Tarot 2 of Wands reversed. Two of Wands Tarot Meaning

Among the minor arcana, the Two of Wands of the Tarot attracts attention with its meaning. It symbolizes the potential of the individual, the ability to cope with difficulties, and development. The card is also important for love relationships.

Card Features

2 of Wands of the Tarot (or Scepters) has a strong patron - the constellation Aries, which indicates achieving success, strength, and overcoming any difficulties. Among the planets, the lasso is patronized by Mars, which predicts the correct course of affairs. His strong fiery energy allows him to solve any problem.

The card is endowed with a powerful force that promises a person difficulties in adaptation, the need to analyze his own mistakes of the past in order to implement plans in the future.

The illustration of the Two of Wands Tarot depicts a man dressed in bright, expensive clothes. In one hand he holds a staff and in the other a ball. Another staff stands against the wall (there are also other illustrations where a man sits on a stone and 2 staffs stand next to him).

The man's thoughtful gaze is directed far into the distance. Mountains are visible on the horizon, symbolizing life’s difficulties that it will be important for a person to overcome. These mountains are washed by a river, reflecting the favorable course of affairs. The meaning of the card is easy to read from the image: the lasso says that by thinking through your actions, you will be able to successfully cope with difficulties.

In layouts, the meaning of the Two of Wands of the Tarot has hundreds of interpretations depending on the purpose of the layout, the major and minor arcana that fell next to each other, etc.

Straight position

In the upright position, the card means the following:

  • prospects;
  • powers;
  • ambition;
  • courage;
  • readiness for business;
  • event planning;
  • confidence in strength.

In the upright position, the meaning of the card 2 of Wands promises a person a risky struggle for his own happiness and success. The fortuneteller is on the verge of an important discovery, a turning point in life. Actions must be deliberate.

Arkan warns the fortuneteller that he needs to fight for his happiness, be brave and not be afraid of risks. In the spiritual sphere, it symbolizes the end of a period of stagnation and the desire to develop.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the characteristics are less favorable: indecisiveness, stubbornness, aggression, hot temper, etc.

The reversed 2 of Wands symbolizes unrealized opportunities, difficulties, a period of stagnation, and the impossibility of achieving a goal.

On a spiritual level, the lasso symbolizes the inability to go beyond the usual, the refusal to acquire life experience. Rarely does the meaning of an inverted card take on the meaning of a physical loss of something that occurred through the fault of the person himself.

Love relationships

In love scenarios, 2 Scepters indicates a struggle for leadership in a relationship. Sometimes the appearance of a lasso promises a desire to break love ties. Two warns a person that his experiences will affect his personal life. For people in relationships, it predicts a cooling of feelings. Fate prepares trials for the man and woman.

The Tarot meaning of the 2 of Wands can change depending on the neighboring cards. The most significant combinations of the Two of Scepters in an upright position:

  1. With the Hermit. There is mistrust between a man and a woman. They try to control each other, test their feelings for strength.
  2. With the Ace of Cups. The fortuneteller has great hopes. They are exaggerated and do not correspond to the real course of affairs.
  3. With Lovers. Relationships between partners will become more complicated due to third-party love affairs.
  4. With the Ten of Cups. All the tests that are destined to go through in a relationship will end favorably. There will be an idyll in the family.
  5. With the Four of Cups. Disagreements in the family.
  6. With the Chariot. Treason.
  7. With the Three of Swords. Parting.

The remaining cards bring problems into a person’s life that are easy to solve if you think everything through carefully.

If in a reading you get 2 Tarot Wands, the meaning can speak of both achievements and apathy and a state of some kind of lethargy. The card gives advice on how to get rid of this destructive condition, as well as relationship problems that occur.

In the article:

2 of Wands Tarot - meaning in layouts

The meaning of the 2 of Wands Tarot is completely consistent with the image on this card in most decks. In it you can see a man standing in a gazebo, looking around the surroundings. In his hands is a staff and a miniature model of the world or globe. This card represents new opportunities.

2 of Wands Tarot portends serious achievements. The plans you are asking about will bring good results. Your abilities, foresight and other qualities are sufficient to succeed in your chosen business. But persistence and patience will also come in handy, which, by the way, you don’t always have enough.

In addition, the meaning of the 2 Tarot Staffs concerns interest in science and positive human qualities. With a high probability, the fortuneteller experiences conflicting desires - to express his opinion and maintain neutrality. There is no solution that you are completely satisfied with. That is why he strives to get away from the sources of difficulties, figuratively speaking, to lock himself in a hermit’s tower.

You can't decide what unsettled you. However, this something has caused you to lose interest in external life; you want to stay in isolation for some time. There are many disadvantages to this situation; at the very least, you have completely forgotten about your loved ones who could use your attention. There is only one way to combat this condition - make your opinion a belief, and your plans into actions. Be honest with yourself, drive laziness away.

Meaning of the Two of Staffs Tarot upside down warns that a business in which a lot of effort and, perhaps, money has been invested or will be invested in the future, may not live up to expectations. The results may be disappointing, or perhaps even zero. Avoid being overly influenced and dominated by others.

Two of Wands Tarot - meaning for fortune telling about business and work

The Two of Wands of the Tarot when fortune telling about business or work foreshadows good achievements in your chosen business. A profitable opportunity is expected soon - a new business partner or contract, the terms of which will suit your taste.

The Two of Wands at the same time indicates apathy and loss of interest in one’s business. You do work only because you are forced to do it. Neither the process itself nor the result interests you. When it comes to a conflict or controversial situation, you either remain neutral or accept the majority opinion as correct. The consequences are completely indifferent to you.

You will have to pay for such behavior with inner emptiness. Sooner or later it will turn into real depression. The Two of Wands recommends that the fortuneteller reconsider his attitude to what is happening. If it pushes you to change, that's for the best. Get a clear understanding of your desires.

2 Tarot Wands at the level of consciousness

The meaning of the Two of Wands Tarot suggests that you can establish relationships with people, but at the same time you want to assert yourself as an individual. Here you need to be prudent, not to go too far, respect the opinions of others, but remain courageous and confident that you are right.

In addition, the 2 of Wands indicates a state akin to lethargy. You can free yourself from this state only by starting to act. You have certain desires, plans, intentions. They need to be implemented.

If you state your opinion, you will have to live up to it. Your words should not be empty words. Remember to do what you promised to others or yourself. Act as you think is right, and drive away apathy.

2 of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 2 of Wands Tarot provides a choice between two options - there are no other solutions here. This card speaks of indifference, quite conscious. This is not a new problem. You understand that you no longer need this union, you do not feel any feelings for your partner.

However, your partner may not be aware of such changes. Perhaps he doesn't know why he disappointed you. A union devoid of inner warmth and true passion cannot exist for a long time; something will have to be done about it.

So, about the choice that the meaning of the Two of Wands of the Tarot prompts in relationships. You must either do everything necessary to maintain the union, or completely break the connection with your once loved one. The state in which the relationship is now will not bring joy to anyone. You need to either change it in a positive direction, or.

What kind of people does the Two of Wands Tarot represent?

The Two of Wands indicates an enterprising person. Most likely we are talking about the fortuneteller’s business partner, colleague or boss. Perhaps this person is involved in negotiations with you or in those negotiations that are relevant to your affairs. She is waiting for a response from you or other people.

In addition, the card indicates the pride of the person in question. This pride does not cross the boundaries of adequacy. For this person, quality has a rather positive meaning. Also, the Two of Wands can indicate a traveler.

If this card turns out to be upside down, it indicates a person who is incompetent in your business. This is a business partner or colleague who is not suitable for the position. He has the necessary knowledge and skills, but this person's pride leads to problems, as does his tendency to doubt and uncertainty. This is most likely a boring person. Sometimes the Two of Wands suggests that you are dealing with a girl who is disappointed in something.

Two of Tarot Staffs - meaning in combination with other cards

Often, combinations of cards give advice to the fortuneteller. For example, the combination of the Two of Staves with recommends carefully thinking about what is happening. Perhaps the fortuneteller should be alone or even live in nature for a while so that no one disturbs his thoughts.

The combination with recommends taking a neutral position. It doesn't matter what your question was about - about family or work. If you take someone's side, you can get a lot of problems in the future. Perhaps the cards are informing you of someone's neutral position to avoid further difficulties.

If the Two of Staves is combined with the Lovers lasso, this warns of a parallel relationship. The exact meaning depends on the question - it can be either advice to leave your spouse for your lover, or information about the betrayal of a loved one. The combination with the Three of Swords warns of a breakup or advises you to decide on it.

In general, the Two of Staves does not always mean success in your chosen field. Often this card falls out to people who are in a state of apathy and experience a feeling of emptiness. The reason for this condition can be both work and relationships, family situation and much more. The map can tell you what to do to get rid of this problem.

Tarot cards are an amazing tool that will allow every person to get answers to questions that trouble their soul and provide guidance in a difficult life situation. The Two of Wands (in other sources called the Two of Staves, the Two of Scepters or the Two of Spears) will predict success, which will be accompanied by disappointment. A person is lucky, rich and powerful, but all this does not make him happy. Later in the article we will reveal the fuller meaning of the 2 of Wands.

Inverted position

Talks about potential opportunities that may not be realized. The person is very restless, depends on something, does not understand the current state of things, and acts chaotically. The respect and trust of others is lost.

  1. In the sphere of events: the occurrence of difficulties, delays, downtime.
  2. In business: after a good period, stagnation sets in (no line of behavior, chaotic actions, little financial resources).
  3. In the field of health, it will indicate an imbalance in different body systems. A person suffers from pain, his condition changes quickly, his mood changes quickly, therapy gives a temporary result.
  4. In the personal sphere, it speaks of disappointment, lack of mutual understanding, loss of trust. People communicate in different languages, the development of relationships is chaotic, they are thrown from one side to the other.
  5. A state of blues, a person does not correlate his actions with the actions of other people, is characterized by lack of initiative, indecisiveness, and acts without thinking.
  6. Arkan advises to correlate what you want with your capabilities.
  7. Warns that you are not delving into the situation, unable to navigate it correctly. Your intuition is not working well enough.
  8. Your thoughts will not bring the expected effect; you see the situation in the wrong context.

Two of Wands Tarot meaning

The 2 of Wands of the Tarot combines concrete fact and challenges: it indicates that we are trying to maintain an independent position, but the situation provokes direct and unequivocal action. Very often it indicates dead-end situations when there are no objective reasons for failure, but we still encounter them.

This indicates detachment from life, which must be overcome through painstaking work on oneself.

In progress

Arkan will tell you that a person is not really interested in his work, he does it in order to “get rid of it” quickly. In conflict situations, he acts demonstratively, supports the majority, because in fact he does not care who is right and who is wrong in the conflict.

But everything is followed by an inevitable reckoning; in this situation, it is the appearance of spiritual emptiness, which can provoke depressive states. The Two of Wands advises from time to time to check the correctness of your internal attitudes to ensure complete transparency of your affairs.

In the sphere of consciousness

The card indicates a state of a kind of lethargic sleep, from which you can only get out of those cases when you start taking action instead of empty talk. If you claim something, then your actions must correspond to your beliefs so that they do not become empty words.

2 of Wands Tarot meaning in relationships

The person is not interested in a serious relationship, he does not have any feelings. He can speak very beautifully and passionately, but the words are actually empty. Such a couple lacks spiritual warmth, and is simply doomed to die. You will need to either finally make the right decision in order to save the relationship, or immediately break off the connection so as not to torment either yourself or your partner.

Two of Staves combination with other cards

When you perform a layout, it is important to pay enough attention to the combination of the card you are studying with the rest of the arcana. Therefore, now we will look at what the combination of the Two of Wands with the following cards will indicate:

  • With the lasso “Jester” - drawing up a route for a future trip.
  • With the “Magician” lasso, the process is delayed.
  • With the “High Priestess” lasso, you will find out someone’s secret.
  • With the lasso “Empress” - start thinking about what is happening, spend time in nature.
  • With the lasso “Emperor” - the combination advises you to maintain neutrality in the family and at work.
  • With the Hierophant lasso - thinking about your positions.
  • With the lasso “Lovers” - an indifferent relationship.
  • With the “Chariot” lasso, intrigues are woven behind your back.
  • With the “Strength” lasso - search for weak points in competitors.
  • With the “Hermit” lasso - missed opportunities.
  • With the “Wheel of Fortune” lasso, a person resists change.
  • With the lasso “Justice” - ignoring the arguments of common sense.
  • With the Hanged Man lasso, the period of inaction and waiting dragged on.
  • With the lasso “Death” - restoration.
  • With the lasso “Moderation” - you have a guardian angel (it can also be a real person).
  • With the lasso “Devil” - the combination will tell about a dangerous plan.
  • With the lasso “Tower” - betrayal.
  • With the “Star” lasso - if you are going to do something important, use a horoscope.
  • With the “Moon” lasso, you will have to choose from many options.
  • With the lasso “Sun” - complete agreement.
  • With the lasso “Court” - waiting for a verdict.
  • With the lasso “Peace” - making a final decision.
  • With the Ace of Wands lasso, you will experience a creative impulse and develop creatively.
  • With the Three of Wands lasso, very soon you will begin to put your plans into practice.
  • With the Four of Wands lasso - choosing a home, educational institution, thinking about plans.
  • With the Five of Wands lasso, those around you are preventing you from making the right decision.
  • With the Six of Wands lasso, the majority leads you; choosing a winning option.
  • With the Seven of Wands lasso, choosing a new direction is fraught with certain difficulties.
  • With the Eight of Wands lasso, you follow the easiest path
  • With the lasso “Nine of Wands” there is a difficult road to learning the truth.
  • With the Ten of Wands lasso - unpromising projects.
  • With the lasso “Page of Wands” - the process of acquiring new knowledge.
  • With the lasso “Knight of Wands” - making hasty decisions, flashes of inspiration.
  • With the lasso “Queen of Wands” - you control your life, listen to your mother’s recommendations.
  • With the lasso “King of Wands” - you are a creator.

The main advice that the Two of Wands gives you is the need to balance what is desired with what is actual. You need to spend less time thinking and act more decisively to achieve success.

Also watch the following video, after which you will have no questions about the meaning of the 2 Tarot Wands:

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ Yes-No layout

✚ "One card" layout

General value

A card of struggle, it indicates that a person must defend his own opinion, and not agree with what is imposed on him by the people around him. Arkan also talks about combining passivity and active action.


The card foretells the fortuneteller a choice between several fans (admirers). Arcanum can also tell a person that he should consider continuing the relationship or ending it.


For healthy fortune tellers, the card does not foretell a deterioration in well-being. If a person is more, the lasso indicates the need to choose the right method of therapy.


This is a favorable period for planning, concluding deals and conducting trading operations. The card also indicates that you can search for partners. The arcan also says that the amount of the fortuneteller’s income corresponds to the efforts made.

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✚ For the future

Directly related to a person’s career activity. It means that the efforts made will be repaid with excellent results, which may not have even been expected. The time has come to receive the fruits of your work. Try not to enter into conflicts in the near future, take a neutral position in every controversial situation, otherwise a problem will arise, the solution of which will require the expenditure of a large amount of effort and energy. Conflict requires a huge amount of energy and nerves; try not to waste nerve cells that cannot be restored.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Two of Wands for the person for whom the alignment is being made is a sign to think about the strength of the relationship in which he is currently a member. Most likely, one of the partners does not feel close to the other, only the second person in this relationship, most likely, is not aware of the problems that have arisen. However, one must perceive the situation not as a sign of separation, but as a test of strength. For a lonely person, the Two of Wands is a sign that there is currently a lull in romantic relationships, and you should not expect a fateful meeting just yet.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

The desire to defend one’s rights and confront others; some indifference to the work and business you are doing. Stable and harmonious state of health. Your relationship with your partner has cooled somewhat; you have a desire for power over your partner; relationships are full of neglect. Correlate your desires and ideas with real possibilities, but don’t be too slow to make a decision!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A map of choice, of some important crossroads. The questioner will have to make an important choice, defend his position, but internal resources are depleted, so it is difficult to take a step in the right direction. Reluctance to do anything can cause trouble.

Tomorrow you will have to gather all the few forces you have to make important decisions. It will be difficult, it will seem that it is beyond your strength, but it is necessary to act.

There may be a minor illness, a slight malaise, not dangerous, but unpleasant.

In personal life, the card symbolizes the lack of courage to take a step towards a loved one, avoiding a serious conversation.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

New relationships are born. A period when people look closely at each other, but cannot understand how much they can create a harmonious union that will last a lifetime. If you have a serious relationship, then the card suggests that the chosen one has a soft character and is completely incapable of making serious decisions that affect the life of his family. Take the initiative to ensure progress in the relationship and further transition to a new level. A new level opens up new opportunities.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Base your actions on boldness, determination, and a willingness to take risks. It is these qualities that can now positively influence the fulfillment of your desire. But don’t act thoughtlessly, try to find the right moment. If you don’t have such an instinct, then you should pay attention to the advice of loved ones. Fate gives an excellent chance to fulfill any, even the most reckless desire. However, it is worth considering that the beginning will go like clockwork, but in the future difficulties may arise. Therefore, think carefully about your plan of action. If you are ready to work to fulfill your desire, then the result will not keep you waiting long and will truly satisfy you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Apathy and inaction have brought you to your current situation. Loss of interest in life and activities. Difficulties of choice weigh on you. There is a desire to get away from difficulties, since there is no solution that will suit you completely.

However, you have a good chance of successfully completing the situation if you are persistent. With inaction, the situation progresses sluggishly. Don't give in to laziness - start actively acting through strength!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

This card symbolizes the desire to test your partner's strength. Most often this manifests itself in the question: Who is in charge in the relationship? It is worth noting that this struggle often becomes the cause of conflicts and separations of partners. If you received this card, then try to smooth out all conflicts. To create the likelihood of marriage, you need to settle this issue with your other half and come to a decision about each other’s equality. This is the only way your partner will think about you as a future family member.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Insurmountable obstacles confront man. In agony, he moves on, but nothing is visible ahead. Is it possible to achieve the goals and were there any at all?

Obstacles as a given. You are at a dead end.

You are making a mistake because you have chosen the wrong direction. But this is just an experience, you shouldn’t decide whether it’s good or bad. By overcoming obstacles, you distort the course of events and the results will be disastrous. The Guardian Angel does not prevent you, but shows that there is still a choice.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Indicates a period of waiting, preparation for active actions with your partner. The feeling of taking the right steps and preparing a bright future together will fully justify itself a little later. The last obstacles remain to be overcome. Advice: support your significant other and don’t rush things. It is very important to tune in to the same wavelength and invest your energy fully.

A full description of the map is available at

Meaning of the Two of Wands in the upright position

Uncertainty, risk of loss, unknown outcome, hope, opportunity. The situation is ambiguous. On the one hand, there are quite a lot of unknowns that can influence the final result in any way. They can help, or they can hinder. On the other hand, you have the strength, ability, and initiative to resolve your issue quickly and without delay. The direct card of the Two of Wands hints that luck and luck will be on your side and you will achieve your goal.

Your problems are solved, the difficulties are behind you. You can expect the end or cessation of disputes and disasters. Soon you will have a calm life.

Agreement, harmony, love. Preservation of bright feelings. Quite a good card for relationships. Even if there are some problems, you must deal with it all.

  • faith in the success of one's plans
  • achievements, partnership, anxiety

It’s good if the Two of Wands of the Tarot is included in the layout in the correct orientation. It means the successful achievement of a goal that will bring the Client a worthy reward (financial security, promotion, etc.) as a result of creating a joint venture or for the purpose of organizing a partnership favorable for the Client. Despite these favorable predictions, the Two of Wands tarot card still speaks of self-doubt and anxiety for the future.

Interpretation in an inverted position

Blues, apathy, annoyance, disappointment. Not the most inspiring card. Something unexpected may appear on the scene that will almost certainly prevent you from achieving your results. Loss, failure of your enterprise.

Difficulties in relationships, quarrels, conflicts, misunderstandings. There is not even a desire to change anything for the better. Before it is too late, we need to find incentives for reconciliation and further movement forward.

  • insufficient potential to implement plans, disappointment
  • Difficulties with partners, lack of self-confidence

The reversed two of tarot wands foretells unforeseen problems with your enterprise. Obstacle or opposition is possible from the very people whose support you were counting on. Other possibilities include loss of money, failure in a marriage or partnership, general unhappiness and dissatisfaction with what is happening or the new venture itself.

The card indicates problems with partners, especially in business. The client begins to doubt the positive outcome of the case. Apathy, depression.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

Ultimately, the Two of Wands will bring you wealth, luck and power. You are to be congratulated on your purchase.

The Two of Wands corresponds to the first decade of Aries. Accordingly, the main symbol of the card is confident movement towards victory. This is the ability to bypass any obstacles in your path. The ruling planet is Mars. The card of the 2 of Wands seems to call for a review of the past, relying on old experience. In this case, you can count on the implementation of any plans.

Brief description and main meaning

The description of the Tarot card is given as follows: from the height of the castle, a man looks at the panorama of the sea, mountains and village spread around. In his right hand is a small model of the Earth, and in his left is a wand. What is the meaning of the 2 of Wands in the Tarot in the upright position:

  • possible disappointment from the success achieved;
  • the price for what needs to be accomplished is too high;
  • creativity and creativity;
  • balanced, calm temperament;
  • an ardent desire to achieve something;
  • success in business plans;
  • good attitude of people;
  • showing interest in knowledge;
  • emptiness, indifference to the surrounding family;
  • neutrality;
  • mental emptiness;
  • love union without warm feelings;
  • organizing projects with someone;
  • genuine suffering;
  • cash benefits;
  • wasted potential;
  • long journey, quick move;
  • long wait;
  • possible changes;
  • waiting for a response.

A card can have different meanings in relationships. Here it is important to take a closer look at the map nearby. Let’s say the Two of Wands in combination with the Ace of Cups indicates that someone is eyeing the fortuneteller as an object of love or sympathy. In an inverted position, the meaning of the card can be completely opposite. What is the interpretation of the lasso in this case:

The learned man is on the battlement. He monitors what is happening around him, holding a scepter in one hand and copies of the globe or celestial sphere in the other. Another rod is attached to the wall.

This man successfully achieved his goals and became the master of the old, existing world. He experienced everything possible - from fame to power, but felt empty. Does he need this? Was it necessary to try for this? In order to again feel the joy and pleasure of life, a person will have to change his worldview, which for such a long time gave him a path in life.

Such a tarot card of 2 staves gives a person the opportunity to consider the need to complete the intended task: will the outcome disappoint?

The practical significance of this lasso is that the set goals can be achieved with a large investment of effort and time. Usually all this relates to creativity or science.

The reversed position of the card indicates that even with such extensive efforts expended, the result will leave much to be desired.

Other names of the card: two of staves, two of sceptres.

The image on the card and its meaning: a man wrapped in a cloak turned away from the beholder. It is located between two scepters, located vertically. These wands embody success and wealth. A man is the owner of some property, he is waiting for ships with his property arriving from over the horizon. White lilies lining the castle walls represent purity of thought, and red roses represent aspiration. The figure of a person is calm, balanced, his goal is clear and its fulfillment is important for a person. Refers to the element of fire.

Explanation: Symbolically, this lasso represents business success. Business contracts, agreements and plans will certainly result in profit. Your ingenuity and skills are sufficient to successfully complete tasks with due stubbornness. The card also denotes a person’s kindness and interest in scientific research.

In Tarot cards, the meaning of 2 staves in an inverted position: excessive efforts spent on your project may turn into dust. Be patient and careful, do not let others push you around.

Self-development lesson: Successful, rewarding relationships with others are possible only if we affirm our identity. Perseverance and courage will help here.

This lasso combines within itself both a fact and a call to action: our efforts to maintain indifferent neutrality do not correspond to a situation where a straightforward statement is required. Often this card shows situations that resemble hopeless ones. Objectively, there are no prerequisites for your fiasco, but they actually exist, and one can only guess about the real reason.

The life around you has tired you, so you seem to have fenced yourself off from it in an impregnable fortress. Now you don’t worry about anything, you are indifferent towards everyone, even those closest to you. You can find a way out of such a situation only by action: have not ideas, but beliefs, not intentions, but deeds.

The lasso shows that you are doing your work carelessly, without proper motivation. In a conflict situation, you are categorically neutral, showing it to the public, or you simply take the side of the crowd, because you do not care about justice at all. The payback for such an attitude is a feeling of emptiness within oneself, which can lead to depression. Arkan requires you to carefully study your inner views and ensure clarity in your endeavors.

Job: here this card means that you are not very concerned about your classes and activities, and you are doing your job in order to quickly get rid of this burden. Another meaning is that in any conflict, you deliberately take a position aloof from everything or take the side of those who are more numerous, because you do not care about right and wrong. The price to pay for this is internal emptiness, which can lead to depressive disorders. Arkan strongly advises to review your internal views and bring clarity to them.

Consciousness: The Two of Wands denotes your lethargy. Liberation from it can only be achieved by translating what was planned into a real thing. Your words should not be empty, they need to be modeled in reality.

Personal relationships: occupying the impenetrable position of an insensitive person who does not care about anything. Even behind your most passionate words there is only emptiness. As a result, the relationship loses its warmth and gradually dies. The card recommends that you decide whether you want to keep your partner or break off the relationship and let him go.

Moon and Cancer- these are the symbols of the Two. Cancers most often know how to fantasize well, but at the same time they are shy, unemotional, overly soft and impressionable, although they feel other people well. Their choice of life path is help, treatment, philanthropy, and social activities. Cancers are interested in musical culture, literature, fine arts, and history. People under the sign of Cancer are very gullible and trusting, sometimes hypersensitive, so they require mandatory support.

If twos are present in the layout, then the cards indicate the need to make a choice. It will require collectivism and compromise in the team, patience, calmness, tact and diplomacy. Aces of various suits are the basis, the early steps on which the further route to success is built, and it is rather soft than aggressive. A number of short trips are possible.

Yin energy is the embodiment of twos, it ensures partnership, good neighborly and friendly relations. This energy is mostly associated with the female sex, which quite possibly will play a significant role in endeavors that interest the fortuneteller. Twos indicate that you should think twice when making any decision.

The direct position of the card can have different interpretations, depending on the question that the fortuneteller asked himself. Key words and phrases:

Situation and advice: the card says that the expectations and aspirations that bother you will not leave you alone. You will have to prepare for changes, because you are on the starting line of some activity, the progress of which will not be easy. We should probably stop for now. Your stage now is planning, waiting for an answer or outcome of something.

Now energy is needed to solve difficult problems. Only your activity will be the key to the success of the negotiation process; you will need to take full responsibility for your entire life into your own hands. You and your surging energy will not be stopped by obstacles, so take care of the solidity of your goals and far-reaching plans.

Success will certainly be the result of perseverance in your work; your goal will be realized when moving according to the plan. A change of place of residence or work, new incentives from the boss, a trip or work with important documents is possible.

The card may indicate a specific person. If the question was asked by a fortuneteller in relation to a specific person about whom you want to learn more, then the meaning of the card will indicate certain types of people:

  • enterprising individuals;
  • business partners;
  • proud people;
  • negotiators;
  • awaiting response;
  • going on a trip.

Typically, any cards in a reversed position indicate unfavorable events. Key words and phrases:

Situation and advice: things didn't go according to plan. Your determination and interest in something that has recently begun makes you doubtful. Negotiations may fail and you may be disappointed with the direction things are going. Your intentions are sincere, but the potential and possible success most likely will not be realized.

An individual's overflowing pride or arrogance can become a source of difficulties. Expect real estate troubles. Feelings of personal dissatisfaction will lead to conflicts at work and in relationships. The card encourages you to think carefully about any project endeavors.

The card can also represent certain people. These could be the following types:

  • uninteresting people;
  • lack of competence of the partner;
  • self-doubting;
  • proud people who create difficulties;
  • a young girl disillusioned with life.

Upright: melancholy, sadness, pain, mourning, loss, negative thoughts, irritability. It can also mean rage, cynicism, sadness. Other meanings of the card in a direct position:

  • hopes for the implementation of plans;
  • partnerships;
  • conquering new heights;
  • anxiety.

The inclusion of the Two of Wands card in the layout is a good fact if it is positioned correctly. This could be a successful achievement of a goal and a corresponding reward or career advancement as a result of joint projects with someone. Although all these phenomena are positive, this lasso also indicates doubts in one’s abilities and in the future.

The lasso also foreshadows unplanned difficulties in what is planned or implemented. Those on whose support you relied will put a spoke in your wheels. Loss of money or partnerships, an unsuccessful marriage, unhappiness and dissatisfaction with what is happening in general are expected. There may be annoyance or disappointment in what has been achieved. Reversed card position:

  • suddenness, embarrassment;
  • exciting event, unexpected fright;
  • timidity, horror and fear, enslavement;
  • phenomenal, magical and miraculous phenomena;
  • lack of potential opportunities, disappointment;
  • difficult, uncertain partnerships.

The card indicates problems with business colleagues. It is indicated that far from its best meanings are attributed to the correct card. The client has to doubt what he has achieved, his character and his traits, which made it possible to achieve all this.

The inverted position of the lasso speaks of a future surprise, an amazing phenomenon that excites the senses. Something positive or negative definitely impresses you. What exactly - other cards will be revealed on the table, but troubles are possible soon.

Semantic content

The Two of Wands is unlikely to inspire anyone. Some surprise will appear in front of you that you could not predict in your plans, which will cause surprise on your part. Possible failure or cancellation of the planned event.

There are other interpretations of the card, completely opposite in meaning. They say that the Two of Wands accompanies financial wealth, shopping, luck and power. However, in most cases, misfortune goes hand in hand with all this.