - do constant repetitions. If you want your memory to work well, then make it work a little every day.

If you think that self-study using cards and diagrams is not your method, we invite you to try. They will teach you to remember words in context, immediately use them in conversation and put them into practice in everyday situations. Learning new English words in Skype lessons with a personal teacher - isn’t it a pleasant and effective way to spend your time?

LF School warns: learning languages ​​is addictive!

“We forget words as well as names. Vocabulary must be constantly fertilized, otherwise it will die.” Evelyn Waugh, British writer

When starting to learn English, many people want to find the easiest and fastest way to achieve their goal. And since one of the most important goals is, the question arises: how to learn words easily and quickly? Words really can be learned easily, you can learn quickly, but you have to choose - either quickly, but by the sweat of your brow, or easily, but slowly.

I call these two ways of memorizing words easy and hard.

  • The hard way- this is learning words with the help of cards, exercises, when you take a set of, say, 20 words and purposefully memorize them. I call this method difficult because it requires effort to remember. In fact, with a little practice, learning words no longer seems difficult.
  • The easy way– this is incidental, latent memorization while reading, listening, communicating in English. I call this one easy way, because you don’t make any effort to deliberately memorize, but just read, watch, etc.

An easy but slow way to learn English words

Let's start with an easy but slow way - practice. You've probably heard that vocabulary, and knowledge of a language in general, is best developed through practice: reading, listening, speaking and writing.

Indeed, when you read books, look, some of the words stick in your memory. Words that are often repeated or guessed from context are remembered. If you come across words that are difficult and at the same time important for understanding the plot, you have to look for their meaning - such words can also be remembered. When you write or speak, you have to activate your vocabulary, retrieving words, expressions, and whole words from your memory. The more often you use words in speech, the easier they are remembered next time.

Practice is easy way learn words. You don’t study, you don’t study in the usual sense of the word - with a notebook, a textbook, but you just read for pleasure, watch a TV series or communicate. But, unfortunately, it cannot be said that reading or listening is quick way learn words. Yes, words are remembered qualitatively, with reference to context, but in small quantities.

A fast but difficult way to memorize English words

On the other hand, there is a quick way with which you can learn about 20, 50, 100 or even more words in one go - this is memorizing words using double-sided cards.

Why are flashcards an effective way to learn words on your own?

Flashcards are effective because they use the principle of active recall.

Active recall– this is the principle of effective memorization of information, based on active stimulation of memory during the memorization process. Its opposite is passive review, when information is not retrieved from memory, but is simply read.

For example, if you are reading a history textbook, this is passive repetition. If you answer the question “What were the prerequisites for the Decembrist uprising?” - This is active remembering.

Information is remembered better, of higher quality, if it is not just read from the media (read a chapter of a textbook), but also “pumped up” with the help of active recall (retell the chapter and answer the teacher’s questions). This is why textbooks often provide self-test questions at the end of a paragraph - by answering them, you will avoid the effect of “it went in one ear, out the other.”

The easiest way to apply this principle to memorize words is with ordinary double-sided cards with an English word (expression) on one side and Russian on the other.

The simplest way to learn words using cards is this:

  • We make cardboard cards of a convenient size,
  • On one side we write the English word, on the other the translation - at this stage, an initial acquaintance with the “questions” and “answers” ​​takes place.
  • We look at one side, guess the other.
  • Turn the card over and check your guess.

It turns out that by looking at the card, you received question, then goes active recall- an attempt to remember the meaning of a word. Turning the card over, you check answer. The key point is recall; it is at this stage that memory actively works and information is remembered.

If you did not compose a set of cards yourself, but took a ready-made one, you first need to look through them so that an initial acquaintance occurs, that is, so that there is something to remember later.

Cardboard and electronic cards

Cards can be used cardboard or electronic. I used both of them a lot, and I’ll tell you about both options.

Cardboard cards

Flashcards are a simple but extremely useful language learning tool.

I cited above the simplest way learn words using cardboard cards: look at one side, remember the other. To remember words more effectively, I recommend:

  • Words need to be passed in both directions: from English into Russian (easier) and from Russian into English (more difficult). If you remember that “birch” is “birch”, this does not mean that you will remember that “birch” is “birch”.
  • Read the words and say the answer out loud - it helps you remember the word, the correct pronunciation, and the answer.
  • On the first try you will be able to guess only a few words from the deck, on the second you will be able to guess more. Put the guessed and unguessed words in different piles and run the deck until you can guess all the words without hesitation.
  • Ideally, words should be recalled instantly, automatically.
  • The slightest hesitation in an answer is considered an incorrect answer.
  • If you have memorized words, but they are difficult to remember, there is a way to bring recognition to instantaneousness: work through the deck several times with a stopwatch, each time trying to beat the previous time.

You can read more about how to learn words using cardboard cards in the article:

There is a significant drawback to working with cardboard cards: they need to be made and stored. I myself practiced a lot with flashcards, and I remember that it took me longer to cut the cardboard into eight pieces and sign them than to learn the words.

Electronic cards

With electronic cards, the basic principle is the same: look at the word, remember the translation, check the answer. But the electronic format provides many conveniences and opportunities:

  • It's easier to make cards; you don't need to store them.
  • Cards can be made with pictures and automatic voice acting.
  • There are modes and exercises that are impossible with cardboard cards (for example, typing a word under dictation).
  • With the help of words you can always take it with you and repeat it anywhere.
  • Big choice programs for memorizing words.

The last point is not only a plus, but also a problem. There are so many programs with flash cards that it is difficult to choose one. My favorites are Quizlet and Lingualeo.

  • – service for working with cards. If you want an electronic equivalent to paper flashcards, Quizlet is great choice. The program has six word learning modes, including two games. It is very convenient to create sets of words - either one card at a time, or by copying/pasting a list from a file. Words are automatically spoken.
  • . Vocabulary learning is just one of the functions of this multifaceted service. It’s inconvenient to add words manually, but in Lingualeo it’s very convenient to save and then learn words added while reading or watching a video (words can be saved to the dictionary directly from the subtitles). Using the browser plugin “LeoTranslator” (works only in the Chrome browser), words can be saved in the Lingvaleo dictionary and on other sites. Voiceover, transcription, and picture are automatically added to the words.

If you want to create word sets yourself, it is more convenient to use Quizlet. To remember words while reading texts on the Internet (on English-language sites), Lingualeo is very convenient - you will need to install the LeoTranslator browser plugin.

In what cases does it make sense to learn words using cards?

Using flashcards you can learn a lot of words in a short time, but this is not always necessary. Cards are relevant in the following cases:

  • You need to quickly gain a minimum of vocabulary, at least the first 500 words. Without this minimum, you will not be able to read, listen, or talk.
  • You have a basic vocabulary, but you need to learn vocabulary on a specific topic, for example, or words written down while reading a book or watching a movie.
  • You are preparing for an exam.

Basically, the cards are useful for beginners, but if you have a level that allows you to read and listen at least, watch, and understand at least general meaning, talk with mistakes and actively gesticulate, then it is better to focus on practice: read, listen, communicate more.

How not to forget learned words?

Learned information is quickly and inevitably forgotten if it is not used. Even almost completely.

However, forgetting can be minimized:

  • Teach the right words . If you're learning low-frequency words, you'll likely see them very rarely. First of all, you need to learn.
  • Learn words well. With the help of cards, it is better to learn words so that they are recognized instantly, without any movement of the brain. If the word is “underlearned,” then you may not recognize it.
  • Repeat the words. Before starting a new set of words, repeat the previous one - this simple rule will significantly increase the efficiency of your study.
  • Practice, practice, practice! When you learn a word, it enters your memory, but it becomes firmly established when you encounter it while reading, listening, or using it in communication. Without practice in reading, listening, writing and speaking, all your efforts are not only futile, but also meaningless. Why learn a language if you don't use it?

You shouldn't learn too many words a day, raising the bar too high. Many people easily remember 10-20 words in one go. I was able to learn about 50 words in one sitting, and more than 200 words within a day. But I noticed that if you move too quickly, more words are forgotten, and in general it’s difficult to hold on at this pace for long.

How can you learn words quickly and easily by combining two methods?

  • Read the text on English language,
  • Write down unfamiliar words
  • Make sets of cards with these words and memorize them.

Some tips:

  • Read only what you are really interested in
  • Do not write down all unfamiliar words in a row (this way you will quickly lose interest in reading), but only words that are important for understanding the text or words that seem useful.
  • Write down not only words, but also phrases, especially useful ones, such as politeness formulas, greetings, etc.

Personally, I did this: if I was reading a paper book or on my phone, I wrote down the words with a pen in a notebook or saved them in notes on my phone, then created sets of cards and repeated the words. Sometimes I was lazy, and I didn’t make cards, but simply looked through the notes, repeating the words I had written down - even this method helps me remember them. If you read in a browser, you saved the words using “LeoTranslator” and then repeated them using cards on Lingvaleo or simply looking through the list.

You can also combine the two methods using films, TV series, TV shows in English: watch a film, writing down interesting words, and then teach them. The big inconvenience is that the film will have to be paused often. In this regard, the service is convenient. Just hover over the subtitles and the film is paused; click on a word - the translation pops up, and the word is saved in the dictionary. You have to be distracted to a minimum.


Words can be learned quickly, in large quantities, using the “hard way” - with the help of cards and various exercises. This makes sense if you need, for example, to learn words on a certain topic or gain a starting minimum vocabulary. It is important to understand that if you do not read, listen, communicate in English, that is, use a foreign language for its intended purpose, over time, even firmly memorized words will fade from memory.

On the other hand, words can be learned through practice: reading, listening, communicating in English. Some words will remain in memory simply through repetition and understanding their meaning from the context. The nuance is that constant and very extensive practice is required so that using this method the vocabulary is actively replenished.

The methods can be combined - many do so. Read in English, watch films without translation, and if you come across useful words in the process, write them down to clarify the meaning, repeat, learn. Actually, this also applies to the native language.

Are you going on vacation or a business trip abroad and are horrified to realize that you have forgotten everything you were once taught at school? You need to learn a large number of new words, which your teacher claims are very easy to learn. Well, of course, you spent a lot of time and didn’t remember anything at all. Let's now try to figure out how to learn English words correctly.

Why is remembering English words difficult? Firstly, the new English word is precise information, i.e. information that you need to know exactly, 100%.

Try "approximately" or "partially" pronouncing an English word. Foreigners will not understand you. Therefore, it is very important to memorize English words accurately. And any precise information is poorly remembered, even after grueling “cramming” only 20% remains in the memory. Let's take a look at several ways to memorize English words.

1. Mnemonics

“What is it and what is it eaten with?” you ask. We answer: mnemonics is a set of special techniques and methods that facilitate memorization. necessary information and increasing memory capacity by forming associations (connections). The science is quite old. Our ancestors knew 2 thousand years ago that with the “cramming” method, only 20% of the information remains in memory.

Nowadays, mnemonics has been enriched with new techniques, methods, techniques and is one of the components of the “Memory Development Systems”. Let us quote the famous psychologist A.N. Leontiev (“Lectures on general psychology", 2001): "The difficulty is that if you teach like this vocabulary words(foreign - Russian, foreign - Russian), then you will not know the language for a very simple reason: words, including foreign ones, have multiple meanings. There is no value match.

Let's try? For example:

  • “fist” (fist), imagine a giant pistachio that you smash with a tightly clenched fist;
  • The word “ship” is easy to remember if you imagine a ship with huge spikes sticking out of it.

In mnemonics, the “sequence of memorization” is also very important. By “memorization sequence” we mean the order in which the components of an English word are memorized. What are the components of an English word?

Take, for example, the word “wedding” – [‘wedɪŋ] – wedding

  • wedding is the spelling of the English word;
  • [‘wedɪŋ] is the pronunciation of the English word;
  • wedding is a translation of the English word.

So, the English word consists of three components:

  • writing,
  • pronunciation,
  • translation.

And most often in this sequence you wrote down a new English word in the dictionary, and it is in this sequence that English words are presented in numerous books and dictionaries.

Where did you start memorizing?
- Of course, from writing.
- What did you do then?
- Then he said it out loud many times, i.e. “crammed”: “[‘wedɪŋ] – wedding, [‘wedɪŋ] – wedding”...

The following memorization sequence is obtained:
writing - pronunciation - translation.

Memorizing in this sequence is called “recognition”, i.e. you need to see the English word written or heard to remember the translation. That's why we read and translate everything well English texts. That’s why we all understand foreigners when we travel abroad, but we can’t say anything. We can’t say because we can’t quickly and easily remember the translation of the word, i.e. “reproduce” it from memory. This process is called “reproduction” and is the following sequence:
translation - pronunciation - spelling.

Memorizing an English word in this sequence guarantees high quality memorization and high speed recall, but when using a certain method, which we will discuss below.

2. Method "Polyglot"

With this method you will learn to memorize 100-200 new English words a day quickly and easily! The “Polyglot” method is a sequence of mental actions and operations that form the skill of memorization.

“Polyglot” method (for independent memorization of English words):

  • Provide a translation of the word.
  • Choose a consonant Russian word for pronunciation.
  • Connect the image of the translation with the image of the consonant word.
  • “Photograph” is a foreign word.
  • Write a foreign word.
  • Check the quality of visual memorization.
  • Write it down on a card for later review.

Let's use the Polyglot method to remember an English word:
beard – beard – beard

  • "beard" is the translation,
  • and bIed is the pronunciation of the word (the second option is “Russian transcription”),
  • beard is the spelling of the English word,
  • “Taking a picture” of an English word means highlighting the word on all sides with yellow cards (size 6x7 cm) so that only the word “beard” is in the “window”. Now we give ourselves the mindset to remember the graphic image of the word (Remember the spelling!) and read the word out loud 2-3 times.
  • “Checking the quality of visual memorization” means writing the word backwards, from right to left, so that the word is read correctly.

For example:

3. Card method

The flashcard method is a simple and popular way to memorize new vocabulary. Take a stack of cards, write a word in English on one side, and its translation on the other. And now you can learn words anywhere. It’s no secret that during the day we constantly have to get into “time jams” - wait for the director in the waiting room, the dentist in the corridor of the clinic, and so on. At this time, you can not be nervous, but use it to your advantage.

You can also divide the cards into packs. After studying one, move on to the next. Then after a while, return to repeating. This will allow you to transform your passive vocabulary into an active one, that is, remember words and use them in speech.

4. Marking/tag method

Take a pack of stickers, write words on them and stick them to the corresponding objects. There are so many things you can label at home. As you come across them, you will remember them all.

The “disadvantage” of this method is that you can only label those objects that are found in your home, but learning words that have an abstract meaning will be quite difficult. And your family may be annoyed by these stickers.

Words, English, food, cards

5. Method of composing a story/oral topic

Take 10 new words and make up a coherent story with them foreign language. In fact, if you are going to write a story, it is better to take thematically related lexical units and create with them what is called a “topic” in school. In such a text, everything looks reasonable and logical. At the same time, you can practice using words.

True, it is better to compose your own topic based on a preliminary study of several texts on a given topic. Just so that you can observe in what expressions and in what context this or that word is used, and then use the knowledge gained to compose your own story.

The advantage of this method is that you can use the new word in context. The downside is that the story turns out to be quite cumbersome; some people think that it is easier to learn words than to come up with stories. For example, we need to learn the words: “mist” (fog), “morning” (morning), “dew” (dew), “lark” (lark), “birch” (birch).

The thick mist settled over the harbor in the morning. The lark was sitting on the birch and drinking dew from the leaves. (Dense fog spread over the harbor in the morning. A lark sat on a birch tree and drank dew from the leaves.)

6. Breaking words into parts

If you already know a certain number of English words, then the task of memorizing the next ones becomes much easier. There are many words in English that are made up of several others. Knowing the meaning components, you will easily understand the meaning of the whole word. Once you come up with a plot, you will quickly remember it. For example, "crushroom" means foyer. We break it down into parts: “crush” - “crush”, “crumple”, “room” - “room”. The room where the stampede occurs. Here's a ready-made plot: I go into the foyer, and there are so many people in the room, everyone is crushing each other, pushing each other. Or another example: “lawsuit” - trial. You already know that “law” is law, and “suit” is a suit. To a trial where the law is the main thing, you must come in a business suit.

7. Method of phonetic associations (method of analogies)

If a word seems difficult and “unmemorable” to you, select a word or two from your native language for it and build a “bridge” - an association - between these two words. This is the essence of the phonetic association method, which is also called the Atkinson method. For example, the word “dust” (dust) is easy to remember as “This dust gave.” Of course, we know that the word “got” is written with an “o”, but in this case we will focus on the sounds.

8. Computer programs

In the age of technological development, it is possible to involve specialized computer programs. There are a great many of them now. Let's name just a few - OpenBook, EZ MemoBooster, LM Bomber, MyNewWords, Lingvo and others.

9. Expansion of the synonymous series

Another way of memorizing is through expanding the synonymous series. Its essence is to keep a notebook of synonyms, to which you must constantly add new words as you study them. Try to select synonyms for words you hear or see somewhere as often as possible, and repeat synonyms from your notebook from time to time. Mastery of a wide range of synonyms allows you to more accurately express your thoughts in a foreign language, and as a result, your speaking speed will increase. For example:

  • power - force - energy;
  • small - little - tiny;
  • beautiful - handsome - pretty.

10.Table method

The method of learning words using a table seems less effective. Words in a foreign language are written in one column, and the translation is opposite. You read and pronounce these words, and then alternately close one or the other column and thus test yourself. And finally, remember that it is better to learn three words every day than to swallow twenty new words en masse once a week. In our English school via Skype - EnglishDom, we adhere to exactly these rules in teaching a foreign language.

Do you have problems remembering English words and expressions? Do you find it difficult to remember idiomatic and slang expressions? Are you constantly struggling with grammar rules?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone: ​​most people who study face such problems.

Even native speakers have difficulty remembering how to spell a particular word, since there is often no direct connection between the spelling of a word in English and its pronunciation.

The secret to remembering new words and their spelling—for both native and non-native speakers—is to develop a good memory. If you are one of those people with poor memory, read on.

This article will explain several techniques that will help you memorize words and grammar in a much easier way.

First of all, you need to understand how memory works.

So how does memory work?

Our memory stores information. As soon as we see, hear, smell, taste or touch something, our memory places this data in a specific place.

In some cases, however, when we need to retrieve this information, we cannot find it. Sometimes, even when we try to remember something, this piece of information simply cannot be “removed” from its proper place in our memory.

Can I improve my memory?

Yes! you can use aids- mnemonics.

These include pictures, sounds, rhymes or acronyms that make a connection with a word, expression or spelling that is difficult to remember.

Imagine: the sea after a storm with parts and debris from a wrecked boat floating in it, algae and other debris floating aimlessly on the surface.

This is what happens to poorly organized memory. It is difficult to find anything in such a huge pile of disorganized information.

Now imagine a port or harbor where every boat is anchored or docked in the right place. Everything is organized and in its place.

TO The picture is a little unrealistic, but hopefully it will help you imagine what a well-organized memory looks like. Following this analogy, a mnemonic is an anchor that fixes a piece of information on certain place, not allowing him to “drown”.

Let's look at a few different ways using such “memory anchors” for language learning.

Using mnemonics to remember the spelling of words

Spelling mnemonics are used by both native speakers and language learners because it is very easy to get confused when it comes to spelling English words. If you can't remember how to spell a certain word, create a mnemonic link to something that will help you remember.

Here wonderful example: Many are not sure about the correct spelling of the word “vacuum” (vacuum cleaner). They know that there must be a double letter in the middle, but which one, “c” or “u”? The following video presents a wonderful mnemonic technique designed to help with this:

Hear, here! How to remember English homophones

Weather or whether? Hear or here? There, their, or they're?

It is especially difficult to remember the spelling of words that sound the same but have different meanings. And again mnemonics help us!

For example, you confuse the words compl i ment and compl e ment There is a mnemonic to help you understand the difference between these words. Let's take a look at it and you'll never have trouble with these two homophones again.

Compliment is translated as “compliment”, “praise”. This is an expression of delight, admiration.

He told her he admired her music, and she returned the compliment by saying that she was a fan of his poetry. He told her he loved her music, and she returned the compliment by saying she was a fan of his poetry.

Complement, on the other hand, is something that complements or enhances - an addition.

The necklace was a perfect complement for her dress. The necklace was the perfect complement to her dress.

Both words can be verbs or nouns. Also, both can have other meanings depending on the context, but these meanings are the most important.

The difference in spelling between these words is that the word compl e ment has an e in the middle, and compl i ment — i. For those who are fluent in Russian spelling, there will not be much difficulty here, since in our country the word compliment is also written through And. But what if you are confused with the Russian language too? How then can you remember how to spell each word correctly?

Here's a mnemonic for you: antonym compl i ment — i nsult (insult). Insult starts with i, so compl i ment in the middle is also a letter i .

When one thing complements another (one thing complements another), it improves it in some way. Enhance starts with the letter e, so just remember the phrase: if one thing enhances another, it complements it- and you will remember the letter e in the middle of the word.

A barefoot bear drinks beer

Another way to remember words that have the same sound and pronunciation is to create a mnemonic sentence that includes all the words you are trying to remember.

The sentence should make some sense and be simple enough to visualize and remember. For example: A barefoot bear drinks beer. The sentence is a little silly, but it's memorable and helps teach the difference between homophones.

Idioms and slang expressions

A picture that expresses a literal interpretation of an idiom can be an excellent mnemonic.

For example, so that the meaning of the expression " to be all ears» stuck in your memory, imagine a man with large elephant ears facing you. This image will help you remember the meaning and main idea of ​​this idiom.

What do people use to hear? Ears, of course. So, if a person big ears, this means that he is listening carefully to what you say.

By the way, how do you like this literal depiction of the phrase to be all ears?

Now you will probably remember this expression forever. I hope you are not reading this article at night, as some troubles are possible.

What about grammar?

If the structure of English grammar is different from your native one, it can be difficult to understand the logic behind the “alien” grammatical concepts.

Learning grammar rules can take a lot of time and effort before you truly master them.

Mastery means that you feel absolutely confident in it and use the rules of grammar 100% correctly.

Look at 4 rules that will help you understand these very “alien” grammatical rules. Perhaps they will remind you of your own experiences.

  1. I read the rules and read/see/hear examples of their use. I understand the meaning (or at least I think I do). The rule makes sense. More or less…
  2. I start doing the exercises and now I realize that I don't quite understand them. I need to see/hear/read a few more examples before I start using them myself.
  3. Now I understand the idea, but there are so many expressions here! I hear native speakers use this concept incorrectly. Are they just wrong, or is there something that neither my textbook nor my teacher have conveyed to me yet?
  4. Now I know (hopefully) how to use this part of the grammar. I can use it correctly and know several different cases when it needs to be used. Now I own these rules.

This raises a very important question: is it possible to skip a step or two in this process?

Answer: Yes. It's difficult, but possible.

How to Use Mnemonics for Grammar

It is important to be able to visualize (present) a new concept; a mental picture will help you understand and remember it.

Here's an example. In Slavic languages ​​there are no auxiliary verbs for the perfect tense (I have read the book) or for the continuous tense (I am reading the book).

If we draw an analogy with English, in Russian, for example, there is no difference in the sentences “I read” and “I am reading” (in both cases - “I am reading”), since we understand the difference from the context. But there are no differences in verb forms.

In order for us, Russians, to understand the difference between the simple present and simple perfect tense in English, we need to try to imagine two pictures.

For repetitive actions (for example, Present Simple: "I read every day » [I read every day]) imagine a kangaroo jumping up and down on a calendar: I read Monday (jump), Tuesday (jump), Wednesday (jump) and so on.

Well, or this mnemonic for the phrase “I read every day”

For actions that are happening right now (for example, Present Continuous: “I am reading”), you can imagine a river in front of you, filled with words and phrases. You are sitting on the bank of a river, text floats past from left to right, illustrating that the reading process is happening right now.

At first, the difference between these two actions may seem very confusing - one is repetitive and general in nature, and the other is unfolding right now in front of you.

But the pictures definitely help to visualize the difference and eventually internalize it as well.

And one more grammatical example

Let's look at another example of a difficult grammatical concept: stative verbs.

These are verbs that are not usually used in continuous forms, even when we are talking about temporary situations or states. Have you ever been confused by the logic of stative verbs? How can one and the same verb denote both a phenomenon and an action in the same situation?

Example: compare “The girl is smelling the rose” and “The rose smells good.”

How can we know whether it is an action verb (in which case we can use the Present Continuous) or a state verb (in which case we cannot use the Present Continuous)? Visualization will help us again.

Imagine every little step in this process: you are a girl, you take a flower in your hands, bring it to your nose and calmly inhale the delicate aroma of a rose. Where is the action here?

I hope you see the action and understand that, in fact, in this case the action is associated with this whole process.

Now imagine that you are a rose.

What are you doing? What is your action? If you think about it for a couple of seconds, it becomes clear that the flower is not doing anything.

Let's look at a couple more examples:

The cook is tasting the soup. The soup tastes good. (The cook tastes the soup. The soup is delicious.)

I'm feeling your forehead. Your forehead feels really hot. Are you sick? (I feel your forehead. Your forehead is very hot. Are you sick?)

Can you imagine yourself as a chef? What about soup? Can you imagine that you are a forehead?

How to create mnemonics

1. Not all words and expressions are equally important. Therefore, not every vocabulary item “deserves” to have a mnemonic created for it. Identify the words and expressions that really have professional or social meaning for you, and create mnemonics for them first. Don't worry about words that are too rare and "mysterious" that you can't remember.

2. Create mnemonics in English, not in your native language. If your mnemonic is a picture, then try to think of it only in English.

3. Don't overdo it: Don't use too many mnemonics. If you do this, you will have to spend a lot more time memorizing mnemonics instead of reading, writing or speaking English. We all have limits on how much we can remember, so know your limit.

4. Not every mnemonic makes sense to other people. Mnemonics can be divided into two groups: private and public. Public ones are those that can be easily understood by other people. Personal ones, on the other hand, will only be clear to you. Your own mnemonics will be difficult to explain to other people, but don't worry about it: the only thing that matters is your own ability to quickly retrieve a word or concept from your memory.

In this article we will talk about how to memorize English words and make sure that new vocabulary is learned easily. When our brain gets new information, he perceives and then stores it. We may access the stored information in the future. If we cannot restore something, then something from the previous phases went wrong. There are several types of memory - short-term, long-term, perceptual memory, etc. The latter receives information through the work of the senses - when we see, touch, smell something. Short-term, also called working, stores small pieces of information for short periods of time. When we need to remember a word, we must use the long-term one. How to do this most effectively?

Memory is like a muscle; it can atrophy if it doesn't work. Every ability that is neglected becomes weaker. And then it disappears completely. Memory training is very important in how to learn English words quickly. The best way to do this is through constant repetition. If you want your memory to work well, then make it work a little every day. the main objective repetition - making new information take root in our head for a long time without making incredible efforts.

Please note: one of the most important rules on how to turn a passive vocabulary into an active one is to introduce new words into your vocabulary. colloquial speech and use them as often as possible.

Method 1: Repeat Constantly

From all of the above, it follows that constant repetition is the key to effective vocabulary acquisition. This doesn't mean you have to spend days re-reading your dictionary. Dedicate time to new vocabulary every day; you will always have 15 minutes to look into the dictionary and make sentences with the vocabulary you need. If you have the opportunity to communicate in English, then the question “how to learn English words” should not be a problem - without delay, introduce new words (of course, when it is relevant) into your speech.

Method 2. Turn on your emotions

Emotional connection and imagination are very important in remembering new words. Emotions can even double the amount of information we remember. Be interested in what you are learning. Choose films and books in English that are interesting and exciting for you, read jokes and short funny stories. Look at the translation of your favorite songs, and then try to distinguish the words in the flow of speech. Learning doesn't have to be boring - develop your own path, following which you will be primarily interested in learning the language.

If you are just at the initial stage of learning the language, then select films in Russian with English subtitles; instead of books, try to select short stories, which you can easily read.

Method 3: Say the words

Here is another example of how to learn English words. It is no secret that it is easier for every person to remember, guided by different senses. For example, for some it is better to see a word and remember it visually, while for others it is very important to recognize its sound form. Pronounce the words, try to imitate the sound form that you hear in the speech of an English-speaking person. If you are watching a movie or listening to a song, do not be lazy to repeat the words or phrases you like.

Method 4: Learn words in context

Memorizing English words will become much easier if you “select” them from the text. Learning a large number of words without reference to context is a pointless exercise, because they will not be remembered well, and you will not be able to use them effectively in speech. Try to learn the thematic vocabulary you need in groups from relevant texts.

Why is context so important when learning words? The meaning of a word may change depending on the context. For example, studying verb get, you will be faced with the fact that this verb has a very large number of meanings. Which one should you remember first? When you encounter a word in a text, you remember those meanings that are more popular and most used. Let's look at example sentences with the same verbs.

Verb to get

I got out of the car and saw her walking down the street. “I got out of the car and saw her walking down the street.

I don't get what you mean. – I don’t understand what you mean.

I got the parcel yesterday, but forgot to unpack it. – I received the parcel yesterday, but forgot to unpack it.

I got in the bed and started reading the book. – I climbed into bed and started reading a book.

Get ready – we will arrive in 5 minutes. - Get ready - we will arrive in 5 minutes.

As you can see, the same verb surrounded by different text has different meanings.

Get up - get up

Method 5. Read, read and read again

This is a good way to quickly memorize English words. Select literature according to your level of language proficiency. If you are learning English to communicate on a specific topic, then choose appropriate texts. For example, people who are learning English for business communication should definitely read newspapers. The more texts you master, the better the repeated words will be remembered, which you can then freely use in your speech, because You have already seen their use in various texts.

Don’t write out all the words in a row, try to understand the text. Keep a dictionary, however, do not “overload” it with a huge mass of words that you will not only remember, but will find quite difficult to re-read.

Method 6. Use intuition and knowledge of grammar

Often in different languages ​​there are words that are very similar in both sound and spelling. If, for example, you are reading a book, then do not pay attention to them, because... your intuition will tell you their meaning. Let's look at examples of such words:

  • Computer - computer.
  • Organization – organization.
  • Number – number.
  • Identical - identical.
  • Minute - minute.
  • Second – second.
  • Motorcycle - motorcycle.
  • Program – program.
  • Telephone - telephone.
  • Grammar - grammar.
  • Nose - nose.

Knowing the meaning of prefixes and suffixes will also help you determine the meaning of a word if the meaning of the root is clear to you.


For example, the prefix dis means separation, the negative meaning of the word.

  • Disconnect - disconnect (connect - connect).
  • Divide - to divide.
  • Distant - distant.
  • Distribute - distribute.
  • Divorce - divorce.
  • Dishonest - dishonest (honest - honest).
  • Disrespect - disrespect (respect - respect).
  • Disbelief - disbelief (belief - faith).
  • Disgrace - shame (grace - grace, decency).

In denotes movement towards an object, inward.

  • Inside - inside.
  • Income - arrival.
  • Inflow - inflow.
  • Inbound - arriving.
  • Internal - internal.
  • Inward - internal.
  • Intake - reception.
  • Inland is the inner part of the country.

The prefix re often carries the connotation of a repetitive action.

  • Repeat - repeat.
  • Renew – update.
  • Retell - retell.
  • Review - revise.
  • Revolve - rotate.
  • Rename – rename.
  • Remind - remind.
  • Remember - remember.
  • Replace - replace.

The prefix un denotes the opposite meaning.

  • Undo - redo (do - do).
  • Unhappy - unhappy (happy - happy).
  • Unsatisfied - dissatisfied (satisfied - satisfied).
  • Unlock - unlock (lock - lock).
  • Unpack - unpack (pack - pack).
  • Unemployed - unemployed (employed - hired to work).


The suffix –er is often used in comparisons.

  • Big - bigger (big - more).
  • Small - smaller (small - smaller).
  • Kind – kinder (kind – kinder).
  • Bright – brighter (bright – brighter).
  • Funny - funnier (funny - funnier).
  • Red – redder (red – redder).
  • Clean – cleaner (clean – cleaner).

The suffix less has the meaning “without” or “not under the influence.”

  • Friendless - having no friends.
  • Tireless - tireless.
  • Clueless - no idea.
  • Priceless - priceless.

We often use the suffix –est to show superlative degree adjective, denote the meaning “most”.

  • The coldest - the coldest.
  • The hottest - the hottest.
  • The greatest - the greatest, greatest.
  • The busiest - the busiest.
  • The longest - the longest.

Method 7. Make Mind Maps

A mind map is a diagram in which we associate certain vocabulary with a concept or event. Moreover, new words may belong to different parts of speech. Words will be remembered more easily thanks to associations, as well as division into groups.

Let's look at an example of a small similar diagram that will demonstrate how to quickly memorize English words. For example, you want to learn office-related vocabulary. The main word in this scheme will be office. From this word there will be another one, let's call it a word of the second rank, it will include all the actions that people usually perform day after day while in the office. This word is work - to work. We will assign the following lexical group to it:

  • To call - to call.
  • To wait - to wait.
  • To argue - to argue.
  • To discuss - discuss.
  • To write - to write.
  • To type – print.
  • To sign - to sign.

Mind map - associative map

We can also make a group of words that describe all the main objects that can be seen in the office. This group may be called furniture and equipment.

  • Desk - table.
  • Task chair – office chair.
  • Telephone - telephone.
  • Computer - computer.
  • Keyboard - keyboard.
  • Monitor – monitor.
  • Printer – printer.
  • Calendar – calendar.
  • Noticeboard – a board for notes.
  • Pen - pen.
  • Pencil - pencil.
  • Marker – marker.
  • Scissors - scissors.
  • Paper clips - paper clips.
  • Stapler - stapler.
  • Paper - paper.

Office supplies

Review the basic principles for memorizing words: