History of the Research Institute of Baby Nutrition - a branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology. Law on dairy kitchen Dairy kitchen history of creation

For the first time, the law on the provision of free milk to nursing women was signed by the pre-revolutionary authorities in St. Petersburg. The initiator was the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health in order to reduce the highest mortality rates of newborn babies (almost 40% of children died in infancy).

In the post-revolutionary period, the dairy children's kitchen did not disappear, that is, the Ministry of Health of Soviet Russia did not cancel this necessary service. Dairy feeding stations operated at children's clinics and hospitals with varying degrees of success and efficiency.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of free baby food during the Great Patriotic War. It is safe to say that milk distribution has saved more than one child’s life.

In the 60s, the Ministry of Health clearly regulated the organization, operation and list of products through legislative acts. Dairy kitchens began to appear in all regions and republics of the Soviet Union.

Dairy cuisine is also deservedly popular in 2018. New parents can receive help in such institutions by submitting all the necessary documents and receiving a referral from a pediatrician.

However, some provisions in the organization of children's kitchens change from year to year in accordance with the peculiarities of the economic situation in the country. It is necessary to understand who is entitled to free baby food and how exactly mothers can apply for this service.

So, a dairy kitchen is understood as an organization that produces, ensures proper preservation and distribution of specialized food products in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Such a measure of socio-economic support is regulated by regional law. Local authorities also determine the required list of beneficiaries and select organizations that will provide free milk nutrition to those in need.

Thus, in different regions of the Russian Federation the list of persons who, in accordance with the law, can receive milk, dairy products and formula free of charge, may differ.

But there are still main categories of citizens who can fully use the services of a dairy kitchen in accordance with the law. These include:

  1. Pregnant women.
  2. Nursing mothers until the baby reaches six months of age.
  3. Children:
  • up to 12 months of age who are on artificial or combined feeding;
  • from 12 months to three years of age;
  • under seven years of age if they are raised in large families;
  • with disabilities and chronic illnesses under 15 years of age.

If a child is left without the care of his mother and father, the paperwork for receiving free dairy products falls on the shoulders of guardians and other legal representatives.

To understand which categories of persons are entitled to a dairy kitchen for young children at the present time, it is necessary to study regional regulatory documents. Another option is to consult a pediatrician (if the products are for newborns) or a gynecologist (if the food is for pregnant women).

Documents for a dairy kitchen must be completed at the medical institution to which the recipient of this benefit is attached. Pregnant women must send an application to the antenatal clinic where they are registered.

Breastfeeding women must complete documentation to receive free baby food from a pediatrician monitoring the development of a newborn baby or older child.

If special nutrition is required for a child with special needs and requirements, then parents must draw up documents for a children's dairy kitchen from a specialist in the institution where the baby is registered.

What documents are needed to receive nutrition, as noted above, parents will learn from local regulations or from a child or pregnancy specialist observing them.

In general, the list of documents required for registration of a dairy kitchen looks like in the following way:

  • application addressed to the director of the medical institution;
  • baby (to obtain a child’s birth certificate, you must provide a certificate issued at the maternity hospital);
  • medical policy (to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, you can contact the insurance company that issued the parental policy);
  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence (to register a newborn, you must first obtain the child’s birth certificate);
  • ID card of the mother or any other trusted person;
  • other documentation confirming receipt of benefits (certificate of a large family, adoption of a child, confirmation of childhood disability, the presence of certain diseases, etc.).

Documents for receiving benefits in certain regions can be submitted not only to the chief physician of the relevant medical institution, but also to the local Social Security Administration, as well as to the MFC (multifunctional center).

It is worth understanding that dairy products are issued according to medical prescriptions, which require constant renewal. That is, you need to regularly consult a doctor; he will prescribe a new prescription as soon as the previous one is expired.

How often will I need to get a prescription?

We have more or less figured out the question of what documents need to be completed to receive free dairy products. Now you need to understand how often you will have to visit the doctor to get a prescription.

Everything, of course, will depend on the specific orders of local authorities. As a standard, the conclusion for free feeding will be issued for one month.

Also, the doctor can give recipes for dairy cuisine. issue for the following period:

  • up to three months– for this period, free food will be provided for small children under 3 years of age, as well as for lactating and pregnant women;
  • up to 6 months– children from large families, children with disabilities and chronic diseases under 15 years of age.

The indicated periods should not include the month of birth of the newborn child, if during this period the parents filled out a separate prescription.

The decision on the duration of the period for which the prescribed prescription will be valid is made by a specialist after a medical examination and observation of the child. The doctor has the right to independently reduce or increase the validity period of the conclusion.

The calendar period for which the prescription will be issued begins, depending on the child’s presentation for a medical examination:

  • baby just born? The specialist writes a prescription for a newborn for a given calendar month, and the volume of dairy products will be calculated taking into account the days remaining until the end of the month;
  • if the procedure takes place before the 15th calendar day, then the prescription is issued for the period that starts from this calendar month. In addition, the volume of products issued will be calculated for the whole month;
  • if you had to see a doctor after the 15th day, then a doctor’s prescription is issued for a period that starts from the next month. The volume of products issued will also be calculated for the whole month.

Thus, you can make a request to receive free milk meals on any day. The duration of the conclusion will be determined by the doctor, based on the results of the examination and observation.

As already mentioned, the free distribution of dairy and other products is regulated by local legislation. Regional authorities can determine both the categories of persons who are entitled to this benefit and the norms for the supply of products.

Today, the volume and variety of products depends on the age of the child. That is, the free diet of a baby under one year old will be slightly different from the menu of a patient aged 7 or 15 years. If we talk about women, then everything depends on whether she is pregnant or has already given birth.

Approximate standards for dairy products (per month)

Client category Products
Women in position

  • milk – 9000 grams;

  • fortified juice – 3960 grams.
Nursing mothers

  • milk – 12000 grams;

  • fortified juice – 4290 grams.
Child from 0 to 3 months

  • dry adapted milk formula – 700 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk formula – 4800 grams.
Child of the fourth month of life

  • the same set;

  • fruit juice – 1200 grams;

Child of the fifth month of life

  • the same set of milk formulas;

  • fruit juice – 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams.
Child of the sixth month of life

  • dry adapted milk formula – 350 grams;

  • liquid adapted milk formula – 2400 grams;

  • fruit juice – 1200 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1000 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams.
Baby 7-8 months old

  • the same volume of dry and liquid milk formula;

  • fruit juice – 1400 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1000 grams;

  • vegetable puree – 1920 grams;

  • meat puree – 560 grams;

  • vegetable and meat puree – 1300 grams;

  • dry porridge – 400 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams.
Child 9-12 months old

  • the same range and volume of products;

  • kefir – 2400 grams.
Child from 12 months to 2 years

  • milk – 2400 grams;

  • kefir – 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams;

  • fruit puree – 2200 grams;

  • fruit juice – 2600 grams.
Child from 2 to 3 years old

  • milk – 2000 grams;

  • kefir – 2000 grams;

  • cottage cheese – 600 grams;

  • fruit juice – 2600 grams;

  • fruit puree – 1200 grams.
A child from a large family, a disabled child, a child with chronic illnesses

  • milk – 18000 grams.

As a conclusion

The question of how to get dairy food for children for free worries many parents. Let us briefly summarize all of the above and highlight main and most important points:

  • free milk nutrition is a measure that allows you to support both the woman and the child;
  • the specifics of providing preferential conditions are regulated by regional authorities. Thus, in St. Petersburg, children’s cards are issued after the birth of a child to purchase food for him;
  • local authorities also determine a list of products for all categories of beneficiaries (the list of these categories is specified by local law), which will be provided by dairy kitchen employees;
  • the question of how to apply for this benefit is decided at the local level. You will definitely need the newborn's documents, the parent's passport, and an application (the form is directly issued by the doctor).

So, today dairy kitchens are functioning and delighting many domestic parents with their work. Of course, rumors regularly appear that this year these organizations will “die for a long time,” but, fortunately, such information continues to remain only rumors.

Government policies designed to increase the birth rate and increase the attractiveness of the family institution allow us to hope that the operation of dairy kitchens will continue in the future, despite statements by municipalities about the ineffectiveness of such institutions.

As a conclusion, we can advise all mothers who are entitled to receive this benefit to be sure to seek advice from a doctor or social security specialist in order to use the services of a dairy kitchen. This will allow you to significantly save on food.

  • babies on artificial feeding or mixed feeding, under the age of 12 months;
  • children under 7 years of age from large families;
  • In 2018, the list of products provided at the so-called dairy kitchen includes:

  • puree from vegetables and meat;
  • Attention! This set may vary depending on the region and the decision of pediatricians.

    After the child turns six months old, he is entitled to the following set of products:

  • children from one to three years old;
  • disabled people (under 15 years of age);
  • Grounds

    Do you need expert advice on this issue? Describe your problem and our lawyers will contact you as soon as possible.

    Issue norms

  • pasteurized cow milk;
  • The list is supplemented by nutritious and medicinal mixtures, liquid or dry, purees made from fruits, milk curds, juices made from fruits.

    It is impossible to obtain anything from this list of products without an official prescription from a doctor.

    A baby who is only 5 months old can receive the following assistance from the state completely free of charge once a month. Firstly, dry porridge - 400 g. Secondly, puree made from vegetables, about 2 kg. Be sure to have fruit juice and the same puree, 1 liter and 1 kg, respectively.

    Very babies, from birth to 2 months of life, receive food once every 7 days: about 5 liters of mixture, preferably in liquid form.

    Food in a dairy kitchen in Russia in 2018

    How to get a dairy kitchen for a child? Every family with a newborn baby has the right to state assistance. In particular, for free food and drink for the child.

    Who is eligible for the dairy kitchen?

    • pregnant women;
    • mothers who are breastfeeding, but only until the baby is 6 months old.
    • Naturally, it is not the children themselves who should come to the institution for the food they are entitled to. This is done by their legal representatives. For example, parents or guardians.

      The basis for obtaining the right to free meals is the conclusion of an agreement. The agreement is concluded between the institution producing the products and the clinic.

      What kind of food children and women will receive free of charge as part of government assistance is decided by pediatricians, gynecologists and other doctors. The diet they select should promote healthy nutrition and the full development of the child’s body.

    • adapted for children's body kefir.
    • The amount of food a baby will receive for free depends on his age. The composition of the food basket also depends on age.

      For example, a child who is six months old has the right to receive dry formula once every 30 days - 350 g and juice made from fruit - a little more than 1 liter. He also gets a whole kilogram of fruit puree. Porridge must be provided once a week, in dry or liquid form, but not more than 400 g at a time.

      Babies from 3 to 4 months can count on a liter of fruit juice per month, about 1 kg of dry nutritional mixture.

      Dairy kitchen in 2018: categories of beneficiaries, required documents and composition of the food package

      Government support for parents with newborn babies and preschool children varies greatly. Some are paid cash benefits, others are offered benefits for entering kindergarten. Another measure that not all families know about is a children's dairy kitchen. Products that are suitable for children according to age standards are issued at special points. The volume and contents of the food package are specified in documents drawn up by pediatricians. Such a list is submitted to local authorities for approval.

      So, such a service is quite good support for a newborn and his family. All that remains is to figure out who is entitled to a dairy meal, what documents are needed to receive free dairy meals, and who to contact to apply for this benefit.

      History of dairy cuisine

      For the first time, the law on the provision of free milk to nursing women was signed by the pre-revolutionary authorities in St. Petersburg. The initiator was the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health in order to reduce the highest mortality rates of newborn babies (almost 40% of children died in infancy).

      In the post-revolutionary period, the dairy children's kitchen did not disappear, that is, the Ministry of Health of Soviet Russia did not cancel this necessary service. Dairy feeding stations operated at children's clinics and hospitals with varying degrees of success and efficiency.

      It is difficult to overestimate the role of free baby food during the Great Patriotic War. It is safe to say that milk distribution has saved more than one child’s life.

      In the 60s, the Ministry of Health clearly regulated the organization, operation and list of products through legislative acts. Dairy kitchens began to appear in all regions and republics of the Soviet Union.

      Dairy cuisine is also deservedly popular in 2018. New parents can receive help in such institutions by submitting all the necessary documents and receiving a referral from a pediatrician.

      However, some provisions in the organization of children's kitchens change from year to year in accordance with the peculiarities of the economic situation in the country. It is necessary to understand who is entitled to free baby food and how exactly mothers can apply for this service.

      Who is entitled to dairy cuisine?

      So, a dairy kitchen is understood as an organization that produces, ensures proper preservation and distribution of specialized food products in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

      Such a measure of socio-economic support is regulated by regional law. Local authorities also determine the required list of beneficiaries and select organizations that will provide free milk nutrition to those in need.

      Thus, in different regions of the Russian Federation the list of persons who, in accordance with the law, can receive milk, dairy products and formula free of charge, may differ.

      But there are still main categories of citizens who can fully use the services of a dairy kitchen in accordance with the law. These include:

    1. Pregnant women.
    2. Nursing mothers until the baby reaches six months of age.
    3. Children:
    • up to 12 months of age who are on artificial or combined feeding;
    • from 12 months to three years of age;
    • under seven years of age if they are raised in large families;
    • with disabilities and chronic illnesses under 15 years of age.
    • To understand which categories of persons are entitled to a dairy kitchen for young children at the present time, it is necessary to study regional regulatory documents. Another option is to consult a pediatrician (if the products are for newborns) or a gynecologist (if the food is for pregnant women).

      How to get into the dairy kitchen?

      Documents for a dairy kitchen must be completed at the medical institution to which the recipient of this benefit is attached. Pregnant women must send an application to the antenatal clinic where they are registered.

      Breastfeeding women must complete documentation to receive free baby food from a pediatrician monitoring the development of a newborn baby or older child.

      If special nutrition is required for a child with special needs and requirements, then parents must draw up documents for a children's dairy kitchen from a specialist in the institution where the baby is registered.

      What documents are needed to receive nutrition, as noted above, parents will learn from local regulations or from a child or pregnancy specialist observing them.

      In general, the list of documents required for registration of a dairy kitchen looks like in the following way:

    • application addressed to the director of the medical institution;
    • birth certificate of the baby (to obtain a birth certificate for a child, you must submit a certificate issued at the maternity hospital);
    • medical policy (to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, you can contact the insurance company that issued the parental policy);
    • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence (to register a newborn, you must first obtain the child’s birth certificate);
    • ID card of the mother or any other trusted person;
    • other documentation confirming receipt of benefits (certificate of a large family, adoption of a child, confirmation of childhood disability, the presence of certain diseases, etc.).
    • Documents for receiving benefits in certain regions can be submitted not only to the chief physician of the relevant medical institution, but also to the local Social Security Administration, as well as to the MFC (multifunctional center).

      How often will I need to get a prescription?

      We have more or less figured out the question of what documents need to be completed to receive free dairy products. Now you need to understand how often you will have to visit the doctor to get a prescription.

      Everything, of course, will depend on the specific orders of local authorities. As a standard, the conclusion for free feeding will be issued for one month.

      Also, the doctor can give recipes for dairy cuisine. issue for the following period:

    • up to three months– for this period, free food will be provided for small children under 3 years of age, as well as for lactating and pregnant women;
    • up to 6 months– children from large families, children with disabilities and chronic diseases under 15 years of age.

    The decision on the duration of the period for which the prescribed prescription will be valid is made by a specialist after a medical examination and observation of the child. The doctor has the right to independently reduce or increase the validity period of the conclusion.

    The calendar period for which the prescription will be issued begins, depending on the child’s presentation for a medical examination:

  • baby just born? The specialist writes a prescription for a newborn for a given calendar month, and the volume of dairy products will be calculated taking into account the days remaining until the end of the month;
  • if the procedure takes place before the 15th calendar day, then the prescription is issued for the period that starts from this calendar month. In addition, the volume of products issued will be calculated for the whole month;
  • if you had to see a doctor after the 15th day, then a doctor’s prescription is issued for a period that starts from the next month. The volume of products issued will also be calculated for the whole month.
  • What do they give in the dairy kitchen?

    As already mentioned, the free distribution of dairy and other products is regulated by local legislation. Regional authorities can determine both the categories of persons who are entitled to this benefit and the norms for the supply of products.

    Today, the volume and variety of products depends on the age of the child. That is, the free diet of a baby under one year old will be slightly different from the menu of a patient aged 7 or 15 years. If we talk about women, then everything depends on whether she is pregnant or has already given birth.

    Latest changes in dairy laws in Russia

    The first dairy kitchens originated from time immemorial, even in pre-revolutionary Tsarist Russia. Their name was very symbolic: “Drop of Milk”.

    The first production points (milk was given out to nursing mothers in pharmacies according to a doctor's prescription) of infant formula were established in the then capital of Russia - St. Petersburg on the initiative of the Russian Society for the Protection of Public Health to combat very high infant mortality rates (newborn mortality was about 40% and higher).

    After the revolution and the overthrow of the tsarist regime, the baton of development of children's kitchens was taken over by the Min. Healthcare of the USSR, which began to organize milk feeding points at children's consultations and clinics. Dairy kitchens played an invaluable role during the Great Patriotic War during the severe shortage of baby food. In the 60s Min. health, the order of organization, work and diet of baby food was clearly regulated at the highest legislative level. Children's kitchens have appeared everywhere throughout the vast territory of the Union.

    In our time, dairy cuisine has not sunk into oblivion and has not lost its relevance. Young mothers still receive help feeding their babies in these wonderful institutions. But what innovations have brought about changes in the country, politics and economics in the organization of dairy kitchens? This article provides an attempt to comprehensively consider the prospects for the continued existence of baby food points starting from the first day of 2016.

    A little more about the organization of work in dairy kitchens

    In order to become a client of such an enterprise, a young mother must register with a local pediatrician even at the stage of pregnancy, which in the future gives her the opportunity receive prescriptions from the district doctor with the assurance of the head. pediatric department for the provision of milk nutrition during lactation. The list of products is also prescribed by the doctor.

    Not everyone can become a happy owner of the right to receive subsidized meals, and in different regions the list of such persons may differ significantly.


  • Pregnant;
  • Nursing mothers during the first six months;
  • Children:
    • up to one year, on artificial or mixed feeding;
    • aged 1 to 3 years;
    • children from large families up to the age of 7;
    • disabled children under 15 years of age.
  • If there are no dairy kitchens in any region, persons from the above list can receive monetary compensation.

    List of documents to receive preferential meals in the dairy kitchen for 2017:

  • First of all, this is a citizen’s application addressed to the heads. medical doctor institution, i.e. it is either a pregnant or nursing mother or a legal representative of the child;
  • child's birth certificate and copy;
  • medical policy (oms) of the child;
  • certificate of registration of the child at the place of residence;
  • passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation of the applicant and its copy;
  • original and a copy of the marriage (divorce) certificate;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate of disability of the child (if required);
  • certificate of income of the entire family for the last three months (this includes all cash receipts: salary, scholarship, alimony, etc.). If the family does not receive income for any reason, all documents confirming the lack of income for this period are attached;
  • a statement indicating the fact that the person has not previously received permission for a similar preferential meal.
  • As you can see, the list is very impressive and requires a considerable amount of time and effort to compile it, so those who want to go on an enhanced milk ration will need to stock up on a sufficient amount of patience and perseverance.

    So, after all the necessary documents have been collected, the person representing the child makes an appointment with his supervising pediatrician and, after examining the baby or pregnant woman, receives honey. conclusion and personal number, which is recommended to be written down somewhere or, even better, learned by heart, because you will have to call it quite often. Next you need get a prescription to receive milk rations. This should be done before the 25th of the previous month.

    Now, finally, you can go get the actual food! Dairy distribution points are usually open from 6.00 to 12.00, without weekends or holidays.

    List of products provided by the kitchen in 2017 using the example of the capital:

  • dry adapted milk formula;
  • liquid adapted milk formula;
  • fruit puree;
  • fruit juice;
  • milk;
  • kefir;
  • meat puree;
  • curds;
  • vegetable puree;
  • pureed meat/vegetables.
  • Directly the standards for issuing products indicating the amount per child in grams. kg. etc. It is better to look at the website of the dairy kitchen or administration in relation to your region. It is worth noting that this list may change depending on the region, but, as a rule, not significantly.

    If a person fails to show up to receive the products at the point of issue within three days, the application is canceled without the right to its restoration and compensation. It will be possible to restore your receipt of food within two days after reapplying for the next prescription.

    Changes in work from January 1, 2016

    People who have the privilege of receiving products from the dairy kitchen have long been concerned about the sensational question about the cessation of kitchen activities in connection with widespread checks for compliance with all sanitary and technical standards, product certification checks, as well as inventory. In addition to these rumors, ordinary people are discussing the issue of limiting the rights to receive reduced-price meals and cutting rations, caused by the order of the Moscow Department of Health “On the free supply of food to certain categories of children and women...”, affecting primarily persons who do not have local registration. However, it is not possible to trace any references to official information in such discussions.

    In fact, today we only have changes in the breakdown of age groups in the standards for issuing products and the addition of dairy kitchens to the services EMIAS service(Unified Medical Information and Analytical System) makes life much easier for young mothers with the ability to fill out applications for doctor’s appointments and draw up some documents via the Internet without leaving home and without wasting their time. As for the alarming future inspections and inventories, this is a common practice of any catering establishment and such events are carried out quite regularly.

    Today, dairy kitchens continue to operate successfully and delight Russian families with their work, but rumors about the end of the life of the kitchens seem destined to remain rumors. Adding fuel to the fire are the ever-present official proposals from representatives of individual municipal administrations to close dairy kitchens due to their inefficiency, but against the background of the federal program for family development and an increase in the birth rate, these individual statements by the above-mentioned persons do not give serious reasons for concern.

    The conclusion of this article can be the thesis that the glorious continuation of Soviet traditions in the field of helping parents and their children in the form of dairy kitchens continues to exist and even improve in accordance with the times and taking into account modern realities.

    An example of the work of the Otradnenskaya dairy kitchen is presented in the following video:

    "Children's dairy kitchen "Shatlyk" Children's dairy kitchen "Shatlyk" 5 production facilities 12 dispensing points Processes more than 5,000 tons of milk Produces more than 34,000 servings 13 dispensing points..."

    Children's dairy kitchen


    Children's dairy kitchen "Shatlyk"

    5 productions

    12 dispensing points

    Processes more than 5000 tons of milk

    Makes over 34,000 servings

    13 dispensing points at


    Rational feeding of young children

    age is the key to quality of life both in

    early childhood and subsequent

    Man's first food since birth

    This is milk. Many people love him

    persists until adulthood and even old age.

    Academician I.P. Pavlov wrote that milk is an amazing food prepared by nature itself.

    History of dairy cuisine Our ancestors began to domesticate wild animals and used the milk of sheep, goats, and cows, as evidenced by the discoveries of archaeologists.

    Thus, in the vicinity of Babylon, a building was discovered that was built more than 6,000 years ago, one of the walls of which is decorated with images of people milking cows into jugs.

    The history of the dairy kitchen

    400 years BC, the famous Greek physician Hippocrates indicated for which diseases animal milk can be consumed and for which it cannot be consumed. He believed that the milk of different animals has different healing properties.

    Thus, goat's and mare's milk can cure consumption, cow's milk can cure gout and anemia, and donkey's milk can cure many diseases.

    In Europe, which people settled later than the Ancient East, milk was already used thousands of years ago, which was confirmed by many discoveries of scientists.

    In Ukraine, in places of ancient settlements, clay jugs for milk were found. The Greek historian Xenophon (V-VI centuries BC) wrote that the ancient Thracians raised goats.

    In the East, it was widely practiced to feed babies with the milk of a wet nurse.

    The year of creation of the first dairy kitchen is considered to be 1868, when, by order of the founder of the Foundry N.N. Sobolev (St. Petersburg), breast milk was first collected for the treatment of sick children

    In 1922, a decree was signed for the first time on the creation of Composition, beneficial properties and calorie content of milk

    In terms of chemical and biological value, milk is superior to all other products found in nature. Milk contains over 200 valuable components: 20 amino acids;

    more than 40 fatty acids; 25 minerals, milk sugar – lactose; microelements; all types of vitamins currently known; other substances necessary for the body to maintain normal functioning.

    Nutrition experts believe that dairy products should provide 1/3 of the daily calorie intake.

    Composition, beneficial properties and calorie content of milk The amino acids of milk are well balanced, its proteins are absorbed by 98%. In this indicator, they are inferior (and only by 2%) to egg whites, the amino acid balance of which is accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the standard (100%).

    Milk contains deficient arachidonic acid and a biologically active protein-lecithin complex. Both of these components prevent the development of atherosclerotic processes in the body.

    Milk calcium is the most easily digestible calcium found in nature. It contains an exceptionally favorably balanced complex of vitamins A, B2, D3, carotene, choline, tocopherols, thiamine and ascorbic acid. All this has a normalizing effect on serum cholesterol levels.

    Composition of milk

    The composition of milk minerals includes all elements of Mendeleev’s periodic system.

    Milk contains carbohydrates, fats, proteins and mineral salts in the greatest quantities. Among the mineral salts in milk there are salts of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, citric, hydrochloric acids and others. Calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are part of bones, teeth, in addition, magnesium affects the functioning of the heart, and phosphorus is an integral part of nervous tissue and brain cells. All these salts are in milk in an easily digestible form - no food substance transfers calcium and phosphorus to the body better than milk.

    Milk contains almost all fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins known in nature.

    Of the water-soluble vitamins in milk, there is vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin).

    Vitamin C in milk contains 1000-1500 gamma percent. Vitamin A and carotene (provitamin A) are dissolved in the fat of milk, so they are absent in skim milk. The vitamin A content in milk is 30-40 gamma percent (gamma is a thousandth of a milligram).

    Among the microelements found in milk:

    cobalt, copper, zinc, bromine, manganese, sulfur, fluorine, aluminum, lead, tin, titanium, vanadium, silver and others.

    Composition of milk

    In addition, milk contains vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, vitamin H, or biotin, folic acid, which is involved in hematopoiesis, pantothenic acid, which promotes the normal development of the nervous and circulatory system and skin, and choline.

    Milk contains numerous enzymes, in particular hydrolyzing enzymes - galactase, lactase, lipase, phosphatase and redox enzymes.

    In early childhood, milk enzymes may be important for the processes of transformation of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. However, boiling milk destroys its enzymes.

    Lactic acid products KEFIR. To obtain it, kefir grains are used, which are a symbiosis of many bacteria.

    Depending on the exposure time, its physiological effect on intestinal function is different.

    Time Physiological effect on aged kefir intestines weak 1 day laxative medium 2 days normalizing strong 3 days fixing Lactic acid products

    ACIDOPHILIC foods are extremely beneficial;

    There are even dry preparations of acidophilus bacillus, which are prescribed to people treated with antibiotics (for intestinal dysbiosis).

    Ryazhenka is prepared from sterile milk, fermented with lactic acid streptococcus, with the addition of cream up to 6% fat.

    YOGURT. It is prepared using cultures of lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus. Together, these microorganisms produce a lot of lactic acid; yogurt is rich in protein (4.5%);

    Its fat content can be different - from 1.5 to 6%. Yogurt quickly satisfies hunger and reduces thirst.

    KUMYS. You can drink kumiss for any disease.

    Despite the rather pungent taste, it does not irritate the gastric mucosa; with low acidity after kumis treatment it increases, with increased acidity it decreases to normal. The famous Russian writer S.T. Aksakov dedicated lines to this “heroic drink”: “all the ailments of a hungry winter and even old age miraculously disappear from it: haggard faces are clothed with fullness, pale, sunken cheeks are covered with the blush of health.”

    Milk products

    SOUR CREAM. This is an original Russian product. Sour cream is prepared from cream by fermenting it with a culture of lactic acid and flavoring bacteria with the obligatory further ripening of the product; it contains from 10 to 40% fat. It contains cholesterol, but there are also a lot of phospholipids, they seem to neutralize the effect of cholesterol in the body.

    COTTAGE CHEESE. It contains a lot of methionine, lysine and other essential amino acids; it is the main supplier of lipotropic factors to the body, i.e. substances that prevent fatty liver and the development of atherosclerosis. Cottage cheese is rich in mineral elements.

    BUTTER is obtained from fresh cream, and sour milk is obtained from pre-fermented cream. Butter differs from other fats and oils in that it contains predominantly short-chain fatty acids; such short acids can immediately penetrate the blood vessels of the small intestine and be captured by the liver for processing.

    Mother's milk

    This is the optimal food product for a child from the first months of life

    Provides reliable protection of the child from various diseases, allergic reactions and adequate development of the child’s body for 25 years on guard of health

    By Decree of the Mayor of Kazan dated October 5, 2007 No. 3239, the network of dairy kitchens was reformed by merging and creating a single Municipal institution Children's dairy kitchen "Shatlyk"

    This made it possible to optimize the process of production of specialized dairy products for feeding young children, through the rational use of equipment, production space and personnel.

    Today, DMK “Shatlyk” employs 244 employees for the benefit of the health of the future generation.

    Therapeutic and preventive nutrition Production

    Finished children's specialized dairy products are sold at 25 distribution points, providing daily supply to about 8,500 of the youngest citizens

    The amount of leave is regulated by doctors individually for each child.

    It includes 5 production facilities, where 971.5 tons of products are produced daily

    Raw materials for the preparation of baby food are subjected to careful control by a technologist and laboratory assistant, manufacturers monitor the quality of their products daily ADVANTAGES of specialized fermented milk products produced by DMK "Shatlyk"

    Natural product of the highest quality

    Produced exclusively from natural milk of the highest quality, does not contain genetically modified ingredients, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives

    Reduced acidity compared to similar products for children over 3 years of age and adults

    Delicate consistency

    Strengthens the child's immunity

    Contains live bio-cultures useful for intestinal microflora with a short shelf life (24-48 hours), inhibits pathogenic microflora

    Can be used for lactose deficiency and food allergies

    Strengthening the secretion of digestive juices and bile secretion DMK “Shatlyk”

    To the delight of the children, it supplies the city’s children with high-quality specialized dairy products

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    In the 30th anniversary issue of the Essence of Time - Perm newspaper, the release of which we will celebrate this Saturday, my investigation was published about how the interests of a transnational company are most likely behind the attempt to close dairy kitchens in Perm:

    The work of the parent community to preserve dairy kitchens in Perm continues. The blitzkrieg of the Perm authorities failed, and as time passes, the officials' arguments begin to be increasingly criticized. The picture that officials initially painted, according to which supposedly all authoritative specialists and experts support the abandonment of outdated dairy kitchens, is blurring, and the features of a completely different project are emerging from under it.

    The Perm Ministry of Health claimed that it was forced to close dairy kitchens because since January the Russian regulation on dairy products has been replaced by a similar regulation of the Customs Union, according to which it is allegedly prohibited to use manual labor in the production of baby milk food. However, a study of the technological regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 033/2013 showed that it does not contain any requirements to completely eliminate manual labor in the production of dairy products. Only paragraph 47 states that “ production of milk-based baby food products for young children<..>carried out at specialized production facilities, or in specialized workshops, or on specialized technological lines" However, dairy kitchens are specialized exclusively for the production of children's fermented milk products.

    Thus, if we are right, then the main reason chosen by Perm officials for the destruction of kitchens is simply a fiction.

    Secondly, it turned out that in addition to thousands of Perm parents, representatives of the deputy corps, production workers and doctors also began to advocate for the preservation of the dairy kitchen system.

    Thus, State Duma deputy from the Perm Territory, deputy chairman of the health protection committee, Oleg Kulikov, believes that the decision to liquidate the kitchens was made in someone’s commercial interests. Regarding the alleged inadmissibility of manual labor in production, Oleg Kulikov cited as an example the work of a surgeon, which also represents manual labor, but is carried out with gloves that protect against infection: “So here, too, we can provide some mechanisms that minimize harm. If manual labor is used, then some kind of bacteriological analysis is done at the end.”.

    Oleg Sirota, a cheesemaker from Istra (Moscow region), believes that in dairy production, the less mechanization, the better the product: the milk and milk fat suffer less. The best quality yoghurts are made by hand in Germany and Switzerland. “Dairy kitchens were a place where a farmer could bring his milk. Dairy kitchen is a very simple dairy production. Why complicate it if everything has been working great for decades? Why ruin this, I don’t understand.”. Oleg Sirota also criticized local factory-produced milk formulas that replace fermented milk products: “Milk trucks don’t come there with milk! They bring milk powder and palm oil there and make baby food out of it.”.

    President of the Rosagromash association Konstantin Babkin believes that it is necessary to make such regulations so that it is profitable for local farmers to produce and supply natural milk for dairy kitchens. “Saving money in kitchens means reducing the population. This is such a liberal approach: the main thing is money, not people.”- said Babkin.

    Oleg Kondrashov, head of the administration of Nizhny Novgorod, where kitchen equipment was re-equipped and the range of their products was expanded, is confident that the quality of Nizhny Novgorod dairy kitchens outperforms “global baby food brands”: “We can be proud that we managed to preserve the institute of dairy kitchens for children under 3 years old”.

    Doctor of City Clinical Hospital No. 4 Olga Chubarova: “First we feed children with formula from packets, then cereals and soups from packets - we set a trend towards fast food, and then we wonder why health problems appear: overweight, digestive problems.”.

    Hygienist with 20 years of experience Tatyana Demeneva: “Cottage cheese and kefir are necessary for children, as their digestive system adapts to the digestive system of an adult. No formula can replace a natural product, and this is confirmed by several thousand years of feeding children cow’s milk.”.

    Olga Cheraneva, pediatrician: “Milk is a living product, so its quality is better than dry porridge, which has a shelf life of up to a year. The products that dairy kitchens offer us are much better and healthier for children than what they will bring in boxes! It’s useless to look for analogues of kefir and cottage cheese produced with milk!”

    Vasily Zvezdin, Candidate of Medical Sciences, pediatrician, head of the laboratory of biochemical and nanosensory diagnostics of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Technologies for Public Health Risk Management, Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation: “Children over six months of age will be affected by this initiative. And for our region, failure to provide children with high-quality fermented milk products creates a threat of the development of rickets, which in the 90s. left a very serious imprint. Perm children may be deprived of high-quality fermented milk products as complementary foods. In this case, the chain for our region, described in detail and proven by many years of research by leading Perm pediatricians Irina Koryukina, Natalya Averyanova and Alevtina Akatova (all of them are professors and doctors of medical sciences), is as follows: dysbiosis + immunodeficiency with a tendency to allergization -> atopic dermatitis in 1 -2 years -> from 3 years - broncho-obstruction and stenosis against the background of each ARVI -> bronchial asthma at 5 years! Restoring the operation of the “milks” in accordance with SanPiN and Rospotrebnadzor regulations is a key stage in ensuring preventive measures. This is several orders of magnitude lower than the cost of rehabilitation programs and the cost of treating children with bronchial asthma.”.

    Elena Timofeeva, head of the department for family affairs, demographic policy, protection of motherhood and childhood in Kursk, where dairy kitchens are preserved: “Cottage cheese and kefir are a source of health and good immunity. This means the child will grow and develop harmoniously and get sick less.”.

    But the precarious position of the Perm Ministry of Health from the point of view of science and common sense is not all. There is reason to believe that the decision to close dairy kitchens is being lobbied by baby food manufacturers pursuing exclusively commercial goals.

    Deputy Minister of Health of the Perm Territory Lyudmila Chudinova said that “for 2016, as for 2015, it is planned to allocate 330 million rubles”. According to her, “uh This money will go to clinics throughout the region, which will hold a competition and select a supplier of formulas.”. And according to the Minister of Health of the Perm Territory Olga Kovtun, “European countries are the leaders in the production of such mixtures today”.

    Further, the “Parental All-Russian Resistance” began to receive messages that the company “Istra-Nutrizia”, which produces dry mixtures “Malysh” and porridge “Malyutka”, is going to buy the premises of dairy kitchens to organize distribution points for its products there. Experts from the Perm Observer newspaper express a similar opinion: “Soon the baby food system will become the same as in Yekaterinburg: manufacturing companies will issue it, promoting their own products. It’s not for nothing that representatives of a company from Yekaterinburg recently came to the Perm “milk” and inspected the premises... Did you receive a “blessing” from the regional health department?”

    The premises of children's dairy kitchens are truly a tasty morsel. The area of ​​the dairy kitchen in the Sverdlovsk region is 413.7 square meters. m., near the 5th city hospital - 315 sq. m., at the 4th - 505 sq. m., with an additional extension. More recently, the government has invested in kitchen renovations and refurbishments. A year ago, a major renovation of the dairy kitchen building in the Sverdlovsk region was carried out, equipment and inventory were updated, the cost of the work reached 6.5 million rubles. In the Ordzhonikidze district, ventilation was recently replaced at a cost of 1 million rubles. Just three months after the renovation, the dairy kitchen has been operating in the Industrial District.

    If the assessments of our source and the Perm Observer experts are correct, then it turns out that officials, spending budget funds, carried out “pre-sale preparation” of dairy kitchen premises for producers of foreign formulas.

    As for the likely interest in replacing a natural product with dry formulas, it is known that the mentioned company Nutricia began working in Russia in 1994, in 1995 it acquired a baby food production plant in the city of Istra (Moscow region), and since 2007 it has entered the international Danone group of companies. Those. Nutricia has long been controlled by foreigners.

    In addition, on November 3, at a meeting with protesting parents, the head of the department for organizing medical care for children and obstetrics, Elena Cherkasova, said that the Ministry of Health “is following the path of studying the experience of our neighbors”: “In particular, on Thursday-Friday we, as part of a large working group, will be in Yekaterinburg to watch how our neighbors work”.

    Considering Olga Kovtun’s Yekaterinburg origin, it can be assumed that she acts in the interests of business from the Sverdlovsk region and therefore promotes the Yekaterinburg model, where dairy kitchens are closed, children receive dry formula, and factory-produced kefir, milk and cottage cheese are distributed through the Kirovsky store chain. according to a special electronic prescription. In order to obtain it, parents must contact their local pediatrician.

    So, the company that produces these children's dairy products is Milk Whale LLC, which in the summer of 2013 in the city of Bogdanovich launched a plant for the production of natural baby milk food (for children aged 0 to 3 years), the construction of which has begun in 2010 year. The company website states: “Today this is the most expensive and modern project in the region in the dairy market, which has no analogues”, - which means it requires expanding sales markets to accelerate the return on investment, incl. and to the territory of the nearby Perm region and Perm. Moreover, the shelf life of its fermented milk products allows it to be delivered over long distances. So, the shelf life of kefir produced at this plant is 12 days, and cottage cheese is 18, despite the fact that the shelf life of dairy products is only a day. This is probably due to the fact that, as Milk Whale LLC reports, for example, its cottage cheese “goes through an ultrafiltration stage before packaging in a sealed package”. Those. This is a “dead” product that does not contain microorganisms necessary for the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, products are produced not according to GOST, but according to certain “technical conditions” of the plant.

    Now comes the fun part. In 2007, Milk Whale was sold to Unimilk. Today it unites dozens of enterprises in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. In 2010, the dairy businesses of the Russian Unimilk and... the French company Danone, already mentioned by us, merged! In 2013, the Danone-Unimilk Group of Companies changed its official name to “Danone Group of Companies in Russia”, in which Danone owns a controlling stake (58%) of the company. In 2022, the French will be able to increase their share to 100%. The general director of the company until 2014 was Yves Legros, and since 2014 it has been headed by Bernard Ducrot.

    Thus, baby nutrition, an important area affecting national security, is placed in the hands of representatives of a NATO member country. And this is in conditions when the West is waging a cold war against Russia. If tomorrow the French government announces to French business that it must close all its production in Russia due to new sanctions, then it will be forced to comply. And Russia, having closed its own dairy kitchens, will be left without baby food at all. Finally, we cannot exclude the possibility of biological sabotage with the aim of undermining the health of our children, and, consequently, our economy.

    The products of modernized dairy kitchens, such as those in Nizhny Novgorod, on the contrary, in addition to meeting national security requirements, also comply with GOST, incl. and in terms of shelf life - 24 hours versus 12 days for kefir from Danone.

    Therefore, the system of dairy kitchens must be preserved in Perm. Moreover, it is necessary to raise the question not only of modernizing kitchens, but also of restoring kitchens in the cities of the Perm region. This is exactly the kind of proposal that the initiative group of the parent community is preparing for the Ministry of Health, in whose work the Perm branch of the All-Russian Parental Resistance takes an active part.

    Research Institute of Baby Nutrition - branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology has a 20-year history of formation and development. Throughout the entire time, it has been staffed by a close-knit team of specialists: Laureates of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, Laureates of the Government Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, Honored Workers of Science and Technology of the RSFSR, Honored Workers of Science of the Moscow Region, awarded at the highest level.

    Story Research Institute of Baby Nutrition - branch of the Federal Research Center for Nutrition and Biotechnology begins in 1974, when, as part of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Dairy Industry (Moscow), in accordance with the decisions of the Government of the former USSR, on the initiative of the director of the institute, Professor Nikolai Nikitovich Lipatov, the VNIMI Branch was organized in Istra, Moscow region, with the aim of creating and developing special technologies domestic infant formula for feeding young children.

    From 1974 – 76 he was in charge Shamanova Galina Petrovna. Galina Petrovna headed the Istra Branch of VNIMI, which is a laboratory of 15 people - the core of the future institute: L.G. Andreenko, N.S. Alshanskaya, L.B. Korchagina, G.M. Les, T.V. Ivanova, A.V. Stolyarova, O.M. Sokolova, L.S. Suvorova, supervised his scientific activities, organized training for employees, and with her own research made a great contribution to the development of domestic science and the production of baby food products in subsequent years. For the first time in the country, a new direction in the dairy industry was developed - the creation of dry mono- and polycomponent biologically active additives for baby food. G.P. Shamanova still works at the institute, participating in all the most important areas of its work.

    Significant development of the Istra Branch of VNIMI occurred in 1976-85, during the period of leadership Krasheninin Pavel Firsovich(1919 - 1998), Doctor of Technical Sciences (1982), Professor (1983), Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR. Results of P.F. Krasheninin entered into the history of the creation of the domestic baby food industry and formed the foundation of the current research institute of baby food. They were published in 430 works, including 24 brochures, 10 books, enshrined in 47 copyright certificates and patents. His students became outstanding figures in science and technology, are major authorities and work at many food industry enterprises and institutes in Russia and other countries CIS. Krasheninin P.F. awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor (1966), the Order of the Red Banner (1971), and eight medals.

    Since 1980, the Istra Branch of VNIMI, together with VNIMI and the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, has been organizing the industrial production of dairy products for baby food: dry products “Malyutka” and “Malysh”, “Detolact”, milk porridges, low-lactose mixtures, enpits, liquid products - sterilized and acidophilus mixture “Malyutka”, sterilized fortified milk, baby kefir, baby cottage cheese, liquid formulas for baby food.

    Industrial production of the first developed range of dry children's dairy products was mastered at the 5 largest milk and canning factories for children's products of the former USSR: Baltsky (Balta, Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR), Volkovysk (Volkovysk, Grodno region, BSSR), Istra (city of Istra, Moscow region, RSFSR), Sibay (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic), Khorol (Khorol, Poltava region, Ukrainian SSR) and a series of liquid and paste dairy products - in 42 workshops of children's dairy products and a specialized plant in Lianozovo (Moscow). At the same time, the Lianozovsky plant and the Sibay MKK fully developed a range of products based on the developments of the Istra Branch of VNIMI, and at the Balta MKK (Balta), the methodological and technical management of the Department was carried out for 10 years. Thus, all dry products and 80% of pasty products were produced according to the developments of the Istra Branch of VNIMI. The created production capacities made it possible by 1988 to increase the production volume of dry milk products for baby food to 56.6 thousand tons, liquid and pasty dairy products for young children - to 59.1 thousand tons. in baby food shops at urban dairies throughout the country. Dairy kitchens have begun producing liquid formulas for baby food.

    In the 80s, a group of graduates of the Leningrad Technological and other institutes, numbering about 25 people, who became experienced specialists and contributed to the development of the Department: T.A. Antipova, T.V. Belinskaya, I.A. Brazhnik, I.G. Gayazova, V.P. Zimatova, I.V. Ivanova, L.D. Kriventseva, E.N. Malysheva, N.K. Nikonova, V.M. Opaluk, I.L. Snigireva, E.A. Solomonova, N.G. Surkova, I.Yu. Khokhlova, I.V. Khovanova, T.V. Chernyavskaya etc.

    The number of the Department was increased to 80 people, the structure was changed, departments for the technology of dry, liquid and pasty dairy products appeared: laboratories for physical, chemical and microbiological research, departments for equipment, standardization, metrology, production automation, an experimental workshop was equipped, and an information and patent service was formed. The laboratories were equipped with equipment, instruments, furniture, and pilot installations necessary for conducting scientific research.

    Under the leadership of P.F. Krasheninin, together with scientists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, compositions, recipes and technologies of new adapted products for feeding premature babies have been developed; for healthy children from birth to 1 year, enriched with protective factors, for children with food allergies, lactose-free products for children with galactosemia, for enteral nutrition of seriously affected children and adults, products with radioprotective properties, products for lactating women and nursing mothers.

    From 1985 to 1995 the position of head of the Istra Branch of VNIMI was held by Poor Boris Stepanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Under his leadership and with direct participation, all the necessary documents were prepared to transform the Istra Branch of VNIMI into an independent research institute for baby nutrition, in which strong scientific ties with industry and academic institutions are gradually being formed.

    Since 1985, research work began under the State Program for 1986-90. “Create and master the production of baby food products and fortified food products based on the scientific principles of rational and balanced nutrition” (038.06.), subprogram II “Develop medical and biological justifications, technology, equipment and master the production of baby food products.” During its implementation, the compositions and technologies of second-generation baby food dairy products were developed. These include: dry products “Solnyshko”, “Novolakt-1”, “Novolakt-2”, “Aistenok”, fermented milk product enriched with bifidobacteria, “Bifidolact”, lactose-free products: “Novolakt-MM” - for premature babies, “ Fitalakt" - a product for children with allergies, "Inpitan" - for enteral nutrition of children and adults, medicinal products: "Unipita", dietary supplements - dietary supplements, acidophilic fermented milk product "Rostok", liquid products: "Kroshechka", "Bifilin" , sterilized product “Milk” and fermented milk product “Milk KM”.

    In 1989, on behalf of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. PP-8977 dated April 17, 1989, the All-Union Research and Design Institute of Children's Dairy Products (VNIKDMP) was created on the basis of the Istra Branch. By Order No. 280 of the State Agricultural Industry of the USSR dated April 20, 1989, the created Institute was transferred to the direct subordination of the All-Union Production and Scientific Association of Children's Dairy Products (VPNO "Soyuzkonservmoloko").

    The Institute of Children's Dairy Products was created with the aim of strengthening the overall concentration of the forces of science and industry to solve pressing problems of mastering the industrial production of high-quality biologically complete baby food products, combining scientific research and implementation of developments, improving the provision of dairy food products to the country's children's population. During this period, the development of a large range of products for dietary and medicinal purposes and the development of production of the domestic lactulose preparation, which served as a scientific basis for the technologies of medicinal products produced by the domestic industry at the present time.

    In addition, great credit for carrying out basic research work during this difficult period belongs to G.A. Anisimova, N.A. Bykova, E.L. Dorofeeva, L.I. Zhukova, Yu.S. Morozov, V.I. Mikhailov, Yu.M. Shamanov, A.V. Chubaryan, G.V. Kukueva, L.G. Andreenko.

    In 1991, the Institute became part of the Department of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAASH), under the name “Research Institute of Baby Nutrition” (NIIDP).

    The creation and formation of NIIDP coincided with a new historical stage in the country’s development - the emergence of market forms of economic management, as a result of which the production of baby food products on an industrial basis decreased.

    However, scientific research by NIIDP in the period 1991-95. continued and were formulated on the basis of two programs: the Russian (Federal) target scientific and technical program “To develop scientifically based technologies for the production of food for healthy and sick children of various age groups on a dairy, meat, fish, fruit and vegetable and cereal basis” and the State Scientific Technical Program of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia: “Develop scientific foundations and create effective technologies for the production of baby food products.” Due to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and rising food prices, the consumption of all types of baby food began to lag significantly behind the recommended standards, and the goods market was filled with imported products. At the same time, the volumes of produced products remained unclaimed due to their high prices and lack of competitiveness in comparison with the products of foreign companies.

    However, scientific research by NIIDP in the period 1991-95. continued and were formulated on the basis of two programs: the Russian (Federal) target scientific and technical program “To develop scientifically based technologies for the production of food for healthy and sick children of various age groups on a dairy, meat, fish, fruit and vegetable and cereal basis” and the State Scientific Technical Program of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia: “Develop scientific foundations and create effective technologies for the production of baby food products.” Due to a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and rising food prices, the consumption of all types of baby food began to lag significantly behind the recommended standards, and the goods market was filled with imported products. At the same time, the volumes of produced products remained unclaimed due to their high prices and lack of competitiveness in comparison with the products of foreign companies.

    The main task of NIIDP at this time is to update the range of children's products needed by the industry. Recipes and technologies for “Belorusskiye” porridges with fruit additives are being developed, together with the Burevestnik Central Research Institute, technologies are being created for the production of cryopowders from plant raw materials and dry products using them, “Nizhegorodskaya” porridge with rice, buckwheat and oat flour and cryopowder from beets, milk and vegetable with different types of flour and cryopowder from beets and carrots, “Ryabinka” - with cryopowder from chokeberry. In order to expand the range of liquid fermented milk products, drinks for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes with extended shelf life, technologies for sterilized fermented milk products for baby food using domestic stabilizers, low-fat children's sour cream with a modified fatty acid composition have been developed, the creation of a technology for the production of dietary and therapeutic and prophylactic pastes for children has been continued. nutrition. Research is being conducted to obtain a new type of protein concentrate based on paracasein, which is used as a protein base for a paste product, milk powder as a fat component, and corn syrup as a carbohydrate component.

    Specialized Galakton products are being created to feed pregnant women and nursing mothers, providing the body with protein, vitamins, macro- and microelements that stimulate lactation function. In addition to these, the components “Dry cow colostrum” and “Cryopowders from oregano herbs” have been developed. Research has been carried out on the technological process of producing products for children suffering from dental and oral diseases. The product “Laktoftor” was manufactured - a high-protein milk product, fortified, enriched with minerals (calcium, phosphorus, fluorine), intended for feeding children over one year of age; baby food products “Tonus” with medicinal properties were created, enriched with dry bacterial concentrate of bifido- and acidophilus bacteria , mastered at NP "Bellakt", a technology for baby and dietary food products using soy protein isolate - "Bellakt-soy" - and products for feeding premature babies was developed.

    Thus, under the leadership of Boris Sergeevich Bednykh, the main promising developments were laid, which were highly appreciated and are of great practical importance even today.

    Since 1995, the next stage in the development of the Institute began as an established State scientific institution, occupying an important place among other institutes of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The new director of the Institute was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Lipatov Nikita Nikolaevich Jr.(1950-2006), holding this responsible post until the end of his life.

    Lipatov N.N. Jr. in 1974 he graduated with honors from the Moscow Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry (MTIMMP). Successfully defended his dissertation as a candidate for the academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, and then Doctor of Technical Sciences. In 1997, Lipatov N.N. was elected a corresponding member, and in 1999 - academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, academician-secretary of the Department of Storage of Agricultural Products Processing, and in the same year became a Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.

    Lipatov N.N. About 500 printed works have been published, including more than 70 in foreign publications. The technical novelty of his developments is confirmed by 54 copyright certificates and patents. For their introduction into the industry of Russia and other CIS countries Lipatov N.N. awarded the honorary badge “Inventor of the USSR”. The economic effect from the use of these developments by food industry enterprises today exceeds 30 billion non-denominated rubles. Lipatov N.N. advised on the implementation of the theoretical sections of four successfully defended doctoral dissertations and opposed five doctoral theses.

    For the development of new types of technological equipment, highly efficient processes and high-quality meat products based on meat and dairy bases Lipatov N.N. awarded a bronze, three silver and four gold medals from VDNKh and the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

    During the period of leadership of Lipatov N.N. a fundamentally new orientation was required for developers and manufacturers of baby food, taking into account monitoring, the state of the raw materials and technical base, homeostasis, demographic and environmental conditions. In this regard, in 1995, NIIDP developed two large Programs for scientific support of the intersectoral industry for the production of baby food products at the Federal and intersectoral levels. The first of them: “Scientific support of the Federal target program “Development of the baby food industry for 1996-1997.” included in the set of subprograms of the Presidential program “Children of Russia”; the second - “Create a theoretical, methodological, technological, regulatory, documentation and information base necessary for the development of an intersectoral industry for the production of baby food products for 1996-2000.”

    A complex scientific problem solved during the implementation of these Programs was the formation of a new system of knowledge about the patterns of changes in the composition and properties of native components of food agricultural raw materials used for the production of baby food products as a result of traditional and promising physical, physicobiochemical, chemical, microbiological and enzymatic technological processing , as well as during the storage of finished products.

    The practical goal was to create and develop highly efficient resource-saving, environmentally friendly processes that provide the possibility of flexible technological interaction of multidisciplinary industrial enterprises in the intersectoral industry for the production of baby food products.

    In the course of fundamental and applied research within the framework of scientific programs, technologies were developed and documentation was approved for the production of 54 fundamentally new food products, including 3 types of products for indirect nutrition of the fetus during intrauterine development, 3 types of products for stimulating lactation in women in the postnatal period, 8 types of consumer and nutritionally adapted human milk substitutes, 33 types of products for complementary feeding of naturally and artificially fed young children, 8 types of products for preventive and dietary nutrition of children; 3 regulatory documents for components intended for the production of baby food products. Comprehensive research carried out at the institute formed the basis for 10 interstate standards, 3 microbiological instructions, express methods and other scientific products.

    In 1996-1998, under the leadership of Lipatov N.N. programs for scientific support of the inter-industry industry for the production of baby food products at the Federal and inter-industry level were developed and implemented: “Scientific support of the Federal target program “Development of the baby food industry for 1996-1997”, approved on February 19, 1996 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 210 and “Create theoretical, methodological, technological, regulatory, documentation and information base necessary for the development of the intersectoral industry for the production of baby food products for 1996-2003,” approved on February 16, 1996 by a joint Resolution of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Presidium of the Russian Agricultural Academy.

    In addition, the program “Scientific support of the Federal target program “Development of the baby food industry” (for 1998-2000) was developed, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1207 of October 19, 1997, included in the Presidential program “Children of Russia” by decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 29 dated January 15, 1998

    The Institute is developing the theoretical foundations for the design of baby food products, creating a scientific school in this area and practically implementing the results of its research: technologies of canned meat and vegetable food for baby food - “Preschooler”, “For Health”, “Bon Appetit”, “Don’t Be Sick”, “We” growing"; fish soufflé technology - “Gifts from the Little Mermaid”; a series of products for nutrition of pregnant women and nursing mothers; technology of dry milk porridges; technology of plasticized cheese masses; specialized infant formulas based on soy protein isolate; functional fermented milk products; technology of dietary supplement - lactulose.

    Technologies have been developed for the production of over 50 new food products. Including, for indirect nutrition of the fetus during intrauterine development, for stimulating lactation in women in the postnatal period, consumer and nutritionally adapted human milk substitutes, products for preventive and dietary nutrition of children; components intended for the production of baby food products. Comprehensive research carried out at the institute formed the basis of 10 interstate standards, three microbiological instructions, express methods and other scientific products.

    A department of medical and biological research is being created at the Institute under the leadership of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation E.G. Shcherbakova. The department employs 5 doctors and 7 candidates of medical and biological sciences. At the same time, Shcherbakova E.G. is the founder of scientific research in the field of creating domestic biologically active additives to products for the prevention of nutrition-dependent diseases in children and food products for children with certain nutrition-dependent pathologies.

    At the same time, a department for computer design and quality assessment of baby and gerodiet food products was organized under the leadership of O.I. Bashkirova.

    During the period from 1995 to 2000, NIIDP transformed into an interindustry scientific center for baby nutrition, becoming the leading state organization dealing with a complex of scientific and technical problems related to the development of technologies and improving the quality of domestic baby food products in the dairy, meat, cereal, fruit and vegetable and fish industries. basics.

    At the same time, in Vologda on the basis of the Vologda State Dairy Academy named after. N.V. Vereshchagin, the Vologda branch of the Institute is organized, which includes a Doctor of Technical Sciences, 3 Candidates of Technical Sciences and 1 Candidate of Biological Sciences. The department deals with the problems of creating baby food products that prevent nutrition-related diseases of children, specific to the northern regions.

    Together with other branch institutes of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, research is being carried out on meat, aquatic organisms and various plants as promising raw materials for creating a new generation of baby food products.

    For the first time in the world, the Institute is researching reindeer meat as a promising raw material for baby food products and creating PLAoMix canned meat. production of which was started at FSUE Faustovo. A wide range of fish raw materials are being studied, on the basis of which baby food products are also being developed.

    From 2001 to 2005, the main directions of the institute's research work were formed in accordance with the Scientific and Technical Program of the Department of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences "To develop the scientific foundations of technological support systems for the storage and complex processing of agricultural raw materials in the production of environmentally friendly competitive food products of general and special purpose."

    In 2001-2002 Work was also completed under the Federal Target Program “Development of the Baby Food Industry”, carried out by order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food; Russian Federation, including directions:

    • “Development of methodology, criteria and results of a comprehensive assessment of the nutrient and metabolic adequacy of food raw materials as dominant factors shaping the quality of functional food products”;
    • “Development of combinatorial methods for improving private technologies for multicomponent baby food products.”

    Thus, despite the difficult economic situation, the institute has significantly increased the share of fundamental work designed for the further development of the baby food industry, the number of annual publications in periodicals, patents, participation in conferences, exhibitions, seminars has increased, and graduate school activities have intensified , propaganda and implementation of scientific and technical products.

    Under the leadership of N.N. Lipatova Jr. NIIDP was finally formed as the leading state organization dealing with a complex of scientific and technical problems related to the development of technologies and improving the quality of domestic baby food products based on dairy, meat, cereals, fruits and vegetables, fish and other bases. Despite the difficult economic situation, the institute has significantly increased the share of fundamental work designed for the further development of the baby food industry, the number of annual publications in periodicals, patents, participation in conferences, exhibitions, seminars has increased, the activities of graduate school, propaganda and implementation have intensified scientific and technical products.

    Since 2006, the modern stage in the activities of the institute began - the Research Institute of Baby Nutrition was headed by a candidate of technical sciences Simonenko Sergey Vladimirovich, who has extensive administrative, economic and scientific experience in working in market conditions. The areas of his scientific activity are directly related to the creation and implementation of baby food products, as well as scientific support for the intersectoral baby food industry. With his direct participation, a number of dairy products were developed, successfully introduced and commercialized for feeding children of various age groups: a series of liquid and paste dairy products under the brand name “Krepysh” (produced by the Saratov Children's Dairy Products Plant), pasteurized and sterilized dairy products (kefir , milk, drinking cream, fermented milk mixtures), preventive products (fluoridated milk).

    The main directions of the institute’s research work are carried out in accordance with the Scientific and Technical Program of the Department of Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences “Develop modern resource-saving methods and technologies for highly efficient processing of agricultural raw materials in the production of environmentally friendly products of adequate nutrition”, designed for the period 2006-2010 years:

    • “Development of a methodology for organizing end-to-end agro-food technologies for agricultural raw materials and food products”;
    • “Development of scientific foundations and production methods for greening the processing and food industries in order to reduce the technogenic impact on the environment”;
    • “Development of theoretical foundations for the implementation of modern physical and chemical methods in highly efficient technologies for deep processing of agricultural raw materials”;
    • “Development of product technology for adequate indirect nutrition of children corresponding to different periods of their development”;
    • “Development of technology for multicomponent products for nutrition of school-age children: metabolic disorders”;
    • “Development of technology for functional dairy products for elderly people with acid-base balance disorders”;
    • “Development of technology for gerodietetic food products based on modern methods of food design.”

    Together with the Department of Food, Processing Industry and Quality Projection of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, work is being carried out that is of practical importance - “Development of methodological recommendations for assessing the safety and quality indicators of milk-based baby food products, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law “Technical Regulations on milk and dairy products." It is also planned to conduct research related to the development of national standards: for raw materials and baby food products, for methods for determining the quality indicators of baby food products; technologies of baby food products based on goat milk and methodological recommendations for organizing technochemical and microbiological control.

    A new direction has been organized in the study of the quality of baby food products: identification of genetically modified sources in raw materials and food products. In 2009, the Institute accredited a testing laboratory for determining genetically modified sources (GMI) using the identification method using a biological microchip in accordance with GOST R52174-2003. The laboratory personnel have the appropriate qualifications to conduct these studies. The laboratory examined a wide range of food products and raw materials, including: baby food products, bakery and pasta products; products of the dairy, meat and food processing industries.

    Today, the institute has intensified efforts to recruit and train new personnel, changes have been made in the structure, which should correspond to the ongoing fundamental and applied research. To improve staffing, agreements on scientific and technical cooperation were concluded with the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology and the Russian State Agrarian University named after. K.A.Timiryazev. Students undergo educational, technological, industrial practice at the institute and complete diploma theses. Work is underway to attract high school students to enter specialized institutes. The institute has organized and operates postgraduate studies in the specialty 05.18.04 “Technology of meat, dairy, fish products and refrigeration production.”

    The Institute carries out creative cooperation with industry universities and research institutes of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Dental Association of Russia, Association of Genetic Safety, Moscow State University of Food Production, etc.

    In conditions of a crisis economic situation, the institute is increasing the share of research work related to the complex processing of raw materials and improving the quality of baby food products, remaining the leading scientific institution in the country on the problem of creating baby food products.

    The Institute offers its partners more than 100 baby food technologies ready for industrial implementation, including those unique in their composition and methods of production, standards for methods for determining microorganisms, molds and fungi - vitamins A, E, C, PP, B1, B; iodine, fluorine; certified methods for determining fat, protein, moisture in dry dairy products, instructions and recommendations for chemical, microbiological control methods, etc.

    Research and development in the field of baby food continues to this day and is aimed at creating promising types of products for children's nutrition, increasing their nutritional and biological value and using them in industry.

    The Institute deals with goat milk issues from its production to the release of the next generation of baby food products based on it. Work is underway on the use of ultrasound in the production technology of baby food products, and the possibility of ultrasonic “cold” pasteurization of milk and its homogenization is being explored. A new direction of research is the use of cold in the technology of children's products - the creation of frozen desserts while preserving the native nutritional properties of various raw materials.

    In 2012, NIIDP of the Russian Agricultural Academy carried out research work in accordance with the Plan of fundamental and priority applied research of the Russian Agricultural Academy on scientific support for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation for 2011-15, and also took part in the implementation of the Federal Target Program.

    Scientific research under the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences program was conducted in the following areas:

    • "To develop technological schemes for children's dairy products enriched with extracts of biologically active substances of natural origin,"
    • "Optimize the composition and develop a technological scheme for children's products based on combining milk from various types of farm animals,"
    • "To study the influence of different types of starter cultures on changes in the physicochemical and microbiological parameters of fermented milk products intended for the nutrition of pregnant women and nursing mothers during storage,"
    • “To develop a technological scheme and recipes for low-lactose products intended for nutrition of elderly and elderly people.”

    In 2012, 2 patents were received for intellectual property, 4 applications were filed based on the results of the annual thematic plan.

    As part of a government contract, since 2012, work has been carried out on the topic “Development of technology for producing hypoallergenic functional dairy products.” The basis for the development of hypoallergenic dairy baby food products is the fact that a significant part of the population is intolerant to cow’s milk proteins, which excludes or significantly limits the possibility of consuming dairy products . A comprehensive solution to the problem of allergenicity of dairy products involves their development across the entire species spectrum, including liquid, paste, powder and solid products.

    The Institute of Child Nutrition is the leading research organization that coordinates the activities of industry institutes of the Russian Agricultural Academy in the field of developing technologies and formulations of food products for young children, schoolchildren and preschoolers, which is enshrined in the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Agricultural Academy. Over the past year, we have done some work as part of the Public and Coordination Councils under the Moscow Department of Education to analyze existing menus and develop optimal approaches to catering.

    The institutes of the Russian Agricultural Academy and, in particular, the Institute of Baby Nutrition, in their developments have always primarily relied on medical and biological requirements and the latest scientific and technical achievements, working in close contact with the specialized structures of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

    The success of catering in educational groups depends on three components. These are: justification, implementation and control. The creation of a program for the development of the baby food industry, which would take into account the specifics of the present moment, would provide for the creation of inter-industry high-tech industrial enterprises engaged in the production of special-purpose products in a wide range on a variety of raw materials, adequate to the needs of various deterministic groups. It is obvious that scientific and technical support for projects to improve the quality of nutrition, development of Standards, development and implementation of innovative technologies should be carried out by specialized scientific organizations. It should be noted that the Russian Agricultural Academy has its own scientific council, chaired by the director of the Institute of Children's Nutrition, which considers technologies for children's and special food products. The council includes experts from all industry institutes of the Russian Agricultural Academy and representatives of medical organizations.

    This year, the Institute began scientific and technical cooperation with the intersectoral research and production agrotechnopark "VITAGORA" (Dijon, France), the Innovative University of Eurasia (Kazakhstan), and the International Council for the Control of Iodine Deficiency Diseases (UNICEF). Based on the results of established contacts, both parties reached an agreement on cooperation and the development of joint scientific projects and support for research related to the control of food products, including children’s, their processing and sale. Cooperation has begun with foreign manufacturers of baby food DANONE BABY NUTRISION, Pepsico. Cooperation continued with the Bavarian Ministry of Environment and Food, the Central Union of Bavarian Dairy Farming, the Bavarian Ministry of Agriculture, the Weihenstephan Higher League, the Institute of Food Technology, the Taiwan State Institute of Nutrition, the Southern Taiwan Science Park, enterprises from Holland, Belarus, Ukraine, Belarusian State University, Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food. Currently, the institute is participating in the preparation of the Russian-Belarusian program “Creation of functional food products to improve human health.”

    In April 2012, the Institute, with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, held the 3rd international scientific and practical conference "Scientific and practical aspects of improving the quality of children's products nutrition and gerodietetic nutrition." Based on the conference materials, a collection of reports, articles and theses by scientists and specialists from research institutes, universities and other organizations involved in research in the field of baby nutrition was published.

    In 2012, scientists from the Russian Agricultural Academy NIIDP took part in more than 20 conferences and exhibitions. Among them: XVI Congress of Pediatricians of Russia "School on Current Issues of Healthy and Sick Children" (Moscow), X International Exhibition "Dairy and Meat Industry - 2012" (Moscow), 15 International Exhibition "Food Ingredients, Additives and Spices "(Moscow), International Scientific and Educational Forum "Formation of an industry innovative environment based on the development of professional communities and organizations of the agro-industrial complex, food, light industry and food industry" (Moscow), International Conference "Russia's accession to the WTO: advantages and risks of the agro-industrial complex" (Moscow), Interregional conference with international participation "Problems of quality and safety of food for the population in modern conditions" (Izhevsk), VII International symposium "Russia EU: cooperation in the field of Biotechnology, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and food in the 7th Framework Program" (Moscow), conference "Legislative and scientific-practical issues in the production of confectionery products, including functional ones, in connection with Russia's accession to the WTO" (Moscow). Moscow), All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Scientific and innovative aspects in creating healthy food products (Uglich)", All-Russian scientific and practical conference "New technologies and equipment - the basis for the success of the dairy industry in the conditions of the WTO" (Adler) , XV International Conference "Physico-chemical processes in the selection of atoms and molecules" (Zvenigorod), International scientific and practical conference "Innovative technologies in the food industry" (Minsk, Belarus), International scientific conference "Achievements and prospects for the development of biotechnology "(Saransk), conference "Organization of examination of the quality and safety of food products in connection with accession to the WTO" (Moscow), 17th International Exhibition "Equipment, machines, ingredients for the food and processing industry" (Moscow), International scientific seminar "Towards an understanding of the early development of taste preferences and eating habits in children" (Dijon, France), Regional Baking Forum of the CIS countries (Dijon, France). Lvov, Ukraine), II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Problems of Development of the Food Industry and Innovative Technologies of Food Production" (Uglich).

    In addition, during this year, the institute’s staff took part in round tables on school and preschool nutrition, healthy nutrition in educational institutions, and an international forum on children’s nutrition. teenagers and young people in educational institutions "Healthy children - a healthy country!", a round table dedicated to discussing the mechanism for ensuring food security in Russia in the context of the WTO, as well as at a round table meeting "Development of production and commodity distribution infrastructure of the social nutrition system and food assistance to vulnerable segments of the population as an important mechanism for ensuring the sustainability of sales of domestic agricultural products."

    Thus, in each period of its activity, the Research Institute of Baby Nutrition is assigned various tasks that meet the needs of the time and the requirements of society. Despite economic difficulties, the organization successfully copes with them and invites all interested enterprises and educational institutions to cooperate.