What fruits are rich in potassium? What foods are rich in potassium? Egg and dairy products

The average adult needs to consume 3,500 mg of potassium per day. This figure may change based on lifestyle, health, and age. For example, infants need only 400 mg per day, for children from one to three years the consumption increases to 1300 mg, and up to 14 years the norm is 3800 mg. During pregnancy you need to consume 4700 mg of the substance. Women who are breastfeeding have the greatest need for potassium. Their body should receive 5000 mg daily.

Effect on the body

Having imagined the human body as a complex system of chemical elements, it becomes clear that each of them is necessary to maintain balance. A person needs potassium in especially large quantities, because it is involved in almost all processes. The more you learn about the effects of a substance on the body, the easier it will be for you to regulate your diet.

Positive properties

There is no doubt that potassium is vital for humans. But healthy curiosity pushes us to learn more about the effects of a substance on the body. It is worth highlighting eight significant points regarding the benefits of potassium.

  1. To normalize blood pressure. Potassium gives elasticity to the walls of blood vessels, preventing them from clogging. People suffering from hypertension need to form a diet based on foods rich in this substance.
  2. For kidney health. Maintaining a constant normal level of potassium prevents the formation of kidney stones. This is due to the fact that the substance fixes calcium in the bones, preventing it from being washed away.
  3. For muscle work. The element takes an active part in the process of converting glucose into energy resources necessary for physical activity. The mineral also gives muscle fibers elasticity and strength. This property is extremely important for the heart.
  4. For the brain. The mineral helps oxygenate brain cells. As a result, mental activity increases and the ability to remember information increases.
  5. For skin. The substance normalizes the moisture balance in epidermal cells. As a result, the skin is protected from premature aging and external negative influences.
  6. For hair. Prevents hair loss and improves the functional state of strands.
  7. For the nervous system. Potassium helps accelerate the transmission of nerve impulses.
  8. For digestion. Acts as a catalyst for digestive processes and participates in the processing of carbohydrates.

Potassium is vital for people suffering from diabetes. The mineral normalizes blood sugar levels. It also stimulates the production of insulin by the pancreas.

Deficiency Symptoms

Taking diuretics, excessive consumption of salty foods, excessive exercise, bad habits and many other factors lead to potassium deficiency. This condition is called hypokalemia. You can understand that your body is lacking this element by the following signs:

  • lack of appetite, aversion to certain foods;
  • muscle weakness and fatigue;
  • rapid arrhythmic heartbeat;
  • muscle spasms;
  • constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • depressed mood and apathy;
  • frequent colds;
  • feeling of dry mouth and constant thirst;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • brittle nails;
  • deterioration in hair quality.

Potassium deficiency is especially undesirable for women of reproductive age. A long-term lack of this mineral can lead to the inability to conceive a child, complications during pregnancy, and can also provoke a number of gynecological diseases.

What does excess lead to?

How much potassium does the body need? With frequent and uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes and dietary supplements, the body can become oversaturated with potassium (hyperkalemia). 6000 mg is already a toxic dose, leading to severe illness. The problem can be identified by the following signs:

  • low blood pressure;
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • swelling of the face and limbs;
  • nervous tension and anxiety;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • stomach ache.

Not only dietary supplements can cause excess potassium. If you eat potatoes or beans every day, chances are you'll also experience unpleasant symptoms.

What foods contain potassium?

Where is potassium found? Nature is designed in such a way that everything essential for human health is present in natural products. Indeed, our ancestors did not have pharmacies nearby, but they were much healthier and stronger than us. By including potassium-containing foods in your menu, you will make your body more resilient.


In order to maintain the concentration of potassium in the body at a normal level, it is not necessary to take any dietary supplements. It is enough to properly organize your diet, basing it on foods containing a lot of potassium. The table shows the key sources of this element.

Table - Products containing large quantities of potassium

ProductKcal per 100 gAmount of potassium, mg/100 gShare of daily value, %
Cocoa powder289 1525 32
Dried apricots215 1512 31
White beans102 1188 28
Pistachios556 1043 22
Avocado160 975 21
Sea kale25 970 20
Prunes231 912 19
Pumpkin seeds556 788 17
Salmon142 722 16
Raisin263 649 16
Watermelon27 641 15
Dates292 636 14
Potato192 534 13
Spinach23 466 10
Champignons27 450 10
Walnuts654 441 9
Oatmeal88 429 9
Brussels sprouts36 389 8
Lentils111 370 8
Bananas96 358 8
Carrot32 320 7
Broccoli27 316 7
Beet42 305 6
Apples47 279 6
Grape72 254 5
Tomatoes20 237 5
Rye bread165 208 4
Orange43 198 3

Potassium works in tandem with sodium. The latter helps maintain balance by neutralizing excess potassium. For every three parts potassium there should be a part sodium.

What to include on the menu first

Foods high in potassium are mainly vegetables and fruits. If they make up at least a third of your daily menu, there is no need to worry about a lack of mineral in the body. In addition, they have many other beneficial properties. It is worth paying special attention to six foods rich in potassium.

  1. Avocado. Essential for those who watch their figure. This hearty snack helps normalize and stabilize weight when consumed regularly. Before eating an avocado, it is recommended to sprinkle it with lemon juice.
  2. Watermelon. Despite the fact that the berry is on the list of foods containing potassium, this is not its main value. It is a source of lycopene, which is necessary to maintain normal heart function. This substance also strengthens bones and prevents cancer.
  3. Tomato. Another source of lycopene. The fruit is most useful when eaten fresh.
  4. Beet. The value of this root vegetable is determined by the increased content of phytonutrients. They remove toxins and “extinguish” inflammatory processes in the body.
  5. Potato. Almost half of the potassium contained in potatoes comes from their skin. Therefore, it is better to bake and boil this vegetable unpeeled.
  6. Cocoa. To maintain normal potassium levels in the body, experts recommend drinking two cups of the drink per day.

If for some reason there is a violation of the diet, replenishing potassium reserves in the body is quite simple. Drink half a glass of water, after dissolving a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in it.

How to get the most out of it

Vitamins and minerals vital for humans can lose their characteristics under the influence of internal and external factors. Therefore, even foods with the highest potassium content do not always help replenish the deficiency of the substance in the body. Health is a complex science, consisting of a million secrets and subtleties.

What is stopping you from learning...

Potassium is characterized by high bioavailability. Almost 95% of the substance entering the body is absorbed through the small intestine. But in some cases the value of this indicator can decrease significantly. Here's what interferes with the absorption of the mineral:

  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • lack of vitamin B6 in the body;
  • frequent use of laxatives;
  • insufficient magnesium intake;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • excessive coffee consumption;
  • the presence of a large number of sweets in the diet;
  • nervous tension;
  • dietary ration.

... and what contributes

It is not enough to be able to cook delicious food. It is important that it does not lose its natural benefits. Five tricks will help make your food healthy and retain maximum potassium in it.

  1. Eat raw foods. Heat treatment reduces the amount of useful components in products by at least a third. Whenever possible, try to consume plant foods in their natural form.
  2. Shock treatment. Pour boiling water over cereals, vegetables and other products before cooking. This will preserve more nutrients than with gradual heating. And judging by the reviews, the taste reveals itself better.
  3. Do not soak grains. It is enough to wash them well before cooking. Otherwise, the lion's share of potassium will simply go into the water.
  4. Less water. During cooking, there should be just enough water in the pan to cover the food, but no more.
  5. Steam and bake. These food processing methods are optimal for preserving beneficial properties.

Potassium is one of the few minerals that is found in some amount in all foods. Therefore, a healthy person whose diet is dominated by high-quality food should not worry about a possible deficiency of the mineral in the body. If you feel unwell and are subject to constant physical, mental and emotional stress, you should look more carefully for potassium in foods, giving preference to foods with the maximum content of this substance.

The foundation of the beauty and health of each of us is a harmonious and balanced amount of microelements in the body. Potassium, which is one of the most valuable minerals, is responsible for the normal functioning of many vital organs.

Why does the body need potassium?

Benefits of potassium for the human body lies, first of all, in its positive effect on the state of the neuromuscular and cardiovascular systems. In addition, this microelement ensures normal functioning of the kidneys and intestines, and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Foods High in Potassium

The main source of potassium are. It is found in both plant and animal foods. Despite the fact that plants hold the record for its content, it is preferable to use sources animal origin: after all, they contain another important mineral - sodium, in “pair” with which potassium is most effective.

Among the products with high content potassium includes baked potatoes, bananas and cantaloupe. Consumption of these products in excess covers the body's daily need for this mineral.

However, healthy eating does not mean monotonous food in large quantities, but varied and healthy diet. The daily menu should ideally include:

  • . In this category of products, the champions in terms of potassium content are butter and cedar oil, which is quite rare, but unique in its healing properties.
  • . To replenish microelement reserves in the body, drink orange juice.
  • , including potassium-rich pine nuts, peanuts and almonds.
  • and cereals, including potassium-containing oatmeal, millet and buckwheat.
  • . Potatoes, carrots, beets, tomatoes, pumpkins, beans and peas that are traditional on our table are real potassium storehouses.
  • And . To avoid hypokalemia, enjoy bananas, avocados, melon, watermelon and dried apricots more often.
  • Most of them contain potassium: cheese, milk, cottage cheese.
  • Meat and poultry. Potassium is found to a greater extent in beef, lean pork, and cod.
Product Potassium content in 100 g of product, mg
Coffee beans1600
Cedar oil1020
Porcini mushrooms468
, freshly squeezed orange juice197
Sweet pepper163
Whole milk146
Chicken egg140
Cottage cheese112

During the cooking process, namely during heat treatment, there is an inevitable loss of a certain amount of all microelements. But if you use this or that product it can't be raw, then you should follow a number of simple rules:

  • use for cooking minimum water;
  • reduce cooking time;
  • steam;
  • do not fry, but boil;
  • It is better to bake vegetables with their skins on.

Of the total volume of potassium entering the body, absorbed 90-95%.

Dietetics and weight loss

Extremely important for human health potassium balance in the body. Therefore, when creating a diet, it is important to include foods rich in this valuable microelement. Otherwise, you cannot avoid all the “delights” of hypokalemia (lack of potassium). Get enough potassium while losing weight It is also important because:

  • If weight loss occurs not only due to, but also due to active ones, the need for it increases.
  • A lack of potassium contributes to fluid retention in the body and the appearance of edema, which negatively affects the overall process of losing weight.
  • Since potassium directly affects metabolism, its deficiency will lead to incomplete digestibility of food and, as a result, to chronic hunger and overeating.

At the same time, you should be careful: potassium-rich foods such as potatoes, bananas and nuts are very... Therefore, when creating a menu, this factor should be taken into account, especially if the goal of the diet is weight loss.

Optimal in combination " low calorie content– high potassium content” can be called: vegetables (spinach, beets, cabbage), fish and seafood, some fruits (unsweetened apples). If the goal of the diet is not so much weight loss as general improvement of the body, then you can try the so-called "potassium" diet. The name is not accidental; it reflects the essence of nutrition during a diet: the menu includes potassium-rich foods and dishes made from them (potato and carrot soups and cutlets, millet porridge, dried fruits, etc.) Doctors recommend such a treatment table for patients with heart disease. vascular system, suffering from edema and hypertension. And you should adhere to such a diet only after consulting a doctor.

There are substances that are essential for humans, like potassium, or, for example, you can read more about it and about the products containing it. And there are substances with questionable benefits for the body. In particular, you can familiarize yourself with it and try to understand its benefits and harms.

Potassium intake rate

The following is generally accepted method for calculating daily requirements in potassium: the number of full years of the patient is added to 2000 mg (the minimum daily requirement) - the required level of consumption is obtained. This calculation is only applicable to persons over 18 years old who do not engage in heavy physical labor and are not professional athletes. Also, the daily intake of potassium for women increases significantly during pregnancy and during lactation.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in the body:

  • immunity decreases;
  • general weakness, chronic fatigue, neuropsychic exhaustion occurs;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, which manifests itself in the form of low blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances and heart failure;
  • bothered by muscle cramps;
  • increasing disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys appear;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders progress: constipation, diarrhea, peptic ulcer, nausea and vomiting.

It is extremely important to identify these symptoms in a timely manner, since a lack of potassium in the body in women can lead to reproductive system diseases up to infertility.

Potassium deficiency is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. Therefore, at the slightest sign of deficiency of this mineral (otherwise known as hypokalemia), you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is also a misconception that the more, the better. A single dose of 6 grams of potassium is toxic for the average person, and 14 grams will be fatal. Excess potassium in the body is called hyperkalemia, and its symptoms are the same as with a lack of the mineral. So excessive consumption of this microelement will not bring any benefit. Excess potassium is acceptable (and sometimes even necessary) for the following symptoms:
  • chronic diarrhea or vomiting (in order to restore the normal level of the element in the body);
  • frequent urination - for example, after taking diuretics (for the same purpose);
  • overwork as a result of significant physical or neuropsychic stress.

Coffee lovers and alcohol abusers should also remember that coffee and alcohol interfere with the absorption of potassium and, as a result, can lead to its deficiency.

To summarize, it should be emphasized that potassium is irreplaceable in the human body. And its chronic deficiency has sad consequences, often irreversible. But don’t be afraid, because in ordinary life, when varied diet, this does not threaten anyone. At risk for hypokalemia are only those who are forced to follow a diet, engage in professional sports or heavy physical labor.

Have you ever wondered whether you are consuming enough potassium? And if so, what measures to restore its balance in the body do you consider optimal? Tell us about it in the comments!

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than cooking for yourself))


The human body needs many substances and microelements. A lack of substances necessary for normal life is fraught with disorders and malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems. Not only the physiological components of a person suffer, but also his psyche: a lack of certain microelements is the cause of depression. Foods that contain potassium can eliminate the deficiency of nutrients.

Potassium, like many other substances, is of great importance for the stable functioning of many systems and organs. If a microelement enters the body irregularly, intermittently, its deficiency causes various disorders. The human nervous system suffers: deficiency of vitamins and microelements is one of the main causes of nervous breakdowns. To replenish potassium reserves, nutritionists recommend revising your diet so that it includes foods containing large amounts of this substance. Potassium performs the following functions:

  • Regulates the work of the heart.
  • Promotes the production of enzymes.
  • Improves fluid removal from tissues and muscles.
  • Protects tissues and blood vessels from the formation of plaques and deposits.
  • Promotes saturation of brain tissue with oxygen, which ensures normal activity of the brain and nervous system.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes.

List of foods containing potassium

Many foods are rich in potassium: there is a lot of it both in regular cereals and in. Conventionally, such products are divided into two categories: plant and animal origin. To avoid reducing the content of potassium and other useful microelements in foods, eat vegetables and fruits raw, as well as steam or boil them. Potassium loses its properties from prolonged exposure to air, so it is better to eat only fresh, recently cut fruits and vegetables.

Plant products

The list of plant-based foods that contain potassium is impressive. Conventionally, it is divided into 4 categories: fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereals, dried fruits. Each group of products has its own characteristics of use. Fruits and vegetables that grow in our area are best eaten as they ripen, and dried fruits - in winter. Cereals and cereals are consumed all year round.

Fruits, vegetables:

  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • cabbage;
  • pumpkin;
  • currant;
  • bananas;
  • melons;
  • watermelons;
  • oranges;
  • carrot;

Dried fruits:

  • raisin;
  • dried apricots;
  • figs;
  • prunes;
  • almond;
  • peanut;
  • pine nuts;
  • cashew;
  • walnuts;


  • oatmeal;
  • rye bread;
  • wheat flour;
  • buckwheat groats;

Animal products

Animal products are an important source of potassium, which is found in different types of meat. To quickly eliminate the deficiency of this microelement, eat dietary meats and fish containing a small amount of fat. For better absorption of potassium, include both animal and plant foods in your diet. Potassium rich foods include:

  • whole milk;
  • salmon;
  • halibut;
  • cod;
  • tuna;
  • sardines;
  • flounder;
  • yogurt;
  • rabbit meat;
  • beef;

Where is high potassium found?

The maximum of this substance is found in products mainly of plant origin. Some nutritionists claim that black tea is extremely rich in potassium, but this is refuted by other researchers. Therefore, we recommend replenishing your reserves of this essential microelement from other sources. The maximum amount of potassium is found in:

  1. dried apricots;
  2. cocoa;
  3. coffee;
  4. wheat bran;
  5. raisins;
  6. almonds;
  7. peanuts;
  8. parsley;

Table of products containing beneficial microelements

The issue of saturating the body with vitamins and microelements must be approached responsibly: an excess of some microelements is no less harmful than their deficiency. In addition, it is important to maintain their ratio. Thus, the potassium-sodium balance is of great importance. Potassium and sodium should enter the body in a ratio of one to two. The functioning of the body also depends on the intake of such an element as. Here is a table of the content of these substances in food:

Potassium (mg/100 g)

Sodium (mg/100 g)

Magnesium (mg/100 g)










fried sausage


cocoa powder

Potassium is the main macronutrient that regulates the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The table shows foods rich in potassium, with which you can provide the required amount of the mineral in your diet.

The daily intake of potassium may vary depending on age: children need to consume from 400 to 3500 mg, and adults - 4700 mg per day.

Age, years Potassium norm, mg
From birth to 6 months 400
7-12 months 700
1-3 3000
4-8 3800
9-13 4500
14-18 4700
19-50 4700
Over 50 4700

Potassium deficiency in the body can be caused by both physiological and pathological reasons, including:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • inflammatory bowel diseases (ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, chronic diarrhea), which interfere with the absorption of macronutrients;
  • vomiting, diarrhea due to poisoning;
  • profuse sweating for a long time;
  • eating foods rich in sodium (salt, glutamate and other chemical additives that promote the excretion of potassium);
  • magnesium deficiency in the diet, since it is magnesium that “holds” potassium ions in the cells and prevents the leaching of the mineral;
  • the use of diuretics and laxatives that promote increased potassium excretion;
  • long-term treatment with corticosteroids (dexamethasone, prednisolone, methylprednisolone), cardiac glycosides (digitoxin, strophanthin, celanide);
  • use of high doses of insulin for diabetes mellitus.

Useful properties

Participating in the regulation of cellular processes to maintain the vital functions of the body, potassium performs a number of useful functions, such as:

  • normalization of the acid-base balance - the optimal ratio of acid and alkali in cells and in the blood (chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus respond to the acid potential of tissues, and potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium - for the alkaline potential);
  • control of water balance - together with sodium, regulates the level of water in tissues, which prevents reduction or excessive filling of cells (normally, the potassium level should be 2 times higher than the sodium level);
  • conduction of electrical impulses - together with other electrolytes, participates in the formation and transmission of impulses along nerve fibers and between cells (nerve impulses regulate muscle contraction, heart rate, reflexes and many other processes);
  • formation of energy balance, including the energy potential of cells, glucose absorption and the formation of glycogen reserves in muscles;
  • normalization of blood pressure – controls the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels;
  • affects the functioning of the heart;
  • increases blood circulation in the brain, which improves performance, memory, and mood;
  • improves kidney function, promoting the release of protein breakdown products from the body (for example, uric acid) and reducing edema;
  • prevents the leaching of calcium from bones;
  • enhances the production of insulin by the pancreas.

What foods contain a lot of potassium?

Potassium is included in many foods of both plant (greens, vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts) and animal (meat, fish, milk) origin. The table shows the main products with a high potassium content - from 300 to 1000 mg per 100 grams. It should be taken into account that the level of the mineral decreases by 10-15% after heat treatment (especially when cooking meat and fish).

Products Potassium content per 100 g, mg
Fruits and berries
Banana 358
Black currant 322
Kiwi 312
Dried fruits
Dried banana 1491
Dried apples 640
Dried apricots 1162
Raisin 746
Dates 960
Green salad 606
Spinach 558
Parsley 554
Avocado 485
Potato 425
Garlic 401
Sorrel 390
Brussels sprouts 389
Pumpkin 340
Beet 325
Carrot 320
White 697
White dried 3937
Chanterelles 410
Champignons 277
Chickpeas 718
Peanut 705
Beans 508
Lentils 369
Peas 362
Nuts and seeds
Pistachios 1008
Sunflower seeds 850
Pumpkin seeds 806
Hazelnut 755
Almond 733
Poppy 719
Hazelnut 680
Cashew 660
Green buckwheat 460
Barley groats 452
Rabbit meat 383
Pork 377
Beef liver 352
Beef 339
Chicken breast 391
Chicken 257
Goose 239
Duck 252
Turkey 239
Fish and seafood
Salmon 628
Chum salmon 550
Halibut 528
Zander 499
Trout 463
Pollock 456
Carp 427
Herring 419
Octopus 630
Shrimps 259
Dairy products
Powdered milk 1335
Condensed milk 375
Sour cream 212
Goat milk 204

Below is a list of foods that contain high amounts of potassium (500 to 3,900 mg) that can provide 50 to 80% of the daily value of the mineral in small 100-150 gram portions.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are the healthiest dried fruit for people with problems with the cardiovascular system, since the high potassium content (1162 mg) helps normalize blood pressure and increase hemoglobin levels, especially during pregnancy. 100 grams of dried apricots replenishes a quarter of the potassium requirement.


Half of the minerals contained in mushrooms are potassium (3937 mg), and the rest are phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, sodium and zinc. 100 grams of dried mushrooms provide 85% of the daily value of potassium. Eating mushrooms is beneficial for atherosclerosis and angina, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also prevents the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

Soy flour

A significant amount of potassium (2215 mg) is included in soy flour along with other minerals (calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, manganese), a high concentration of amino acids and fiber. Among the beneficial properties of soy flour are the normalization of protein and fat metabolism, reduction of blood pressure and weight, and strengthening of blood vessels.

Cocoa powder

Cocoa strengthens and increases the elasticity of vascular walls, lowers blood pressure and stimulates blood circulation in the brain due to the presence of potassium (1527 mg), magnesium and phosphorus. In total, the powder contains about 300 valuable nutrients in the form of antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and fiber.


Potassium levels in dried bananas are four times higher than in fresh ones, at 1,491 mg. The chemical composition of bananas (potassium and magnesium) has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and normalizes water-salt balance, and the high content of B vitamins and tryptophan strengthens the nervous system.


Due to their rich mineral composition (960 mg of potassium), dates are recommended for consumption after serious illnesses, as well as after heart disease, as they stimulate cardiac activity, tone and strengthen the heart muscle and blood vessels, and prevent the development of varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases.


Pistachios contain 1008 mg of potassium, as well as magnesium and antioxidants (vitamins A and E), which reduce inflammatory processes in blood vessels and capillaries and prevent disorders of the heart. A 20-gram serving of pistachios in your daily diet provides a quarter of your daily requirement for vitamin B6 and provides 200 milligrams of potassium.

Sunflower seeds

20-25 grams of sunflower seeds supply the body with minerals (850 mg of potassium, as well as phosphorus), which promote the absorption of nutrients from food, reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, prevent the increase in “bad” cholesterol and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, and also have a strengthening effect. effects on bones and joints.


The beneficial properties of raisins include strengthening the myocardium, improving the contractility of the heart and the conductivity of electrical impulses, eliminating swelling and lowering blood pressure, as well as normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system (relieves stress, improves sleep). Raisins contain a lot of potassium (738 milligrams), nitrogenous substances, fiber, vitamins and minerals.


Dill contains 738 mg of potassium and makes it possible to replenish the body's needs for calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, C, P and B6. Due to the balanced content of potassium and magnesium in the composition, preparations based on green dill are used to treat cardiovascular disorders.


The benefits of chickpeas are due to the high content of potassium (718 mg), calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, vitamin E and group B, protein, fiber, and consist of a diuretic, tonic and antibacterial effect. Regular consumption of chickpeas is recommended for nervous exhaustion, heart and liver disorders.


100 grams of raw or roasted almonds provides the body with 15% of the daily requirement of potassium (733 mg), as well as phosphorus (65% of the norm), magnesium (67%) and calcium (25%). Almonds strengthen the walls of capillaries and arteries, prevent the accumulation of cholesterol and have a beneficial effect on brain function.

Dried apples

Dried apples differ significantly in composition from fresh fruits in their high concentration of potassium (640 mg), calcium, iron, B vitamins, essential oils, pectins and antioxidants. Eating dry food is good for the gastrointestinal tract, heart, bones, brain and nervous system.

Octopus meat

Octopus contains the most potassium among animal products - 630 milligrams per 100 grams, has a low calorie content (80 kcal) and a high concentration of useful micro- and macroelements. Octopus meat contains magnesium, sodium, iodine, zinc, selenium and iron, a large amount of protein and vitamins (A, D, B6, B12).


Salmon, salmon and other varieties of red fish contain about 600 mg of potassium, phosphorus that is beneficial for bones and joints, as well as valuable Omega-3 fats, which improve the absorption of minerals, reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood and prevent the development of pathological changes in blood vessels.

How to determine potassium deficiency

Symptoms of potassium deficiency can manifest as disturbances in the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems in the form of:

  • constant fatigue, irritability, depression;
  • hand tremors;
  • calf muscle cramps;
  • slowing heart rate;
  • arrhythmia that occurs without significant causes;
  • frequent manifestations of allergic reactions;
  • shortness of breath, moist rales in the bronchi in the absence of colds;
  • increased frequency and volume of urination (up to 3 liters per day);
  • nausea, abdominal pain, frequent bowel movements and regurgitation.

Do you also go to the pharmacy for potassium? This is justified if you have an incredibly acute microelement deficiency, and your doctor prescribed the pills to you. Otherwise, there is no point in poisoning your body with chemicals. After all, the deficiency of the substance can be compensated for by including foods rich in potassium in your menu.

Effects of potassium on human health

Potassium is not only a chemical element from the periodic table that is studied in the school curriculum. It is also a useful substance necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

The microelement performs the following functions:

  • along with sodium and chlorine, it serves to maintain optimal water and electrolyte balance;
  • is the main component of living cells, responsible for their integrity;
  • reduces the risk of heart and vascular diseases;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • being an antidepressant, it has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental health;
  • eliminates waste and toxins;
  • responsible for the functioning of the brain, controls its supply of oxygen and blood;
  • promotes muscle contraction by participating in the processes of converting glucose into energy.
  • normalize metabolism.

The role of potassium for humans is truly great. Studies have proven that the trace element reduces the risk of early death from various causes by 50%.

Potassium intake rate

The level of a person’s need for a microelement depends on his age, state of health, and physical activity.

The daily potassium intake for children ranges from 400 mg to 4.5 g. Adults 19 years of age and older should consume at least 4.7 grams per day. substances. For breastfeeding women, it is recommended to increase the amount to 5.1 g.

The need for potassium increases proportionally with increasing physical and emotional stress, with the use of chemicals that promote excessive sweating, diuretics and tablets that remove potassium from the body.

Leading foods in potassium content

The main source of microelement is food of plant origin. Potassium is, of course, also found in animal products. But the attractiveness of such food immediately disappears due to the high concentration of antibiotics and hormones in it.

The list of plant products containing potassium is huge. However, adherents of healthy eating are more interested in which of them are leaders in this regard. I ate the right portion of a healthy product - and forever forgot about potassium deficiency and all the problems arising from it.

  • Green and herbal tea

One hundred grams of the world's most famous drink contains the most potassium: about 2500 mg. In this case, preference should be given to the sheet rather than the packaged product.

About four cups of the drink will fill the daily requirement for microelements and improve your health. When choosing herbal tea, you need to consider its composition. Infusions of some plants are not indicated for various diseases.

This tea removes toxins from the body, reduces the risk of cancer, slows down aging, and also protects a person from harmful computer radiation. Some compounds are additionally capable of strengthening the heart and blood vessels, the immune system, increasing blood pressure, and elevating mood.

  • Dried apricots

100 grams of dried apricots contain 1800 mg of potassium, which is 31% of the daily requirement. Dark brown fruits are considered more useful.

Due to their high potassium concentration, dried apricots are a natural diuretic. Along with urine, excess sodium salt is removed from the body, which retains water and causes edema.

Dried apricots help get rid of cholesterol plaques, thereby strengthening the heart and blood vessels. Dried fruits are especially useful for diabetics and people suffering from thyroid diseases.

  • Beans

Beans are an excellent source of potassium. In 100 gr. beans contain 1189 mg of trace elements. This is 28% of the daily value.

The leader of all varieties is white beans. Regular consumption of legumes will have a positive effect on heart function. It is worth noting that red and lima beans are also good sources of micronutrients.

  • Pistachios

In 100 gr. nuts contain 1042 mg of useful substance.

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you need to eat no more than 40 grams of pistachios per day. They will reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases, get rid of cholesterol plaques, cleanse the liver of toxins and waste, and also strengthen the nervous system.

  • Beet

The source of potassium is not so much the vegetable itself as its tops. 100 gr. The product contains about 1000 mg of potassium.

Instead of throwing the top of the vegetable in the trash, cut it into cubes and add it to soups and salads. This way you will replenish ¼ of your daily potassium requirement.

  • Dried grapes

Dried grapes contain significantly more potassium than fresh ones. So, in 100 gr. there are 860 mg of trace elements.

Regular inclusion of raisins in the diet will lead to the regulation of the acid-base balance in the blood and activation of the heart muscles. Dried grapes normalize kidney and skin functions.

These were the main sources of potassium, but besides them there are other products that supply our body with a useful microelement:

Product name Potassium level (mg/100 g of product)
pumpkin seeds about 800
almond 700
dates just under 660
potato 535
soybeans no more than 515
avocado about 490
spinach just under 470
walnut 440
oatmeal almost 430
Brussels sprouts about 400
bananas about 360
carrot 320
broccoli 316
tomatoes about 300

Potassium is an essential substance for health. Its deficiency can lead to apathy, weakness, depression and other ailments. To avoid these problems, eat more foods containing potassium, and then your body will thank you with good health.