Psychics informed the parents about the death of their son, and then helped investigators solve the crime. A clairvoyant from the “Battle of Psychics” predicted: “The killer is a close friend of the victim. Astrology inclines to crimes

Non-traditional methods of psychology can also be successfully used in the practice of investigating crimes related to kidnapping and the use of slave labor, in particular, with the help of hypnosis, you can restore the circumstances of his abduction in the memory of the victim, create a portrait of the people who kidnapped and held him, based on the description of individual fragments households suggest the place where he was held and forced into slave labor. With the help of a psychic, it is possible to determine the location of the abducted person.

To solve these problems, mainly two types of non-traditional methods of identifying and solving crimes are used. Liskin Yu.A. Biolocator searches for a cache // Shield and Sword.2010. No. 4. P.56

The first area of ​​activity is dowsing. This is a method of identifying information recorded in the operator’s mind and extra-sensually perceived in the form of ideomotor (involuntary neuromuscular reactions), externally detected through the movement of indicators held in the hand (flexible rods, wire frames, pendulums). This phenomenon is also known as dowsing, dowsing, bioindication, biodiagnostics. As a rule, this method used to search for specified objects (sometimes, as in cases of searching for minerals and water - over hundreds and thousands of square kilometers). However, indication using a pendulum can also solve many clairvoyant problems.

The second area of ​​activity is clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the extrasensory receipt of information about events occurring currently or in the past and inaccessible to direct sensory perception. Its special forms are retrospection - the ability to see events that took place in the past, and proscopy - a way of obtaining information about future events.

Currently, the process of accumulating facts to determine the effectiveness of dowsing in the search for objects of physical and biological nature continues, and an analysis of the features of this type of work is being carried out.

The presentation of the obtained dowsing results, which are provided in the appropriate drawings, diagrams, tables, is accompanied by final conclusions and proposals.

In cases where, when carrying out operational investigative activities, there is a need to turn to unconventional methods of diagnosing criminal situations, as a rule, clairvoyance is used in the form of retrospection, carried out in altered states of consciousness of the operator.

The experience of cooperation with psychics shows that the information received from them must be carefully weighed and checked; it is always of an auxiliary and recommendatory nature. Here all scientists clearly agree that this information cannot be used as evidence. According to A.I. Skrypnikov and A.B. Strelchenko "...It is premature to talk about the participation of persons with extraordinary abilities in criminal proceedings." Skrypnikov A.I., Strelchenko A.B. Using extraordinary human abilities to investigate crimes. M.: Eksmo, 2005. P. 13.

Many scientists do not accept this information neither in any form, nor as an operational investigative, nor as a criminal procedural.

Some scientists and workers law enforcement agencies agree that the help of psychics can be useful as operational-search information.

According to Article 7 Federal Law"On operational-search activities" the basis for conducting operational-search activities is the following.

  • 1. The presence of a criminal case.
  • 2. Information that has become known to the bodies carrying out operational investigative activities about: signs of an illegal act being prepared, committed or committed, as well as about the persons preparing it, committing it or having committed it, if there is not sufficient data to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case; events or actions that pose a threat to state, military, economic or environmental security Russian Federation; persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court or evading criminal punishment; missing persons and the discovery of unidentified corpses.
  • 3. Instructions of the investigator, investigative body, instructions of the prosecutor or court rulings on criminal cases pending in their proceedings. These are not the only reasons, but they interest us in at the moment exactly them.

Part 5 of Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Operational Investigative Activities” states that “officials of bodies carrying out operational investigative activities solve their tasks through personal participation in the organization and conduct of operational investigative activities, using the assistance of officials and specialists possessing scientific, technical, and other special knowledge, as well as individual citizens with their consent, on a public and private basis.”

The law does not stipulate which specific specialized knowledge can be used when conducting operational-search activities, which makes it possible to interpret the term specialist very broadly. The participation of psychic specialists in operational-search activities is not prohibited by the said Law, therefore, it does not contradict the current legislation. These persons may be involved at any stage of operational-search activities. This is especially important when deadlock situations arise during the investigation and disclosure of particularly serious crimes, when the slightest productive information can help get on the right path.

Since this activity is not of a criminal procedural nature, then the information obtained using the capabilities of persons with psychic abilities, is indicative, that is, it has no evidentiary value.

However, information of this kind may acquire this meaning. Let us turn to Article 11 of the Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities”. “The results of operational investigative activities can be used for the preparation and implementation of investigative and judicial actions,” the article says. The results of an operational investigation can serve as a reason and basis for initiating a criminal case, and can also be used in evidence in criminal cases in accordance with the provisions of the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation governing the collection, verification and evaluation of evidence.

Thus, the possibility of using the results of operational investigations when making decisions on conducting investigative actions is laid down in the criminal procedure law. When constructing the grounds for carrying out investigative actions, the legislator proceeds from the fact that the basis for carrying out any investigative action (and therefore for making a decision about it) is a set of factual data indicating the possibility of achieving certain goals, obtaining new information about circumstances of significance for business. Some investigative actions can be carried out on the basis of a body of evidence and factual data gleaned from operational investigative sources.

Thus, in accordance with Article 168 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, a search is carried out if there are sufficient grounds to believe that certain place objects that are important to the case are located, that is, the law does not connect the search with the presence of evidence exclusively. Information about hidden or stolen objects can come from any person engaged in confidential cooperation with internal affairs bodies.

How, one might ask, does information received from a psychic differ from similar information received from an operative officer who does not have extraordinary abilities? How do they obtain this information? The detective does not restrict the activities of his informant in any way. He decides whether to trust or not trust his messages. If the psychic works successfully, he gives important information, why should the operative trust him less than another person?

Upon receiving information from a psychic, the reliability of which the operational commissioner does not doubt, he has the right to provide it to the investigator to make a decision on investigative actions. Now the investigator will evaluate whether the information received can be trusted. Considering that in practice, as a rule, the investigator is only introduced to the results of operational investigative activities, and the legislation on the procedure for familiarizing an investigator with operational investigative materials is contradictory, the investigator usually does not know from which source the operational employee received the information. An operative worker generally does not have the right to declassify his source, except on the basis of a resolution of the head of the body carrying out operational investigative activities in accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law “On Operational Investigative Activities” (Article 12 of the Law on Operational Investigative Activity), because information about the forces , means, methods, results of operational investigative activities are a state secret.

In short, the investigator has to trust the detective's reports without asking how the information was obtained. On this basis, information received from a psychic and information received from another person are practically equal in chance. They are no different from each other.

Of course, you need to use information received from a clairvoyant very carefully, even if it does not contradict the circumstances established in the case and can be verified in other ways (both public and secret).

Can information received from a psychic serve as a basis and reason for initiating a criminal case? Art. 108 of the Criminal Procedure Code names six reasons for initiating a criminal case. This:

  • 1) statements and letters from citizens;
  • 2) messages from trade union and Komsomol organizations, people's squads for the protection of public order, comrades' courts and other public organizations;
  • 3) messages from enterprises, institutions, organizations and officials;
  • 4) articles, notes and letters published in print;
  • 5) surrender;
  • 6) direct discovery by the body of inquiry, investigator, prosecutor or court of signs of a crime.

It seems that information received from psychics can appear as statements and letters from citizens when a psychic directly contacts law enforcement agencies; if the information is contained as notes, articles, letters published in the press; and also, if a psychic gives information to an operative worker, investigator, prosecutor or court, then with appropriate formatting it can act as a message official. For example, an investigator draws up a report or memo based on the results of data received from a psychic. The requirement for information is that it contains sufficient data indicating the elements of a crime. In the future, the information received from the psychic is subject to verification in accordance with Article 109 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, as a result of which it finds official confirmation. For example, a psychic indicates that in some place there is a corpse or there is a room in which a kidnapped person is being forcibly held, an investigative team leaves on this message, finds a corpse or discovers a basement in which forced prisoners are kept - kidnapped people who are used as slave force, and the investigator initiates a criminal case. This is a very acceptable situation.

If we consider the messages of psychics as operational investigative data, then the prescription of Article 11 of the Law on Operational Investigative Activities that the results of operational investigative activities can serve as the basis for initiating a criminal case is fully consistent with the criminal procedural law (part 2 of Article 108 Criminal - Procedural Code of the Russian Federation), in which the validity of initiating a criminal case is associated with the presence of sufficient data indicating signs of a crime. The nature of this data is not defined in the law.

Legalization of operational-search data implies that they can be presented to the body of inquiry, investigator or court in charge of the criminal case, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 70 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation for their further use as evidence. According to this article, evidence can be presented by a wide range of participants in criminal proceedings, as well as by any citizens, enterprises, institutions, and organizations. The criminal procedure law does not contain obstacles to the presentation of evidence either by the bodies carrying out operational investigative activities or by anyone else. In our case, this could be an operative working with a psychic, but it could also be the psychic himself. The investigator has the right to refuse to accept materials if he considers them not relevant to the case, and the refusal must be motivated. However, all evidence collected in the case, including the materials presented, must be subjected to a thorough, comprehensive and objective verification by the person conducting the inquiry, investigator, prosecutor or court. Here we come close to the issue concerning the implementation of data obtained using unconventional methods in criminal proceedings.

However, when using non-traditional methods of psychology in criminal proceedings, a number of problems arise. Let's look at some of them.

Firstly, does an interviewee under hypnosis remain a subject of a criminal trial with all his rights and obligations, and is the information obtained as a result of the use of hypnosis evidence in a criminal case? On the one hand, hypno-reproduction can be considered a type of interrogation, since this is the same process of obtaining information by the investigator from the person being interrogated (victim, suspect, accused, witness) about the circumstances of the event under investigation, only under hypnosis, since in the normal state they can be restored using ordinary interrogation techniques they can't. Many scientists (V.N. Ivaenko, N.A. Selivanov) agree with the statement that reproductive hypnosis meets “all admissibility criteria for means of obtaining evidence in criminal proceedings.” On the other hand, and this point of view is also supported by many scientists, a person in a state of hypnosis is a person with an altered consciousness. If you open the textbooks on psychotherapy, you can be convinced that a person in a state of hypnosis is able to transform into a different personality (many years of experience of the hypnologist V.L. Raikov proved this), and can also fantasize and show complete obedience to the commands of the hypnotist. How can one remain a “subject of criminal proceedings” while possessing “all the rights and obligations provided for by law”?! Ulyaeva E.V. The use of non-traditional methods of psychology in the investigation of crimes related to kidnapping and the use of slave labor // Combating human trafficking and the use of slave labor: materials of the international scientific-practical conference, October 22-23, 2007 Stavropol: SF KRU MIA of Russia, 2007. Part 2. pp. 105-131

Here it is appropriate to cite the authoritative opinion of Prof. A. M. Larina: “There is no logic in obeying the law, recognizing as unacceptable the interrogation of a person who, due to an abnormal painful mental state, cannot participate in investigative actions, and at the same time artificially bringing another person into a similar state for obtaining information from him that he would not have given under normal conditions.”

However, in lately More and more defended dissertations are appearing, where the authors classify such techniques in the section of “non-traditional methods.” So, I.I. Tymoshenko calls the questioning method using hypnosis, anesthesia..." and also advocates the use of these methods "taking into account foreign experience."

In my opinion, the use of hypnosis can provide important guiding information for solving crimes, but the information obtained is not criminal procedural evidence.

In Krasnoyarsk, local psychics helped solve a murder. A popular plot for a TV show about people with superpowers turned into a real story that happened several years ago, but unusual details became known only now. It is also unique in that the important role of psychics in this case was confirmed even by the Investigative Committee.

A psychic from the town of Divnogorsk in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Natalya Sannikova, helped find the killers young man, who suddenly disappeared. 27-year-old Alexander Samoilov (name changed) was a successful lawyer and realtor in Krasnoyarsk. He still had relatives in Divnogorsk, to whom he often visited. 63-year-old stepfather Viktor Vasilchenko became worried after the connection with Alexander disappeared: he made himself known every day. The young man’s phone did not answer, his friends and colleagues did not know anything either.

photo: Sergey Mironov

His wife advised Victor to seek help from a neighbor, Natalya Sannikova, about whom there were already rumors that she had unusual abilities. She told the man that Alexander was killed a few days ago. Vasilchenko immediately after his visit to the clairvoyant turned to the police, but at first they did not want to accept his wanted report: law enforcement officers tried to convince the man that the young guy might return on his own. But Vasilchenko insisted that the application be accepted.

We checked the most different versions, - says Ivan Soprun, head of the investigation department. - We made telephone details. And the first suspects appeared in the case - Andrei Zharov and Vladimir Bronnikov. Samoilov was the last to call them. Zharov was taken at home, Bronnikov in Moscow. They did not deny it.

During interrogations, a friend of the missing Alexander, Vladimir Bronnikov, explained: he knew that Samoilov had money that he had accumulated from legal matters. Then he suggested to his friend, Zharov, to kill Samoilov, take everything (money, car) and divide it between two. Zharov, who did odd jobs and needed money, agreed. Bronnikov convinced Samoilov to go with him to another city, supposedly to earn extra money by reselling wood. On the way, they picked up a representative of the seller - his role was played by Zharov.

On the way, the killers beat Samoilov, who was dozing in the back seat of the car, to death with a hammer. He didn't even have time to understand what happened. They hid the young man's body in a rocky crevice not far from the road. After this they divided the spoils. Of the 305 thousand rubles that they found in Samoilov’s bag, Bronnikov took most of the money, and Zharov got the car.

A few days later Bronnikov hastened to hide in Moscow. Zharov returned to Krasnoyarsk and managed to sell the car of the murdered Samoilov. After a statement from Alexander’s stepfather and the development of operatives, the killers were detained a few days later. However, they could not remember and indicate the place where they hid the corpse. And here again psychic Natalya Sannikova came to the rescue.

“I immediately said: you won’t find your son soon, when the ice melts,” she explains. - You don’t have to look now, it’s useless. The picture suited me: some mountains, a tree on a hill. Below him is a body, sandwiched by stones in the ice.

Another psychic joined the search - a 25-year-old girl, Elena, an acquaintance of Sannikova. She pointed out exactly where the body lay. The young, productive girl simply amazed the investigators. Finding herself in approximately the place indicated by Sannikova, the girl confidently said where to go. I've never made a mistake. The psychic indicated the exact coordinates, and the SOBR group blew up a block of ice with a TNT charge. The corpse was found frozen in the ice in this very place. The court has already sentenced Bronnikov to 12 years in a maximum security colony, Zharov to 11.

Meanwhile, it is known that both psychics who participated in this story retired and no longer practice: Natalya Sannikova due to her age, and Elena due to her personal life: the girl got married and started a family. Now she works as a teacher and raises children. She does not want to combine the activities of a psychic with ordinary life.

Major General Nikolai Sham, who led the projects started on his initiative in the Committee, talks about secret psychics who have collaborated with the KGB for years in a conversation with a KV observer. state security USSR, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs with research on extrasensory perception, far-sightedness and other amazing phenomena of the human psyche.

Nikolai Alekseevich, how can you explain that after the USSR Academy of Sciences stopped researching psychics and the Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics fired the acting senior researcher Juna, you raised the abandoned banner and at the state level in the security forces began to deal with topics that are still called pseudoscience. Do you have unexplained abilities yourself?

My interest in the new and unexpected was passed down to me from my ancestors. My grandfather is a lumberjack, my father built thermal power plants throughout the country, a street in Dzerzhinsk is named after him. I am a mechanical engineer, following a Komsomol call I went to the security agencies, where almost all the time I was at the forefront of everything new and advanced, supervised, in particular, programs for the study of planets, international space flights, the docking of Soyuz and Apollo.

But the most interesting thing I had to do turned out to be connected with people who had the gift of transmitting and reading thoughts, foreseeing the future, diagnosing and treating, and other amazing abilities not explained by science.

What prompted you, other than an interest in the unexpected, to become involved with such people? Name those who influenced your decision to engage in activities that were officially considered at least reprehensible?

There were two emergency incidents in my field. Within a short period of time, two senior executives in the defense industry were killed. The first to die was the general designer of the medium engineering design bureau in Samara, Igor Berezhnoy, who worked on laser weapons. They handed him an explosive device under the guise of a box of medicine. Berezhnoy died in the car on the way to the airport when he opened this box. The murder of such a secret and protected person was a complete surprise; the KGB had never faced such a challenge before.

Before we had time to identify the main version of the crime, the chief engineer of NPO Astrophysics, a top-secret design bureau in the Moscow region, also associated with laser topics, was killed. He and his mistress, his secretary, were stabbed to death in their own home. Nightmare! A natural thought: some foreign intelligence service began a series of sabotage acts against the creators of Soviet laser weapons.

The general director of the NGO turned out to be the son of Marshal Ustinov, the Minister of Defense. The toughest orders came from above, colossal forces were devoted to solving crimes, and the most complex technical means were used. Along the way, they uncovered “diamond cases” and shop-floor disputes, but did not get on the trail of the killers.

Unexpectedly, the KGB informed me that in Rostov they have “ secret weapon" - the person they turn to in the most difficult situations, Valery Valentinovich Kustov. He helps solve crimes.

The leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan urgently arrived at the airport, the headquarters of the operation was formed, and they decided to involve the famous Tofik Dadashev in it for all Baku residents. He was asked to convince the terrorist to wait until 11 am, when half a million dollars would be delivered from Moscow, which were not available at the local branch of the State Bank. During the night, the Alpha special forces group arrived at the airfield. Tofik offered to introduce him to the terrorist as a “representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” In an official car, a KGB officer drove Dadashev to the tail of the plane. And when Skok looked out the door, he started a conversation with him, which he himself interrupted a few minutes later. Shaking his finger at the criminal, Tofik returned to the car and told the KGB officer: “Young people told me that he has a bomb and accomplices, but I see that this is a bluff.” He has neither bombs nor assistants."

He reported his decision to the headquarters leadership. Viktor Karpukhin, commander of Alpha, asked: “What should I do?” He keeps his hand on the remote control all the time.” Without thinking twice, Dadashev advised him to start a conversation with him. According to his foresight, the invader will think, ask for a light, take his hand away from the watch to light a match, then he should be taken.

Back at headquarters, General, Hero Soviet Union, addressing the psychic as a boss, reported: “I report: I did everything you told me. He let me come to him, he asked for a cigarette, and at the moment when he lit it, we took it.”

It was my acquaintance with Valery Kustov and several other talented psychics that prompted me to initiate a state program for the study of psychic phenomena in Russia, despite non-recognition by official science. All the facts and experiments, many of which I myself have witnessed, have convinced me of the existence of physical fields and principles, not yet discovered by physics, but quite real and suitable for practical use. They need to continue to be studied, sparing no effort and resources. They will reveal to us many secrets of the world.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that for fans of the “Battle of Psychics” one of the most authoritative figures associated with the show is Mikhail Vinogradov. If disputes about the participants in the battles do not subside, both regarding the level of their abilities and regarding their moral and other characteristics, then when Vinogradov is mentioned, the disputes subside and everyone says in unison - oh, yes, this is a serious man.

Recently, Mikhail gave an interesting interview to the portal, in which the issues of fairness of tests in battle, fairness of prices for practicing psychics, as well as the Lombroso method, philosophical categories of good and evil, and much more were raised. We will present the interview in full, accompanied by the most interesting points our comments in italics.

- Mikhail Viktorovich, the general public knows you as an expert on the “Battle of Psychics” program on TNT. Another season is currently being filmed. Have you managed to form an opinion about the new participants?

Not yet. I didn’t communicate with anyone personally. For the first test, people with paranormal abilities were gathered in the theater hall. There were more than 1,500 thousand people. Who can you identify here? Let's see who will prove themselves in the future.

- More than one and a half thousand people? Are there really so many gifted people in Russia?

There are as many gifted people in Russia as there are in the whole world. In the interests of the intelligence services real things We employ 19 people, in Japan - 21, in the USA - 20.

(The logic here is not entirely clear, since the population of the United States has doubled more population Russia)

- The quantity is approximately the same... Strange.

Nothing strange. Nature itself reveals so much. Some come, some go. In my Center for Legal and psychological assistance Various specialists work, but the core is still made up of psychics. Among them there are people known throughout the country, including as winners, finalists and participants in the “Battle of Psychics,” and young talented talents, whose names are only becoming famous. I recruit employees personally, taking into account not only the professional, but also the human qualities of each candidate.

- You started working on the topic of psychics in those years when it was not customary to talk about it.

In fact, Stalin called psychics to serve in the Kremlin. This was in the 30s of the last century. And six months later, Hitler created the same special unit. I still see this (by the way, working!) laboratory from the window of my office.

- How many psychics actually work with you?

The needs of the FSB, police, Investigative Committee, the prosecutor's office is now served by 4 experienced psychics and two successful trainees. We hire some, and part with others. The main reason for leaving is money. The center has clear tariffs for all services, and they cannot be inflated.

- That is, the figures of 50-70 thousand rubles per consultation are wild?

Certainly! At the request of law enforcement agencies, we generally work for free. If those who apply do not require personal reception, also no money is taken. In general, prices vary from 4 to 10 thousand rubles, half of which goes to pay for the services of a psychic, and half for rent, housing and communal services, and so on. The highest prices for searching for a person. And if psychics do not agree with such a salary and try to profit from someone else’s grief, we say goodbye to them.

(Yes! 70 thousand is savagery, but 10 thousand is a completely different matter, no profit from someone else’s misfortune)

- By the way, about disappearances. In May Tomsk discussed creepy story murder of Anna Apatchenko. Both volunteers and famous psychics searched for her for a month. In particular, Dmitry Volkhov and Anika came. But in the end, the remains were discovered only when the water subsided. So much for paranormal abilities...

For each such disappearance, we provide a detailed certificate addressed to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin. They knew about this matter too. But we can always help only when either relatives or police officers contact us. Anika and Dmitry are good psychics and sincerely wanted to help. But they are not search engines. And you can’t blame them for bad results. It’s like going to an ophthalmologist with a bad heart and then complaining that the doctor didn’t help. When choosing a psychic, be sure to take into account his specifics.

(Good psychics, but didn’t know that they are not search engines? The most interesting thing is that almost all psychics reject search specialization. The question is why? And the answer is very simple: because the search results are too easy to check - either you found it or you didn’t. Removing damage and correcting the biofield is much calmer; you can always convince the client that the work has been done efficiently)

“In fact, such people don’t want to die...”

- Let's move from psychics to psychotics. This summer, aggressive people have become more active in Siberia. There are many cases of mental breakdowns - for example, naked men and women are running around Novosibirsk, people are cutting their wrists right in minibuses. They say this is due to the heat. But when the heat subsided, this “madhouse” did not stop.

Without clothes, people with unstable psyches run around due to overexcitation, which occurs as a result of unstable weather: sometimes hot, sometimes cool. The level of hormones rises, and we are drawn to various sexual experiments. The tendency to be naked is called exhibitionism. There are beaches, vacation spots and even hotels in the world for such people. Their behavior is fueled by the reaction and interest of the public, because the main task of such people is to attract attention. By the way, opening veins in public transport is also nothing more than demonstrative behavior and blackmail. In fact, such people do not want to die.

- Do you support the idea of ​​chemical castration in relation to pedophiles?

I have a reserved attitude towards chemical castration, but I advocate at least some effective results in the fight against pedophiles. But all this must be done under the strict control of the police.

(Which ones, Mikhail told in another interview, where it turned out that he is a supporter of the death penalty for pedophiles)

- Does the Lombroso method have a future? Is his knowledge being put into practice now?

Why the future? His methods are actively used in the present. We see everything that he wrote in his works constantly. The only thing that Lambroso could not take into account is the modern social orientation, when pure biology is impaled social factors. For example, a person with external signs Neanderthal, may first become a bouncer in a club, then a boxer, and later a deputy. But his main feature is a certain aggressiveness, when you want to attack and fight, it won’t go away.

(Thank God, Lombroso’s methods are not and cannot be used by the police. What Mikhail is talking about here is known only to him. Although, perhaps, he just doesn’t like Valueva)

Evil always triumphs over good

- In the last seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”, only “black magicians” showed phenomenal results in literally all areas of work: Natalya Banteeva, Elena Yasevich, Elena Golunova. It turns out that evil triumphs over good?

Evil always triumphs over good. However, if you add up the energy of good and evil, good will outweigh. Each of us is a transmitting device and carries a certain energy. If this energy is directed at another person, it can cause harm. By the way, Elena Golunova is not a search engine.

(It turns out that the sweet, innocent healer Volodya Muranov is also evil?)

- But it showed results! Having contacted the dead, I found a treasure hidden in the lake.

Don't forget that she found him under the cameras, as part of a popular TV show...

(We’ve arrived. The battle tests are staged, one of the broadcast experts openly states this)

- Fine! Agree. Here you can adjust the result. But there are real cases in which fraud is impossible. Why, for example, was it not possible to entrust psychics with the search for the An-2 plane that disappeared a year ago?

I can’t say about the TV show, but our psychics worked on this case. They indicated clear coordinates of the location of the crashed plane, sent them to the investigative authorities, were supposed to go to the place, but then hunters found the plane (by the way, in the place where we indicated), and the trip was cancelled.

(Has it ever happened that the specified coordinates could be verified before anyone found the object?)

- We were looking for the plane for a year! Why couldn’t it have been possible to organize psychics earlier?

We can only work on requests from the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Investigative Committee. It happens that they do not contact us immediately or use our data for their own purposes. For example, one day the mother of a missing girl came to the Center. She said that her daughter left in a car and disappeared. Psychics looked at the situation, briefly outlined it in an official letter, which, in order to avoid lynching, they asked to hand over to the police. The head of the department shook his head, saying: “Oh, these psychics, they’re always coming up with something,” and sent the unfortunate woman home. After which he called the operatives and ordered to examine all the objects named by psychics. The girl's body was found. The case was solved, but the result seemed to come not from us, but from the police.

(It is clear that there could be at least a thousand such cases. Much more interesting would be just one in which the police would admit that the case was solved by psychics)

- It turns out that the police and psychics cannot work together. The authorities don't trust you?

Why? We have a lot of gratitude from police officers from all over the world (USA, Canada, United Arab Emirates, Estonia, etc.). There are letters signed by Alexander Bastrykin and his deputies. The work is ongoing. Recently visited us at once again An investigator from Primorye flew in for clarification on the investigation of a high-profile criminal case.

(These look like thank you letters something like this: “Thank you for your research in the field of unconventional methods of solving crimes”)

- Aren’t psychics afraid of reprisals from the criminal world for telling the truth?

All letters from expert opinions I sign personally, without indicating who specifically investigated the case. And if the work is carried out directly (as with an investigator from Primorye), we ask him not to disclose information about his assistants.

(And I myself walk without security and am not afraid of anyone, because I have contactless technology hand-to-hand combat. Or simply didn’t solve a single case and didn’t make enemies)

“But if you constantly investigate crimes and see someone’s suffering, you can go crazy.” Do you help your employees as a psychotherapist?

Certainly! (smiles). Psychics have a special schedule. They usually work every other day and try to disconnect from the situation as much as possible. And everyone leads in their own direction. For example, the winner of the 8th “Battle of Psychics” Vladimir Muranov is a good healer, but when he once tried to take part in the search for a person, he could not recover for a week. And vice versa. Irik Sadykov (by the way, also a participant in the "Battle...") supervised the search for two days young guy. He made contact from home by phone and virtually followed the trail of the lost one. The guy was found 20 kilometers from the place of disappearance.

(This seems to be true - Irik searched, but other people found it. And Muranov is not a search engine either, why not give search engines such work? Apparently, search engines simply did not come to the battle. Like other psychics, by the way, but more obvious all this turns out to be in the search field)

- Mikhail Viktorovich, tell me honestly. Have you contacted psychics?

Never. I know everything myself (smiles).

- In “Battle...” you mercilessly criticize psychics, in life you part with them without pity. Aren't you afraid of revenge? Suddenly they will cause damage.

We tried. But there is such a thing as a boomerang. Everything that you send from yourself then comes back to you. I have good defense. And these are not amulets or amulets, but usual rule. If you help other people and do it sincerely, you are protected. As soon as you try to profit, you cross a certain line and immediately become defenseless.

(Let us remind you, if anyone has forgotten, the prices of the Vinogradov center are from 4 to 10 thousand per visit)

I'm off! - The door behind 25-year-old Ivan Afanasyev slammed so quickly that his mother did not have time to say anything. Vanya has been worried about something lately. And these guys, Mikhail Mironov and Alexey Samoilov, with whom her family son began to disappear in the evenings. Even in the morning Ivan did not come home.

At first the police did not accept the statement - they say the guy was on a spree. But when they finally began to study, there were still no results. Desperate, the mother decided to ask for help from the “Battle of Psychics” program. Relatives found the program's email address on the TNT channel website and wrote a letter. And attached to it was a card of Ivan with Mikhail and Alexey.

The answer came quickly. Lydia Ivanovna was informed that Ivan was no longer alive. And one of the people in the photo, Mikhail, killed him. Alexey was a witness. And then on the map of Vorkuta, Maxim Vorotnikov (he participated in the “Battle of Psychics”) noted the place where Ivan’s body may have been hidden - the semi-abandoned village of Rudnik.

When the mother brought a tip from a clairvoyant, the security forces combed the village, but found nothing. Then the detectives decided to test the suspects with a lie detector.

Mikhail Mironov behaved confidently and denied his guilt, but the device showed that he was not telling the truth. But Samoilov, already when they put on the harness, got nervous and told us everything,” criminal investigation officer Roman SOROKIN told us.

Samoilov said that Mikhail and Ivan dated for several months. Both worked at the same company. But recently young people began to quarrel. Ivan wanted to leave, Misha tried to hold him back. But I only received derogatory SMS from a friend: they say, there are cooler guys. Mironov was mortally offended. According to investigators, he bought a nylon rope a month before and thought through the scenario... That evening the guys took Ivan out of town, and Mikhail strangled him with a noose. Then he drove and threw the corpse into the well. Alexey watched the massacre... The village turned out to be only 15 km from there settlement, which the psychic indicated.

The weapons used to kill Ivan were found on Mikhail - a rope and a stun gun. We also received a printout of SMS correspondence between Mironov and Afanasyev, which confirmed their connection and quarrel.

It turned out that Mikhail was looking for a killer to deal with Alexei.

True, Ivan’s mother has her own version.

Vanya worked as deputy head of the service department internal control, - says Lidia Ivanovna. - My son said that some employees have fake education diplomas. They tried to come to an agreement with Vanya, but he didn’t make any progress...

Later it turned out that this was true. Some employees, including Mikhail, have fake diplomas. So he got revenge.

The names of the characters have been changed for ethical reasons.


Maxim VOROTNIKOV, who solved the murder of Ivan:

“I felt like the guy was being strangled”

I saw that the guy was already dead. It was very painful for me to feel his experiences in last minutes life. Something was choking him... My mother helped me a lot, she really wanted to find her son, so it was easy for me to read the information. When relatives sincerely want to find a person and are determined that there will be a result, success in the search is guaranteed. Many people turn to me, but I don’t help everyone. Sometimes there is not enough information. And it happens that relatives put too much pressure and interfere with work...


What other crimes did psychics help solve?

A participant in the first season of the program, Svetlana Proskuryakova, is a forensic expert herself,” said the “Battle of Psychics” expert, criminologist Mikhail VINOGRADOV. - When a man disappeared in the Moscow region, her colleagues asked her to help. She indicated a place in the forest on the map. That's where the body was found.

And a diver drowned near Minsk. Clairvoyant Arina Evdokimova, in a studio in Moscow, showed a square on a map and added that it could not float up because it was caught on something iron. And sure enough: the diver got caught on a sunken barge, couldn’t free himself and suffocated.