If you dream of a little girl. Why do you dream of a little girl crying, cheerful, talkative? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what does a little girl dream about?

Girl in a dream- A sick or unpleasant girl dreams of disappointment or illness.
Basically, girls dream of good news in the family.
Seeing a sick or dirty girl in a dream- your reputation will be tarnished by the slander of envious people. Don't try to dissuade others. Believe me, those people who respect and value you will not follow rumors.
Seeing a dead girl in a dream- to great difficulties.
Seeing a baby in a dream- this always leads to pleasant surprises.
Seeing a little girl in a dream- indicate receipt of any news. Perhaps good, perhaps neutral, but in any case, this news will surprise you.
Do you see a clean, friendly, beautiful girl in a dream? So you are in real life Favorable changes await. You can safely implement your plans, everything will work out well.
Kicking a girl out of the house, arguing with her or beating her promises a situation that will cause severe jealousy.
A girl in dirty clothes, crying, ugly or aggressive is a warning that you should pull yourself together, moderate your irritation and anger directed at people around you. You are tormented by envy and remorse.
A girl standing in the water portends something new, a change of job, a move.
For family people, a dream about a girl means that they do not receive satisfaction from their lifestyle; they lack something for complete happiness.
In order to move on with your life in peace, you need to get rid of the accumulated burden. negative emotions.
If you dreamed sad girl, then you will soon be disappointed.
If you dreamed of a girl, then in reality expect the fulfillment of your cherished desire, surprise, and a pleasant prank.
If you dreamed of an unfamiliar girl, it means that you do not have enough rest in your life. You should think about this.
If you dreamed of a girl playing with toys, it means you need to take a vacation or relax by going somewhere.
If you dreamed that you were talking to a girl, it means that in reality a new acquaintance awaits you.
If you dreamed that you adopted a girl, it means that you will soon receive a promotion at work or your money problems the end will come.
If you dreamed that a girl was looking at you angrily, it means that in reality you will have to face envy.
If an adult woman dreams that she has become a little girl again, this indicates her desire to take a break from the problems of adult life and be a child under the care of her parents.
If in a dream you saw a little girl with a beautiful and clean face, this warns that they may try to deceive you. Be more attentive to new acquaintances, and even to the promises of old friends.
If in a dream you dreamed of a little girl playing happily, singing, splashing in the water, or running and laughing, then this may mean the emergence of new impressions, position in society, a change of scenery, or the appearance of new people in your life. It can also mean a change in housing, work, place of study or another business in which you are engaged in at the moment.
If in a dream you were nursing a newborn girl and playing with her, expect unexpected and surprising news that could radically change your life.
If in a dream you saw an unhappy woman or crying girl, which means you should take care of your health.
If in a dream you saw yourself as a little girl, then such a dream foreshadows some kind of pleasant surprise.
If in a dream a mother sees that her daughter is sick, then in reality she will not be for a long time visit illnesses.
If you- a young woman, and you see a girl in a dream (or see yourself as a little girl) - this means that you need the help and protection of your family, maternal care and the warmth of your home. You've taken on too much.
If in a dream you calm a girl who is crying, sad or dissatisfied with something, then this may be a sign that unexpected difficulties and problems will appear that will weigh on you for some time.
If you are holding a girl in your arms who is having fun and playing with you, this means that your affairs will be completed in the near future and your problems will disappear.
If you don’t take care of your health now, the result could be disastrous.
If a girl hits you, you will be betrayed.
If a girl cries in her sleep- to illness.
If a girl is dressed all in white, cut her hair, there may be a serious illness.
If a girl is dressed in light clothes in a dream, then expect a gift or hanging at work.
If a girl cries, it means illness or bad news.
If a girl laughs, then there will soon be good news or an addition to the family.
If the girl you dreamed of is untidy and sloppy, then this means a decline in business. All your hopes will just melt away like pink smoke.
If the girl you see in a dream is crying, then such a dream portends a serious illness for you.
If women dream of a girl, then this is a reflection of their reality or desire, ideas not embodied in childhood and love for children.
If a woman dreams that she is a girl, it means that she needs to forget about her problems and get herself in order.
If a woman dreams of a female baby and the baby is looking at her, this means that the woman is surrounded good friends. At all women's dreams the birth of a child may be foreshadowed imminent pregnancy.
If a pregnant woman dreams of a baby, then she can find out the gender of the unborn child already at early stages.
If unkempt and gloomy- the news may be bad.
If she was cheerful, joyful and happy- success awaits you in new endeavors.
If she was sad or angry- you will need to make an effort so as not to disappoint or offend your loved ones.
If she looks wild, disheveled, sloppy, then there will soon be chaotic changes in your life.
If you dreamed of a girl- remember what mood she was in.
If this girl was well-groomed and pretty- this news will be good and pleasant.
There is a risk of major troubles in life.
healthy beautiful girl dreams of good luck.
Play in a dream with a girl- for long-term preservation good relations with friends and loved ones.
The only exception is the dream in which you saw an ugly little girl in white clothes. Such a dream foreshadows misfortune in the family.
When a girl asks you for help- the dream indicates that you are paying too little time and attention to your children or parents. It’s worth seeing your family more often and having warm gatherings at home.
Feeding a girl in a dream- this promises you to take care of your relatives, you will have to shoulder the work of another person, solve other people’s problems. This will come back to you in the form of gratitude and devotion from the person you help.
Women dream of a beautiful and kind girl indicating an imminent pregnancy.
A little girl, as beautiful as a doll, dreams of a miracle.
A little girl dreamed by an adult man foreshadows his imminent meeting with loved ones from whom he has not heard for a long time, but would like to meet with them.
A dead girl in your dream foreshadows a sad event that will be etched in your memory for a long time and ruin your mood for the whole week.
Sweet and gentle girl in a dream- the need to be very attentive in reality. Your enemies will try to deceive you.
A baby girl in a pregnant woman’s dream means that she will give birth to a girl. A girl dreaming of a baby can mean that a successful marriage will make a woman happy.
You can even see what will happen to you small miracle.
For a man, a dream about a little girl promises a meeting with old friends.
Carrying a girl in your arms- in real life, now is a favorable period for starting your own business, promoting new ideas and inventions. Whatever you undertake, you will definitely succeed.
Being surrounded by beautiful little girls in a dream means that in life you will find yourself in good company, in which you will not have conflicts.
You dream of a naughty and sloppy girl to an unpleasant surprise.
A newborn girl means the birth of renewed features, emotions and feelings in a woman.
Babysit her and protect her from troubles- To unexpected surprise. This surprise will please you if the child in the dream was obedient and neat.
Babysitting a little girl in a dream means that your maternal instinct awakens in you, and you have a desire to start a family and settle down.
A crying girl, or a girl who asks you for help, warns of the threat of a disease that is already requiring preventive measures.
A dream about a newborn girl marks the beginning of a new round in your life, the appearance of something long-awaited and new. Perhaps you will develop a new hobby or even have the opportunity to successfully change jobs. You will have a favorable period in life when you will be able to make the most of all your ventures and meet new ones. interesting people.
Talking to an unfamiliar girl in a dream means you will have a serious conversation, the conversation may be about some changes in life.
A conversation with a baby promises you good luck in all matters and wealth.
A dream in which a girl is wearing dirty clothes- slander, deception, where your reputation will be affected.
A dream in which you are playing with a little girl and laughing at the same time is good sleep, your life will have bright, pleasant impressions.
A dream where a girl stands over a grave to death close friend or a relative or your death.
Quiet and calm girl in a dream- a sign that you should be completely alone for some time, take a break from problems.
Little girl running away from you- the dream promises the loss of love or trust of a lover, a cooling of feelings, a revision of your principles and outlook on life.
Seeing a naked girl in a dream- to gossip.
Seeing a baby girl in a dream- this is wonder, joy and surprise, and can foreshadow an unexpected event that will happen in life.
If a little girl appears in your dream, it means that you can soon expect an addition to the family, joyful chores, surprise and good news.
Seeing a disheveled, dirty girl in a dream- to problems at work.
If you see yourself with a little girl in a dream, minor damage or surprise awaits you in the future; if you kick out an unfamiliar girl, then this means minor troubles. If she comes to visit guests.
Seeing an unknown girl in your house means that unexpected guests will appear in your house and you should not kick them out.
Clean, beautiful, healthy girl in a dream foreshadows a joyful event in reality, there is a possibility that you yourself will soon become a parent.

Dead to see a girl in a dream - what you had high hopes for will suddenly fail. Sick girl - obstacles and troubles in your planned business will become a real revelation for you. Ghost female child - all your hopes are empty, even if you are firmly confident in something, you will still be disappointed.

Pregnant dreamed about the girl - the profit you expected would cause twofold feelings: joy and rejection.

What did you do?

To see in a dream how crying girl - to discover other more tempting prospects and paths than you outlined for yourself at the very beginning. Laughs– if you are happy and cheerful, your worries are in vain, everything will work out in the best possible way; mockingly - to become an object of ridicule, to unexpectedly find yourself in an awkward situation.

Baby died– the surprise you are preparing will not work.

I dreamed that peed herself a little girl is an unexpected relief, a relaxation in life.

Little girl hugs you - unexpected intercession, support.

Dreaming sleeping girl (sleeping) - some events will become unexpected due to your carelessness and inattention.

What did you do in your dream?

Pregnant a girl (pregnancy) - unexpected income.

In a dream give birth girl - in reality, make efforts for future benefits. Give birth a girl, according to Magini’s dream book means - to achieve hard work unheard of victories that were not even expected. To give birth to twin girls (two, twins) means to be stunned by the results of your efforts. Giving birth to a girl and a boy (twins) is a considerable reward for previous trials. Had a dream birth girls (childbirth, born, a child was born) - to witness the appearance / manifestation of something unforgettable, surprise will shock you. If you dreamed that a friend gave birth to a girl, unexpected betrayal by those in whom you invested your physical or moral strength, gossip and slander will make this period of life quite difficult. Your sister gave birth to a baby girl - someone close to you will surprise you, perhaps your sister. Mom gave birth to a baby - no matter how unrealistic success may seem, it is guaranteed to you.

Hold a girl in your arms- to become the undisputed owner of an amazing joy. You have a little girl (baby, newborn) in your arms - you will start a great business that you never intended to take on before.

Feed a girl in a dream - become the reason for an unexpected turn of fate. Feeding a baby girl means starting an event that may well please you with its impact in the future. Breastfeeding a girl ( infant) – it’s time to implement what has been planned for a long time. Put in your best, and the results will stun you.

According to the dream book bathe girl (wash) - you skillfully keep any surprises under strict control. A dream can also predict pleasant surprises in your personal life. Braid your hair- accidentally harm yourself.

Kiss girl according to the dream book - treat news or changes favorably, experience positive emotions. Hug female child - stand up for unfamiliar people and their projects.

“In my dream I dreamed that I gave birth to a girl and a boy. The babies are healthy and plump. The birth of a girl did not please my (real) child, but my son took the boy in his arms and kissed him.” Soon you will hear news that involuntarily causes bewilderment and wariness. However, the events that it will entail will be very interesting and favorable for you. You will not only be very lucky, you have earned this joy through honest work.

Babysit a little girl (play, entertain) - get carried away by helping your neighbor, not only providing a service to someone, but also enjoying the breadth of your soul.

Save baby - to provide a considerable service in a matter that has shaken you to the core. Beat a child of the fair sex - what will happen soon will arouse your deep interest.

Adopt a girl - to the surprise of others (and your own); You will open your soul and heart to a stranger at first glance.

If in a dream find child of the “lady class” - the desired news will soon knock on your door.

See yourself as a little girl- find yourself in a helpless position.

Dreams about little girls are very interesting. All sources interpret them differently. However, to correctly interpret what the little girl is dreaming about, all the details of the dream should be taken into account. Much depends on the actions of the child and his appearance. This dream can be a harbinger of both good and bad events.

What a little girl dreams about foreshadows news. Whether they will be bad or good depends on what the child was like: clean, kind or dirty and evil. Babysitting a girl or playing with her means receiving news that will be very surprising.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

What little girls dream of can mean surprise or amusement. Talking to them for a long time means wealth. When a person in a dream lets someone else’s girl into the house, it means guests are coming. Just seeing a stranger in your home means suspecting someone. Kicking a girl out of the house means jealousy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A girl in a dream symbolizes a guardian angel. For men, this dream foreshadows support or an assistant in business. For women, it personifies naivety and a childish behavioral stereotype. This may be a temporary state of mind.

Modern dream book

As a rule, for a man a girl in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful meeting with one of his relatives or friends from whom he has not heard anything for a long time. If a woman dreams that she sees herself as small, she will be faced with worries and troubles associated with children. This dream could also mean receiving good news from parents. A sloppy girl means a complete decline in business. The sleeper's hopes will not come true and serious troubles are possible.

Women's dream book

When a lady dreams that she has returned to childhood- this dream indicates the presence of a subconscious desire to hide in the safe house of your parents from adversity and problems.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Usually what a little girl dreams about foreshadows a surprise in reality. If she cries, it means a pleasant surprise, which will most likely be material. When a girl laughs, it means tears. Talking to her in a dream means some surprise will greatly affect the life of the sleeper. If a dreamer scolds a girl for something in a dream, in real life he will face troubles that will happen through his fault. Babysitting and entertaining her means working for the benefit of others, which will bring a lot of positive things to a person.

Ukrainian dream book

Usually what a little girl dreams about portends joy. If a married person sees her in a dream, then troubles await him in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A dream about a girl portends a surprise or a surprise.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Usually what a baby (girl) dreams about indicates the approach of good changes in family life sleeping. If the baby is crying, then at the moment the person has some problems in this area.

Dream book of the 21st century

If a person sees himself as a little girl in a dream, in real life he will experience a great surprise or a minor loss. Talk to her for a long time - to great success and material well-being that await the dreamer soon.

Did you happen to hold a girl in your arms in a dream? With equal probability, a miracle, losses or news awaits you. To specifically understand why this image is being dreamed about, the dream book advises considering all its possible details.

Help or warning?

The interpretation of a dream must begin with deciphering the main image - the child himself. For men, holding a girl in their arms in a dream is always good. The dream book is sure that this is a sign of the divine presence: a guardian angel, an assistant in earthly affairs.

Sometimes the vision hints at some naivety. Perhaps you're overestimating own strength or, on the contrary, you underestimate the situation and competitors (enemies).

If you dreamed that the child was dirty, crying or sick, then there will be a sharp decline in business, and you risk losing your sense of reality.

Grow up!

For women, the dream book offers a more extensive interpretation of the dreaming child. Initially, the girl personifies the immaturity of the soul; in a dream, she also means the dreamer’s primitive “childish” behavior.

Why do you dream about your own child? The dream plot only reflects the relationship with him, possible problems or unconscious fears.

An unfamiliar baby warns that what you have planned will certainly come true, although you will have to work hard.

Joy or stupidity?

If in a dream you happened to hold a girl in your arms, then the dream book interprets the plot differently.

Did you dream about a very beautiful girl? For a woman, this is a sure sign of an imminent pregnancy or other very unexpected event.

The worst thing is to see a dirty, whining or sick girl. This is a sign of inadequacy, base desires and stupidity.

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream interpreter is sure: if you had to hold a girl in your arms in a dream, then the woman should be suspicious of her lover. Perhaps he is deceiving her.

Interpretation by sight

Why do you dream that you caressed a very little girl? The dream book guarantees the receipt of news, but its nature depends entirely on its type.

If she is pretty and clean, then the news will be good, if she is crying and sad, the news will be unpleasant.

Did you dream that you could barely hold a little girl, so she was kicking and biting? Prepare for major problems that will result from truly shocking news.

What did you do?

For a more accurate decoding, the dream book advises taking into account why exactly you took the little girl in your arms.

  • To play - success, victory.
  • Feed - chores will bring satisfaction.
  • Rocking, calming - requires increased efficiency and diligence.
  • Punish - you will experience discomfort, inconvenience.

If in a dream you had to rock a clearly sick girl in your arms, then the dream book prophesies a period of mental anguish and torment.

In a dream, you can witness unusual events, extraordinary phenomena. Dream books advise interpreting all the details of a dream in order to understand its essence. Why is the little girl dreaming? How to correctly interpret such a dream?

Why does a little girl dream - basic interpretation

You dream of a little girl when a period of troubles and worries begins in your life. Do not count on a calm future; a series of interesting and disturbing events will soon begin in your life at the same time.

In order to fully interpret the dream, you need to pay attention to its details:

· Where exactly did you meet the little girl;

· Is this your child?

· Have you talked to the girl;

· How she behaved;

· What did you feel after sleep?

If you dream that a little girl is lost, do not expect ease and joy from life. You will also wander between your desires and the reality of life. If a little girl gets lost and cries, serious trials await you, from which you may not get out with dignity. Most likely, you will have to ask your loved ones for help to resolve a difficult life situation.

A dream in which a little girl calmly plays with toys suggests that you will soon experience a period of measured and very positive life. You will be happy and fulfilled. You will dream about the most positive development of events.

A dream in which you hold a little girl’s hand and lead her somewhere means that you will become loved one support and support. But isn't it difficult for you to perform such functions? Perhaps this prospect weighs on you. If in a dream you lead a girl by the hand, and she stumbles and falls, your help will not be so useful. Don't force yourself on other people. Provide assistance only to those who need it.

Perhaps you recently taught someone and now the time has come to realize that you had no right to condemn another person, because you yourself have made similar mistakes more than once. If in a dream you read a girl and she starts crying, in reality you will put pressure on the person and a quarrel will occur. Try to avoid it; if such a nuisance has already happened, try to admit your guilt and make amends for the conflict.

Otherwise, the negative aftertaste after this unfortunate incident will bother you for a long time. A dream in which you beat a little girl indicates that you yourself feel defenseless, weak person. You need to strengthen faith in yourself, in your capabilities, in your future. Try to do this in the near future. Don't put it off until later.

A dream in which you are rocking a little girl in your arms suggests that you will be able to resolve any conflict quite quickly. You can no longer worry about the future of your loved ones if you saw in a dream how the baby fell asleep in your arms. You can very quickly solve all their problems and make their life safer. It will bring you a lot of pleasure.

A dream in which you look out the window for a long time and see a little girl in it means that you will become immersed in your personal problems and begin to immerse yourself in memories. You shouldn’t do this too actively, otherwise you will be in danger of losing touch with reality, and you will be very tired of everything that happens in life. Try to rest in time, understand in time what exactly you want and whether you are moving in the right direction.

If in a dream you feed a little girl, in reality you will need support and help yourself. It will seem to you that you are actively moving forward, but, in fact, you are lagging behind life and you need a hint and support.

A dream in which you have been looking for a crying girl for a long time and cannot find it - in reality you will be looking for an opportunity to find an additional source of income. You will need money, and you will feel very insecure because you cannot find this money. Try to find reserves and adapt to the reality of the situation.

If in a dream you hear the crying intensifying, but you still cannot find the child, in reality you will also not be able to find a way out of the situation. You will be put under more and more pressure, but this will not give a positive result.

A dream in which you will read fairy tales to a little girl speaks of a wonderful time that you will spend with friends. These will be those unforgettable moments of your life that you will want to stretch out for a long time. Try to get the maximum benefit from such life moments, to delve into everything that will happen at that time as much as possible. Then you will really get the opportunity to recharge with vigor and positivity again and again.

Also, such a dream could mean an important conversation with the right person. Perhaps you needed help in a professional matter - you will receive it soon. You may have needed outside support - now it's becoming real.

A dream in which you see a little girl bringing you a gift means that you will rely on someone from your close circle and will be very disappointed in this person. Do not shift your responsibilities to another person, do not shift your affairs to him. Try to handle everything personally.

If in a dream you are talking to a girl, and she tells you very interesting and instructive stories, in reality you will be immersed in empty conversations that will simply destroy your life. You will be busy solving other people's life problems and completely forget about your problems. The dream book advises to clearly distinguish between requests for help and intrusive communication. Don't allow it.

Why does a little girl dream according to Freud’s dream book?

For a woman, a little girl in a dream can become a symbol of her hidden self, which is breaking out. It is important to remember how a girl behaves in a dream and what she wants, then the woman will be able to understand her personal desires and her personal experiences and get out of a difficult situation with dignity.

If a girl is capricious in a dream and cries all the time, the woman is also capricious. Perhaps she expects too much from her man and suppresses him. If a single woman has such a dream, she is too many partners and is not aware of what her partner should be like.

If a woman feels somewhat depressed after sleep, it means she is not listening to her inner state and most likely blocks her emotions and does not give them the opportunity to fully reveal themselves.

A dream in which a little girl plays with toys with herself suggests that a woman may tend to delve deeper into her thoughts and sorrows. She can remain alone with her desires and not suffer from it in any way.

A dream in which a woman is running down the street in search of a little girl who is lost means that she will look for a relationship that will satisfy her better than others, which will make her feel full of feelings better than others.

Why does a little girl dream according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said that a little girl can be dreamed of as a symbol of unfulfilled desires and unfulfilled dreams. For a pregnant woman to see a little girl in a dream - to minor troubles and troubles. She will be immersed in vanity and will try in every possible way to improve her life. She may also be worried about her health.

Why do you dream of a little girl who plays with dolls - in reality you will be faced with the fact that you will have to give up for a while own desires and dreams. To prevent this situation from dragging on, stand up for your rights.

Why does a little girl dream according to other dream books?

Grishina’s dream book says why the little girl dreams. Such a dream means that not everything in your life is calm and not everything in it suits you. You very often doubt the correctness of the decisions you make.

A dream in which you see several little girls crying loudly speaks of significant troubles and troubles that will soon fall on your shoulders. If in a dream you try to calm the girls down and you fail, in reality you will not be able to resolve the conflict. It is better for you to step away from the situation and continue to live the way you want.

Whatever the dream, you yourself know what you really want. Perhaps you want love and care, but you don’t get it, which is why a little girl appears in your dream. Try to correct this situation in reality, try to start getting everything from life.