Making cream from cream. Whipped cream - recipe for different occasions

Everyone knows about the high calorie content of whipped cream, but few can resist delicious cake or a brownie with sweet creamy foam. That's why housewives often buy whipped cream. However, a store-bought product is not useful, because... its composition is full of many chemicals. That's why the best option- beat milk product Houses. We will talk further about how to make whipped cream at home.

Homemade whipped cream can be used to prepare various cakes, pastries, and fruit salads. Or you can simply serve it as a separate dish, adding berries, chocolate or sweet topping.

Whipped cream in an ice cream maker

There are several ways to whip cream and the easiest way is to use a regular ice cream maker.


  • 300 gr. fat cream at least 33%;
  • 15 gr. gelatin;
  • 1 egg white;
  • Powdered sugar to taste;
  • 10 gr. vanilla sugar.


  1. An ice cream maker will help you whip up the product quickly and without hassle. It is not recommended to beat more than 300 grams at a time. cream.
  2. The product must be well cooled, because... It simply won’t rise when warm. Add white or brown sugar to your taste, but it is still better to use powdered sugar.
  3. At the beginning of whipping, you can add any filler or a little aromatic alcohol (liqueur, cognac).
  4. To stabilize the consistency of the product, you need to add pre-soaked and heated gelatin and raw egg white.
  5. Fill the ice cream maker with the prepared mixture and start churning at low speed.
  6. When a soft, foamy consistency forms, increase the speed by one notch. Gradually increase the speed until a light air mass is formed. It is very important not to overbeat, otherwise the mixture will settle and turn into a shapeless oily mess.

Every housewife sooner or later wonders how to make whipped cream at home. This can be easily done using a regular household mixer. You just need to learn a few simple rules.


  • 500 ml 33% cream;
  • 50 gr. granulated sugar;
  • whipped cream fixative, either egg or gelatin.


  1. Pour the dairy product into a glass or metal deep bowl, tighten the top cling film. We put everything on the refrigerator shelf for an hour. We also send the whisks from the mixer there. This way, we cool the product itself, the mixing utensils and the whisks with which we will work.
  2. Meanwhile, use a coffee grinder to grind the sugar into powder. The resulting product is additionally sifted through a fine sieve to remove large particles of sugar.
  3. After an hour, take the dishes out of the refrigerator, remove the film and begin to beat in a circular motion at low speeds, gradually increasing the speed.
  4. After 5-7 minutes, when the mass begins to thicken noticeably, add powdered sugar a little at a time. It will make the mass sweetish and help the cream form a stable foam.
  5. Beat for another 5-6 minutes until stiff peaks form. You can't beat it for too long, because... It may turn out to be oil.
  6. To thicken and consolidate the consistency, add a little lemon juice. You can substitute a ready-made whipped cream fixative. It, like lemon juice, egg or gelatin, is added to the mass last.
  7. The finished mass can be supplemented with various fillers and mixed carefully. Having put everything into portioned containers, we send it to cool, because... at room temperature natural cream will quickly spread.

How to whip cream with a whisk

Oddly enough, the best way to make whipped cream at home is to whip it by hand with a simple whisk. More oxygen gets into such a churned product, it turns out more fluffy and stable.


  • 350 ml heavy cream (33-35%);
  • 30 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon lemon juice;
  • 10 gr. vanilla sugar.


  1. The 2 golden rules for whipping cream either by hand or with a mixer are cold and high fat content of the cream. The product must contain at least 33% fat. The cream, the utensils, and even the whisk itself must be well cooled. To do this, immediately pour them into the container where the whole process will take place, cover it with cling film and place it together with a whisk in the cold for at least 2 hours. The mixing bowl must have a wide top to ensure good air flow.
  2. For more effective whipping, place a bowl of chilled cream on ice. This will allow the product to remain chilled during the beating process.
  3. Keep the bowl tilted, this will allow the product to circulate better and speed up the formation of a stable consistency.
  4. We begin to work with a whisk, gradually accelerating. When the mass thickens a little, add a spoonful of powdered sugar and vanilla, mixing in another portion each time.
  5. We continue to beat in a circular motion, covering the entire surface.
  6. The cream can be considered ready when the circulation of the mass stops and a noticeable relief pattern forms on the surface. It is important not to miss this moment, otherwise the cream will break down and settle.
  7. At the end of cooking, add lemon juice to stabilize the whipped cream.

Video recipe on how to make whipped cream at home

Whipped cream made from milk and butter


  • 300 ml fresh milk;
  • 250 gr. oils;
  • 50 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 1 packet of vanilla.


  1. We take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance so that it softens.
  2. Boil the milk and skim off the foam.
  3. Cut the butter into small pieces or grate it on a coarse grater into hot milk.
  4. Armed with a mixer, thoroughly mix the mass until a thick paste is obtained.
  5. Cover the bowl with cream and place it on the refrigerator shelf for 8 hours or overnight.
  6. Then we take it out and start beating at low speeds, gradually increasing the speed.
  7. When soft peaks begin to form, add vanilla and sugar.
  8. Continue beating until you get a stable fluffy mass.
  9. We immediately use the finished milk cream for its intended purpose or store it in the refrigerator under a closed lid.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about making whipped cream at home. You just need to clearly understand some of the culinary subtleties of preparing this product. Bon appetit and delicious desserts everyone!

Whipped cream is an excellent airy treat that both children and adults love. The modern gastronomic assortment offers ready-made whipped cream in the form of a balloon, but some do not like it too much because of its overtly perfumed smell and cloying taste. A homemade product is always better than store-bought. You can add your favorite toppings, herbs and spices to it, and most importantly - do not doubt its naturalness finished product. Therefore, if your soul asks for whipped cream, you can prepare it in several ways at home.

Whipped cream from ice cream maker

  • Heavy cream (at least 30%);
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Gelatin and chicken egg white (if the cream is low-fat).

How to cook?

  1. If you take into account the presence of an ice cream maker, the cream is whipped in the processor. You can sweeten them with white or brown sugar to taste. But it is better to use powdered sugar for their preparation.
  2. Using an ice cream maker, you can add a little liqueur or topping of your choice to the cream.
  3. The cream cooks evenly in the ice cream maker, so it doesn't have to be too rich. However, it is better to play it safe by adding a little gelatin (about 15 g) and protein chicken egg. It should be remembered that whipped cream, if made from a low-fat base, may lose taste qualities and ruin the consistency.
  4. You need to whip the cream at minimum speed until a soft, dense foam forms. After this happens, the speed must be increased by one level. Continue vigorous beating until the mixture becomes fluffy. The speed should be adjusted gradually so that your cream does not turn into an oily mixture.
  5. When making whipped cream using an ice cream maker, try not to use more than 200-300 g of whipping product at a time.
  6. Ready-made whipped cream can be added to various desserts and ice cream, or you can flavor it with berry and caramel toppings, chopped nuts, fresh berries and fruits, and enjoy them separately.

Whipped cream prepared using a mixer

For preparation you will need the following ingredients:

  • Heavy cream (33%-35%);
  • Sugar or powdered sugar;
  • Whipped cream fixative, egg or gelatin;
  • Vanillin and spices to taste.

How to cook?

  1. When making whipped cream using a mixer, you must adhere to the same proportions as for an ice cream maker. The amount of liquid cream should not exceed 300 g.
  2. The fattier the cream, the less time should be allocated for its preparation. For cream with 33% fat content, the standard whipping time is 5 minutes, for a product with 35% fat content and higher - 1-2 minutes.
  3. It is recommended to start whipping the cream at the minimum speed of the mixer, periodically turning it off and increasing the previous intensity. Ready cream should not spread or lose its shape after serving. Beating should be completed at the moment when noticeable circulation of the substance stops.
  4. A flavored dessert can be made by adding whiskey or bourbon, vanilla or anise extract, crushed almonds, and citrus zest to the cream.
  5. A prerequisite for successful preparation of whipped cream is the cold temperature of the liquid. The cream should not be frozen, but a product at room temperature will not work either. Otherwise, separation may occur during the beating process, which will lead to the formation of whey. To cool the cream, just before whipping, you can place the bowl in a large container filled with ice. Some people prefer to put the cream in the freezer along with the mixer whisk.
  6. Some chefs recommend adding fresh lemon juice to the thick consistency of whipped cream. This way the mass retains its shape and is fixed.
  7. You can use a ready-made whipped cream fixative, which is sold in the store. It, like citric acid, gelatin or egg, is added to the cream last.
  8. An excellent recipe for an original spread for bread and pie: beat the cream cheese, and in another container the cream with the addition of vanilla, sugar and a pinch of salt. The cream must be whipped until soft, so that the mixture does not become too fluffy. Combine the products and beat again. The mixture will be much thicker and stiffer than regular whipped cream and is best suited as an addition to pies and baked goods.

If oil does form during the beating process, do not rush to throw away the product. Separate it from the whey, heat it slightly in a steam bath, beat the oily mixture with a mixer, gradually adding a thickener. This way, over-whipping cream can make an excellent thick buttercream.

Whipped cream prepared with a whisk

If you don't have an ice cream maker and mixer at home, you can whip the cream using a whisk. This will require more effort, but experts say that this is how cream is preserved. delicate taste and amazing consistency. You need to whip by placing the bowl of cream at an angle so that the liquid circulates.

The most important question is how to whip cream correctly at home? Some of my tips will answer this question for you:
For quick whipping, use a mixer or do it with a whisk by hand. The blender is not intended for whipping. It can be used if there is an attachment - a whisk.

Choose fresh, high-quality cream and, most importantly, suitable fat content. The best is 30 - 33%, with it the cream is whipped perfectly, since it is the fat that gives good foam. A product with a lower fat content of 10 or 20% will be suitable, but the whipping will be worse and you will not achieve airiness. In this case, housewives add whites or gelatin to thicken. The cream should not be warm or frozen, in this case, instead of beautiful and delicious dessert you risk getting butter and whey in return - the cream will separate. Cool them slightly before whisking, but don't overbeat them.

The dishes and whisk should also be cold; keep them in the freezer before work. To do this, it is better to take metal utensils rather than glass or ceramic. These materials are too fragile for the freezer.
To prevent the container with cream from heating up during operation, place it in ice water.
Try not to whip the entire portion of cream at once; divide into parts of 250 - 300 ml.
Also, do not make the mixer speed high at once - speed up gradually.
It is better if you take powdered sugar instead of sugar; it dissolves poorly and takes a long time, and will crunch on your teeth.
The finished product is stored for no longer than 12 hours, then they settle; the stabilizer increases their shelf life, but it affects the taste.
To reduce the calorie content of the dessert, you can add a little milk.
To make the treat beautiful, add fruits, food coloring, and chocolate.

How long to whip cream:

The whole process will take you 10 minutes, no less. You can tell when the dessert is ready if the cream has become fluffy and whipped into foam. Pay close attention to the circles around the whisk as you beat. As soon as they become barely noticeable and look like clouds, the cream is ready, and if you turn the dish over, the cream will remain in place.
You can check readiness in another way: pierce the dessert with a knife (or stick your finger in, it’s faster). If the hole does not close, there is no need to beat it anymore.

Classic whipped cream recipe

Cream with a fat content of at least 30% - 400 ml.
Sugar (or even better, powdered sugar) – 6 tbsp. spoons
Vanillin – 7 gr.

How to make classic whipped cream correctly:

First you need to cool the cream: pour it into a metal container and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.
Place the container in another (it should be wider) and pour ice water into it. For the first few minutes, whip the cream at low speed without any sugar.
When the cream becomes a little thicker, add powdered sugar and beat everything together for 2 - 3 minutes with a mixer at low speed. It is best to introduce the powder little by little: add it and beat it, then add another portion and beat it again.
Then slowly increase the speed to maximum. Experienced confectioners say that it is better to beat with whisks, in this case more air gets into the cream and it becomes fluffier. At the same time, add vanillin.
Continue until an air mixture forms. There should be a whisk mark or stable peaks on the cream.
This means you need to stop whipping, otherwise you will end up with sweet butter instead of dessert.

Whipped cream - recipe

The main task when preparing cream from cream is to achieve a thick and strong foam; for this, gelatin is introduced here. It can be used for cakes or cakes - it holds its shape well.
Heavy cream, 33% - 500 ml.
Powdered sugar – 70 gr.
Gelatin – 1 large spoon with a heap.
Water - a quarter glass.

How to make whipped cream for cream:

The first thing to do is place the cup with the cream and whisk in the refrigerator to cool if you are whipping without a mixer. It also needs to be refrigerated if you decide to use it.
Shortly before starting cooking, soak the gelatin in cold water and let it swell. After 20 - 30 minutes, heat it until it completely dissolves, but do not let it boil. Set aside to cool.
Now let's move on to the main steps: we begin to whip the cream into foam, as described in the first recipe, first at low speed. Then we slowly begin to add the powder, and when everything is laid out, pour in the gelatin. Increase the speed gradually.
Continue whisking everything together until the cream becomes thick and has a strong, stable shape.
If this is cream for a cake, then you should immediately coat the biscuit with it, decorate it with a pattern and put it in the refrigerator.
How to do chocolate cream for whipped cream cake
Homemade whipped cream with chocolate can be either an independent dessert or serve as a cake decoration. In the first case, immediately after cooking, transfer it to bowls and put it in the cold for a while. If you are making it for a cake, then frost the layers or decorate it and also put it in the refrigerator.

Cream 20% fat – 2 cups.
Powder - a third of a glass.
Gelatin – 1 teaspoon.
Cocoa powder 30 g (or 50 g chocolate).

Step-by-step recipe for making chocolate cream:

First of all, fill the gelatin with cream, for this use a third of the total amount. Wait until it swells and place the bowl with the contents in another container with water. Heat it, stirring frequently until the gelatin dissolves. Then set aside and let cool.
Dissolve cocoa powder in hot cream, use another 1/3 of the amount. Stir until completely dissolved. If you decide to use chocolate, you also need to melt it first - mixing with cream will become easier.
Now mix the rest of the cream with the powder and start whisking slowly. When the first foam appears, pour in the chocolate cream, and after a while, carefully add the gelatin.

Cream is now involved in almost every baking or dessert recipe - sometimes in its original form, sometimes in whipped form. A wonderful, delicate mass that melts on the tongue, leaving a light creamy aftertaste... No " vegetable cream"cannot be compared with them. However, the natural product is quite capricious and loves to let you down in the most important point. We will look at how to make whipped cream at home in this article.

What you need to know

As mentioned above, cream is fickle and regularly pretends to be “poor relatives,” categorically refusing to whip into a fluffy foam when all the other components of the dish are ready and time is running out. How to protect yourself by minimizing the risk of failure? So, educational program:

Don't neglect these tips. And you will get a wonderful cream. Whipped cream (the recipe you use is secondary) will not let you down.


It's no secret that cakes are different from cakes. In some cake layers, they are dry, and to achieve the best result, the cream must be fluid, so it can better saturate the layers; in others, the base is juicy in itself, and therefore the cream requires durability, the ability to hold its shape without spreading. All this affects the degree to which the creamy mass needs to be whipped.

Cakes with mousses stand apart - in order for them to have the correct consistency, not rubbery and dense, but tender, you cannot achieve a “stone” consistency from the cream. How to whip cream for a mousse cake? The correct consistency is soft peaks; confectioners also call it “three quarters”, that is, it holds its shape, but is barely noticeable.

Meanwhile, the subject of the article can be used not only in the form of a cream, but also as part of the foundation. If you add a little pre-whipped cream to the usual biscuit mixture, you will be very pleased with the result.

Sponge cake with whipped cream

At the end you get a kind of cake shape, but not as heavy and greasy as in the case of butter. It can be used both as a base for a cake and as an independent dessert, served with sauces and berries to taste. It will require the following products:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • cream with a fat content of at least 33% - 175 grams;
  • flour - 125 grams;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch.

Preheat the oven to 180 o C. Sift flour with baking powder into a bowl.

Beat eggs with sugar and cream in separate bowls until fluffy and stable foam. We discussed above how to make whipped cream at home (correctly!).

Fold the cream into the egg mixture using the folding method, trying to keep it light. Add the flour mixture in two stages, mixing in the same way.

Place the dough in the pan and bake for half an hour. Cool.


What if you really need cream for the cream, but you can’t find it in stores? Human ingenuity did not fail here either.

So, what's the difference between milk and whipping cream? Fat level. By increasing the fat content of milk, we will obtain a mass similar in composition to cream. To do this, take:

  • butter (quality!) 80% fat content - 500 grams;
  • milk 2.5% fat - 500 ml.

From the specified amount you will get a liter of cream at the output.

To make whipped cream from milk, grate the butter into the milk and heat over low heat until the butter is completely dissolved. Milk should not boil!

Pour the mass into a brander and “chop” the mass with the “knife” attachment for 3-4 minutes - it is necessary that the milk and butter combine well. This is necessary so that the mass becomes more or less homogeneous, which will allow it to whip into a beautiful foam and not form lumps.

After this, pour the mixture into any container with a lid that is convenient for you. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and press the lid on top - this measure will help prevent condensation, since it will be more difficult to make whipped cream at home once it appears. Cool to room temperature and refrigerate overnight. That's all, the cream is ready, you can use it.

Without additives?

Today it is difficult to surprise anyone with ordinary whipped cream, since their taste itself, without fillers, is still simple. Of course, if the cakes have a rich, rich taste, then the overall combination can please you, but if we're talking about about an ordinary sponge cake, then you should come up with something more complicated. Of course, you can stir melted chocolate into the already whipped cream and calm down, but we offer several creams that are more complex and tastier.


Whipped cream (there is a photo of it in the article), with its rather restrained taste, can add airiness and tenderness to an expressive but dense cream.

So, for example, you can cook Kurd:

  • fruit juice with a bright taste (lemon, lime, passion fruit) - 70 ml;
  • egg yolks - 4 pcs.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 100 grams;
  • butter - 70 grams.

Mix everything except the oil in a bowl and place in a water bath. Cook until thickened over low heat, avoiding boiling. Remove from heat, add butter, beat and cool.

The curd turns out bright, tasty, concentrated. We have already told you how to whip cream for a cake; it will go perfectly with this fruity custard. Gently mix both mixtures until smooth and use them.

In cooking, cream is used to prepare the most different dishes: sauces, salads, soups, desserts, drinks. They make ice cream, condensed milk, and liqueurs. They are also whipped, and this foam-like mass is layered into layers of cakes and pastries. It is used to fill eclairs and cover berries. Since the mid-twentieth century, ready-made whipped cream in aerosols began to be sold. The squeezed foam looks very appetizing, but there is no benefit from it: the can contains not cream at all, but vegetable fats, which are saturated with air when released. Consequently, such a product falls off just as quickly, and its taste is very vaguely reminiscent of the divine delicate sensation of real milk. Therefore, it is best to whip natural cream at home.

Product selection and preparation for the process

It is quite difficult to remove the top from settled milk - this requires a special container that separates the cream from the expressed base. Therefore, it is better to buy a whipping product in the store. It is sold in the widest range: 10%, 20%, 30%. If we want to use cream for a cake, we need the latest products. With less fat content, cream can only be whipped by adding eggs or gelatin. This is how parfaits or mousses are prepared. Before we begin the whipping process, we need to thoroughly cool not only the product itself, but also the dishes (enamel saucepan with high edges), and even the mixer or whisk.

Whipped cream - cappuccino recipe

We take the container with 20% fat cream out of the freezer, where it has been left for at least 10 minutes, and immediately begin whipping. At the same time, we prepare natural coffee on the stove. You should already have grated chocolate or cinnamon on hand. Lower the whisk of an electric mixer into the liquid and hold the saucepan at an angle of 45 degrees. Beat at maximum speed until foam forms. You can also use a hand whisk, but it will take longer. Pour coffee into a cup by a third, add sugar if desired. Using a spoon, carefully spread milk foam over the top, sprinkle with cinnamon or grated chocolate. This “pillow” will protect the coffee from cooling and give it a delicate creamy taste.

Whipped cream - recipe for berry desserts

Place both whisks of the electric mixer into a saucepan with chilled 30% cream and turn it on at low speed. If you immediately set the device to full power, the liquid will begin to separate into pieces of butter and buttermilk. When there are a lot of air bubbles, you can switch the mixer to medium speed. If unstable foam forms, you need to turn the whisk speed to maximum. Since the berries are not sweet, you need to gradually add powdered sugar to the saucepan, sifting it through a strainer so that there are no lumps. Don't overdo it: for each glass of cream there should be no more than 25-30 grams of powder.

Whipped cream - recipe for creams

If buttermilk falls off in a bowl of berries, there will be no big disaster, but if this happens when we spread it on the cake, it will be a disaster. Therefore, for creams you need to take a product with only 30% fat content or higher. Keep the dishes and mixer in the cold and churn, placing the saucepan on ice. Stop the churning process only when the trail of the whisks remains firmly in the mass, like a ski track on the snow. You also need to turn off the mixer gradually, reducing the speed from maximum to minimum. For cream, you can add various products to whipped cream. The recipe for a cake or pastry will indicate what it can be: coconut, cocoa, vanilla, grated zest or chocolate. We also add flavoring seasonings in small portions, whisking at low speeds or stirring with a spoon from bottom to top.