The meaning of the number 40 in numerology. Biblical numerology

The number 40 is the greatest (I don’t like big words, but that’s how it is) number in numerology! Apart from the number 40, I probably don’t know any other number that would be given such great importance and, at the same time, about which people would know so little... Let's try to fill this gap!

Moreover, religions are given number 40 special, “afterlife-mystical” significance. In any case, it is 40 that is surrounded by a myriad of questions related to the life and death of a person.

The number 40 consists of two numbers: and. In spiritual numerology (to which this site is dedicated), the number 4 means relative peace (that is, balance) and physical death, and the number 0 is absolute peace and spiritual life. In its original essence, four is the same zero, only manifested on the material level.

S forty can be translated literally as “the transition from relative peace to absolute” or “the threshold between one incarnation of the soul and its next incarnation”, or “complete emptying before filling”, or “the end of everything”. Choose any of the values, each will be correct!

If you choose “the end of everything,” then it is very important to give exact value the concept of "everything". "Everything" is relative different levels human Being and Consciousness can have different interpretations. And each of them is true(!), but true in its own way.

So, relative to the lower, material levels, “everything” is the maximum of what we are able to see, hear, touch and smell. And climbing the ladder of Consciousness a little higher, the concept of “everything” also includes the maximum of what we can fantasize, imagine, imagine.

At the highest levels of Being and Consciousness, “everything” is “nothing,” and “nothing” is “everything.” This formulation doesn’t tell us much, does it? After all, we perceive the world exclusively from the position of ourselves as a Personality!

And the personality (our lower self) considers the concepts “everything” and “nothing” to be opposites. And this is not just a property of the Personality, but a necessary guarantee of its existence. At the moment when for a person “everything” becomes “nothing” (as a result, for example, of in-depth yoga or esotericism), the personality disintegrates as unnecessary.

There are people who see the meaning of life precisely in the destruction of personality in the name of manifesting themselves as a higher self...

The meaning of the number 40 in numerology

The meanings of the number 40, depending on different levels of Existence and Consciousness, may seem to be many. However, this is an illusion. Every number always has the same meaning!

The true meaning of the number 40 is the totality of all its meanings regarding the eleven levels of Being and Consciousness. Any person lives simultaneously on eleven levels, although he is aware, at best, of only a few of them.

Thus, the main and only meaning of the number 40 (to which this site is dedicated) consists of eleven meanings of this number. Let me just list all the meanings of the number 40 (relative to different levels of existence and consciousness), and you combine them together as you see fit, and get a single, “volumetric”, maximally objective meaning.

So I delve into the essence of each number and call this method “dimensional thinking using numbers.” So…

The meaning of the number 40 in numerology

The meaning of the number 40 is as an age; up to the age of 40, a person moves towards stability and stability, even if he does not realize it. After 40 - to zero (inner peace). At the material levels of Existence, zero cannot be perceived otherwise than as inner peace. It is curious that the actual 40 years do not always correspond to the calendar forty years:

  1. the meaning of the number 40 is harmony in nature between its visible and hidden manifestations (that is, external natural phenomena exactly correspond to internal, invisible ones);
  2. The meaning of the number 40 is the interdependence of emotional and spiritual balance in a person. Here, four represents emotional, relative balance, and zero represents absolute, spiritual balance;
  3. The meaning of the number 40 is the balancing of “man” and “woman” in Man (a man and a woman live in each of us). The true meaning of the concept "hermaphrodite". In this case, four acts as a “man”, and zero as a “woman”;
  4. the meaning of the number 40 is the transition point between " parallel worlds", as well as the threshold between different states of consciousness. Here we must take into account that altered states are not a change in mood or a change in way of thinking, although a change in consciousness leads to both;
  5. The meaning of the number 40 is the “erasing” of human destiny during life. This rarely happens in exceptional cases, when for one reason or another “mission is impossible.” The causality of this “super-phenomenon” can be compared, for clarity, with the situation when, in the middle of a written exam, you suddenly run out of ink, and there is no one to borrow from;
  6. the meaning of the number 40 is the “red line” during the transition of the Soul from one material incarnation to another;
  7. The meaning of the number 40 is “zeroing” the previous personality, forgetting past connections (attachments). Blessed “sclerosis”, without which the human psyche would be doomed to carry the burden of all kinds of losses from past lives... At this level of Being and Consciousness, a new “mission” of the Soul, a new human destiny, matures;
  8. the meaning of the number 40 is the end of everything (“everything” does not end or cease, but simply becomes “nothing”, retaining the properties of “everything”). Don't try to understand it with your mind. Traditional logic is powerless where the logic of the Spirit “turns on”;
  9. The meaning of the number 40 is the absorption of relative peace (where everything is born and dies at the same time, that is, being born, dies and dying, is born) by absolute peace (where nothing is born and dies). At this level of Being and Consciousness (as well as at the next one!) any logical reasoning is inappropriate and meaningless;
  10. the meaning of the number 40 is the “coitus” of relative peace with absolute peace, as a result of which Divine Peace is eternally and continuously born - one of the main hypostases of the Almighty, eternally reproducing Himself through Peace, in other words, calming Himself...


Using the example of the number 40, I wanted to demonstrate how noticeably the meaning of the same number can change with a change in the level of Being and Consciousness. Why does spiritual numerology consider the meaning of numbers “in volume”, that is, in relation to all levels?

The Bible is not only one of the most popular in the world. For many, it is both a source of inspiration and hypertext. And some even try to find in this book secret codes and encrypted messages. There are different ways to look at this, but there are at least 10 significant numbers in the Bible that are mentioned many times. Perhaps they will be the ones who will allow us to lift the veil of secrecy over the past and future.

1. One

It is not surprising that the number "1" is used in the Bible to designate the one and only true God. The Bible repeatedly repeats such theses as “You will have no other gods except me,” “Our Lord is the only god,” etc. Numerologists claim that the number “1” is the main thing in the Bible, because all important actions (by Moses, Elijah or Jesus) were carried out alone.

2. Twenty two

The Bible uses the number 22 in a rather unusual, but quite arithmetically sound, way. If 22 is divided by 7, it will be exact number"pi". The Bible can be divided into three large "sections" of 22 books each (although this only applies to the Protestant Bible). The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters. Revelation ends the entire Bible at chapter 22. If you add up the ages of the prophets according to the Bible, you get the exact year of Abraham's birth (2167 BC). Moreover, until the death of Jesus in 33 AD. exactly 2200 years have passed.

3. Forty

In the Bible, the number 40 is used to signify the completion of something. It is used 146 times in both Testaments. The Israelites were enslaved Egyptian pharaohs for 400 years (10 times 40). God caused the Israelites to wander into Sinai desert 40 years old. Moses was 40 times 3 years old (120 years old) at the time of his death. Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai in prayer. Christ's fast in the desert lasted 40 days and 40 days passed before his resurrection. 40 years passed from the Ascension of Jesus to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.

4. Twelve

12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 hours of day and night, 12 main Olympian gods, 12 biblical tribes, 12 apostles, 12 days of Christmas... 12 is a very important number in the Bible. The most obvious example is the 12 tribes of Israel. After the end of the world, 144,000 thousand Christians will be taken up into Heaven, 12,000 from each family of Israel. New Jerusalem, the city of Heaven, was surrounded by 12 walls, the foundations of which were laid by 12 precious stones. The Tree of Life bears 12 different fruits.

5. Four

The number 4 usually indicates the completion of something. Of the 12 tribes of Israel, Jesus' lineage goes back to Judah, the fourth generation. There are 4 main prophets of the Holy Scripture: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. There are 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse. There are 4 angels standing on the 4 sides of the Earth (east, south, west, east). Well, the cross has 4 sides.

6. Ten

There are many cases in which the number 10 is the main one. Just look at the 10 Commandments. In addition to the main ten Commandments, there are 603 other commandments, that is, a total of 613. 6+ 1 +3 = 10. A person has 10 fingers and toes. Naturally, 10 is one of the most important numbers in the Bible. Even in Old Testament The number 10 was often mentioned. God promised not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if there were only 10 righteous people in them. Jesus performed a total of 37 miracles, and 3 + 7 = 10

7. Six

In the Bible, the number 6 is commonly used to represent something imperfect. IN working week 6 days and 1 day for rest. Most famous example use of this number in the Bible - 666 or the number of the devil.

8. Three

Here, first of all, of course, the Holy Trinity comes to mind, i.e. the number 3 indicates integrity. Jesus had 12 apostles, and he loved three more than the rest: Peter, John and James. Satan tempted Jesus 3 times. On the third day the Earth was created. Jesus raised three people. The inscription on the cross is written in 3 languages. There are 3 angels mentioned in the Bible: Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer. Jesus was 33 years old at the time of his death. He rose from the dead on the third day.

9. Twenty one

Isaiah's prophecy about the coming of the Messiah becomes clear in chapter 7, verse 14: "...behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son...". 7+14=21. There are 14 generations (2 times 7) from Abraham to David, 14 generations from David to the Babylonian exile of the Jews, and another 14 from then until Jesus. The Gospel of John has 21 chapters (3 times 7).

10. Seven

In the Bible, the number 7 is used to indicate perfection. God said in Revelation that there are 7 spirits. A lamp of 7 candles - a menorah - was installed in the Tabernacle of Meeting, and later in the Jerusalem Temple. Noah brought 7 pairs of each type of “clean” animal into the ark, and “unclean” animals were saved in the amount of “a pair of every creature.” The flood began seven days after the ark was settled. Joshua led the Israelite army around Jericho 7 times.

The number 40 is associated with a huge number of beliefs, legends and superstitions. It has been “noted” in almost all religions and spheres of our life, starting from the birth of a child and ending with death. We can say that this is the most sacred number, associated with a person’s faith in the afterlife, and with numerology, and with various fears. Today we will talk about the place of the number 40 in a person’s life and worldview.

Number 40 and the birth of a person

Let's start with the fact that a woman's pregnancy lasts exactly 40 weeks, this is the ideal period for embryo development. That is, our life initially begins with the number forty. Thus, the number 40 in this context is the number of completion, the number of a full cycle, after which a new birth occurs. Most likely, this is the reason for the belief that after birth a child should not be shown to strangers for 40 days. It is believed that at this time he is only adapting to a new world for him, and therefore is the least protected. If you look at this from a religious point of view, the whole point is that it was on the 40th day that it was customary to baptize a baby, and before that he did not have his own and divine intercession.

True, now few people follow this rule, considering it a superstition, however, not surprisingly, it is easier to jinx a child during this period. And a lot of modern mothers, proudly demonstrating their newborn miracle not only to all relatives and friends, but also posting its photos or videos in all kinds of social media, then they wonder why the baby sleeps poorly and cries a lot for no apparent or explainable reason. And isn’t it worth thinking that if this belief has been around for centuries, then it is based not on the fears of “stupid women”, but on something more real? And is it necessary to risk the physical and moral health of a child just to say that you modern woman who doesn't believe in prejudice? And, by the way, even doctors do not recommend showing the child to strangers - in the first days of its life, the baby is too vulnerable to any infection and negative influence.

Number 40 in different religions and in history

  • The number 40 in Orthodoxy and other religions is special place. And it is precisely because of this that the influence of this number on our lives is so great. Here are the most famous and significant mentions of it in the Bible, in other holy books and in church canons:
  • Jesus Christ spent 40 days in the desert in prayer and fasting. In memory of this, Lent lasts forty days.
  • 40 days passed from the Resurrection of Christ to his Ascension.
  • The global flood lasted 40 days.
  • Moses led his people through the desert for 40 years before they found their Promised Land.
  • Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai before receiving the Tablets of the Covenant, on which mortal sins and other revelations were written.
  • At the age of 40, the Prophet Muhammad was “called”.
  • In Islam, the number 40 symbolizes death, but at the same time, reconciliation.
  • The Koran is read every 40 days.
  • The soul's stay in purgatory lasts 40 days, and only after that it is decided where to go next - to hell or heaven. That is why before the 40th day they say about the deceased: may he rest in peace, and after the 40th: may he rest in heaven. And that is why the forties are celebrated. This is also connected with the Christian belief, with the fact that Jesus, after the Resurrection, 40 days later ascended to Heaven for a new, no longer earthly life. So the soul of a person on the fortieth day is, as it were, “strengthened in a new status.” For eternal peace or eternal suffering. It depends on your luck. Or no luck.
  • 40 days after death, a person’s soul is able to return to earth to say goodbye to its earthly life, with your loved ones. That is why the soul can appear to people in various guises during these forty days, for example, as a bird that flies to the balcony or windowsill every day. After the fortieth day, this almost never happens again. Although it also happens that a soul, even after a few months, can descend to earth in a similar way to say goodbye, if one of its loved ones has just learned about the death of this person or they are in some kind of danger.
  • The dome of the main Byzantine temple in Constantinople had 40 “air” windows.
  • The image of the sun in Incan temples had 40 rays.
  • 40 columns had ancient pagan temples in different parts Sveta.
  • The quarantine lasted 40 days during the plague, and for 40 days ships arriving from countries where the plague raged were not allowed into city ports.
  • The Jewish king David reigned for 40 years.
  • For 40 days in Egypt, Osiris “disappeared,” that is, like all living things, he “died” and after forty days was reborn.
  • In ancient Babylon, the Pleiades (a star cluster in the constellation Taurus) disappeared from the sky for 40 days, and at this time a period of storms, rains and darkness began. It was a bleak period during which it was believed that "evil reigned supreme." There is an opinion that it was from these Babylonian Pleiades that the negative attitude towards the number forty originated, that is, it began to be correlated with death, with misfortunes and troubles. And in Babylon, after the Pleiades returned to heaven, a period of holidays began, in honor of which 40 reeds were burned, one for each unlucky day. It was believed that this is how all troubles and their consequences burn out.
  • Magpies - a popular name Orthodox holiday, the day of remembrance of the Forty Saints, the Forty Martyrs, who did not renounce their faith, even when, by order of Lycia, they were placed on the ice of Lake Sebaste. The ice melted under the martyrs, the water became warm, and a glow appeared above the believers. The martyrs were ordered to be killed and burned. The most interesting thing is that from time immemorial in Rus' this holiday is also celebrated as the onset of spring (it is also called Zhavoronki), as a rebirth. Another “life-death-life” analogy.

Numerology of the number 40

Often we see dreams through which our subconscious or higher powers communicate with us and convey important information. Sometimes symbols come to us not only in the form of objects and familiar images, but also in the form of numbers. If with objects and images we can at least guess about the meaning of the dream, then what does the dreamed number promise us? To find out what the number 40 means, you need to look into the dream book.

Meaning of 40 in numerology

Dream Interpretation 40 is associated with the meaning of numbers in numerology. 4 symbolizes inviolability, integrity, completeness, trials, dedication, death, as well as the “cross”, personifying the confrontation between matter and spirit. 0 means unity, integrity and completeness of the universe.

Since 40 is also 4x10, then in deciphering its meaning it is necessary to mention 10. It denotes the unity and autocracy of the creator of the universe. Thus, the combination of these meanings describes 40 as the perfection and inconsistency of the creator. This number carries fatality and necessity. In Babylon, the forty-day period of disappearance of the Pleiades from the sky was considered a period of rain, bad weather and danger.

Dream book opinions

If you turn to dream books for separate interpretation for numbers 4 and 0, we get the following:

  • 0 in a dream means power. It can mean that you need strength to do something. If 0 comes after other numbers, then it enhances their meaning. The number 0 indicates the degree of amplification.
  • 4 shows that if there was negativity in your life, then you got rid of it in exchange for something new in your life. 4 is stability.

By comparing these values, you can intuitively understand what the number 40 means in dreams.

Pastor Loff's dream book agrees that such a dream is directly related to numerology. Dreaming about the number 40 may mean a period when you will be in danger. This could be an illness, a quarrel with loved ones, or a serious business problem. But this period, despite all the difficulties, will make you stronger.

According to Felomen's dream book, the interpretation is completely opposite. He believes that dreams of 40 are exclusively a good omen. You will have success in all your endeavors; higher powers will favor you. However, you should not forget about spirituality. Think not only about material wealth, and everything will work out as well as possible.

There is a third interpretation, according to which such a dream promises the dreamer the acquisition of stability after a difficult period of troubles and obstacles. However, a value of 4 ensures that you find balance.

4 with other numbers has completely different interpretations. For example, here short meanings dreams with numbers from 40 to 49:

General meaning of numbers

Dream Interpretation of Medea claims that seeing numbers clearly in a dream is good sign. All your plans will soon come true. If they were vague, then you are wasting your energy. If during your sleep you were sure that you had imagined the date of death, then in reality you will complete a lot of work on that day.

If the numbers you dreamed of mean something to you, for example, this is your date of birth loved one or the day you receive your salary at work, the dream book advises to correlate it with associations from life: a positive attitude towards the number shows that the dream promises something good.

Women's dream book considers numbers to be an unfavorable sign. They will bring anxiety about loved ones, job dissatisfaction and melancholy into your life.

A number heard in a dream can become the date of some unexpected event. Dream Interpretation number 40, or any other number more quantity days in a month, considers the probable number of days before the event.

40 is considered great. Little is known about it, but great, even mystical significance is attached. The number 40 is associated with many questions regarding death and further afterlife person. 40 consists of 4 - meaning peace and stability, and in our case death, and 0 - spiritual life and the absolute. Four is also called Zero, manifested in the material plane. If translated from the language of numerology, then 40 is a transition from relative peace to absolute peace, and then to Divine peace. You can choose other interpretations: complete devastation, non-existence, the end of everything, the transition from one state to another. In each case it is true and is determined by the individual and his beliefs.

If you adhere to the philosophy that life is endless and when you die, human soul does not go anywhere, but is reincarnated into another living entity, then in your case the number 40 symbolizes precisely the moment of dying and reincarnation followed by birth. In the Christian religion, death is the ascension of the soul and the dying of the physical shell. And on the fortieth day - the final farewell of the soul to its earthly burden and reunification with the holy spirit. And this is also the number 40.

40 announces that everything is over. All earthly functions are completed, the transition to highest level, where “everything” is “nothing” and “nothing” is “everything”. Now this doesn’t say much to a person, because he perceives himself as a Personality. And the Personality, our I or Ego, considers these two concepts to be opposite. This can be realized by intensively meditating, which can cause the disintegration of the Personality.

The meaning of the number 40

40 has many meanings, but no matter which one you take, it will always be one. This is the sum of all interpretations regarding the 11 levels of our consciousness. A person lives being on all these levels at once, although he is not aware of it. And at best, he can only realize two or three of them.

    40 is an inner peace associated with age, towards which a person moves as he grows up and gains experience.

    This is natural harmony, the visible and invisible part natural phenomena and forces merge and unite. And just because we don’t see them doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

    40 balances the spiritual and emotional components of a person.

    Each person contains both a man and a woman, and this number balances them.

    40 serves as a transition between parallel worlds. It also symbolizes an altered consciousness.

    With the participation of this figure, human destiny is erased during life. This is a rare phenomenon that happens when an individual's life mission is impossible.

    The line where the soul passes from one incarnation to another.

    Complete erasure of the previous personality, its nullification. Gives oblivion, without which the human psyche would not be able to withstand the memory of everything that happened to the soul during its past incarnations.

    Everything becomes nothing. We discussed this postulate above.

    40 is absolute peace. At the same time, something is born and something dies, ad infinitum.

    The combination of relative and absolute peace, in which Divine peace is born.