Chocolate mastic cream. Chocolate ganache for mastic recipe

If you are ready to build a home culinary masterpiece and decorate it with mastic, you should remember that this material cannot be applied to wet surfaces. And if the cake is already soaked in cream, then it is necessary to create a “buffer layer” that does not allow moisture to pass through. Which cream for mastic is better can only be determined by preparing each one. Several recipes with different bases are described below.

Butter cream with condensed milk for smoothing the cake under mastic - recipe


  • butter – 275 g;
  • – 395 g;
  • dry


The butter should be at room temperature and fairly soft. Place it in a container, rub it with a spatula and add condensed milk. Next, process the mixture with a mixer until a homogeneous texture is obtained.

Now an important feature of the mastic cream is that it is necessary to bring it to the required density by adding cookies crushed into fine crumbs, which also need to be thoroughly crushed in a blender.

Add the crumbs to the cream a little at a time, stirring each time until they are evenly distributed. The result should be a dense cream that will not “slip” from the cake and will adhere perfectly to the surface. In the same way, you can hide minor blemishes or fill in irregularities and voids.

Chocolate ganache cream for mastic - recipe

Ganache is prepared exclusively from high-quality chocolate, any kind: black, white, milk, it doesn’t matter, since the technology and proportions remain the same. Porous chocolate is not suitable for cooking, much less one containing various additives.

The basic recipe is as simple as possible and is based on a 5:1 ratio, so for one kilogram of any chocolate you will need exactly 200 ml of cream. Crush the chocolate into small pieces of approximately equal size, pour cream over them and place everything in the microwave oven. After 30 seconds, stir the mixture thoroughly and return it to the microwave for the same period. Repeat this process until all the chocolate chips are melted. Next, cover the ganache with cling film so that the surface does not dry out and place the dishes in the cold.

After 5-6 hours, the ganache can be used, but first it must be left at room temperature to thaw a little for about one hour. When the cream is slightly warm, you can spread it over the surface of the cake in two batches. Once again, you need to cool the entire dessert for about an hour and you can safely start applying mastic.

Protein cream for mastic

This cream is also applied to the sponge cake before spreading the mastic. This coating is necessary so that the finished cake does not lose its shape under the weight of the decor.


  • whites of large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • citric acid - a small pinch;
  • water – 75 ml;
  • fine powdered sugar – 115 g;
  • potato starch – 475 g;
  • sugar – 175 g.


Pour sugar and water into a deep container and place on fire. Constantly stirring intensively, bring the mass to a fairly thick syrup, the readiness of which can be determined by its viscousness - when it stretches thread. Add a small pinch of citric acid to the still hot syrup and stir vigorously.

In another container, beat the whites with a mixer until fluffy foam is obtained. Gradually add syrup in 3 additions. Beat for about 15 minutes until thick and dense.

Now pour in protein cream sifted starch and fine powder - mix thoroughly with a spoon.

The result is a fairly dense protein mass, which can be applied to the surface of the cake with a pastry spatula, constantly moistening it in cold water. The workpiece must be put in the cold and mastic must be applied after a couple of hours.

To make it beautiful and neat cover mastic cake, it needs to be leveled, this is not at all difficult to do, using a suitable basics. Here are some mastic cream recipes:

Oil cream
Condensed milk (can be boiled) - 100-200 g
Butter – 200 g
Soften the butter, beat with a mixer, adding condensed milk.
After covering the cake with buttercream, place it in the refrigerator to set for 20 minutes.

Oil-protein cream
Makes approximately 1200 g cream
Egg whites – 8 pieces
Sugar – 450 gr
Butter - 600 g (fresh, good quality)
Heat the egg whites with sugar over low heat, add a pinch of salt, stir constantly so as not to burn (you can use a water bath).
Once the sugar has dissolved, remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool.
Meanwhile, beat the butter with a mixer until creamy.
When the whites and sugar have cooled, beat them with a mixer until fluffy and thick, gradually adding whipped butter.
The mass should increase by about 1.5 - 2 times.
Beat the cream until it becomes shiny.
The cream is easily colored with food coloring.

White chocolate custard cream
White chocolate - 180g
Flour - 2.5 tablespoons
Milk - 250ml
Sugar - 50-200g (you can leave it out, to taste)
Butter - 200g
Pour the milk into a saucepan, add flour and mix well so that there are no lumps.
Add sugar to milk and place in a water bath.
Bring the mixture to a boil and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly (so that the flour does not settle or clump).
Remove the saucepan from the bath and immediately add the chocolate.
Stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved and cool completely.
Beat the soft butter until white with a mixer, adding vanillin.
Gradually add the chocolate mixture to the butter and beat until smooth.
(The cream can be frozen. Before using on the cake, leave it warm for several hours and beat it.)

Apricot glaze
Apricot jam - 450 grams
Water - 3 tbsp. spoons
Mix apricot jam with water, heat slightly, stirring until the jam melts. Then bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute. Then remove from heat and rub through a sieve. Discard any stones remaining in the sieve. Using a brush, apply glaze to the entire surface of the cake; you can also glaze fruit decorations on the cake. Apricot glaze should be transparent and should be applied while hot.

Cream - 200 ml (30% fat content or higher)
Chocolate (optional):
if you use Milk chocolate, you need 300 grams,
if you like White chocolate - 400 grams,
dark chocolate – 200 grams

Finely break the chocolate.
Bring the cream to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the cream boils, remove it from the heat and add the chocolate, stir.
Cool the resulting mixture well and beat with a mixer.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to choose an oil cream for mastic. After all, if you make such a filling incorrectly, you risk getting a not very attractive cake, since the decoration simply won’t fit on it. In this regard, in this article we decided to tell you in detail about which butter cream for mastic should be used to prepare a beautiful homemade dessert.

We make a delicious filling from proteins and cooking fat

Protein-butter cream for mastic is very easy to prepare and most popular among those who regularly prepare beautiful homemade cakes for their loved ones. It should be especially noted that there is nothing complicated in creating such a filling.

So, to make oil-protein you need to prepare:

  • egg white - from 3 large country eggs;
  • sand-sugar - about 150 g;
  • fine sea salt (a pinch);
  • high fat butter - about 200 g.

Cooking process

As you can see, mastic does not require many expensive and rare ingredients. To make this filling, you need to place 3 egg whites, all the granulated sugar and a pinch of salt in a large metal bowl. Next, they need to be placed in a water bath and heated slowly, stirring regularly with a whisk.

All components should be cooked until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. In this case, be sure to ensure that the contents of the bowl do not burn.

The second stage of preparing the cake filling

To make the buttercream for mastic tasty, the cooking fat for it should be purchased as fresh as possible. It needs to be thawed in a warm place, and then whipped until fluffy and airy, using a mixer.

After obtaining a homogeneous creamy mass, you need to add the cooled ones to it. Beat these ingredients together, preferably until the butter cream for the mastic becomes shiny and airy.

How to use?

Once you have prepared it, it should be used immediately for its intended purpose. To do this, they need to grease all previously baked cakes, and then cover them with a thin layer, wait for them to harden and begin decorating with mastic at their own discretion.

High-calorie butter cream for mastic with condensed milk: recipe

The presented filling for a homemade cake is considered classic. After all, it is very often used to prepare delicious and very high-calorie baked goods. It should be especially noted that there is nothing complicated in creating this cream. That is why even the most inexperienced housewife in cooking can make it.

So what ingredients are needed to make your own butter cream for mastic with condensed milk? For this we will need products such as:

  • high fat butter - about 200 g;
  • uncooked condensed milk - a standard canned jar.

Cooking method

Before you start preparing such a cream, you must first remove the cooking fat from the cold and thaw it at room temperature. It should be noted that some housewives place oil on radiators or near the fire to speed up this process. It is highly undesirable to do this. After all, to prepare a tasty and tender cake, we need thawed, not melted, cooking fat.

Thus, after the butter becomes very soft, you need to put it in a deep bowl and beat it with a blender (with a whisk attachment) until fluffy. After this, uncooked condensed milk should be poured into it. Together, these ingredients must be beaten in the same way for a few more minutes until you have an airy and fluffy mass.

How to use?

After the butter cream for the mastic with condensed milk has been prepared, they must first grease all the baked cakes, and then stack them and apply a thin layer of filling to the entire formed cake.

To ensure that the decoration fits well on dessert, it is recommended to place it in the refrigerator for a while. The butter cream will harden a little in it, which will significantly simplify the process of laying out the mastic.

It should be noted that not everyone likes this. After all, quite a large number of housewives complain that it turns out to be too fatty, sweet and high in calories. That is why this recipe is recommended to be used only by those who really like the mentioned properties of the filling. Otherwise, you can use a different buttercream.

Custard butter cream for mastic: recipe with photo of the finished product

If you need a long-lasting buttercream that will not drip down the cakes, we recommend preparing the custard filling with the addition of white chocolate.

So, we need the following:

  • white chocolate without any additives - 180 g or 2 standard bars;
  • sifted white flour - about 2.5 large spoons;
  • low-fat milk as fresh as possible - about 250 ml;
  • high-fat butter - exactly 200 g;
  • vanilla sugar - dessert spoon full.

Preparing the cream

To make this cake filling, pour low-fat fresh milk into a small saucepan, and then add a little wheat flour to it. Mix the ingredients with a hand whisk to ensure their homogeneity. Next, you need to add vanilla sugar to the products. After this, the saucepan with the contents should be placed on low heat.

Slowly bring the ingredients to a boil and cook until thickened. In this case, the products must be constantly stirred with a large spoon. Finally, remove the bowl from the heat and immediately add white chocolate, broken into slices, into it. It is necessary to stir the resulting mass until the tiles are completely dissolved. After this, the mixture must be cooled in air.

Final stage

Having prepared the main part of the cream, you should thaw the cooking fat and then beat it until white using a blender. After this, the butter must be gradually added to the cooled mixture and mixed thoroughly. As a result, you should get a very thick and tasty custard filling. You should grease all the cakes with it, stack them, and then evenly cover the entire surface of the cake, using a pastry spatula or a regular knife.

After preparing the dessert, you need to place it in the refrigerator and keep it there for about 60 minutes. Next, you need to remove the homemade delicacy and smooth its surface with a special spatula. At the end, the finished cake should be decorated with mastic, which must be made in advance.

There are a great variety of creams for leveling a cake under mastic. I tried working with three different creams. But it was this oil cream under mastic that I liked the most; working with it is not difficult. It easily levels the cake, fills all the holes, and smoothes it to perfection. Try this method too.

To prepare butter cream for mastic we will need:
250 g butter;
1 can of boiled condensed milk;

Grind the cookies or leftover cakes in a blender. Add to bowl with cream. Adjust the amount of cookies according to appearance cream. The cream should not be liquid or too thick; it should spread perfectly on the cake.

Mix the whole mass well with a mixer or spoon.

Using a spatula, cake spatula or knife, apply our cream to the cake. This cream can perfectly smooth out dents or uneven surfaces. When all the cream has been used and spread over the cake, let's start leveling the surface.

Dip a knife, spatula or spatula into boiling water for a couple of seconds, take it out and shake off excess water without wiping it off. Use a hot working tool to move over the cream, leveling the surface, periodically dipping it into boiling water. If the water has cooled, bring it to a boil and continue. Do not forget to dip the tools in water in time so that our cream does not drag on the knife and smooth out. After all the procedures done with the cake, we put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours until our cream hardens. You can apply prepared mastic to the frozen buttercream.

Ganache is a French chocolate-based cream. It can be used as a cake filling, a base for mastic or for decorating confectionery products. It is not necessary that this cream is prepared on the basis of dark chocolate. Ganache with milk or white chocolate turns out very tasty. In addition, chocolate ganache for mastic can contain cream, milk, fruit juice, water, wine, and alcoholic beverages.

To prepare this dish, you need to melt the chocolate and mix it with the liquid. In some cases, hot liquid is poured onto the chocolate. It all depends on the amount of liquid and chocolate. The result must be a smooth and shiny emulsion without grains, lumps or flakes.

The thickness of this cream can vary, and it depends primarily on the ratio of liquid and chocolate. The fat content of the cream is also important. Dark chocolate can easily be replaced with white. In this case, the result will be quite soft for mastic.

To make the mass sweeter, confectioners recommend using syrup or honey. To give the cream a more interesting and rich taste, you can add some kind of liqueur to its composition. So, how to make ganache for mastic?


110 ml cream (33-35% fat)

100 grams of dark chocolate

35 grams butter

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2 tablespoons of powdered sugar.


1. The chocolate should be broken and placed in a container.

2. Pour cream into a small saucepan, add powdered sugar, mix thoroughly.

3. Bring the cream to a boil, but do not boil, after which you can remove it from the heat.

4. Add hot cream to chocolate and leave for a couple of minutes. No need to stir.

5. After this, you can mix with a whisk to obtain a homogeneous consistency.

6. Add butter to the mixture and mix thoroughly again.

The result is a shiny and beautiful chocolate ganache recipe for mastic. It can be used immediately or stored in the refrigerator. It should be taken into account that cooled cream will lose its shine and acquire a matte texture. If necessary, it can be reheated.

To apply ganache under the mastic, you need to smooth it out with a hot knife and leave it to harden. The second time the cream should be smoothed out well - to do this, the knife should be moistened in hot water and wiped with a napkin. The cream should harden for 2-3 hours - after this the mastic will lie as smoothly as possible.