Vegetable-based dry cream. What is dry cream valued for? Product benefits. Depending on the milk raw material there are.

Cream represents milk product, obtained by separation, they contain many vitamins and a large amount of lecithin. Lecithin is very important for normalizing cholesterol metabolism, which, in turn, prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Dairy cream often replaces dry cream: their main difference is that they are a dry analogue and are made from vegetable fats, rather than from whole fat cow's milk.

Composition and calorie content

The composition and nutritional value of dry cream is determined depending on the method of its production. As a rule, they are made from a natural plant base. The oil, which contains vegetable fats, is diluted with water, and various flavorings are added to this mixture. The product often contains palm kernel, coconut and palm oils. The addition of special milk proteins gives the dry cream its aroma and creamy color.

Dry cream is divided into two types according to its composition:

  • with sugar;
  • without sugar (contain 2.5% more protein; 100 grams of whole fresh milk is comparable to 35 grams of dry cream with a fat reduction of 21 grams).

It is very important that dry cream has a lower calorie content than natural cream (especially for those who count calories daily).

  • They contain absolutely all the components necessary to maintain the tone of the human body.
  • It is a source of calcium and phosphorus, proteins and vitamins.
  • Any drink with the addition of dry cream gives vigor, energy and strength for a fruitful working day.
  • The presence of a plant extract in the composition allows dry cream to be consumed by people who cannot include regular milk and higher-fat dairy products in their diet for various reasons.
  • How much does a dry cream substitute cost (average price per 1 kg)?

    Moscow and Moscow region.

    Such a product as cream has become commonplace for the vast majority of the inhabitants of planet Earth, including our compatriots. Under the cream in Food Industry understand a dairy product that is made from whole cow's milk using the process of separating the fats contained in the original raw materials.

    As a rule, you can find pasteurized cream on sale, which contains from 10% to 35% milk fat. In addition, canned and dry cream are especially popular. Since in chemical composition The product contains a fairly large amount of fat; cream is a highly nutritious food product.

    Since the Middle Ages, cream has become an integral attribute of the European culinary tradition. Cream is used as an ingredient in the preparation of sour cream, as well as butter. In addition, cream is a fundamental ingredient in the production of certain types of sauces, soups, as well as confectionery, baked goods and sweets.

    Dairy cream is used to produce high-quality confectionery creams, as well as ice cream and desserts. Coffee lovers add cream to coffee drinks, both hot and refreshing cold. Special place Cream is used in the preparation of some types of world-famous both alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails.

    It is worth noting that modern food manufacturers, to reduce the cost of the production process and reduce costs, use a cream substitute, the so-called vegetable cream. A dry cream substitute is a product that is produced from plant components, namely fats, as well as milk. In accordance with international standards dry cream substitutes should not contain components plant origin that have undergone genetic modifications.

    Various dairy products are widely popular among the population. They are an excellent source of a number useful substances, as well as a wonderful food product for everyone age groups. In addition, many of us actively use dry analogues of dairy products, one of the representatives of which is cream. But at the same time, many users wonder what this product consists of and whether it has any benefits for our health. Let's try to answer this question, and also figure out whether dry cream can harm our body.

    The specific composition, as well as the nutritional level of dry cream, is largely determined by the method of its production. Most often, such a product is prepared using a natural plant base. In this case, the oil containing vegetable fats is slightly diluted with water, after which various flavoring components, often of artificial origin, are added to this mixture. Ready-made dry cream can contain palm kernel oil, as well as coconut and palm oil. In addition, the ingredients include dry milk proteins, which give the product its aroma and creamy color. This additive is usually sodium casein.

    Among other ingredients, dry cream contains stabilizers, various acidity regulators, as well as emulsifiers, flavors and colorings.

    Natural cream has a richer nutritional composition. So they contain a significant amount of choline and vitamin PP, are a source of vitamins E and H. In addition, they contain ascorbic acid, vitamin D and a number of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12). Dry cream also contains vitamin A and a number of mineral elements - tin, strontium and cobalt. They contain some amount of aluminum, fluorine and selenium, as well as copper, chromium, manganese and zinc. Dry cream is also a source of some iodine, sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine, magnesium, sodium and calcium.

    How much energy does cream powder contain? Calorie content of the product

    Dry cream is available in two different types– with and without added sugar. It is worth considering that such a product has much lower calorie content than a natural one. This fact will be especially pleasant for those who systematically count calories. One hundred grams of sugar-free cream powder contains only seventy-five calories, while its dairy counterpart can contain up to two hundred and eighty calories.

    What is dry cream valued for? Product benefits

    Perhaps one of the most important advantages of such a product is its low calorie content, which makes it safe even for those who are actively losing weight. In addition, dry cream can be stored for a long time, which cannot be said about natural dairy products. They also contain minimal amount fat, and no “bad” cholesterol at all. Quite convenient is the fact that dry cream can be mixed with any components without it curdling or losing volume. This product is a wonderful source of absolutely all components important for maintaining tone in our body. In addition, dry cream contains calcium and phosphorus, some vitamins and amino acids, which adds to their usefulness.

    Drinks with the addition of such a product can invigorate the body, as well as give it strength and energy for maximum fruitful activity. Since such cream is produced on a plant basis, it is allowed for consumption even by those people who cannot take regular milk and other fatty dairy products due to different features body.

    Another significant plus of this product– this is its insignificant cost.

    To whom is dry cream dangerous? Harm to the product

    The main harm that dry cream can cause to our body is due to the presence of a number of dry preservatives in its composition, as well as food additives. That is why allergists strongly advise against consuming them if you are predisposed to various allergic conditions, and also suffer from individual intolerance to dyes and food additives.

    Doctors say that the composition of dry cream is not particularly safe for our health, since the trans-isomeric acids in them are not very well absorbed by the body and are inherently carcinogenic. It is believed that such particles can provoke the development of cancer. At the same time, dry cream is a fairly common additive. They are added to most pastries, as well as cakes and other industrially produced confectionery products.

    Where will the dry cream be by the way? Product Application

    Dry cream is simply diluted hot water, adding to any drink - coffee, tea or cocoa. Usually, in this case, one or two teaspoons of this product are used at a time.

    In addition, confectionery dry cream is an ingredient for many culinary products. So you can even buy a sweet dried mixture intended for whipping.

    In industry, this product is used to make various products - yogurt, ice cream, mayonnaise, as well as various drinks, frozen products, soups and semi-finished products. Based on them, various soups and sauces, creams, as well as combined oils are prepared, baby food, condensed milk, etc.

    When consumed in moderation, dry cream cannot harm your health.

    Dry cream substitute is a mixture in the form of a powdery substance from white to bright yellow color. The appearance of such a product is due to the rise in price of natural animal cream, the development of food chemistry and the development of new products that require large quantity ingredients with long shelf life.


    The dry cream substitute contains fats of vegetable origin. Some manufacturers may use milk protein and sodium caseinate as ingredients.

    In accordance with international standards, cream substitutes should not contain genetically modified plant components. To do this, manufacturers must control suppliers of palm, palm kernel and coconut oil, which are sources of fat. The cream also contains glucose syrup, flavoring identical to natural, emulsifiers E471, E472; stabilizers E340, E331, E452; baking powder E551 and dye E160a.


    Dry cream substitute is used:

    • in confectionery and flour products;
    • in fillings of pastries and cakes;
    • in chocolate, glaze;
    • in coffee drinks 3 in 1;
    • in yoghurts, milkshakes;
    • in soups, sauces, mayonnaise;
    • in sausages, canned meat.


    The advantages of a plant-based dry cream substitute include:

    • lack of cholesterol present in animal cream, which is important for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • Availability useful vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, E, PP;
    • the presence of valuable microelements - potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper, magnesium, calcium, zinc;
    • low calorie content compared to animal analogues - 579 kilocalories per 100 grams of product;
    • low cost of production;
    • full compatibility with all products and additives;
    • long shelf life.


    The technology for producing a cream substitute consists of the following steps:

    • vegetable fats are diluted with water;
    • Various additives are added to give the desired taste;
    • The liquid is evaporated until the product becomes powdery.

    GOST for a substitute for dry cream has not yet been developed; each manufacturer creates its own technical conditions.

    Buy dry cream substitute

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    Instant drinks, desserts, cheese mixtures, ice cream and many other products often contain vegetable cream. Some consumers try to avoid such products, believing that there is nothing natural in them and cannot be. Others, on the contrary, prefer those products in the production of which not dairy products were used, but vegetable cream.


    This product, unlike natural milk, is synthesized by mixing several components. First of all we're talking about o Its origin may vary. In most cases, coconut or coconut oil is used, but there are also other options. Another essential component from which vegetable cream is produced is water, which is used to dilute the butter. As for other ingredients, they largely depend on the purpose of the product and its manufacturer. These can be natural and artificial flavors to add aroma and appropriate taste, and stabilizers to ensure longer storage.

    What are they like?

    Very different. Firstly, dry and liquid. Powders are intended mainly for the production of instant drinks (coffee, cocoa, chocolate), soups instant cooking etc. They are also sold in pure form for quick use. They differ in their shelf life and not very natural composition. Liquid cream appearance no different from natural ones. They are used in the production of confectionery, ice cream, as well as for the preparation of sauces and first courses. Vegetable cream is preferred by people who do not consume natural milk or those who are allergic to it. However, their composition sometimes still contains components of animal origin; this must be taken into account.

    Most manufacturers offer consumers a separate whipping series. This cream contains thickeners, under the influence of which the cake cream easily acquires the required consistency. Sometimes sugar or sugar substitutes are added to them. In this case, a more high-calorie product is obtained.

    Coffee creamer

    This drink is one of the most common in the world. His fans can be found on every continent. However, many people prefer to add milk or cream (natural or plant-based) to their coffee. Naturally, if a product is in demand, manufacturers immediately respond to this. For this reason, there are many variations of both ready-made drinks, containing mainly dry vegetable cream, and components intended for their preparation at home. They are added to coffee, tea or cocoa.

    Whipping cream

    Baking cakes or pastries, both at home and in industrial scale, the cook cannot do without sweet cream. The easiest way to prepare it is to purchase special vegetable whipping cream and, adding sugar or powder, let the mixer work for a while.

    Moreover, if the product turns out to be of proper quality, no one will even guess that it contains a plant substitute. Undoubtedly, the components of such a semi-finished product may not be very healthy. But if you try to whip up a natural dairy product, it will take a lot of time and effort, and in the end they may not thicken. It is precisely because of their capriciousness that many confectioners prefer to either use vegetable cream or use special thickeners for natural ones.

    Benefits and harms of the product

    It so happens that vegetable cream has much fewer fans than opponents. This is primarily due to their artificial origin. After all, for most people, everything unnatural is, by definition, harmful.

    In reality, everything is not so simple. This product has positive characteristics. Firstly, this is the shelf life of both the cream itself and what is produced using it. Secondly, calorie content. Vegetable cream with the same fat content as natural cream is 3 times less nutritious and does not contain cholesterol. In fact, they can even be considered dietary. These nuances allow the product to be used by both those who are contraindicated in natural milk and vegetarians. Coffee with vegetable creamer, unlike regular coffee, can easily be afforded even by a person on a strict diet.

    Concerning possible harm, caused to the body by additives of synthetic origin, then, firstly, it has not been proven, and, secondly, you can choose a higher quality product with their minimum content.

    In general, vegetable cream is not just an artificially created analogue of natural ones. First of all, this is a low-calorie product, accessible to almost everyone, both for price, for medical reasons, and for reasons of belief. When purchasing them, you must pay attention to the composition and try not to skimp on quality by choosing a trusted manufacturer.